Main / Nov2808

Nov 28 08 - Trade Wars

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Nov 28 17:08:26 EST 2008 ====

[BOB] ] ==== Player Icon browsing has been ENABLED. ====

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 13 Ced ___ tre, Kye {Late Winter} 13th, 1259.

Vicki] has joined the game on Fri Nov 28 18:21:03 EST 2008

Vicki] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Vicki] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[BOB] howdy

[BOB] Mike is here, and setting up

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

Player] has joined the game on Fri Nov 28 18:32:10 EST 2008

Player] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Player] has received the map Base Map DDD.

Player] has left the game on Fri Nov 28 18:38:11 EST 2008

Player] has joined the game on Fri Nov 28 18:39:21 EST 2008

Player] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Player] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Vicki] hi

[Tori (Vicki)] I forget about the echo

Tori (Vicki)] grumbles

Tori (Vicki)] sighs guess I gotta restart this

Vicki] has left the game on Fri Nov 28 18:44:29 EST 2008

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

Vicki] has joined the game on Fri Nov 28 18:47:40 EST 2008

Vicki] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Vicki] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[BOB] ] XP award: 2000. Next level in 122068.

[BOB] ] XP award: 4000. Next level in 0.

[BOB] ] XP award: 4000. Next level in 35000.

[BOB] ] XP award: 2000. Level-up!

[Tori (Vicki)] hi Bob

[BOB] hey there

[BOB] rechecking something with XP, thought it was all done

[BOB] ] XP award: 4000. Next level in 130335.

[BOB] ] XP award: 3000. Next level in 180252.

Vicki] has left the game on Fri Nov 28 18:50:37 EST 2008

[BOB] ] XP award: 4000. Next level in 0.

[BOB] ] XP award: 2000. Next level in 33263.

[BOB] ] XP award: 4000. Next level in 84250.

Vicki] has joined the game on Fri Nov 28 18:52:12 EST 2008

Vicki] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Vicki] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Tori (Vicki)] I see the echo hasn't went away

Fritz] has joined the game on Fri Nov 28 18:55:18 EST 2008

Fritz] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Fritz] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Tori (Vicki)] hi fritz

[Tori (Vicki)] hi mike

[BOB] Echo wll not go away until a new Klooge update

[Fritz] Hi All. The Echo won't go away until he does a new version of KloOge

[BOB] although Fritz has been hard at work on the DEF file

[BOB] (1d10) [1d10=8] 8

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Mike I added "Armed Attack", Threatened Area and Range...but range has a bug. It improves your chances to hit instead of reducing the further away you are...Still have to figure that one out

[BOB] Fritz you will have to describe to Mike how that works with Ranged weapons, how he can make that work with it

Lorie] has joined the game on Fri Nov 28 19:00:05 EST 2008

Lorie] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Lorie] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Antarias (Player)] just as long as i don't have to deal with it auto targetting every damn enemy in my range

[Antarias (Player)] i'll be targeting the entire map

[BOB] and Lorie, welcome

[BOB] nice surprise for you tonight

[Antarias (Player)] ugh. have to change back to angry red

[Antarias (Player)] grr. arg. angry red.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] The fault lies not in the def file but the script program it is running from. It does it the 3rd edition way so it subtracts from your "to hit" the further away you are based on your range increment. Second edition should "Add" to your attack to reduce your chance of hitting

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Hi Lorie

[BOB] Mike change your name

[Antarias (mikE)] i did

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] It is backward from what we want.

[BOB] ok

[BOB] ] Portable Hole moved 1'04".

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] there we go

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] now I am not ghosting?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Lorie?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Evening all

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] congrats

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] NO echo

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] First 14th level character.... Kylia leveled

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Wow

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] is ready to train for 7th level spells

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] nice

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I get one whole HP I think

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] there is a calendar and a character file on teh tree to check

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] +2

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] and already added it in for you

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] I updated all the character sheets today

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] thanks

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] checked Thac0, Hit Points, Levels, XP, Saves

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] so there is a list of who needs to roll for what

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] and when the various people come back etc

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] my character sheet still says 13

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] chuckles

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] go on and change it

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] sorry

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] the XP is correct

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] figures I missed something

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] anyone who wants to roll for HP can

[Tori (Vicki)] one moment, I need to work on something here

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Mentor needs a level of HP

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Bradwarden needs HP

[Antarias (mikE)] (d10) [1d10=2] 2

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Bob... can you spam my new spells per level for priest with 7th level included?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I don't have a PHB handy

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] it's in a box somewhere

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] It should be on the data list already.. but you are not trained in that yet

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] is why they are not on the sheet yet

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: (d6) [1d6=1] 1

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] still need to train to learn that level

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Kylia Wolfslayer modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Current: 8 (4). CHANGED: 2 -- Current: 8 (+5). CHANGED: 3 -- Current: 7 (+6). CHANGED: 5 -- Current: 2 (0). CHANGED: 11 -- Current: 7 (6). CHANGED: 13 -- Current: 6 (3). CHANGED: 15 -- Current: 4 (2). Combat - Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 79 (77). Class Levels - Character Level: (L) : CHANGED: 14 (13). Cleric: (CL) : CHANGED: 14 (13). Wizard: (WL) : CHANGED: 14 (13).

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I need to go train

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I can't train myself I'm guessing

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] yes you can

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] you are "name" level so you can do that your self

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I roll a d20 and subtract wisdom for weeks right?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] 19-wisdom of the trainer

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: [Half] ((d10)*0.5) [1d10=1] 0.5 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED (*0.5)]

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] for number of weeks

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] so 1 week

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] but you will want to wait

[Tori (Vicki)] brb

Vicki] has left the game on Fri Nov 28 19:09:34 EST 2008

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] to start that until you organize things for the upcoming adventure

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: [Half] ((d20)*0.5) [1d20=13] 6.5 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED (*0.5)]

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Ok figured out how to do my hitpoints...Had to look up what I roll

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: [Half] ((d6)*0.5) [1d6=2] 1 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED (*0.5)]

Vicki] has joined the game on Fri Nov 28 19:10:51 EST 2008

Vicki] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Vicki] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] ok, we are ordering food but I think we are ready to start

[Antarias (mikE)] if we're doing training, can we click off some time real quick-like?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] the Scroll of Shelter is on the map, there is a link to the Party Pack on the website on the map

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Magical Abilities - ADDED: 1, +7, 6. ADDED: 2, +6, 5. ADDED: 3, 0+2, 0. ADDED: 4, 0+2, 0. ADDED: 1a, 1, 1. ADDED: 1b, 1, 1. ADDED: 1c, 1, 1. ADDED: Levitate, null, 0. ADDED: Know Alignment, null, 0. ADDED: Detect Magic, null, 0. Combat - Add'l Slots/Level:: CHANGED: 10 (4+1+7+9).

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] and I am not saying you should do any training

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] you do not know that the dark skinned man will still be there

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] right now you know where he is

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] you should try to take advantage of that so you don't chase him around like you had to do with Octavia

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] brb

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] So the magic items have been identified?

[Antarias (mikE)] i'd like to wait at least five days

[Antarias (mikE)] get fin back

[Antarias (mikE)] he can do his bow style training at a later date

Tori (Vicki)] grumbles about Klooge being a pain in the ass

[Tori (Vicki)] um... how about all of us being back to our full health

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] no to magic items being identified

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] you can do that you can do healing, you can do anything you want,

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] but is up to you to decide how long to wait to go chasing after him

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] The clerics in Roadhaven will heal everyone

[Tori (Vicki)] I can't heal, I'm not a healer, I'm a fighter

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] we know that Vicki

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: blinks ::

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] so the healing will take place, will click off an hour for that

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 62 (7) by Master - Unharmed

[BOB] ] Kylia Wolfslayer's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 79 (34) by Master - Unharmed

[BOB] ] Sebrina's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 60 (9) by Master - Unharmed

[BOB] ] Valgar's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 25 (5) by Master - Unharmed

[BOB] ] Arilyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 70 (13) by Master - Unharmed

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 47 (2) by Master - Unharmed

[BOB] ] Tori's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 72 (18) by Master - Unharmed

[Tori (Vicki)] nice to know who adusted our hit points

[Tori (Vicki)] lol

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Ok so we need to Identify her items or we can get her to tell us what they are

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] you can ask her

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] totally up to the group how to proceed

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I'm going to vote that we identify her magic items while I train since it's a week and those identifies are going to take a while

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] The latter is probably easier. Also did anyone read my post about punishment for Octavia?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] what is the group's concensus? wait 10 days? that will get Fin back, Kylia trained, some prep work done, you just have to hope he is still there 10 days from now

[Antarias (mikE)] well, anterias would just as well have her stand trial and be sentenced

[Antarias (mikE)] when fin gets back and hears what transpired he'd say kill her to end any future trouble she'll cause

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] We promised not to kill her

[Antarias (mikE)] fin didn't

[Antarias (mikE)] and ant didn't, either.

[Antarias (mikE)] he promised that he wouldn't kill her until she stood trial and was sentenced to death

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] How do you know that "Death" is justification for her crimes?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I never promised not to kill her?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] and... I'm not saying I do want to kill her

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Not 100% sure about the zombie plan

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I ask her what her magic itmes do

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 09:00 AM. Day 13 Ced ___ tre, Kye {Late Winter} 13th, 1259.

[Octavia (BOB)] I want you to promise that you will not kill me

[Octavia (BOB)] I can live with being a prisoner

[Octavia (BOB)] but I don't want to die

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] what do your magic items do Octavia?

[Octavia (BOB)] I am not goign to tell you

[Octavia (BOB)] unless you promise

[Octavia (BOB)] I want to know that Lady Kylia will keep me safe

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Since when did Bob have purple text?))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((Tori needs her magic items identified as well))

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((since he's speaking as Octavia))

[Antarias (mikE)] what magic items did she get?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] She has been carrying around items she started with that she doesn't know what the do

[Octavia (BOB)] (lets keep to the questions, as Octavia obviously would not knwo that)

[Tori (Vicki)] If I recall correctly, the sword and chain armor are magic items

[Tori (Vicki)] ((ok))

[Octavia (BOB)] (will cover Vicki later)

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((sorry will try to keep IC))

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Thanks Bob))

[Octavia (BOB)] (just trying to keep everyoen focused so we can move forward)

[Octavia (BOB)] will Lady Kylia keep me safe? or at least as a prisoner

[Octavia (BOB)] I will already have people mad at me, I will not further anger them by giving away more secrets

Tori (Vicki)] scoffs and says "Don't look at me, I'd be happy to kill anyone."

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Well what are you guys going to do?

[Antarias (mikE)] is that ic?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] As I told you already Princess I'd just as soon watch you die in one of the lovely ways that I shared earlier and then talk to your corpse

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] so... just tell us what we need to know

[Octavia (BOB)] sighs, then who will protect me?

[Octavia (BOB)] I am more worried about being dead and THEM questioning me

[Octavia (BOB)] if I die, they can ask me anything they want too

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] protection? Should have thought of that before you pissed me off

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] and forced me to spend the winter chasing you over half of the tamed world

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] if you're looking for sympathy you'll get none

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I think I have a home for you.... a nice room in the Memorial dungeon

[Tori (Vicki)] who's THEM and how do they question the dead?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] that way...I won't have to kill you

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] THEM would be the filthy drow she's sold her soul to

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] they summon a dead person's essence and ask it questions

[Tori (Vicki)] hmm, not my problem

[Octavia (BOB)] Celsus is not a drow

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to BOB only)] Out of curiosity did Antarias and Valgar get charmed into protecting her and the Nymph?

[Tori (Vicki)] should have thought about the potentials before giving up your soul

[Octavia (BOB) (to Fritz only)] no, no charm at all

[Octavia (BOB)] my liege is not a Drow, and he would protect me

[Octavia (BOB)] it is the dark skinned man I am worried about

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: nods and smiles :: Yes, the Memorial Dungeon will be a fine new home for you

[Antarias (mikE)] "Just so long as she can't get loose to cause trouble."

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] oooh...but if I were you I wouldn't touch anything you filthy thief... it probably won't end well

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: whispers to an acolyte to go and fetch Fiona ::

[Tori (Vicki)] Still would like the answers to earlier questions though

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Val'Iant Le Quella modified: Saving Throws - Paralysis, Poison or Death:: CHANGED: 13 (16). Rod, Staff or Wand:: CHANGED: 15 (18). Petrification or Polymorph:: CHANGED: 14 (17). Breath Weapon:: CHANGED: 16 (20). Magical Spell:: CHANGED: 16 (19).

[Octavia (BOB)] (shoudl there be a characer sheet for Fiona?)

Tori (Vicki)] thinks "The orc side of me would be happy to get rid of her by death since she had others portray as orcs to do her dirty deeds

[Tori (Vicki)] "

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((She was my mage... she has identify...not sure we created one for her))

[Octavia (BOB)] (ok, will check but continue along)

[Octavia (BOB)] (new sheet created for her)

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay... I don't know where my character information she may not be useful

[Octavia (BOB)] *** ok, so you are not agreeing to not kill her?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] she's only 3rd or 4th level

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I am not promising but I'm not going to kill here in Roadhaven...

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((Can I at least turn her into a zombie for a day so we can find out what the magic items are without the hassel of a spell?))

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((not in Roadhaven))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((What are you going to do with her I don't wish to follow you all around the memorial dungeon just to make her a death prisoner.))

[Tori (Vicki)] brb, I need to reboot my computer

Vicki] has left the game on Fri Nov 28 19:52:00 EST 2008

[Antarias (mikE) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Finglas modified:

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Bob I love the intro to the game by the way

[Octavia (BOB)] (grins, thanks)

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((Well I don't want her running around Roadhaven as a dungeon and scaring Acolytes... the Memorial dungeon seemed like the sort of place that could scare her into behaving -- honestly, I think she should go to constables and live in the stocks for the rest of the winter))

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((SPeaking of which...Bob, I want constables))

[Octavia (BOB)] (you have them already no problem)

Vicki] has joined the game on Fri Nov 28 19:54:38 EST 2008

Vicki] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Vicki] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Octavia (BOB)] OK, so is that a promise not to kill her? to keep her prisoner in teh Memorial Dungeon if she tells you about the magic items?

[Antarias (mikE)] i'm just waiting for the two of you to duke it out

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((well as long as she got that the memorial dungeon is in effect a death sentence then sure))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I totally would agree with that decision. You would have my 100% support if you just jailed her. As for running around as a zombie all over Roadhaven that wouldn't be the case. Could tell her to stand in a corner and not move and just eat when she is fed. That way we get all the answers we need and punish her at the same time

[Octavia (BOB)] there are things worse AFTER death for some people

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Yes...and I know a necromancer who'd be happy to remind you

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Well I was agreeing to the stockaide not the dungeon

[Vicki] ((Paul?))

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Wilson, can we get a communication to the necromancer that I have a gift for him?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] we have fabric to make a bow for her?

[Wilson (BOB)] Ummm, I guess we can try

[Wilson (BOB)] not sure how long it would take to get to him?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: pretends to measure her for length ::

[Wilson (BOB)] but we can keep her until he answers

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Hmmm... we need to get something that goes faster than we do

[Wilson (BOB)] or send her over to Paul

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] birds or something

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] She's a bit chunky though

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Should we starve her first?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Living zombie potion would make her lose weight

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: smiles and nods again :: oooh... I know... Rave, show her that trick you learend

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] learned

[Octavia (BOB)] swallows

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((Hint please?))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Smiles you sure?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I dont know how many people can tolerate the effects

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: shrugs :: She bedded Ramone and made me leave Roadhaven in Winter

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I'm sure she's a big tough girl

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Besides she said not to kill her

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I don't see this as killing her exactly

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] How long would you like the punishment to last? A day? A week? or longer?

[Tori (Vicki)] as long as possible ::winks::

[BOB] ] Fiona moved 31'01".

[Tori (Vicki)] Forever if possible, Rave

[Octavia (BOB)] (so no promise so she tells you? just moving to the identifies instead?)

[Tori (Vicki)] ((If that's what it'll take to keep this moving...))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I appear with a cup in my hand...Remember Octavia...You were warned. I drink the potion and say "Octavia you are now ours to control. Enjoy unlife for awhile"

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Roll #1: (d4+1) [1d4=1] 2

[Octavia (BOB)] ok

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] So Lady Kylia for 2 days you can do with her as you wish...totally without any resistance

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Oh Octavia...tell us about your magic items..what do they do?

[Octavia (BOB)] my boots are from an elven mage

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] After that I ask her to tell us all about Celsus, and then after taht I ask her to give in detail how Wolfgang was killed.

[Octavia (BOB)] I have a portable hole

[Octavia (BOB)] bracers of magical defense (ac 6)

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Oh and what did Bluto's sword do?

[Octavia (BOB)] Daggers +2 two of them

[Octavia (BOB)] ring of fire resistence

[Octavia (BOB)] chime of interuption

[Octavia (BOB)] his sword Glorsky

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Tori modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Long Sword -- Total Atk Adj: +0 (null), CHANGED: Long Bow -- Total Atk Adj: +0 (null), CHANGED: Dagger/Dirk -- Total Atk Adj: +0 (null), CHANGED: Halberd -- Total Atk Adj: +0 (null),

[Octavia (BOB)] a two handed sword +2 (chaotic evil alignment ability to create mirror images

[Octavia (BOB)] +2 ring

[Octavia (BOB)] and bracers AC 2

[Octavia (BOB)] that is the total of them

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 10:00 AM. Day 13 Ced ___ tre, Kye {Late Winter} 13th, 1259.

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 11:00 AM. Day 13 Ced ___ tre, Kye {Late Winter} 13th, 1259.

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 12:00 PM. Day 13 Ced ___ tre, Kye {Late Winter} 13th, 1259.

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 01:00 PM. Day 13 Ced ___ tre, Kye {Late Winter} 13th, 1259.

[Antarias (mikE)] okay, so are those all staying in Roadhaven?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified:

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] well that CE sword isn't going to be helpful... we should destroy that

[Antarias (mikE)] ya never know. mine or bibo's next char could very well use it

[Tori (Vicki)] Tell us about Celsus.

[Octavia (BOB)] he is a wonderful man

[Octavia (BOB)] he helped me see the chances in the world I could make for myself

[Antarias (mikE)] if no one speaks i'm putting them in Greenborough.

[Tori (Vicki)] what kind of chances would that be?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)]

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Mike, who in Greenborough? I don't recall anyone leaving Roadhaven))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] A CN chararcter can use the sword correct Bob?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Technically I'm CN

[Antarias (mikE)] no one specifically, vicki. we need to decide where all this sutff will be housed

[Octavia (BOB)] no, anyone other than CE takes damage

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] why are you putting them in Greenborough

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] just to put stuff there?

[Antarias (mikE)] because i asked about roadhaven and you didn't say anything

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] well... I was wondering first if it would benefit anyone in the party

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Oh, that's not my place to say then about the stuff))

[Antarias (mikE)] not to mention from a stragegic viewpoint, putting all our eggs in one basket isn't a great idea

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] because before we start STORING stuff ...let's try USING stuff

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] since we don't get stuff that often

[Antarias (mikE)] even if it does, we need to list it in a treasury so when they die it gets returned.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Mentor could use the bracers AC 2 and the ring of protection. I could use a dagger and the portable hole

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Fritz...I'd like Mains to get stuff before henchmen

[Antarias (mikE)] well, if we're doing henchies val can use all that stuff, too.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] but...that's my preference of course

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] personally, I don't want any of it

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I was just saying since you said lets use it instead of storing.

[Antarias (mikE)] val has nothing magic and is a sitting target when we need a backup thief

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I have a +1 non magical dagger.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] well her sunny personality doesn't help but make her a target

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] shame that we don't have more people here tonight

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] would be nice for people to get these if they wanted them

[Antarias (mikE)] har-dee har har. but if we're going to take her as a backup, she's going to need protection

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Mentor has so few HP's the extra protection would help him. OH MOria could really use either bracer her AC sucks

[Tori (Vicki)] It's the day after Thanksgiving, what more can you expect?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I say if we want to use it to benifit give her the AC 2

[Octavia (BOB)] I did talk to Christy's mom, they are out on a date tonight

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] good for them!

[Antarias (mikE)] nooooooooooooo.... not good.

[Octavia (BOB)] but you four can make decisions

[Antarias (mikE)] they're catholic

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] well Beth was sleeping last I knew when I talked to Earl

[Octavia (BOB)] LOL

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Mike, they have 4 kids... date probably means they shipped the kids off and they are sleeping somewhere... long quiet peaceful nap

[Octavia (BOB)] you can make sure that the group is ready to go, decide who goes, how long to wait, etc. so that by the time you are done we are ready to move

[Octavia (BOB)] every sperm is sacred every sperm is good

[Antarias (mikE)] hahaha

[Octavia (BOB)] every sperm is needed in yoru neighborhood

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Ship them off for use in scientific experiments!!!

[Octavia (BOB)] chuckels

[Octavia (BOB)] ok, moving on

[Octavia (BOB)] you have the items from Octavia

[Antarias (mikE)] but regardless, someone needs to input these items in a treasury

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I suggest Moira get the Bracers AC 2

[Antarias (mikE)] so where are they going?

[Octavia (BOB)] everyone wants to wait for the 10 days to get Kylia up? and Fin back?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I could use the PHole.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] It can't be put in the scroll

[Tori (Vicki)] do we have a choice, Bob?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] and we no longer have Marco's

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I agree Moirra for the bracers

[Tori (Vicki)] we'd split up the Dragonslayers if we didn't wait

[Octavia (BOB)] Fin does not HAVE to go

[Octavia (BOB)] and Kylia does not HAVE to train

[Octavia (BOB)] is up to the grou

[Octavia (BOB)] group

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Give the fire resistance to Tori she could use the extra protection

[Antarias (mikE)] so can anyone else who stands near kylia

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I'm also fine for Tori to get the fire resistance

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] but that sword should go... it's evil

[Antarias (mikE)] i don't know, i'm loathe to destroy it out of hand. it's not exactly the hand of vecna

[Antarias (mikE)] it's just a +2/mirror immage

[Antarias (mikE)] we might be able to use it later.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Someone could buy it

[Antarias (mikE)] next time we need to barter away a magic item

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] We could send it to Rivertown and fence it via Sebrina

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Yea get some moola for your treasury. Pay for Octavia's up keep or whatever you want to do with her. why don't you take the proceeds minus Sebrina's cut

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I don't want the proceeds, but it would make a nice fund for training of the party

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I would donate a portion to my church though

[Tori (Vicki)] brb

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Go for it...Of course you could also take a cut incase you are dealt a harse winter and need the extra funds for your townsfolk as well

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] does anyone know a brothel we could send her to?

[Antarias (mikE)] but then we're splitting gold into player shares again

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] well that's how we always worked in the past

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] we never had any issues

[Antarias (mikE)] never since i've been in the group.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I don't want a share of need at the moment

[Antarias (mikE)] it's always gone to the great big party treasure pile

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Youi guys can split that proceed up. "For the good of the Dragonslayers" and all that.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Yes... that's what I meant Mike

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] everyone has always had money for more or less what they needed

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] training, gear, traveling, etc.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] What about the chime of interuption? Does that break up spell casting? Didn't look it up yet

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] And yes I know of some brothels if that is what you wish to do with Octavia.

[Octavia (BOB)] ok, so the next key decision. wait a 10 days? or not

[Antarias (mikE)] yes

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay...I can be sure that the underdark isn't going to be for low level alts

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] and even with all our mains, it's going to be a struggle and a lot of our abilities aren't going to work and our magic items might not work consistently either

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] so I vote yes on the 10 days

[Octavia (BOB)] Fritz? vicki?

[Tori (Vicki)] sure, why not... this will give tori a chance to insult fin some more

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Don't care...I can do sure...lets wait if I can find out info on this city we are going to

[Tori (Vicki)] I'll go and help Rave

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((Can we put it all aside for this adventure? Honestly? We aren't going to have time for insults and bickering... we need to be one united front...other wise, we won't last ))

[Octavia (BOB)] ok, so clicking off that time, then we can talk about who is going and what you are taking with you all out of character to make it easier

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: goes to train ::

[Tori (Vicki)] (not sure how, but I'll do what I can to help)

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Kye {Late Winter} 13th, 1259.

[Octavia (BOB)] OK, so FINGLAS is back

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] The only reason he is here

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] he finished training with Riding Airborne

[Tori (Vicki)] "Ugh who let the stench return?"

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] and stopped by home before starting on a new training regimen

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Ok I am going to add the ring of fire resistance to Tori's character sheet, and the bracers AC 2 to Moira. Bob any more info on the boots?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Boots of Elvenking

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] and work with Mike

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] he is adding things to the Greenbourgh treasury to keep track of things

[Antarias (mikE)] those are a thief item, right?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Tori modified:

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Will check your spells Lorie

[Antarias (mikE)] bonus to hide/move silently or something?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] you work on getting ready for this adventure

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] What about Tori's magic items?

[Antarias (mikE)] okay, if we're skipping time, Ant goes home, fills in Fin, etc.

[Tori (Vicki)] ((hey, wait a minute, we still need to find out about Tori's magic items))

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] today is the day that Kylia finished her training

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Fin comes back and the next day gets told, which was three days ago

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Moirra modified: Armor - Armor Bonus:: CHANGED: +8 (+2). AC FINAL:: CHANGED: 2 (8).

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Moirra modified: Magic Item Summary - ADDED: Bracers of Defense AC 2, , .

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((Is anyone going to put up a complaint if I take the PHole and a dagger?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] We could give the boots to your character mike or Sebrina. Which do you prefer?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Lorie all 7th level spells added

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] on the priest side at least

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((well I would not complain about the dagger))

[Finglas (mikE)] we should give to mains in need first

[Finglas (mikE)] what about kira?

[Finglas (mikE)] honestly, i'd also prefer to see them to steady players. it does no good to give the staff of godhood to someone who never shows

Fritz] has left the game on Fri Nov 28 20:50:48 EST 2008

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] so who si coming along on this grand adventure? Kira for Beth, Sebrina for Barb Moirra and Valgar for Kaz, Percy for Hans, Aryilin for Christy

Fritzie] has joined the game on Fri Nov 28 20:51:11 EST 2008

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] I will move those to the OTHER circle for now

[BOB] ] Tori moved 69'02".

[Finglas (mikE)] i'll bring fin and ant

[BOB] ] Chohen moved 59'05".

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 87'00".

Fritzie] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Fritzie] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[BOB] ] Valgar moved 84'08".

[BOB] ] Kira moved 84'06".

[Tori (Vicki)] well, what choice do I have?

[BOB] ] Sebrina moved 83'11".

[BOB] ] Percival moved 75'03".

[BOB] ] Arilyn moved 74'10".

[Finglas (mikE)] you can go or stay

[BOB] ] Antarias moved 76'10".

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 56'00".

[Fritzie] I can only bring Rave correct Bob?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] do you want an additional Theif?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] and yes to that Fritz

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 86'03".

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Lorie? anyone besides Kylia?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] no for now

[BOB] ] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 88'07".

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Besides me and Sebrina how many more thieves do we need?

[Tori (Vicki)] "What's that stench? Oh, Fin's back."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Keep your mouth shut orc. It is only by Kylia's graces you are even here now."

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] ((So why the objection to me having the Phole?))

[BOB] ] Kit moved 114'08".

[BOB] ] Gretchen moved 13'07".

[BOB] ] Fiona moved 16'10".

[BOB] ] Wilson moved 12'11".

[Tori (Vicki)] ((I think Fritz/Rave should be allowed to carry the portable hole))

[Finglas (mikE)] i don't really care

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Bob I couldn't find anything on the chime of interruption.

[Finglas (mikE)] it's listed in a city treasury so if you die it gets put back there

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((My thinking would be that it would be a party item, not specifically for one person and Vicki -- why do you say that he should?))

[Tori (Vicki)] "By Kylia's graces, elf? I think not. It'd be by Sebrina's blessing that I'm here."

[Tori (Vicki)] ((because he's a thief and he's pixie sized so the hole would allow him to carry more))

[Finglas (mikE)] "And you think that Sebrina leads the DragonSlayers? Kylia is the one in charge if you were too dim witted to see that. Now keep quiet while your betters speak."

[Finglas (mikE)] the hole can be carried by anyone, i think it would make a great addition ot the party pack

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Bob any info on the chime?

[Finglas (mikE)] after all, we can only open that once a day

[Finglas (mikE)] the hole can be put out any time we want

[Finglas (mikE)] so we should fill it with items that might be high demand

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] The party also has the scroll for the time being, and we lost marco's Phole when he left

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Chime of INteruption can be used by any bard to stop all spell casting within a 20 foot radius

[Finglas (mikE)] torches, water, that kind of stuff

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] whatever I'm not fighting over magic items

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] take whatever you want Fritz... it's not worth the debate

[Tori (Vicki)] "You think I'm with the DragonSlayers? You fool! We, as in those of us in Rivertown, don't see one any better than the other. So, you better learn your manners, elf!"

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Vicki we are out of character, Mike and you need to carry that on some other time

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] ((If people aren't supportive of it I won't do it. I don't have to have it. If you guys are against it then keep it))

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] this is planning

[Finglas (mikE)] "Kylia, when can we kick out the insolent?"

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] getting things done

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] what ever is not done tonight will just slow everyone else down next week

[Finglas (mikE)] hey, if she's going to open her mouth and be outright rude and disrespectful in or out of character i'll answer in kind

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] you have two hours to move forward on this

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] So someone else carry it just don't leave it in Greensborough as a wasted item.))

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((it's fine...take are eager to have it, it's yours))

[Finglas (mikE)] as for planning, i put my two cents into the hole, but no one's responded

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] to make this very clear

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] what ever is on the Party Pack page on the site as of 11 PM tonight

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] is what you ahve

[Finglas (mikE)] we need to take backup food and water as well as torches

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] you designate what is where in teh scroll of shelter, and the portable hole

[Finglas (mikE)] when magic works kylia can keep us fed with hero's feast

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] You can't mix the Phole with the scroll of makes a rift in space remember

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] so we can move forward

[Tori (Vicki)] Mike, OOC I'm not rude, thank you very much. As for the planning, I've been able to keep up as well. Besides, it was due time for Fin and Tori to go at it as well. A little roleplay never hurt.

[Finglas (mikE)] when magic works we can see with continual light

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] it does when I said we were all out of character Vicki

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] need to plan and move forward

[Finglas (mikE)] but when it doesn't that's what i see as most needed is basic provisions and light

[Finglas (mikE)] if we can permanently enchant using farie fire we need to do that

[Finglas (mikE)] that'll work at times continual light won't

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] right now you have 13 characters in the party including Chohen

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] who is the only one who speaks C Comm other than Rave

[Finglas (mikE)] and vicki, there is a group rule that pc's don't ever attack or harm any others so really it's all useless posturing.

[Finglas (mikE)] is c com the lingo of the underdark?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] we're going to need torches lots of torches

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] well...none of us speak dark gnome or drow

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] the lingo of the Hallstatt areas, where the Mountains of Copper are

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Take some extra continual light rocks

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] and yes to Lorie

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] so c common is probably the closest we'll get

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I speak under dark

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] problem is Fritz, magic isn't going to work as often

[Tori (Vicki)] Bob, where is the under dark?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] there is a generic trade language for the underdark, but it is not very extensive

[Finglas (mikE)] we'll probably need rope/climbing gear

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] and everywhere Vicki

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] is is another entire world underground

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] and...yes Fritz I agree...Portable holes do not go in the SoS

[Finglas (mikE)] a few winter blankets

[Finglas (mikE)] all the drow money we have, lor

[Tori (Vicki)] so we have all of us who speak W Comm and a couple who speak C Comm, but what happens when we get to Eastern dialects of Common?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] no one can speak to them

[Tori (Vicki)] so how will that work if we need information?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] you are screwed

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] just like if you need to talk to someone in dark dwarf or what ever

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I can teach people undercommon and Wcommon if they wish

[Tori (Vicki)] um... so we need a dwarf

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Even dueragar as well. Who wants easy access to languages?

[Finglas (mikE)] don't you need open slots for languages?

[Finglas (mikE)] if not, teach everyone everything

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Nope I have a potion that allows you to learn 4 languages of your choice by thinking of the language you wish to learn.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I can't teach everyone everything

[Tori (Vicki)] Tori isn't looking forward to Fin learning Orc :P

[Finglas (mikE)] okay, so that'll be good, unless it cuts out when we lose our magic randomly.

[Finglas (mikE)] well, it'll be good in general.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Nope it is permanent

[Finglas (mikE)] so we can each pick 4 new languages?

[Tori (Vicki)] but the question lies... will bob allow it?

[Finglas (mikE)] how often can you do this?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Just tell me what 4 you want

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] With the entire group. once or twice at the most depending on who wanted to learn and when

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Once for sure

[Finglas (mikE)] well, for the underdark adventure i'd want ant to learn dark dwarf and fin to learn drow

[Finglas (mikE)] the silent language, too if that's possible

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Nope only spoken

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] As far as I know.

[Finglas (mikE)] okay. bummer for that.

[Finglas (mikE)] the silent language would be great to know down there just so we can keep quiet as we go.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I suggest under common, duregar, Drow and Hobgoblin

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] ten days, so ten people could learn languages

[Finglas (mikE)] but before we do this, lets get the PP finished up

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] I know the four of you can equip the group well

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Duregar is dark dwarf correct?

[Finglas (mikE)] yeah

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Vicki just think about what you would take camping out in the wilderness

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] yes to Fritz

[Finglas (mikE)] i can never remember how it's spelled so i just say dark dwarf

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] or help by counting up what you need

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] is everyone happy with that number of characters going?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] want anyone else?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] isn't that way too many?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] one per person except for Mike

[Tori (Vicki)] Well, I'd at least want someone to be able to speak the eastern dialect of common

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] the drow will know we're coming LONG LONG LONG before we even close

[Finglas (mikE)] if you want me to keep ant back just say so

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia speaks Eastern Common

[Finglas (mikE)] thought another meat shield would be handy

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I'm not saying it won't

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I am just saying that we're going to cart a LOT of people with us

[Tori (Vicki)] ok, so we're not totally screwed, unless we somehow lose Kylia

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] it's bad enough how much we're going to stick out and all that...

[Finglas (mikE)] why do we need e com? did i miss something?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Rope lots of rope, water, grappling hooks, spekes, climbing pitons and materials, magic light stones, torches, things to light them with, ladders, blankets and warm clothing, things to make a fire, extra food, money as our name means nothing.

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Vicki is good and quick at editing the web pages

[Tori (Vicki)] I'd like to make sure that we have at least all the comm covered that way if we do get that far east we're not screwed

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] give her a list of how much of each thing

[Finglas (mikE)] that sounds about what i was thinking fritz

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] so she can go edit for you

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I will make some alchemy stuff such as flash bombs and stuff.

[Tori (Vicki)] thanks bob, and that can be done in IM when you're ready or on a footnote of the page

[Finglas (mikE)] food and water should be stored in the PP, other stuff in Phole

[Tori (Vicki)] as for the site, I feel bad since I haven't been on it or on the computer in at least a week

[Finglas (mikE)] we'll only need to get at food and water once a day, but who knows when we'll need the other stuff

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Vicki could you please make that note on the Party Pack page now? What is in the Scroll of Shelter and what is in the Portable Hole

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Honestly Vicki E. Common won't be all that useful in this adventure I would guess

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I can make incendiary and pyrotechnic flasks, Acid flasks as well....we need holy water

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] the other languages referenced will help more

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Mind Flayer probably wouldn't hurt either

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] that whole list that is in the Party Pack now

[Tori (Vicki)] Not with Klooge up and running Bob... I'm afraid... since Klooge doesn't like to work with me at the moment with another window up

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] is all in the Scroll of Shelter

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] we have holy water

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] some will have to come out and be moved to Roadhaven's treasury

[Tori (Vicki)] I will do it later

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] How about pyrotechnic stuff and incendiary stuff?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] you have me

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] the wood warriors you loaned thigns too still have them

[Finglas (mikE)] yes, that might be good

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I am both pyrotechnic and incendiary

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] grins

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] LOL

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] and imflamatory too!

[Finglas (mikE)] most things will not be ready for flashbangs

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] here let me blow someone up

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I'm not a tool

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] well not usually

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] grins

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] True but my stuff is non magical. so if magic is canceled we can use it.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] grouchy yes... tool no

Tori (Vicki)] steps away from Kylia

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] So tell me how many to make and I will do so.

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Vicki help them by checking on that stuff on the page please, etc.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Do mind flayers speak or just use telepathy to talk to each other?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] telepathy

[Finglas (mikE)] they kinda wiggle their tentacles.

[Finglas (mikE)] don't you wish i had my mind flayer mage now lor?

[Finglas (mikE)] =P

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] She can't bob.. . her computer wont let her till after we are through

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] ok

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] then Mike can you please?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] So tell me how many flasks of Acid, incendiary, pyrotechnic you want me to make?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] it's a struggle since Mind Flayers have abilities that don't exist in Bob's game. So if you look them up Vicki ignore anything that mentions psionics

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I vote (depending on your mats Fritz) 5 of each

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Mike is working on that page

[Finglas (mikE)] i'd rather not

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] if that's too many each, I would go for 2-4 each

[Finglas (mikE)] it'll take me all night

[Tori (Vicki)] I could, but I'd have to restart Klooge

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] That I can do...I have 10 days....let me look it up and see how long it takes.

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] No worries Vicki

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Mike can handle it

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] just help out by thinking of what is needed

[Tori (Vicki)] it's this version of Klooge

[Tori (Vicki)] I used to be able to do these things until the recent update

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] count up people and items needed such as 14 people so how many extra sets of clothes

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] anythign you do not take in with you

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] you will have to bargain/buy/steal from some group down there

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] extra clothes?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] just using that as an example

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: looks in the party pack frantically :: Okay, who has the red gold?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] you don't now how many days you will be down there

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Also need extra armor remmeber

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] how long do you want to plan for?

[Tori (Vicki)] Wouldn't a month be long enough?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] I would say 18 days (two weeks) is the minimum to plan for, so you can go in one week and one week to march back out

[Tori (Vicki)] ugh... I need to restart Klooge anyway... I'll be right back

Vicki] has left the game on Fri Nov 28 21:25:42 EST 2008

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] It will take me 1-3 days per vial or 2-5 per I will go with the vial and see how many I can make in 10 days

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] ] Roll #1: (d6) [1d6=2] 2

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] wrong die sorry

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] ] Roll #1: (d3) [1d3=2] 2

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Mike is editing

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] ] Roll #1: (d3) [1d3=2] 2

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] ] Roll #1: (d3) [1d3=3] 3

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] ] Roll #1: (d3) [1d3=1] 1

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] ] Roll #1: (d3) [1d3=3] 3

Vicki] has joined the game on Fri Nov 28 21:26:59 EST 2008

Vicki] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Vicki] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Nope only 4 vials in 10 what do you want me to make Lorie?

[Finglas (mikE)] okay, now how many days/weeks of food and water should we take in the PP?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: Languages - ADDED: Drow. ADDED: Under Common. ADDED: Hobgoblin. ADDED: W Common. ADDED: Duregar.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] ] Rave Starfire: Alchemy check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 15!!

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] ] Rave Starfire: Alchemy check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 15!!

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] ] Rave Starfire: Alchemy check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] ] Rave Starfire: Alchemy check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Fritz, I would try for at least one of each...acid is probably going to be most effective

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Make that 2 vials

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] my comment was 18 days, or two weeks

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Remember we're going to probably find carrion crawlers too

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Ok Mike 2 vials of Acid...who wants them?

[Finglas (mikE)] let's put them in the hole for now

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Each vial does 1-3 points of damage in round one and 1 point in round 2

[Finglas (mikE)] you guys can look at the site to see what is in the PP now

[Finglas (mikE)] i removed all scrolls/pots and put them in roadhaven

[Finglas (mikE)] so if you want any to come along you need to tell me or put them in yourself

[Vicki] I'll have to look later

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Are you sure about the potions and scrolls? Some were useful

[Finglas (mikE)] you can't. bob said by 11 tonight

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] and have to laugh at the "whatever the hell else isn't mentions and is needed for climbing comment

[Finglas (mikE)] yes, i agree, so tell me which ones.

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Vicki can see it all later, it will be there

[Tori (Vicki)] Mike, I can't do it while Klooge is running

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] she can help out here

[Tori (Vicki)] stupid Klooge doesn't want to work as it should if I multitask

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] I think that the Portable hole is full already

[Finglas (mikE)] you may think so, but i don't

[Finglas (mikE)] so there

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] we should plan for silk rope

[Finglas (mikE)] we have it

[Finglas (mikE)] 300' of it

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] perfect

[Finglas (mikE)] in 50' coils

[Tori (Vicki)] we have 6?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] we really need John here

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] but you have a 10 foot deep portable hole

[Finglas (mikE)] yup. that would be six

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] you can not cram al that in there

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] plus

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] you need to put some in the scroll

[Finglas (mikE)] well, 10' deep but 100' wide

[Finglas (mikE)] in radius

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] LOL

[Finglas (mikE)] that's a whole lotta hole

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I would bring the chime...I can mimic a 1st level bard if needed and stop a spell caster. What scrolls and potions are gone now?

[Finglas (mikE)] every one, fritz

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I don't know what they were is what I mean mike, sorry

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] six foot in diameter adn 10 foot deep

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Mike is doing the geometry

[Tori (Vicki)] I had Fritz look in the history so he can see the changes Mike made with the scrolls

[Tori (Vicki)] I do know that part of the site very well

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] it was all moved to the Roadhaven Treasury page

[Finglas (mikE)] 245 cubic feet of storage

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] easier to see there

[Finglas (mikE)] that will fit a good amount of stuff.

[Finglas (mikE)] the rope won't even half fill that.

[Tori (Vicki)] Mike, I'm not sure we need 6 50' coils of rope in the hole, some can go in the party pack

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Word of recall, Part water,Undetectable lie, +2 banded Armor...And do we have a mage with us?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] just to be clear, we will need that much rope, regardless of where it is...

[Tori (Vicki)] I didn't say we don't need it with us, I'm just saying not all of it needs to go in one place

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Despite the name... the underdark is mountainous and the paths aren't always well worn

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I'm just letting you know what to expect

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] More continual light rocks, and some lamps in case bob says we brought oil and no lamps

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Bob of course will take liberties with the actual layout from what's been published, but the underdark is not a vacation paradise at all

[Finglas (mikE)] except, as i've said we can only open the PP once a day

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Vicki that is a valid point, how much shoudl go in what area

[Finglas (mikE)] and we don't want to open it for rope

[Tori (Vicki)] brb, I gotta go get dinner

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] rather than PP call it the Scroll

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Had to clear my history buffer due to skipping

[Finglas (mikE)] we only need to access food and water once a day.

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] becuace both of them combined is the PP

[Finglas (mikE)] but climbing gear could be umteen times a day

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] not disagreeing with that Mike

[Finglas (mikE)] so the scroll should be filled with our food/water

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Do we have a mage?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] just thinking don't put all your eggs in one basket

[Finglas (mikE)] not unless paul logs on

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Kylia is the mage

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] John is taking Kit

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] not Paul

[Finglas (mikE)] then no. we have no mage

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] for when he does log in

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Only evocation...she can't cast from a amgae scroll can seh?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] no

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] she is not a mage

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] she is a priest

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] who casts evocation spells

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Wow we are really hurting in that arena then...Well when Mentor grows up he can be our mage, but till then may need to consider bringing someone else along

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Mike does not have any

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Bob also can we ask octavia while she is a zombie where her spell book is and how she learns her spells?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] I talked to John so that is how I know about Kit

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] she tells you that she hid them in the castle,

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] she learns them just like any Bard

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Kit will be great. Where did she hide them, and of course we do notify Paul about what is going on

[Fritzie] I am away from the keyboard.

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] in the hidden bottom of a chest in Gangwolf's bedroom

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] no one will find them

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] adn you have no way of getting back into the castle with getting ahold of Aff first

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Lorie any particulars you want to be sure you are taking?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] any ideas on a mage?

[Fritzie] I am back at the keyboard.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Lorie do you have one? And or when will Mentor be ready Bob?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Also remember if magic is usable I can TK up to 800 lbs

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Mentor is weeks off from returning

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I have a mage...she's very low level and I am not comfortable taking her on this adventure

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] the date is on the Calendar Events

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] ok, so no Mage

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] things could be worse

[Finglas (mikE)] man, this blows. i get me a giant eagle map, and we're going underground

[Finglas (mikE)] you suck bob

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] grins

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] In terms of details... I update my will...I remind Wilson that if he lets in a suitor, any gypsy, tramps or thieves we're going to have a problem

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] bows

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] LOL

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Are there any last requests of Octavia?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Tramps and Thieves, we heard it from the people of the town they called us Tramps Tramps Tramps and thieves

[Finglas (mikE)] i'll leave a note to tell val not to rob roadhaven blind

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Gypsies tramps and thieves

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] she wants to be kept alive

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Duh

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] is a bad song lyric Lorie

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] And I want Dragonslayers to stop dying

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] world is full of needs

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Did she enjoy her unlife session?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Wilson is to escort her to the hollow part of the keep and then... lock her up and ensure that she's fed and watered

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] because when Kylia returns they have a date

[Finglas (mikE)] if wishes were fishes no one would be hungry

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] oh during her unlife session I also ask her if she planned on escaping while we were gone and how she planned on doing it.

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] she was planning on staying right here and trying to charm a guard or two to make sure she got good food to eat, but no plans to escape

[Finglas (mikE)] we should station a bard there to just ring the chime over and over

[Finglas (mikE)] it'll not only stop any casting, but annoy the shit out of her

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Human control potion might be helpful mike.

[Finglas (mikE)] new form of chinese water torture

[Finglas (mikE)] like a betazoid dinner

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] How manycontinual light stones do we have?

[Finglas (mikE)] how many do we want?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Lets see if I have a potion to wipe out her spell memory.

[Finglas (mikE)] simple spell, can be cast tens of times before we go

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I suggest 3 per person

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] well everyone usually has 1 and we usually keep about 5-8 in the party pack

[Finglas (mikE)] not to mention they can be made on the fly

[Finglas (mikE)] so i don't think we need that many

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] 3 will ensure we counter act cont darkness and darkness spells and have extra to give light

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] remember we have to counteract EACH spell

[Finglas (mikE)] that's true

[Finglas (mikE)] and we're fighting drow

[Finglas (mikE)] first thing they do is globe us

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] exactly

[Finglas (mikE)] then let's make a few and get them out.

[Finglas (mikE)] and bob, i'm stating that we are rigging them so they are hands free holding

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] rigging what Mike?

[Finglas (mikE)] they are little donuts

[Finglas (mikE)] stone donuts

[Finglas (mikE)] continual light rings

[Finglas (mikE)] not rocks

[Finglas (mikE)] rocks are for fifth level adventurers

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] grins

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Bob I am going to see if I can find a potion to make her lose all memory of her spells. If so I am going to give it to her as well. I will look it up and post it on the web site if that is ok?

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] why don't you just thwap her with the rod?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] you know, the one that effectively would make her level zero

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] What rod?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Wow to cool...who has that?

[Tori (Vicki)] not me

[Finglas (mikE)] lance

[Finglas (mikE)] greelox lance

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: points at party pack :: We all do

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Mike please make sure that's on the list

[Finglas (mikE)] on the party pack list?

[Finglas (mikE)] we're going to bring that with us?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] hehehehe hey I could also give her permanent confusion till I get back to dispell it. Would that work?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] we had some red gold (for use in the underdark) is that on there too?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] yes to Frtiz, but as Lorie says, there is that lance in the Roadhaven treasury

[Finglas (mikE)] nope. letting anyone else add now

[Finglas (mikE)] the pages are saved and available for everyone else to edit

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] check the Gon and Greenbourough treasuries for items to add?

[Tori (Vicki)] why check Gon?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Because that's where John (aka Paul) is set up and one of the libraries are there

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] but I'm sure you knew that already

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] So Vicki what do you intend that Tori will bring with her?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] What do you know about the Underdark in your reading?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Does Tori have a will drawn up?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] In the event she dies?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] I know she does have a will

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] she did that before when someone died

[Tori (Vicki)] as for Tori's will, she does in fact have one

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] good good

[Tori (Vicki)] she's had one for a while on her notes in character sheet... and got it put on the site a month ago on halloween

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia is going to remind the group that death is a real possibility on this adventure and no one will feel bad if they don't want to go

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I personally don't make it a habit to read other people's character sheet

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I find that drole

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] so Fritz are you going to add those three continual light rings to each character sheet?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] for those not here

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Sure Bob working on the Web Page at the moment

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] ok

[Tori (Vicki)] as to what she's taking, she's a fighter, so likely what she has on her, and what ever Rave thinks they need to carry, she's basically another set of arms for him while he researches

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] just want everyone to be ready

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] as much as we can

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I do some research on the town we are going to Bob

[Finglas (mikE)] so she's rave's henchman

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I will have 3 days

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] which town would that be?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I see.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I don't remember the name off hand...the hive of iniquity

[Tori (Vicki)] no Mike, she's my main, but when I said I was helping Rave with the research, she's illiterate so the only way she can help is to help carry things

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] No she isn't my henchman remember we both work for Sebrina...wea re part of the thieves guild

[Finglas (mikE)] i do believe it's mos eisley.

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Khazefryn

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] is the name that Octavia gave you

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Ya that's it Khazefryn

[Finglas (mikE)] at least that's what ben tells us when we log in

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] but there is nothign else, unless you are going into Woflspack to the libraries

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Yes I am

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Remember that is part of my class...I have info getting as a skill

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] there is a mention of a temple called that but the reference is over 100 years old

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] so is likely not quite acurate

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] How about a port to Semphar and I can check out the libraries there?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] they do not have anything as extensive at Wolfspack

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] may want to check your facts there...that isn't what you say on the web site about Semphar...but if I don't have time after looking in wolfspack (I only had 3 days) that makes sense.

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] the stuff in Semphar is good, but the libraries in Wolfspack are the best in the world

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] and the Mountains of Copper are quite a way East of Semphar also

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] but Chohen can relate to you allof the stuff on teh website about the mountains of Copper and the links on that page as well

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Don't you mean West of Semphar?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] sorry yes West thank you

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Mike take a look at the web site and see if what I added is ok

[Finglas (mikE)] which part?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Bob don't forget we id'd tori's stuff as well..The potions, scrolls and armor

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Tori modified:

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: Magic Item Summary - DELETED: null, null, null.

[Finglas (mikE)] not sure why we'd need the armor

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] the armor was just a normal +2

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] In case one of the fighters loses their armor.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] armor will be noisy

[Finglas (mikE)] and naked would be a death sentence

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Tori modified: Magic Item Summary - DELETED: Chain Armor, null, null.

[Finglas (mikE)] we're not trained in the ways of being silent so we'll be heard a mile away anyway

[Finglas (mikE)] everything we hit will probably hunt by sound

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Kira modified:

[Finglas (mikE)] so we're just screwed in that regard

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] I don;t have any notes on any scrolls Vicki

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Kit modified:

[Tori (Vicki)] Bob, does Tori HAVE to have a continual light? She has Infravision

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] infravision picks up heat sources

[Tori (Vicki)] Notes on Scrolls for?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] if no one else has any light sources around

[Tori (Vicki)] works for bodies

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Arilyn modified:

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] You and Fritz mentioned identifying magic items? the only thing I have here is the +2 armor

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] and the long sword

[Tori (Vicki)] that's what you said were magic items

[Tori (Vicki)] if I recall correctly

[Tori (Vicki)] but I still don't know what they do

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] What is her sword?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] I only show the long sowrd +1

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Percival modified: Magic Item Summary - ADDED: Continual Light donut x3, , .

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] and the +2 armor

[Tori (Vicki)] I was told that I had to ask someone

[Tori (Vicki)] otherwise, I didn't have armor or the longsword

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] if you want the history behind them, but there are no special magic things about them, just those bonuses

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] you knew what the bonuses were for your sheet

[Tori (Vicki)] I don't remember everything exactly now, it's been so long and I was supposed to do research or something but it never got done

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Take a +2 dagger also Tori in case you run across a crature that requires it...What do the rest of you think about that?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Sebrina modified:

[Finglas (mikE)] if you think she'll need it

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] the research was to know more about the items, the history etc, not that there was more to the items magically

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] She might if her only weapon is a +1

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Tori modified: Weapons - DELETED: Long Sword, null, null, null, 0.00, null, --, null, +0, +0, -1-1, -1, -1, +0, null, +0, +0, +2, +1, $dmg, 1d8, 1d12, null, $thac0, null, null, null.

[Tori (Vicki)] I have more than one weapon

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Tori modified:

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Hey Bob do you have anywhere Sebrina's thief stats? None are listed on her Character sheet

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Frtiz are you editing the Party Pack page?

[Tori (Vicki)] but the other weapons I have aren't magical

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I did and stopped...I am editing peoples character sheets now

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] did you save it?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] I just tried to change something

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Yes sir

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] ok

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] so I will go clean it

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] 4 scrolls, 1 potion, 2 armor added to it

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] ok, cleaned it up now

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] added date for food

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Lorie have anything else? did you have a place to start to try and find your way in the Mountains of Copper?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Tori modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Finglas (mikE)] we should start with the dwarves

[Finglas (mikE)] they are the only real presence from what i read

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Tori modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Here is Tori's will. I was asked to post it so people see it. When Victoriana dies, she wants to be raised, but if she cannot be raised, then she would accept reincarnate. Should her weapons and armor survive death, it is to remain with her upon coming back to life. If she cannot come back to life, her weapons and armor should be given to Sebrina, Rave, Mentor, and Val'Iant.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] with 30 minutes left, knowing that we are short significant people who may want to have their own stuff or next week so we can head out with the caveat if someone is not here they can grab quickly what isn't on them

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I added a bunch to everyone elses sheet

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] very limited grabbing but yes Lorie

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] From there, let's head out towards the Mountains of Copper after an evening of feasting and hero's feast for all in the party

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((They shouldn't be penalized because they aren't here))

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] Christy, Hans, Beth, Barb, Kaz, John are going to be fine with what your group decides to take, they don't have any strange requests

[Finglas (mikE)] do you think the dwarves is a good idea lor?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Prayers and Blesses are administers for the journey ahead... Kylia reminds Wilson about the no suitor policy

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] they will all have their own stuff

[Finglas (mikE)] there doesn't sound like any other real orgamized group there

[Tori (Vicki)] Bob, are you saying I have strange requests?

[Tori (Vicki)] lol

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] John will have odd requests... it's in his nature, but we're prepared and will adjust

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] grins

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Lorie isn't there a "Journey" type spell you can cast that gives us bonuses to protection and stuff for a number of days?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] if he decides to join in

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] That's hero's feast Fritz

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I don't have access to the Traveler's Sphere as major

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] minor only

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I have an ability and can recast

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Ahhh

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] it doesn't take an actual spell slot for me to cast the spell

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] given ability from my deity

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] any other questions?

[Finglas (mikE)] when are we gonna get there?

[Tori (Vicki)] how soon can we leave?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] in a little while now play with your gameboy and hush

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] you can BLIP there when you are ready

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay... we blip

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] using the pool

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] and arrive in Morten?

[Scroll of Shelter (BOB)] is tha the plan?

[BOB] ] Chohen moved 33'00".

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] yes

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] What AC is Banded mail?

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] (no clue sorry)

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((isn't it like 5 or 6?))

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] ***** so the group is on the path to Morten *****

[BOB] ] Percival moved 1'08".

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] Hello there

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] spoken in C Comm

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Tori modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Long Sword +1 -- Skill Adj: -1 (-1-1), CHANGED: Long Sword +1 -- Profic Adj: -1-3 (-1), CHANGED: Long Sword +1 -- Profic Adj: +3 (+2), CHANGED: Long Bow -- Skill Adj: -1 (+0), CHANGED: Dagger/Dirk -- Skill Adj: -1 (+0), CHANGED: Halberd -- Skill Adj: -1 (+0), CHANGED: Dagger +2 -- Skill Adj: -1 (+0), CHANGED: Dagger +2 -- Damage v SM: 1d4 (d4), CHANGED: Dagger +2 -- Damage v L: 1d3 (d3), Ability Scores - Attack Adjust: (ATK) : CHANGED: -2 (+2). Armor - Shield Bonus:: CHANGED: 3+1 (3). AC FINAL:: CHANGED: -4 (-3).

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] who are you travelars and why to you venture this way?

[Tori (Vicki)] ::looks absolutely cluelessly at the Dwarf::

[Antarias (mikE)] ::steps forward and speaks in dwarvish:: "Hello, sir."

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Tori modified: Languages - ADDED: W Common. ADDED: Under Common. ADDED: Drow. ADDED: Duregar.

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] switching to dwarvish

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] hello

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] what are you doing out in the sun?

[Antarias (mikE)] "We are the DragonSlayers and seek an entrance to the underdark to hunt a band of drow who have attacked us."

[Tori (Vicki)] ::looks more puzzled::

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] well you sould talk with one of our elders then if you want a guide, but it will cost you to enter the town

[Antarias (mikE)] "We heard of a 'dark skinned man' who might be in this area and we knew that you would be the most organized people in the region."

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: responds in dwarven :: Well met

[Antarias (mikE)] "How much?"

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] looks up appraisingly at Kylia

[Antarias (mikE)] what's his livery?

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] good to see you know a civilized tongue

[Tori (Vicki)] ::looks around, paying no more attention to the foreign language::

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Tori modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Long Sword +1 -- Racial Adj: -1 (+0),

[Antarias (mikE)] ::runs his hand down his face at that remark::

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] where would this dark skinned man by?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: continues in dwarven :: We are not from this land as you can tell, but our journey is just and our time is short. We'd appreciate an audience with your elders as soon as possible

[Antarias (mikE)] "Well, considering he is a drow probably in one of the less reputable camps."

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] I can arrange a meeting

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: more dwarven :: We are grateful. The male drow, obviously astray of his matron mother, has sought to bring his ways to the sunshine, that cannot mean good for either your people nor mine "

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Tori modified: Languages - DELETED: Common. ADDED: C Common. ADDED: Dwarf. ADDED: Elf.

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] they did not come though our guards

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] but perhaps there could be a way for you to see our elders.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: dwarven :: as I said, our time is short

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] looks at Antarias with a quizical stare

[Antarias (mikE)] "Yes?"

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] rubs his fingers together

[Antarias (mikE)] "And how much is entrence?"

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] a mere gold piece per surface dweller

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Sebrina modified: Languages - ADDED: Drow. ADDED: Under common. ADDED: Duregar. ADDED: Dwarf.

[Antarias (mikE)] "The good cities of Roadhaven and Greenborough will give a gift to your elders of thirty gold for their meeting with those two city's leaders."

[Tori (Vicki)] 30?

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] that is a grand gesture for them

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Percival modified: Languages - ADDED: Duregar. ADDED: Dwarf. ADDED: Under common. ADDED: Drow.

[Tori (Vicki)] "Are you insane Anterias?"

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] (Tori does nto understand the language remember)

[Antarias (mikE)] ::looks at Kylia and shrugs slightly::

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] (yes she does)

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Arilyn modified: Languages - ADDED: Duregar. ADDED: Undercommon. ADDED: Drow. ADDED: Dwarf.

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] he calls off to another guard

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] and then escorts you into the town

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] and down a set of winding stairs

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Kira modified: Languages - ADDED: Under Common. ADDED: Duregar. ADDED: Drow. ADDED: Dwarf.

[Antarias (mikE)] wewt. dwarven diplomacy: gold

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: whirls and switches to W. Common :: Tori, I'll thank you to keep your thoughts on this issue to yourself for the moment, your perceived distrust of the group is going to be our undoing. I have neither the time nor the patience for this. Whatever issue you have, you left it in Roadhaven. Do I make myself clear?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: turns back around and walks into the keep ::

[Tori (Vicki)] ::mutters in orc::

Vicki] has left the game on Fri Nov 28 22:50:35 EST 2008

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] leading you through several passages

Fritzie] has left the game on Fri Nov 28 22:50:51 EST 2008

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] and thorugh a gathering hall

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((Damn...we needed the cartographer for this one ))

Vicki] has joined the game on Fri Nov 28 22:51:16 EST 2008

Vicki] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Vicki] has received the map Base Map DDD.

Fritz] has joined the game on Fri Nov 28 22:51:21 EST 2008

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] and to a set of double doors, stops and turns to the group

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((Wow...the connection issues have been on the uptick since the new release, BOB plans to check into that from Klooge or is that a router issue?))

Fritz] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Fritz] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] (yeah, think it is a Klooge thing, waiting for the next update, I restarted everything here today)

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] he turns to the group

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((Gotcha... Fritz and Vicki have both had issues tonight...two or three bounces each, that is rough ))

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] I can not help you inside of these doors, you will talk with the Clan leader, he decides if you merit help, I advise you to be as honest with him as you would with your God.

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] and then he knocks on the doors

[Antarias (mikE)] ::bows::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((Just a friendly reminder to the party that the Drow are a matriarchal society and males basically have no rights. Just a reminder for encounters ))

[Dwarf Guard #1 (BOB)] opening them for you

[Fritz] ((Ok everyone should have their languages up for the 4 it seemed we would need...I didn't do Kit because she may know some of them..Duregar, Drow, Undercommon, Dwarf))

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((Kylia already knows Dwarven ))

[Vicki] ((for me, mostly on my end of restarting since it doesn't like to work correctly, with an occasional unintentional ones))

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((but thanks Fritz for your help ))

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] Hello travelers, what brings you seeking our assistance today?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I didn't do you and mike lorie I thought you would add your own...but I will do yours and make it Hobgoblin instead

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((BTW Bob I am polymorphed as a dwarf))

[Antarias (mikE)] ::steps forward and bows deeply::

[Antarias (mikE)] "Greetings elders. I present to you the leader of Roadhaven, the Lady Kylia and the head of Greenborough, Finglas Galwythe."

[Antarias (mikE)] ::steps back and to Finglas' side after introducing the two leaders::

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Kylia Wolfslayer modified: Languages - ADDED: Under Common. ADDED: Duregar. ADDED: Drow. ADDED: Hobgoblin.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to Lorie only)] there you go done

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: is reminded of her training in MacTyr and conducts herself according to dwarven protocol ::

[Finglas (mikE) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Finglas modified: Languages - ADDED: Dwarf. ADDED: Drow. ADDED: Central Common. ADDED: Gnome.

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] I am pleased to meet the two of you, and your companions

[Finglas (mikE) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Antarias modified: Languages - ADDED: Dwarf. ADDED: Duregar. ADDED: Eastern Common. ADDED: Undercommon.

[Finglas (mikE)] "Our thanks for agreeing to meet with us so quickly, elders."

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: dwarven :: Thank you for agreeing to see us without advance notice. We have come to your stead following a male drow who has cause much grief and termoil

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] I am sure there is a story to go with that

[Finglas (mikE)] suuuuuure...

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] but what do you come to us for aid for?

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] where are you searching?

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] who are you searching for?

[Finglas (mikE)] though can we think about wrapping this up for this week?

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] (close to that Mike)

[Finglas (mikE)] okay. i don't want to miss any of the rp

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((Hey if no one has a problem with this I will give Valgar the +2 Banded Mail, and a +1 sangkan-dagger))

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: dwarven :: We seek a guide to the underlands. We plan to seek near the Mountais of Copper and as I said where the male drow is...surely his matron mother cannot be far behind

[Finglas (mikE)] "Or any connections to a man named Celsus."

[Finglas (mikE)] "The last place we know of him being is Khazefryn."

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] Khazefryn is a hive of villainy and scum, few go there for a noble cause

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] although it does so happen that we have buisness there of a sort

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] we have our own issues with a problem Drow

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] We chose to keep her alive

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] to exchange her for a group of our own miners that the Drow have held captive there in Khazefryn

[Finglas (mikE)] "I would guess our problems come from the same place."

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] perhaps you could help escort a group of my dwarves there and exchange this Xulltyrr for our dwarven family

[Finglas (mikE)] ::looks to Kylia::

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Valgar modified: Languages - ADDED: Duregar. ADDED: Drow. ADDED: Under Common. ADDED: Dwarf. Armor - Armor Bonus:: CHANGED: 6 (5). Magic Bonus:: CHANGED: +2 (null). Magic Item Summary - ADDED: Continual Light Donoughts X 3, , .

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] I have not hear of the Celsus you speak of

[Finglas (mikE)] ::raises an eyebrow::

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] but perhaps when you reach there you will be able to talk and find out more

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] are you truely prepared for the journey?

[Finglas (mikE)] ::western common:: "Sounds like this would be a good idea."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Why might we not be?"

[Tori (Vicki)] "What would be?"

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: shakes head and continues in dwarven :: No. None of our group pretend to understand or be ready for the journey ahead

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] it is a long 6 day journey along the dark dangerous road, there is an easier one but that will take you more than a score of days to reach

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: dwarven :: the world down there is unlike what we are used to. Civility and behaviors will not be the same

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: western common :: I know ... a female drow as an escort...

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Valgar modified: Armor - AC FINAL:: CHANGED: 2 (5).

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] (prisoner, you woudl be escorting her as your captive)

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: dwarven :: but, alas, our journey countinues on that path, and we will accept your offer

[Tori (Vicki)] ((waits for someone to have the dwarf explain who she (the drow) is and what issues they have with her))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Valgar modified: Weapons - CHANGED: +1 sangkan-dagger -- Kind of Weapon: Dagger (),

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((prisoner who knows the lay of the land better than our entire group combined = escort ))

[Finglas (mikE)] i'll have to prepare a special "it's a trap!" akbar sound bit for this escort

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] so you will take the longer path?

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] or the shorter?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((I hope you have it looped...because the adventure could just be titled IT'S A TRAP! or IT'S A TARP as the thread on Wednesday indicated"

[Finglas (mikE)] either makes sense in its own way.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: dwarven :: The shorter... our group has faced death before and does not fear it now

[Finglas (mikE)] it is a good day to die

[Finglas (mikE)] though i guess that's the wrong star universe

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] very well

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((Explanations after we're not in this room ))

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] I will gather up some of my warriors to accompany you

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] a dozen should be sufficient I woudl think to go along with your fine company

[Finglas (mikE)] okay. i'm going to log and catch up on the last few minutes later.

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] we are good I think?

[Finglas (mikE)] i'm good.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((As long as you dress them in red shirts...they'll be fine sir ))

mikE] has left the game on Fri Nov 28 23:12:26 EST 2008

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] start next week ready to go marching

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] LOL

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I will hang to work on the def file with you

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] ok Fritz

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okies...I'm out

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Have a nice weekend

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] have a great weekend

Lorie] has left the game on Fri Nov 28 23:13:11 EST 2008

[Tori (Vicki)] ok, well, I'll be on to work on the site tonight

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] ok Vicki

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] have a good night

[Tori (Vicki)] you too

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] I will save this after Frtiz logs out

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] and then he and I will work on some things

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Trim -- Kind of Weapon: +2 Dagger (+1 Nonmagical/Silver Pixie Sword),

[Tori (Vicki)] ok, let me know what I need to do if you add things to the site while I'm there

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] nothign that I know of

[Tori (Vicki)] apparently I'd have to fix something unless you intended a title to be a TARP rather than a TRAP

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Trim -- Magical Adj: -2 (-1), CHANGED: Trim -- Magical Adj: +2 (+1), CHANGED: Trim Backstab -- Kind of Weapon: +2 Dagger (+1 Nonmagical/Silver Pixie Sword), CHANGED: Trim Backstab -- Magical Adj: -2 (-1), CHANGED: Trim Backstab -- Magical Adj: +2 (+1),

[Tori (Vicki)] Catch me in IM or Ventrilo, I'll be in both

[Tori (Vicki)] I'm out of here so I can at least look at the site and check things to make sure it's fine

[Tori (Vicki)] good night bob and fritz

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] night

Vicki] has left the game on Fri Nov 28 23:16:04 EST 2008

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] Fritz you finish so I can save and close this

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I will log back on at 11:20 Bob

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] then we can try out the new file

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] will call you

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] might be a couple more minutes than that

[Dwarven Negociator #1 (BOB)] ok

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] nighty night

Fritz] has left the game on Fri Nov 28 23:17:29 EST 2008