Main / Oct0308

Oct 03 08 - Trade Wars


[BOB] INIT: 1 GOING: Gretchen

[BOB] INIT: 4 GOING: Mentor



[BOB] picking up at this point in the combat after we have John and enough people logged in

[BOB] ==== Gaming session has been running for 28 minutes and 54 seconds ====

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] ==== Player Icon browsing has been ENABLED. ====

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

mikE has joined the game on Fri Oct 03 18:06:30 EDT 2008

mikE is receiving the map Base Map - Music...

mikE has received the map Base Map - Music.

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Oct 03 18:14:43 EDT 2008

Kaz is receiving the map Base Map - Music...

Kaz has received the map Base Map - Music.

[mikE] hey kaz. is guy coming?

[Kaz] Nice to see you, too. :D

[Kaz] You only love me for my husband. *sniff*

[mikE] hey, he's a sexy guy

[Kaz] He'll probably stop in and say hi, but he's got to be up quite early for work tomorrow.

[mikE] awwww

[Kaz] Hey, I'm sure he has plenty of things to say to you, so don't worry.

[Kaz] *cough*

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] chuckles

[BOB] Mike can roll Init for Brad and Kaz you can roll for Rhys

[Kaz] ok

[BOB] to put them in the proper order

guy has joined the game on Fri Oct 03 18:19:58 EDT 2008

guy is receiving the map Base Map - Music...

guy has received the map Base Map - Music.

[BOB] we start with John rolling for Paul

[Kaz] Rhys of Gilmairay: Initiative: (d10+10++2) [1d10=8] 20

[mikE] hey guy

[BOB] and we will leave Valgar out of that for now

[BOB] like the rest of the main characters

[Kaz] why does that look so weird? d10+10++2 ... ++?

[BOB] becasue you have a +2 to your init

[BOB] I think something is extra there going to check it now

[Kaz] Well, the formula works, but that double plus confuzzled me. Like it's so difficult.

[Kaz (to mikE only)] he's still loading

[BOB] ok now it is fixed roll again

[Kaz] Rhys of Gilmairay: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=4] 12

[BOB] you actually should have not had anything higher than an 18

[guy] hi all

[Kaz] okies

[Kaz] Thanks Bob

[BOB] Initative is a d10 plus 10 for being man sized minus your reaction adjustment

[guy] greetings mike you leavings of a diarhetic warthog lol

[Kaz] okay, hence the "no more than 18"

Johnny Grey Beard has joined the game on Fri Oct 03 18:23:17 EDT 2008

Johnny Grey Beard is receiving the map Base Map - Music...

Johnny Grey Beard has received the map Base Map - Music.

[Kaz] I think that was my queue to run away for a moment...

[Kaz] Hi John, and brb all

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[mikE] hey john

[mikE] Bradwarden: Initiative: (d10+10++1) [1d10=3] 14

Johnny Grey Beard has left the game on Fri Oct 03 18:25:43 EDT 2008

Johnny Grey Beard has joined the game on Fri Oct 03 18:26:57 EDT 2008

Johnny Grey Beard is receiving the map Base Map - Music...

Johnny Grey Beard has received the map Base Map - Music.

[mikE (to GM only)] Character sheet for Bradwarden modified: Combat - Initiative {not sure why this is here}: (INIT) : CHANGED: +20+$RA (+10+$RA). Initiative (modifier): (INIT) : CHANGED: +20+$RA (+10+$RA).

[mikE] Bradwarden: Initiative: (d10+20++1) [1d10=2] 23

[mikE (to GM only)] Character sheet for Bradwarden modified: Combat - Initiative {not sure why this is here}: (INIT) : CHANGED: +20-$RA (+20+$RA). Initiative (modifier): (INIT) : CHANGED: +20-$RA (+20+$RA).

[mikE] Bradwarden: Initiative: (d10+20-+1) [1d10=6] 25

[Johnny Grey Beard] hello all again

[BOB] Hey John

[guy] hiya

[BOB] everything is set up properly now

[John] sure, right, wait for me

[BOB] well we can hang out for a bit

[BOB] Fritz & Lorie woudl be good to have in

[BOB] but we can get started without them

[John] do I need to roll something to find out about the Amulet?

[BOB] no

[John] or can I pay someone

[John] to roll for me

[BOB] sebrina can do that for you

[John] you think I trust her

[BOB] and you have an amulet of negative plane protection

[BOB] protects you from any effects of being on the negative plane, and the effects of creatures native to there

[John] standard in the boo

[BOB] yes

[John] all enery drain?

[BOB] no, don't think so

[John] I will care when it comes up

[BOB] I will check now for you as we wait

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Oct 03 18:33:41 EDT 2008

Vicki is receiving the map Base Map - Music...

Vicki has received the map Base Map - Music.

[John] can she also check for traps on the spell book

[BOB] yes

[BOB] and it is full of necromantic spells

[mikE] oooOOOOOoooh

[mikE] that'll be perfect for my necromantic illithid

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[John] are they all EVIL or just somewhat evil

[Kaz] back

[Kaz] Hi Vicki

[guy] oh great a corpse loving squid face

[mikE] they're only the pepsi one of evil

[John] I have to say I have a new Stargate post that explains how Majic Jar is not Evil

[John] if you get permission

[BOB] Mel does not want anymore spoilers

[John] Mel "Death Head"

[John] or a diffrent Mel

[Vicki] Hi Kaz

[Vicki] Hi all

[guy] hi

[Vicki] *wonders if I should roll init*

[BOB] So this amulet Paul is wearing works similar to the spell Negative Plane Protection, it prevents energy drain spells and undead powers, as well as allows the wearer to exist on the negative energy plane it protects against one energy drain attack per charge, you do not know how many charges there are left, it is a "low level"

[BOB] and yes to Vicki you should roll Init for Tori

[Vicki] Tori: Initiative: (d10+10++0) [1d10=5] 15

[John] I will recharge when I get the chance

[BOB] it is a 7th level spell

[BOB] ok, so to get started

[BOB] John you are ready?

[John] i think, let me look

[Vicki] damn autopause

[BOB] ok door brb

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[John (to GM only)] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Armor - Magic Bonus:: CHANGED: null (-1).

[Vicki (to Kaz only)] are you on MSN?

[John (to GM only)] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Consumable Magic Items - DELETED: Potion of Herosim, I add level, 1, 1. Equipment - DELETED: Scarab of Protection +1, null, null, null. DELETED: Bage of Eyes (Infrvision), null, null, null.

[Kaz (to Vicki only)] No, you need me there?

[John] ok

[John (to GM only)] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Magical Abilities - Spells - CHANGED: Teleport -- # Memorized: 2 (1), CHANGED: Wall of Stone -- Expression: See my new wall (I make a permanent stone wall which is {$L/4} inches thick and {$L*20} square feet.), CHANGED: Wall of Stone -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[Vicki (to Kaz only)] yes, please

[mikE] ::whistling in the dark::

[John] ::ready to die::

[mikE] just roll low

[guy (to mikE only)] you do know that your head is not supposed to go into that orifice dont you

[mikE] you should walk around with a team of clerics constantly blessing and chanting over you

[mikE (to guy only)] snicker

[Vicki] *snicker*

[John] mike do you have a book with you?

[mikE] sure. i've got all of bob's shelves of books

Aythor (Josh) has joined the game on Fri Oct 03 18:49:24 EDT 2008

Aythor (Josh) is receiving the map Base Map - Music...

Aythor (Josh) has received the map Base Map - Music.

[BOB] back

[Vicki] um... hi

[BOB] so John this is what happens

[John] i have some one with me

[BOB] Khan breaks the rod to summon Paul

[John] this we knew

[mikE] beep beep beep

[mikE] paging dr. paul

[mikE] emergency in tower basement

[guy] the horn went beep beep beep

[BOB] Paul gets a tingling feeling and knows that Khan is summoning him, but that is all, no clue where why anything at all

[BOB] you are not surprised when you arrive, because of that warning

[John] i tell some one and grab my sword and any DS near me

[John] and go

[BOB] you are alseep

[BOB] and do not get to grab anything

[BOB] only what you have when you are sleeping

[mikE] you might want to get dressed if you want to fight evil....

[Vicki] *snicker*

[guy] and i dont think you can use that wand to fight with

[BOB] and Mike brought up the point of it is not night when you went into the basement

[BOB] and he is right

[BOB] for this part of the world

[BOB] but where Paul lives it is still night

[Kaz] They're not THAT far away!

[John] i understand time zones

[Kaz] I call shenanigans!

[guy] i call rocks falling

[BOB] smiles at Kaz, it is about a 5 hour time difference

[Vicki] LOL and Bob dies?

[BOB] maybe not five

[John] so I cannot grab anything, it is go or no go as I am?

[BOB] but over 3

[BOB] right

Aythor (Josh) has left the game on Fri Oct 03 18:54:30 EDT 2008

[Kaz] That's a HUGE difference, are we really THAT far to the west/east/whatever?

[BOB] yes

[BOB] to John

[BOB] and yes to Kaz you are about a third of the continent away

[mikE] any good fighter/mage sleeps with his sword in one hand and his magic orbs in the other

[Kaz (to mikE only)] LMAO

[John] I get dressed as quickly as possible, bracers sword, belt pouch, send someone to fetch the Draginslayers

[guy] isnt that kind of an awkward position to sleep in

[BOB] no

[BOB] you do not get dressed

[BOB] you either GO or you refuse the transfer

[John] I refuse the transfer then

[John] I get dressed as quickly as possible, bracers sword, belt pouch, send someone to fetch the Draginslayers

[mikE] should i stay or should i go now?

[BOB] it is a on inititive sort of thing

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so Paul refuses the transfer

[mikE] if i stay there will be trouble

[mikE] if i go there could be double

[John] i am useless with out a sword or spell components

[BOB] and getting dressed will take at least 2 rounds

[mikE] troll, you've got to let me know

[mikE] should i stay or should i go?

[BOB] so lets have Paul roll Init

[John] is teleport verbal only

[Kaz] so, we're over three hours behind the group to the west? Please, bear with me, I'm confused.

[John] never mind, no way I would go undressed

[BOB] yes to Kaz the group at the tower is roughly 3 hours eastward of your posistion

[Kaz] so we're three hours ahead of them

[Kaz] and it's 8am

[BOB] is about 5 am in the protectorate at this point

[John] Paul Elvenstire: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=8] 18

[Vicki] I thought we went east

[BOB] I got a call from Fritz that he will not be in

[Vicki] and they're west of us

[John] we are so dead

[BOB] at least for a while

[BOB] he had a stop to make, he will be in just late

[John] saving a real life?

[BOB] so we will say that those who are one round behind are just that and we will figure otu what happens with those trolls as we go along

[BOB] Kaz you ready? Mike? Vicki?

[Vicki] I'm not sure... At this moment, I still don't know what's happened

[Vicki] I read the past chats, but don't remember the events

[BOB] exactly,

[BOB] if you are paying attention here for when your turn comes up that is all you need to do

[John] you are Tori, about to be hit by a ghost like creature

[BOB] you know you are upstairs, the rest of the group went down uner the tower

[Vicki] ok...

[John] lucky you

John has edited Khan's effects.

[Vicki] I guess I'm as ready as can be...

[guy (to BOB only)] and i get to sit and make comments from the peanut gallery lol

[Kaz] I doubt it matters whether I'm ready or not, since I'll probably spend more than half the session being completely clueless

[Kaz] (and the other half only partially clueless)

[Khan (John)] my best fighter had to use the rest room just as combat came

[guy] thats nothing unusual for you hun

[BOB] ok, so movign on

[BOB] INIT: 8 GOING: Val'Iant Le Quella

[Kaz] Bite me, sweetheart

[Tori (Vicki)] ((OUCH))

[BOB] INIT: 11 GOING: Spectre Troll #2

[BOB] INIT: 12 GOING: Montage

[BOB] INIT: 12 GOING: Ariella

[BOB] INIT: 12 GOING: Rhys of Gilmairay

Kaz is receiving the map Kamalotus's tower...

Kaz has received the map Kamalotus's tower.

guy is receiving the map Kamalotus's tower...

guy has received the map Kamalotus's tower.

[BOB] and Rhys you are upstairs with Bradwarden

[Khan (John)] do you have my mirior images up

Vicki is receiving the map Kamalotus's tower...

Vicki has received the map Kamalotus's tower.

[BOB] the centaur is holding the rope

[BOB] that is keeping the trap door open

Lorie :O) has joined the game on Fri Oct 03 19:05:22 EDT 2008

Lorie :O) is receiving the map Base Map - Music...

Lorie :O) has received the map Base Map - Music.

[Kaz] Hi Lorie

[BOB] last round Getchen and Glabius came up the stairs

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Hi Lorie))

[BOB] running from something

[BOB] Hey Lor

[BOB] so Rhys is goign to do ?????

[Kaz] So, they went down and ran back up?

[guy] hi lorie

[BOB] yes, it is actually a ladder not stairs

[Kaz] And Khan is still down there with other people?

[BOB] 6 others are down there still including Khan

John is receiving the map Basement of Tower...

John has received the map Basement of Tower.

[Kaz] Drawing my sword and asking what is going on

[Khan (John)] is Cohen dead or just mostly dead?

[BOB] he looks drained

[BOB] and we will see what they say on their movement

[BOB] INIT: 12 GOING: Taurus

[BOB] INIT: 13 GOING: Glabius

[BOB] INIT: 13 GOING: Spectre Troll #1

[BOB] INIT: 13 GOING: Spectre Troll #4

[BOB] INIT: 15 GOING: Tori

[BOB] INIT: 16 GOING: Chohen

[BOB] INIT: 15 GOING: Tori

[BOB] and Tori just like Rhys

[BOB] you are standing there seeing this

[Lorie :O)] Evening all

[Khan (John)] hi, welcome to the party

[BOB] Quick recap for you Lor, Paul felt the page, refused it, and is doing stuff back home, we are continuing the fight

[BOB] so Vicki what are you doing?

[Tori (Vicki)] ::sword ready and listening for answers::

[Tori (Vicki)] ((waiting to find out what's going on first))

[BOB] INIT: 16 GOING: Chohen

[BOB] so Chohen is writhing on the ground as he becomes a Spectre

[Lorie :O)] ((Evening all...bonus points for use of the Clash ))

[BOB] INIT: 17 GOING: Spectre Troll #6

[BOB] Spectre Troll #6 targets Khan. Distance: 5'02"

[Lorie :O)] Gretchen: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[Khan (John)] spectre or spectre troll

[BOB] Spectre Troll #6: Attack: Touch: (13-(d20+0)) [1d20=15] -2. PROBABLY HITS Khan (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Khan (John)] d4

[Khan (John)] 1 is me

[BOB] ok

[BOB] (1d4) [1d4=4] 4

[BOB] poof

[BOB] INIT: 18 GOING: Paul Elvenstire

[BOB] and Paul starts to get dressed

[BOB] after refusing the summons earlier this round

[Khan (John)] I will not get dressed dress, just bracer sword and belt pouch

[BOB] ok

[BOB] INIT: 18 GOING: Spectre Troll #5

[BOB] Spectre Troll #5: Attack: Touch: (13-(d20+0)) [1d20=20] -7. PROBABLY HITS Khan (AC FINAL: 4)!!! [CRITICAL HIT x2]

[BOB] Spectre Troll #5: Attack: Touch: (13-(d20+0)) [1d20=9] 4. PROBABLY HITS Khan (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[BOB] (1d3) [1d3=3] 3

[BOB] (1d2) [1d2=1] 1

[Khan (John)] it is one hit

[BOB] so that second attack hits Khan, the first is an image

[Khan (John)] just double dammage

[Khan (John)] possiblity

[BOB] no sorry john, counts as losing an image, then the next swing connects

[BOB] Spectre Troll #5: Damage v SM: Touch: (1d8) [1d8=4] 4 added to: Khan

[BOB] Khan's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 12 (-4) - Lightly Wounded

[Khan (John)] save?

[BOB] no save

[Khan (John)] ok, am I out

[BOB] you are not out yet

[Khan (John)] ::waiting::

[BOB] lost two levels, so you lost those HP (2d4) [2d4=2,3] 5

[BOB] so you are still up

[BOB] 2nd level now

[BOB] Khan's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 9 (-3) - Moderately Wounded

[BOB] Khan: No adjustments made.

[Khan (John)] I have con bonus I think I may be down

[BOB] Khan's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 8 (-1) - Moderately Wounded

[BOB] Khan's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 9 (1) - Moderately Wounded

[guy (to BOB only)] hopefully everyboy has magic weapons or they might as well run for the hills

[BOB] Khan's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 6 (-3) - Heavily Wounded

[BOB] ok, so that is the corrected hitpoint for Khan right now

[BOB] INIT: 18 GOING: Spectre Troll #7

[Khan (John)] would be down 4 so should be at 5

[BOB] INIT: 20 GOING: Spectre Troll #3

[BOB] INIT: 25 GOING: Bradwarden

Christy has joined the game on Fri Oct 03 19:20:32 EDT 2008

Christy is receiving the map Base Map - Music...

Christy has received the map Base Map - Music.

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((Hi Christy))

[BOB] Khan's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 5 (-1) - Heavily Wounded

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Hi Christy))

[Lorie :O)] ((Evening Christy ))

[BOB] ok, pausing here

[BOB] letting Christy log in

[mikE] tying off rope and going to the hole to laugh at the two legs getting level drained

[mikE] Bradwarden moved 32'11".


[guy] quick somebody push the horse into the cellar

[BOB] hello Christy,

[Christy] hey there!

[BOB] Hans close by?

[BOB] or?

[Christy] no, took boys to karate

[Christy] back around 8:30 or so

[BOB] ok, so I will give you a chance to attack as Ariella

[BOB] adn then do the attack on you

[BOB] then you will be in sync with everyone

[Khan (John)] doubble edged sword

[Christy] uh, okay. I don't remember what's going on

[Khan (John)] we are being attached by spectra trolls

[BOB] the short recap - Paul got the page, refused to come, we are coninuing the fight

[Christy] oh right

[BOB] Khan will know he refused to come on his Init

[Khan (John)] and.....

[Christy] how can i get the map we're on?

[Khan (John)] click on your character or Khan

[BOB] there you go Chrsity

[Khan (John)] or that

[BOB] and you can attack as Ariella now

Lorie :O) is receiving the map Kamalotus's tower...

Lorie :O) has received the map Kamalotus's tower.

[Christy] okay, gimme a second

[Khan (John)] Brad Shoot down here will you please

[mikE] uh. sure.

[mikE] let me get my horsey ass down that ladder

[mikE] be right there

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((lol))

[Tori (Vicki)] ((*snicker*))

[Khan (John)] you can stay there, just shoot down

[guy] well you got the ass part right lol

[mikE] and for my next trick i'll walk a tightrope

[Khan (John)] how hard can it be

[mikE] oh. you meant literally shoot

[Tori (Vicki)] ((*snicker*))

[Khan (John)] I now your not Fin but it will have to do

[BOB] Christy?

[Ariella (Christy)] Ariella casts a spell against Spectre Troll #4: Armor: a

[BOB] chuckles

[Ariella (Christy)] hey, isn't that supposed to go on me?

[BOB] yes

[BOB] it will go on you and not him

[BOB] you have him targeted is why

[BOB] so you have armor on now

[mikE] you should cast protection from spectral trolls

[Ariella (Christy)] oh, who can remember what we did eons ago?

[BOB] Spectre Troll #1: Attack: Touch: (13-(d20+0)) [1d20=14] -1. PROBABLY HITS Ariella (AC FINAL: 2)!!!

[Ariella (Christy)] yeah, if I had that spell

[BOB] chwekcing

[mikE] man, who doesn't? =P

[BOB] Spectre Troll #1: Damage v SM: Touch: (1d8) [1d8=2] 2 added to: Ariella

[BOB] ok, so your armor lasts for 8 more points of damage

[Lorie :O)] :: raises hand :: we went somewhere we weren't supposed to right to do something about the issue?

[BOB] Ariella's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 14 (-2) - Moderately Wounded

[Khan (John)] yes, of course

[BOB] but right now Ariella is writhing on the ground

[BOB] as she just went to zero level

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((don't we always?))

[Khan (John)] but we took a left instead of right

[BOB] and teh spectre is beginning to control her

[mikE] well, that's not good

[BOB] INIT: 4 GOING: Mentor

[Ariella (Christy)] isn't that just dandy

[mikE] you guys might want to run away

[mikE] make like monty python and run away!

[mikE] we can come back with a wooden bunny


[Khan (John)] we have two blocking the ladder

[BOB] and Khan feels Paul hear the call and then refuse it

[Khan (John)] yelling up to stay away and get the DS

[guy] and shes got HUGE tracts of land

[John] Khan targets Spectre Troll #5. Distance: 1'06"

[Khan (John)] Khan casts a spell against Spectre Troll #5: Magic Missile: Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing 1d4+1 points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level.

[BOB] (1d4+1) [1d4=4] 5

[Khan (John)] so signate spell, level four is 2

[BOB] Khan is only a 2nd level mage right now

[Khan (John)] signature spell adds 2 level

[BOB] ahh

[BOB] (1d4+1) [1d4=3] 4

[Khan (John)] like it matters

[BOB] so a total of 9 points

[BOB] INIT: 8 GOING: Val'Iant Le Quella

[BOB] Spectre Troll #5's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 43 (-9) - Lightly Wounded

[BOB] INIT: 11 GOING: Spectre Troll #2

[BOB] INIT: 12 GOING: Montage

[BOB] INIT: 12 GOING: Ariella

[BOB] INIT: 12 GOING: Rhys of Gilmairay

[BOB] ok Rhys

[Khan (John)] I is showing their hit poonts

[BOB] you hear the screaming from below

[Khan (John)] one has more thenall of us combined

[BOB] Brad is keeping the trap door open

[Khan (John)] screaming to stay away

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((Should I have heard Khan calling for one of us to get the DS? - not that I have an idea how to do that))

[BOB] yes to Rhys

[Khan (John)] on both counts

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((anyone have any ideas how we can get the DS?))

[Lorie :O)] :: ponders :: Could I fly and get to it?

[guy] the advance is better

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Use Brad's horsey ass))

[Khan (John)] (think really hard)

[BOB] get to what Lor?

[Lorie :O)] ((the group))

[Khan (John)] no

[Lorie :O)] ((well the BIG group -- we're too underpowered ))

[Lorie :O)] Why not...I gots me wings

[BOB] yes Gretchen could fly west to Roadhaven and get them eventually, but will take weeks

[BOB] so she can survive and get back with Info

[Tori (Vicki)] ((How long would it take Brad?))

[Khan (John)] oh that group

[Lorie :O)] :: ponders :: Well... that doesn't help the group

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((we need something quicker, though, to get them here ASAP))

[mikE] yeah, but at htis point, the group is screwedged

[BOB] would need some sort of wizard or priest

[Khan (John)] you know Khan had a Paul Pager

[mikE] if you can save your own neck, good on ya

[Khan (John)] hey this is a wizard tower

[Khan (John)] er a wizards bacement

[Khan (John)] matbe he can help

[Khan (John)] oh wozard

[BOB] ok Rhys any ideas?

mikE is receiving the map Basement of Tower...

mikE has received the map Basement of Tower.

[mikE] okay, so khan, climb

[mikE] climb baby climb

[mikE] lorie, fly out

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((no, I must be thick.))

[Khan (John)] i will dead before I reach the first rung

[BOB] is ok Kaz, you can guard that no bad guys come up

[mikE] not necisarily

[BOB] Gretchen is already out, she can fly away to safety at least

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Bob, is there any other floors that we'd be be able to find the wizard?))

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((that's about it, so that's what I shall do))

[Khan (John)] under us

[BOB] you see the ruins of the tower on the map

[mikE] are specters even hurt by normal weapons?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((no Mike))

[mikE] yeah... didn't think so.

[guy] you can always throw the centaur down the hole and retreat

[Lorie :O)] ((Sorry gang the auto pause got me))

[mikE] which means bradwarden=useless

[BOB] INIT: 12 GOING: Taurus

[BOB] INIT: 13 GOING: Glabius

[BOB] INIT: 13 GOING: Spectre Troll #1

[BOB] INIT: 13 GOING: Spectre Troll #4

[mikE] he's got as much magic as a rock

[BOB] INIT: 14 GOING: Gretchen

[Tori (Vicki)] ((as is Tori and Rhys really))

[BOB] so that is two attacks back and forth ther efor Taurus

[BOB] and for mentor and val'ant

[guy (to mikE only)] you know i think ill let that comment go since it was too easy

[Lorie :O)] ((Wow...I'm slow... it's Hans' birthday))

[Lorie :O)] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 1'09".

[Tori (Vicki)] ((and Glabius?))

[mikE (to guy only)] he's as smart as one, too?

[Ariella (Christy)] ((yes, Sunday is the big 4-0!))

[Lorie :O)] ((Hmmm... I'm not sure what to do gang )0

[guy (to mikE only)] im just glad to see you finally admit that youre useless lol

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((join the club!!))

[Khan (John)] Khan said to stay up there

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((Gretchen has no magic?))

[Ariella (Christy)] I think I'll continue to writhe and do whatever the spectres make me do

[Lorie :O)] ((She's magical... not possessing any magic ))

[Ariella (Christy)] which, you as a plan

[mikE (to guy only)] if anterias and finglas were here the trolls would all be ded already

[BOB] on round 4 Ariella would be attacking Taurus, but he is one round behind

[mikE] and sounds dirty

[guy] turning them would be an option if you had a cleric

[mikE] hah

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((I say Gretchen should escape))

[mikE] not at our level

[Khan (John)] that can turn

[Khan (John)] not all priests can now

[BOB] Gretchen is not going down right? so we can click next and see what happens down below

[Lorie :O)] ((Ummm Guy, hi this is the Dragonslayers, we don't do turning clerics... those kind of clerics are for the wimps ))

[mikE] really, ooc, i say anyone who can, get the hell out of there

[mikE] lol

[Lorie :O)] ((Not going ))

[BOB] INIT: 15 GOING: Tori

[BOB] Tori doing anything else?

[mikE] our baby characters are completely useless against the trolls

[BOB] grabbing Khan and yanking him upstairs?

[mikE] we CANNOT hurt them without magic

[guy] well i hope you can find a stone carver to make some very nice grave markers

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Can I reach Khan?))

[mikE] seriously

[BOB] you would have to go down teh ladder

[BOB] make a to hit roll on him

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((which makes them perfect for us to go up against. You know Bob lives to kill us.))

[BOB] then carry him back up the ladder

[Khan (John)] and there is too of me

[Tori (Vicki)] ((without going down... I was afraid of that))

[BOB] no

[BOB] you can stay up top

[BOB] just click next

[Tori (Vicki)] ((ok, I'll get Khan, since he's still himself so far))

[Tori (Vicki)] ::goes down the ladder and heads for Khan::

[BOB] ok

[BOB] you can get down the ladder

[BOB] Tori moved 2'11".

[BOB] Tori targets Khan. Distance: 2'06"

[BOB] make an attack roll against him

[BOB] lets see what happens

[Tori (Vicki)] Tori: Attack: Long Sword: ((13-(d20+2))-1-1-1-1) [1d20=8] -1 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Tori (Vicki)] hmm...

[BOB] Tori: Attack: Long Sword: ((13-(d20+2))-1-1-1-1) [1d20=9] -2 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Khan (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Tori (Vicki)] ((this klooge sucks, I can't figure out targeting anymore))

[Khan (John)] d2

[BOB] I had already targeted for you

[Tori (Vicki)] (1d2) [1d2=2] 2

[BOB] (1d2) [1d2=2] 2

[BOB] ok so BLINK the last image disapears

[Khan (John)] best 3 out of 5?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((aside from Khan, who else is down there?))

[BOB] and Tori is hanging onto the ladder

[Khan (John)] (1d2) [1d2=1] 1

[Tori (Vicki)] Sorry Khan

[Khan (John)] (d2) [1d2=1] 1

[BOB] INIT: 16 GOING: Chohen

[Khan (John)] (d2) [1d2=2] 2

[BOB] right now Khan is on the floo

[BOB] floor

[BOB] Tori is on the ladder

mikE is receiving the map Kamalotus's tower...

mikE has received the map Kamalotus's tower.

[Tori (Vicki) (to John only)] 50/50 chance for a d2

[BOB] the tohers are "one round behind" but surrounded by Spectres

[BOB] Chohen targets Tori. Distance: 5'02"

[Khan (John) (to Vicki only)] you should not have come down

[BOB] Chohen: Attack: Club: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=1] 19. Probably MISSES Tori (AC FINAL: -4).

[BOB] Chohen reaches up and claws at Tori but misses

[BOB] INIT: 17 GOING: Spectre Troll #6

[BOB] Spectre Troll #6: Attack: Touch: (13-(d20+0)) [1d20=10] 3. PROBABLY HITS Khan (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[BOB] Spectre Troll #6: Damage v SM: Touch: (1d8) [1d8=6] 6 added to: Khan

[BOB] Khan's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -1 (-6) - Dying

[mikE] damn

[Khan (John)] plus draining so -4 more?

[BOB] yes

[Tori (Vicki)] ((where's tori?))

[BOB] so Khan will regen those hitpoints

[Khan (John)] and zerro level so no more khan

[BOB] but he is a spetre

[BOB] and Tori is on the ladder right now

[Khan (John)] spectre's regenerate?

[Lorie :O)] ((this is like a duel against two resto druids ))

[BOB] trolls do

[BOB] INIT: 18 GOING: Paul Elvenstire

[guy (to BOB only)] im curious what was the point of having low level characters go up against monsters they cant possibly have a chance of fighting?

[BOB] and Paul is dressed

[mikE] can specters pass through solid matter?

[Khan (John)] grabing amulet and crystal and running to pool

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Can Tori run back up the ladder now?))

[Khan (John)] do I have bracers and sword?

Barb has joined the game on Fri Oct 03 19:56:15 EDT 2008

Barb is receiving the map Base Map - Music...

Barb has received the map Base Map - Music.

[BOB (to guy only)] they had several hints that this would be a very strong encounter for them, and they were a slight bit tardy in calling for help,

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Hi Barb))

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((calling for backup, John?))

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((hi Barb!))

[mikE] see, this is where a staff of the magi grenade would be real handy

[Khan (John)] sending someone to get help

[BOB] John, Paul has the bracers sword and crystal

[BOB] you can yell

[Ariella (Christy)] Barb!!

[BOB] will get tot eh pool on round 5 able to focus it somewhere

[mikE] hey barb

[BOB] INIT: 18 GOING: Spectre Troll #5

[BOB] Spectre Troll #5 targets Tori. Distance: 8'05"

[BOB] Spectre Troll #5: Attack: Touch: (13-(d20+0)) [1d20=14] -1. Probably MISSES Tori (AC FINAL: -4).

[BOB] INIT: 18 GOING: Spectre Troll #7

[BOB] INIT: 20 GOING: Spectre Troll #3

[BOB] INIT: 25 GOING: Bradwarden

[Tori (Vicki)] ::pfft::

[mikE] uh... holds action ready to cut the rope i guess


[BOB (to guy only)] and they had their toughest people up top when teh battle began, just bad luck and a little lack of planning, but they will pull it off overall, just sucks that some of them had to die

[BOB] INIT: 4 GOING: Mentor


[BOB] INIT: 8 GOING: Val'Iant Le Quella

[BOB] INIT: 11 GOING: Spectre Troll #2

[BOB] INIT: 12 GOING: Montage

[BOB] INIT: 12 GOING: Ariella

[BOB] INIT: 12 GOING: Rhys of Gilmairay

[BOB] Rhys you see Tori there on the ladder

[BOB] being attacked

[BOB] and you see Khan writhing

[BOB] becoming a spectre

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((how close is she to the top?))

[Tori (Vicki)] ((apparently not that close))

[BOB] you can try to drag her up

[BOB] you would move a bit, make an attack

[BOB] if you hit and can drag her up

[BOB] is possible

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] okay, will attempt to drag her up

[BOB] if you miss

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 34'05".

[Khan (John)] do not drop her

[BOB] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 2'09".

[BOB] Rhys of Gilmairay targets Tori. Distance: 3'00"

[BOB] so Rhys

[BOB] make that to hit roll

[Tori (Vicki)] ((If Rhys misses, he won't fall in, will he?))

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Rhys of Gilmairay: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=6] 14. Probably MISSES Tori (AC FINAL: -4).

[BOB] and make a dex check Rhys

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] yay

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Rhys of Gilmairay: DEX check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 16!!

[mikE] i'm not sure yay is the word i'd use

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so Brad you see Rhys tottering there

[BOB] you can make a dex check to try and grab him

[mikE] um.... ::nudge::

[Tori (Vicki)] ((She was sarcastic Mike))

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] it's better than the alternative, Mike, which would make your ears burn

[Ariella (Christy)] i'd probably go with "oh crap"

[mikE] ::whistle::

[guy] trust me oh crap was not among the words coming out of her mouth

[mikE] Bradwarden: DEX check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so

[BOB] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 6'08".

[BOB] Tori moved 3'01".

[BOB] Khan moved 3'07".

[BOB] Tori moved 4'09".

[BOB] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 1'08".

[Khan (John)] I yelled at you all to stay up there

[Khan (John)] I did what I could

[mikE] on the bright side, you might hurt the trolls when you land on them?

[BOB] you do not take damage falling down, as you were planning on going down

[Tori (Vicki)] ((especially Brad))

[Khan (John)] thank you for trying but ....

[mikE] i stayed up here. mainly because i can't santa clause my fat ass down a little hole like that

[BOB] Brad is still up top, but cannot reach the two of you at teh bottom of the ladder

[Tori (Vicki)] ((guess that's one way to get brad down))

[BOB] INIT: 12 GOING: Taurus

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((not like I'm not dead the first time I get touched anyway, Bob. Small mercies?))

[BOB] INIT: 13 GOING: Glabius

[BOB] INIT: 13 GOING: Spectre Troll #1

[BOB] INIT: 13 GOING: Spectre Troll #4

[BOB] INIT: 14 GOING: Gretchen

[BOB] anything Grechen? not a lot of options I know

[Khan (John)] can we just jump to where it is Paul vs 15 spectre's

[Ariella (Christy)] whistle a happy tune

[Lorie :O)] :: watches the train wreck in horror :: Umm... :: no action ::

[mikE] yeah.... because that's an even better idea

[Tori (Vicki)] ((*snicker*))

[mikE] bears with boulders. bears with boulders

[BOB] INIT: 15 GOING: Tori

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Can I attempt to get myself and Rhys back up the ladder?))

[BOB] you can climb up the ladder

[guy] yes they are boulders but no im not bare

[BOB] and yank Rhys with you

[Tori (Vicki)] ::does just that::

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((you should ALLLLL be glad you don't have to live with him.))

[mikE] you gots DD's?

[BOB] make a to hit on Rhys

[guy] see what you started mike

[mikE] we should call you bob

[BOB] Tori targets Rhys of Gilmairay. Distance: 0'08"

[mikE] because you have bitch tits

[mikE] and someone please get that

[Tori (Vicki)] Tori: Attack: Long Sword: ((13-(d20+2))-1-1-1-1) [1d20=19] -12 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((dammit, I need Haagen Daas now.))

[mikE] or i will have to kill you all

[BOB] what are you doing Vicki?

[BOB] just roll an attack

[Tori (Vicki)] ((why is it when you target, I can't hit?))

[Ariella (Christy)] egads, look what we have come to...

[BOB] Tori: Attack: Long Sword: ((13-(d20+2))-1-1-1-1) [1d20=20] -13 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Rhys of Gilmairay (AC FINAL: 1)!!! [CRITICAL HIT x2]

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so that worked

[Ariella (Christy)] everyone is a spectre so we got nothing to talk about

[BOB] and Tori just grabs and scurries

[BOB] Tori moved 19'10".

[BOB] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 13'08".

[Lorie :O)] ((still better than being a Son of Kyuss 'eh))

[Khan (John)] we now the cure for that

[Ariella (Christy)] can we roleplay being spectres?

[Lorie :O)] ((Kylia and a fireball or two??))

[mikE] sure. i'll help. "braiiiiiins"

[BOB] INIT: 16 GOING: Chohen

[BOB] Chohen moved 1'00".

[BOB] INIT: 17 GOING: Spectre Troll #6

[BOB] INIT: 18 GOING: Paul Elvenstire

[Lorie :O)] Spectre >>> :: grrrwwww..... :: ... :: incoherent drooling and mumblign ::

[mikE] oh, that comes natural to you, doesn't it lor? =P

[Ariella (Christy)] ooohhhh...Iiii'mmm a ssssspeccccterrrrr....

[BOB] ok, so Paul is at the pool now

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((eww, lol))

[Khan (John)] so I have everything

[guy] wow lorie that was a great impression of mike

[mikE] and looks in at ded people

[BOB] I'm a Spectre baby, so why don't you kill me

[Ariella (Christy)] you see dead people do ya?

[Khan (John)] someone knows I am going

[BOB] INIT: 18 GOING: Spectre Troll #5

[BOB] INIT: 18 GOING: Spectre Troll #7

[BOB] INIT: 20 GOING: Spectre Troll #3

[BOB] INIT: 25 GOING: Bradwarden

[BOB] Mike can say what Brad sees

[mikE] still waiting to cut the rope. until he gets distracted by a butterfly


[Khan (John)] I concentrate on the dragonites

[Khan (John)] the location on the dragonites

[mikE] and cuts the rope, i suppose

[mikE] since everyone's out

[Ariella (Christy)] I thought we were the dragonettes

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so

[BOB] Combat has finished.

[guy] youre the spectrettes now

[mikE] do we get xp?

[BOB] the trap door slams shut

[BOB] a moment or two later

[mikE] we technically took care of the specters. they can't hurt us now....

[BOB] Paul pops in

[mikE] IN in or with us in?

[BOB] just outside of the ruins

[mikE] whew

[BOB] as there are no dragonettes downstairs anymore

[BOB] and if anyone has any idea how to fairly rule on the "one round behind" when you are trapped in a room with a swarm of spectres I am all ears

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] what the heck happened here

[BOB] that is to Tori, Rhys, Brad

[mikE] sure. you're one round behind

[BOB] Gretchen

[mikE] they can't touch you

[Lorie :O)] what?

[Lorie :O)] Gretchen behaved

[mikE] ::it's hammer time::

[BOB] Paul's question was to that group

[BOB] just clarifying

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] you can go through their rounds seperately

[Lorie :O)] She didn't go get up in the undead kool-aid without any way to deal with them

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Well, uh, everyone died."

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] WHERE IS JKHAN

[Lorie :O)] like some people :: glances ::

[BOB] ok John will see what happens for that in a moment

[Tori (Vicki)] Khan is now a Spectre

[Tori (Vicki)] I tried to help him, but they touched him and turned him into one

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] You all thought you could go into a dungeon by yourself?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Odd creatures, Lord Paul, that changed our friends

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] what happened to the orcs?

[Tori (Vicki)] I guess so

[Tori (Vicki)] I'm not sure

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] We learned that they were actually elves

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "We let them go." ::scowls::

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Who were manipulated by some evil, nasty, music loving magical wench

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ::tone changes:; Drow?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] you are going after Drow

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] are you all nuts

[Lorie :O)] :: puts her hands in her head :: no no no

[Tori (Vicki)] Mercedes or whatever her name is

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] No, who said Drow?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Who said anything about drow?"

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) looks around.

[Lorie :O)] We wouldn't go after Drow without you

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] what other elves would pretend to be Orcs?

[Lorie :O)] There weren't any Drow Lord Paul.... honest

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Forest elves, they were manipulated by this Mercedes person.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] thank you

[guy] sometimes you feel like a nut

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Mercedes?

[Tori (Vicki)] They had an amulet that turned them into orcs, the elves did

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] She gave them amulets that made them appear to be other than they were

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Really high powered bard illusionist wench everyone thought we should chase down."

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] and those amulets have the Dragonslayer symbol on them.

[Tori (Vicki)] and the amulet had 3 dragons intertwined on it

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I know what the sysbol is thanks

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] maybe we should all get home, me and the rest of the DS can come back and clean up this mess

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Yes. That would have been a wonderful idea back at the last town."

[Tori (Vicki)] Is there any way to get them back as the people they were instead of spectres?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] If there is I doubt there is a dead line

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) looks sadly at Paul Elvenstire. "I am truly sorry, Lord Paul. I have failed the Dragonslayers. How can I make it right?"

[Tori (Vicki)] ok, well, Brad just shut this trap door that has all the spectres in there.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] we need a necomancer

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) mutters, "I hope she doesn't send me back to the Temple..."

[Tori (Vicki)] Have you got one in mind, Paul?

[BOB (to Barb only)] you following along?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I did not say we have days, we need to go.

[Tori (Vicki)] How will we get a necromancer?

[Barb (to BOB only)] trying to :0

[Tori (Vicki)] ::goes with Paul::

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ::counts bodies, looks at Brad and shakes head::

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] anyone hurt?

[Lorie :O)] But... Sir Paul... :: looks at her toes :: We're going to lose her trail...

[BOB (to Barb only)] you will have sebrina when Paul comes back and gathers up the group

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "None of us."

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] If we lose her trail, then all this was for nothing.

[Barb (to BOB only)] i don't remember too much about what she had or could do

[Tori (Vicki)] Gretchen's right, Paul. We were on Mercedes' trail

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) nods at Gretchen.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I will need to report this to Finglas."

[BOB (to Barb only)] I have the character sheet for her on the base map, you should be able to right click on her in the icon bar bleow to read teh sheet

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "As I said before, we cannot deal with this woman. We are simply not powerful enough. This is what came of following her trail blindly before. We need to go home and let our masters take care of this."

[Tori (Vicki)] Brad was as useful in many things that had steps or something or another as a normal horse.

[Barb (to BOB only)] ok... let me give it a shot

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] is there any water near by?

[Lorie :O)] :: blinks ::

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Quiet your tongue. Your insults are demeaning to our fallen."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Yes."

[BOB] there is the rivers back an hour or so

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::gestures::

[Tori (Vicki)] all he could do in most of our battles was stand and wait for us. Of course, he was able to keep this trapdoor open for us.

[BOB] the group crossed them before

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "That way."

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] beter we are together, you all go that way, I need to leave a note

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Brad, hold this crystal for me

[Tori (Vicki)] What about Mercedes and her trail we were on?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Aye, sir."

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] if things get worse, hold hands and retun to Gon

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Let the DS handle Mercedes

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "But we better not go far without you. We can wait at the clearing edge for you."

[Tori (Vicki)] Why not just send Brad alone to fetch the others and bring them here?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] and if something happends to Brad on the way back

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Because no one can go alone, Tori.

[Tori (Vicki)] back there?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::shakes his head:: "Impudence."

[Tori (Vicki)] he can handle himself

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Paul has told us what to do. We should follow his orders."

[Tori (Vicki)] Paul shouldn't be alone either.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I'd rather not leave him behind, but if he tells us to go, we should go."

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] you have some nerve

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ::starts writting in the dirt::

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "The pool is no doubt pointed here, and our betters can make it back to him."

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] which way to the river?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::points::

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ::draws arrow on ground to water::

[Tori (Vicki)] "OUR betters?" I am on my own. If Paul stays, then I stay too.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Tori, let's go. *walks a few paces away, then turns to make sure the others are coming*

[Tori (Vicki)] I will wait here with him for the DS

[Lorie :O)] :: Hesitates :: Lady Kylia wouldn't want me to leave you Sir Paul...

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Yes. Our betters. It is wise to know who your betters are."

[Lorie :O)] Remember the rule... :: pauses:: NEVER SEPARATE THE PARTY

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ::shakes head::

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "And I know that Kylia or Finglas are better suited for this. Paul, do we go without you?"

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] I was under the impression we were going to the clearing's edge to wait.

[BOB] (FLY YOU FOOLS!!!! well wait, lets talk about this first, maybe we should stay and help him out ))

[Tori (Vicki)] What the....

[Tori (Vicki)] what's going on here?

[BOB] ok, so is anyone actually doing what Paul told you to do?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i'm just making sure he wants us to go home without him.

[Tori (Vicki)] ::looks around::

[BOB] has been 6 rounds now

[Bradwarden (mikE)] if he says go, then yup, i'm goin

[Tori (Vicki)] ((I'm not))

[BOB] Bradwarden moved 78'04".

[BOB] Paul Elvenstire moved 46'10".

[Lorie :O)] :: sighs and turns towards the clearing face staring at her feet pondering how to explain to Kylia that she left him behind ::

[Tori (Vicki)] ((I'll stay with Paul))

[BOB] Glabius moved 74'11".

[BOB] Gretchen moved 72'05".

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)]

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] writting a quick note on ground

[BOB] Paul Elvenstire moved 8'09".

[Tori (Vicki) (to John only)] Yes, I know I have some nerve

[BOB] Kaz?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] spectre and arrow, DS to water to Gon

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] *walking with Gretchen*

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] then we all go to the water

[BOB] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 74'11".

mikE has left the game on Fri Oct 03 20:35:40 EDT 2008

mikE has joined the game on Fri Oct 03 20:35:46 EDT 2008

[BOB] Paul Elvenstire moved 64'07".

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((why is Paul wounded? I thought that group was all healed up.))

[BOB] Tori moved 68'11".

[BOB] Paul Elvenstire's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 62 (20) - Unharmed

mikE is receiving the map Kamalotus's tower...

mikE has received the map Kamalotus's tower.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] bumped my head waking yup

[BOB] thank you

[BOB] chuckles

[BOB] ok, so you blip back to Gon

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((what, you fell out of the tower? lol))

[BOB] not moving everyone to that map

[mikE] he was in a hurry. he jumped off. only 3d10 damage

[BOB] you are in Gon

[BOB] what happens?

[BOB] or are you going to Roadhaven?

[mikE] "Sir Paul, would you like me to go back to Greenborough and get Finglas for you?"

[BOB] by way of Gon

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] gon first

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] send Brad to Green B

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Please tell Fin

[mikE] paul knows that fin's not around

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] to meet us in Roadhaven

[mikE] brad doesn't though. fin went for training after brad went off on the mission

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ask if he know a necromancer

[mikE] ant and val are in charge

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] or a priest that turns undead

[guy] huh

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] true

[mikE] but he'll go home, and assuming that kylia has her pool oriented here, anterias and val will show up.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] finishes getting dressed

[mikE] with dilneas, i think.

[mikE] as the highest resident priest for the moment

Beth has joined the game on Fri Oct 03 20:40:19 EDT 2008

Beth is receiving the map Base Map - Music...

Beth has received the map Base Map - Music.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((Hi Beth!!))

[mikE] hey lizzie

[Antarias (mikE)] "Sir Paul. I heard from Bradwarden what has happened."

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((Kylia can Raise Dead, can't she, Lorie?))

[Tori (Vicki)] ((BETH!!! *hugs*))

[Antarias (mikE)] "I am sorry for your loss. I have brought Dilneas with me as our most powerful priest at the moment."

[Lorie :O)] ((yes))

[Lorie :O)] ((Hey there Beth!))

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] thank you

[Beth] Hello, all

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] christi, where is your main character?

[BOB] it will take a turn or so to gather everyone up

[Beth] Sorry I'm late, I lost track of time

[Ariella (Christy)] Arilyn? I have no idea.

[BOB] but everyone can get to a pool and transfer with paul to the fight

[BOB] plus any extra time for prep

[Ariella (Christy)] back at home somewhere?

[BOB] Sebrina and Kira will be comparing notes

[BOB] the two senior thieves of the Dragonslayers

[BOB] they can be visiting Kylia

[BOB] Arilyn would be giving things

[BOB] and byt eh way Beth, this is Barb

[Antarias (mikE)] "Is there anything I can do for you Paul?"

[BOB] THE barb

[Barb] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] from days of yore

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] hold me back

[Beth] :D

[Ariella (Christy)] what would Arilyn be giving to who?

[Sebrina (Barb)] oh no.... I'm also known as The Barb??

[BOB] chuckles

[Beth] Nice to meet you :D

[BOB] Arylin would be doing her misc things

[Tori (Vicki)] I'm getting tired of this version of Klooge

[guy (to BOB only)] would valgar stay with moirra if she goes?

[BOB] was thinking of healing but that is not really her thing either

[Ariella (Christy)] gotcha

[Sebrina (Barb)] nice to meet you too

[Tori (Vicki)] (ooc)

[Ariella (Christy)] dancing

[BOB] and Vulgar woudl be tagging along with Moirra and Antarias

[Ariella (Christy)] stabbing things

[Antarias (mikE)] "Um..." Interposes himself between Paul and everyone else

[Ariella (Christy)] blowing stuff up

[BOB] you can take just about anyone you want

[Ariella (Christy)] those are her things

[Lorie :O)] :: Introduces Sebrina to anyone who isn't familiar with her and her "associates " ::

[guy] sorry all but 5am comes awfully early and sleep calls

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Sabrina, please to meet you, sorry not the best time

[BOB] waves have a great night Guy

[Sebrina (Barb)] i understand Paul

[Tori (Vicki)] Sebrina, so nice to see you again, here with us. How are things back home?

[guy] night and good luck

[Lorie :O)] ((I used to get up at 5am...totally know the feeling. Night ))

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((Valgar is going with, but will be in the background for tonight))

[BOB] ok

[Antarias (mikE)] he's our round behind wall

[Sebrina (Barb)] Tori.... home is good, so nice of you to ask.

guy has left the game on Fri Oct 03 20:47:30 EDT 2008

[BOB] (both Tori and Sebrina are from Rivertown)

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Paul Elvenstire (John) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Combat -

[Moirra (Kaz) (to BOB only)] Moirra shouldn't be injured any more, either))

[Beth] afk for a minute

[Beth] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] no one is injured checking that now

[Moirra (Kaz) (to mikE only)] Guy said he'll get ya next time, hehe :D

[BOB] Kit's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 87 (6) - Unharmed

[Tori (Vicki)] ((as is Rave, Mentor, and Val'Iant))

[Sebrina (Barb)] you know Tori, you are really misssed back there

[BOB] Moirra's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 34 (10) - Unharmed

[Tori (Vicki)] I miss being there, Sebrina. I still haven't found out about the weapons I showed you earlier.

[Beth] I am back at the keyboard.

[Dilneas (mikE)] "Sir Paul, I know we have not formally met. I am the second in command of the temple behind Finglas. While no one at home would be able to help you with Khan, Finglas can raise the dead though."

[Tori (Vicki)] This group seems to go on adventures back to back, they don't stay anywhere long.

[BOB] Bradwarden moved 23'06".

[Beth] heheh

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I just need to know what can be done, do I have to kill them all Dilneas?

[Sebrina (Barb)] So it seems... I have been trying to find you guys for ages!

[BOB] greatchen back home in roadhaven or going back?

[Dilneas (mikE)] "But I must admit I am not sure if that will work whith a speter."

[Dilneas (mikE)] "We can send priests to Wolfspack immediately to do research."

[Lorie :O)] :: nods :: In Roadhven chatting up Kylia about the events

[BOB] Gretchen moved 39'10".

[Dilneas (mikE)] "I will send all our extra accolytes if you wish. Only say the word and Greenborough's resources are yours."

[BOB] Rhys staying or going back to the tower Kaz?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] not sure we have time for research but please do

[Tori (Vicki)] Sebrina, how would they fare with all of us here?

[Dilneas (mikE)] ::bows and leaves::

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((going back, he feels he needs to validate himself))

[BOB] ok

[Dilneas (mikE)] bob, i'm sending about 30 priests to wolfspack to research bringing someone back from specter hood

[Dilneas (mikE)] through the pool if kylia would help out.

[Dilneas (mikE)] so however long it'll take them to do that research

[Sebrina (Barb)] i think they will be fine... we have some really fine younger ones there right now... fast learners

[BOB] Valedianna's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 58 (6) - Unharmed

[Tori (Vicki)] Oh good. I hope you have someone you trust well to lead the group while you're away.

[Antarias (mikE)] "Val, Brad, go back to Greenborough. I am going to help Paul."

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] when we get there I want to smoe them out, you all o with that?

[Valedianna (mikE)] "Sure. Stay safe."

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] :: stiffens and gives Wilson the look ::

[BOB] it will be a day or two to research in wolfspack

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] :: clerics heal any injured ::

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] (saving throw Wilson)

[Antarias (mikE)] "But do we want to kill them before we know if we can bring them back? If we wait a few days I'm sure the accolytes will find something."

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] ((LOL))

[Sebrina (Barb)] time will definately tell, but there comes a time when you have to let them try

[Tori (Vicki)] ((*snicker*))

[Tori (Vicki)] True, true

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I guess there is likely not a time limit

[Sebrina (Barb)] they have been told how to find me should something come up that they can not handle

[Antarias (mikE)] "Very good, Paul. Let me buy you a drink? We'll find a way to get Khan back."

[Tori (Vicki)] I hope there's a way for them to summon you away from us since we're FAR away from home

[Antarias (mikE)] "In a few days we'll go back and pull him out of there."

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] we still need to find this Mercedes

[Antarias (mikE)] "Oh, we will find her. And pay her back for her transgressions."

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] any one good at Scrying

[Antarias (mikE)] "But let us not do anything in haste."

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] where did Rave go

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Rave!

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] wait, I now a necormancer

[Antarias (mikE)] we need to powerlevel a wizard henchman who can scry

[BOB] just so you knwo Fritz is on his way

[Tori (Vicki)] what good would Scrying do?

[Tori (Vicki)] (ooc btw)

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] to find Mercedes

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((checking, I think I have some type of scrying spell, but not positive))

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((some day I'll know all myspells by heart - right before I die, I'm sure.))

[BOB] or turn into a spectre

[Tori (Vicki)] ((*snicker*))

[Antarias (mikE)] "And you, orc, if you ever talk so disrespectfully to any of my people again you will answer to me. You may not know how to behave in civilized company, but here we do not insult each other. I have heard of how you comported yourself with my brother and now Bradwarden. You have a long way to go before you belong among such company."

[Beth (to Lorie :O) only)] how are you doing, btw? ((Hugs))

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((meh - Divination and Augury))

[Antarias (mikE)] i'm tempted to make a divining wizard/priest as a henchman at this point

[Antarias (mikE)] fin still has slots

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O)) (to Beth only)] doing pretty much the same... glad to see you and hear things are okay

[Antarias (mikE)] it blows not having divination.

[BOB] I htink I have everyone on teh tower map that will ge going on this mission

[Tori (Vicki)] "Well, well if it isn't Anterias..."

[Antarias (mikE)] if we wait for a couple of days will the accolytes get info from wolfspack?

[BOB] Paul how long are you waiting before you go?

[Tori (Vicki)] Aren't you lucky I have some respect for dwarves

[Beth (to Lorie :O) only)] doing better, yes :) still in a lot of pain, and doc is trying to find a pain med that will work, but other than that, doing very well

[BOB] you adn Kylia waiting or going now

[Antarias (mikE)] ::ignores her::

[Moirra (Kaz)]

[Tori (Vicki)] Aren't you lucky I have some respect for dwarves

[Antarias (mikE)] "My ears work fine."

[Tori (Vicki)] ((oops, got a bad lag going here))

[Ariella (Christy)] me too

Beth has left the game on Fri Oct 03 21:03:55 EDT 2008

John has left the game on Fri Oct 03 21:03:55 EDT 2008

John has joined the game on Fri Oct 03 21:04:21 EDT 2008

Kaz has left the game on Fri Oct 03 21:04:47 EDT 2008

Vicki has left the game on Fri Oct 03 21:04:47 EDT 2008

Christy has left the game on Fri Oct 03 21:04:49 EDT 2008

Beth has joined the game on Fri Oct 03 21:04:50 EDT 2008

Beth is receiving the map Kamalotus's tower...

Beth has received the map Kamalotus's tower.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] ((Sorry Bob, only Kylia is going ))

Barb has left the game on Fri Oct 03 21:05:11 EDT 2008

Sheesh has joined the game on Fri Oct 03 21:05:36 EDT 2008

John is receiving the map Basement of Tower...

John has received the map Basement of Tower.

[Antarias (mikE)] before we go off, i think we should take any links made and wear them

Christy has joined the game on Fri Oct 03 21:05:43 EDT 2008

Christy is receiving the map Kamalotus's tower...

Christy has received the map Kamalotus's tower.

[Antarias (mikE)] i know i'd like ant to have a few on a necklace

de has joined the game on Fri Oct 03 21:05:52 EDT 2008

[Antarias (mikE)] how many have been made, bob?

[Antarias (mikE)] (d20) [1d20=9] 9

Barb has joined the game on Fri Oct 03 21:07:12 EDT 2008

Barb is receiving the map Kamalotus's tower...

Barb has received the map Kamalotus's tower.

[BOB] do you know that a Raise Dead spell cast on a Spectre will destroy it immeadiately

[Antarias (mikE)] great, now if only we had someone who could cast it.... lol

de is receiving the map Kamalotus's tower...

de has received the map Kamalotus's tower.

Barb has left the game on Fri Oct 03 21:08:24 EDT 2008

Sheesh is receiving the map Kamalotus's tower...

Sheesh has received the map Kamalotus's tower.

[de] *sigh*

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so de is?

[de] Vicki

[BOB] ok, so everyone except Barb is back in

[John] yes

[Vicki] *sigh*

[Vicki] much better, I'm back in my own name

Barb has joined the game on Fri Oct 03 21:10:17 EDT 2008

Barb is receiving the map Kamalotus's tower...

Barb has received the map Kamalotus's tower.

[BOB] and anything? jumping to the tower when John?

[BOB] an hour of prep time?

[BOB] more? less?

[John] i was trying to take a vote

[John] mike was asking to wait

[Antarias (mikE)] a few days. with 30 accolytes pumping the library for info we're bound to get something

[BOB] Christy, any word from Hans?

[Antarias (mikE)] i doubt the specters are going anywhere

[Christy] he's on his way

[BOB] ok

[BOB] when he gets here

[BOB] will see if him and fritz can come up with any spectacular plan

[BOB] but doubt they can surive a dozen spectres

[Christy] where is Fritz?

[BOB] on his way home

[Vicki] Is there any way we can get them one at a time?

[John] I was also starting to talk about my plan

[BOB] John what about Kit?

[BOB] adn please continue

[John] she is flirting with someone

[BOB] ok

[Vicki (to John only)] sorry about the way I handled kit last week

[John] Paul was going to cast cloud kill, but they can fly

[John] but it should hurt most of them, maybe they wll not be able to see

[Beth] who's firting with someone? ::grin::

[John] (50/50 its a girl )

[Vicki] ((huh? Kit's into females?))

[John] at times

[Antarias (mikE)] kit flirts with everyone

Hong Kong Phooey has joined the game on Fri Oct 03 21:16:15 EDT 2008

Hong Kong Phooey is receiving the map Kamalotus's tower...

Hong Kong Phooey has received the map Kamalotus's tower.

[Antarias (mikE)] hans kong phooey?

[Antarias (mikE)] number one super guy

[Antarias (mikE)] hans kong phooey

[John] tough call

[Antarias (mikE)] he's faster than the naked eye

[Beth] ROFL

[BOB] so John?

[BOB] what else?

[Vicki] brb, need to get something to drink

[John] sned people to research Mercedes?

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

[John] ::look up Chaos Btch::

[Percival (Hong Kong Phooey)] Howdy, fokes!

[John] Hello

[Percival (Hong Kong Phooey)] Hello, Barb. I heard you were here tonight...

[Barb] I am back at the keyboard.

[Percival (Hong Kong Phooey) (to John only)] Hey, John!

[Sebrina (Barb)] evening HKP

[John] gets the full debrief from the dragonites

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[John (to Hong Kong Phooey only)] hello

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((hi Hans))

[Percival (Hong Kong Phooey)] Sure.

[Sebrina (Barb)] bad news travels fast huh?

[Percival (Hong Kong Phooey)] ::chuckles::

[Christy] I'll go along with whatever the plan is-let's just not get killed, okay? BRB

[Christy] I am away from the keyboard.

[Percival (Hong Kong Phooey)] FYI, Christy sure doesn't tell me much if anything at all...

[John] no promises

[John] we lost a few and the bad guys gained a few

[Sebrina (Barb)] i would prefer to live a little longer

[Antarias (mikE)] okay, while she's gone, the plan is to throw her down as bait, then get them while they're eating

[John] yea first day back not a good day to die

[Sebrina (Barb)] not at all....

[John] I said we are going to smoke them out

[John] no one goes down until we have to

[Sebrina (Barb)] i like smoked BBQ

[Antarias (mikE)] smoked bbq goes down good...

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Antarias (mikE)] do they need to breathe?

[Percival (Hong Kong Phooey) (to Kaz only)] Hey, there, Kaz-

[Antarias (mikE)] aren't they kinda dead already?

[John] cloud kill? sure it will effect them

[Antarias (mikE)] okay, then.

[Antarias (mikE)] might i suggest a cloud kill and just drop the door back on them?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((okay, Moirra DOES have a scrying spell, John))

[Moirra (Kaz) (to Hong Kong Phooey only)] Long time no see, stranger!

[Sebrina (Barb) (to John only)] you there?

[John] just want to see if there is a way to save our characters

[John (to Barb only)] yes

[John (to Barb only)] and u?

[BOB] will take research to see if you can bring them back to normal dead from undead without a wish spell

[Moirra (Kaz)] Okay, well, she's got a spell to scry, if you want to check up on Mercedes. Also, Augury and Divination and Know Future

[BOB] you know you can destroy them with a raise dead

[Sebrina (Barb) (to John only)] just wanted to make sure I knew how to do this... i have a ring of polymorph selff if that helps

[BOB] or other potential ways you could come up with

[John (to Barb only)] that is very useful bit more defensive

[Antarias (mikE)] we could also kill them by beating the crap out of them

[John] wecan just kill them, they will not just poof right

[Moirra (Kaz)] I have holy water. It won't destroy them outright, but it will hurt them.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] :: whispers :: Kylia can turn undead

[BOB] what do you mean John?

[John] some undead have no remaind when they are destroyed

[Moirra (Kaz)] Raise Dead seems to destroy the spectre. I'm thinking that's POOF

[BOB] there would at least be dust

[Moirra (Kaz) (to Lorie :O) only)] I think that would make them run away, which is also good!

[John] raise dead does not work on dust

[Antarias (mikE)] are we waiting for two or three days?

[Antarias (mikE)] if we do we might have more info to work with.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O)) (to Kaz only)] at the level I turn they would likely be dust

[John] we wait untill we have word

[Moirra (Kaz)] I vote with Mike, to wait until we have info

[John] I will go to the libray and wait

[Moirra (Kaz) (to Lorie :O) only)] Hee hee hee - That's why you're in charge :D

[BOB] ok

[Hong Kong Phooey] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 11 Trall ___ tre, Kye {Late Winter} 11th, 1259.

[Beth] I'll vote with Mikey also

[BOB] ok, so on 11-11-1259

[BOB] two days after the Spectre attacks

[BOB] you know that Spectres have a master, and if you destroy the master they will all scatter to go in search of more minions so they can be a master themselves

[BOB] they are powerless in sunlight

[BOB] they are imune to lots of spells

[BOB] they are very intelligent

[John] (cloud kill?)

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Does Continual Light count as sunlight?))

[John] no

[Vicki] ((why do these spectres sound like vamps?))

[Antarias (mikE)] we need sun sphere

[BOB] those that become Spectres who are weaker than a Spectre grow in power to equal the master's group

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((rats))

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] I have sun

[BOB] so those 2nd level guys

[BOB] will grow to have 7hd

[Antarias (mikE)] okay, but can we bring them back?

[BOB] the closest you can find about bringing them back is one a person becomes a spectre recovery is nearly impossible

[BOB] you can grasp at hope at 'nearly'

[Antarias (mikE)] okay... so before they become a full spectre they can be brought back?

[John] ie wish

[BOB] the ones that are down there are full spectres when drained to level zero

[Antarias (mikE)] ah. so spectres are level 0. rock on.

[Antarias (mikE)] i will send a squirrel in my stead

[John] sons of kuss so much easier

[John] I need to rewrite Dark Day

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Christy] what a pain in the behind. it makes my head hurt.

[Antarias (mikE)] well, i guess we just go and kill 'em all?

[Antarias (mikE)] then find a wish somewhere?

[BOB] you knwo there were clues down there that they were exploring when they were attacked

[John] ready when you are

[BOB] you just were not close enough to know if they found anything

[BOB] before you had to leave

[Christy] 2 clues to what?

[BOB] following Mercedes

[BOB] ok so on the morning of the 11th you all blip over to the tower?

[John] I vote yes

[Antarias (mikE)] sure

[Antarias (mikE)] let's go

[John] after I get dressed again

[Beth] ok

[Sebrina (Barb)] i'll ring up the rear

[BOB] ok

[BOB] on the correct map

[BOB] what do you want to do?

[Antarias (mikE)] man. paul is quite the nudist

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] Hello rear? Yes, this is Sebrina... we're going in...

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] Rear: ....

[Vicki] ok

[Antarias (mikE)] snicker

[Tori (Vicki)] *sigh*

[Christy] so is our plan t kill all the baby dragonslayer spectres?

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Klooge hates me))

Fritz has joined the game on Fri Oct 03 21:42:39 EDT 2008

Fritz is receiving the map Kamalotus's tower...

Fritz has received the map Kamalotus's tower.

[Tori (Vicki) (to Fritz only)] HI

[John] and now we wait

[Christy] yikes, whatta lag. I fear being given the boot at any moment

[John] for the discussion

[Antarias (mikE)] what discussion?

[John] oh Hi Fritz

[Vicki] Me too, Christy

[Antarias (mikE)] we go, we cloudkill, we reap xp

[Antarias (mikE)] teh end

[John] How are you this evening

[Christy] hey Fritz

[Antarias (mikE)] this'll be like the invisible tree fight

[Antarias (mikE)] yo fritz

[BOB] there is not much to discuss, Fritz knows what happened

[Antarias (mikE)] just in time for easy xp

[Sebrina (Barb)] evening fritz

[BOB] and there is no real way around it

[John] and he is ok with it

[Fritz] Howza

[BOB] Rave is there to seek revenge

[Beth] Hiya, Fritz!

[John] has he tried to steal my amulet yet?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((heya Fritz!))

[Antarias (mikE)] hey bob, how many links were made?

[Fritz] nope.

[Antarias (mikE)] i asked that a few pages up

[Fritz] Not Yet John....

[BOB] no clue on the # of links

[Antarias (mikE)] then i'll just take a necklace of 30.

Fritz is now controlling Rave Starfire

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((links of what?))

[Antarias (mikE)] negative plane protection links

[Antarias (mikE)] we came up with the idea back during the myst wars adventure we aborted

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((ohhh))

[Antarias (mikE)] bob wanted us to fight in a vampire war

[Antarias (mikE)] we said, hah. no.

[Antarias (mikE)] hell no

[Antarias (mikE)] so then we came up with a way to protect ourselves from level drain

[John] ok and Kylia, I amend my will

[Antarias (mikE)] and kylia's jeweler has been busy since that day making these links

[Antarias (mikE)] each link has one charge and that protects from one level drain effect

[John] do not raise me if I am drained to 0

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] :: blinks :: You did?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] I will not stand by and watch you die

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Question...Anyway to reverse the "Specterization"?

[John] wish

[John] maybe

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] what John said

[Christy] yeah, sure, maybe a wish

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] So all we are going to do is get the bodies and kill them as spectres?

[Christy] cause you know, that's like THE easiest spell to come up with.

[Antarias (mikE)] sure wish will work. wishes can do anything

[Antarias (mikE)] except raise your stats....

[Antarias (mikE)] stupid wishes

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] LOL

[Moirra (Kaz)] Will one Wish bring back all our friends?

[Antarias (mikE)] if it's worded properly, why not?

[John] smiles

[Moirra (Kaz)] Okay

[Antarias (mikE)] seriously, if you can word a wish right you can get anything

[John] no

[Moirra (Kaz)] And who can grant this Wish?

[John] there are some limitaions

[Christy] if I were gonna use a wich for a character, it wouldn't be for a henchman

[Antarias (mikE)] you could wish up a bloody horseless carriage

[Antarias (mikE)] djini's can...

[Moirra (Kaz)] We have a wish

[Antarias (mikE)] and uber-er than paul mages...

[Antarias (mikE)] they give them away as party favors

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] So What is the current plan about going in there or just stay out here?

[John] start with cloud kill follow down with a nuke

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I have a way to protect us from the undead if needed. Just what is our plan

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Why cloud kill?

[John] did we get any idea what spells or kind of spells they are immune to

[John] big area of effect, lasts rounds

[Christy] I'm sure we can send a couple of fireballs down there

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] You can't poison the dead, and cloud kill is a poison spell

[John] more like acid

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to BOB only)] I figured out what to do about my characters..

[John] corrosive

[Antarias (mikE)] john said it would work. i believe him. and if we've learned anything from illusions it's that if we believe it, it's true.

[John] I am open to sugestions

[BOB (to Fritz only)] tell me

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((thank you, Jiminy Cricket.))

[John] oh great and powerfull Rave

[Antarias (mikE)] cloud kill sounds good.

[Antarias (mikE)] fireballs

[Antarias (mikE)] the like

[Antarias (mikE)] although, didn't the specters rise from the ground when the peeps went down?

[Christy] fireball, ice storm, lightning bolt, cone of cold. want any of those?

[Antarias (mikE)] kinda, come from elsewhere?

[Antarias (mikE)] not down there to begin with?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I don't know anything about these types of spectre's. Most undead are immune to poison and cold magic

[Antarias (mikE)] so we could potentially send a spell down into an empty room

[Moirra (Kaz) (to mikE only)] Using a Wish to bring them back - do we need to have any part of them to do it?

[Beth] Magic Missile into the darkness? :D

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Most spectre's Avoid or are weakened by sunlight

[Antarias (mikE) (to Kaz only)] nope

[John] I was thinking I would go down first, flying

[Antarias (mikE) (to Kaz only)] we need bits for resurrect

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I have protection from the spectres if needed that will work for several people

[Antarias (mikE)] i told you guys we should get protection from spectres. rave has it

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to BOB only)] RUN AS FAST AS WE CAN....Worth a never know I may get lucky

[BOB] and Antarias there are a total of 388 links done now for you, all of them are finished

[Antarias (mikE)] and you guys were like, eeeew. who prepares that spell?

[Antarias (mikE)] awesome. i'll wear them all!!!

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] What are these "link" stuff?

[Antarias (mikE)] just call me mr. t

[Sebrina (Barb)] digging into bag: I have a wand of magic missles... best i can offer

[Christy] I pity da fool

[Antarias (mikE)] heehee

[Moirra (Kaz)] I can cast Protection from Evil on a few people, perhaps it will help a bit?

[BOB (to Fritz only)] sorry but there are four of them guarding the only way out, including Khan and a door blockign the way after them that you likely cannot open because of the strength involved

[BOB] Mike can explain about the Links

[Antarias (mikE)] i did

[Christy] protection from, I just skim the chat

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to BOB only)] wait that would have happened AFTER...I should at least get 1 round of action before anyone can block the I have levitate

[BOB] each link disapears per level drain attempted on you

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I have a magic item that will surround us in a sphere of protection that will prevent them from approaching

[BOB (to Fritz only)] you were already in combat with them, any attempt for you to move towards that ladder means you move into three of them, one of them making Khan into a spectre, the others guarding the exit from escape

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] 20 foot radius I believe

[Beth] ::raises hand:: I'll take some of each!

[Christy] I just have to say SHAME ON US for sending those poor little dranslayers out with no magic items

[John] then we go down as a team

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to BOB only)] they are spectres not solid creatures...I still have a small chance of success..

[Vicki] how will we get back up?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] No no no...shame on us for sending them out without more hit points

[John] Oh I gave Khan a very nice magic item

[Beth] ::remembers the last time she encountered a spectre::

[Christy] oh, except for the "Paul pager" which we didn't answer right away

[Christy] and they were too stupid to use anyway

[BOB (to Fritz only)] it went for a couple of rounds, no way for you to get by the fight at the entrnace, sorry, if they had not slamed the door shut maybe

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Shhhh don't blame Paul...for ignoring his page...Of course if he was a doctor and ignored it he would have to suffer losing his license etc....

[BOB] chuckles

[BOB] so the group is here three days later

[BOB] to try and recover their friends

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Holy Shit....3 days

[BOB] how many links on each necklace Kylia?

[BOB] are you giving out?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] :: looks around :: Me?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] I don't have them ...they were claimed by someone else all the way up there ::points ::

[BOB] it was your artisan master smith

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Damn....No wonder they are dead...took Dr. Paul forever to get his team together...Remind me NOT to come to you if I am sick

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] So you will have to square it away with him

[BOB] they brought back that metal from the Mist Wars

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] Nope...not involved in this discussion please don't put me there

[BOB] seriously it is from way back then, Mike just remembered you have it sitting in Roadhaven

[Antarias (mikE)] =D

[BOB] all 388 links are done

[Christy] well I am not going anywhere near those spectres without protection if we have it

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((yay Mike!))

[BOB] you get to divy them up as you wish

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] Then divy them up

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] I don't care..make sure everyone has one

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Gotta have protection..."No Glove, No Love"

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] :: shrugs ::

[Vicki] ((*snickers*))

[Antarias (mikE)] okay. everyone, have one.

[Antarias (mikE)] i'll take the rest. mwahahahaha

[Christy] so each link protects from 1 level drain?

[Vicki] ((Are we fighting spectres or doing something else?))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] How many of us are there?

[Moirra (Kaz)] From one attempt, Christy

[Antarias (mikE)] okay, each link protects from one level worth of drain

[Vicki] looks like 12

[Antarias (mikE)] so each spectre hit is going to remove two links

[Moirra (Kaz)] I counted 12 , but could have missed

[Antarias (mikE)] let's say we make necklaces of 20?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] 388 divided by 12 is how much?

[Moirra (Kaz)] about 30, Fritz

[Christy] I am so not in the mood to get level drained

[Tori (Vicki)] 32.3333333

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] <---- Language major

[BOB] lol

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] <--- doesn't care about math

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((lol))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] so 30 per person...

[Sebrina (Barb)] math major

[Christy] criminal justice here

[Christy] I use a calculator for everything

[Moirra (Kaz)] and I can Protect vs. Evil for four people

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] ((honestly, I can't decide which I loathe more, complicated math where it isn't needed or rules debates -- both make me want to cry ))

[Beth] Psych :)

[Moirra (Kaz)] anyone who wants it, speak up

[Christy] Hans too

[Christy] gimme gimme gimme

[Beth] speaking

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((was working my tush off in an accounting office while you slackers were in college))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Dammit Lorie I'am a doctor not a math geek!!!!))((

[Antarias (mikE)] okay, so 30/necklace. when we get back, we'll turn them in so they can get re distributed next time

[John] me please, Paul and Kit

[Christy] turn in, my ass

[Antarias (mikE)] then you don't get one

[Antarias (mikE)] back of the line

[Christy] I'm never taking it off. ever

[Sebrina (Barb)] .... i'm the back of the line!!

[Antarias (mikE)] no soup for you

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] ((Okay, are we done squabbling over the necklaces so we can do something?))

[Beth] ::chuckles::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] ((I'm falling asleep ))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I am eating soup now

[BOB] going

[John] casting fly

[Antarias (mikE)] i'm contemplating making a night elf mowhawk

[BOB] so everyone is in the clearing there

[Christy] I can fly on my own

[Beth] I'm trying not to fall asleep

[BOB] how are you going to handle this after you open that trap door?

[Christy] ditto

[Moirra (Kaz)] casting Protection vs. Evil for Kira, Arilyn, and Moirra

[BOB] you are going in during the day right?

[BOB] Time of Day: 09:00 AM. Day 11 Trall ___ tre, Kye {Late Winter} 11th, 1259.

[Tori (Vicki)] of course

[Christy] umm...yes?

[Antarias (mikE)] yeah....

[John] Day

[Antarias (mikE)] not like when you sent us into that temple with the hounds

[Beth] brb

[BOB] Khan's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 16 (17) - Unharmed

[Beth] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] Ariella's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 21 (7) - Unharmed

[BOB] Chohen's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 14 (2) - Unharmed

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: character sheet imported.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Rave Starfire casts a spell against : Mirest's Starlit Sphere: Within 20' radius all sounds are hushed, no winds blow, all dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire, light and illusion spells are dispelled. All vision is aided by true sight. No undead will willingly enter or remain in the sphere's illumination. If passed through open flames it emits a soft music of muffled chimes that can be heard up to 110 feet away and that stills shriekers as well as fascinating most bards

[BOB] Mentor's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 9 (6) - Unharmed

[BOB (to Fritz only)] where is that spell from?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to BOB only)] not a spell...It is the magic item...That is just how KloOge does it when it is a magic item

[BOB] /friz ok

[Tori (Vicki)] ((*snicker*))

[Beth] I am back at the keyboard.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Beth and Christy, that's for 21 rounds))

[Beth] 21 rounds?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((protection from evil))

[Christy] cool thanks

[BOB] so you all have 30 links on

[Beth (to Kaz only)] sorry I keep having to run for the bathroom :(

[BOB] and the group of you have the protection from evil

[BOB] and then ?

[BOB] opening that trap door?

[Beth] ok, thank you :)

[Antarias (mikE)] i guess so.

[Moirra (Kaz) (to Beth only)] *HUG* I hope you're at least feeling better

[John] after I cast Fly

[Antarias (mikE)] big strong fighters down first?

[Antarias (mikE)] or are we sending the mages?

[BOB] who is opening

[BOB] and who is going down first

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Hey boss...stick close to me..

[John] Kit will open, Paul will follow Rave

[Tori (Vicki)] That means you Dwarf, you're a strong fighter

Christy has left the game on Fri Oct 03 22:16:56 EDT 2008

[Beth] Do I need to check for traps?

[John] Do you want a cloud now?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to Barb only)] you are my boss by the way

Hong Kong Phooey has left the game on Fri Oct 03 22:17:01 EDT 2008

[BOB] so Kit is going with

[BOB] then who does not have links?

[Moirra (Kaz)] I think everyone has links

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I will assist...

[BOB] that makes 13 people going

[Sebrina (Barb) (to Fritz only)] i was going to suggest you get in my backpack if you wanted to

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] in lifting...I have a strenght of 20

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to Barb only)] sounds like a plan

[Moirra (Kaz)] Does the trapdoor need to be held open?

[John] then it will stay behind without links

[Tori (Vicki)] that means all 12 of us must take off one link for Kit

[Beth] if 13 are going then we need to reapportion the links on the necklaces

Christy has joined the game on Fri Oct 03 22:18:16 EDT 2008

Christy is receiving the map Kamalotus's tower...

Christy has received the map Kamalotus's tower.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I hide on Sebrina's shoulder

[Antarias (mikE)] you can't quite just take a link off a necklace

[Moirra (Kaz)] No, Valgar or Rhys can stay behind

[BOB] not counting Valgar

[BOB] he is 14

[BOB] but is a round behind righ tnow

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I have the sphere out so affectively I am no longer invisible but I will try and hide in the shadow of her shoulder and hair....Hehehehe

[Moirra (Kaz)] Only counting 12 avs

[BOB] I just added Kit

[Antarias (mikE)] i bet kylia's cleavage would be a better hiding spot

[Moirra (Kaz)] So, Valgar and Rhys can both stay behind, guarding against someone closing the trapdoor while we are all in there.

[BOB] ok

[Antarias (mikE)] no cloudkill?

[BOB] so they do not have any links

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] I bet my boot would be better up your rear

[BOB] who is down the ladder first?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] I vote the smart ass

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] i give them 5 links each bob and go down with 20

[Tori (Vicki)] Anterias

[John] can we look first?

[Antarias (mikE)] i vote the cloud kill

[Antarias (mikE)] i thought that was the plan...

[John] drop a contunal light

[BOB] you can open the trap door

[Antarias (mikE)] but when do we ever stick to our plans?

[BOB] Rave does that

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Cloud kill wont work

[John] I drop a continual light rock and look

[BOB] Paul?

[Antarias (mikE)] we're sure?

[Antarias (mikE)] then how about a couple fireballs?

[John] what do I see

[BOB] who?

[BOB] paul or kit?

[Christy] we need one of those bomb robots that you can send in to look around

[John] Paul drops a continual lite rock

[John] do I see anything

[BOB] you see the floor there the ladder going down

[John] how far down is it

[BOB] nothing else, no bodies etc

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Remember that within 20 foot radius of me is true seeing..

[BOB] The shaft descends down thirty feet ending in a tunnel that continues of to the west. This corridor is roughly eight feet high and opens into forbidding chamber.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] For everyone

[Antarias (mikE)] wish i had an eye of kilrog

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Boss I guess we need to go down with Paul so that the circle of protection follow him

[Sebrina (Barb)] down we go then

[John] I have not moved yet, if Sabrina climbing?

[Sebrina (Barb) (to BOB only)] i'm searching for traps as we go

[Beth] What about my unseen helper?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Any wizards have dismiss?

[BOB (to Barb only)] you moving past Paul (john) to go down the ladder? or waiting for him to go first?

[Christy] don't even know what that is

[Christy] so I'm going with no

[Sebrina (Barb) (to BOB only)] he can be first, but i'm close behind

[Moirra (Kaz)] 5th level spell - sends them back to the Negative Plane

[Antarias (mikE)] i do

[BOB] so Sebrina is waiting for Paul to take the first steps

[John] i fly down 20'

[Antarias (mikE)] i dual classed

[BOB] ok

[BOB] Paul Elvenstire moved 1'09".

[BOB (to GM only)] Chohen moved 5'08".

[Sebrina (Barb)] rave and i are close behind paul

[Christy] whoo-hoo! Someone knows! I'm always looking for good spells!

[Moirra (Kaz) (to mikE only)] they do get a saving throw against it, but if it works, they should be gone.

[John] want to see into the room before I cast

[Antarias (mikE) (to Kaz only)] i don't really. i'm a fighter

[Christy] I guess we all go, huh?

[BOB] Sebrina moved 1'03".

[Antarias (mikE)] or the two flyers can go down and back up quick

[BOB] Rave Starfire moved 19'10".

[Moirra (Kaz) (to mikE only)] LOL! You're such a brat. :D

[Antarias (mikE)] one round worth of movement for them

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] remember John you have true seeing for 20 foot raDIUS

[Antarias (mikE)] paul and rave fly down, look aorund, fly back up

[Antarias (mikE)] THEN we decide about going down order

[Christy] I can fly too

[BOB] so the three of you are on the ladder or at least in that hallway

John is receiving the map Basement of Tower...

John has received the map Basement of Tower.

[BOB] you do not see anything

Fritz is receiving the map Basement of Tower...

Fritz has received the map Basement of Tower.

[BOB] The shaft descends down thirty feet ending in a tunnel that continues of to the west. This corridor is roughly eight feet high and opens into forbidding chamber.

[BOB] The ceiling of this chamber extends upwards to twenty feet. The north and west walls are hung with large magnificent tapestries. In the southwest corner a few trunks and chests have been pushed together next to a table that holds a crystal ball that seems to have a faintly glowing image in it.

[BOB] A large blue griffon in flight is worked in vivid colors, with eight stars surrounding it.

[BOB] This scene shows a small keep on a mountainside. It has a glowing nimbus around it, and is nestled between two peaks. Above this scene is a sun in eclipse radiating light.

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Rave should be on Paul's shoulder))

[Christy] is Rave that small??

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Rave is a pixie))

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((He's a pixie))

[John] does the floor look like it has lots of cracks?

[BOB] yes

[Christy] (oh, how cute!)

[John] are these 5' squares?

[BOB] use the measuring tool if you want to know how far soemthign is

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Cute? You haven't hung out with him. He's not Cute, trust me.))

[BOB] never trust squares on a map


[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] To Moirra

[Sebrina (Barb) (to BOB only)] can i get the map?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Yeah, raspberries to you, too, buddy))

[Antarias (mikE)] i think cute is one of the last words i'd think of when i thought of fritz...

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((It was a COMPLIMENT))

[BOB (to Barb only)] just double click on sebrina

[Antarias (mikE)] though i suppose his wife would have a different opinion

Barb is receiving the map Basement of Tower...

Barb has received the map Basement of Tower.

[Christy] she meant that Rave was tough not cute

[Tori (Vicki)] I have issues with that darned pixie showing up where he pleases and frightening me because he likes to sneak up as he fys

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((Ahhh true ))

[John] i am casting Rave

[Tori (Vicki)] flies*

[Christy] well, if Paul gets a pixie, I want one too. where can I get my own pixie?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] what are you casting Paul...lets move forward

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] We are still protected by my sphere

[Antarias (mikE)] i can hand out pixies

[Antarias (mikE)] put them in a jar and when you die they raise you

[Antarias (mikE)] or is that faries...

[John] what ever you say

[Antarias (mikE)] damn

[John] ::floats forward::

[Christy] hey that;s fairies in zelda

[Antarias (mikE)] yay. someone is nerdy enough to get it.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((I am not a fagget fairy))

[Antarias (mikE)] you rock

[Sebrina (Barb)] following behind

[John] how high is the celilin in the middle?

[Christy] I love zelda

[BOB] slightly taller about 12 feet or so

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((You know they killed Fritz don't you?))

[Christy] it's only the best game ever

[Antarias (mikE)] with a stick?

[BOB] Paul Elvenstire moved 13'04".

[BOB] Sebrina moved 11'06".

[BOB] Rave Starfire moved 11'08".

[BOB] anyone else moving down the ladder?

[Tori (Vicki)] Anterias should

[John] kit is not

[Antarias (mikE)] uh huh. volunteer your own character

[Christy] I'll go.

[Antarias (mikE)] i'm waiting for the recon to come back

[BOB] Arilyn moved 1'01".

[Tori (Vicki)] you said big STRONG fighters should go first

[BOB] Time of Day: 09:15 AM. Day 11 Trall ___ tre, Kye {Late Winter} 11th, 1259.

[Tori (Vicki)] dwarves are strong fighters

[Antarias (mikE)] so we getting a report back?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to BOB only)] I make a potion while we ares standing here in a vial with a stopper and hand it to Sebrina....I tell her "If I shout 'DRINK" Guzzle this STAT"

[BOB] /fritz

[Moirra (Kaz)] Also waiting, close to the entrance

[John] nothing yet, too quiet

[BOB (to Fritz only)] ok

[Antarias (mikE)] so you want we should go down?

[Antarias (mikE)] we know they'll appear eventually

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I hand Sebrina a potion..."If I shout 'DRINK" Guzzle this STAT"

[John] ask Rave our fearless leader

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to Barb only)] it is a potion of undead control

[Tori (Vicki)] ::goes down after Rave and Sebrina::

[Sebrina (Barb)] will do.

[BOB] Arilyn moved 3'05".

[John] can I cast now Rave? Please?

Vicki is receiving the map Basement of Tower...

Vicki has received the map Basement of Tower.

[Antarias (mikE)] pft. if paul's casting i'm so not going down.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to BOB only)] it is a potion of undead control page 895

[Antarias (mikE)] last time someone was down with paul in a tunnel he let a fireball go...

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] what are you casting Sir Paul?

[Christy] well let's hope he's not casting the cloud kill on us.

[John] well I was going to cast Cloud Kill like the plan called for, but now maybe I was thinking Divination rod to look or spectors

[Christy] that sound sgood

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I would suggest the latter because I seriously doubt cloud kill would work.

[Christy] but I'll bet it would work on us so let's not do the cloud kill thing just yet

[John (to GM only)] Character sheet for modified: Spells - CHANGED: Divination Rod -- Expression: "Where is that thing" (Where is that thing), CHANGED: Wall of Stone -- Expression: See my new wall (I make a permanent stone wall which is {$L/4} inches thick and {$L*20} square feet.), CHANGED: Wall of Stone -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[John] Paul Elvenstire casts a spell against : Divination Rod: Where is that thing

[John] my stikc should be pointting to the nearest spector

[John] go ahead and laugh

[BOB] the crack right under you Paul

[Christy] sorry, could you hear me?

[Tori (Vicki)] ((at what, John?))

[BOB] Combat has begun!


[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Those above 6th level (or 6 Hit Dice) must leave the cloud immediately or suffer 1d10 points of poison damage each round while in the area of effect. Is the description of it won't work on undead....I guess it is a small stick

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((laughs, to make John feel better))

[Tori (Vicki)] Tori: Initiative: (d10+10++0) [1d10=3] 13

[BOB (to GM only)] Khan: Initiative: (d10+10+-4) [1d10=3] 9

[BOB (to GM only)] Spectre Troll #5: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[BOB (to GM only)] Spectre Troll #6: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=9] 19

[BOB (to GM only)] Chohen: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=7] 17

[BOB (to GM only)] Spectre Troll #5, Khan, Spectre Troll #6 and Chohen moved 10'09".

[Antarias (mikE)] Antarias: Initiative: (d10+10+-1) [1d10=3] 12

[John] Paul Elvenstire: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=1] 11

[BOB (to GM only)] Chohen moved 2'07".

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Initiative Bob?

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn: Initiative: (d10+10++0) [1d10=10] 20

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] Kylia Wolfslayer: Initiative: (d10+10++0) [1d10=4] 14

[Moirra (Kaz)] Moirra: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=5] 15

[BOB] and anyone else can roll Inititive also

[Sebrina (Barb) (to BOB only)] ??

[BOB] right now only the group down blow is involved

[BOB] Paul Rave Sebrina ARilyn and Tori


[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: Combat - Initiative {not sure why this is here}: (INIT) : CHANGED: 0+(-$RA) (+10+$RA). Initiative (modifier): (INIT) : CHANGED: 0+(-$RA) (+10+$RA).

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Rave Starfire: Initiative: (d100+(-+2)) [1d100=58] 56

[John] you sure we are protected Rave?

[Arilyn (Christy)] eak

[Tori (Vicki)] ((what the?))

[BOB] why did you change anything fritz?

[BOB] it was right

[BOB] I spent time going through every sheet

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] NO IT WASN"T

[John] 56 int?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I know you had me at a +12 initiative

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: Combat - Initiative {not sure why this is here}: (INIT) : CHANGED: (-$RA) (0+(-$RA)).

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: Combat - Initiative (modifier): (INIT) : CHANGED: (-$RA) (0+(-$RA)).

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Rave Starfire: Initiative: (d10(-+2)) [1d10=4] 2

[BOB] INIT: 2 GOING: Rave Starfire

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Question number 1- you remember the circle of protction i have up correct?

[BOB] yes

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ok then

[Fritz] Sebrina targets Khan. Distance: 3'00"

[Fritz] Rave Starfire targets Khan. Distance: 20'00"

[BOB] and remember that any attack breaks a protection circle

[John] physical?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] It isn't a protection circle read the description

[Fritz] Sebrina no longer targets Khan.

[Moirra (Kaz) (to Christy only)] their attacks on you suffer a -2 penalty, and your saving throws against them get a +2 bonus.

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Bob, now I can do my own targeting and such))

[Arilyn (Christy) (to Kaz only)] thank you

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to BOB only)] it isn't a "protection circle"

[John] yea

[BOB] yes to Fritz, not willing remain, but if you force them into it

[BOB] they have no choice

[Arilyn (Christy)] any way we can pick this up next week? I can hardly keep my eyes open.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] They will flee the says so

[Antarias (mikE)] yeah. that sounds good

[BOB] they can't

[BOB] you used it to pin them down

[Antarias (mikE)] fritz and bob can hash out the protection thing

[Moirra (Kaz) (to BOB only)] are spectres considered extraplanar creatures? Or merely undead?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I agree

[Antarias (mikE)] and we can fight next week

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Mike

[Arilyn (Christy)] Mike for President

[Antarias (mikE)] woo

[BOB] does not preclude them from attacking

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] Then I'm going to bed

[Beth] Agree too

[Antarias (mikE)] a vote for me is a vote for my wang

[BOB] and spectres are only undead Kaz

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie :O))] I'm exhausted... you guys debate the technicalities

[Beth] nini all :)

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Bob I will give you a chance to reread the item.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Let's call it a night

[Arilyn (Christy)] uh, I'm not signing up for any wang

[Beth] g'night, Lorie

[Antarias (mikE)] night guys

Lorie :O) has left the game on Fri Oct 03 22:48:48 EDT 2008

[Tori (Vicki)] night night

mikE has left the game on Fri Oct 03 22:48:49 EDT 2008

[Arilyn (Christy)] night all!

[Moirra (Kaz)] thank you Bob

Christy has left the game on Fri Oct 03 22:48:55 EDT 2008

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Night

Beth has left the game on Fri Oct 03 22:48:58 EDT 2008

[BOB] [Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Rave Starfire casts a spell against : Mirest's Starlit Sphere: Within 20' radius all sounds are hushed, no winds blow, all dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire, light and illusion spells are dispelled. All vision is aided by true sight. No undead will willingly enter or remain in the sphere's illumination. If passed through open flames it emits a soft music of muffled chimes that can be heard up to 110 feet away and that stills shriekers as well as fascinating most bards

[John] that was a quick bale

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Night Lorie))

[BOB] they will not willing remain

[BOB] they want to flee

[BOB] the only way to flee is to go through you

[BOB] as you are standing on top of the way in and out for them

[Moirra (Kaz)] Wow, I got auto-paused and missed everyone leaving. :(

[Vicki] I'm still here

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] aren't they incorporeal creatures?

[John] no

[Moirra (Kaz)] I was referring to the people that left

[Fritz] Spectres are

[Vicki] oh

[Fritz] They are considered incorporeal undead

[BOB] semi transparent

[Moirra (Kaz)] They are semitransparent. That sounds incorporeal to me

[John] i thought bob sai earlier they had bodies?

[BOB] they are not mist

[John] dust in the wind?

[BOB] they act like ghosts

[Kaz] They are semi-transparent beings that retain the semblance of their former selves

[BOB] so they are part of the material plane

[Kaz] But they exist primarily on the Negative Material plane

[BOB] not like vampires that can disapate adn reform somewhere else

[John] either way, they can flee, according to the spell they will

[John] if they can fit in cracks in the floor they can fit between two people

[Kaz] This is from the 2nd Ed Monstrous Compendium: Spectres exist primarily on the Negative Material plane and can therefore be attached by beings on the prime Material plane only with magical weapons

[John] it is not s force bubble

[Fritz] Spectres exist primarily on the Negative Material Plane and can therefore be attacked by beings on the Prime Material Plane only with magical weapons.

[BOB] but they have to come up through your group to be able to flee

[John] only Khan has anyone between him and the darkness

[Vicki] *snicker* Kaz already posted that

[BOB] there is no darkness there

[Kaz] aww Fritz, we were typing together. :)

[Fritz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: Notes - Natural AC:: CHANGED: [Ljava.lang.Object;@16f680d (5). Armor Bonus:: CHANGED: [Ljava.lang.Object;@11842bb (3). Shield Bonus:: CHANGED: [Ljava.lang.Object;@1c52c95 (null).

[Fritz] :)

[BOB] from Paul to the back corner is only 40 something feet

[BOB] this place is not that big

Kaz is receiving the map Basement of Tower...

Kaz has received the map Basement of Tower.

[John] they do not know about the secret dor tehm?

[BOB] chuckles

[Fritz] Also if we attack it won't dispell the magic item

[John] that seems clear

[BOB] that is correct Fritz

[Fritz] Not only that but as we were moving into the room they were within the 20 foot radius and would have begun to flee immediately not when we got on top of them

[BOB] the only way to flee is the way they tried to

[BOB] you came down

[BOB] and stopped right there

[BOB] they were hiding

[BOB] not attacking

[BOB] not doing anything

[Fritz] I thought we went down then moved forward

[BOB] until you started casting on them

[John] so why wouldn't they still be hiding?

[Fritz] Plus we have true seeing and would have noticed them there as soon as we began to move forward since we know they come up from the floor in the first place

[BOB] to get away from you casting on them

[Fritz] Who is casting?

[Fritz] on them

[BOB] true seeing does not let you see through the rock of the floor

[BOB] you saw them as soon as they came out

[BOB] Paul cast when standing right on top of them

[Fritz] As soon as we walked forward they would have fled the cracks Bob...

[Fritz] Like rats leaving a flooding ship

[BOB] they couldn't

[John] good night

[John] see you all next week

[Vicki] night night John

[BOB] the cracks are one maybe two strides away from the ladder

[BOB] night john

[Fritz] Buh Bye JOhn

[Barb] night john

John has left the game on Fri Oct 03 23:01:13 EDT 2008

[BOB] you moved down, moved forward, cast

[BOB] they came out to flee

[BOB] we rolled INit

[BOB] adn then stopped to discuss things

[Fritz] Ok.

[Vicki] night I gotta go

Vicki has left the game on Fri Oct 03 23:02:18 EDT 2008

[Fritz] Well next week hopefully will be more exciting...Anyway we are still protected if we get drained. and I still have a trick up my sleeve. Muhahhahahahaa

[BOB] smile

[BOB] just hope people are ready to move

[Fritz] Also a question Bob...

[BOB] sure Fritz

[Barb] we can always cound on a trick on two

[Barb] damn... can't type

[Fritz] A normal spectre has to make a save vs raise dead...if they fail the save then they are destroyed. If they make the save they are raised and that would include elven spectres as well?

[Kaz] Bob, who exactly succumbed to the spectres?

[BOB] Taurus Ariella Mentor Val, Kahn an dChohen

Barb has left the game on Fri Oct 03 23:05:21 EDT 2008

Kaz has left the game on Fri Oct 03 23:05:22 EDT 2008

[BOB] if they make the save versus Raise Dead then they are not destroyed

[BOB] if they fail the save they are destroyed

Fritz has left the game on Fri Oct 03 23:05:46 EDT 2008

[BOB] they are still spectres

Fritz1 has joined the game on Fri Oct 03 23:06:08 EDT 2008

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Oct 03 23:06:47 EDT 2008

Fritz1 is receiving the map Basement of Tower...

Fritz1 has received the map Basement of Tower.

[Fritz1] if they make the save they are raised? Do they save as the original character or as the new monster?

[BOB] save as teh new monster

[BOB] 7th level

[BOB] once they make the full transformation

Kaz is receiving the map Basement of Tower...

Kaz has received the map Basement of Tower.

[BOB] the ones that are there now

[BOB] I think will be weaker

[BOB] takes time to build up to that level

[Fritz1] Ok I think I know what to do to save the team .... although it will take time

[BOB] can't take too long

[BOB] you are already 3 days later than expected

[BOB] on the original reason you came here

[BOB] to get help from Kamalotus for the elves

[BOB] and help change that Blue Griffon back

[BOB] by the way I did think that John did an excellent job roleplaying that

[Fritz1] You said they are semi transparent rather than will be able to cut a piece of them off correct? Crap that is right....they may be less likely to raise as time goes on as well? OH yea does Rave know about that?

[BOB] of landing there and asking where the orcs where

[Fritz1] Oh I am certain...I wish I had been here

[Kaz] FritzFritz, we have a Wish

[BOB] Rave has no idea what is really happening

[Fritz1] LOL

[BOB] except that party members were turned into Spectres

[BOB] adn paul grabbed everyone to come rescue them

[Fritz1] I know I can save one person today if I get a raise dead spell cast on them...the question is should I save Mentor or Val'Iant?

[Kaz] I think if we word it right, we can save all of them, probbablywithout even killing all these spectres (although we should)

[Fritz1] Will a magic rope bind the spectres is another question?

[BOB] one way to find out

[BOB] grins

[Fritz1] LOL

[BOB] next week will be good to move faster though

[BOB] discuss options on the site during the week

[Fritz1] Do we see any bodies or when they are spectrized does the body become a spectre?

[BOB] you two Mike adn John are all paying attention there

[BOB] no bodies

[BOB] the physical form changes

[BOB] part of what slowed thsi down

[BOB] was almost everyone waiting on one person

[BOB] if we make sure that the key people are ready and move forward

[BOB] the rest will be fine

[Fritz1] Ok...who ME? Awe ain't that special

[Fritz1] Sorry I was delayed at the hospital

[BOB] was thinking John near the end actually

[Fritz1] Shouldn't happen next week...(I hope)

[BOB] he went down teh ladder

[BOB] and waited ten minutes of real time to move

[BOB] no one else could do anything

[Kaz] Tell 'em all to wait until Saturday, Fritz.

[BOB] he was waiting for othes to be caught up

[BOB] rather than just moving forward

[Fritz1] Ahhh yeah. I will Kaz..."OK you sickos don't bother me until Saturday you hear?!"

[BOB] Kaz knows what is going on

[BOB] if there is a leader or two

[Kaz] Exacltly That's telling 'em.

[BOB] she can help facilitate what is happenign to others

[BOB] this really should have been finished tonight

[BOB] less than 1,000 square feet or so, one real room

[Fritz1] HAH Bob as chicken shit as this group can be? You must be kidding!!!!

[BOB] no way you can be harmed

[BOB] wel at least drained

[BOB] people need to just move sometimes

[Fritz1] That's why I am here!!!! I bring the Whip!!!

[Kaz] Yeah, Rhys "just moved"

[Kaz] didn't do him much good, lol

[BOB] grins, he did not get spectre-ized at least

[Kaz] Okay, I'm off. Good night Bob, good night Whip Boy

[BOB] night guys

[Kaz] /p No kidding!!!

[Fritz1] "Cool Whip" that is...Cause I am just like that..."COOL"

[BOB] groans

[Fritz1] Night

[Kaz] Hey! I just talked to my party in WoW. Scary.

[Fritz1] Oh next week Ventrillo

[Fritz1] My mic should be charged

[BOB] see you

[Kaz] cool, I'll hook mine up. Bye!

Kaz has left the game on Fri Oct 03 23:22:17 EDT 2008

[Fritz1] Bye

Fritz1 has left the game on Fri Oct 03 23:22:26 EDT 2008