Main / Oct1609

Oct 16 09 - Trade Wars

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Oct 16 18:27:58 EDT 2009 ====

[BOB] getting food and drinks ready here, then will be back up

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

Kaz] has joined the game on Fri Oct 16 18:35:54 EDT 2009

Kaz] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

Kaz] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] Hello there !

[BOB] how are you tonight

[Kaz] Hey Bob

[Kaz] Doing well, how are you?

[BOB] the first week at the new job was good

[BOB] they seem to like me

[Kaz] Good!

[BOB] the actual job is easy

[Kaz] I'm glad, but too bad the job is easy.

[BOB] I did not mess up things badly, grins

[Kaz] No challenge = bored Bob :D

[BOB] grins

[BOB] as long as I have access to a computer

[BOB] I can put my energies to good use

[Kaz] hehe

[BOB] no Mike tonight

[BOB] what is the expectation for Guy?

[BOB] brb

[Kaz] I have to pick him up at 7

[BOB] ok

[BOB] no clue on John

[BOB] or Beth

[BOB] or Fritz

[BOB] the three problem characters to solve

[BOB] wry grin

[BOB] Survey results are posted by teh way


[BOB] so you can see what everyone actually said

[BOB] the players comments are not there

[BOB] still working on that part

[Kaz] Okay, whomever is here (Me and Lorie?) will figure out what we can

[BOB] if it is just you you can move thigns really really fast!

[BOB] did you see Mike's comment yesterday on the boards?

[BOB] and your XP is updated

[BOB] so you should check about levels etc

[BOB] and just in general how has life been for you?

[Kaz] ohh, well.

[Kaz] I did see Mike's comment on the boards, and I agree that we need to not rush into the fray.

[Kaz] I'll check out my exp, but I don't see it affecting Moirra much right now, since she just leveled recently.

[Kaz] Life is good, but this room is COLD!!! :D

[Kaz] I'm checking out the survey results

[BOB] ok

[BOB] I am up and down waiting for my pizza to come out of the oven

[BOB] no mike = cheap frozen pizza instead of good delivery pizza

[BOB] and when you are looking at those results tell me if you think I am way off on my conclusions

[Kaz] aww

[Kaz] I'd share a good delivery pizza with you if I could

[BOB] grins

[BOB] I could have made my own

[BOB] but had to stop at the store on Wed to have it ready for today and I forgot to

[BOB] and just double checked the XP for you Moirra is not close Rhys is only away from the next level

[Kaz] Again?

[Kaz] I haven't even settled his training and stuff from last time he leveled.

[BOB] grins

[BOB] we will have that all solved for you tonight then

[BOB] lay out the stuff on the calendar so you know exactly what and when

[Kaz] okay

[BOB] what did you think of the surveys?

[Kaz] There's a Dragonslayers store in Cafe press?

[BOB] grins

[BOB] yeap

[BOB] on the Image Sharing page

[BOB] links to all the different off site things

[BOB] I should rename that sectin

[BOB] any inspiration for me?

[BOB] and I need to add the WoW things there too

[Kaz] hrm

Player] has joined the game on Fri Oct 16 19:00:11 EDT 2009

Player] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

Player] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[Kaz] Seriously, Bob? A Dragonslayer THONG?

[Kaz] LMAO

[BOB] grins

[Kaz] Hello Player

[BOB] you never know

[BOB] Marco has the messenger bag

[BOB] I have a clock around here somewhere

[BOB] I bet Guy could find something there he likes *wink*

[BOB] and hello Player

[BOB] chuckles

[BOB] or It's You!

[Kaz] It is not You! It's Me!

[It's me!] e

[Kaz] :D

[It's me!] Okay... let's try again

[BOB] Kaz has a great idea for a new shirt in the DS store

[BOB] Dragonslayers - Killing off guides sense 1249 TGR

[Kaz] (since)

[BOB] actually that should be 1232

[BOB] and since is also much more correct

[Kaz] So Bob, we never really found out if our first set of Underdark guides made it safely home.

[BOB] yes they did make it home

[Kaz] Please, indulge my curiosity.

[BOB] just so you know

[Kaz] YAY!

[Kaz] So, how are you tonight, Lorie?

[It's me!] Cold

[BOB] ] Pending XP award: 500.

[BOB] ] Pending XP award: 500.

[It's me!] it's freezing here

[BOB] ] XP award: 500. Next level in 99335.

[BOB] ] XP award: 500. Next level in 157502.

[Kaz] me, too!

Kaz] builds a fire and huddles upt to it

[It's me!] It's 39 ATM HOWEVER... State College has 4 1/2 inches of snow

[BOB] we are going up to Wekiwa Springs tomorrow

[It's me!] Erie has 3

[BOB] canoeing and bicycling with Julie and Robert and the Kids

[It's me!] very nice

[BOB] and surprising Nyrma by camping on Saturday

[BOB] women like surprises like that right? :P

[It's me!] uh huh

[It's me!] yup


john2] has joined the game on Fri Oct 16 19:13:46 EDT 2009

john2] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

john2] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[BOB] link to the surveys for Lorie and John

[BOB] full results posted

[BOB] except the Players comments

[Kaz] Hi John

[It's me!] I did read those

[It's me!] DS Bullshit ? I'm curious who posted that comment

[It's me!] seemed a bit harsh

[john2] hello all

[It's me!] Hey there John

[BOB] I really do not know

[BOB] I had them annonymous for htat reason

[BOB] so people could speak up

[It's me!] true

[It's me!] that just seemed very harsh

[It's me!] :: shrugs :: glad someone spoke their mind though

[BOB] nods

[BOB] I have good info

[BOB] was good to see from everyone

[john2] should I roll for the magic items?

[BOB] yes please john

[john2] ring, crystal, scroll, ring amulet

[john2] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=18] 18

[john2] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=4] 4

[john2] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=10] 10

[john2] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=7] 7

[john2] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=20] 20

[john2] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=10] 10

[john2] scrol scrol beads

[john2] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=1] 1

[john2] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=12] 12

[john2] gems

[john2] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=12] 12

[john2] sword

[john2] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=7] 7

[john2] it is a +3/+5 sword if it helps

[BOB] so that is a save fail fail save (ring) save (amulet)

[BOB] fail fail

[BOB] then I need a roll for the beads

[BOB] gem and sword saves

[john2] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=20] 20

[BOB] there you go that is a save

[BOB] and now about Paul himself

[john2] how long has he been dead?

[BOB] what options did you want

[BOB] he was dead over a week

[john2] If I do not loose xp i want a wizard to cast reincarnation

[john2] so can Kylia pool us to Gelager?

[BOB] I can not find any reference to the difference of losing the XP, it seems that you are at half either way

[It's me!] Yes...

[john2] then if Kylia can not bring me back, Paul stays dead

[BOB] Rob says hi everyone, on the phone with him

[BOB] and so if Paul is dead

[BOB] then you want to just go with the new character totally John?

[BOB] and what about the Protectorate

[john2] I hope Brad continues his mission

[john2] he gets the sword, Khan the rings and misc magic

[Kaz] I thought a reincarnation didn't lose exp?

[Kaz] or am I just confused (again)

[BOB] I will check that, do you remember John or Lorie?

[john2] there is no mention of loss on the wizard version

[It's me!] Ummm...I can't find my priest books or my spell list

[john2] the priest of Set came back , it sounded like he was full level

[It's me!] and the character sheet only goes to 6

[It's me!] If I have Protection and Healing don't I have something

[It's me!] and can I use Heal for Kira?

[BOB] after she is turned back to flesh

[BOB] she is stone right now

[john2 (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Consumable Magic Items - DELETED: scroll of Lower resistance, You feel your protection fading, 2, 1. DELETED: scroll of MO's Magic Missles, {5d4+15}, 2, 1. Equipment - CHANGED: Control Crystal for Dimentiona Pool -- Cost: destroyed (Given to Rave (will be returned)), CHANGED: Scroll of Effriti -- Cost: destroyed (Given to Mentor (will be returned)), CHANGED: Ring of Wizardry -- Cost: (Given to Val'Iant (will be returned)), DELETED: iron amulet of Neg Plane Protection, Given to Val' Iant (will be returned), null, from new necromancer.

[It's me!] I need help to find a spell list for Goibhniu

[It's me!] google is not helping

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so the ruling is no loss of XP from a Wizard

[BOB] becasue it could not even happen with a priest

[BOB] and the spells should be tehre Lorie

[BOB] will check that

[BOB] and you can thank Rob for the assist on that John

[john2] thank you Kaz

[BOB] in addition to Kaz

[john2] i will thank him in the noramal specail way

[It's me!] :: touches Paul ::

[Kaz] Normal special way, eh?

[john2] the way I always thank him, but it is kinda special

[BOB] ok brb then we can negociate the favor for Paul's reincarnate at Gelligaer

[BOB] who is going there to talk to them?

[It's me!] I want to cast regenerate first

[john2] do they take cash

[It's me!] can we trade invisible pixies?

[It's me!] ;)

[john2] Hey, Paul called dibs on that

[BOB] what is the regenerate for?

[BOB] Paul will be getting a reincarnate he gets a brand new healthy body

[Kaz] Moirra will accompany for Paul's reincarnation

[It's me!] :X

[Kaz] ?

[BOB] so Moirra and Kylia taking Paul?

[BOB] no one else going?

[It's me!] Would Pul want Kit there?

[It's me!] Paul

[john2] Khan will go

[john2] just in case

[john2] no time to get her

[BOB] chuckles

[BOB] you have to find a 12th level wizard to do this

[BOB] is up to you to figure out what you can offer them

[john2] isn't Gelagear the best place to find one, as far as Khan knows?

[BOB] yes

[BOB] well, outside of Woflspack

[BOB] or Terraguard

[BOB] but both have their drawbacks

[BOB] so Geligaer is a good place to start


[john2] sounds like a plan, will let the ladies do most of the talking


[BOB] good because the dead do not speak too clearly

[john2] Khan takes the extra troll heart, and Paul's things, and a credit card

[Kaz] Okay, so maybe Moirra won't accompany. Or will accompany silently.

[Kaz] I have to go get Guy

[Kaz] back in a half hour

[BOB] ok

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] John want to roll now? going with the idea that they will negociate something for you?

[john2] I had posted on line the ring of wizardry, seems more then enough

[BOB] it would seem so, if they offer that up

[BOB] will check the XP for that

[john2] i was going to roll my spell but Paul can't cast when dead

[john2] Maybe Kylia will make a +2 dagger in exchange

[john2] ] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=66] 66

[BOB] and another percentage please john

[BOB] trying out some "new" tables

[john2] HA

[BOB] from a Dragon Article

[john2] oh

[john2] thanks

[john2] ] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=65] 65

[john2] on my chart I would be human again

[BOB] and yes

[BOB] that would be a male human

[BOB] now an age please

[BOB] percent

[john2] ] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=49] 49

[BOB] amuzing

[BOB] 16

[john2] cute

[BOB] so a young precocious male wizard

[It's me!] Okay... I need to move computers. Kaz do you need to go get Guy?

[BOB] she left to do that Lor

[BOB] will be back in about a half hour

[BOB] and john you can roll stats if you like

[john2] 4d6?

[john2] x 3

[BOB] nods

[john2] ] Roll #1: (d6) [1d6=4] 4, Roll #2: (d6) [1d6=3] 3, Roll #3: (d6) [1d6=4] 4, Roll #4: (d6) [1d6=2] 2

[john2] ] Roll #1: (d6) [1d6=2] 2, Roll #2: (d6) [1d6=4] 4, Roll #3: (d6) [1d6=4] 4, Roll #4: (d6) [1d6=4] 4

[john2] ] Roll #1: (d6) [1d6=2] 2, Roll #2: (d6) [1d6=3] 3, Roll #3: (d6) [1d6=1] 1, Roll #4: (d6) [1d6=3] 3

[It's me!] see you in a few

It's me!] has left the game on Fri Oct 16 20:03:02 EDT 2009

[john2] 11,12,8

[BOB] ok

[BOB] you want a new character sheet to start off?

[john2] not much has changed, no need that I see

[BOB] ] For John #9 moved 184'09".

[BOB] in case you want it

[BOB] you can clean up the XP now

[john2] what is there to clean up?

[BOB] anything you want to clean up

[BOB] Human Wizard

[BOB] not much else to work out I suppose

[john2] i have to be a straight wizard? I can't keep it the way it is?

[BOB] let me re-read again, but I think you get the new class of wizard

[BOB] anything mental stays

[BOB] anything physical changes

[BOB] I am going to say that because you have to re-roll hit points etc that you are a straight wizard

[BOB] the spell seems to indicate you might not even be a wizard

[BOB] but I do not see any reason for that not to happen

[BOB] although I do have charts for all of that too, in creating the new characters

[BOB] but I want you to run what you want,

[BOB] and you like being the wizard

[john2] i did not know taht

[john2] is the xp up to date?

[BOB] yes

[john2] how do you want to handle the bonus xp for high scores?

[BOB] as of right now we have to remember to add that in manually

[john2] ok

[john2] waht is the date so I can have a new b-day

[john2] and make him not dead

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 09:00 AM. Day 16 Mid ___ tre, Sow {Late Spring} 16th, 1260.

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 53 (53) - Unharmed

[BOB] of course you have to re-roll those now

[john2] so the month is Sow

[BOB] mid sow tre would be the day

[BOB] one word three sylables

[john2] can you translate into numbers

[BOB] sure

Playingunderprotest] has joined the game on Fri Oct 16 20:15:42 EDT 2009

Playingunderprotest] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

Playingunderprotest] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[BOB] 16 - 2 - 1260 TGR

Hansie] has joined the game on Fri Oct 16 20:19:15 EDT 2009

Hansie] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

Hansie] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[BOB] Hello Hans

[Hansie (to BOB only)] Howdy

[Hansie (to john2 only)] hey, there

[john2] hello hans

[Playingunderprotest] sorry back

[Hansie (to Playingunderprotest only)] hello

[john2] hello pup

[Playingunderprotest (to Hansie only)] how are you doing?

[Hansie (to BOB only)] can I take a few mins to find out where we are?

[BOB] sure

[john2 (to Hansie only)] what is up

[john2 (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Ability Scores - DEX: (D) : CHANGED: 8 (12). AIM: (AI) : CHANGED: 8 (12). CON: (C) : CHANGED: 12 (13). Health: (HE) : CHANGED: 12 (11). Fitness: (FI) : CHANGED: 12 (15). Hit Point Adjust: (HPADJ) : CHANGED: null (+1). Notes - CHANGED. Personal Information - Age/Sex:: CHANGED: 16 (39/M).

[Hansie (to Playingunderprotest only)] good. just finished with some tasks for my project for the day. some ridiculous stuff, honestly.

[Hansie (to john2 only)] DISA, baby, DISA. They're killing me.

[Playingunderprotest (to Hansie only)] I'm a project manager, I can only imagine

[Hansie (to john2 only)] Literally, I'm sure.

[BOB] chuckles watching you talk under the covers

[Hansie (to Playingunderprotest only)] So you're not my favorite type of person at the moment.

[Hansie (to Playingunderprotest only)] :)

[Hansie (to BOB only)] come on, you love it, DM

[Playingunderprotest (to Hansie only)] :: laughs :: ask my data management team how I am ...I'm rather ruthless :: laughs :: Timeline, Timeline, Timeline

[Hansie (to Playingunderprotest only)] "Ruthless"? If they only knew...

[john2 (to Hansie only)] don't tell me anything that will get me on a watch list

[Hansie (to john2 only)] I'm not in to giving government secrets. One of the ways I do that is to know as *little* as possible when it comes to government secrets, of course...

[Playingunderprotest (to Hansie only)] I have probably one of the lowest project costs returns relative to hours... so management likes me.

[Hansie (to Playingunderprotest only)] I would expect no less. Heh heh heh.

[Hansie] Okay, I'm going to read up on the chat some. Be back in a couple mins.

[john2] we should be here

[john2] so do I just add the xp for the bonus or do you have to?

[BOB] I will

[BOB] just remind me to do it in teh future

[john2] will try

[john2 (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Personal Information - ExperienceC1:: CHANGED: null (250001). ExperienceC2:: CHANGED: 1668249 (1406248). Next LevelC1:: CHANGED: null (250001). Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: null (53). Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: null (53). Melee THAC0: (THAC0) : CHANGED: null (11). Misc. Attributes - Altitude:: CHANGED: null (45). Class Levels - Character Level: (L) : CHANGED: 14 (13). Warrior: (WARL) : CHANGED: null (9). Wizard: (WL) : CHANGED: 14 (13).

[john2] i need to train

[john2] and learn new spell level

[BOB] commit john

[BOB] so I can edite the sheet

[Hansie] I'm back. Think I'm mostly caught up. I also skimmed the survey (which I guess I failed to complete). I did *one* of the surveys, though. What is an example of "DS bullshit", I wonder?

[BOB] ] Pending XP award: 100000.

[Hansie (to BOB only)] not sure if/when Christy will logon. She's doing homework for one of her undergrad literature courses.

[BOB] ] XP award: 100000. Next level in 0.

Guy] has joined the game on Fri Oct 16 20:31:07 EDT 2009

Guy] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

Guy] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[john2] hey!

[BOB] and fixed now John

[BOB] and welcome Guy

[john2] tks

[BOB] and too bad for Christy

[Playingunderprotest] Evening Guy

[BOB] and everyone remember no game next week

[Hansie (to BOB only)] Yeah, she's taking that stuff seriously. I'll be glad when she starts (and then finishes) her graduate degree-

[john2 (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified:

[Playingunderprotest] There is a strong chance I won't be here the 30th

[Playingunderprotest] due to Halloween

[BOB] ok

[john2 (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Personal Information - ExperienceC2:: CHANGED: 1768249 (1668249). Next LevelC2:: CHANGED: 1875000 (1500000).

[Hansie] Right. I think we might be doing something then, too. But that's so far away...

[Playingunderprotest] well party on 30th

[Playingunderprotest] and trick or treating on the 31st

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[john2] ] Roll: ((10d2+4)) [10d2=2,2,1,1,1,2,2,1,1,1] 18

[Kaz] baaack

[Guy] hi all

[john2] wb

[Kaz] catching up

[Playingunderprotest] Hans joined

[Playingunderprotest]'re caught up

[Hansie] Rock on.

[Playingunderprotest] oh wait... Guy joined too

[BOB] what was that for John?

[Playingunderprotest] and I switched computers

[Hansie] "Welcome Back"?

[Playingunderprotest] :D

[BOB] and Paul is now a 16 year old human male wizard

[john2] hit pts

[john2] soory, not d2

[Playingunderprotest] oh brother :: facepalm ::

[BOB] you get d4

[BOB] grins

[Playingunderprotest] puberty, pimples and punk

[Playingunderprotest] lucky lucky Kylia [john2] horny as Kit

[BOB] worse because he might do Kit

[john2] ] Roll: ((10d4+4)) [10d4=3,2,2,1,1,3,3,4,1,3] 27

[BOB] and the mighty wizard with 27 hit points

[Playingunderprotest] :: points :: Gon is THAT way

[john2 (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 27 (null). Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 27 (null). Melee THAC0: (THAC0) : CHANGED: 16 (20).

[BOB] so Guy and Hans check your sheets for XP

[BOB] everything is updated

[BOB] Paul went up in level

[BOB] never know how close you are

[Kaz] oooooh, 27

[BOB] outside chance that even Kylia goes up in level by the end of Trade Wars

[john2] i I died twice when I had 54

[Hansie] Um, yeah, I just looked. I should be 9th level, BABY!!!!!!

[Hansie] And me, without a Player's Handbook...

[BOB] it is all on teh site

[BOB] chapter one

[john2 (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Saving Throws - Paralysis, Poison or Death:: CHANGED: 11 (8). Breath Weapon:: CHANGED: 11 (9).

[Playingunderprotest] I will be unpacking books this weekend

[Playingunderprotest] I have to organize my books

[Playingunderprotest] I hate this not being able to read things

[Hansie] Wait a sec, I think we got one somewhere. Those books online are impossible to read, Bob.

[BOB] no charts

[BOB] not books

[BOB] XP charts, proficiency charts etc

[BOB] but I have all the books right here too

[BOB] just in case

[Hansie (to BOB only)] I gotta go find Christy. I'll take a look at your stuff, too, but we've got a PHB around here, somewhere...

[Hansie] brb

[Hansie] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] so Kaz and Lorie

[john2] so first page is done

[BOB] ideas on what to do?

[BOB] everyone is gathered back in Roadhaven right now

[john2] what about proficeincies?

[BOB] quick access to Gon and Green Borough

[BOB] you can keep the same proficiencies and spells

[Guy] ugh only 53k more xp to actually lvl

[Kaz] Umm, have we taken care of Kira yet?

[BOB] so you will definately make that in the next adventure Guy

[BOB] and no to Kira

[BOB] and Rave

[john2] well like I can't use a sword, I still have proficency?

[BOB] you can use the sword if you have the proficiency

[john2] Paul needs to memorise the spell tomorrow

[Playingunderprotest] Kira needs stone to flesh

[john2] ok, then

[Playingunderprotest] What's the story on Rave...

[BOB] dead invisble pixy

[Kaz] I couldn't find Rave's Will

[Playingunderprotest] wasn't he invisibile and the person who could see him isn't here?

[BOB] you have him wrapped up in a cloak

[BOB] you have the body

[Kaz] Okay, we have the body and no Will?

[BOB] you can do the reincarnate if you want

[BOB] have to work out the deal for it

[BOB] with the wizards in Gelegaer

[Kaz] did Fritz say what he wanted?

[BOB] not that I remember

[BOB] and there is no Will on his sheet

[BOB] so it is really up to the group

[john2 (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[BOB] another good reason for everyone to update their sheets and their wills

[john2] i can reincarnate, no real deal

[john2] I was just updating my will

[BOB] there you go

[Kaz] I'm guilty of that... no will

[john2] no way

[BOB] hmmm I bet that Guy likes the fact you have no will to resist

[Hansie] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kaz] LOL

[Kaz] I didn't say no will to resist

[BOB] So John, is Paul going to do the reincarnate on Rave?

[john2] can i do it without him being here

[BOB] yes

[BOB] and when Fritz is here he can roll on the charts

[john2] thinking

[BOB] Liam and Moirra are all set for training?

[BOB] anything else for you two Kaz and Guy/

[BOB] Percy needs training?

[Kaz] Errrr... I have to find all the stuff I chose

[Kaz] And for Rhys, too

[BOB] and Kylia needs something with spells I just remembered looking now

[Hansie] Yes, I need training. I forgot how to do that.

[Guy] im pretty much set for now

[Hansie] I have 1 NW prof and 1 W prof with this level, plus a couple cool things (another HP roll, and -1 THAC0).

[Guy] other than wanting magical arrows

[Hansie] AND I get a 1st level clerical spell. Oh goody goody goody.

[Playingunderprotest] Kylia needs to add wizard spells I'm sure

[john2] we rulled if we use deep freeze we can bring back latter

[Hansie] Yeah, and you only need to freeze the head. Right?

[BOB] it looks like Kylia is up to date

[BOB] on Priest spells

[BOB] which ones did you think you were missing Lor?

[BOB] and Hans you can roll for HP now

[BOB] and subtract out the Thac0

[Hansie (to BOB only)] got it, Boss.

[BOB] I would just note the free slots

[Playingunderprotest] I think I'm missing a level

[BOB] until you decide what is happening now and how long you want to train

[Playingunderprotest] and I'd like to learn a few more of each level

[Hansie] ] Percival [1d10]: (1d10) [1d10=2] 2

[BOB] On the Priest side you look like you are complete

[Hansie] Um, could've done better, but I'll take it, baby!

[BOB] on the Wizard side not sure

[BOB] and Moirra and Liam

[Playingunderprotest] I think I'm missing a level of wizard

[john2] BOB, can you confrim that if Paul casts Deep Freeze on Rave, it will be like no time has past

[BOB] any ideas on how to proceed with investigating Blue Gill

[Playingunderprotest] and like I said, hoping for a few more at each level

[BOB] yes to John no time has past from this point forward if you do

[BOB] but if it is broken like last time then time restarts

[BOB] and he is more than 9 days dead right now

[BOB] so only a wizard can reincarnate him

[john2] no resurect even?

[BOB] if you find a priest willing to do that

[BOB] Father knows best was the adventure you went on for Percy for the last one

[john2] ok, so we have time I will cast that as soon as possible, can Kaz cast nap so I can cast it today?

[BOB] if she wants to

[Kaz] on Paul?

[Kaz] consider it cast

[BOB] the adult woman putting the teenage Paul down for a nap

[Kaz] You just HAD to go there, didn't you Bob

[BOB] grins

[Guy] as far as proceeding on the blue gill hunt we should really prepare for it

[john2] I am taller i bet

[Kaz] lol

[Hansie (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Percival modified: Saving Throws - Paralysis, Poison or Death:: CHANGED: 6-1 (8-1). Rod, Staff or Wand:: CHANGED: 8-1 (10-1). Petrification or Polymorph:: CHANGED: 7-1 (9-1). Breath Weapon:: CHANGED: 7-1 (10-1). Magical Spell:: CHANGED: 9-1 (11-1). Personal Information - Hit Dice:: CHANGED: 9 (8). Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 73 (68). Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 73 (68). Melee THAC0: (THAC0) : CHANGED: 12 (13).

[Kaz] I'm not taking that bet...

[john2] so I cast deep freese on Rave and stone to flesh on Kira

[john2] any other requests?

[Hansie (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Percival modified: Class Levels - Character Level: (L) : CHANGED: 9 (8).

[Kaz] Do you know 'Freebird'?

[BOB] and now Kylia can do the Heal on Kira


[john2] cute

[Guy] i hope the panthers win tonight lol

[john2] Well Paul is training first thing, he needs to find a spell for beter protection

[BOB] yes

[BOB] on both accounts

[Kaz] So, I've got a question for the group

[Hansie (to BOB only)] I would really like a quest for a holy sword and a mount, sir. I know we've got at least one player out there that doesn't care much for paladins, but I love 'em...

[Guy] umm pauls best protection is to not follow rave anymore lol

[BOB (to Hansie only)] no problem would be a good thing to introduce tonight, you can roleplay that with Kylia, etc how you now feel you have a new calling etc

[john2] gee thanks

[Kaz] Moirra started to learn the Underdark Signpost Language - to help us find our way. However, the lessons weren't completed and her teacher is dead. And we hope to not go to the Underdark anymore.

[Playingunderprotest] ((reading to Alyssa))

[Playingunderprotest] ((It's Frog and Toad time))

[john2] green hat blue hat

[Kaz] The question is, should I beg and plead and cry like a little girl to see if Bob will let me change it? I can do that crying thing pretty well.

[john2] opps

[Hansie (to BOB only)] I don't care about money. I don't care about stuff. I don't care about prestige. I don't care about any of that. I just want a holy sword and a really nice mount. Could just be a horse and I'm cool with that.

[john2] i thought if you did not finsih training you have to start all over

[Guy] john im impressed i didnt know you moved up to books with actual words lol

[Kaz] (of course, that may not work, he's a real hard-hearted son of a... I mean...)

[john2] smiles

[BOB (to Hansie only)] I will come up with a fun one, and a nice quest for a story arc after Trade Wars is over

[BOB (to Hansie only)] but you can get it started now

[BOB] and yes to Kaz

[BOB] I will let you drop that

[BOB] as you really only were a week into it

[BOB] so you have to start entirely over again

[BOB] but you can use that slot for somethign else

[Kaz] Well, I don't want to drop it if the group thinks we can use it, that's why I'm asking them

[BOB] as your teacher is dead

[BOB] again

[BOB] and again after that

[john2] is he in dwarf heaven or gnome heaven?

[Kaz] But thank you, I will drop it if that's the advice

[BOB] Dragonslayers - killing guides since 1232

[Kaz] :D

[john2] GiideSlayers

[Hansie (to BOB only)] I'll save my slots, then, until something comes along. When I get a holy sword, I might have to change my fighting style to just sword & shield. I don't think the holy sword will like me using another sword. It might think, "Aren't I good enough?" And we wouldn't want that.

[john2] so Paul can train himself in 7th level spells?

[BOB] yes to hans and john

[john2] with a wisdom of 12?

[Hansie (to BOB only)] So Lady Kylia is back?

[BOB] just takes 7 weeks John

[BOB] and yes to Hans

[Hansie (to BOB only)] I thought we lost her.

[Hansie (to BOB only)] I'm glad we didn't lose her.

[BOB] so advice to Kaz on the Underdark Language?

[BOB] keep or drop?

[john2] drop

[john2] signature spell

[BOB] you can still have that John

[john2] i was sugesting that to Kaz

[BOB] oh

[BOB] sorry

[Kaz] Oh? What type?

[Hansie] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] do priest get signature spells?

[Percival (Hansie)] ::before it gets too late::

[john2] I was just thinking I could be wrong

[BOB] I htink you are

[BOB] will double check now

[Percival (Hansie)] "Lady Kylia, I've been praying a lot since we returned. Of course, I always pray, even when we're adventuring, but I've had time to pray even more that we're back."

[BOB] Mage only Kaz

[john2] sorry

[Kaz] no worries

[Percival (Hansie)] "I feel a gentle summoning for a quest. It is not urgent, but it has been on my mind much more lately."

[Playingunderprotest] ((technically, Priests do have signature spells, they just operate different. Mine is Heroes Feast))

[BOB] (true Lor)

[Percival (Hansie)] "I'm here to support the Dragonslayers, of course, but I feel that there is something out there for me, just waiting for me."

[john2] as Paul: Do yell

[john2] tell

[john2 (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 2 -- Maximum: 6 (11), CHANGED: 2 -- Current: 6 (11). Equipment - CHANGED: one troll heart deep freeze -- Description: in lab (null). CHANGED: Ring of Spell Holding -- Cost: (Given to Mentor (will be returned)), DELETED: Control Crystal for Dimentiona Pool, destroyed, null, null. DELETED: Scroll of Effriti, destroyed, null, null. DELETED: Ring of Wizardry, , null, doubbles 2nd lvl.

[Percival (Hansie)] "Many paladins have engaged in quests to find their steed and a holy sword for vanquishing evil and I feel the need for that as well."

[john2 (to BOB only)] can i roll for the value of the gems from the worms

[BOB (to john2 only)] yes after Hans is finished

[Percival (Hansie)] "I don't have any specific calling right now, other than it must needs be done."

[Percival (Hansie)] "And I beg your approval in this matter, Lady Kylia."

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I have a nice sword for you I doubt I'll use

[Percival (Hansie) (to BOB only)] I just want to make sure I get some of this in before people start leaving because they're tired.

[BOB (to john2 only)] no worries, will finish it all tonight if we can

[Percival (Hansie)] "Why do you doubt, Master Paul?" ::Paul is a teenager now, right?::

[Paul Elvenstire (john2) (to BOB only)] just thinking/working on first 7th level spell

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I am not the fighter I once was

[Guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Moirra (Kaz)] But your sword is not blessed

[Percival (Hansie)] ::I used to call him "Sir Paul", but I don't think I can do that to a 16-year-old::

[Moirra (Kaz)] Not holy

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] (i had not noticed, but thanks, finally)

[Percival (Hansie)] "I seek a Holy Sword, Master Paul. One worthy of vanquishing evil and a peer to he who possesses it."

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I am sure Kylia can bless it

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] How can I help Sir

[Moirra (Kaz)] I don't believe it's quite the same thing, Paul.

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] Lady Kylia, I know Im still a stranger among you but while I cant say I fully understand this need Sir Percival speaks of I feel that this is a very dangerous time for any Dragonslayer to be wandering alone.

[Percival (Hansie)] "Not just a sword, but an entity; a source of holiness imbued in the very magic of the metal itself."

Moirra (Kaz)] nods at Percival's words.

[Playingunderprotest] ((Bak ))

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] How can I help Sir

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((welcome back))

[Playingunderprotest] :: yawns :: What, another holy sword for a Dragonslayer?

[Playingunderprotest] :: ponders :: Go see the blacksmith in the forge.

[Percival (Hansie)] "Thank you, young master." ::talking to Paul::

[Playingunderprotest] It's pretty and holy

[Percival (Hansie)] "There have been other holy swords? Tell me their stories."

[Percival (Hansie) (to Playingunderprotest only)] but summarize

[Percival (Hansie) (to Playingunderprotest only)] :::heh heh heh::

[BOB (to Hansie only)] let me explain... no no time, let me sum up

[Percival (Hansie)] "It is not a matter that I consider or speak of casually, Lady Kylia."

[Percival (Hansie) (to BOB only)] :)

[Playingunderprotest] :: recounts all the holy swords that have been forged for dead Dragonslayers ::

[Playingunderprotest (to Hansie only)] I know how blase

[Playingunderprotest] Yes, Yes...Paladin and all that

[Percival (Hansie)] ::fascinated, entranced::

[Playingunderprotest] Look, I have them... if you want to go be dead to get one, kinock yourself out

[Playingunderprotest] but, honestly, it's what my deity asked us to do

[Playingunderprotest] so we honor him and do it

[Playingunderprotest] Maybe Wilson could make yours

[Playingunderprotest] he's all talented

[BOB] (different religions but a great idea Lor)

[Percival (Hansie)] "That may be what I'm called to, but I can't be certain. All our quests have been epic and noble, it seems such a small thing sometimes to embark upon a perilous quest."

[Percival (Hansie)] "In this company, that is."

[Playingunderprotest] Wait, so I have to go watch you die

[Playingunderprotest] Oh...bother

[Playingunderprotest] Can I have a turkey instead?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((okay, I want THAT on a tee shirt!))

[Percival (Hansie) (to Playingunderprotest only)] I'm looking for +5/+10 vs evil. I don't think we've had one of those, have we?

[Percival (Hansie) (to Playingunderprotest only)] or maybe it's +10 vs chaotic evil...

[BOB] (to be clear this quest can wait a while and so after Trade Wars is over one of the story arcs in the new Era can be this quest for mount and or sword )

[BOB] (want to lay ground work now though)

[Playingunderprotest (to Hansie only)] Nope... I'm +2 at best

[BOB] (and you never know what you might find during this The Missing Island story arc)

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Pally on an ostrich!))

[Percival (Hansie)] ::Yeah, put me it the queue, baby. That's why I got this char & that's why I always take pains to be LG...::

[Playingunderprotest] (How much treasure did we get from the journey to the Underdark BOB?)

[Playingunderprotest] (What is that you say? NONE? Just a bunch of corpses....yeah I'm sure Hans' sword will be in the next adventure )

[Percival (Hansie)] Gimme a stupid ostrich. It might smack me with its beak, but it'll come around sooner or later, I'm sure!

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((hehehe))

[Playingunderprotest] ((Bob, you aren't exactly tossing the magic items out... I'm 14th level and I still have basically what I brought my character in with ))

[BOB] (and yes there is some treasure still to figure out, John has a tally of gems left to value)

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((actually we got a bow and a ring, plus wealth))

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((an' a dolly, an' a train, an' a...))

[BOB] there was some Magic, etc. that is all divied up

[Percival (Hansie)] I've waited 2 years to get a Holy Sword, man! I keep waiting and something keeps happenin'. We need to go *here*, we need to go *there*. We need to resurrect *this* char, we need to resurrect *that* char. Etc, etc.

[BOB] only the gems left to figure out that I remember

[BOB] chuckles at Hans

[Percival (Hansie)] We keep *dying*.

[Playingunderprotest] ((We spend a lot of time rezzing people I agree))

[Percival (Hansie)] Heh heh heh.

[BOB] LOL this is the dragonslayers it is what you do

[Playingunderprotest] ((::looks around :: YOU keep dying.... ))

[Percival (Hansie)] Yeah, we spend a lot of time getting on each other's nerves.


[Percival (Hansie)] This is the highest level I've ever had a char in Bob's game.

[BOB] ok so ground work is laid for the Paladin's quest

[Percival (Hansie)] A 9th level pally. Who'd have thunk it?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] hey look at me, I kid again

[BOB] Paul is moving along

[BOB] so

[BOB] ideas on Blue Gill

[BOB] or how to find him

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Hey Kylia, can I still drink?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((In this day and age, Paul is basically an adult))

[Percival (Hansie)] And some people thought Fritz's 7th level bladesinger was awesome (and Al-marin *was* awesome, by the way). Just wait 'til I get a holy sword.

[BOB] did everyone read Mike's comments by the way

[Percival (Hansie)] Where would we read those, Bob?

[BOB] oh Percy will be incredible against evil now

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] once he gets his sword

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((can also see my suggestions too ;) ))

[Percival (Hansie) (to BOB only)] "Player Communication"?

[BOB] Now we need to consider out next adventure. This is our planning time. I won't be in game tomorrow but I'd like to offer my opinion. Kylia seemed to sound like she wanted to jump right into it. I would suggest we cool off for a bit. Khan could possibly learn/research a stone to flesh spell or ointment. I want Fin to learn how to craft +1 or +2 arrows himself. Fin or Kylia or Moirra can take some time to write up a bunch of waterbreathing scrolls to save us spell slots later. You know we'll need them going after Blue Gill again. Bob brought up the point that What's his face McDumbass has infiltrated Ozzy's hideout not once, but twice. Now the pride in me says anything McDouchyface can do we can do better, but it might be easier to find him and get him to take us back in that way. If I think of more I'll post.

[BOB] that is from the Players Communication post

[BOB] there is more on the Missing Island discussion pages as well

[BOB] by Guy, Fritz, Mike, John, etc


[BOB] and a full list of all the NPCs involved


[BOB] and if you have not read that conversation I think it is very well done

[BOB] Kaz did an outstanding job with Moirra

[BOB] everyone was like WOAH

[BOB] when she grabbed the bad guy and yelled in his face

[BOB] POKE him in the chest


[BOB] was damm impressive

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I think I was dead from shock

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((She's shy, not a milquetoast pushover))

[BOB] grins, but it was a great roleplaying moment

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((But I'm glad I was able to shock a couple of you))

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] so I think Khan will go get Kit and break the news

[BOB] ok

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] BOB, I take it Paul would no longer have followers?

[BOB] sure he will

[BOB] he is still that level

[BOB] they might leave

[BOB] but they will be replaced

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] but not fighter

[BOB] wizard's followers are different that is true

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] that what I meant

[BOB] but the ones that were loyal and had been arund for a while will stay on as "interested" NPCs

[BOB] not followers

[BOB] but you could pick them up as henchmen if you wanted

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] will thanks

[BOB] or others could

[BOB] and you get your 1d4 low level wizard followers

[BOB] after Paul is known to be taking in new apprentices again

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I think I want to change my name, (and my icon)

[BOB] ok

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I do not feel like a Paul any more

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] maybe Joe?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Do I look like a Joe, Morria?

[BOB] Percy what do you think?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Maybe chip?

[Moirra (Kaz)] I don't think you look like a Joe

[BOB] last time the priests said "you look like a Paul"

[Hansie (to BOB only)] Bob, has there ever been a holy sword in your campaign? Have you ever had anyone who even wanted one?

[BOB] this time

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] (i knew you would get it)

[BOB (to Hansie only)] nope, not yet, this will be a first if you pull that off both mount and sword

[Paul Elvenstire (john2) (to BOB only)] can you look up Iron Mail in the spell book? Please

[BOB (to john2 only)] sure brb

[Paul Elvenstire (john2) (to BOB only)] sorry Inviisble Mail

[BOB (to john2 only)] got it

[BOB (to john2 only)] AC 3

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] so who want Paul to learn Limited Wish

[Hansie (to BOB only)] Well, you do have someone with "High Mastery" in longsword. 14 years ago (actually Nov '95, I think), I never thought I'd see the day.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2) (to BOB only)] what book?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2) (to BOB only)] and level?

[BOB (to john2 only)] no book, think it was an adventure or Dragon

[Hansie (to BOB only)] High Mastery is a wicked proficiency to have and you see the effects of it every time Antarias goes into battle and demolishes *everything* in his path.

[BOB (to Hansie only)] grins, but you will be a shining light, and might even lead them into the Paladin in Hell Epic Story Arc if you are arund for it next year or so

[Hansie (to BOB only)] that's probably better than a holy sword, so it's like I'm asking for a small trifle.

[BOB] Ok

[BOB] so no ideas on Blue Gill?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I have an idea

[BOB] everyone read up on Mike's comments? and the other ideas?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] same one really

[BOB] which is?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] but I am too young to care

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] you guys go to Delia

[BOB] old enough to know better

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] that too

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I'll wait here for Loard Jaquine

[BOB] scary when I get every John reference in a night

[BOB] St. Delilia might need some explaing to Kaz Hans and Guy

[Hansie] "St. Delilia? Please tell me more." ::but keep it brief::

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Guy had also suggested things like Elixirs of Life, stuff to help us breathe underwater, and to grant Free Action for better underwater movement, as well as items that might help us blend in with the pirates.))

[Paul Elvenstire (john2) (to BOB only)] actual that spell is in comp wiz

[BOB (to john2 only)] do you have it?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] it is an island for Diviners

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] They know the future, to a point they are willing to share

[BOB] and yes to Kaz, Guy was right on with that planning

[Paul Elvenstire (john2) (to BOB only)] yes

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Paul will be making scroll, and such once he is trained

[BOB] Kylia and Paul can help a lot with that sort of planning/Prep work

[BOB] but everyone needs to give in ideas

[BOB] to throw out goals ideas possiblilities

[Hansie] I just want a holy sword. Nothing else, man.

[BOB] grins

[BOB] and your paladin is now fixated

[BOB] like a teen age boy

[BOB] need that

[Hansie] I'm sure there are other things that people want and I would love to help them.

[BOB] want that

[Hansie (to BOB only)] No, the *player* is fixated. The paladin is clueless.

[BOB (to Hansie only)] grins

[Hansie (to BOB only)] "Innocent" and "chaste", I should say...

[BOB (to Hansie only)] chuckles

[Hansie] ::grins::

[BOB] do

[BOB] tell

[BOB] ideas on finding Lord J?

[BOB] or do you really want to ?

[BOB] what is going to happen if you do? are you bringing him back to Lady Kylia?

[Hansie] "I will stay with you, Paul, to find your Lord Jocquin."

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] so did Fin wish Ant back already? or did I miss read that?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((he did))

[BOB] yes Ant is back

[Hansie] "That is, Sir Paul. I apologize, but this will take some getting-used-to. I knew you when you were an adult, so it is strange to see you in this state, Sir Paul."

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I am not going anywhere for a while and stop calling me Paul, please, it's Joe now

[Hansie] "But then again, I became a Hill Giant, which still takes some thought in and of itself."

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] no wait Ken

[Hansie] ::laughs::

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] hmmm, Jason

Moirra (Kaz)] puts her head in her hands and shakes it.

[Hansie] Right. Get back to me when you've got that figured out, bud.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] someone get me a good mirror

[Hansie] One that makes you look like the person you *were*?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Tell me... whatever your name is... are you still the same person, inside?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] i am actual a bit clumsy, maybe I should be Randal, or Keith

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Yes I think Keith will do nicly

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Sure, but it will be our little secret

[Hansie] "those are all fine names, Sir Paul. Whatever you would like us to call you is fine."

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] you won't stop calling me sir, how can I expect you to call me Keith

[Moirra (Kaz)] Okay then, Joekenjasonrandalkeith.

[Hansie] ::puzzled::

[Hansie (to Kaz only)] I like that.

[Moirra (Kaz) (to Hansie only)] hehehe

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Keith, Khan, Kit and Kazza, what a team

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] good thing there are 4 of us

[Moirra (Kaz)] It's a good thing you decided to go with Keith, because Ken and Khan would be Konfusing.

[BOB] ok

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] lol

[Hansie] Huzzah!

[BOB] Guy? any ideas to save them?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] who needs to be saved?

[BOB] chuckles

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] i am just kidding

[BOB] ok so moving forward with the planning

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] maybe summoning Jaquine spell?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] have Kylia stick out her leg

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Bob, I just wanted to cut in here - I think Rhys is going to go with a Composite Longbow proficiency - in case I forget)

[BOB] ok

[Hansie] "Can we not just go to Lord Jocquin, Sir Keith?"

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] dude I guess

[Keith Elvenstire (john2)] you know Perc that I am no longer a lord, just a mage dude.

Moirra (Kaz)] stares at Paul... Keith. Just stares.

[Keith Elvenstire (john2)] I guess I am too young for you now Morria, you can look, but.....

Moirra (Kaz)] raises an eyebrow

[Keith Elvenstire (john2)] still clumbsy with the ladies

[Keith Elvenstire (john2)] ::sulks off::

Moirra (Kaz)] shakes her head slowly

[Moirra (Kaz)] I wonder if Octavia will tell us anything more, now that we know more and have names.

[Kit (john2)] so what is knew

[Moirra (Kaz)] Hello, Kit

[Hansie] "I'll be here for you, Sir Keith. You don't just lose your lordship overnight. Not with me. It might take some 'getting-used-to', but I can do it. I'll be praying for you."

[Hansie] "Kit, good to see you. Glad you are well, Dragon-kin." ::is that appropriate?::

[Kit (john2)] That boy needs to cast a few haste spells

[Kit (john2)] sure sure

Moirra (Kaz)] mutters, 'Perhaps I'll just go talk to her myself.'

[Hansie] "Yes, it seems Lord Paul, er, Sir Keith. Uh, 'just Keith', is feeling some depressing effects from the reincarnation."

[Kit (john2)] Who me?

[Hansie] "I cannot say I have ever seen that, but I am unfamiliar with reincarnation. Now, wishing for great strength and being turned into a hill giant, *that* I am familiar with."

Moirra (Kaz)] jerks her head up to look at Kit.

[Kit (john2)] who you need to talk to Moirra?

[Moirra (Kaz)] You what?

[Hansie] "No, Kit. I sense no depression from you."

[Moirra (Kaz)] Oh, I'm sorry. I was just wondering if that nasty wench, Octavia, will be more forthcoming with us now that we know more about what's going on.

[Kit (john2)] Oh I can ask her a few questions if you want

[Hansie] "That sounds like an honorable quest. We can confront her and discover the truth. The truth *is* out there."

[Kit (john2)] No offence Perc but it will be lady talk

[Moirra (Kaz)] We can ask her about that Celsus person that Meleager killed. Who was he? What was his role? You never know what we'll find out by accident.

[Hansie] (so you qualify, eh?)

[Kit (john2)] Just the girls

[BOB] (Lor you want to have anyone there for the questioning? Hans you want to send your female henchman? )

[Hansie (to john2 only)] you know, you don't have a sex listed on Kit's char sheet.

[Kit (john2) (to Hansie only)] sorry, she is Pauls DAUGHTER

[Playingunderprotest] (Ummm...still reading with Alyssa, but Wilson can listen ))

[Hansie (to john2 only)] maybe that is so, but it's not on the *CHAR SHEET*

[Kit (john2) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Kit modified: Personal Information - Age/Sex:: CHANGED: female (/female).

[Hansie (to john2 only)] ::heh heh heh::

[BOB] Ok, so Moirra Kit are there to talk to Octavia?

[Kit (john2) (to Hansie only)] let me look at your shhet, opps no sword listed ;)

[BOB] anyone else? Wilson listenign in from the outside

[Hansie (to john2 only)] I can't remember all that stuff. I need it somewhere I can quickly refer to it. Like a char sheet or something.

[Kit (john2)] It's ok Wilson, I got this

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((okay, so she apparently had already told the Dragonslayers that Celsus was her liege. But perhaps knowing he's dead will make her tell us more?))

[Kit (john2)] You go right ahead and ask, I will just give her a dirty look for starters

[Kit (john2)] brb

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 46'00".

[BOB] ] Kit moved 297'03".

[BOB] ] Octavia moved 153'10".

[Hansie (to john2 only)] You made me look at *my own char sheet*. It's there, man: in the 'weapons' section. You know, just 'fess up. You made me double-check my own char. Ugh, there is just no respect any more. ::chuckles::

Moirra (Kaz)] and Kit step into Octavia's cell.

[BOB] (Hans y ou sending Glabius?)

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((I just have this urge to start off with, "Hello, Newman"))

[Hansie (to BOB only)] sure. sounds good. She's not gonna get killed, right?

[BOB] ] Glabius moved 6'00".

[Kit (john2) (to Hansie only)] not the first time I tricked you, probably not the last, but all in good fun

[Glabius (Hansie)] ::I'm there::

[Kit (john2)] Are you Perc's snitch

[Glabius (Hansie) (to john2 only)] No, don't stop, man.

[Kit (john2)] Are you a girl?

[Glabius (Hansie)] "I am here representing "the ladies", I thought."

[Moirra (Kaz) (to john2 only)] think we need a Zone of Truth?

[Glabius (Hansie) (to john2 only)] You're killing me, but I love it. I put '25/female', but only '25' came out. Weird Klooge stuff, man.

[Kit (john2)] /kas cast it if you got it

[Glabius (Hansie) (to john2 only)] I'm ignant.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra casts a spell against : Zone of Truth: for (8) 8 rounds, people can't lie in a (5*8) 40 ft square.

[Kit (john2) (to Hansie only)] that is why you could not see female on Kit's sheet

[Glabius (Hansie) (to john2 only)] Um, Kit says "female" now.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Hello, Octavia

[Octavia (BOB)] Hello

[Octavia (BOB)] You are new

[Kit (john2)] (I heard you missed us, were back)

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((is Keith hot for teacher?))

[Kit (john2)] shapechanger like you

[Kit (john2)] think everyne looks the same

Moirra (Kaz)] smiles.

[Kit (john2)] (he has a pencil)

[Moirra (Kaz)] Actually, I'm not new.

[Octavia (BOB)] I do not remember Lady Kylia harboring any gnomes

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((bet he needs something to write on))

Moirra (Kaz)] smiles wider.

[Moirra (Kaz)] I'm not a gnome.

[Kit (john2)] Listen to her

[Octavia (BOB)] your nose looks like a gnome

[Moirra (Kaz)] My entire body looks like a gnome.

Moirra (Kaz)] shrugs, unconcerned.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((she's not lying, by the way. In her heart, she doesn't consider herself a gnome.))

[Octavia (BOB)] it does not matter to me

[Kit (john2)] whispers:: can I see

[Octavia (BOB)] I am still a prisoner here

[Octavia (BOB)] and I am protected

[Kit (john2)] by whom

[Octavia (BOB)] Lady Kylia

[Glabius (Hansie)] ::listening intently::

[Moirra (Kaz)] And we're not here to hurt you, just to talk.

[Kit (john2)] so you feel safe

[Kit (john2)] good

[Moirra (Kaz)] We've had a chat with your friend, Meleager.

[Octavia (BOB)] did you kill him?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Not yet, no.

[Octavia (BOB)] too bad

[Kit (john2)] ::looks tough::

[Moirra (Kaz)] Did you want us to?

[Octavia (BOB)] it would have been a just revenge for my lieges death

[Octavia (BOB)] I thought you would not be able to restrain your self from harming him

[Moirra (Kaz)] Don't worry, Octavia. He'll die after the drow are finished torturing him.

[Octavia (BOB)] I doubt that, he can survive the Drow easily enough

[Octavia (BOB)] and the dragons

[Moirra (Kaz)] Why do you think so?

[Octavia (BOB)] he was able to slip in there past them

[Octavia (BOB)] he can get out

[Octavia (BOB)] it is a pity you did not kill him

[Octavia (BOB)] now I will have to plot another way to finish him off

[Moirra (Kaz)] They caught him easily enough.

[Octavia (BOB)] I doubt the drow did, perhaps the dragons did

[Octavia (BOB)] but why are you really here?

[Octavia (BOB)] I sit here for a month all alone

[Octavia (BOB)] and now you decide to visit?

[Kit (john2) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Keith Elvenstire modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Moirra (Kaz)] I have been gone all this month, I do apologise for leaving you lonely.

[Octavia (BOB)] I was able to write some songs

[Octavia (BOB)] Lady Kylia has been most gracious in providing me with materials

[Kit (john2)] dirges I bet

[Moirra (Kaz)] She is a most gracious hostess.

[Kit (john2)] don't think of sining themm here

[Moirra (Kaz)] Why did Meleager kill Celsus?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((sorry, I don't remember if she had told us that))

[Glabius (Hansie) (to BOB only)] Okay, it seems Octavia is a captive here at Roadhaven?

[Kit (john2)] we want to hear it again

[Kit (john2)] yea

[Octavia (BOB)] because my liege revealed to his master that Meleager was involved with Aliea from the Dragonslayers

[Octavia (BOB) (to Hansie only)] yes

[Octavia (BOB) (to Hansie only)] you captured her during the Magic of Music story arc

[Moirra (Kaz)] who was your liege's master?

[Octavia (BOB)] Blue Gill

[Kit (john2)] and he frowns on interratial relationships?

[Glabius (Hansie)] "Aliea is someone who isn't talked about very much at the Dragonslayers. Why would that cause so much consternation?"

[Moirra (Kaz)] And what do you know of Blue Gill?

[Octavia (BOB)] Blue Gill hates the Dragonslayers

[Octavia (BOB)] and anythign to do with them

[Octavia (BOB)] from what I have heard from my liege

[Glabius (Hansie)] "What can we do to alter that? I don't want Blue Gill to hate the Dragonslayers. Can't we do something to prove to them that we are nice?"

[Octavia (BOB)] when Celsus found out about Meleager he knew he had a trump card over him

[Kit (john2)] got that, check, but now how does Meleager feel about Blue Gill

[Octavia (BOB)] I do not care what Meleager the kitten feels at all

[Kit (john2)] (he hates us becuase we are nce, and spoiled all his evil palns)

[Octavia (BOB)] other than pain

[Glabius (Hansie)] "What can we do to gain their trust? We ought to be good neighbors, you know."

[Octavia (BOB)] suffering

[Octavia (BOB)] and I hope his death

[Moirra (Kaz)] Have you ever been to any of Blue Gill's haunts?

[Octavia (BOB)] I have never seen him

[Kit (john2)] because Blue gill wants you to?

[Octavia (BOB)] I never went that far sout

[Moirra (Kaz)] Did Celsus ever tell you anything about it?

[Kit (john2)] ::steps back::

[Glabius (Hansie)] "Why would you hate someone you have never even seen, Octavia? Is that rational?"

[Octavia (BOB)] about what?

[Glabius (Hansie)] brb

[Hansie] I am away from the keyboard.

[Octavia (BOB)] (past the 8 round mark by the way)

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((we'd probably be pretty aware of time, so I'm going to re-cast))

[Hansie] I am back at the keyboard.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra casts a spell against : Zone of Truth: for (8) 8 rounds, people can't lie in a (5*8) 40 ft square.

[Moirra (Kaz)] So, did Celsus ever tell you about where Blue Gill stays, his home, lair, or whatever you want to call it.

[Octavia (BOB)] no, I know that he did not know exactly how to get there, he needed Blue Gill to get him to the island the two times I know he visited there

[Octavia (BOB)] they have a hidden island where the pirates lair

Moirra (Kaz)] nods

[Kit (john2)] how many of Blue's pal;s haveyou met

[Octavia (BOB)] I do not know i fI have met all of them, but I have met Menander and Cyprian and Raptu

[Glabius (Hansie) (to BOB only)] Have Octavia move out of the 5x8' square.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Where did you meet them?

[Glabius (Hansie) (to BOB only)] or is she bound?

[Octavia (BOB) (to Hansie only)] she is in a cell in a basement of Roadhaven, not bound but in a small room

[Octavia (BOB)] they came to visit us

[Glabius (Hansie)] "Where is this hidden island?"

[Octavia (BOB)] Cyprian rained fire from the sky upon a caravan

[Glabius (Hansie)] ::And why would we want to know where it is?::

[Kit (john2)] (to talk to Blue Gill and other things)

[Glabius (Hansie) (to BOB only)] She can still move, right? 5x8 is nothing. My bathrooms are bigger than that. Your bathrooms are bigger...

[Octavia (BOB) (to Hansie only)] grins, yeap, and before when they questioned her she could move around too, she seems to really want to help you at least to get Meleager killed somehow'

[Moirra (Kaz)] tell us of Menander and Raptu

[Glabius (Hansie) (to BOB only)] Oh, I get *that*.

[Octavia (BOB)] Raptu was very quiet

[Octavia (BOB)] he watched me as Menander and Meleager argued

[Glabius (Hansie)] "Well, let us apprehend this Meleager miscreant."

[Glabius (Hansie)] "How can we ascertain the whereabouts of Meleager?"

[Octavia (BOB)] (grins at Hans, you want to go back into the Underdark? all in favor ? )

[Glabius (Hansie)] "The Underdark? No, that will not do at all."

[Kit (john2)] (i think he was ref to Blue Gill)

[Glabius (Hansie)] "I don't think many of us would wish that upon our worst enemies."

[Octavia (BOB)]

[Octavia (BOB)] (you can add what ever notes you want to that page as well, things like Cyprian can rain fire from the sky, etc. )

[Kit (john2) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Keith Elvenstire modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Moirra (Kaz)] What were Menander and Meleager arguing about?

[Glabius (Hansie) (to BOB only)] Yeah, I wrote that part down.

[Octavia (BOB)] I do not know I was concerned with keeping them off of me and watchign out for my liege

[Moirra (Kaz)] Lecherous, were they?

[Octavia (BOB)] (hans you know how to edit the wiki right?)

[Octavia (BOB)] Raptu seemed to be boring holes in me with his eyes

[Octavia (BOB)] but he never spoke to me

[Glabius (Hansie) (to BOB only)] No.

[Glabius (Hansie) (to BOB only)] wait a min. It just needs society password, right?

[Octavia (BOB) (to Hansie only)] nopes

[Moirra (Kaz)] Did you ever see or hear him speak to anyone?

[Octavia (BOB) (to Hansie only)] sent private message with password

[Octavia (BOB)] no I did not see Raptu speak at all

[Octavia (BOB)] I thought that strange

[Octavia (BOB)] but I did not question

Moirra (Kaz)] turns to Kit and raises an eyebrow.

[Kit (john2)] could be

[Kit (john2)] do you think Blue gill misses you?

[Octavia (BOB)] I doubt he knows I am alive, he never met me, might not know I exist, why would he miss me?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Not sure what else to ask her, though we might be able to get some more detail about the three she met. Anyone else with ideas?))

[Kit (john2)] jus checking, what will you do if Lady Kylia releases you

[Octavia (BOB)] I would go of to try and find a way to get revenge on Meleager

[Octavia (BOB)] and to prove to everyone that I am the leading bard of my age

[Kit (john2)] what age is that?

[Kit (john2)] 26

[Glabius (Hansie)] "If Meleager needs to be brought to justice, I think Percival would support that. Even if it is an accusation from someone of ill repute."

[Octavia (BOB)] perhaps take over a small place in Hallstatt

[Glabius (Hansie)] (hey, gotta go guys. good work.)

[Kit (john2)] good night

[Octavia (BOB)] rule from a nice holding

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((good to see you Hans. Night!))

[Octavia (BOB)] (night hans)

[Glabius (Hansie)] I vote for Kaz as role player of the night.

[Kit (john2)] I am getting ready to log off too

[Glabius (Hansie)] See ya-

Hansie] has left the game on Fri Oct 16 22:52:21 EDT 2009

[Kit (john2)] i don't want to click off 7 weeks until everydoes what they want to

[Kit (john2)] It lookss like Kit needs some training too

[Moirra (Kaz)] Well Octavia, perhaps one day soon we shall chat again.

[Octavia (BOB)] perhaps

[Moirra (Kaz)] If we receive new news about Meleager, we will let you know - just in case.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((she says it seriously, not mockingly))

[Octavia (BOB)] (ok)

[Kit (john2)] (that is BOB mocking)

[Kit (john2)] good night all

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((night John))

[BOB] night all

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] night john

[BOB] have fun

[Kit (john2)] see ya

[BOB] see you in two weeks

[BOB] thanks for helping with the Dogs John

[Kit (john2)] Fritz will be here FYI

[Kit (john2)] when will you be back Sunday?

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 09:00 AM. Day 17 Ko ___ tre, Sow {Late Spring} 17th, 1260.

[Playingunderprotest] Night all.. talk to you in 2 weeks

Playingunderprotest] has left the game on Fri Oct 16 22:56:09 EDT 2009

[BOB] should be early

[BOB] she has a concert to be at at 7

[Kit (john2)] early evening

[BOB] nods

[Kit (john2)] we will talk

[BOB] will be in touch to see exactly when

[BOB] adn good for Fritz

john2] has left the game on Fri Oct 16 22:57:04 EDT 2009

[BOB] feeling like somethign was accomplished Kaz and Guy?

[Kaz] some

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] maybe

[BOB] ok

[BOB] grins

[BOB] well you can do more on teh site over the next weeks

[Kaz] okay

[BOB] collect info, etc,

[BOB] lay out exact plans like Guy did

[BOB] create X number of Y scrolls

[BOB] will let you figure out how much gold and how much time to tick off

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] not like anybody paid attention to it though

[Kaz] Moirra is sending Rhys home to do his training. He'll go both to the temple and to the family estate. He should be able to get the proper training in those places, I think.

[BOB] John and Mike did

[BOB] so that is four

[BOB] and I know Fritz commented

[BOB] so that is 5 of you on board Guy

[BOB] it can take a while sometimes

[BOB] then it all happens CLICK CLICK CLICK

[BOB] klnow what you want, deposit the GP and click off the time

[BOB] tons and tons of planning still to do

[BOB] both the practical tactical stuff

[BOB] and the stratigic how to make it happen stuff

[BOB] will be good

[BOB] well I have a wake up call at 430

[BOB] to drive north

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] have fun

[BOB] I hope so

[Kaz] Enjoy, Bob

[BOB] your cold front is coming down here tomorrow

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] night bob and you can keep it lol

[BOB] chuckles Lorie has a white holloween

[BOB] let alone thanksgiving

[Kaz] Night Bob

[BOB] waves

Kaz] has left the game on Fri Oct 16 23:03:30 EDT 2009

Guy] has left the game on Fri Oct 16 23:03:37 EDT 2009