Main / Oct1714

Oct 17 14 - Setting Up Home

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Wed Oct 15 21:53:30 EDT 2014 ====

[Master] [Hoffman]] moved 5'01".

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Oct 17 17:58:22 EDT 2014 ====

[John Anstett] has joined the game on Fri Oct 17 18:35:01 EDT 2014

[John Anstett] is receiving the map Dryads-Lair-districts...

[John Anstett] has received the map Dryads-Lair-districts.

John Anstett I am away from the keyboard.

John Anstett I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Hello there

John Anstett hello

[Master] I will send you the maps fo the villa so you can look it over

John Anstett] ] Character sheet for [Miranda Paige? modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Master] Hoffman is now on the first floor map

John Anstett tks, it was a little hard to really roleplay without maps

[Master] yeap

[Master] did you want to see the victorian they did not choose?

John Anstett I did not see that they chose, but give me a sec, I am working on something else

John Anstett It has a dock?

[Master] underground in the sewers

[Master] that lead to the river

[Master] Aunt Jennevive moved 8'06".

[Master] Atribella Olivin moved 11'01".

[Master] [Miranda Paige]] moved 11'10".

[Master] you can see that on the district map

John Anstett i did not see that mentioned in the chat history or I would have not asked about the sewers

[Master] that is why I thought you did ask about it

[John Anstett] is receiving the map Dryads-Lair-districts...

[John Anstett] has received the map Dryads-Lair-districts.

John Anstett just another entrance to guard

[Master] that is part of the discussion tonight

[Master] how to deal with that

[Master] I will turn on the paint layer for people to make drawings and such

[John Anstett] is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

[John Anstett] has received the map New Residence first floor.

John Anstett stables in the back too?

[Master] yes

John Anstett you think we will be here for a while don't you

[Master] in real time? I am guessing 2016

[Master] at least a year of game sessions here

[Master] I could be wrong

John Anstett so do you have stats for a trained guard dog?

John Anstett tracking skill?

John Anstett icon?

[Master] I can make an icon just a sec

[John Anstett] is receiving the map New Residence second floor...

[John Anstett] has received the map New Residence second floor.

John Anstett you should have turned these maps sideways

[Master] what type of dog is it?

John Anstett i was not sure what the options were, looking for balance between smart and tough

Mike has joined the game on Fri Oct 17 18:56:18 EDT 2014

Mike is receiving the map Dryads-Lair-districts...

Mike has received the map Dryads-Lair-districts.

John Anstett hello Mike

[Master] Guard Dog moved 20'03".

[John Anstett] is receiving the map Dryads-Lair-districts...

[John Anstett] has received the map Dryads-Lair-districts.

[Master] and there you go John a guard dog to fill out

[Master] and hello Mike

John Anstett Guard Dog moved 13'04".

[Master] and question for you Mike about the 31st. Are you going to be in ? So far I have Lisa and TMO

[Mike] probably not

[Master] ok

[Mike] but there's an outside chance i would be

[Master] we will be playing

[Master] just organizing which parts to play up

[[John Anstett] (to GM only)] Character sheet for Guard Dog modified: Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 8 (null). Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 8 (null).

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Oct 17 19:01:21 EDT 2014

Lisa is receiving the map Dryads-Lair-districts...

[Master] so as soon as the two, now three of you want to get started

Lisa has received the map Dryads-Lair-districts.

[Master] it is figuring out the house etc

[Master] getting your selves organized out of character and in character

John Anstett Hello Misa

[Master] before I start introducing more story arcs

[Master] and threads

[[John Anstett] (to GM only)] Character sheet for Guard Dog modified: Weapons - ADDED: Bite, false, , , , , , --, , +0, +0, +0, +0, +0, +0, $DMG, +0, +0, +0, +0, $DMG, d6, , , , , , .

John Anstett masterweaver

[Master] I have 3 separate story arcs to introduce and two-four more threads

[Master] so all over the place

John Anstett i am expecting to get called away for a pick up, but not sure

[Master] bit wamted tp start with the Villa and confirm that everyone is in agreement you are working on this place

[Master] I am 99.999% positive this is the place

[Master] just giving people one last out

[Master] and hello Lisa, think I forogt to say that

[Mike] is this the one on the outskirts or in the middle of the city

[Master] this is in the middle of the city

[Lisa] Hello

[Master] in the diplomatic quarter

[Master] some characters are on the first floor map

[Master] some are on the district map

[Master] I will move some to the basement and second floor also now

[Master] Jilly is in the basement Jenn is on the second floor

[Master] Leatherus moved 3'09".

John Anstett do you have a map of the street?

[Master] so you can flip between the four maps easily

[Master] and no to John

[Master] sorry for that

[Master] I had the construction crew rip up the streets and move them for this house

John Anstett thanks

[Master] so that map is being redone, grins

John Anstett not so easy managing a whole city, let alone a worlds

[Master] but the main street is on the front of the house and there are streets on the other three sides

[Master] no buildings are connected to this one

[Master] small alley ways on the two sides

[Lisa] and there is a river that flows through?

John Anstett under

[Master] through the quarter yes

John Anstett how far from the house? can we see the river from the top floor

Lisa is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

Lisa has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Master] not far, hundred yards or less but no you cannot see it beause there are houses crowed up to the river

[Lisa] kitchen is behind dining room?

[Lisa] Branwyn moved 39'07".

[Lisa] where I moved Branwyn?

Mike is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

Mike has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Master] yes

[Lisa] Branwyn moved 45'03".

[Lisa] store room where I moved her now?

[John Anstett] is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

[John Anstett] has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Master] yes

[Lisa] Branwyn moved 80'03".

Mike is receiving the map Dryads-Lair-districts...

Mike has received the map Dryads-Lair-districts.

[Lisa] where is she now?

[Master] sotreroom

John Anstett que?

[Master] store

Mike is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

[Lisa] Branwyn moved 48'02".

Mike has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Lisa] Branwyn moved 52'04".

[Master] meeting area

[Lisa] what is this?

[Mike] i don't see jilly on the icon list

[Master] try now Mike

[Lisa] so could be a salon instead of having it upstairs

[Master] I just cnoverted her to a PC

[Master] scale is correct on these maps

[Mike] nope. put a pc upstairs

[John Anstett] is receiving the map New Residence second floor...

[John Anstett] has received the map New Residence second floor.

[Master] tristan and galdek moved to different floors now

[Master] yes to Lisa, you can make these rooms into what ever you want

[Master] you can see that on the other side of the entrace hall there is another of this type of room also

Mike is receiving the map New Residence basement...

Mike has received the map New Residence basement.

Mike is receiving the map New Residence second floor...

Mike has received the map New Residence second floor.

[Master] and i think that Mike will have some nice ideas about that portion of it,

[Master] the stairs out front

[Master] into thsi hallway

[Master] stairs up on either side

[Mike] soooo... there's two bedrooms?

[Master] and the doors otu to the open area

[Lisa] upstairs

[Master] two nice bedroom suites on the second floor

[Lisa] is imari sleeping with galdek?

[Master] first floor has several sleeping areas

[Lisa] does he ravage her too?

[Master] and you have the basement also

[Master] chuckles at Lisa

[Mike] he should sleep in the stables

[Master] so move them to the basement? or into the suite next to branwyn?

[Lisa] lol

Mike is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

Mike has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Mike] what does the roof look like?

John Anstett but you reorentate these maps landscape right?

[Master] I have versions of these maps also all prepped for you that have no furniture

John Anstett cool

[Master] roof is standard peak roof

[Mike] landscape would be good

[Master] I can do that

[Mike] we'll need to build an extension on the roof

[Mike] peaked is problematic

[Lisa] landing pad?

John Anstett need tower at one end, open hatch on the other end

John Anstett or that

[Master] all four towers have peaked roofs

John Anstett want a door between the libray and the lab?

[Master] grabbing a drink

[Lisa] not going to adjoin them

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lisa] I want the lab in one of the crypts in the basement

[Mike] we'll need to build a nice platform up there

[Lisa] frees a room for people and is disaster proof down there :)

[Mike] a sheltered one, it'll get colder up here than back home

[Lisa] he won't go in the stables when it's cold?

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Mike] for imari

[Mike] she's not going to sleep in the stables with galduk

[John Anstett] is receiving the map New Residence basement...

[John Anstett] has received the map New Residence basement.

[Lisa] she is going to live on the roof?

[Lisa] or just hang out there?

[Mike] she'll want to at least sleep up there

John Anstett trap door

John Anstett ?

[Mike] she doesn't like sleeping in buildings. a trap door would be good

[Master] TMO is about an hour and a half to two hours away

John Anstett what is with the circlar pool in the bacement?

[Master] exactly that

[Master] water for the fountain

John Anstett what fountain?

[Master] middle fo the courtyard

[John Anstett] is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

[John Anstett] has received the map New Residence first floor.

John Anstett magic pump?

[Master] no

[Master] air pressure

[Master] once you start it is keeps going

[Lisa] oooh science!

[Lisa] messed my screen up - how do I get rid of icons on bottom and get list back on left please?

[Master] the tilda

[Master] click on map

[Master] tilda is the icon bar

[Master] 1 is the campaign tree

[Lisa] 1111

[Lisa] not working

[Master] click on the map

[Master] then hit 1

[Lisa] not working

[Master] it works for me

John Anstett and me

[Master] are you sure cap locks?

[Master] brb Nyrma just got home

[Lisa] if I log out will it come back?

Lisa has left the game on Fri Oct 17 19:32:23 EDT 2014

John Anstett try without the sift

John Anstett shift

[Master] b

[Master] and I do not think that logging off and on will change it

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Oct 17 19:33:17 EDT 2014

Lisa is receiving the map Dryads-Lair-districts...

Lisa has received the map Dryads-Lair-districts.

[Lisa] that worked

[Master] ok

Lisa is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

Lisa has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Master] so Mike any preference for Imari's tower?

[Mike] Closest to the ocean

[Master] river?

John Anstett need to make dog door to stables, or maybe just a latch handle

[Mike] yeah

[Master] That is the thumbnail view of the overhead of the building

[Master] does that help any?

John Anstett kinda

John Anstett got to go pick up Michael, I'll be back

John Anstett I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] so Mike the two towers would be the ones on the right

[Mike] back right, then

[Master] so looking over the street that the stables are on

[Mike] and if i can design it, it'd have four walls, opening only on top

[Master] you can design anything

[Mike] so you'd have to be a good climber or fly in

[Master] no door/ladder up from the second floor?

[Mike] yeah

[Mike] like john said, a good trap door

[Master] ok

[Master] so that is room #12

[Master] on the first floor

[Master] room #4 on the second floor

[Master] looking at sizes now for you

[Mike] it exists in both floors?

[Master] stairs run from the second floor down to the basement

[Master] all four corners do

[Mike] ah

[Mike] okay. so now she's got herself a nice roost

[Master] I am taking notes but you should too

[Mike] and she can always just walk downstairs if she wants

[Master] that is a 1 story 30 foot square building/tower

[Master] so we know how much you are building

[Master] costs, time, etc

[Master] as I do that

[Master] you and LIsa should decide the secret doors

[Master] keeping them all I am guessing

Lisa is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

Lisa has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Mike (to GM only)] Character sheet for Imari modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Lisa] I don't see a need to get rid of them

[Mike] 30' is niiiiice

[Lisa] other than maybe to watch the thief Phillipe hired run into walls when he breaks in to steal our stuff

[Mike] she could have a raven area and a human area to it

[Master] was just noticing that there is the one there to the dining room

[Master] and then another in the library

[Master] keeping that as a library right?

[Master] on teh second floor

Lisa is receiving the map New Residence second floor...

Lisa has received the map New Residence second floor.

[Lisa] which room?

[Lisa] Aunt Jennevive moved 103'09".

[Lisa] that one?

[Master] Aunt Jennevive moved 46'00".

[Master] that is the library currently

[Lisa] the other place was a hallway?

[Master] yeap

[Master] you can put statues of Branwyn in there

[Lisa] just a long rug and pillars

[Lisa] sigh

[Lisa] no

[Master] grins

[Master] but so if you are keeping the library there

[Master] you have that other room to make into bedrooms

[Master] or what ever you want

[Lisa] the dining room ?

[Master] right

[Master] there is another one downstairs

[Master] or?

[Master] not trying to tell you what to do

[Master] Miek you need to chime in and help organize things please

[Lisa] well if imari and galdek aren't sleeping in the house we are now looking to sleep 16

[Lisa] Miarnda and Marisu in there next to library?

[Mike] with what?

[Mike] i'm not sure what we have, but it sounds like she decided on the library and the lab

[Master] the whole place

[Lisa] Jennevive in the room next to me as my personal guard?

[Mike] are there enough bedrooms for everyone?

[Master] library and lab and Imari is all that is done so far

[Master] no to Mike

[Master] you need to reconfigure things to make that happen

[Master] and she can be there

[Master] she would love that room

[Lisa] not for everyone to have their own - but not too bad

[Lisa] was just wondering who would be a good roomate for jennevive?

[Master] Tristan or ?

[Master] grins

[Mike] jennevive deserves a nice room as the church important person or whatever she is

[John Anstett] has left the game on Fri Oct 17 19:58:45 EDT 2014

[Mike] tristan can shack up with her

[Lisa] was thinking Tristan and leatherus would want to be down by the chapel

[Master] ok

[Lisa] we do not torture characters just because the player is not here :)

[Master] and Mike any ideas for using those other rooms on the second floor?

[Master] all there on the left side of the floor

[Master] the salon is over the stables

[Master] you have that one room and two other meeting rooms?

[Mike] well you could house some people down there

[Mike] like the horse girl

[Mike] she can be close to her horse

[Lisa] we do need some kind of entertaining salon - not sure if we want to keep upstairs or can make one downstairs

[Lisa] so miranda, marisu and MJ next to library

[Mike] i'd say downstairs

[Master] ok

[Mike] upstairs should be for us

Lisa is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

Lisa has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Lisa] rooms are shaped kind of funny down there

[Master] you really have those three areas that are currently barracks type of rooms

[Lisa] would combing the south meeting room and store room into a grand salon be too weird?

[Master] you could divide them up

[Lisa] Branwyn moved 4'02".

[Lisa] here

[John Anstett] has joined the game on Fri Oct 17 20:03:47 EDT 2014

[Lisa] [Ilero]] moved 33'06".

[John Anstett] is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

[John Anstett] has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Mike] do we have barber chairs?

[Lisa] and here?

John Anstett I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] it would not be a grand salon becuase of the shape there

[Lisa] that is the problem

[Lisa] okay - how about other meeting room and barracks?

[Lisa] Branwyn moved 71'10".

[Master] really the only open place for a large gathering other than the courtyard is teh salon upstairs

[Lisa] [Ilero]] moved 138'05".

[Master] same issues there

Mike is receiving the map Dryads-Lair-districts...

Mike has received the map Dryads-Lair-districts.

Mike is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

Mike has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Lisa] iis meeting room too small by itself?

[Master] both rooms with the table in now is nice for a meeting with someone, etc

[Master] but for a party you will want the courtyard, etc

[Master] I think if you work otu sleeping first

[John Anstett] is receiving the map New Residence basement...

[John Anstett] has received the map New Residence basement.

[John Anstett] is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

[Master] do you watn Shur adn Ilero there in the nice room on the north there?

[Mike] i would use the foutain as the salon

[John Anstett] has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Master] or down in the basement?

[Mike] it's how the greeks did it

[Lisa] but we can't decide sleeping if we can't place the salon

[Master] I hear you Lisa

[Master] and John, thoughts?

John Anstett courtyrad is the salon

[Mike] set up some small tables or couches around it

[Lisa] how about the two bedrooms behind the temple? knock out those walls - one solid space

[Lisa] it never rains in dryads lair?

John Anstett I will build you a retractable roof

[Master] you can put up an awning overhead, or a wall of force, etc

[Lisa] not sure about always outdoors with the bugs

[Master] LOL

[Lisa] sometimes you need to be inside

John Anstett We can just build a roof

John Anstett not like we have AC to worry about

[Lisa] but then you are never outside

[Mike] the villa down here was set up that way

[Mike] now i forget its name. in miami

John Anstett ok, how about build floor on 2escond floor so downstaids is inside, updates is outside

[Master] visquia?

[Mike] yeah. that one

John Anstett funnel water to fountain

[Mike] and with a roman shade canopy thingy it'd be great

[Master] ok

[Master] keeping the formal dining room to the south of the courtyard

[Master] chapel to the north of the courtyard

[Lisa] yes

John Anstett who is on floor 2?

[Master] Tristan

[John Anstett] is receiving the map New Residence second floor...

[John Anstett] has received the map New Residence second floor.

[Lisa] is he?

[Lisa] oh

[Lisa] never mind

[Master] the icon is there to get maps

[Mike] why do we have a church in our house again?

[Master] Tristan and Leatherus get the room on the right? Indigo on the left?

[Mike] not even kylia or finglass do that

John Anstett so there is a hallywall open to the courtyear

John Anstett yard

[Master] yes to John

[Lisa] where is salon then?

John Anstett 1st floor courtyeard insides, 2nd floor open to sky

[Lisa] how does the grass grow by the fountain?

[Master] will be the couryard

[Master] all stone

[Lisa] no grass?

[Master] no grass at all

John Anstett how high does the fountain go?

[Lisa] that means no bugs

[Master] ten feet?

[Master] and john you do not want to build a floor across there

[Master] just the awning you were talking about

John Anstett why not

Mike is receiving the map New Residence second floor...

Mike has received the map New Residence second floor.

[Master] the current plan is to have all the entertaining areas downstairs

Mike is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

Mike has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Master] unless Mike adn Lisa? you think it is a good idea to put in a floor across there?

[Master] John explain what you are thinking

[Mike] that might work.

Lisa is receiving the map New Residence second floor...

Lisa has received the map New Residence second floor.

[Lisa] do we need it?

[Mike] though if we do that we might as well roof the second floor

John Anstett if you want a partial roof for the downstairs coutyard

[Mike] i bet we could invent the first retractable sun roof for the lame ass marlins to copy later

[Lisa] awning is fine - just don't want to either roast in heat or cause them to sit in rain

[Master] the Dolphins are adding awnings tot he stadium next year

John Anstett so we realy do not need a trap door, Imari can just fly out of the courtyard

[Master] it would be nice for her to be abel to go up a ladder

[Mike] but what if people want to get to her?

[Lisa] well then - if the Dolphins have awnings ....

[Lisa] :)

[Mike] you know, come to think of it, i don't like any of the local teams

John Anstett we can make windws on the toweers if there are not their already

[Master] right now we have a 30 by 30 square room up top with interior wall sections dividing it up into two 10 by 10 rooms and a 20 by 30 room open to the sky

[Master] and smiles at Lisa

[Master] there are windows on the towers yes

[Mike] imari's room is on top of one of the towers, right?

[Master] correct

[John Anstett] is receiving the map New Residence basement...

[John Anstett] has received the map New Residence basement.

[Master] on teh second floor map will be the lower right tower

[Lisa] salon can be turned into three bedrooms?

[John Anstett] is receiving the map New Residence second floor...

[John Anstett] has received the map New Residence second floor.

[Master] if you need them

[Mike] so entertaining in the courtyard, which has an awning?

[Master] Aunt Jennevive moved 216'08".

[Lisa] think so

[Lisa] there are also meeting rooms and a grand dining room down there

[Lisa] and the temple for the priests

[Master] Ok so if you change the dining room on the second floor into bedrooms

John Anstett I am away from the keyboard.

[Lisa] was thinking Marisu and Miranda and MJ

[Lisa] the first two since they are mages and would be close to the library

[Master] then you need the salon there on teh second floor to have any common areas for people

[Master] are you dividing the larger room up with walls for them?

[Master] or leaving as is?

[Lisa] that is up to them

[Master] and John is here with two of the three votes so that is good

[Lisa] if you divide it, then really only two rooms

[Master] would be a 20 by 20 room

[Lisa] each?

[Master] and a 40 by 30 room

[Lisa] ok

[Lisa] so could do 2 in one and 1 in one

[Master] you can draw too

[Master] I enabled the paint layer

[Lisa] nope

[Lisa] no nwp for that

[Master] chuckles

[Master] so second floor almost done

[Master] first floor

[Lisa] so we are keeping the salon?

[Lisa] sigh

[Master] for now yes

[Mike] lol

[Mike] do we need any new room for sleeping?

[Mike] if not, why change?

[Lisa] probably

[Master] that is what we are working out now

[Lisa] depends on how the guys want to bunk up

[Master] Indigo is there, Leatherus is in the room for him and Tristan

[Lisa] downstairs then

Lisa is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

John Anstett I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] that leaves you with Ilero and Shur

Lisa has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Master] and the staff

[Lisa] Ilero & Shur need 1 room

[Mike] well galduk is in the stables, imari is on the tower. lol

[Mike] we moved, and she got her tower

[Master] you do not have any place yet for Phillipe, Atribella and Joseph

[Lisa] tristan in one

[Lisa] I know Bob

[Lisa] they get last pick

[Lisa] Jilly too

[Master] as of right now you only have 1 room left

[Master] the space where Ilero is

[Lisa] hold on

[Lisa] Tristan where Indigo is

[Lisa] Ilero and Shur next door

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 42'05".

[Lisa] that leaves - Indigo Hoffman and Leatherus

John Anstett where is Miranda staying?

[Lisa] upstairs next to library with MJ or Marisu

[Mike] well turn that into the servant's quarters

[Mike] the four of them sleep there

John Anstett I see

[Lisa] everyone gets nice places and fighter get tossed in barracks?

[Master] Indigo moved 82'03".

[Master] Tristan Elaire moved 30'06".

[Master] Leatherus moved 123'00".

[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 104'06".

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 105'08".

[Master] [Hoffman]] moved 43'10".

[John Anstett] is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

[Lisa] how big is barracks near front door?

[John Anstett] has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Master] so I moved everyone to the prospective rooms

[Master] leaving the six unknowns out front

Mike is receiving the map New Residence basement...

Mike has received the map New Residence basement.

[Master] and there is the one room there on the first floor

John Anstett with 6 beds

[Lisa] how big?

[Master] scale is right

John Anstett or is that for the staff

[Master] 40 foot

[Mike] galduk and jilly in the crypt?

[Master] you also have the basement

[Master] so far only a lab down there

Mike is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

Mike has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Lisa] so can split bottom room into two?

[Mike] weshould use the crypt as a salon. use the coffins as coffee tables

John Anstett oh sure, set a good impression

[Master] like that Lisa?

Lisa is receiving the map New Residence basement...

Lisa has received the map New Residence basement.

[Lisa] so servants in basement?

[Lisa] phillipe and Joseph in one and Atribella and Jilly in the other?

John Anstett I would rather sleep in the bacement

[Lisa] lab on far side?

[Master] those are HUGE rooms

John Anstett except for the cripts

[Master] 60 by 60

[Lisa] okay

[Master] you can do that if you want

John Anstett do yoo have an office somewhere else?

[Master] not saying no

[Lisa] servants in barracks and fighhters in basement

[Master] and not yet John

[John Anstett] is receiving the map New Residence basement...

[John Anstett] has received the map New Residence basement.

[Lisa] we can put up walls in there for privacy so it doesn't feel like they are in a bunker

John Anstett are we basing this on knowing there are secret doors or moving the crypts?

[Lisa] sweet smell of the sewer waking them up the morning

[Lisa] we know we are moving the crypts

[Mike] does your basement smell like sewer?

[Lisa] no but I don't have one inside mine

John Anstett it has easy acess to the sewer

[Lisa] with little boats

TMO has joined the game on Fri Oct 17 20:36:35 EDT 2014

TMO is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

[Master] brb restroom and refil

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lisa] picturing Sarenger on a gondola singing as he gives guests tours through the sewers

TMO has received the map New Residence first floor.

John Anstett i thought Ilero would want to be in the bacement

[Lisa] now he is here he can speak up

[John Anstett] is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

[John Anstett] has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Lisa] wasn't sure that Shur would want crypt bedroom

[Lisa] they can figure that out themselves

[TMO] Ilero says "Hell no, not sleeping in the crypts"

John Anstett hey tmo

[Lisa] lol

John Anstett they will not be cripts for long

[TMO] Doesn't matter. ;)

[Lisa] I had you two on first floor behind temple next to tristan

[Mike] brb

[TMO] putting the sinful couple next to the paladin. Good planning. :D

John Anstett smiles

[TMO] j/k. sounds fine.

[Lisa] he's no paladin and you two might loosen him up a notch or two

[Lisa] be a good influence

[TMO] I thought he was a paladin. Cleric then?

[Lisa] priest yup

[TMO] Huh. Apparently I was paying close attention that day.

John Anstett he is rather agressive for a priest

[Lisa] he is on a mission

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] john you want the fighters on the basement rather than 1st floor?

[Master] so with the idea of the the lab being in the southwest corner and the servants in the northwest corner

[Lisa] tis fine - just trying to move along :)

John Anstett not really

[Lisa] ok

[Master] adn the first floor there for the three of them?

John Anstett was thinking we finaly have an undergound area and by underground characters are not here

[Lisa] so put wall in servant crypt to separate the men and women

[Master] Indigo, [Hoffman]] and Leatherus moved 45'11".

[Lisa] servant crypt :D

[Master] so where will Jilly go?

[Master] with the servants?

[Lisa] with Atribella

[Master] can divide that room up

[Master] ok

[TMO] looks like we have a big screen tv. And a secret door for Tristan to peek in on us with.

[Master] Jilly moved 57'04".

[Lisa] it will be okay

[Lisa] Atribella is cultured aide and not washerwoman

[Master] and that room is bigger than Jilly's house growing up was

[Lisa] Jilly will drive her crazy

[Lisa] so we good on basement?

[Master] I will work out the interior walls now

[Lisa] catapult and supplies in middles crypt room

Lisa is receiving the map New Residence second floor...

[Master] for the servants room

Lisa has received the map New Residence second floor.

Lisa is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

Lisa has received the map New Residence first floor.

TMO is receiving the map New Residence basement...

TMO has received the map New Residence basement.

[Lisa] john are you okay with your peoples?

[Lisa] wasn't sure how often Miranda will be playing

[TMO] how come galdek isn't with imari?

John Anstett sure

[Mike] back

[Mike] we hammer things out?

[Master] all the icons are where they will be

John Anstett we will have to roleplay Eddie

[Lisa] was thinking Marisu and Miranda there so they could be close to library

TMO is receiving the map New Residence second floor...

TMO has received the map New Residence second floor.

John Anstett i was thinking you would wizard lock it but them I am very deffensive

[Lisa] and then thought one of them wouldn't mind bunking with MJ

TMO is receiving the map New Residence second floor...

Lisa is receiving the map New Residence second floor...

Lisa has received the map New Residence second floor.

TMO has received the map New Residence second floor.

[Master] I jsut sent everyone teh overhead just in case

[Master] I am going to walk through from the top down now

[Lisa] sorry - forgot TMO you weren't there for that either

[Master] now on the second floor

[Master] John, and TMO

[Master] that new bedroom area

[Lisa] splitting upstairs dining room to make two bedrooms adjacent to library for our ladies without gentlemen

[Master] do you want it one large room or do you want to have it in separate rooms?

[Lisa] I thought splitting but it is up to them

John Anstett is there realy a room in the towers?

[Master] no there is no room in the towers, you are building a new room/floor to the one tower

[Lisa] once you build it the raven will come

[Master] for Imari and Galdek

[Master] lol

[TMO] If there is the option, I imagine Marisu and Miranda would prefer separate rooms.

[Lisa] that is what I thought

[Master] so you like how that looks with that wall there?

[TMO] I don't think we've seen them rp with each other yet. We don't know if they get along. ;)

[Lisa] it is fine when we are on the road for a week to all bunk up but for long term privacy is nice

John Anstett is that going to be one small room and one big room or are you splitting them again?

[Mike] galduk will sleep in the stables

[TMO] That looks good. Miranda will probably get the larger room due to seniority. Maybe put MJ on a bunk in there?

[Mike] he'd probably be more at home there

[Lisa] two would go in bigger room

[Mike] and he can make sure artiark doesn't eat zephyr

John Anstett no problem

[Master] with the fireplace, etc

[Master] and window

[Lisa] so if you want the bigger room you stay with MJ

[Lisa] :)

John Anstett good idea

[TMO] Marisu will agree to that. Miranda and MJ in the larger room, Marisu in the smaller.

[TMO] Just so long as somebody puts a door in. ;)

[Master] you can pock which wall has the door

[Master] pick

John Anstett secrect or one way?

[TMO] would seem to make the most sense for north wall to have it.

[Lisa] brb

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] ok

[Master] and nothing else here on teh second floor then

[John Anstett] is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

[John Anstett] has received the map New Residence first floor.

TMO is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

TMO has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Master] the wall there in the baracks area for Hoffman and Indigo?

[Master] that is for you John

[TMO] oo, Ilero gets a window.

John Anstett door to tower

[TMO] which tower is getting the addition?

[Master] southeast

[Master] northwest is the servants

[Master] up and down

[Mike] they could live in the tower like a smaller version of the lovegoods' home

[Master] so we have all the extra walls drawn in now

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] 1 medium wooden building and 28 wooden wall sections

[Master] so far

[Lisa] so did we get everybody and didn't tear up the upstairs salon?

[Lisa] everybody happy?

[Lisa] or at least content?

[Master] I will not say that but you did not tear things up yet

[Master] there are people on each floor

[Master] and walls, etc

[Lisa] awning for courtyard

[Master] any other changes?

[Master] I ahve a trap door and an awning

[Lisa] and the stables

[Master] and there we go that is what we forgot

[Lisa] we talked about giving Artiark the top half

[Lisa] then Marisu's horse at the bottom

[Lisa] with guest stalls

[Lisa] separate them a bit?

[Lisa] doggie bed in middle? :)

John Anstett is everyone ok with Eddie being a house dog

[Mike] and the barbarian

[Lisa] I'm fine

John Anstett or will he have to sleep in the stables

[Mike] if the dog doesn't mind they can share a stall

[Lisa] dog can sleep with you

John Anstett i was waiting to roleplay that

[Master] so you see how you could divide up the stables into a totally different area for Art

[Lisa] so whatever we need to do to stables to make that work

Lisa is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

Lisa has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Master] Mike?

[Master] TMO you are ok with that for Zepher?

[TMO] yes

[Mike] looks fine

[Master] you could take out one of those walls too

Mike is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

Mike has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Master] to create a larger space for Zypher

[Master] what ever her name is

[Master] you want a door into Art's area?

[Master] or only the outside one

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] and is there anything else that anyone wuld like to change, build, etc

Mike has joined the game on Fri Oct 17 21:07:35 EDT 2014

Mike is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

Mike has received the map New Residence first floor.

Mike has left the game on Fri Oct 17 21:07:44 EDT 2014

[Master] John? TMO?

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

John Anstett no, I am ok for now

[Master] I put in a door for Art's area

[TMO] my chars are fine

[Mike] okay.

[Mike] galduk will sleep there

[TMO] we'll install the escape pod later

[Lisa] do we have a wine cellar?

[Master] not yet

[Lisa] what is room off of Ilero and Shur's?

[Master] ale

[Master] space for wine

[Master] but you have none yet

John Anstett I was going to ask if the storrage rooms in the bacement are actualy the same as the first floor

[Lisa] okay

[Master] you have the center room of the basement that will be emptied out?

[Lisa] yes

[Master] the lab and servants are good but the other two rooms?

[Master] that are behind secret doors?

[Master] and the toehr two secret rooms?

[Master] anything around the docks?

John Anstett I was going to ask if the storrage rooms in the bacement are actualy the same as the first floor

[John Anstett] is receiving the map New Residence basement...

[John Anstett] has received the map New Residence basement.

[Lisa] can put catapult and whatever we don't have room for down there

[Master] the entrance to the sewers

[Lisa] secret rooms are for secrets

[Master] did you want a new portcullis there?

[Master] there is currently one

[Lisa] why would we need a new one?

[Master] you had mentioned not trusting the previously hired experts

[John Anstett] is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

[John Anstett] has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Lisa] and the only way to get a new lock is put in a whole new portcullis?

[Master] yes

[Lisa] contractors! always trying to rip you off

[Master] chuckles

[Lisa] what does head of security think?

[Mike] well, a new portcullis would be pretty fun. we could use the old one as a really big grill in the courtyard

[Lisa] tmo?

[TMO] the old portcullis is structurally sound?

[Master] yes

[TMO] if we install a new one, all the workers who go down there will see the secret room.

[TMO] was it just one person saw it before?

[Master] this will be like when you built the church

[TMO] or was it a team who put it in?

[Master] using magic, PC skills, etc

[Master] no outsiders needed

[Master] so you could replace it and no one would know

[TMO] do we have that capability?

[Master] yes

John Anstett brawynn's office can be the scroll, just have a guard make sure no one rolls you up and you have an office to go

[TMO] hmm...

[TMO] how tight is the budget? I'm game for replacing with one we know is secure if we can afford it.

John Anstett i think it is no big deal and well worth it

[Master] Branwyn can answer to budgets

[Master] but as hoffman walks around tallying up all the wooden walls, rooms, doors, awning, etc

[Master] 1 med wooden building and 75 wooden wall sections

[Master] if the group pitches in (except Branwyn)

[Master] and you go with the 10% extra for grand nice things

[Lisa] except branwyn?

John Anstett you will distracted

[Master] so far before the portcullis you have about 126 GP

[Master] spent

John Anstett be

[Lisa] get a portcullis

[Lisa] we will also need new furniture in some places

[Lisa] ilero and shur - here is your room with four twin beds

[Master] adn John or Mike tally up how many man weeks you have to work with

[Mike] i don't remember the formula, but i'm going to go with one, two, many, lots

John Anstett galdeck =3

[Lisa] also dining rooom switch kind of stuff

John Anstett miranda =19 so 22 so far

[John Anstett] is receiving the map New Residence second floor...

[Lisa] how do you calculate Indigo

[John Anstett] has received the map New Residence second floor.

[Lisa] he can repair ships - how hard can a wall be?

John Anstett imari 44 = 66 so far

John Anstett marisua =8 so 74 total

[Master] OK

[Master] as long as you are over 75

[Master] and total spent is 750 GP

[Master] in one week of building

[Master] UNLESS

[Master] you fail your check

John Anstett a bad roll

[Master] need a percent please

John Anstett Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=93] 93

[Master] seroiusly?

John Anstett you know I love to roll

John Anstett i love the excitemnet

John Anstett xp

John Anstett did we burn the house down?

[TMO] was that really good, or really bad?

[Master] need to double check

[Master] really bad

[TMO] Yay!

[Master] I do need a better number of man weeks john

[Master] and your cost did go up

John Anstett mj = 5 for 79

[Lisa] did you count everybody?

John Anstett shur =6 so 85

John Anstett going down the list

[TMO] how are the numbers figured?

John Anstett Indigo 7 so 92

John Anstett level and spells

John Anstett hoffman 8 so 100

[Master] ok

John Anstett LLero 9 so 109

[Master] so it takes 2 weeks and it costs 1200 GP in total

John Anstett I did not get to tristian yet

John Anstett do I need to keep going?

[Master] because in the middle of your project there is a raid by Orcs and Bugbears north of the wall

[Master] that causes shipment issues with the wood from the Blumm Wood

John Anstett of our house or of the town

John Anstett just kidding

[Lisa] they just magically show up in the middle of the diplomatic quarter?

[Master] on the Principality map

[Lisa] lol

John Anstett hee hee

[Lisa] oh

John Anstett poof

[Master] so your supplies take longer to get here, and cost almost twice as much

[Lisa] Indigo will be sad - he's never seen an orc

[Master] but at the end of the two weeks you are good

[Master] oh there will be lots of chances, wry grin

[Master] adding this to the list of threads for you now

[Mike] damn. so instead of dirtcheap it's... not quite dirt cheap...

[Lisa] Are you keeping track of our accounting?

[John Anstett] is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

[John Anstett] has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Master] I am not

[Lisa] do I need to do that?

[Master] you can assign someone to that

[Mike] good. then for all intents and purposes when he asks us how much money we have we can say whatever we want and he can't argue.

[Lisa] I will pay the first year in advance

[Master] ok

[Lisa] don't have to write monthly checks

[Master] hate checks

[Lisa] did that include new furniture?

[Master] no it does not

[Master] that was the next question

[Lisa] we need new furniture

[Master] when I make the new maps tomorrow

[Lisa] and pay the crypt removal service

[Master] I wasn only changing the new walls, etd

[Master] and downstairs

[Master] so yes you have to deal with those things

[Lisa] we need to furnish all the bedrooms we split

[Lisa] and Ilero and Shur's

[Lisa] think everyone else should be okay

[Master] ok

[Mike] we need some pimp stuff

[Lisa] anything Imari wants in her roost

[Master] I will leave that to Mike

[Master] to make up a list of furnishings

[Master] for the front areas, two meeting rooms, etc

[Lisa] the rest of the house is furnished well for the setting I am assuming

[Master] the two rooms on either side of the entrance Mike

[Master] witht eh tables now

[Mike] well with a 30x30 room she could make a small area for herself as a human. maybe a desk, chair, and curio cabinet.

[Master] you have a ten by ten, a ten by ten adn a 20 by 30

[Master] the 20 by 30 is open to the sky

[Mike] i guess the other 10x10 can be a bedroom for in case she wants to sleep human

[Mike] or a guest room for visiting barbarian dignitaries

[Master] checking times and dates as you discuss everything

John Anstett so you and lisa can roleplay the two weeks she is free and we are all working?

[Master] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 8th, 1266 TGR.

[Master] OK so the 8th day of the next month

[Master] and I reset your year to TGR rather than SKR

[Master] and I am going to say you are done with Setting up Home

[Master] does that sound right to everyone?

[Lisa] okay - if you want to give a round number for furnishings that is good for me

[Mike] sure

John Anstett we can still roleplay on line

[Lisa] not now - whenever

[Master] yes to Lisa and John

[Lisa] for the bookkeeper

[Lisa] then hoffman and ilero can talk security guard hires etc

[Lisa] day servants perhaps?

[Lisa] room cleaning, meals?

[Lisa] but not overnighters

[Master] you have space for two more servants downstairs

[Lisa] we would really have to vet them to put them down with the sewer entrance

[Master] but I do want to hear from Mike, John, TMO about security

[Master] etc

[Master] Lisa makes a good point

John Anstett I posted my idea

[Lisa] :)

[Master] do not remember

[Mike] well anti scrying and teleporting wards need to be bought

[Lisa] just now?

[Mike] now that we're in a not sucky part of the world

John Anstett in my discussion with Ilero

[Mike] and i think a good security measure would be a ninja butler

[Lisa] I do not trust priests or mages for sale around here

[Mike] but ninja can't say they're ninja, so we have to advertise for a NOT ninja butler wink wink

[Lisa] lol

[TMO] we don't have wizard lock spells, maybe buy a wizard lock scroll to use on the portcullis until we find reliable enough guards to put there? Just not use it at all until then?

John Anstett 6 hour shifts, overlaping 2 hours

John Anstett depending on how many guards we have

John Anstett wizard lock will keep us out too, we need to see what Tristian has

[Master] and you know Mike with teleport you can go shopping for your ninja butler in the places where they train

[Mike] woohoo

[Master] we do need to have security worked out a little clearer

[TMO] I don't figure we'll need the portcullis immediately once we're in town. I figured it'd be safe enough to just lock it for good until we're ready to staff it.

[Master] so that we can know who is around when for visitors etc

[Master] and wehre do you meet with visitors

[Master] and where does Branwyn want to have her meetings with her Atache

John Anstett my only question is does Brawynn want a 24 hr bodyguard or are we just protecting the house

[Lisa] oh please so not have someone following branwyn around all day

[Lisa] do not

John Anstett np

[Lisa] she will be so sad

[Lisa] branwyn can meet with the attache in the meeting room or in her library

John Anstett 24 hr day right bob?

[TMO] brb

[Master] by meeting room you mean upstairs? the salon?

[Lisa] actually sure why not since we kept it

[Master] Branwyn moved 125'02".

[Lisa] no need to use the ones downstairs

Lisa is receiving the map New Residence second floor...

Lisa has received the map New Residence second floor.

[Master] so anyone else who wants to be here can be

[Master] and yes to John earlier sorry

[Lisa] are we having a meeting IC?

[TMO] here, but will likely be up and down for a bit

[Master] I was going to yes

John Anstett is this before the building?

[Master] after the building is done

[Master] and you have the new hires for guards

[Master] etc

[Lisa] (can you move indigo up please?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Aunt Jennevive moved 132'09".

[Master] Ilero? Imari? Hoffman?

[Master] others?

John Anstett Miranda will like to join

[Master] [Miranda Paige]] moved 93'09".

[Master] [Miranda Paige]] moved 48'10".

[Master] Phillipe Gaston Enquire moved 5'04".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] [Marisu]] moved 78'02".

[Master] Aunt Jennevive moved 30'07".

[Master] Branwyn moved 6'07".

[Master] Atribella Olivin moved 21'10".

[Master] [Marisu]] moved 47'10".

[Master] Joseph Shortkin moved 27'06".

[Master] Jilly moved 17'05".

Ilero (TMO)] (You want chattage?

[Master] not everyone needs to be there

[Master] but it is good to have someone for each player

[Master] Marisu is there

[Master] Ilero can be if you want

TMO is receiving the map New Residence second floor...

TMO has received the map New Residence second floor.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (this is our first real meeting with them though right?)

[Master] yes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I wanted to get some basic info I think would be good for everyone first hand)

Marisu (TMO)] (either is fine with me)

[Master] first thing in the morning

[Master] Jilly is passing out pastries

[Master] and dried fruits

[Master] warmed up mulled wine

Marisu (TMO)] (inserts an 'in the' after 'out'

[Master] a slight crisp in the air

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) takes an extar one for Eddie

[Jilly (Master)] Miranda!

[Jilly (Master)] You are as bad as Indigo

Marisu (TMO)] Mmm.. thank you, Jilly.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] just trying to krrp by boy happy

[Jilly (Master)] and I need enough for Gregory out at the door

[Jilly (Master)] He is sort of cute

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Try not to distract the guards too much while they are on duty

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles at Jilly

Jilly (Master) beams at Branwyn

Marisu (TMO)] (brb, checking on daughter)

[Jilly (Master)] I sneak up on them

[Jilly (Master)] if they spot me they get breakfast

[Jilly (Master)] if not then they don't

Joseph Shortkin (Master) rolls eyes

Branwyn (Lisa) eyes widen "Be careful with that!"

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Atribella, please

Atribella Olivin (Master) walks forward with a large basket full of scrolls

Atribella Olivin (Master) sets them on the floor near Phillipe

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I am sorry Branwyn,

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] these have been accumulating

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Hoffman had promised that the mess would be over any day now

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] for the last few days

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] but I must say thank you on behalf of all the staff

Branwyn (Lisa) looks down at basket "How many are there?"

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] the new rooms are very nice

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] and everyone does appreciate such nice quarters

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am glad you are pleased with them.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I can see why the Princes family liked this place so much

Marisu (TMO)] (back)

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] there are a total of 26 messages there

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This house belonged to the Prince's family?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] but only 6 or 7 are important

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Oh yes

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] his great grandfather used to live here

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (the one we just put a birdhouse on? :) )

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] when they built the palace they gave the place to one of their loyal retianers

Marisu (TMO)] I thought it belonged to an impoverished noble from a minor estate?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] yes, he never visits the city anymore

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And so the crypts we had removed were from the Prince's family?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] yes

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] but the church had them reburied

[Marisu]] (TMO) shifts in her seat.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] they were very good about it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That's a relief.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Before we get too far along with these scrolls, perhaps you can help us a bit.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I am here to serve you

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] how can I help

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Being new to you all, it would help if each of you can tell us what your duties and responsibilities are so if anyone needs anything we will come to the right person.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] very well,

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I am here for what ever you need, to take messages, to bring reports, help smooth the way here in teh city, to do anything that you require

Branwyn (Lisa) thinks to herself "I am getting to hate when he says that. Like I am putting him our tremendously

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (out)

[Mike] brb

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Joseph and Atribella are my assistants, they handle many of the tasks around the house, and errands etc.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] now with such a much larger house we have a cook and a maid as well

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] they are downstairs

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] and with young Jilly here

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] she has helped us greatly

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] helping us to understand what each of you likes, dislikes, etc

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I profess I do not know all of the new guards names yet

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I think you will find most of us do not require your normal assistance

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] but Joseph has been working with them and with Hoffman to make sure that things are done as you wish

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] but this is rather new to many of us

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] (John how many guards are there?)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (I did not get a number yet)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And Phillipe you have taken care of the weapons permissions?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] (you can do that on the site)

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Yes Branwyn

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I have sent your greetings to the appropriate people

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] and registered yoru household with the city council

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] and with teh Prince

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Aunt Jennivive has helped with the Church

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] to make sure that all those details are covered

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] each of your staff can carry one weapon with them

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] with the exception of Sir Indigo who is permitted two swords

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We shall hope they shall only be a precaution.

Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master) looking at Branwyn, waiting to be sure the questions are done before going back to the scrolls

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Does anyone else have questions?

Branwyn (Lisa) looks to her friends

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] not yet, I want to see how this goes first

[Mike] back

[Mike] "You might want to get a few more for Galduk."

[Mike] I am back at the keyboard.

[Imari (Mike)] "He doesn't listen to rules."

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] A few more of which Miss Imari?

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (weapon permits I think)

[Imari (Mike)] "He carries many axes."

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] Hoffman might want one but I think I am going to sugest he caries the bow and uses his hands for close up problems

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] That will not be permitted in the city

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] he may carry one

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] no bows?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Sir Indigo is a well known knight

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] or no many axes?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] why would one want to carry a bow in the city?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] no one would carry a bow at all

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] and only one ax

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] the city guard will confiscate anything that they find

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] we appreciate your guidence

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] there will not be anything I can do about that

[Imari (Mike)] 'That will cause a problem."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How so Imari,? I don't think we will be attacked in the street by anythingh one weapon a piece cannot handle.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is one nice thing about cities. We shouldn't suddenly be attacked by 20 zombies coming at us.

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Phillipe "Will we?"

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] what are the rules for spell casters?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I cannot imagine the city guard allowing zombies to roam freely in the city

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] for mages? I would be discrete in your use of magic Miss Miranda

[Imari (Mike)] "How about the guards? Is one weapon apiece good enough for them?"

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] ok, so no flying through the streets

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] Hoffman will make sure they are good

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] the City Guard is traditionally equiped with a bludgeon and a knife

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I imagine in our house we can make our own rules

Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master) nods, you may do as you wish here in your house

Marisu (TMO)] Should we set up a training room for us to practice our skills?

[Imari (Mike)] "Because I doubt he'll leave any behind. And he surely won't give any up to a guard."

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] courtroom should be fine

[Imari (Mike)] "Think we can hide the dead guard bodies easily?"

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I am sorry Miss Imari, if he does venture into the city with more than one axe then the guards will be upset

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] and they are issued swords

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I will not be able to protect him if he does anything rash

[Imari (Mike)] "I suppose that's one way to get rid of him..."

Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master) looking at Branwyn, Should I hire a barrister for you?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I won't be needing one. I can't speak for the rest of them.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If Galdek goes on a city killing apree I will not be keen on jumping to his defense.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You knew where we were going.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] There are rules. I am sorry for that.

[Imari (Mike)] ::shrugs:: "I don't really care."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I do as it will look bad on all of us and possibly remove all our weapons privileges.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That personally doesn't worry me but iothers might disagree.

[Imari (Mike)] "I doubt you could convince him. He is a simple person."

[Imari (Mike)] "His duty is to protect me. In his mind that requires weapons."

Marisu (TMO)] I can try, if you like. I don't know if it will help though.

[Imari (Mike)] "If you wish. it will be like squeezing blood from a rock."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You know what will happen if he gets out of line. I warned everyone on the ship coming over. If marisu can help that would be wonderful.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I think we are ready for the important scrolls, right Branwyn

[Imari (Mike)] "If the city guard rids me of him, better for me."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] As long as he doesn't take any of us down with him....

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes Miranda, there is nothing else I can do on this front.

Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master) looks at Atribella, speak with Barrister Thilt please this afternoon

Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master) looks at Branwyn expectantly

Branwyn (Lisa) waves her hand at him "yes, yes the scrolls now."

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] very well

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] this one, pulls one off the top with a purple ribbon

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (grrr)

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] is your meeting with the Prince

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I have scheduled that for tomorrow for you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am expected alone or can I bring people?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] you may bring one or two if you wish

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] more to the Palace of course

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] but the meeting will be a small one, this is the informal meeting before your formal welcome to the city

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] the Prince will hold a dance in your honor

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) smiles

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That will be nice.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] pulls two more off the pile, with orange ribbons

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) (hms to self the dance from A Knoghts tale)

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] this one is your invitation to the Grand Celstry to meet with the church leaders,

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You mean Jennevive and Tristan's. Not mine surely.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I have taken the liberty to tell them that you have brought your own confessor with you

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (hee hee)

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] smiles, no these are for you Branwyn

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] this one,

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] hands over the second one

Branwyn (Lisa) sighs "Very well"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] is your donation for the Feast of Broodhoy

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Feast of what?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I am not certain how much you wish to

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] pauses

Branwyn (Lisa) looks over at Jennevive

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Broodhoy is the patron saint of brewers

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] it is a popular feast day

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And he is having a feast or just wants our gold?

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] good think you are with friend here Embasador

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] you are expected to attend the celebrations and ceremony in the church

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] g

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Is this a saint of Cahus?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The saint of drunken warriors?

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master) blanches

[Imari (Mike)] it's a boozahol party! who care's who's god he is?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] then takes a breath and smiles

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] She is a well reguarded Goodess in the city Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm sorry. I will get better with the church matters, won't I Jennevive?

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I sugest we start modest, not insulting, but do not let tehm think we are too fond

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] it would be best if you attended the feasts the church hosts regularly

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What is a standard donation.

[Imari (Mike)] even better, a boozahol babe

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] it depends on where you wish to sit

Branwyn (Lisa) looks again to Jennevive

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] the front row with the Prince and his family will be a donation of 10,000

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh good gods, no!

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] perhaps the third row then, with several of the other visiting nobles from out of the City

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How much is that?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] that will only be 2,000

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This is ridiculous.

Marisu (TMO)] Where did the previous Ambassador sit?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We'll be taking mercenary jobs again in six months at this rate.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Branwyn will be glad to donate 2,000 and sit with the nobles

[Imari (Mike)] ::clears her throat::

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] it will be instructive for everyone to see her participating

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] can you find me teahing jobs?

Marisu (TMO)] Is it a one-time payment, or each time?

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] teaching

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (starting with typing)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Please do as Jennevive advises.

[Imari (Mike)] ::coughs quietly into her hand::

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] it is not a payment, this is a donation to show your appreciation for this particular feast day,

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Perhaps Marisu can cast a charm spell on me before we go.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Yes Miss Imari?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] and Miss Marisu, the previous ambassador sat with the Prince

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) smiles and winks at Branwyn

[Imari (Mike)] ::sighs and kicks Branwyn's chair::

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And I might let you know Phillipe that the Queen was not entirely happy with the last Ambassador's spending habits.

Branwyn (Lisa) looks over at Imari and mouths "I'm sorry"

[Imari (Mike)] "Who says we are not a subtle people."

[Imari (Mike)] "Bran, dear, perhaps I might offer two suggestions."

[Imari (Mike)] "One, we are new here and need to make friends of the other lords. Like when a new chieftan reaches our city he will often have a feast and invite the other chieftans."

[Imari (Mike)] "It will allow you to meet people, and have them look favorably upon you."

[Imari (Mike)] "Second, if you really do not wish to spend that much, perhaps you can make a smaller, but still a nice donation, and tell anyone who asks that being new to the city you wished to experience the festival as the common people do."

[Imari (Mike)] "To experience the local color of this new and lovely city."

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] nice

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You are right. of course. The 2,000 should be fine for now as a middle gesture and we will see how things go.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How many of these feasts are there?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] For Broodhoy? twice a year

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] but

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Feasts for the church?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Feasts I am going to be expected to make contributions to.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] there is a total of 254 popularly celebrated Feasts in the Church

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] of course not all of them require such donations

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] you did not notice them as much at home

[Branwyn (Lisa)] At all frankly.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] here in teh Grand Celestry they tend to become .... grander for a lack of a better word

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How does anyone get anything of purpose done if every day is some feast?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] we have two weeks to prepare for your visit there for the Feast, I will forward along your donation as you said Branwyn

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I would suspect that quite a bit of conversations go on during these feasts

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes, thank you. I shall need two weeks to prepare.

[Imari (Mike)] "How many can accompany her in her seating?"

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] three

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] herself and two others

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That's all?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Can I send four people and stay home?

Marisu (TMO)] They have to save room for the other donors, of course.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Can we purchase other seating so more of us can attend?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] of course, that would be a very nice gesture

[Imari (Mike)] "Perhaps I might ask to accompany you? Talk to some of the nobles on your behalf?"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Only if you can assure that if you bring galdek he is not going to kill the other guests

Marisu (TMO)] And it would give you a nice out if anyone wonders why you didn't match the late Ambassador's donation. You can just say that you wanted to bring more people to the celebration.

[Imari (Mike)] "He can't come. Not enough seats." ::smiles pleased with herself::

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is a blessing.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Phillipe, make sure we take care of anyone who wants to attend this first one.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Anyone? Branwyn?

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] from our group

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Anyone in this household.

Atribella Olivin (Master) perks up

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't have to go. I can stay home.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] That is most gracious of you Branwyn

Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master) gives a quick bow

Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master) hands over 5 more scrolls all tied with brown

[Branwyn (Lisa)] These must be my spells!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Correct?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] These are each an invitation to attend the next City Council meeting

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Of course.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I politely declined

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] each of them

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Why?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] you cannot accept an invitation from one

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] without creating friction with another

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] what we send 5 diffrent representivies?

Marisu (TMO)] How many City Councils are there?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] we will have to find a way for you to attend a meeting without any of the five members of the counil taking credit for your attendance

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] if

[Marisu]] (TMO) puts her face in her hand. "Sorry, forget I said anything."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I cannot show up without an invitation.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] It is a tricky situation but one that we can overcome with some thought and planning

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] you and 5 associates

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Can you pen a letter to the Council as a whole requesting an introduction?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They may vote on it or whatever Councils do.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] that will take some exploring

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] perhaps after you meet them individually you can choose who you would like to invite you

Marisu (TMO)] If I may ask, how important iss Drilian to the political scheme here? Are we a minor neighbor, or a large contender?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Drillian is seen as the key to the Small Kingdoms

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Blackwater has only a small staff here,

Marisu (TMO)] So we could have a lot of influence here.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] the same as Gold Hills

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] no one from Jarvis has been to the City in a decade

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] yes that is what Mistress Waverlyn was able to accomlish

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] accomplish

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] that Drillian was seen as important but not dangerous

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] if the crusade does happen

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] and if there is no civil war

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] and Branwyn proves her self as capable as her reputation says

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] we will have no problems

Marisu (TMO)] I'm sure we'll do just fine.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And if I should come into disfavor with the powers that be here?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I will do my best to not allow that to happen Branwyn

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] i am loging off, see you all on line

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] good week all

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (goodnight John!)

[John Anstett] has left the game on Fri Oct 17 23:18:20 EDT 2014

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I have several more messages for you Branwyn,

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] he says appologetically

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I was afraid of that.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] most of these are inviations to parties, or requests for audiences

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] one is from Sir Shelpin

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What do you recommend?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] he is an exiled knight of Drillian

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] he will ask for an audience with you

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] to plead his case

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] to be allowed another chance to earn permission to enter the Kingdom again

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] then there is this

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He may see Sir Indigo.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] picks up one with a black ribbon

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] this is an invitation from the mage's guild here in the City to join their guild

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And how much do the mages want?

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I did not open it Branwyn

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] being magic and all

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I thought it best to wait

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] after you said not to hire additional services

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I hold them no different than the priests when they gather in groups.

Branwyn (Lisa) takes the scroll and reads it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hiring them and joining them are two different things.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Marquessa Branwyn the Mysterious, you are invited to join the Guild of Mages of Dryads Lair, as a token of my reguard I have arranged for you to have a scroll of teleport written for your use to be presented at your first meeting. Signed Midguard the Magnificent

Branwyn (Lisa) eyes widen

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This is generous. Quite generous.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Please arrange for a meeting.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] yes Branwyn

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] finally

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] there is one last message I think you should be aware of

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] hands over a scroll tied with a silver ribbon

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] This is from the Silver Family

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] They are requesting a meeting with you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You did not read this either? Who is the Silver family?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I am pleased to make your aquaintence. I would like to arrange to have a meeting with you at your earlist convinence.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I am sorry I did read this

Branwyn (Lisa) reads it aloud

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I was very curious

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] it is not often that one hears from them

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] they are a very powerful family, very secretive

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Aligned with the Prince or the Council?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] both or neither as it suits them

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Set up a meeting and make preparations to suitably entertain them please.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] yes

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] there is one other item to bring to your attention

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] then I can let you attend to your day

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And you will set up that meeting with the knight and Sir Indigo. He can judge a knight's heart better than I.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] there was an unusual young woman here last month

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] she said that she had heard you would be here

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] that you would be able to help her

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I asked what it was about and she did not say

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] or at least she spoke gibberish or in code

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] she said that the bowl of winds had more to deliver

Marisu (TMO)] That sounds ominous.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] She did, did she?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] she seemed pleasent enough

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This woman, what would you guess to be her station?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] but then she quickly left before I could even get her to tell me anything about how she knew

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] she was quite well dressed

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] silks and leathers

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] dressed as a lady might

[Branwyn (Lisa)] There is no way to contact her?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] she said she would return after you arrived

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Then arrive she will.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I asked what name to give and she gave me that cryuptic quote

[Branwyn (Lisa)] When she comes, make sure that Ilero and Hoffman at the least are at the meeting.

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Marisu "We retreieved the bowl of winds in Rivers Bend from a female pirate."

Marisu (TMO)] Oh? Is this the pirate coming back again?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We delivered the bowl to the Church of Air and Light in the clouds as payment for their returning our friend Kristelle back from death.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So this could be a priestess who has come a long way or our pirate friend.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Or the bowl of winds has slipped into a stanger's hands. I do not know.

Marisu (TMO)] Ooh, that sounds like it was very interesting. I'd like to hear that story some time. But, from Phillipe's description, she didn't sound hostile, at least.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This pirate was a master of disguise.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] She seemed quite pleasent

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But the bowl was delivered where it belonged so I would hope that it has stayed in friendly hands.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I will leave you to your day, simply ring for me if you need anything

[Branwyn (Lisa)] When she arrives again, show her into the downstairs meeting room so that we may prepare to meet her.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I will Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Tomorrow is the Prince?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] yes

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] an informal meeting with his family

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Atribella, do I need new clothes? I would not be saddened to need to buy a dress today.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] where you are expected to accept his invitation to an announcment ball

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Especially after all this news.

Marisu (TMO)] Branwyn and two others, is that right Philipe?

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] yes we can have someone come

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I canot go out?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] yes two can accompany her

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] we can go out if you wish

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] or I can have them brought here for you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I do wish to see the shops.

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] that way you can choose at your leisure without having to see people

Atribella Olivin (Master) smiles

Marisu (TMO)] We'll probably need clothes for the other two as well, Branwyn. So they should accompany you.

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] I will be glad to

[Jilly (Master)] Shopping witll be fun!

[Jilly (Master)] this will be really fun, we get to see the city

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I was kind of holding off on who comes with me - depending on who shows up next week to play)

[Jilly (Master)] and shop for dresses

[Jilly (Master)] and find out what the latest things are that ladies are doing

[Jilly (Master)] this will be great

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (not sure who is showing up the next couple of weeks)

Marisu (TMO)] In that case, maybe arrange for one nice set of clithing for each person?

Marisu (TMO)] (Clithing?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Master] I am hoping that Mike and John are both here next week

Marisu (TMO)] I think I should be.

[Master] that will be the meeting with the Silver Family and they will appreciate a bit of that

[Imari (Mike)] should be

[Master] any other imediate questions for the staff?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yes - we will need some new things if we want to go to these places - like a prince's dance)

Marisu (TMO)] I was going to suggest Prince Ilero, but if Blackwater has its own delegation here, that may prove awkward.

[Master] blackwater has 1 person here, with a staff of 1

[Master] you will meet him later on

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you and tmo with the dueling accents?)

[Master] lol

Marisu (TMO)] (muahahaa)

[Master] I h'nt gt a chance I d'nt tink

Marisu (TMO)] Practiss. It makes t'e perfect, yes?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (was debating on prinnce - Ilero who is also a prince or marisu my noble with diplomatic skills and a voice that people can understand)

Marisu (TMO)] (I'd pick Marisu myself)

[Imari (Mike)] Alright, I'm going to log out. having trouble keeping my eyes open

[Imari (Mike)] night all, see you next week.

[Master] night Mike

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (goodnight Mike)

[Master] very well done everyone

Mike has left the game on Fri Oct 17 23:47:20 EDT 2014

Marisu (TMO)] (1 - social skills. 2 - attractive. 3 - actually talks. 4 - social skills.)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] lol

Marisu (TMO)] (Ilero doesn't have any of those)

[Lisa] and then maybe Indigo as knight?

[Lisa] Marisu probably better

[Master] [Hoffman]] XP award: 300. Next level in 115157.

[Master] [Ilero]] XP award: 300. Next level in 32648.

[Master] [Miranda Paige]] XP award: 150. Next level in 7422.

[Master] [Marisu]] XP award: 150. Next level in 172.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 300. Next level in 87802.

[Master] Imari XP award: 300. Next level in 42742.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 100. Next level in 29294.

[Lisa] hopefully everyone can come to the dance

Marisu (TMO)] Gah! So close!

[Lisa] next week

Marisu (TMO)] She gets an NWP. Politics, maybe? ;)

[Lisa] this won't last forever - get her what you want her to have

[Master] Jondar XP award: 1000. Next level in 19000.

[Master] [Ilero]] XP award: 1000. Next level in 31648.

[Master] [Hoffman]] XP award: 1000. Next level in 114157.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 1000. Next level in 86802.

[Master] Imari XP award: 1000. Next level in 41742.

Marisu (TMO)] Politics is on her long-term list

[Lisa] wow - what was that for?

[Master] end of Setting Up Home

[Lisa] thank you

Marisu (TMO)] indeed

[Lisa] hope everyione is happy with how it all turned out.

[TMO] we're all good here

[Lisa] nothing is perfect but I think it is okay

[Master] I think that it will be good

[Master] I will work on the maps a bit

[TMO] Ilero needs to contact the Thieves Guild. Marisu needs to chat with Galdek. Shur needs to be Shur.

[Master] oh there are three more threads to introduce

[Master] not counting the thieves guild

[Master] you will have so many things you are juggling

[Lisa] you put Korpin back on the site - are you going to openthat box before you hand it over?

[Lisa] or be an honest thief?

[TMO] scout. :P

[TMO] 0:)

[Lisa] right

[TMO] I don't know. Depends on how things go. He's probably half forgotten it through everything else right this minute.

[TMO] But he'll remember once he gets going with the Guild.

[Lisa] there is almost too much stuff going on

[Lisa] Bob

[Master] nods

[Lisa] we also have a murder to solve

[Master] that is the plan

[Master] so that there is always something to work on

[Lisa] I didn't want to do it now

[Lisa] you had stuff to get out

[Master] no matter who is in or when

[Lisa] but I want Branwyn to talk to Ilero about it

[Master] nods, you want to talk to the staff I would bet

[Lisa] interrogate the staff

[Lisa] each one individually so they can't look at each other

[TMO] Do we want to set up several pages on the site for the different conversations that need to happen?

[Master] I will do that

[Lisa] whole story is fishy

[Master] I added two new threads

[Master] they will be full story arc pages soon

[Lisa] and another reason I want into the mage guild

[Master] and there is one for the murder which is Fool Me Twice

[Lisa] you kill me with the priest feasts!

[TMO] hehe

[Master] grins

[Lisa] 254 feasts a year

[Lisa] 10K for a table

[Lisa] highway robbery

[Master] only if you want to sit with the Prince

[TMO] nono, much more respectable than that. This is up there with Taxes.

[Master] or if they seat you there on their own

[Lisa] we'll have to meet him or her first

[Master] as a friend of the church, etc

[Lisa] hope it's not a her prince

[Lisa] just too weird

[Master] no it is a him

[Master] Phillpe said him

[Lisa] you said last week it could be a her

[Master] yes I did

[Master] and if he dies it could be a her

[Master] you will be meeting with the Prince and his family

[Master] would be the Prince and her family if it was the other way around but actually they do call her a Princess

[Lisa] that is good

[TMO] I'll have to go back over the logs and such and write up some notes for Marisu. She's supposed to be good at this kind of stuff.

[Master] but the Palace and the Principality stay as Prince

[Master] and once you get more in tune with the city

[Master] I will start adding more NPCs to the ancestry page as well

[Master] create new liniages there

[Master] etc

[Master] Ok, have a great night

[Lisa] fun stuff

[Lisa] goodnight all! :)

[Master] we will be busy for a long time

[TMO] g'nite

Lisa has left the game on Sat Oct 18 00:02:12 EDT 2014

[TMO] don't know if you care or not, but I loaded my Random Scar Chart onto the site a week or two ago.

[Master] nice did not notice that

[Master] I saw the results

[Master] can be helpful


[TMO] Most scars aren't very noticeable, but if a character does get one, it adds a bit to them.

[TMO] Thought it was hilarious that Marisu rolled No Scar every time.

[Master] nods

[Master] [Miranda Paige]] moved 139'09".

[Master] [Marisu]] moved 89'01".

[Master] Aunt Jennevive moved 99'07".

[Master] Branwyn moved 125'11".

[TMO] Where is Branwyn's room?

[Master] north end

[Master] northwest corner tower

[Master] that ist eh stairs from the servants quarters in the basement

[TMO] the one with the large bed?

[Master] up to her room

[Master] yeap

[TMO] who is to the right of her?

[Master] and in the southwest corner is her library

[Master] that is jennivive's room

[Master] will change the furniture to make it more like Branwyns

[TMO] oughtta be interesting

[Master] I cannot wait till yoru first party

[Master] and everyone is figuring out who goes where, what to do there, etc

[TMO] need to keep Shur away from the booze and the nobility.

[Master] an dshe has a secret door to her bedroom

[Master] ok shutting down

[Master] have a great night

[TMO] gnite

TMO has left the game on Sat Oct 18 00:08:49 EDT 2014

XP awarded