Main / Oct1907

Oct 19 07 - Father Knows Best

[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Oct 19 17:07:01 EDT 2007 ====

[DM] To get the map moved 3'09".

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Oct 19 18:12:25 EDT 2007

[Kaz] Yay!

[DM] very good

[DM] I altered the maps just a bit, the normal base map is there for the characters, and teh new icon TO GET MAP is there to load the political map

[Kaz] The political map is the one with all the numbers and countries?

[DM] yes

[Kaz] okay

Kaz has left the game on Fri Oct 19 18:40:12 EDT 2007

[DM] Time of Day: 07:15 PM. Day 20 Trall ___ se, Sin {Late Summer} 19th, 1259.

[DM] Time of Day: 08:15 PM. Day 20 Trall ___ se, Sin {Late Summer} 19th, 1259.

[DM] Time of Day: 08:15 AM. Day 20 Trall ___ se, Sin {Late Summer} 19th, 1259.

[DM (to GM only)] Duke of Votral moved 23'02".

Lorie has joined the game on Fri Oct 19 18:47:14 EDT 2007

Lorie has left the game on Fri Oct 19 18:47:34 EDT 2007

mikE has joined the game on Fri Oct 19 18:52:04 EDT 2007

Lorie has joined the game on Fri Oct 19 18:52:22 EDT 2007

[mikE] hey lor

[mikE] hey bob

[mikE] looks like i'm in

[DM] adn things are good in the world

[Lorie] Hey Mike

[Lorie] Evening BOB

[mikE] i got enough av time today to get my boots first thing tomorrow

[DM] huh?

[Lorie] Congrats

[Lorie] I haven't been on WoW

[Lorie] Got home late

[DM] is a wow thing I guess

[mikE] yup

[Lorie] Need to work tonight after Paul goes to work and kids are in bed

[DM] actually Lor, if it is daylight when you gethome that tends to mean you are home early

[Lorie] LOL

[Lorie] I know I know

[mikE] uh oh, we went from ordering pizza to probably going out.

[mikE] so i might be gone and have to come back

[DM] she could have come here to do that

[DM] then we definately would have ordered

[DM] having a small crisis here, about calendars

[Lorie] uh oh

[Lorie] with time change?

[DM] I got all the dates entered in the dragonslayer eras

[DM] nah, gmae stuff the important things

[DM] do I throw out the old calendars with the hand written notes on them?

[DM] I have been tossing all the other notes after I get them entered

[Lorie] Hmmm... well I vote keep

[DM] yeah

[DM] was my gut too

[DM] then I was like... you are supposed to be tossing all this paper

[DM] have you tried the search function yet?

[Lorie] on the wiki?

[Lorie] :: shakes head ::

[DM] for example, 118 pages with the word Roadhaven on it

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Oct 19 19:00:06 EDT 2007

[DM] wb Kaz

[DM] or search for Jocquin and get 5 pages

[DM] grins

[DM] ok, so the three of you are here

[Kaz] Hi, thanks

[DM] 333 to each

[mikE] are the separate wiki pages included in the search?

[DM] and you are blipping over to Votral?

[DM] yes to Mike

[Kaz] I'm just gonna hope I don't get another phone call. Stupid connection issues.

[mikE] see, they probably shouldn't

[mikE] that stuff is supposed to be secret

[DM] you can retrict a search to only the main section

[DM] but the default is the entire wiki

[DM] and it will not actually show the page, just that the page exisits

[DM] and is there anything you wanted to do here in Tramolf before leaving? satisfied with what you are doing for the Jarl?

[mikE] it can still be used

[DM] crickets

[mikE] destroy the town

[DM] not an option

[mikE] well, just the guard

[Kaz] Let's see

[mikE] and the government

[mikE] then we can move in

[Kaz] We're all good with supplies?

[mikE] like in the last town we went to

[Kaz] damn it, phone

[DM] the key difference here is that they are not mindflayers in this town

Kaz has left the game on Fri Oct 19 19:05:51 EDT 2007

[mikE] which makes it easier

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] supplies are good for the most part,

[DM] ok, so on with the blipping? or wait for christy and hans?

[DM] Kaz to get back?

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Oct 19 19:07:33 EDT 2007

[mikE] well, i'm going to be ducking out. sorry guys.

[mikE] this wasn't in the origional plan.

[DM] we will see you later on

[DM] have a good dinner

[Kaz] See you later Mike

[mikE] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] so Kaz

[Kaz] Sorry, I keep flipping in and out. Gotta get a filter, or something.

[DM] you and Lories

[Kaz] Okay

[Kaz] Lorie? Can you think of anything we need?

[Lorie] Well yes, but of course Bob wouldn't let us have it

[DM] such as?

[Lorie] a family of ogres to scoop in, take the girl and leave

[DM] that would start a war

[Lorie] while the getting is good

[Kaz] LOL

[Lorie] We wouldn't harm anyone...unless they tried to stop us

[DM] you coudl steal her away easier than just about anyone

[Lorie] Remember I'm not about diplomacy

[DM] but the issue is the Duke swore to protect and keep

[Lorie] I'm about results

[Kaz] Okay, well....

[Kaz] we need to do this right, because if we don't, all hell will break loose.

[Lorie] Kaz there is your first mistake

[Lorie] We're the Dragonslayers

[Kaz] Remember, we're doing this to repay having Percival resurrected.

[DM] a war would involve at least a dozen countries and perhaps in excess of 100,000 troops

[Lorie] Hell breaks loose but uttering our name

[Lorie] I am fully aware of why

[DM] smiles

[Lorie] But tact and diplomacy aren't my sweet spot

[Lorie] I blow stuff up

[Kaz] Ahh, well.

[Lorie] I hate dwarves

[Lorie] I am not overly fond of strangers

[Lorie] and there is a creepy stalker suitor chasing me

[Kaz] I prefer to be diplomatic, even if I'm not the best at it.

[Lorie] So I have neither the tolerance nor patience level for persnickity Dukes

[Kaz] How did I get hooked up with a bunch of anarchists? :-)

[DM] lol

[Lorie] I'm not an anarchist

[Lorie] I'm NG

[Lorie] and I run my own small but contented area of the world

[DM] and it is sooo funny that lorie still is on about that suitor that has not been seen after April of 06

[Kaz] hehe

[DM] I was rigth on the mark with that one

[DM] knew it would be memorable

[DM] and almost as much fun as the gnome box

[Kaz] Well, I have the tolerance and patience for a persnickity Duke.

[Kaz] My cat, however, may have to die.

[DM] what now?

[Kaz] Hanging off the screen window

[DM] this is not the sick one I take it?

[Kaz] staring at me, meowing pitiously, like he hasn't eaten in 30 seconds.

[Kaz] Oh

[Kaz] OH

[Kaz] You had to ask.

[Kaz] She died

[DM] oh oh, sorry


[Kaz] She was under my tire, and I didn't see her... and I ran over her.

[DM] oh my

[DM] that does really suck

[Kaz] And I cried for like thirty minutes. Couldn't stop.

[DM] soo sorry

[DM] I can imagine after all you went through with her

[Kaz] Well...she wasn't getting a home. Maybe she just wasn't meant to be.

[Kaz] (doesn't make me feel any less guilty, by the way)

[DM] true

[DM] jsut one of those terrible things that happen

[DM] did nto mean to bring that up

[DM] trys to move on to happier things


[Kaz] Happier things... I guess anarchists wasn't the right word. I can't think of the right one.

[Kaz] Violence happy? hee hee

[DM] militant

[Kaz] Okay, that could work.

[DM] might makes right

[DM] but we are nice about it

[DM] that sort of thing

[DM] wry grin

[DM] ok, so BLIPPING

[DM] The Dukedom of Votral is part of the Greek worshipers enclave in Southeastern Terraguard. It lies along the portion of roads that feed South to the Great Trade Route. It is a favorite stopping point for travelers because of a cluster of local mineral springs with reputed healing powers.

[Lorie] Kaz you do know that I'm really going to have a problem here? My religion (and the Greek religion) don't believe the other exists

[DM] that would be country 88 on teh political map

[DM] if you want to load that

Kaz is receiving the map Southeast Terraguard...

Kaz has received the map Southeast Terraguard.

[Kaz] We're the same religion, you do know that. At least, I'm pretty sure we are.

[DM] yes you are both Celtic

[Lorie] what deity do you worship

[DM] the greeks and celtic church are always at odds as they are the two of the three largest organized religions in this area of the world

[DM] actually that is not marked on teh sheet, , chekcing now

[DM] Diancecht

[DM] adding that now for you Kaz

[Kaz] thank you

[Kaz] I'll probably find that notebook now

[DM] not sure how that got left off all the other notes on teh priesthood are there

[Kaz] I swear, I didn't touch it. Probably. *hides*

[Kaz] Beth said she can't log in.

[DM] so the greek and celtic church continually try to limit each other

[Kaz] Okay, and I'm sure no one had any religious tolerance at all.

[DM] but youa re not necisarrily dealing with greek priests, you are dealing with a Duke

[Kaz] 'cept maybe me.

[DM] who may or may not have much to do with religion other than as state functions

[Kaz] Okay

[Kaz] Maybe we can work around the whole religion thing then, Lorie.

[DM] but this is part of what makes Terraguard so chaotic

Beth has joined the game on Fri Oct 19 19:29:45 EDT 2007

[Kaz] Hurrah! Hey Beth

[DM] and welcoem Beth

[DM] this is why I just say Hi

[DM] harder to screw up

[Beth] lol, ok, I'm in

[Lorie] hey beth

[Beth] hey, Lorie :)

[Beth] hiya Kaz :)

[DM] so we are blipped over to Votral

[Beth] reading to catch up

[DM] you have the cooridnates and arrive outside of the town where the Duke has his residence

[Lorie] Fair enough

[Lorie] We'll look for guards / sentries

[Lorie] and make an approach

[DM] nods, there are a fair amount of people wandering around their days

[DM] some travlers dressed for the road

[DM] some seem to be carrying sick or injured people

[DM] a young acolyte comes up to you dressed in the traditional toga of the greek preisthoods

[Kaz] Are they carrying them into or out of the city?

[DM] hello can I help you?

[DM] into the town

[Lorie] Good morning

[DM] might be 25 buildings here,

[DM] he bows,

[DM] how may we serve the lady?

[Lorie] I am Lady Kylia of Roadhaven, Priestess of Goibhinu and I am here to meet with the Duke

[DM] ar you here for healing?

[DM] startled looks up

[DM] oh,

[DM] I am sorry

[DM] I thought you were here for the springs

[Kaz] The springs?

[DM] I am sure that you can find the Duke easily enough

[DM] The Dukedom of Votral is part of the Greek worshipers enclave in Southeastern Terraguard. It lies along the portion of roads that feed South to the Great Trade Route. It is a favorite stopping point for travelers because of a cluster of local mineral springs with reputed healing powers.

[DM] (POKES Kaz, right from the site, 'P )

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lorie] No thank you...I'm feeling quite well this ay

[DM] I could take you there if you need assistance

[Moirra (Kaz) (to DM only)] Moirra hasn't read the site. *poke*

[Lorie] We are here on a matter of business with the Duke

[DM] I will take you there then, if you are not familiar with him

[DM] adn he proceeds to lead you through the town

[DM] sublty but obviously goes by the shrine by the springs, and the other marble building in town to show off the riches

[Lorie] :: quetly observing the surroundings, but says nothing ::

[DM] then takes you to a large stone square tower

[DM] he goes up to the guards

[DM] and tells them.

[DM] The Lady Klyia of Roadhaven would like to speak to the Duke

[Beth] done and here :)

[DM] the guards look over your group

[DM] one nods and goes inside

[DM] an older man emerges after a few mintues.

[Lorie] I thank the Acolyte for the kind escort

[DM] I am the Duke's Lord Chamberlain

[DM] the acolyte bows, seems to be waiting for something

[Lorie] :: bows graciously :: I am Lady Kylia of Roadhaven, here on behalf of ((insert name here, totally drawing a blank ))

Beth is receiving the map Base Map...

Beth has received the map Base Map.

[Beth] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] Jarl Fergus Dubgall of Tramolf

[DM] and his daughter Affraic

[Lorie] ((I hope it's not a tip...because other than eating yellow snow...nada, I will make a donation on the way out ))

[DM] the acolyte shuffles his feet a bit

Moirra (Kaz) leans toward the acolyte, giving him a chance to speak quietly

[DM] the Lord Chamberlain shoos him away, GO, do not pester these fine folk

[DM] now my ladies,

[DM] what brings you to our fair lands?

[DM] it is very nice of you to pay your respects tot he Duke

[DM] but he does not require such formalities

[DM] to visit the springs

[Lorie] Yes, we are here on behalf of Jarl Dugball

[Lorie] and his daughter

[DM] a quirk of his mouth

[DM] oh?

[DM] he has sent you?

[DM] I can not take you to her

[Lorie] he has sent us

[Lorie] I see. Why might that be?

[DM] but I will arrange for you to meet with the Duke if you like

Kira (Beth) watches, observes and keeps mouth shut

[Lorie] Yes, that would be lovely

[DM] she has requested not to be disturbed

[DM] and does not wish to meet any of her countrymen

[Lorie] I assure you I am not

[DM] perhaps if you could come with me

[Lorie] Her father has sent us

[Lorie] nothing more...nothing less

[DM] he starts to walk a bit down the path

[DM] do tell

[DM] why has Fergus sent you?

[DM] you are not friends of his I would think

[DM] he does not have such important friends

[DM] did he think to have you bribe us?

[Lorie] No but he's done a favor to my group

[DM] ahhh

[DM] a noble cause

[Lorie] :: nods and does not elaborate further ::

[DM] that is much better

[DM] he leads the way out of the town

[DM] and along a cart path

[DM] the Duke is out with his birds today

[DM] they are nto far

[Lorie] :: nods :: I thank you for your kindness to strangers

[DM] where do you come from Lady Kylia of Roadhaven?

Kira (Beth) follows still observing unobtrusively

[DM] I do not recognize that country

[DM] are you in teh far northern reaches?

[DM] or perhaps near Terrabrink?

[Lorie] :: smiles :: Roadhaven is the land that I have carved out near :: pauses :: Wolfspack

[DM] I confess I thought I knew of all the powerful lands

[DM] he pauses

[DM] you do come from a distance than

[Lorie] My lands are humble...but we honor our deity

[DM] the rough and tumble city of wolfspack is legendary

[Lorie] and we welcome those of the faiths that would come and worship

[DM] out in the wilderness

[Lorie] :: smiles :: It is very unlike the fortress of Terraguard

[DM] he smiles, that is a good thing for your people then

[Lorie] They are far more welcoming :: smiles ::

[DM] yes we are safe here

Kira (Beth) continues watching, listening... Is still alive cuz believes everything can be a trap ((grins))

[DM] he gives a small shake of his head

[Lorie] ((Terraguard is a Greek city that does not welcome Elves or many strangers ))

[DM] I would say that they are more open, not more welcoming

[DM] (that is wingstone a country in Terraguard)

[Lorie] ((Ahh you're bad LOL ))

[Lorie] (( With the EVIL DUKE :( ))

[DM] Terraguard is the overall name, like the Holy Roman Empire)

[DM] lol

[DM] the earl of wingstone offers a bounty on all elven scalps brought in

[DM] he is Lawful good

[DM] and hosts a paladin order

[Lorie] ((My first priestess was a worshipper of Athena and knew the Earl well LOL ..but liked elves ))

[DM] the Lord Chamberlain walks along

[DM] comfortable debating the merits of the open socity of the outside world

[DM] with the control and safety of knowing your place in Terraguard

[Lorie] :: nods and continues discussing, careful not to raise her voice or show anger ::

[Lorie] Life station is relative , no?

[DM] yes My Lady

[Lorie] Today the prince, tomorrow the pauper

Moirra (Kaz) sets her feet carefully on the path, as this is not the time to trip on a stone.

[DM] those born as serfs, often never rise above

[Lorie] and vice versa

[Lorie] :: nods :: very rarely

[DM] but those who are born higher as often fall as rise

[DM] it is a wise man who knows his place

Moirra (Kaz) trips on a stone.

[DM] and works to maintain it

Kira (Beth) catches Moirra

[DM] he graciously does not notice

[Lorie] You've met lady Kira an Lady Moirra

[Moirra (Kaz)] *whispering* Thank you, Kira. *blushes*

[DM] and you see a group of horseman off to the distance

Kira (Beth) nods in the Lord Chamberlin's direction

[DM] the lord chamberlain smiles and nods

[DM] but in general showing preference for Kylia

Moirra (Kaz) smiles at the Lord Chamberlain

Kira (Beth) maintains an aloof demeanor while continuing to subtly monitor the surroundings

Kira (Beth) gives Moirra a quick smile

[DM] as you arrive near the group, the Lord Chamberlain bids you to wait in teh shade of a tree

[DM] as he goes forward to inquire with the Duke

[Duke of Votral] Then the Duke rides forward slowly as the chamberlain walks along side, looking at your group as he listens to the advice being given. Coming up to you with a smile and a cheerful, Hello,

[Duke of Votral] bows to Lady Kylia

[Duke of Votral] welcome to my Dukedom of Votral

[Lorie] :: nods and curtsies to the Duke :: Good day sir, thank you for seeing us

[Duke of Votral] I understand you are here on a mission from Fergus?

[Lorie] May I introduce the Ladies Kira and Moirra

Kira (Beth) curtsies with Lady Kylia

[Duke of Votral] very nice to meet you ladies,

Moirra (Kaz) curtsies to the Duke

[Lorie] :: nods slowly :: We are...

[Duke of Votral] looking at Kira

[Duke of Votral] oh, are you bringing a caravan into town?

[Duke of Votral] did nto hear of one on teh roadways

[Duke of Votral] perhaps there will be some dancing tonight?

[Kira (Beth)] I have not been with a carvan in some time

[Moirra (Kaz)] There is no caravan, Your Grace.

[Lorie] No sir, she's a member of the Dragonslayers. Her kin have separated from her

[Duke of Votral] He nods and looks curiously at Kira

[Duke of Votral] then slowly back at Kylia

[Duke of Votral] the Dragonslayers?

[Duke of Votral] the chamberlain sputters a bit

Kira (Beth) looks back at Duke with veiled curiosity

[Lorie] :: nods slowly :: Yes.

[Duke of Votral] you did not

[Duke of Votral] Most interesting

[Lorie] Excuse me? I feel I've missed something

[Duke of Votral] you must join me for an afternoon repast

[Duke of Votral] the Dragonslayers are well known Lady Kylia

Moirra (Kaz) smiles beatifically at the Lord Chamberlain

[Duke of Votral] they have served well for the Duke of Invergarry for many eyars

[Duke of Votral] year

Kira (Beth) remains mute, but observant

[Duke of Votral] his band of warriors is very stout

[Duke of Votral] I did not know you were part of that group

[Lorie] :: is groaning inside ::

[Duke of Votral] (grins)

[Duke of Votral] I will return to my birds,

[Lorie] I have never had the pleasure of meeting the elder Duke I'm afraid...but I have heard the stories

[Kira (Beth)] ((I htink there's some background here we're missing lol))

[Duke of Votral] the lord chamberlain will bring you to our restign place

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((I'm with you Beth))

[Duke of Votral] he bows his head, I will see you later on

[DM] and now you are left alone to your own devices

[Lorie] ((When he says "serve" he means the old evil coot ordered them around like dogs ))

[DM] so you can talk among your selves

[DM] lol

[Lorie] :: bows :: Until then

[Kira (Beth)] ((them?))

[DM] will let Lorie start

Kira (Beth) bows

[DM] then fill in details

[DM] you are alone here

[Lorie] So...the dragonslayers used to be VERY Greek oriented as a religion

[DM] int eh shade of the trees

[Kira (Beth)] I've read a lot of the past adventures, but I don't recall other dragonslayers lol

[Lorie] so we spent a lot of time (we = Electra not Kylia) and the other elder Dragonslayers

[Kira (Beth)] ah, ok

[Lorie] ((Wow...I'm not even sure I remember all their names...Kira, John's characters, etc.)

[Lorie] The Duke of Inverrgary is well-known for his evil and uncompassionate ways

[Kira (Beth)] oh, right! I'm the first repeat of a name in this game lol

[DM] well technically it was teh Archbishop of Hades who lived under the Dukes keep

[DM] that was that way

[Kira (Beth)] I see

[Moirra (Kaz)] okay

[Lorie] well they are dead now and have replacements the Dragonslayers

[DM] the Dragonslayers founded the town of Pagmalia on the southern edge of teh dukedom

[Moirra (Kaz)] So the Dragonslayers he is referring to are our predecessors?

[DM] and that has been in the hands of retired dragonslayers for the past 30 years

[Lorie] Electra only met the Duke and the original Archbishop once or twice

[DM] the implication being that there is still a group called that that the Duke of Invergarry has

[Lorie] We've met their children / replacements

[DM] invergarry is 81 on the map by the way

[DM] and 94 is the kingdom of Gallimurfree, another tie to old dragonslayer lore

[DM] the group was the kings adventurers there for a year

[DM] this area is just north of the old stomping grounds

[DM] for those prior characters

[DM] does that make things both clearer and murkier?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((sees clearly that the air is filled with muck))

[DM] so any other discussion before the afternoon repast?

[Kira (Beth)] ((lol I'm good))

[Lorie] Nothing for me...I'll be sititng and praying

[DM] ok, so the Lord chamberlain

[DM] comes to tke you to a more secluded bit of trees

[DM] he leads you to a small shaded area

[DM] where there has been a canvas spread out on the grass

[DM] and another help up by poles at teh corners to give even more shade

[DM] there is a set of cages along one section, at least a dozen falcons and hawks are in them, all hooded and quiet

[DM] the Duke is stretched otu on the ground

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Oct 19 20:13:24 EDT 2007

[DM] lounging upon an elbow

Vicki is receiving the map Base Map...

Vicki has received the map Base Map.

[DM] popping dried fruit into his mouth as three other men sit around talking

Vicki is receiving the map Southeast Terraguard...

Vicki has received the map Southeast Terraguard.

[DM] as you approach they all rise to their feet

[DM] the duke gives a bow with his head

[Lorie] :: nods ::

[DM] My friends, this is the Lady Kylia of the famous Dragonslayers, with two of her companions

[DM] they make appreciative noises

Kira (Beth) continues to be very observant

[DM] and wait for you to sit

[Lorie] :: curtsies graciously :: We are humbled

[Lorie] :: looks at Kira and Moirra and then sits ::

Kira (Beth) follows suit with Kylia, but does not speak

Moirra (Kaz) smiles and curtsies

[Moirra (Kaz)] Thank you, Your Grace.

[Lorie] ((Yes, I realize this is a total stall and delay tactic ))

[DM] grins

Moirra (Kaz) settles herself comfortably.

[Kira (Beth)] ((heh))

[DM] the Duke smiles

[Lorie] ((BRB...ACD needs milk ))

[DM] and has a servant bring you chalices of water

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((that's what diplomacy is all about, isn't it? Delays and stalling?))

[DM] and wine

[DM] and small bowls of dried fruits

[Kira (Beth)] ((can anyone detect poison subtly without offending the Duke?))

[Kira (Beth)] ((and yes, I'm always suspicious lol))

[DM] you can always try to cast yes, there is a dection chance for each spell, called spell sublety

[DM] but the detection is based on teh intelligence of the person watching

[Kira (Beth)] ((but there is a risk of detection and of offending))

[DM] so if you think he is not intelligent you have a better chance at it

[Lorie] ((Evening Vicki ))

[Kira (Beth)] ((he's YOUR toon... ))

[Kira (Beth)] ((hi, Vicki ))

[DM] lol

[Vicki] ((hi everyone))

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Hi Vicki))

[DM] in gerneral yes you could be suspicious, but it does all seem to be coming out of one wine skin

[Kira (Beth)] ok

[DM] and to point out what might be an obvious point, he has refered to the Jarl by his first name, so they are likely friends

[DM] at least they know each other well

[Lorie] ((Yes but Lex Luther and Superman call each other first names so ... ehn ))

[DM] lol

[Kira (Beth)] ((precisely))

[DM] after the pleasentries are over

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Yes, but they were once the very best of friends))

[DM] he asks,

[DM] So Lady Kylia what are you really here for

[DM] Ogden here (the lord chamberlain) says you are here about Affraic

[DM] Fergus' daughter

[Lorie] :: nods :: This is true

[Lorie] We are to repay a favor he did for our group

[DM] and what would that favor have been?

[DM] he provide you with horses?

[DM] or help you with a fight against giants?

[DM] he does have daughty warriors I will admit

[Lorie] :: chooses words carefully :: He aided a holy warrior of our faith in a time of great need

[DM] very good

[DM] I do hope my son was involved?

[DM] he is there at the healing halls?

[DM] I am trying hard to convince him to a life of healing

[Lorie] :: pauses :: Yes, I am sure he was

[DM] rather than one of butchery

[Lorie] Helping others is a noble life

[DM] far too many times a noble must use an axe rather than a salve

[Duke of Votral] so you are here to try and convice Affraic to leave and go back to her life at home

[Lorie] We are here to try and facilitate that, yes

[Lorie] We understand she is under your protection

[Duke of Votral] she does not want to leave

[Lorie] The Jarl seems to be a Father concerned

[Moirra (Kaz)] Perhaps, Your Grace, you could explain why she does not wish to leave?

[Duke of Votral] yes i am sure he is

Kira (Beth) controls a snort of disgust by turning it into a sneeze

[Lorie] I would prefer to speak to her

[Duke of Votral] she has found our lifestyle here.... more agreeable than she finds at home

[Duke of Votral] she has not recieved any of her countrymen these past couple of months

[Duke of Votral] i would not impose on her lightly

Moirra (Kaz) looks at the Duke with an expression of curiosity.

[Lorie] I understand your reluctance to not welcomoe us to speak with her

[Duke of Votral] oh it is not you I am worried bout

Kira (Beth) raises an eyebrow

[Duke of Votral] in fact I am quite surprise he went tot he effort of having you visit

[Duke of Votral] you are the Dragonslayers

[Duke of Votral] you are the heroes who always seem to end up on the right side of things

[Duke of Votral] and this does not seem to be the sort of thing you can win at

[Duke of Votral] no offence my Lady

[Duke of Votral] but I am honor bound in this

[Moirra (Kaz)] Is this something to be Won? A contest of sorts, then?

[Lorie] This is a matter of family

[Duke of Votral] he smiles

[Lorie] and I take none

[Duke of Votral] a contenst like in days of old?

Kira (Beth) barely manages to keep a straight face

[Duke of Votral] that would be a spectacle

[Lorie] I didn't resume to appear summon her and depart

[Lorie] that would be ignorant

[Lorie] and rude

[Duke of Votral] he nods, and I appreciate that

[Lorie] I'd like to hear HER side of the stories

[Duke of Votral] that you are a true Lady

[Lorie] concerns

[Lorie] etc.

[Lorie] so that we have a basis for discussion and understanding with the Jarl

[Duke of Votral] well

[Duke of Votral] I presume I may be frank with you my Lady?

[Lorie] Yes

[Lorie] I tire of charades

[Duke of Votral] oh I can assure you there is no charade here

[Duke of Votral] this problem has cause a friction in our friendship that I dislike

[Duke of Votral] I have never met such a willful child

[Duke of Votral] I would have thought she would be fit to compete with a plow mule

Kira (Beth) hides a spark of amusement in eyes

[Duke of Votral] I would be glad to let you take her away to her father

[Lorie] :: nods :: continues listening

[Duke of Votral] but there would be an outrage

[Duke of Votral] she does have a fllowign here

[Duke of Votral] and she knows the political niceities

[Moirra (Kaz)] A following of what type?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Political?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((How old is this chick?))

[Duke of Votral] both social and political

[Lorie] Ahhh... the dance

[Duke of Votral] she is 14

[Kira (Beth)] (my next question lol)

[Duke of Votral] just of an age to start to torment the boys with a serious ardor

[Kira (Beth)] ::grins::

[Duke of Votral] I have discussed this with her

[Lorie] I see why he would like his daughter back

[Duke of Votral] she knows she must obey her father eventually

[Duke of Votral] but she has played this well

[Duke of Votral] she has invoked the old legends of heroes

[Lorie] Oh my

[Duke of Votral] that only those that complete a glorious task

[Duke of Votral] may be fit to be with her

[Lorie] :: smiles :: I see

[Lorie] A glorious task that perhaps the Dragonslayers might be fit to complete?

[Duke of Votral] you do know of the legends of Hercules

[Duke of Votral] he smiles

[Lorie] :: sniffs :: The 12 labours

[Duke of Votral] if you would consent to such things

[Duke of Votral] that would be a wonderful way out fo this

[Duke of Votral] perhaps I could even help steer the deed a bit

Kira (Beth) groans quietly

[Duke of Votral] we announce that you will do one task

[Duke of Votral] she will insist on the legendary 12

[Duke of Votral] I will refuse and bring it down to a more reasonable 3?

[Lorie] :: looks at Moirra and Kira ::

[Duke of Votral] would that be acceptable?

[Kira (Beth)] ::looks at Kylia::

Moirra (Kaz) nods at Kylia

[Lorie] :: smiles :: But of course...

Kira (Beth) shrugs

[Duke of Votral] he almost beams

[Duke of Votral] thank you

[Duke of Votral] now perhaps

[Duke of Votral] i will talk with her, and see what sort of things she has in mind

[Duke of Votral] so that we can come up with something reasonable

[Duke of Votral] is there anything in Dragonslayer lore you can think of that might help?

[Duke of Votral] that we coudl use to show you truely are those of legends?

[Lorie] Where to begin

[Kira (Beth)] ((BOB imitating the mind of a 14 year old girl does not give me confidence that anything remotely reasonable will come of this lol))

Moirra (Kaz) rises to her feet and wanders over to the cages of falcons

[Lorie] The Black Dragon, The albino red dragon, the Green dragonlings

[Lorie] The keep at Thedd

[Duke of Votral] that is IT!!!!

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((LMAO))

[Duke of Votral] he raises a tosat

[Duke of Votral] the dragonslayers

[Duke of Votral] and the daughter of the Green Mistress of Kryptgarden

[Duke of Votral] an excellent choice

[Lorie] :: cringes and smiles :: The Green Mistress

[Duke of Votral] you slew her mother

[Duke of Votral] now you can vanquish her daughter

[Lorie] Many Dragonslayers gave their life that day

[Duke of Votral] and excellent suggestion

[Kira (Beth)] ((I told you))

[Lorie] Lady Electra...of Athena

[Duke of Votral] that will do quite nicely

[Lorie] ((You all have rolled other characters right?))

[Duke of Votral] lol

Moirra (Kaz) wanders along the cages, examining the birds.

[Kira (Beth)] I've ASKED him to let me roll Kira's sister, but NOOOOOO

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((No, I haven't.heh))

[Duke of Votral] Affraic is very fond of unicorns, perhaps a unicorn horn?

[Lorie] :: laughs ::

[Kira (Beth)] why just the horn?

[Kira (Beth)] why kill the beast?

[Lorie] ((Magic dust ))

[Duke of Votral] it does have healign properties

[Duke of Votral] can you retrieve it wihout?

[Duke of Votral] butthat is a start

[Lorie] Unicorn are truly among the biggest of good creatures

[Kira (Beth)] ::shrugs::

[Duke of Votral] I will speak with her tonight

[Duke of Votral] and set this plan in motion

[Kira (Beth)] I do not like the idea of killing such a wonderful beast

[Duke of Votral] and at dinner this evening

[Duke of Votral] I will give a feast in your honor

[Lorie] You do not have to kill them

[Duke of Votral] and we will be able to announce this

[Duke of Votral] she will have no choice

[Duke of Votral] but to conceed

[Duke of Votral] and go with you back to her home

[Kira (Beth)] ::groans quietly::

[Duke of Votral] he stands up

[Duke of Votral] I will set this in motion

[Duke of Votral] Ogden here will see you to rooms in the tower

[Duke of Votral] I am sorry if they are not up to yoru normal standard

[Duke of Votral] we are a rustic place here

[Duke of Votral] my manor is north

[Duke of Votral] but I would not delay if I can

Moirra (Kaz) leans closer to examine one of the birds, moving quietly.

[Lorie] :: nods :: We thank you for extending the welcome

[Duke of Votral] he rubs his hands

[Duke of Votral] walking away

[Lorie] ((Of course we're screwed 7 ways to sunday ))

[Kira (Beth)] ((yup))

[DM] one of the young men with the Duke looks a bit worried but goes off with the rest of teh group

[Ogden] so Lady Kylia

[Ogden] thank you for finding a solution to my lordship's delema

[Lorie] We've done nothing thus far

Kira (Beth) wonders if the worried young man is a suitor to Her Willfulness

[Lorie] I pray that we will be able to meet and rise to the challenge

[Ogden] I have never heard of the Dragonslayers failing at a task

[Ogden] I do appologize for not recognizing you as a member of that order

[Ogden] we have not had any need for hiring such around here

[Lorie] The Dragonslayers have not come this way in many a year...

[Ogden] he looks a bit puzzled

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((you mean the complete set of dragonhide samsonite wasn't a dead givaway?))

[Kira (Beth)] ((ROFL))

[Ogden] the Duke of Invergarry quite often brags of his order of warriors

[Lorie] ((Because 1 living member who remembers the Dragon battle isn't a failure))

[Ogden] he leads you along the paths back to the tower

[Kira (Beth)] ((heh))

[Ogden] trying to answer your questions

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((My Lord Chamberlain, why is the sky blue?))

[Ogden] becaue the gods will it so

[Kira (Beth)] ((why are 14 year olds ALWAYS recalcitrant?))

[Ogden] because the devil will it so

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((LOL))

[Kira (Beth)] ((remembers when her kids were 14 ::shudders::))

[Ogden] so evening comes

[Lorie] ((Call me in 7 years...KID will be 14 ))

[Ogden] behind closed doors there is a discussion

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((do we get to eat Sir Robin's minstrels now?))

[Ogden] lol

[DM] and there was much rejoicing

[Kira (Beth)] ((LOL you can cry on my shoulder, but you'll have to deal with Kid yourself ::grins::))

[DM] so the feast starts

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((and there was MUCH rejoicing))

[DM] Time of Day: 08:15 PM. Day 20 Trall ___ se, Sin {Late Summer} 19th, 1259.

[Lorie] ((PDD will be crying, Kristen will be Kristen and Alyssa will be the baby LOL ))

[Lorie] ((Oh...BOB, By the by...Ron and his new wife are expecting LOL ))

[DM] cool

[Kira (Beth)] ((::chuckles::))

[DM] so the feast is underway, you are seated at the opposite end of the table from Affraic

[DM] the Duke in the middle

[DM] as the food is winding down

[Kira (Beth)] ((DAMN!!! someone on a crotch rocket shifted into the wrong gear outside my window and nearly blew his engine, my windows out and my eardrums))

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((agh))

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((So, we're sitting at the Dais. He likes us, he really likes us!))

[Duke of Votral] So my people, we have a challenge put forth this evening

[Duke of Votral] we are visted here by the renown Dragonslayers

[Duke of Votral] CHEERS

[Duke of Votral] CHEERS

[Duke of Votral] CHEERS

[Duke of Votral] CHEERS

[Duke of Votral] CHEERS

[Duke of Votral] CHEERS

[Duke of Votral] CHEERS

[Duke of Votral] CHEERSCHEERS

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((NORM!))

Kira (Beth) keeps mouth shut and opinions to SELF

[Duke of Votral] and they have agreed to meet the Lady Affraic's challenge

[Duke of Votral] in exchange for performing three tasks

Moirra (Kaz) smiles but her eyes search for that worried-looking young man))

[Lorie] ((This is probably an area of the World where they won't string us up by our toes and hang us ))

[Duke of Votral] they will win the right to escort her back home to her father

[Duke of Votral] (Moirra spots him near the opposite end of the table, enchanging glances with Affraic)

Kira (Beth) watches and listens

[Duke of Votral] there will be three task, three Labors of the Dragonslayers

Moirra (Kaz) surreptitiously nudges Kira's foot with her own, and looks meaningfully at the opposite end of the table

[Duke of Votral] and they will be worthy of such a fine young ladies hand

Kira (Beth) nods

[Duke of Votral] the first task will be to bring back the Trident of Nethun

[Duke of Votral] lost for these past 60 years

[Duke of Votral] their second task shall be to bring the horn of

[Affraic] a KIRIN

[Affraic] she interrupts

Duke of Votral pauses and looks at her steadily

[Duke of Votral] yes a horn of a Kirin

[Duke of Votral] looking at Lady Kylia

[Kira (Beth)] ((we're all dead))

[Lorie] :: sighs on the inside but doesn't flinch or blink on the exterior ::

[Duke of Votral] and finally this might group of heroes will bring the Daughter of the Green Mistress of Kryptgarden

[Affraic] back to the Duke of Votral ALIVE

[Affraic] she grins triumphently

[Kira (Beth)] ((I'm going to throttle this child if I live through this))

[Lorie] :: turns and looks at Affraic with an equally wide grin ::

Duke of Votral calmly looking

[Duke of Votral] These are heroic tasks indeed

Moirra (Kaz) beams at Affraic

Kira (Beth) smiles with quiet confidence

[Duke of Votral] and they will be told by all who hear of them how this band of Heroes went out of their way to please this child

[Duke of Votral] he grits his teeth at the last

[Duke of Votral] NOW

[Duke of Votral] let us continue this feast

[Duke of Votral] while some of the more gentle among us MUST retire

[Duke of Votral] and he waves a hand

[Duke of Votral] and two servants gently but firmly guide Affraice off the dais and back to her rooms

[Duke of Votral] WINE

[Duke of Votral] the duke calls

[Duke of Votral] and sits down

[Duke of Votral] passing the flaggon to the three of you

Kira (Beth) sighs inwardly

Moirra (Kaz) smiles brightly

[Duke of Votral] you can do this?

[Moirra (Kaz)] What a lovely child she is.

[Duke of Votral] he says quietly?

Kira (Beth) looks to Kylia

[Lorie] :: looks at her chalice for a few moments, lost in thought ::

Duke of Votral looks almost anquished

Moirra (Kaz) speaks quietly.

[Moirra (Kaz)] A Kirin?

Kira (Beth) looks back at the duke

[Kira (Beth)] A kirin

[Duke of Votral] a mystical creature from the oriental lands

[Duke of Votral] who knew she was listenign to that monk's stories

[Kira (Beth)] They are quite stunning

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((I know what they are :) ))

[Lorie] :: ponders favors that can be called in, geography lessons, short-cuts ::

[Duke of Votral] perhaqps you can bargin with one?

[Moirra (Kaz)] My Fa-... My Mentor told me a little of some of the strange creatures of the world.

[Duke of Votral] at least you as dragonslayers know where the Daughter must live?

[Duke of Votral] you raided her lair before

[Duke of Votral] and she can not be that ::wry grin:: terrible to bring in?

[Duke of Votral] a dragon of only 40 years?

[Lorie] :: looks up :: Alive?

[Lorie] a chaotic and treacherous creature... alive

[Duke of Votral] I do not want to keep it alive if that is the question

[Lorie] I fear that what the Jarl did for us ... he will owe us

[Duke of Votral] perhaps we can arrange a trial and put it to death

[Kira (Beth)] the child certainly knows her stuff ::grimly::

[Moirra (Kaz)] I wonder...

[Moirra (Kaz)] Your Grace, I do not wish to be presumptuous...

[Duke of Votral] please

[Duke of Votral] you can not be more than.....

[Moirra (Kaz)] But would you please tell us, who is the young man who sat near Affraic this eve?

[Duke of Votral] a certain lovely child of my friends

[Duke of Votral] him?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Yes, please.

Kira (Beth) waits with interest

[Duke of Votral] he is the son of the Duke of Ballzton

[Duke of Votral] I am not quite sure what she sees in him

[Duke of Votral] a rather simple boy

[Lorie] :: Ballzton ::

[Duke of Votral] not even in line to inherit

Moirra (Kaz) smiles softly

[Kira (Beth)] ::snorts::

[Kira (Beth)] that's what she sees in him

[Kira (Beth)] she's 14

[Kira (Beth)] and he would never be acceptable as a suitor, so she has chosen him

[Moirra (Kaz)] Simple - as in, not very intelligent? Not learned?

[Duke of Votral] not interesting

[Moirra (Kaz)] Ahh.

[Moirra (Kaz)] In fact, he may be quite well read.

[Lorie] Perhaps he should become Acceptable

[Duke of Votral] she is to be betrothed to the son of Jarl Ingimundr of Wollin

[Moirra (Kaz)] He may know of Kirin and such things.

Moirra (Kaz) blushes.

[Duke of Votral] I ahve not met the man nor the son but I trust in Fergus to arrange a suitable match for his daughter

[Duke of Votral] to insure the strenth of his own lands

[Duke of Votral] Fergus and I traveled a bit in our youth together

[Duke of Votral] we both spent a year in Terraguard City

[Moirra (Kaz)] Please do not misunderstand me, Your Grace. I did not mean that the young man was suitable for Affraic. Simply that two heads are more devious than one.

[Duke of Votral] he ndos

[Duke of Votral] I take no offense from the likes of you

[Duke of Votral] you are heroes of old

[Duke of Votral] you are not expected to deal with the intricate politics of the world

Moirra (Kaz) looks at Kylia but says nothing.

[Duke of Votral] i fthere is anything thath my men can help with

[Duke of Votral] please ask them

[Duke of Votral] have a good evening

[Duke of Votral] and good luck

[Kira (Beth)] ((not knowing little political details can get us in loads of trouble lol))

[Moirra (Kaz)] Thank you, Your Grace.


[DM] so you have three tasks

[DM] in any order,

[DM] and almost anyway you want to solve them

[Moirra (Kaz)] I assume we retire to our tower rooms to discuss the tasks.

[DM] nods

[DM] you can go with the idea that research will help you

[DM] and you can use all your skills and things at your disposal

[DM] it is traditional to not allow magic in these tasks,

[DM] but she did not specify that

[DM] so you are in luck

[DM] you do know of two places the dragon could be

[Kira (Beth)] I think we should bring the Kirin back allive for her... they do punish only the wicked...

[DM] lol

[DM] lol

[Moirra (Kaz)] Well, we have the brass coin, if we get desperate. I would say that's a very last resort, though.

[DM] nods, very last,

[Moirra (Kaz)] I think we should, too. I was kind of playing with an idea, but I'd like to do some "research".

[DM] I do not know how you will pull this off,

[DM] but I have faith in this group

[DM] what idea Kax?

[DM] throw it out there

[Kira (Beth)] ::eyes DM::

[DM] see how it sticks

[Lorie] I believe we still have a djnni favor

[Moirra (Kaz)] Yes, that's the brass coin.

[Lorie] Kal - lel would be helpful

[Lorie] No

[Moirra (Kaz)] Oh, a different favour

[DM] there is a gem they have

[Lorie] the djnni that I'm talking about lives in a floating castle

[DM] had three lights in it

[DM] only two left now

[Moirra (Kaz)] Don't the Djinni and the Efreet hate each other?

[Moirra (Kaz)] And we have favours from both. That's funny.

[Lorie] BOB, overall we are close in level to the group from the original Green Mistress battle

[Kira (Beth)] we aren't discriminatory

[Lorie] brb

[DM] you are actually over that in aggrgate

[DM] aggregate

[DM] much more powerful in magic, less so in fighter ability

[Kira (Beth)] I REALLY need a +3 magic weapon...

[DM] and that was an couple hundred year old dragon

[DM] not a youngling like this one

[Lorie] Yes but don't be 40, you know her siblings are still alive

[Lorie] We didn't kill them ALL

[Lorie] and they haven't decided to totally be isolated by 40

[DM] well one is dead

[DM] you know there were three total

[DM] so at most two

[Kira (Beth)] so we'd have to kill one while capturing the other one alive O.o

[DM] but remember you did see one being chased by a giant once near Thedd

[Lorie] yes...but Kryptgarden forest and Thedd... aren't all that far apart

[DM] nods

[DM] they merge

[Moirra (Kaz)] Okay, Bob... I notice that we were simply told the horn of a Kirin. Not the real horn of a once living Kirin.

[DM] nods

[Kaz] How much of a cheat is the horn from a statue of a Kirin?

[DM] too much

[Kaz] bah

[DM] must be a real kirin horn

[Kaz] hee hee

[Kaz] *whines* but she didn'

[DM] nothing saying how you get it

[Kaz] didn't saaaayyyyyyy that

[DM] Beth's idea works

[Kaz] Yes, a living Kirin

[DM] or you could negociate with one to get it

[Kaz] right

[Kira (Beth)] we would need to talk to it and convince it to come with us...

[DM] no rason to kill one

[Kaz] that was the idea I was going with

[mikE] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kira (Beth)] I would NOT kill one anyway... I couldn't

[DM] Mike!

[mikE] have we taken over the town yet?

[Kaz] What about the Trident of Nethun?

[DM] lol

[DM] lol

[Kira (Beth)] Hey, Mikey!

[Kaz] Hey, welcome back Mike

[Lorie] Hi Mike

[Kira (Beth)] gratz on the boots, btw :D

[Lorie] How do you feel about some REAL adventure

[Lorie] a REAL test of your MANHOOD

[mikE] depends, am i a man at the moment?

[Kaz] Good question. Did we somehow lose Milly while I was dealing with real-world BS?

[DM] chuckles, depends on Kaylie?

[Kira (Beth)] ROFL

[DM] DOH Bekah

[mikE] what about her?

[DM] no clue who Kalyie is

[DM] you asked if you were a man at the moment, was a tease at if Bekah is making you a man

[DM] making a man out of you

[DM] never mind

[DM] terribly botched

[DM] moving on

[DM] so you have three taks

[DM] tasks

[DM] I was planning on working one task per night perhaps?

[mikE] okay. do any of them involve killing and or wholesale slaughter?

[Kaz] Depends

[Kaz] What's the story with the trident?

[DM] no clue

[DM] you have never heard of it

[Kira (Beth)] Great

[Kira (Beth)] research it is

[Kaz] Well, we're going to research, aren't we, gang?

[mikE] no

[mikE] research is for the weak. let's rush in blindly

[mikE] so, wikipedia time?

[Kira (Beth)] oh... never thought of that lol

[DM] grins

[mikE] we can always look up how herculese did it all. heehee

[Kira (Beth)] what's the name of this trident again?

[DM] nethun

[mikE] if we get it you know we're not giving it up

[mikE] and if we complete all 12 can we ascend to demi god hood also?

[DM] only 3

[DM] not 12

[DM] and these are not that hard

[DM] difficult and heroic

[DM] but not god like

[Kira (Beth)] wow... google popped 3 pages and one is dead

[mikE] well if we earn the extra credit?

[DM] hmmm what coudl I get you to do to for extra credit

[mikE] the other 9

[DM] please teacher, I need to pass this class

[mikE] and then we can tell zeus to move his arse out of my seat

[Kaz] which are you looking up, Beth?

[DM] as a group you can blip back to roadhaven or to wolfspack

[Kira (Beth)] trident of Nethun

[DM] and prepare etc

[DM] and any luck Beth or Kaz?

[Kaz] I've been reading about Kirin

[DM] grins

[Kira (Beth)] Nethun was an adjunct to ... drat, forgot now

[DM] Neptune

[DM] posiden

[Lorie] Neptune was Roman

[Kira (Beth)] Nethun is an alter ego

[Kira (Beth)] he's um...

[Kira (Beth)] Lybian

[Kaz] OH

[Kaz] MY

[Kaz] GODS

[mikE] oh the greeks and the romans had the same gods

[mikE] i like the norse lesser ones

[Kaz] I just pulled up one of the pages that came up with that search

[mikE] they were fun

[Kira (Beth)] lol

[DM] which one Kaz?

[Kira (Beth)] which one?

[Kaz] The one that talks about how Pure Berbers were WHITE.

[Kira (Beth)] ah, yeah

[Kira (Beth)] I read thqat

[Kaz] I love my cats

[Kira (Beth)] lol

[mikE] by the way, what is all you all's opinions about wether or not balrogs had wings?

[DM] lol

[DM] you saw the Irregular take on that right?

[mikE] yup

[Kira (Beth)] ok, Nethun's attributes are the Horse, Winged Horse, and Hippocamp

[Kira (Beth)] that page lists him as Etruscan

[Kira (Beth)] I'm going to check my gods and goddesses book

[DM] soft smile

[DM] you want to try out anything in game?

[DM] and which task to you want to tackle first I guess

[Kira (Beth)] Woah, he's not even listed in my Encyclopaedia of Gods

[mikE] does mal know anything? he's smart

[mikE] maybe about the kirin anyway?

[Kira (Beth)] I was hoping Mal would be around

[Lorie] religion check

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer: Religion check: (d20) [2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Kira (Beth)] Kira has no religion, but has the circus/animal background and has traveled extensively with the clan

[DM] for the religion check

[DM] and doing so well will give you a bit

[DM] Wave trident - 847) (mace of Cuthbert for greek)

[DM] if you have the Encylopedia of Magic it is on that page

[Kaz] Kirin easily speak any of the languages of Men

[Kaz] and they can tell when they are being lied to or someone is attempting to coerce them.

[DM] and all the things Kaz says are known facts for your characters with a bit of research

[Kaz] Kirin are extremely gentle and appreciative of all life.

[Kaz] Sorry, I AM speaking as Kaz, and not as Moirra.

[DM] nods, I know

[DM] this is the brainstorming session

[Kira (Beth)] oh, I found him in my book... duh... e before i

[DM] throw out a bunch of things see what rises to the top

[mikE] usually the fat

[DM] brb

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kira (Beth)] he's identified with fresh water originally, but an online page says he morphed into oceanic as well

[Kira (Beth)] over the centuries

[Kaz] Kirin rarely appear in general, but they are more likely to appear to those who respect life in much the same ways as they themselves do.

[Kira (Beth)] which probably means Moirra is our best shot at getting one

[Kaz] Probably the only task I'm going to be helpful with.

[Kaz] What is Moirra gonna do against a dragon? Wet her pants?

[Kira (Beth)] if it had been a unicorn, you could have just set Kira out somewhere lol

[Lorie] Defensive spells are just as helpful as offensive

[Kira (Beth)] Moirra is going to bless us and heal us along with Kylia :D

[Lorie] zone of sweet air against the gas

[mikE] um, so they won't appear to me i guess

[mikE] but i bet they will to milly

[mikE] she's all warm and fuzzy

[Kira (Beth)] Kira's too much the rogue, I think for them to appear to her

[Kira (Beth)] although she does love animals

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kira (Beth)] the trident thing is gonna be difficult if we can't locate it's where abouts at least

[mikE] hi! this is Bekah just saying hello to all of Mike's peeps

[Kira (Beth)] Hi, Bekah!!!

[Kaz] Hi Bekah

[Kaz] :)

[Lorie] Evening Bekah

[DM] Hey there!

[DM] have to show up at the house

[DM] always welcome

[mikE] i know... mike keeps asking me, but I usually spend Fri nights with my sister

[mikE] I might ditch her someday, tho

[DM] chuckles, we are much more fun than she is

[Kaz] Nethun is associated with a Hippocamp. That mean anything to anyone?

[DM] hippocampus is the water horse

[Kaz] yes

[Lorie] Hippocampus

[Lorie] :: points :: What he said

[Kaz] What I meant is, does that give anyone any ideas?

[mikE] don't they usually drag people under the water?

[Kira (Beth)] I've been pondering it

[Lorie] :: nod nod ::

[Kira (Beth)] having a water breathing spell could be very handy

[DM] nods to Bekah

[Kira (Beth)] he's also associated with the Bull and Pine trees

[DM] a chance to drown rather than burn to death

[Lorie] That was Mike

[mikE] that was me

[DM] lol

[DM] fine

[DM] just another voice coming out of Mike

[DM] grins

[Kira (Beth)] and also the winged horse, Pegasus

[Kaz] hehe

[DM] so the trident will be a journey

[DM] so will the Kirin

[DM] but of course it could be just a moment to get there

[Kira (Beth)] should we do the furthest away first?

[Kira (Beth)] maybe the Kirin will take care of Her Willfullness and we won't have to finish the rest lol

[DM] lol

[Kira (Beth)] ((and yes, I do live in a fantasy land))

[Vicki] ((lol beth))

[DM] it is right next door to tomorrow land

[Kira (Beth)] uh huh

[DM] and in front of Mickey's birthday land

[Kira (Beth)] ::groans::

[Kira (Beth)] I thought it was Xanth

[DM] OH Mike just bought all 20 discworld books

[mikE] wow

[DM] to read on my trip

[mikE] nice

[DM] ebooks of course

[mikE] yeah, you'll make it through all of them

[Kira (Beth)] heh, you'll need them

[mikE] quick reads

[Kaz] ( )

[DM] so any other questions?

[DM] want to go chasing off after one of these tonight?

[Kaz (to DM only)] any chance that Herne might be helpful with the Kirin quest?

[DM] or work on research and such, then tackle first thing next week?

[mikE] whatever you want to do

[Kira (Beth)] research sounds good to me

[mikE] hey bob, if you like terry pratchett, you'll love Neil Gaiman, if you haven't read him already <3 Bekah

[Kaz] So, the main thing with the Trident is that no one knows where it is, right?

[DM] yes, recomended several times, he and Guy Kay are friends

[Kira (Beth)] we need a finder thingy lol

[Kaz] finder thingy? lol

[Kira (Beth)] ::sighs:: my mind isn't working well tonight

[DM] yes on the trident

[DM] and stays away from Beth's thingy

[Kira (Beth)] I'm having a problem with naming things

[Kira (Beth)] LOL

[Kira (Beth)] ::shakes thingy threateningly at BOB::

[Kaz] DOH!

[DM] ?

[Vicki] /wonders what lightbulb went off in kaz's head

[mikE] if we make up a spell using the trident as a component i can summon it up

[Vicki] ugh... i'm sick and can't type right

[mikE] i think i have a spell that lets me summon spell components

[Kaz] Just DOH'ing at Beth shaking her thingy

[Vicki] oh ok

[Kaz] my lightbulbs are more likely to burn out. :)

[Kaz] Mike, that's way cool

[DM] nice thought but does not allow you to summon magic items

[DM] if it was not a magical trident then woudl work

[DM] nice thought

[mikE] darn

[mikE] the kirin has to be alive?

[DM] no

[mikE] oh oh, i know

[mikE] we just bring a whole kirin and say, there's the horn

[DM] grins

[DM] that was Beth's thought too while you were gone

[mikE] and we just bring a random girl and paint her green

[mikE] and say the trident was broken.

[mikE] in fact, everyone knows if you break a magic item it's no longer magic, so we get a trident and just break it

[Kaz] lol

[Kira (Beth)] lol

[Kaz] Okay, there's a point at which the information on Nethun (Nethuns) just repeats over and over.

[Lorie] Dumbledore is gay?

[Kaz] Unfortunately, it doesn't take long to get to that point.

[Vicki] where'd that pop up from lorie?

[Kaz] *blink* HUH?

[Lorie] Newsweek

[Kaz] ahh

[Kaz] where did they get that from? Sheesh.

[Lorie] Rowling told a bunch of kids at an LA School


[Lorie] at your leisure

[mikE] you mean the actor?

[mikE] or the character?

[Lorie] the character

[mikE] and look what happened to him.

[mikE] he died.

[DM] chuckles

[DM] let that be a lesson to you, if you are happy you will die

[mikE] snicker

[Kira (Beth)] lol

[DM] so just to let me prepare a bit?

[DM] you are going after eithe the trident or the horn next week?

[DM] or both?

[mikE] jamaica

[DM] so I should expect to get teh dragon lair ready?

[mikE] remember remember the fifth of november

[mikE] the gunpowder treason and plot

[DM] time time time see whats become of me

[mikE] i know of no reaSON THE GUNPOWDER TREASON


[DM] as I look around at my possibilities

[mikE] fuck me wonda

[Kaz] *blinkies*

[DM] competing lyrics

[mikE] ah u love me

[Kaz] Yeah yea yeah yeah

[mikE] u want me u need me oh baby oh baby

[mikE] lol

[mikE] noiooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

[mikE] and that was a drunken person

[mikE] sorry. potty break and look what happens

[Kaz] ROFL

[Lorie] Okay

[Kira (Beth)] I need time to roll another character

[Lorie] and so the sober person...working on an average of 3 hours of sleep per night this week

[Lorie] is going to get some sleep

[DM] waves Lorie

[DM] have a good night

[Kira (Beth)] I've had and played only one for over a year now...

[Kaz] Good night, Lorie

[Lorie] We will need to confer with the extended group to decide which game plan

[Kira (Beth)] nini, Lorie

[DM] hope things go well

[DM] you can post on teh site

[Kaz] Nice job of diplomacy, by the way :)

[mikE] night lor

[Lorie] HA

[DM] the adventure page

[Kaz] You were wonderful

[Lorie] I hate diplomacy

[Lorie] I wanted to blow them up

[mikE] why are you rolling a new character?

[DM] you all did very well

[Kira (Beth)] but, you're soooo good at it! :d

[Kira (Beth)] :d

[Lorie] Should have sent the Pally

[Vicki] night lorie

Arilyn has joined the game on Fri Oct 19 22:39:34 EDT 2007

[Kira (Beth)] lol

[Lorie] because you're going to die when we bring the Green Dragon back ALIVE to the Greeks

[Lorie] night

[Kaz] Hi Christy!

[Lorie] Evening Christy

[mikE] i'll sign out too

Lorie has left the game on Fri Oct 19 22:39:52 EDT 2007

[mikE] night all.

[mikE] see you next week.

[Kaz] Night Mike

mikE has left the game on Fri Oct 19 22:40:08 EDT 2007

[Kira (Beth)] I'm off too, Hi, Christy!

[Arilyn] well, I'm just in time to say goodnight!

[Kaz] rofl

[Kira (Beth)] lol,

[Kaz] Night Beth

[DM] CHristy!

[Kira (Beth)] Hi, and Goodbye :D

[Arilyn] Hans' boss had a b-day party tonight

[Arilyn] I just wanted to say hello

[DM] grins

[Arilyn] I have to get the kids to bed

[DM] you have your three tasks

[Kaz] Hello and good night, then, Christy :)

[DM] will update teh web site fully in a short while

[Arilyn] so I'll catch up later!

Beth has left the game on Fri Oct 19 22:41:14 EDT 2007

[Arilyn] night everyone!

[DM] grab me if you want tonight Christy

[Kaz] Hey, none of that fresh crap in front of the kids.

[Arilyn] heehee

[Kaz] :)

[DM] lol

[Vicki] night all

[Kaz] Night night :)

[Arilyn] night!

[Kaz] And night from me, too.

Arilyn has left the game on Fri Oct 19 22:42:45 EDT 2007

[Kaz] *wavies*

[DM] you set there Kax?

Vicki has left the game on Fri Oct 19 22:43:12 EDT 2007

[Kaz] I thought I disconnected

[Kaz] lol

[DM] grins

[DM] I can for you

[Kaz] I got it, thanks

[Kaz] see you in IM

[DM] night

[Kaz] night

Kaz has left the game on Fri Oct 19 22:43:44 EDT 2007