Main / Oct2105

Oct 21 05

[DM] Time of Day: 06:43 PM. Fri, Oct 21st, 2005.

[DM] ==== Gaming session has been running for 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 50 seconds ====

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

x[DM] Finglass's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -1 (-70) - Dying

x[DM] Finglass's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 69 (70) - Unharmed

mikE has joined the game on Fri Oct 21 19:11:23 EDT 2005

[mikE] and now for the finglass show!

[mikE] all finglass, all the time!

Client has joined the game on Fri Oct 21 19:16:43 EDT 2005

Client has left the game on Fri Oct 21 19:17:41 EDT 2005

[mikE] okay, so if we're doing no combat, no tower, and no tree...

[mikE] what does that leave us with?

[mikE] treant?

Client has joined the game on Fri Oct 21 19:26:27 EDT 2005

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] hey john

[Client] yes

[mikE] so i go to the treant.

[DM] Klooge in not accessable on Laura's side, ok for marco to download it?

[Client] sure


[DM] thank you

[DM] so the treant,

[mikE] treebeard the treant.

[DM] Catraeth

[mikE] or that.

x[Kit (JAA)] You don't look that old

[mikE] does he have any halfing pets?

Sean has joined the game on Fri Oct 21 19:31:06 EDT 2005

[DM] welcome Sean

[Sean] hello

x[Kit (JAA)] how many xp do we loose if we give away the Dolphin game info?

[DM] so you search through the woods traveling around

[DM] you do the commune thing to find out where the treant has been recently

x[Kit (JAA)] wait what color can BOB not read?

[mikE] i'm doing my woodsy priesty thing and communing with nature

x[Kit (JAA)] You are so cute when you do that

[DM] and in the past few months he seems to be in an area towards the hills

[DM] as you go out that way

[DM] you come across

[DM] a clearing

[mikE] Thank you, sweety. What we're looking for is that way.

[DM] with a large Bear in it that is sitting on its haunches

x[Kit (JAA)] I'm right behind you

Client111000111 has joined the game on Fri Oct 21 19:34:49 EDT 2005

[DM] and beeing harrassed by two squirrles

Sean is receiving the map Base...

Sean has received the map Base.

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::just kind of stands there watching for a bit::

x[Finglass (mikE)] does it look like a normal bear?

x[Finglass (mikE)] and normal squirrels?

[DM] ok just a sec, need drinks, will let marco and Sean catch up

x[Kit (JAA)] does te bear look stressed?

[DM] yes like a real normal bear and a real normal set of squirrls

[DM] and yes the bear looks a afraid

[DM] and puzzled

[DM] he takes a swipe at them every so often but can not seem to hit them

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Well, I'll do the talk with animals thing, then.

[Client111000111] so the squirrels don't have little leafy clothes or tiny little bows?

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Be careful man, those might be hit squirrels.

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] Fin, you want I should take them out

x[Finglass (mikE)] No Paul.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Let's see what they are up to first. THis is... unusual to say the least.

x[Finglass (mikE)] And I doubt they can actually hurt the bear.

[he Nut" Kercpino] They've come to make an offer you can't refuse

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] I'm just sayin bada bing bada boom, they be sleeping with the fishes, the dead ones

x[Finglass (mikE)] Paul, in my realm, if you havn't caught, there will be no random violence against nature.

[DM] the bear growls as he swipes at the squirels agan

x[Finglass (mikE)] Bear, what is wrong?

[he Nut" Kercpino] indeed

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] just deterministic violence.

[DM] ok

[El BiBo] ::detects evil::

x[El BiBo] Alastair's initiative changed from 18 to 18


[DM] INIT: -1 GOING: Start of Round

[DM] INIT: 11 GOING: Finglass

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: E. L. Fudge (affected by: Bless Party (ATM=+1))

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (ooops ... programmer reference ... sorry, I should have said "just planned violence")

[DM] Combat has finished.

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Antarias

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] uh oh ...

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] That was quick.

[DM] so you talk to the bear and he asks you why are they bothering me

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] um, no one mentioned to roll?

[DM] (was a hold over)

x[Finglass (mikE)] Squirrels, what are you doing?

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (being squirrely is my guess)

[bear] I am back at the keyboard.

[bear] why are they doing this

[bear] they have not let me sleep for two days

[bear] they just keep

bear slap

[bear] attacking me

[Squirrels] what do want?

x[Finglass (mikE)] Bother the bear.

[Squirrels] surrender

[Squirrels] you will surrender to us, and you will leave

x[Finglass (mikE)] the bear will surrender?

[Squirrels] give us your gold and you can leave in peace

x[Finglass (mikE)] Why do you want the bear's gold?

x[Finglass (mikE)] I doubt he has any.

[bear] I am back at the keyboard.

[bear] glances over at you

[bear] gives a little shake of his head, no I am not giving them my gold

x[Finglass (mikE)] You have gold, bear?

[Squirrels] SEEE

[Squirrels] see why he must stay here

x[Finglass (mikE)] Why do you have gold, and why do you squirrels even want it?


[Squirrels] adn the squirrels charge the bear

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::fudge, can you detect magic?::

[Squirrels] and swing at him

x[Finglass (mikE)] sigh

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Yes, a few times day

bear SWATS at the bear

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] Hold Mmal anyone?

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] ::should I detect magic then?::

[bear] GROWLS as he misses the squirrels and hits him self

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::ya::

bear SWATS at the

[El BiBo] true seeing?

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] ::me detects magic::

x[Kit (JAA)] this is fun but should I catch one of the squirs?

[bear] true seeing sees the two squirrels and the bear

[bear] they all glow with magic

x[Finglass (mikE)] Finglass: Hold Animal: ::yanks on the choke chain::

x[Kit (JAA)] I swear I ont kit it

x[Finglass (mikE)] on the two squirrels.

[bear] nope the make their save

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] great ... magical Family squirrels.

x[Kit (JAA)] sleep?

x[Finglass (mikE)] You know.... you pixies shouldn't bother the bear.

x[Kit (JAA)] where is the Party pack?

x[Finglass (mikE)] You glow with magic, small, want money... sound like pixies to me.

x[Kit (JAA)] (no I think they are just Augmented, like Familar Enhancer)

x[Kit (JAA)] If they were Polymorphed, Paul ould see

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (and the bear is magical as well ... right Bob?)

x[Kit (JAA)] Al, anything non distructive in your bag of tricks

[El BiBo] ((dunno, fixing my character sheet, I'll tell ya when it's fixed))

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)]

x[Finglass (mikE)] bob's afk

[bear] ok

[bear] back

[bear] sorry

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] better than being awol

x[Kit (JAA)] or AOL

[bear] yes all three creatures are magical

x[Finglass (mikE)] Little squirrels, I ask you again, to calm down and talk with us.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Why do you think that a bear has money, and why do you want it?

[Squirrels] I am back at the keyboard.

[Squirrels] tell him to give us his gold

[Squirrels] and we wil let him leave

x[Finglass (mikE)] But WHY do you want gold?

[Squirrels] so you won't help us?

x[Finglass (mikE)] What could squirrels possibly want gold for.

[Squirrels] you want us to take your gold?

x[Finglass (mikE)] If you have a good reason, maybe I will help you.

[Squirrels] one of them steps towards FInglass

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] To buy nuts ...

x[Finglass (mikE)] But, if not...

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::shrugs::

[Squirrels] why should you worry about it

x[Finglass (mikE)] Because these are my woods.

[Squirrels] we have this under control

[Squirrels] he can not leave

[Squirrels] the squirrels laugh

[Squirrels] your woods

x[Finglass (mikE)] THey are now, yes. My god has told me to watch over these woods.

[Squirrels] go talk to Chaelich (sp ?) is the person who watches over these wookds

[Squirrels] woods

x[Finglass (mikE)] WHo is that?

x[El BiBo (to GM only)] Character sheet for Alastair modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Maximum: 6 (4 + 1 evocation + 1 divination), CHANGED: 1 -- Current: 6 (--). CHANGED: 2 -- Maximum: 5 (3 + 1 evocation + 1 divination), CHANGED: 2 -- Current: 5 (--). CHANGED: 3 -- Maximum: 6 (3 + 1 evocation + 1 divination + 1 lightning bolt), CHANGED: 3 -- Current: 6 (--). CHANGED: 4 -- Maximum: 5 (2 + 1 evocation + 1 divination + 1 stoneskin), CHANGED: 4 -- Current: 5 (--). CHANGED: 5 -- Maximum: 4 (2 + 1 evocation + 1 divination), CHANGED: 5 -- Current: 4 (--). DELETED: Detect Evil, at willl, --. DELETED: cure disease, 1/week, 1. DELETED: Detect magic, 5/day, 5. ADDED: 11, 1, 1. ADDED: 33, 1, 1. ADDED: 22, 5, 5. Spells - CHANGED: Detect Magic -- Level: 22 (1), CHANGED: Detect Magic -- Cast Level: 22 (1), CHANGED: Detect Magic -- Sound: (null), CHANGED: Detect Magic -- Effect: (null). CHANGED: Cure disease -- Level: 33 (3), CHANGED: Cure disease -- Cast Level: 33 (3), CHANGED: Cure disease -- Sound: (null), CHANGED: Cure disease -- Effect: (null). CHANGED: Lance of disruption -- # Memorized: 3 (0), CHANGED: Lightning Bolt -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Remove Curse -- # Memorized: 1 (0), ADDED: Detect Magic, 1, 1, Sniff Sniff. I smell magic! Where's the magic?, 0, 1, null, null. ADDED: Cure disease, 3, 3, Let that icky nasty disease leave your body!, 0, 1, null, null. ADDED: Detect Evil, 11, 11, any evil? , 1, 0, , . ADDED: , , , , , , , . Notes -

[Squirrels] the guardian of the forest of course

[Squirrels] see the one says to the other

x[Finglass (mikE)] Where does he live?

x[El BiBo] Alastair: Cure Moderate Wounds: Be healed!!!! Take back (1d10+1) [5+1] 6 points of damage.

[Squirrels] they claim to own the forest but they don't even know who lives here

x[Finglass (mikE)] Well, I am new.

x[Kit (JAA)] You just look like troubble to me

[Squirrels] then one JUMPS back over in front of the bear that was starting to stir

x[Finglass (mikE)] So, if you would kindly leave the bear alone, and take me to the... ruler, I won't let my girlfriend cook you for dinner.

[Squirrels] they laugh again



x[El BiBo (to GM only)] Character sheet for Alastair modified: Magical Abilities - Spells - CHANGED: Detect Magic -- Level: 22 (1), CHANGED: Detect Magic -- Cast Level: 22 (1), CHANGED: Detect Magic -- # Memorized: 5 (0), CHANGED: Detect Magic -- Sound: (null), CHANGED: Detect Magic -- Effect: (null). CHANGED: Cure Moderate Wounds -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Cure disease -- Level: 33 (3), CHANGED: Cure disease -- Cast Level: 33 (3), CHANGED: Cure disease -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Cure disease -- Sound: (null), CHANGED: Cure disease -- Effect: (null). ADDED: Detect Magic, 1, 1, Sniff Sniff. I smell magic! Where's the magic?, 0, 1, null, null. ADDED: Cure disease, 3, 3, Let that icky nasty disease leave your body!, 0, 1, null, null.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Then she'll just eat you for dinner. Better?

[Squirrels] I might like YOUR nuts for a snack he says to FInglass

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::shoots a droll look her way::

[Squirrels] now

x[Finglass (mikE)] Ye gods. Why do I choose the woods where I have bandit squirrels?

[Squirrels] are you going to help us get the gold from him or are you going to leave?

[Squirrels] and the one squirrel attacks teh bear again

x[Finglass (mikE)] Finglass: Attack #1: Trick Shot: (11-+2-(d20+6)) [11-2-(11+6)] -8

[Squirrels] the bear swats back

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Did the bear steal your gold?

x[Finglass (mikE)] I land that between the squirrel and bear

[Squirrels] and misses

x[Kit (JAA)] (BOB, Can you allow us the Party pack)

x[Finglass (mikE)] I said stop.

x[Finglass (mikE)] You are annoying me.

x[Squirrels] Scroll of Shelter moved 3'06".

x[Finglass (mikE)] Two squirrels are much less of a loss than a bear.

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] Uh fin? you're talking to squirrels again.

JAA is receiving the map Base...

JAA has received the map Base.

[Squirrels] there you go John, next to the word wolfsapck

[JAA] I am back at the keyboard.

El BiBo is receiving the map Base...

El BiBo has received the map Base.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Yes I am. And getting very annoyed by them.

[Squirrels] then leave us alone

x[Kit (JAA)] Kit moves over to the bear's left side

x[Finglass (mikE)] Leave him alone.

[Squirrels] go along and continue to pretend to be in charge of the forsst

x[Finglass (mikE)] He is now under my protection.

[bear] I am back at the keyboard.

[bear] the bear looks at you

x[Finglass (mikE)] We are all leaveing now. Bother us further, I will shoot you.

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] I see, maybe you should stop talking to squirrels. You might start acting like them, eating like them, and well you are what you eat.

[bear] he is not part of your group

x[Finglass (mikE)] Tell you what, maybe I'll let you have the human's gold.

[bear] why do you think he shoudl go with you

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::points to allistair::

[Squirrels] they look up and down at you

[Squirrels] then up and down a all

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] Uh... fin... squirrels don't have use for gold.

[Squirrels] look back and forth at each other

x[Finglass (mikE)] Yeah. Tell them that.

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] I would, but I don't talk to squirrels generally. that's mostly reserved for crazy people.

[Squirrels] ok, if you give us just as much gold as He has pointing to the bear then yes

x[Finglass (mikE)] And how much is that?

x[Finglass (mikE)] How much could a bear possibly have?

[bear] 4 gold peices

x[Finglass (mikE)] Alistair, you have four gold?

x[Kit (JAA)] Its a Con, they are working together, this is so funny

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] on me?

x[Finglass (mikE)] Might be.

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] no, not really.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Yes. On you.

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] No where to spend it out here.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Well, you follow us home, and we can give it to you.

[Squirrels] I am back at the keyboard.

[Squirrels] no

[Squirrels] we have him here

[Squirrels] we have his gold right now

x[Finglass (mikE)] Bear, give me your gold?

[bear] will you give it back?

x[Finglass (mikE)] Yes.

[bear] he ponders

[bear] then he reaches into his fur and pulls out a small leather pouch

[bear] and dumps four coins into his paw

x[bear] Squirrels targets bear. Distance: 10'10"

x[bear] Squirrels targets Squirrels. Distance: 0'00"

x[bear] Squirrels: Damage v SM: Pod: (3d4) [(2+1+1)] 4 added to bear

mikE is receiving the map Base...

mikE has received the map Base.

x[bear] Squirrels: (1d20) [11] 11

x[bear] Squirrels: (1d20) [5] 5

[bear] ok, so the bear holds his paw out and dumps the gold into it, adn the squirrels make a jump to grab the gold out of his paw

[bear] they both miss

[bear] adn the bear tosses the gold over to finglass

[bear] you have to drop the bow to catch them, or let them fall to the ground

x[Finglass (mikE)] well, I'll drop the arrow and catch it.

[bear] make a dex check at -4 to catch them then

x[Finglass (mikE)] only need one hand to catch

x[Finglass (mikE)] Finglass: DEX check: (d20) [13] 13. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (17) [17] 17!!!

x[Finglass (mikE)] perfect. right on. x[Finglass (mikE)] There. Now the bear will give you all his gold.

[bear] so the squirrels now turn towards you

x[Finglass (mikE)] So as you said, you have all his gold, now go away.

[bear] adn start stalking Fin

[Squirrels] I am back at the keyboard.

[Squirrels] you will give us that gold

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::pockets the gold and takes up his arrow again::

x[Finglass (mikE)] I'll give you an arrow.

[Squirrels] and one of them charges you

x[Finglass (mikE)] So I shoot it.

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] I want to overbear the squirrel

x[Kit (JAA)] Can I grab a squirl? I even have hunting?

[Squirrels] ok, so target the squrriels

x[Squirrels (to GM only)] bear: No adjustments made

x[mikE] Finglass targets Squirrels. Distance: 20'07"

x[El BiBo] Alastair targets Squirrels. Distance: 13'03"

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] Alastair: Attack #1: longbow: (17-(d20+0)) [17-(5+0)] 12. Probably MISSES Squirrels (AC FINAL: -6)

x[JAA] Kit targets Squirrels. Distance: 29'10"

x[Finglass (mikE)] Finglass: Attack #1: Trick Shot: (11-+2-(d20+6)) [11-2-(5+6)] -2. Probably MISSES Squirrels (AC FINAL: -6)

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] Alastair: Attack #1: longbow: (17-(d20+0)) [17-(17+0)] 0. Probably MISSES Squirrels (AC FINAL: -6)

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] Alastair: Attack #1: longbow: (17-(d20+0)) [17-(9+0)] 8. Probably MISSES Squirrels (AC FINAL: -6)

x[Kit (JAA)] Kit: Attack #1: claw: (11-(d20+3)) [11-(20+3)] -12 [CRITICAL HIT]

x[Finglass (mikE)] bloody sqirrils.

x[Kit (JAA)] Kit: Attack #1: claw: (11-(d20+3)) [11-(14+3)] -6. PROBABLY HITS Squirrels (AC FINAL: -6)!!!

[Squirrels] Kit grabs one

x[Finglass (mikE)] Looks like she grabbed both.

[Squirrels] grabbed both of them, Kit?

x[Kit (JAA)] I don't want to hurt them, if they are in range,

x[Finglass (mikE)] Thank you dearest. My heroine. ::winks::

[Squirrels] they are squirming around in your hands

[Squirrels] twisting around to bite at you but do no damage

x[Finglass (mikE)] Just...

x[Finglass (mikE)] I really don't care at this point.

x[Kit (JAA)] does anyone have a bag

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] Alastair: Continual Light: Let there be light!!

x[Finglass (mikE)] Yes. Put them in here.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] No no ... a BAG

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] casted upon one of their eyes

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] ah

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::holds out a large belt pouch::

[Squirrels] make a to hit AC zero to put them in and then get your hand out without them escaping

x[JAA] Kit no longer targets Squirrels.

x[Kit (JAA)] Kit: Attack #1: claw: (11-(d20+3)) [11-(14+3)] -6

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] so we have a pouch containing a continual light squirrel now :)

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] woot

x[Kit (JAA)] Kit: Attack #1: claw: (11-(d20+3)) [11-(18+3)] -10

[Squirrels] ok then

x[Finglass (mikE)] Now, you two sit tight and maybe I'll let you out when we meet your master.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Well, bear... ::gives him back the money pouch::

x[Finglass (mikE)] That's yours.

[bear] thank you

[bear] (it was just coins)

[bear] he slips them back into his pouch and hides it again in his fur

x[Finglass (mikE)] What are those things? THey aren't regular squirrels.

x[JAA] Kit targets Kit. Distance: 0'00"

x[JAA] Kit no longer targets Kit.

x[Kit (JAA)] like he is a regular bear

[JAA] I am back at the keyboard.

x[Finglass (mikE)] And, what are you, for that matter? A bear with money?

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] Have you akways been a bear?

[bear] I am not always a bear no

[bear] but I have always been a bear yes

x[Finglass (mikE)] So you are...

[bear] a shape shifter

x[Finglass (mikE)] Ah.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Very interesting.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Very interesting indeed.

[bear] (this is normal common now)

x[Finglass (mikE)] And you live in these woods?

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] But this your natural state?

[bear] I travel a bit but yes these woods are my home

x[Finglass (mikE)] Well, as I said, I am taking these woods under my protection.

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] mister bear? what would you like us to do with your would be attackers? ::glances at the pouch of struggling squirrels::

[bear] and yes this is my natural state, although I can look like a human sometimes

x[Finglass (mikE)] I am a priest of Solonor, and will be setting up an elven settlement here.

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] My name is Paul, I did not catch yours

[bear] well I am happy to let you move aroudn also

[bear] and my name is Ben

x[Finglass (mikE)] A pleasure to meet you. I am Finglass.

[Ben the Bear] nods thank you

x[Finglass (mikE)] Do you know of this ruler they speak of?

[Ben the Bear] he is a treant

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] I am Alistair, what would you like done with the... bandits.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Should send it to Kylia.

[Ben the Bear] an ancient beech tree that

[Ben the Bear] lives to the east of here

x[Finglass (mikE)] And you and it have problems?

[Ben the Bear] no, I do not have any problems that I know of

[Ben the Bear] he rarely stays near where I am

[Ben the Bear] they points to the bag, should be let go

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] Will the Treant deal with these bandits?

[Ben the Bear] they are mostly harmless

x[Finglass (mikE)] He sends squirrels to steal money for him?

x[Finglass (mikE)] As you wish.

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::dumps out the bag::

[Ben the Bear] he has not condoned them

[Ben the Bear] but

[Ben the Bear] and he flinches back

[Ben the Bear] and sits down as the two squirrels start running around

[Ben the Bear] pause for 5 for food

[Ben the Bear] Jon Sean?

[Ben the Bear] John? Sean?

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] Yes?

[Ben the Bear] ask questions I will try to answer we are eating and typing here

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] If I think of any, not my area, not likly to put up one as a follower

x[Finglass (mikE)] Do you wish to accompany us to visit the treant?

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] he's not evil at least

x[Finglass (mikE)] I would certainly not be unhappy with a companion like you.

[Ben the Bear] he nods

[Ben the Bear] I will walk with you and see what happens

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Great, we now have Grizzly Adams 8-P

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] can I have thing as a follower?

x[Finglass (mikE)] so let's get going to the treant

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] sorry I mean henchman

x[Finglass (mikE)] game called on account of bob's fingers covered in hotsauce

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] yeah, hotwings are not a good gaming food

[Ben the Bear] so Ben leads you

[DM] off through the woods

[DM] as you go up and down some hills

[DM] and then you come to a small stream and pool

[DM] there is a large beech tree standing there

[DM] along side of an old decripit willow

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] That BEEECH

x[Finglass (mikE)] sunnova beech!

[DM] Ben points to the tree

x[Finglass (mikE)] You must be catreath

[DM] that is Catraeth

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] so we never got age plant? Too bad

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] no, but I've got fireball

[DM] there is no response

x[Finglass (mikE)] is the willow a treant?

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] I was going to reduce the age

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] or we could use warp wood to make it look older

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] or younger if we reverse it

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] G O O D D A Y C A T R A E T H

[DM] how would you tell if they are actually treants?

x[Finglass (mikE)] well, faces for one

x[Finglass (mikE)] and arms with hands

x[Finglass (mikE)] and legs.

x[Finglass (mikE)] with rooty toes

[DM] they are esentially ambulatory trees,

[DM] there are faces but they are more like knots and twists

[DM] and unless they are moving how could you tell?

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] I go climb the tree

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] guess this isn't her, maybe I can find her from the top of this tree

[DM] so you climb up the tree

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] I look around

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] H e l l o C a t r a e t h ( spoken slowly)

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::I do so love bob's NPC's::


x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] hey the squirls were nice

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::pats the treant::

x[Finglass (mikE)] Well, Catreath, don't mind the human in your branches.

x[Finglass (mikE)] I am Finglass

x[Finglass (mikE)] A priest of Solonor

x[Finglass (mikE)] I am starting a settlement in the area.

x[Finglass (mikE)] And will be looking over the woods.

x[Finglass (mikE)] If you would as your squirrels to stop robbing people in the woods, I would appriciate it.

x[Finglass (mikE)] If there are problems in the woods, find one of my messangers.

x[Finglass (mikE)] I will come and take care of it.

[DM] faintest of stirrings through the braches as if the brezze blows

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::bows to the treant::

x[Finglass (mikE)] Well, now what do we attend to, friends?

x[Finglass (mikE)] The gnomes mentioned people.

[DM] a branch of the tree moves slowly from one direction pointing due west to slightly farther north

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::smiles:: Ah. THank you, Caltreath.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Is there a message you wish to send them? I will be happy to deliver it.

[DM] no toher movement

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] Fin you realy amaze e

x[Finglass (mikE)] how come?

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] I did not think she would respond to you so either you heard something I did not or you are so ful of it

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::chuckles::

x[Finglass (mikE)] You just need to know the ways of the woods.

x[Finglass (mikE)] It is a treant. They are long lived.

x[Finglass (mikE)] To speak or deal with them is unlike anything else.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Also, you are only human now. ::chuckles::

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] :)

x[Finglass (mikE)] Let us go that way. I have a feeling we'll find some people.

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] I follow

x[Kit (JAA)] ::follows looking for more squirls::

[DM] as you move throught the woods

[DM] you hear noises up ahead

[DM] laughter that sounds femine

[DM] and splashing

x[Finglass (mikE)] Ooh la la

x[Kit (JAA)] Paul plugs his ears

x[Finglass (mikE)] Hail the camp!

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] stay away ...

xE. L. Fudge (Sean) plugs my ears too


x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] LA LA LA LA LA LA

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::shakes his head::

x[Kit (JAA)] Sensitive bunch

x[Kit (JAA)] Fin should I go first?

x[Kit (JAA)] Can you swim?

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] Alastair: Detect Evil: any evil?

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] no evil within range

x[Kit (JAA)] I aproach

x[Finglass (mikE)] No responce to my yelling?

[DM] the sounds seem to be about 100 yards ahead

[DM] no repsonse but there is noise now

x[Finglass (mikE)] I'll repeat my hail in 80 yards, then

x[Kit (JAA)] Here we come

x[Kit (JAA)] walking down the hill

x[Kit (JAA)] we get the funnest looks

x[Kit (JAA)] from everyone we meet

x[Kit (JAA)] hey hey were the DragonSlayers

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] apparently so called because we are dragons who slay things

x[Kit (JAA)] it's a theeme song

[DM] so you approach and there is no noise from up ahead

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] I want the shaft theme song

x[Finglass (mikE)] THen i walk to the pond

x[Finglass (mikE)] Do I see naked women?

x[Finglass (mikE)] frollicking and such?

[DM] you see a swampy pond and that is all

x[Kit (JAA)] yea righ, oh Paul!

x[Finglass (mikE)] Any sign of personage?

[DM] no

x[Finglass (mikE)] Then let's keep walking a bit in that direction

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] I hear nothing, I see nothing

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] :covering his eyes and ears::

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] What?

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] I can't hear you.

x[Kit (JAA)] ::slaps Paul::

x[Kit (JAA)] It's ok, I will protect ou from the naughty girls

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::sighs::

[DM] tell me how you are going and where

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] ::approaches the water::

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] Alastair: Detect Evil: any evil?

x[Kit (JAA)] ( and the bunny rabbits)

[DM] no evil

x[Finglass (mikE)] He should just stay in his tower anymore.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Helpless as a babe out of it.

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] I look at the mud with my true seeing

[DM] mud

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] looks like mud, no invisible about the level

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] no tracking

[DM] make a wisdom check paul

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] can't see that :)

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] Paul Elvenstire: WIS check: (d20) [4] 4. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (12) [12] 12!!!

[DM] you see no tracks either

x[Finglass (mikE)] SHould i lower the water?

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] made it

x[Finglass (mikE)] You think something is down there?

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] Can claw see anything from the air?

[DM] 100 yards accross and 200 yards long

[DM] and Paul you see no tracks in this area

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] ::glances at claw:: see if you see something?

x[Finglass (mikE)] Finglass: Lower Water: Aaaaaaaaaaah... *FLUSH*

[DM] shakes his head

[DM] Claw has not seen anything unusual

x[Finglass (mikE)] You know what lives here, Ben?

[DM] no humanoid

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] Paul Elvenstire: Fly: Fly like an Eagle"

[Ben the Bear] I am back at the keyboard.

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] I fly over at about 40 feet, seeing if it is all mud

[Ben the Bear] I rarely come this way the swamps here are al over

x[Finglass (mikE)] So I see.

[DM] there is no tracks

[DM] no sign of any large animals

[DM] no tracks, no large animals, nothign but muddy and swamps

x[Finglass (mikE)] Well, let's chalk this up as another check and move on.

x[Finglass (mikE)] If bob gives us nothing to talk to, then there's nothing to do.

x[Finglass (mikE)] NEXT!

[DM] no, I

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] ::flys over the mud pond, just to make sure it's real

[DM] yes muddy pond bottom

[DM] water slowly seeping back in

[DM] fish and eels flopping around

[DM] but no large creatures in sight

x[Finglass (mikE)] Any medium?

x[Finglass (mikE)] "People" wouldn't be large

[DM] nothing bigger than a badger

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] no hidden doors?

[DM] none

x[Finglass (mikE)] Then like I said, NEXT!

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] your call Fin

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] or rather next time don;t call

x[Finglass (mikE)] Well, we heard people, but they are obviously skittish.

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] and quick

x[Finglass (mikE)] If they are this scared, they are probably not a threat.

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::shrugs::

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] maybe just shy?

x[Finglass (mikE)] I can't make them appear. Let's go see what other suprises I have in my lands.

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::so i give my spiel. and if no one comes, let's go::

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] want to leve a note?

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] there's a new sherif in town

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] and his name is Fin

[DM] moving on

[DM] you continue

x[Finglass (mikE)] Bob is saying no responce. We leave.

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] We would like to extend this laurel and hardy hand sheke to our new ELF

[DM] and after a couple of miles you smell smoke

x[Finglass (mikE)] So we sneak up on it this time.

[DM] and see wisps comeing up over the trees

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] sweet! a bbq!

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] I fly over the trees fast

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] I do the same

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] on claw

[DM] you see from up above a small group of huts

[DM] 4 gathered aroudn a center fire pit

[DM] you see small children running around

[DM] and one SCREAMS at the sight of claw

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] human?

[DM] and they all catter into the huts

[DM] yes all human

x[Finglass (mikE)] Hello?

x[Finglass (mikE)] Yes. Nice to meet you, too.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Lovely huts you have here.

[DM] you come into the clearing

x[Finglass (mikE)] Why are all humans so... human?

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] I'll knock on a hut

[DM] you hear a female voice call out

[DM] who are you

x[Finglass (mikE)] They should really try and be more elvish.

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] harmless we assure you

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::i give the spiel::

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] now Fin

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] (harmless to certain people)

[DM] why are you here?

[Female] I am back at the keyboard.

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] saw the smoke, feared a forest fire

[Female] we are peaceful and

[Female] not harming anyone

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] neither are we

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] well, not anyone who is peaceful

x[Finglass (mikE)] Then we will have no problems.

x[Finglass (mikE)] As I said, I am setting up a settlement, not burning the forest.

[Female] will you protect us?

x[Finglass (mikE)] Protect..? Yes, I suppose I will.

[Female] will you take our sons for your army?

x[Finglass (mikE)] I am being given these woods to protect by my god.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Why can you not take care of them?

x[Finglass (mikE)] Why give your sons away?

[Female] I do not want to loose any more than I have

[Female] we moved here to get away from such thing

x[Finglass (mikE)] Loose? Can you not feed them?

x[Finglass (mikE)] Are you getting sick?

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] who has taken them?

[Female] we can feed them

[Female] they took them off to the wars

[Female] and they never returned

[Female] I do not want to loose my youngest

x[Finglass (mikE)] Who are they?

[Female] who are you beholden to?

x[Finglass (mikE)] I am beholden to no one but my god.

[Female] who do you swear fealty to

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] and Kylia

x[Finglass (mikE)] I will be the leader here.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Beholden to Kylia?

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] ;)

x[Finglass (mikE)] I am her companion, Paul, not her slave.

[Female] what do you want from us?

x[Finglass (mikE)] I want nothing from you.

x[Finglass (mikE)] I am exploring my lands and clearing them of danger.

[Female] so you are going to demand what from us?

x[Finglass (mikE)] THat you don't harm the forests.

x[Finglass (mikE)] But you still are not answering my questions.

x[Finglass (mikE)] And wouldn't it be easier to talk face to face?

[Female] the door opens and she steps out and closes it quickly behind her

x[Finglass (mikE)] Now, what is this about your sons being taken away?

x[Finglass (mikE)] And where are the men?

[Jenica] I am Jenica

[Jenica] the men are out hunting

x[Finglass (mikE)] Were you just at the swamp?

[Jenica] no

x[Finglass (mikE)] Do you know what lives there?

x[Finglass (mikE)] We heard voices earlier, but saw no one.

[Jenica] we stay away from there there are enchanted trees

[Jenica] they have stolen two of our men

x[Finglass (mikE)] Enchanted trees?

x[Finglass (mikE)] Evil trees? The centaur told us of an evil tree.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Wait...

x[Finglass (mikE)] Yes.

[Jenica] I know nothing of such things

x[Finglass (mikE)] Yes. I see now.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Dryads.

[Jenica] we have not seen any of the horse people

[Sean] I am away from the keyboard.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Well...

x[Finglass (mikE)] And you are just random humans?

x[Finglass (mikE)] Not of any settlement?

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] very tactfull Fin

[Jenica] she looks carefully at you

[Jenica] why do you want to know

[Jenica] we have no ruler here

[Jenica] we are on our own

[Jenica] you said you would not take our sons

x[Finglass (mikE)] Because I am going to be imposing my will and protection over these woods.

x[Finglass (mikE)] So I wish to knwo who is in them.

[Jenica] so you are forcing us to move

[Jenica] to leve

[Jenica] leave

x[Finglass (mikE)] Have I ever said that?

[Jenica] she said no

x[Finglass (mikE)] I am not asking you to leave.

[Jenica] nods,

x[Finglass (mikE)] I am asking who you are, why you are here, what you intend to do here.

[Jenica] we moved here to live in peace

x[Finglass (mikE)] I do not want to take anyone's children.

x[Finglass (mikE)] I am not evil.

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] Alastair: Detect Evil: any evil?

[Jenica] we wanted to escape from the petty lords who demand two thirds of all we harvest

x[Finglass (mikE)] If you are having problems with people taking your children, I want to know.

[Jenica] (nope no evil on her, one person in the hut is)

x[Finglass (mikE)] I see.

[Jenica] we moved here so no one would take our children

x[Finglass (mikE)] Well, if you wish to feed yourselves, be my guest.

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] I wander over to the hut

x[Finglass (mikE)] If you want to keep your children, that is preferred.

[Jenica] she is in the doorway

x[Finglass (mikE)] I am not a wetnurse to watch over them.

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] what kinda hut is it?

[Jenica] wooden

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] so like logs?

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] sticks?

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] hide?

[Jenica] no windows, one door

x[Finglass (mikE)] I am going to be having my own elven people to feed me and mine.

[Sean] I am back at the keyboard.

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] I peek through the doorway

x[Finglass (mikE)] You can care for your own.

[Jenica] the door is shut, she is standing in front of it

x[Finglass (mikE)] If you need help, you may come to me for help.

[Jenica] i want to believe you but why should I?

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] ma'am? you wouldn't be hiding anything would you?

[Jenica] my children

x[Finglass (mikE)] Because I could have come in here and killed you all with hardly any effort.

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] Anyone else?

x[Finglass (mikE)] But instead I am politely conversing with you.

[Jenica] nods,

x[Finglass (mikE)] What is the problem, Alistair?

[Jenica] no one else but my children

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] Are you sure? May I look in there? There may be a threat to your children in there. I sense such.

[Jenica] you give me your word

x[Finglass (mikE)] Jenica, I too, can sense an evil in the hut.

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] Word of what?

[Jenica] swear on your god that you will not harm me or my children

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::frowns::

x[Finglass (mikE)] What do you have in there?

[Jenica] no one

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] I only bring harm to those who are evil, those who follow the ways of good need not fear me.

[Jenica] no one here is evil

x[Finglass (mikE)] Alastair, do not hurt anyone unless I tell you.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Content?

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] Then you would not fear me entering

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] I will harm no innocent being

x[Finglass (mikE)] Jenica, I am a priest, and he a holy paladin. We both sense evil.

[Jenica] no one is ever truely innocent to one of your kind

x[Finglass (mikE)] Perhaps you don't know it, but there is something in there.

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] You seem innocent enough.

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] May I pass?

[Jenica] she hesitates

[Jenica] then moves aside and opens the door

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] Alastair: Detect Evil: any evil?

[Jenica] nods

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] what's evil?

[DM] four children inside

[DM] 3 girls adn 1 boy

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] so which one's evil, and exactly how evil are we talking?

[DM] the three girls are in the corner by the beds on the floor

[DM] and the boy is sitting with a sling shot pointed at the door

[DM] he has a rock in his hand

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::just so you all know, Rob's kid over here is making fun of bob's typing, too::

[DM] and a snake skin tied around his waist

[DM] the boy is the one who shows as evil

[DM] light evil,

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] Alastair: Rary's mind scan: So, whatcha thinking about?

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] on light evil boy

x[Finglass (mikE)] Well, I'm guessing the boy is quite a handful.

x[Finglass (mikE)] You might want to watch your son as he grows, Janica.

[DM] schemeing how to get you to take him with you so he can get away from his mother who is always watching him

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] I scan his mind to figure out why she would be watching him

[DM] nothing in his upper mind,

[DM] no terrible evil deeds,

[DM] malicious deeds,

[DM] but not horible evil ones

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] such as?

[DM] he stuffed a frog full of poisonous mushrooms and then fed as bait to a racoon

[DM] he peed in his sisters porrige this morning when she was not looking

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] on th day he was born

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] the nurces all gathered round

[DM] jareth

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] You peed in your sister's porridge? That's rather mean of you Jareth.

x[Finglass (mikE)] He is that kind of child, is he?

[DM] WHAT!!!

[juniper] WAHT!!!

[juniper] you did what?

x[Finglass (mikE)] You know, Janica, perhaps I should take your son off your hands.

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] HA!

x[Finglass (mikE)] I'm sure my priests can train him to be better behaved.

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] sorry (HA!)

[Jenica] No you said you woudl not take our sons

x[Finglass (mikE)] No, but if you wish, he can be apprenticed.

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] We won't take your son, but it is obvious he is very disturbed.

[Jenica] he is a normal boy

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] He tortures creatures of nature.

x[Finglass (mikE)] very well.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Does he?

[Jenica] he is just unsure sometimes because his father is often gone

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] Stuffing frogs full of poisonous mushrooms and feeding them to racoons is an odd way of being unsure of things

x[Finglass (mikE)] Jenica, I will leave him with you if you wish, but know that if this continues on as he grows, he wil be a problem to you.

[Jenica] thank you

[Jenica] I want to keep him here with me

[Jenica] at least I know he will be safe that way

x[Finglass (mikE)] I would ask that if you cannot controll him, send him with me. I will not harm him, but if he works in the temple, we can probably train him to revere nature properly.

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] You may keep him, but I suggest you keep a closer eye upon him. He wishes us to take him away from you, to spread more mischief I suspect.

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::chuckles::

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] I've no intention of allowing him this pleasure

x[Finglass (mikE)] Trust me, boy. You won't be able to get into mischief with us.

[Jenica] she glances at the four children

x[Finglass (mikE)] See Ben over there?

x[Finglass (mikE)] I'll let him watch over you.

[Ben the Bear] growls low in his throat

[Jareth] trembles a bit

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] Jareth, you shape up. The path you are following will bring nothing but folly.

[Jareth] steels him self a bit and shakes his head

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] We wath this one's progress with much intrest

[Jareth] all the while thinking, how to sneak out and follow you

x[Finglass (mikE)] When I have built my cathedral, come visit me, Janica.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Bring the others who ive here.

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] When you are older, if you wish, I could teach you many things. But we do not teach those who wish to cause mischief. Stop thinking about sneaking away, your mother would worry if you did.

x[Finglass (mikE)] You need not live out here as hermits. I try to be a good neighbor.

[Jenica] she nods her head, how will we know

[Jenica] (Robert just walked in, give us 5 minutes)

x[Finglass (mikE)] I will let you know.

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] Do you understand me Jareth? You are young and can still change your ways. I would hate to have to stop you from doing evil deeds when you grow up.

[Jareth] you can't catchme

x[Kit (JAA)] what you think your a squirl?

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] Maybe, maybe not. Do you really want to chance it? You could do so much better for yourself if you just straightened yourself up.

[DM] they look at each other

[DM] and one of the girls speaks up

[DM] Can I go with you Sir Knight?

[DM] I can carry your shield

[DM] and cook and clean

[DM] and sew

x[Finglass (mikE)] Oh my oh my

[DM] and I am learning to knit

x[Finglass (mikE)] I'll leave that one to you.

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] That is up to your mother. She does not wish you to leave, and I would not wish to cause her pain.

[DM] she looks at you

[Jenica] Take her

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] ::bows:: I will promise to take good care of her ma'am.

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::chuckles::

[juniper] you will be careful

[juniper] I will be

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] Come Juniper, let me introduce you to Claw.

[juniper] she trembles

[juniper] and then walks forward

x[Finglass (mikE)] I will go and talk with the Dryads.

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] ::goes out and points to Claw:: This is Claw, my wargriffon. You will learn to be great friends with him.

x[Finglass (mikE)] And see if I can get them to stop stealing your men.

[juniper] does he eat much?

x[Finglass (mikE)] I will let you know when you may come and trade in the village, also.

[Jenica] thank you

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] Yes. He likes horses, but I try to avoid giving him horse meat except as a special treat.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Let's go back to the swamp. Now we know what was there.

[juniper] she nods solemly

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] He needs to be brushed every night, and he likes to have people talk to him. You can do this right?

[DM] she nods again

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] ::hoists Juniper up on claw's back:: Come, lets go.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Well, now...

x[Finglass (mikE)] Miss dryad, why don't you come out and talk?

x[Kit (JAA)] ::follows::

x[Alastair (El BiBo) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Alastair modified: Notes - CHANGED: random notes -- : Juniper


warhorse enhancer IV



warhorse enhancer III

warhorse enhancer IV

Cone of cold).

[DM] no they do not come out

x[Finglass (mikE)] Finglass: Call Woodland Beings: 1-800-FAIRY-ME

x[Kit (JAA)] there are trees near the swamo? Lots or a few?

[DM] lots of trees all over the plae

[DM] place

[DM] near the swamps

[DM] etc

x[Kit (JAA)] we can use Paul as bait

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] all the cute charming monster chicks dig paul

x[Finglass (mikE)] no woodland beings show up?

[DM] nope

x[Kit (JAA)] Come out or we start cutting trees for fire wood

x[Finglass (mikE)] We have some good looking men here.

x[Finglass (mikE)] No dryads are interrested?

[DM] no responses

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] Dryads are graceful spirits of nature, surely they would be above such things as courtship. Please do not insult her by saying such things fin.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Oh, you just don't want to be charmed.

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] Ma'am, if you are here and can hear me. We wish no harm to you nor your forest. We only wish to be good neighbors and aid in the protection of this forest.

x[Finglass (mikE)] I would think you're a fine offer of friendship.

x[Finglass (mikE)] You wouldn't mind a year with a dryad, would you?

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] Why would she want me for a year? She's a forest spirit.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Maybe she's bored?

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] If you have problem with our aid, feel free to tell us so we may negotiate. Otherwise we will leave peacefully.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Well, I'll come out here alone, without the whole crowd to talk with them.

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] ((thwaps bob))

x[Finglass (mikE)] Also, that way you can't be charmed by them.

x[Kit (JAA)] I start shaking a tree

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] I will assume your silence means you have no problem with accepting our aid. We will trouble you no further. You may find a temple to the elven gods at (blah). Feel free to approach if you have complaint.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Kit, dear, I don't think that will work very well.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Thank you, Alistair. Perhaps I'll keep you around as my herald.

x[Kit (JAA)] just looking for nuts and fruits

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] I spent my early years as a diplomat. I am still called upon for such duties from time to time.

x[Kit (JAA)] if there is no combat, I am calling it a night.

x[Kit (JAA)] good night all

x[Finglass (mikE)] okay.

x[Alastair (El BiBo)] Let us go. Either she can't hear us, or she does not wish to be bothered. Either way, she will find us if she has issues. Your temple is not exactly hard to find. Or it wont be once it's constructed.

x[Finglass (mikE)] i think we're done for what bob's ready for, anyway.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Yes. Let's go.

x[Kit (JAA)] yea!!!!

x[Finglass (mikE)] And dryad, please stop stealing the human men.

x[Finglass (mikE)] :;shakes his head::

JAA has left the game on Fri Oct 21 22:28:52 EDT 2005

[DM] ok

Sean has left the game on Fri Oct 21 22:30:45 EDT 2005

[DM] so everyone have a great night

mikE has left the game on Fri Oct 21 22:31:00 EDT 2005

El BiBo has left the game on Fri Oct 21 22:31:07 EDT 2005