Oct 31 03 -
Session Start (anstettjr:anstettjr Chat938): Fri Oct 31 20:40:30 2003
- iranon73 has been invited to the group chat.
- iranon73 has joined the chat.
- Marco has been invited to the group chat.
- Mike has been invited to the group chat.
- Mike has joined the chat.
- Marco has joined the chat.
Mike: dude!
Mike: we're gonna live!
Mike: 'i'm gonna live!
iranon73: i'd hope
Marco: mike's on the ground wrastlin, I swung at the displacer beast and missed
Marco: cuz I have to
Marco: stupid displacer beast abilities
iranon73: can i fight?
Marco: next round I guess
iranon73: or are we not gonna le me in till the fight's over
anstettjr: yea next round
iranon73: neat
Marco: ::rolls::
iranon73: anything i should know about the displacer beast? like.. what are these abilities you're talking about
Marco: first attack always misses
iranon73: seriously?
Marco: ya
Marco: he apparently goes into a berserker rage when he is low on hp
iranon73: is it first attack per round? or just first attack?
Marco: first attack in the combat
iranon73: ahh ok
iranon73: so deal me in as a miss next round
Marco: pretty much
iranon73: what's the size?
Marco: big
iranon73: large?
Marco: aye
iranon73: yay.. i get to roll a d8
Mike: nifty
iranon73: is it just the three of us?
Marco: ya, pixie got stoned by the cockatrices
Marco: new round, initiative
iranon73: anything we can do that other than stone to flesh?
Marco: bob 1, us 7
Marco: we get to go first cuz he's big
Marco: no
Marco: well, I don't think
Marco: (this is the miss your swing round)
iranon73: ok
Marco: I do 21 pts of damage
iranon73: brb... gotta pee
Marco: k
iranon73: back
Marco: it's dead
iranon73: aww
iranon73: got my dice out for nothing
Mike: yay!!
iranon73: yeah, i mean, yay!
anstettjr: sorry Lior, no XP for you for the fight
iranon73: its alright
anstettjr: Ok
Marco: door's not opening anymore
anstettjr: so the balcony,
Marco: ::glances at the balcony::
Marco: what of it?
anstettjr: beyond this door is an open and airy porch of red crystal, floating a both the cloud tops. The landscape drifts lazily by, and you notice that you have covered quite some distance over the ground since you have been in the castle.
an awful stench greets you as you survey the patio, and you spot a ragged heap of broken furniture and ripped up pillows in the far corner.
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iranon73: can i get a quick descrip of the room?
anstettjr: grrrrr
iranon73: the balcony is grring at us?
anstettjr: the plugin doesn't work in the chat room
anstettjr: grrrrrrr
Marco: hahahaha
anstettjr: Lior, Imed you the room description
iranon73: ok
iranon73: is that where we just fought?
anstettjr: yeah
Marco: that's where we ended the fight ya
Marco: ::looks about:: where's the stench?
Marco: furnature stinks?
Marco: um... okay
Mike: cat piss
iranon73: yum
Marco: ::chops off the cockatrice's claw and puts it in her stuff::
Mike: ::i collect my lawn ornament and throw it into the scroll of shelter::
iranon73: itll look nice at lorie's keep
iranon73: a nice warning for pixies
Marco: :-P
Mike: hey, srew you buddy
iranon73: srew you too
Mike: yeah, yeah...
Marco: this is a nonsrewing area
iranon73: you should talk
iranon73: you srew anything in sight
Marco: srew you buddy
iranon73: you said no srewing
iranon73: hypocrite
Marco: yeah well when you make the rules you can break em
anstettjr: talking about old adventures here
iranon73: so about this balcony
Mike: well, i say we forget it.
Mike: its a roost for the ded stuffs
iranon73: maybe there's loot
Mike: so you loot through the poo covered furniture
iranon73: no
iranon73: i didn't know there was poo
Marco: it's a nest
iranon73: i ain't touching poo
Marco: it stinks
iranon73: nests dont always have poo.. thats just pigs
Marco: doesn't necessarily mean poo
Marco: but there's probably poo
iranon73: well... can i see what's in there without touching anything?
Marco: but it's like bird poo
iranon73: birds dont poo in their nests
Marco: bird poo is more of a white crust than actual poo
anstettjr: lots of crap around the nexts
anstettjr: and dead things
iranon73: ok
anstettjr: skeletons
iranon73: nevermind then
Marco: lootage
iranon73: and recognizeable skeletons? like... of species?
iranon73: alas poor yorick
Marco: ::poke::
anstettjr: about 25 Gp, and a jeweled war hammer
Marco: ooooooh
anstettjr: and a saphire
iranon73: told ya to look through it
iranon73: dibs on the sapphire
Marco: jimmy the jewels out of the warhammer
Mike: lucky the pixie's stone
iranon73: might be worth more in the warhammer
Mike: thwap bibo
anstettjr: slaps head
Marco: :)
anstettjr: why, why
Marco: eh, weapons suck
Mike: 'i'll take that ::grabs hammer:;
iranon73: no they dont
Marco: make a roll
iranon73: me?
Marco: no, mike
Marco: he picked up the warhammer
anstettjr: ok,
iranon73: shit.. its gonna take over your mind
anstettjr: nothing apparent happens
iranon73: i pick up the sapphire
Marco: yaaay, I get the 25 gp
Mike: can anyone dispel?
Marco: me
Marco: dispelling
Mike: liot, can you dispell?
Mike: lior too.
iranon73: i can dispell fatigue
Marco: hehe
Mike: i knew you wouldn't have a usefull spell like dispell
iranon73: either way, it would probably only work on priest spells or something like that
Marco: not dipelled
iranon73: oh wait
iranon73: i do have dispel magic
Mike: the pixie can make the save!
Marco: yeay you, try it
iranon73: only its a 3rd level spell
iranon73: eww
iranon73: i dont know how it works
Marco: roll d20
Marco: roll high
Mike: like, 20 high
iranon73: ok
Marco: pretty much
Marco: roll a 20 or it doesn't work
iranon73: 19 high enough?
Mike: nope.
Marco: what level are you?
Mike: sorry, you fail.
iranon73: 7
Marco: sorry, one level short
iranon73: who you calln' short?
Marco: you shorty short short
Mike: um, you. halfling
Marco: ::wanders through the secret door::
Mike: ok, what now?
Mike: drag the chest out
iranon73: chest>?
Mike: yeah. there's a chest in there
Marco: yeah, there's a chest in the secret door
Marco: that I walked into
iranon73: ahh
iranon73: ok
Marco: rope anyone?
Mike: get a cloak too.
Mike: and rope
Mike: gotta carry the lawn ornament
iranon73: why you need a rope?
Marco: oh lookie I have a rope
Marco: cuz I ain't touchin this thing
anstettjr: do you have rope use
iranon73: can't you detect magic or anything like that?
iranon73: i have 'frisky chest'
iranon73: i think that makes it light or something
Marco: yeah, but you're over there
iranon73: i can move about, you know
iranon73: 'got legs and such
Marco: yeah, but see, then you have to go through the fear
Marco: and your chance of getting feared is greater than mine
Marco: since mine is nigh zero
iranon73: eh
iranon73: what i have to roll against?
Mike: wow, a spell that's almost useful
Marco: spell I guess
iranon73: yeah, guess so
iranon73: i'm better with poison
Marco: ::drags it through with the rope::
Mike: yay! now we can have the luggage
Marco: well you ARE a halfling
Marco: you do a lot of cooking
anstettjr: ok,
iranon73: you saying my cooking is poison?
anstettjr: so the chest is out in the room
Marco: I'm saying you can'
Mike: wish i could do that
Marco: can't always cook a masterpiece
Marco: 1's happen
iranon73: so what's going on?
Marco: bob is wandering
Mike: open it!
anstettjr: tell me who opens it
Marco: you do it
iranon73: me?>
anstettjr: witch, priest, or fighter
Marco: sure
Mike: witch
iranon73: how would you expect me to?
Marco: you have hands, since you have legs
Marco: I assume you aren't a torso
iranon73: there's probably a lock
anstettjr: yes that would be a good assumption
iranon73: i can't pick locks
Marco: so use the shiney hammer
iranon73: its probably bigger than i am
iranon73: mike can do that
anstettjr: it is a large chest
Mike: ::hands the witch the hammer::
Marco: ::melts it down for the jewels and metals::
Mike: 'is it locked?
Mike: i aint touching it
iranon73: why are you afraid of touching it?
Marco: cuz it's a chest
Marco: you touch it
iranon73: can you cast detect magic?
Marco: I did
Marco: bob laughed
anstettjr: your not supposed to touch other peoples chests
Mike: only girls
iranon73: i poke bibo in the chest
iranon73: only i can't reach
iranon73: so its his stomach
Marco: it's moderately to intensely magic
iranon73: so that means?
Marco: so that means it's either got cool stuff in it, it's trapped like a magic bomb or both
Mike: 'lets take it with us
Marco: ::touches it::
Marco: save vs spell
Marco: everyone
Mike: made it
Marco: (that being why we don't wanna touch it)
Mike: lawn ornament's ok too.
iranon73: didn't make it
Mike: sucks for you short dude
Marco: you are now a toad
iranon73: eh
iranon73: neat
iranon73: are you serious?
Marco: no
Marco: bob hasn't said yet
anstettjr: ok,
anstettjr: so
iranon73: i assume you made it, bibo
Marco: course
Marco: magic resistance is fun
anstettjr: everyone in a 5 foot radius who made their save takes half damge from the fire blast
anstettjr: other take full damage
iranon73: how much?
anstettjr: and if you fail your save,
anstettjr: you are blind
Mike: well, i made it
iranon73: permenantly blind?
Marco: who knows
Marco: you don't
Mike: your eyes melt out of you head
anstettjr: 16 points of damage, half if saved
iranon73: serious?
anstettjr: yeah, blind
Marco: no on the melting
iranon73: hold a sec
anstettjr: yes blind
anstettjr: no not melted
anstettjr: yes blind,
anstettjr: anyone else have cure blindness?
Marco: not lior
anstettjr: can't cast spells when you can't see
iranon73: damn?
Marco: sure you can
anstettjr: at least 99% of them
iranon73: i have cure blindness
Marco: go for it
iranon73: ok
iranon73: i try to cast it
Marco: save vs death
Mike: you can cure yerself
Mike: if you have it, that is
Mike: (yeah right)
iranon73: we already established i have the spell
iranon73: do i have to save vs death?
Marco: yeap
Marco: go for it
anstettjr: no
Marco: shhh
Marco: let him roll dice
Mike: roll high young padawan
Marco: it's good to do
iranon73: ok, you guys seriously need to stop joking around like that
Mike: hehhehheh
iranon73: cuz i can't sense sarcasm or humor over the internet
Mike: yer a sucky empath then
Marco: we know, that's why it's funnier here
iranon73: i'm not an empath
iranon73: well stop
iranon73: cuz its not funny
Marco: alright, so
iranon73: do i get my eyes back?
Marco: ya
Mike: nope.
Marco: guy's step back
iranon73: mike, i'm going to kill you
Marco: everyone step away from the box
iranon73: doing that
Mike: ::steps back and uses teh lawn ornament as a shield::
Marco: ::touches the box again::
Marco: everyone save
Mike: 20 woot
iranon73: made it
anstettjr: 16 points of damage save for half to those in 5 feet
anstettjr: save for blindness, everyone in sight of the box
iranon73: ok, i assumed i moved far away enough to not be within radius
Mike: ok, bob...
Mike: we stepped back. scroll up
Marco: just the blindness yer saving for
iranon73: ok, so i'll use the previous roll for that
Mike: i'm gonna leave the room
iranon73: and assume i made it
anstettjr: ok Mike
Mike: hehhehheh
Mike: does this mean i get the bob proficiency?
Marco: anyone got a crowbar?
Mike: got a hammer
Marco: we need one of those
Marco: hey! plan!
Marco: throw the chest over the balcony
Marco: pick up the pieces later
iranon73: umm
iranon73: you know... we'll be very far away by then
Marco: I can fly
iranon73: do we know how fast this castle is going?
Mike: bah
iranon73: and if you'll be able to catch up with it?
Mike: we go down after it
Marco: like cloud speed
iranon73: do you know how fast clouds move?
Marco: about so fast
iranon73: that can be mighty fast
Mike: ok... bibo needs a taste of reality
Marco: I need a taste of reality in dnd?
iranon73: i dont know how to put reality in food
Mike: what you sayin dnd isn't reality?
Mike: there's more to life than fantasy?
iranon73: no, just more to life than your fantasies
Marco: can I acid the lock?
iranon73: only if you wanna watch elephants on skis
Mike: whee! elephants on ice!
iranon73: no
iranon73: you dont ski on ice
iranon73: you ski on snow
Mike: the new disiny show
Mike: with micky getting trampled
Mike: into a fine paste
Mike: ::evil grin::
Mike: ::close eyes
Mike: :(
Mike: :c
iranon73: i lay on my hands for a bit
anstettjr: (&)
Marco: you go boy
anstettjr: (v)
Marco: um... bob, no
anstettjr: (drums)
iranon73: i think he's trying to commiunicate through sign language
anstettjr: (*)
Marco: something like that
Mike: im sign lang
anstettjr: (k)
iranon73: i know that one
iranon73: he's saying he's fine
anstettjr: (xmas)
anstettjr: (octopus)
iranon73: no.. i guess he isn't
Marco: bob is playing with smilies
anstettjr: 8-B
Marco: his comp is the only one that sees em as such
anstettjr: lots of cool smiles
Marco: we just see garbage
iranon73: yes.. (octopus)
iranon73: very cool
anstettjr: and even more, but I don't use em anywat
anstettjr: I see the octopuss there
iranon73: (halloween)
iranon73: does that do anything?
anstettjr: no
Marco: (cheese)
anstettjr: what is it on yours
Marco: just words in brackets bob
Marco: like normal people
iranon73: a word or a letter or symbol in parenthesis
anstettjr: ok
anstettjr: so
Marco: I throw the chest into the scroll of shelter
anstettjr: and the pixie
Marco: and in goes the pixie as well
anstettjr: ok then
Mike: now. back to the castle
Marco: ::rolls it up and puts a tag on it that says do not open until xmas::
anstettjr: ok
anstettjr: so
anstettjr: what now
Mike: um, back to the doors...
Marco: new door
Marco: ::points randomly::
Marco: bob says "down there on the end?"
Marco: I say yep
Mike: looks good. lets go ::walks of in the opposite direction::
Marco: bob shuffles through notes
anstettjr: ok
anstettjr: so Lior you have the notes
anstettjr: Dozens of shades of purple mix and meet in this chamber from shadowy midnight blue to bright violet. The entire spire seems to be filled with a weird lambent glow. Exotic and rare tapestries a door the walls, and it great map of a large country dominates one wall. In the center of the spire a throne of clear glass sits beneath a hovering gem of exquisite royal purple. The purple shard is
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anstettjr: encased in a shimmering field of force.
anstettjr: sorry
anstettjr: Lior got his part
Marco: yeay force
iranon73: do we recognize the map?
Marco: hey erania
anstettjr: no, not imeadiately obvious
anstettjr: Irinia
Mike: um, we were looking for <name>
Marco: you got the irinia part right?
Marco: ::peers at lior::
iranon73: mhm
Marco: k
Mike: we were told this was his castle
Marco: there are 9 guards
Marco: around the room
Marco: plus chick on the throne
anstettjr: she looks at your group
iranon73: yeah, i got the part about her and the armored guys
Marco: so yes, greetings, have you heard of <blah>?
iranon73: good to know how many there are
anstettjr: she is apparently ignoring you
Marco: ::disbelieves the illusion::
anstettjr: what are you doing here in my house?
Mike: we told you.
iranon73: we wish to find the residents of the castle
anstettjr: she looks at you with distain
anstettjr: I am the Lady of Prism Keep
Marco: again, we are looking for <blah>
anstettjr: I rule here
Marco: do you know where he may be found
anstettjr: one of the guards near her arm
anstettjr: leans over and wispers in her ear something
iranon73: very well... we are searching for <whatever that guy's name is>
iranon73: we were told he could be found here
anstettjr: you are mistaken
Mike: did we get the wrong floating castle?
iranon73: have you heard of him?
Marco: shoulda made that left turn at alberkerque
Mike: yeah, he's got one of these too.
anstettjr: (hint) ! "Who dares intrude in the keep of Irinia, Queen of Beauty and Mistress of the sorcerous arts?"
iranon73: shut up mike
Mike: 'you pass him by in the sky at all?
Marco: wave
Marco: We the dragonslayers dare
Marco: why do you ask?
anstettjr: the guard frowns
anstettjr: looks at you hard
iranon73: thats what the two guards at the door said
iranon73: she disguises herself as a guy probably
Marco: ::bows::
anstettjr: live guards
anstettjr: no repsonse
Mike: (crossdresser!)
Marco: ::advances slowly:: we mean no harm, we only seek information
iranon73: no, its not crossdressing when women dress as men
anstettjr: two of the guards step forward
anstettjr: lay down your arms
Marco: um... k
iranon73: i lay down my arms
Mike: this is like the dread pirate roberts
Marco: waves her arms and drops them down
iranon73: i put my sword by my feet
Mike: "Put the knives down!"
Mike: "I can't."
anstettjr: he gestures you foward
Mike: ::holds out empty hands::
Marco: ::continues to approach::
Marco: I hope that we have not caused any trouble
anstettjr: reaches out to take your swords from you
anstettjr: she smiles slightly
iranon73: what guarantee do i have of my sword's return and your acting in kindness to us?
Marco: I'm the only one approaching
anstettjr: she frowns
Mike: ::i'm not walking forward
Marco: and hence the only one who's weapons need to be taken
Mike: ::i'm letting the witch be spokes person here
iranon73: i apologize, but as we were not oficially welcomed here, i would understand your having hostility towards us
Marco: since no one responded when we knocked, we were unfortunately forced to intrude into your abode
iranon73: we mean no harm, but we are not to leave ourselves defensless if you find it fit to punish us
anstettjr: she raises an eyebrow
iranon73: i'm sure we can come to some manner of understanding on the subject
anstettjr: and so you just felt it would be alright to walk into MY keep?
anstettjr: she nods slowly at that
Marco: We seek only the mage known as <blah>, we were told he lives here
iranon73: we knew of no other way of finding out the information we seek
anstettjr: I told you, she says tersely, I am the ruler of this keep
iranon73: again, i apologize for the intrusion, but we would be more than grateful for any help you may grant us
Marco: and as ruler you should know who resides within
Marco: or at least one might assume such
anstettjr: the senior guard frowns at you
anstettjr: what help do you require? she asks
Mike: 'can you unturn people from stone?
Marco: may we take that gem over there?
iranon73: shut up, you two
Marco: ::points at the field of force::
iranon73: you're going to get us killed
Marco: I believe it is important to us
Marco: (shh, being serious here)
iranon73: we were informed that in this castle resides a wizard
iranon73: name of <>
Marco: (she ignores all questions referring to the wizard)
Marco: (or so it seems at any rate)
anstettjr: she considers,
Marco: (a change of tactics is an order)
anstettjr: she stands up
anstettjr: moves slightly over to the side
anstettjr: her guards moving outward around the room
anstettjr: she gestures up at the gem,
anstettjr: feel free she says
Marco: ::bows:: I thank you
Mike: act backs away to the wall like the guards
Marco: ::saunters over to the gem and reaches for it::
iranon73: i wouldn't recommend you do that
iranon73: it just may be a death trap
iranon73: like.. .one that might drop this castle
Marco: (magic resistence)
Marco: shh
Marco: I think we need to collect these
iranon73: this is not zelda
Marco: yes it is
Mike: pokemon!
iranon73: we are not collecting shards
Marco: trust me
iranon73: so have we died yet?
Marco: no, bob was looking up what happened
Marco: seeing if I could reach through it
Mike: can't
anstettjr: no no death yet
anstettjr: reach towards the sphere,
anstettjr: blocked from reaching into it
Marco: would it be inappropriate of me to ask that this field be lifted? ::peers at iriana::
iranon73: what is the purpose of the shard?
anstettjr: she says yes
anstettjr: no, you may try anything reasonable
Marco: would you be adverse to me finding a way to lift it?
Marco: darn psychics
Marco: she didn't answer your question lior
iranon73: noticed
Marco: bob's lookin up stuff so nothing is really being said
Mike: hey lior, if i lift you up, and you can reach it, wanna try to just walk off with the whole sphere?
Marco: wohoo! bob's changing rulings
anstettjr: ok
anstettjr: so
Mike: and we didn't even need to get fritz
anstettjr: the witch flys up
anstettjr: reaches into the sphere,
anstettjr: your hand passes through
anstettjr: you grasp the crystal shard
anstettjr: you try to pull it out
anstettjr: and it bumps up
anstettjr: into the side of the sphere
Mike: well, i can't do jack
Mike: i've got shineys
Mike: you two deal with this
Marco: don't suppose you have ANY spell ideas? ::peers at lior::
iranon73: to take the shard?
Marco: aye
Mike: no, to make a spot of tea
iranon73: i wouldn't help you if i did have something to help you with
Mike: (that was sarcasm)
Marco: we seriously need this
iranon73: hey mike, you know those wounds you got?
iranon73: you like them?
Mike: yeah, they're real prety
iranon73: cuz you should get used to them
Mike: if you squint your eyes, and tilt your head like so, they kinda look like the virgin marry
Marco: ::looks about the room::
anstettjr: ok,
anstettjr: so we should hold here
anstettjr: pick up right here next week
iranon73: ok
anstettjr: good for everyone?
Mike: k
anstettjr: then you might have at least two more people with you
iranon73: that would be nice
Marco: blah, stupid not having the party pack
anstettjr: so who ever see Lorie online first
anstettjr: ask for a copy of the party pack
anstettjr: tell her how mean I was
- Mike has left the chat.
iranon73: k
iranon73: ciao
- iranon73 has left the chat.
anstettjr: have a great night
Marco: she assumes as much
- Marco has left the chat.
Session Close (anstettjr Chat938): Fri Oct 31 22:39:26 2003