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Ophioglossum - In character discussions

9/20/10 (Before entering the snake temple

Hoffman starts an open discussion.

Now that the Right Hand has shown themselves as helpful and capable adventures, and that we are now working together to obtain treasure, we should have some sort of agreement. I do not know about how you came to be together, but I thought you might join our group and have a name you can be proud of. We should share responsibilities equally and share treasure equally. We saw how you pounced on the new swords, and understand the situation is a little desperate, but before we get to a situation like that, we should have an understand. What do you think Blood Lust Mage? What do you like to be called?


Looks over at Hoffman, happy to be distracted from yet another battle to come. “Well, you can call me Branwyn as I do not think your name suits me as well as the one I was given. In fact, I personally despise this mission we are on and Foriso is quite aware of my feelings. I do not believe it right to kill one evil creature for no other reason than it would benefit another of the same or even greater evil. But Foriso is bound to this quest and so I shall be there to protect, as would he if the situations were reversed. If I must do my share of killing to make sure we can all come home safely, then so be it. But truth be told, I have begun a wonderful new library at our orchard home in the Jistelle Estates and what I truly long for is time with my books and practice with new spells.

But to your more serious concerns, I do agree that if we are going to travel together beyond this quest, it would be wise to come to some sort of an understanding between us. But it has been a busy last couple of days. We have questioned you and Amelia almost tirelessly, but have not told you much about ourselves. We are not simply a band of adventurers out to seek treasure. We are a mercenary unit and we may be called upon at any time by the ones who have hired us. Our leaders have given us our independence for the most part to continue in our training and experience, but we are not free of them. Nor do I believe any of us wish to be. I, for one, am quite proud of the name we have been given and it has earned us some respect in certain places we have visited.

From what I have heard so far, the Right Hand seems to be a vigilante group with a vendetta against the undead. Believe me, I have no love of undead creatures, but I do not wish to make it my life’s purpose to act as an exterminator of such creatures. If your group is separated from your core members as we are of ours, I see no reason why we cannot adventure together. At some times following quests that serve your purposes and some times following ours. Of course, in any endeavor that we share the risk of death, any spoils should be divided equally between the members. I would not allow anything less if I have a say in it.

I cannot speak for the others, but I can tell you that I am loyal to the ones that hired me. Our Corporal saved me from a poor existence and months of fruitless searching. Joining my mercenary unit allows me gold and gems to better my existence and opportunities to travel so that some day I may find the one I have been searching for. I am not sure serving one group would exclude being able to serve the other in just causes.”

Realizing that she had been talking for some time, she stopped and looked back at Hoffman and then towards the others.