Discussion of a Mage Tower
I know there seems to be some in game jokes about having a wizard's tower, but I think it makes sense to have a separate place for Paul outside of Roadhaven and not in Gon. There is a library floating around without a home, much like Paul. I am considering between inside Wolfspack or in Sabrina's area in River Town. My concerns are mostly security. We seem to have no issues that are not roleplayed out with our respective areas of control, but I always like to be prepared. I know Marco had a thieves guild in this same area so there is some precedent.
I have also been thinking of moving the pool. I do not consider it safe where it is and it seems if I am going to establish a home some where, it should be with me.
Moving the pool is not an option, it is a created item in place. BOB
We just need to set up some uber defenses there. We need to find that crazy naked tree guy to come up with a good set of traps for it and it'll be safe. mikE
crazy naked tree guy = Kevin and the last you knew of him he was in Rivertown BOB