Paul’s Perfectly Practical “Paul Pager” Plan

1) Take fewer baths and make them quick, never know when you could be paged. Take them early morning as if they make it through the night, they should wait until breakfast to page Paul

2) Be prepared. Keep your belt pouch on at all times, a few basic spell components will come in handy. Tying a rope to your sword may look silly, but a hero is only as good as his weapon.

3) Pick spells wisely, DragonSlayers do not like being fireball’d, but they can survive. The Dragonets will die, especial Khan. Pick flexible, you never know what they will need.

4) Change your Contingency spell for when you get paged. You do not have your ring, so it should probably be a standard like Fly, good for combat or other sticky situations.

5) Do not get involved in something that you can’t walk away from. Do not get paged while making a scroll or other magic items

6) Have someone check on you regularly. That way others will know you are gone. They can get help and follow with the pool.

7) Do not forget. They may page you soon or it may be a while. Remember when they call you it is for a reason.