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Pirate Queens - In Character Discussions

Koorin burst through the tavern doors with her halfling companion in tow. Headed straight for the back she waltzed into the kitchen without waiting for permission or asking for it for that matter.

Ignoring the confused looks on the various staff as well as the various cries of, "What are you doing back here?!" Koorin got to work cooking a good old fashioned halfling beer cheese stew. The kitchen was not especially well equiped, as most of their income came from alcohol, but there was enough. She was well into her preparations when the owner burst into the kitchen and shouted at the halfling pair. "Who in blazes are you two and what do you think you are doing in my kitchen?!"

Koorin, who was standing on a stool, shhed the owner and pulled him close before sticking a spoonful of the cooking stew into his mouth. "What are you-" he protested, but it was too late. The stew had found its mark and the owner slowly tasted it. It was like the chicken soup mom would make you as a kid when you had a cold. It filled you with warmth and made you feel like you were at home. It eased your aches and made you forget your worries. It made you feel like if only everyone could just eat this stew, there would be no more conflict in the world. The owner regretfully swallowed the mouthful of stew, the lingering joyous aftertaste still coating his tongue. "... doing not cooking for me?" the owner finished off his question, rethinking his previous decision to call the guard to have the pair removed.

Koorin giggled and said, "It's good right? It's not finished yet though. It's my mother's amazing recipe. Isn't it AMAZING?! If you let me finish this stew for my friend here, I will give you the recipe and you can have some to eat too! There's plenty to go around!" Without waiting for a reply, Koorin continued her cooking and eventually poured a bowl for the owner as well as for the other halfling. "You HAVE to try this Indigo! You are my official taste tester from now on!"