Main / PatricianDwarf

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Dwarven Kits

Note: This kit is taken from the Complete Book of Dwarves.

Another Patrician kit is available from the Complete Wizard's Handbook.

A Patrician is a priest of a Highborn clan. He often acts as the voice of his family in religious matters and sees to their spiritual welfare. The priestly equivalent of the Highborn warrior, he traces his lineage to the very beginning of time.

Because of their backgrounds, Patricians often rise quickly in the hierarchy until they gain a position commensurate with the political clout of their families. They have little to do with everyday religion and have little contact with the mass of dwarves. With the exception of other Highborns, Patricians are frequently arrogant and patronizing toward others.

Barred: A Patrician is not barred from being a member of any religion. However, he will not join a religion that calls upon him to give his money away or to dress in a common fashion.

Role: Patricians can be aggravating individuals who shirk religious duties. They expect and demand respect, if not subservience. Their patronizing manner can be fun to play, but should be tempered with a willingness to heal or to aid others in times of need.

Secondary Skills: Patricians may choose any secondary skill.

Weapon Proficiencies: Patricians may choose any weapon permitted by their religion.

Bonus Nonweapon Proficiencies: Endurance, Etiquette, Local Dwarf History, Religion.

Recommended Nonweapon Proficiencies: Appraising, Artistic Ability, Blindfighting, Herbalism, Hunting, Modern Languages, Mountaineering, Reading/Writing, Survival (any).

Equipment: They must dress according to their station and start play with at least banded mail armor. This costs 10% to 25% more than usual, the same as for any Highborn. Patricians must also have fine weapons costing 10% to 25% more as well.

Distinctive Appearance: They are clothed in the finest regalia of their religion, even when performing mundane tasks.

Special Benefits: Dwarves of lawful alignments respect Patricians and react to them with a +3 bonus. Other dwarves willingly provide food and shelter for Patricians.

Special Hindrances: Although a Patrician is primarily a political appointee, he is sometimes asked by the high priest of his religion to undertake dangerous missions. The Patrician is expected to organize and equip a party of dwarves out of his own funds. As a Highborn, he is expected to keep up appearances, buying only the finest equipment for the party and spending 10% to 25% more on equipment and services. If a

Patrician fails to do this, his reaction bonus drops by -1 for each dwarf that he fails to adequately equip until it reaches 0. He may increase his reaction bonus to its former level by donating large amounts of money to his religion and by undertaking some hazardous mission.

Nonlawfully aligned dwarves are irritated by the Patrician's superior airs and react to him at -3.

Wealth Options: A Patrician starts with 350 gp, plus 3d6x10 gp.