Main / PlantAmpHerbProperties

Appendix B

Plant & Herb Properties

Many of these plants, herbs and spices have various special qualities associated with them. These different qualities will be useful in devising special formulae for potions, inks, etc.

Plant And/Or Special PartUses And/Or Powers
abcess root (sweat root, false jacob's ladder)respiratory disorders, causes copious sweating
acacia (Gum Arabic)tissue repair, emolient, soothing, used to coat surface of throat, stomach, etc.
aconite (monkshood, wolfsbane, friar's cap., etc.)POISON, sedative, acts on the heart, drives off werewolves, and, with Belladonna, an ingredient in Witch's flying ointments
acorntissue hardening
adder's tongueemetic, emollient, used as a poultice on scrofulous sores, swellings and tumors
adrueanti-vomiting, (especially for morning sickness), sedative, warming
agar-agar (jelly)anti-inflammation, nutrient, used as a thickening
agaric (Larch Agaric) fungusastringent, used to inhibit perspiration, especially 'night sweats' and as a skin tightener/toner (see also fly agaric)
agrimony (cocklebur, stickwort)muscle toner, diuretic, specific for liver complaints, including jaundice
alderanti-inflammation, tonic, alterative, antiseptic, berries can be mildly anthelmintic, cathartic
alkanet rootemollient, antiseptic, wormer, red dye
all-heal (woundwort)alterative, antibacterial, antipyretic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, diuretic, febrifuge, hypotensive, stomachic, styptic, tonic, vermifuge and vulnerary. Also a potherb used in salads, soups, etc.
almond milk/powdernutrient/emollient, aids digestion and relieves heartburn
aloe (bitter aloe)bites, burns, laxative (purgative), tonic/insect repellent
amaranth (red cockscomb, love lies-bleeding)astringent, anti-hemorrhagic
ammoniacum (Persian Gum)stimulant, respiratory aid, specific for chronic bronchitis, anti-spasmodic
angelicacolds, coughs, pleurisy, wind, colic, rheumatism and diseases of the urinary organs. Also used in flavouring candy, liqueurs, and other beverages.
aniseantacid, digestion, coughing, eases griping from purgatives, colic
arbutus, trailing (mayflower)astringent, bladder infection
areca nut (betel nut)astringent, tape wormer
arenaria rubra (sandwort)diuretic, urinary diseases, cystitis
arnicacaution external use only unless prescribed by experienced herbalist. used in salves for sprains, bruises, and wounds
arrach (goosefoot)sedative, specific for hysteria and nervous troubles connected with women's ailments, emmenagogue and anti-spasmodic
artichoke juicejaundice curative
asafetida (gum asafetida, devil's dung, food of the gods)aphrodisiac, brain and nervous stimulant, tonic, used for athsmatic bronchitis, colic and an ingredient in laxatives. Tastes vile, though a preparation is used by some as a condiment
asarabacca (hazelwort, wild nard)emetic, purgative
ash (bark and leaves of)laxative, anti-inflammatory, fever
asparagus juice/rootdiuretic, heart problems/anti-oxalic acid
avens (colewort, herb bennet)Astringent, Styptic, febrifuge, sudorific, stomachic, antiseptic, tonic and aromatic, used to flavour beer
baeldysentery and diarrhoea, tonic, anti-inflammatory, ulcers
balm (sweet balm)calms nerves, fevers. John Hussey, of Sydenham, who lived to the age of 116, breakfasted for fifty years on Balm tea sweetened with honey, and herb teas were the usual breakfasts of Llewelyn Prince of Glamorgan, who died in his 108th year. Carmelite water, of which Balm was the chief ingredient, was drunk daily by the Emperor Charles V.
balm (balm of gilead, balsam of gilead)diseases of the urinary tracts, and along with other balsams, stimulant, tonic, diuretic, and antiscorbutic
balmony (bitter herb, snake head)nutrient, organ stimulant (general)
baneberryPOISON Antispasmodic
barberryTonic, purgative, antiseptic, used in all cases of jaundice, general debility and biliousness, and for diarrhoea
barleytissue builder and strengthener, liver ailments, nutrient (recuperative)
basilnervous disorders
bay leaf (bay laurel)Antioxidative, Analgesic and anti-inflammatory, Anticonvulsant (antiepileptic)
beetrootorganic cleanser
belladonna (deadly nightshade, dwale, black cherry root)POISON Narcotic, diuretic, sedative, antispasmodic, mydriatic, dilates pupils, anti-opiate, poison/lycanthropy cure
benne (sesam, sesame)respiratory disorders, eye infections, promote menstruation
benzoin (gum benzoin)expectorant, stimulant, anti-septic, wounds and sores
beth root (Lamb's quarters)antiseptic, astringent and tonic expectorant, being used principally in haemorrhages, to promote parturition, and externally, usually in the form of a poultice, as a local irritant in skin diseases, or to restrain gangrene
bilberry (huckleberry, hurtleberry, whortleberry)anti-thirst, dropsy, typhoid, glaucoma, specific for eyes in general
birch (white birch)intestines and stomach, venereal diseases, skin conditions, pain relieving
birthwortcirculatory stimulant, aromatic stimulant in rheumatism and gout and for removing obstructions, etc., after childbirth
bistort (adderwort)one of the strongest astringent medicines in the vegetable kingdom and highly styptic
bittersweet (felonwort, scarlet berry, woody nightshade)caution can be poison to small children. feeble narcotic properties, chronic bronchial catarrh, asthma and whooping cough, chronic rheumatism and for jaundice
blackberry (dewberry)astringent, tonic, dysentary
black currantdiuretic, diaphoretic, febrifuge, antiseptic, blood purifier
black willow (pussy willow) barkastringent, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, pain reliever
blueberrysee bilberry
blue flag (flag lily, poison flag, water flag, water lily)diuretic, cathartic, blood purifier (vs. poison), wound healing, venereal disease, much more
blue mallow (common mallow)coughs, colds. see more effective Marsh Mallow
boneset (thoughtwort)Stimulant, febrifuge and laxative. It acts slowly and persistently, and its greatest power is manifested upon the stomach, liver, bowels and uterus
boragecoughs, lung infections
box leavestonic, blood purifier
bryonyparalysis, bruises
buglegastrointestinal disorders, hemorrhaging
burdocklaxative, tuberculosis, more
butterburfevers, urinary complaints
cabbage juiceulcer and stomach treatment
calotopis (mudar bark)skin leprosy, elephantiasis, more
camphor (gum camphor)bruises, sprains, chills, fevers, cardiac stimulant
carawayantacid, aids digestion
cardamomindigestion and flatulence. Carminative, stimulant, aromatic, but rarely used alone; chiefly useful as an adjuvant or corrective
carrot juice and seedstonic for improved health
castor oil bushpurgative, cathartic
catnipcolds, fevers, anti-spasmodic, hysteria
celeryliver functions, tonic, stimulant
chamomilenervous conditions, ear and tooth aches
chaulmoogra oilfevers, sedative, skin eruptions
cherry gumrespiratory infections/food substitute
chervildiuretic, expectorant, digestive aid, and skin freshener, most widely known as a remedy for high blood pressure
chivescolds, general diseases/evil eye
cinnamondisinfectant, nausea, preservative
cleavers (goosegrass)fevers, circulation, blood purifier, wounds, liver disease
clovesanesthetic, circulation, germicide disinfectant
comfrey root (knitbone, boneset)caution not recommended for continual internal use as it has been shown to have some potentially carcinogenic properties. highly esteemed for all pulmonary complaints, consumption and bleeding of the lungs, internal haemorrhage. Externally, sprains, swellings and bruises, and as a poultice, for severe cuts, to promote suppuration of boils and abscesses, and gangrenous and ill-conditioned ulcers (heals 'inside out'). also greatly speeds healing of fractures
couchgrassbladder and urinary infections
cumin seedstimulant
dandeliondiuretic, purgative, tonic, blood purifier, used by herbalists for stomach cancers
digitalis (dead men's bells, fairy bells, fairy cap, fairy fingers, foxglove, etc.)heart stimulant, tonic, kidney treatment (poison)
dillcarminative, nausea
ergot (rye smut)hemorrhaging, venereal diseases, hallucinagenic
eyebrightastringent, eye infections
fenneldigestion, weight control, muscle tone, reflexes, vision, anti-flatulent, colic
figwort (scrofula plant, throatwort)abcesses, wounds, pain killer
fireweedastringent, anti-spasmodic
fluellinastringent, tissue strengthener
garden burnetAstringent and tonic, diarrhoea, dysentery, leucorrhoea
garliccoughs, colds, blood purifier, de¬toxifier, kills parasites/wards off vampires
gelsemium (wild woodbine)sedative, nerve tonic, fevers, more
gentian (bitter root, felwort)tonic, fevers, anti-venom
geranium (sweet geranium)alkalizer
gingerstimulant, colds, cramps
ginsengglandular stimulant, vision, dizzi¬ness, headaches, weakness
goat's ruediuretic, wormer (vermifuge)
grape juiceblood fortifier
hartstonguecough, liver, spleen, bladder
hawthornheart, arteries
hedge mustardthroat, lungs
helleboreheart tonic (rootlets are poison)
honeysuckleliver, spleen, respiratory disorders
horehound, whitecoughs, pulmonary diseases, anti¬-venom
horehound, blackstimulant, wormer, hemorrhaging
horseradishtonic, antiseptic, wormer
hyssoprespiratory ailments, jaundice, blood purifier, tonic, cuts and wounds, more
ipecacdysentery, mouth Infections, more
irish mosscoughs, scalds, burns
jambul seedblood purifier, diabetes
jewel weed (balsam weed, pale touch-me-not)diuretic, kidneys, skin growths, fungus, infections, liver
juniper berryaphrodisiac, stimulant, disinfect¬ant, venereal disease, more
kelp (seawrack)thyroid, heart, arteries, much more
larkspur (knight's spur)external parasites
leeksame as chives
Lily-of-the-valleyheart tonic
lucerne (alfalfa)strength
lycopodium (common club moss, fox tail, lamb's tail)wounds, lungs, kidneys, more
marigoldfevers, varicosities, eyes, heart
marjorammeloncholia, dizziness, brain dis¬orders, toothaches
masterwortstimulates organs, anti-spasmodic, more
mistletoeconvulsions, hysteria, narcotic, tonic, typhoid fever, heart
mustardemetic, counter-irritant, colds, fevers
nutmegnausea, vomiting, diarrhea
nux vomica (poison nut)stimulant, debility tonic
onionpoultice, colds (as chives)
oreganogermicide, pain killer
paprikastimulant, poultice
parsleyblood purifier
peach seedfevers, blood tonic
pepper, blacksprains, neuritis
peppermintanti-spasmodicstimulating, stomachic and carminative, mostly used for flatulence and colic, Oil of Peppermint allays sickness and nausea
pitcher plantsmall pox preventative and cure, stomach, liver, kidneys
plantain (ripple grass, waybread)minor wounds, stings, rashes
pomegranatenerve sedative, wormer
poppy (white)Opium. Hypnotic, sedative, astringent, expectorant, diaphoretic, antispasmodic
pumpkin seedvirility, organ tonic
quinceeye disease, dysentery, skin disorders
radishblood purifier, liver
raspberryfevers, tonic
rhubarbastringent, cathartic
rosecolds, fevers
rosemarygermicide, muscle tonic/drives off evil spirits
saffronscarlet fever, measles, respiratory infections
sagetonic, wounds
sarsaparilla (china root, spikenard)system balance, blood purifier, venereal disease, many more
scopolisnerve and muscle sedative, pain killer, coughs
scullcap (madweed)nervous disorders, rabies
spearmintchiefly used for culinary purposes. stimulant, carminative and antispasmodic, but its effects are less powerful than peppermint and therefor better suited for children.
strawberryvision, swelling and inflammation
summer savoryblood purifier, palsy
tamarindinfection, gangrene
tansytonic, narcotic, wormer
tarragonappears to contain preventative substances for cancer and possibly some viruses. also effective for eliminating intestinal worms in children, menstrual cramps, stomach cramps, digestive problems, fatigue, nerves, and to promote the appetite
teapoison antidote, anti-diarheal
thymeantiseptic, blood purifer
turmericuseful to treat liver conditions such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, and jaundice, restrains the growth of various types of cancer, reduces pain and disability, external antibiotic, digestive bitter and a carminative. (more)
turnipmouth disease, throat
watercressblood tonic (anemia)
white bryony (mandragora)cathartic, respiratory diseases, heart, kidneys