Main / PriestCharm

Priest Charm Sphere - Spell Data Files - KloOge

These spells are those that affect the attitudes and actions of people. Deities of love, beauty, trickery, and art often allow access to this sphere.

# Name	Level	Cast Level	Expression	# Memorized	Cost	Sound	Effect
Command	1	1	I command the target to follow a single round action. Those with 13 intelligence or more or 6 hit dice or more are entitled saves.	--	1		
Remove Fear	1	1	I allow {($L+3}/4} target creatures to geta new save vs fear effects.	--	1		
Sanctuary	1	1	For {2+$L} rounds, people can't attack me unless they save vs spell.	--	1		
Enthrall	2	2	I enthral those in a 90' radius with my talking.	--	1		
Hold Person - Priest	2	2	Up to 4 target humanoids are held immobile for {$L*2} rounds unless they make a save vs spell.	--	1		
Music of the Spheres	2	2	Up to {$L/3} creatures within a 20' diameter circle cannot harm me and are vulnerable to a suggestion for the next {10+$L} rounds.	--	1		
Snake Charm	2	2	I hypnotise snakes for a duration based on how pissed off they are.	--	1		
Dictate	3	3	Up to 6 creatures follow a single command for {$L} rounds.	--	1		
Emotion Control	3	3	I alter emotions for {$L} rounds.	--	1		
Cloak of Bravery	4	4	The target recieves a bonus to the next fear saving throw that happens within 8 hours.	--	1		
Free Action	4	4	The target cannot be stopped by spells or water for {$L} turns.	--	1		
Imbue with Spell Ability	4	4	The target is imbued with a spell which it can cast at a later time.	--	1		
Command Monster	6	6	A monster does as I command for {$L/2} rounds.	--	1		
Confusion - Priest	7	7	{1d4+($L/2)} creatures act confused.	--	1		
Exaction	7	7	I demand a service from a powerful extraplanar creature.	--	1