Main / PriestElemental

Priest Elemental Sphere (all) - Spell Data Files - KloOge

Elemental spells are all those that affect the four basic elements of creation--earth, air, fire, and water. Nature deities, elemental deities, those representing or protecting various crafts, and the deities of sailors would all draw spells from this sphere.

This is the list of all Elemental spells, there are also specific Elemental spell lists for each of the four Elements. Those smaller Spheres are granted by Gods that have a particular affinity with one particular Element.

# Name	Level	Cast Level	Expression	# Memorized	Cost	Rarity	Sound	Effect
Create Water	1	1	I create {$L*4} gallons of water.	--	1			
Firelight	1	1	A fire burns cooler and brighter with no smoke for {4+($L\2)} hours.	--	1			
Log of Everburning	1	1	Burning wood remains burning for {$L} hours.	--	1			
Strength of Stone	1	1	For as long as the target touches stone, or {3+$L} rounds, whichever comes first, the target's strength is increased by {1d4} points.	--	1			
Wind Column	1	1	I summon forth a column of air which slows my decent for {$L*2} rounds.	--	1			
Dust Devil	2	2	I conjure forth a dust devil for {$L*2} rounds.	--	1			
Fire Trap - Priest	2	2	I ward a closeable object. Anyone who opens it takes {1d4+$L} points of damage!	--	1			
Flame Blade	2	2	I conjure forth a blade of flame which lasts {4+($L/2)} rounds!	--	1			
Heat Metal	2	2	Target metal object heats up and burns whoever touches it.	--	1			
Produce Flame	2	2	I conjure forth balls of flame which I can throw one at a time for the next {$L} rounds.	--	1			
Soften Earth and Stone	2	2	{$L} 10' squares of earth or stone become softened.	--	1			
Watery Fist	2	2	A psuedopod of water rises from a body of water and smashes things for {$L} rounds.	--	1			
Flame Walk	3	3	I can allow {$L-5} other creatures as well as myself the ability to walk through natural fire unharmed for {1+$L} rounds. Magical fire is reduced to half and saves are made at +2.	--	1			
Meld into Stone	3	3	For {8+1d8} rounds I am one with the stone.	--	1			
Protection from Fire	3	3	Protection from fire is conferred for up to {$L} turns. If I cast it on myself, it lasts until then or until it absorbs {12*$L} points of fire damage. If cast on another it reduces fire damage by half and provides a +4 bonus to saves vs fire attacks. In either case, the target is completely immune to natural fire.	--	1			
Stone Shape - Priest	3	3	I permanently shape {9+$L} cubic feet of stone.	--	1			
Water Breathing	3	3	I can breathe for {$L} hours and can divide that time among as many other recipients as I wish to a minimum of 30 minutes per recipient.	--	1			
Water Walk	3	3	I can allow {$L-5} other creatures as well as myself to be able to walk on water for {$L+1} turns.	--	1			
Wind Servant	3	3	I conjure forth a wind servant for {$L} rounds.	--	1			
Zone of Sweet Air	3	3	Gas can't enter an area of up to {$L} 10' cubes for the next {$L} turns.	--	1			
Adamantite Mace	4	4	A cudgel, mace or staff is enchanted for {$L} rounds.	--	1			
Lower Water - Priest	4	4	For {$L} turns, a {$L*10} foot square of water is lowered up to {$L*2} feet.	--	1			
Produce Fire	4	4	A 12' square of flame erupts from the ground, dealing {1d4+$L} points of damage and lighting any combustables on fire.	--	1			
Pyrotechnics - Priest	4	4	I cause a fire to shoot blinding fireworks or thick black smoke.	--	1			
Reflecting Pool	4	4	I turn a natural body of water into a scrying device for {$L*2} rounds.	--	1			
Windborne	4	4	I summon a column of air which allows me to fly or glide.	--	1			
Air Walk	5	5	For {6+$L} turns, I can walk on air.	--	1			
Animate Flame	5	5	For {$L} rounds, I animate a flame of up to {$L} feet in diameter and order it to attack things.	--	1			
Cloud of Purification	5	5	For {$L} rounds, a 20' cube of gas turns all garbage, filth and vermin into pure water.	--	1			
Control Winds	5	5	For {$L} turns, I can control the wind in a {40*$L} ft radius, adjusting the wind by {$L/3} levels.	--	1			
Produce Ice	5	5	A {$L} ft cube turns into ice, dealing {2d4+$L} points of damage to those caught in the area. The ice persists for {$L*2} rounds.	--	1			
Spike Stones	5	5	For {3d4+$L} turns, stony spikes erupt from the earth in {$L} 10' squares. 	--	1			
Transmute Rock to Mud - Priest	5	5	{$L} 20' cubes of earth turn to mud.	--	1			
Wall of Fire - Priest	5	5	A wall of flame is conjured forth for as long as I concentrate or {$L} rounds if I choose not to concentrate.	--	1			
Conjure Fire Elemental	6	6	For {$L} turns, I am aided by {1d100[1-65="a 12 HD fire elemental.";66-85="a 16 HD fire elemental.";86-95="2-4 fire salamanders.";96-98="an efreeti";99-100="a 21-24 HD fire elemental."]}	--	1			
Fire Seeds	6	6	I create some exploding acorns or holly berries which lose their magic after {$L} turns.	--	1			
Part Water - Priest	6	6	For {$L} turns, I create a trough or tunnel through the water which is {$L} feet deep, {$L*30} yards wide and {$L*20} yards long.	--	1			
Stone Tell	6	6	I speak to stone and ask it what has touched it as well as what is covered, concealed or behind it.	--	1			
Transmute Water to Dust	6	6	I turn {$L} cubic yards of water into dust.	--	1			
Whirlwind	6	6	I create a powerful cyclone which sticks around for {$L} rounds.	--	1			
Animate Rock	7	7	I animate a boulder of up to {$L*2} cubic feet in size for {$L} rounds.	--	1			
Antimineral Shell	7	7	For {$L} turns, animated minerals cannot enter a 10' radius area.	--	1			
Chariot of Sustarre	7	7	I conjure forth a flying, flaming chariot for up to 12 hours.	--	1			
Conjure Air Elemental	7	7	For {$L} turns, I conjure forth a {1d100[1-60="12 HD air elemental.";61-95="16 HD air elemental.";96-100="21-24 HD air elemental."]}	--	1			
Conjure Earth Elemental	7	7	For {$L} turns, I conjure forth a {1d100[1-60="12 HD earth elemental.";61-95="16 HD earth elemental.";96-100="21-24 HD earth elemental."]}	--	1			
Conjure Water Elemental	7	7	For {$L} turns, I conjure forth a {1d100[1-60="12 HD water elemental.";61-95="16 HD water elemental.";96-100="21-24 HD water elemental."]}	--	1			
Earthquake	7	7	A {$L} ft diameter area is rocked by a powerful earthquake.	--	1			
Fire Storm	7	7	{$L*2} 10' cubes of area are destroyed by a rain of fire.	--	1			
Transmute Metal to Wood	7	7	I permanently transmute metal to wood.	--	1			
Tsunami	7	7	A {$L*2} ft high and {$L*10} ft long wave rises from the water.	--	1			
Wind Walk	7	7	I and up to {$L\8} other targets turn to mist and are able to move as fast as a movement rate of 60 or as slow as 6. We stay this way for {$L} hours or until I choose to release the spell.	--	1