Main / PriestNecromantic

Priest Necromantic Sphere - Spell Data Files - KloOge

This selection of spells restore to a creature some element of its life-force that has been totally destroyed. It might be life, a limb, or an experience level. These spells in reverse are powerfully destructive, and are used only by extremely evil priests. Deities of life or death are most likely to act in this sphere.

# Name	Level	Cast Level	Expression	# Memorized	Cost	Rarity	Sound	Effect
Dispel Fatigue	1	1	The target is no longer fatigued.	--	1			
Invisibility to Undead	1	1	For 6 rounds, undead cannot see me, though those of 4 hd or more do get a save.	--	1			
Aid	2	2	For {$L+1} rounds, I gain {1d8} hitpoints and +1 to saves and attack rolls.	--	1			
Restore Strength	2	2	Lost strength is restored.	--	1			
Animate Dead - Priest	3	3	Skeletons or zombies are created from corpses.	--	1			
Feign Death - Priest	3	3	I appear dead for {10+$L} rounds.	--	1			
Negative Plane Protection	3	3	I am protected from negative energy for {$L} turns or until I'm actually struck by a negative attack, whichever comes first.	--	1			
Remove Paralysis	3	3	{1d4} creatures in a 20' cube are cured of paralysis.	--	1			
Speak with Dead	3	3	I may speak with the recently deceased and ask a few questions.	--	1			
Suspended Animation	4	4	A willing target is placed in suspended animation.	--	1			
Unfailing Endurance	4	4	I'm highly resistant to fatigue for the next {$L} days. 	--	1			
Raise Dead	5	5	A corpse is brought back to life. If reverse, the target must save vs spell or die. Success still indicates {2d8+1} points of damage.	--	1			
Restoration	7	7	A lost energy level is restored, however, both the caster and the recipient are aged 2 years.	--	1			
Resurrection	7	7	I bring a corpse back to life and age 3 years.	--	1