Main / PriestPlant

Priest Plant Sphere - Spell Data Files - KloOge

All of these spells affect plants, ranging from simple agriculture (improving crops and the like) to communicating with plant-like creatures. Agricultural and nature Powers grant spells in this sphere.

# Name	Level	Cast Level	Expression	# Memorized	Cost	Rarity	Sound	Effect
Entangle	1	1	For 1 turn, a 40' cube of bushes and weeds entangles all in the area.	--	1			
Locate Animals or Plants	1	1	For {$L} rounds I can detect a specific type of plant or animal in a 20' path in front of me up to {100+(20*$L)} yards distant.	--	1			
Pass without Trace	1	1	For {$L} turns, I leave no tracks or scent.	--	1			
Shillelagh	1	1	For {4+$L} rounds, my staff becomes a magical one.	--	1			
Barkskin	2	2	For {$L+4} rounds, my skin is stiff as bark, providing an AC of {6-($L/4)}.	--	1			
Detect Snares and Pits	2	2	for {$L*4} rounds, I can detect snares and pits in a 10'x40' path in front of me.	--	1			
Goodberry	2	2	I turn {2d4} fresh berries into magical berries that keep me fed and heal 1 point of damage each. They stay good for {$L+1} days.	--	1			
Trip	2	2	For {$L} turns, a long object up to 10' long trips anyone who crosses it.	--	1			
Warp Wood	2	2	I bend wood out of shape.	--	1			
Plant Growth - Priest	3	3	I either make plants grow out of control to restrict movement or cause crops to yield more fruit.	--	1			
Slow Rot	3	3	Fruits, vegetables and grains remain ripe for {$L} weeks.	--	1			
Snare	3	3	I create a magical snare which is 90% undetectable without magical aid. It sticks around until something gets caught.	--	1			
Spike Growth	3	3	For {3d4+$L} turns the area is laden with hidden, wooden caltrops.	--	1			
Tree	3	3	I turn into a tree for up to {6+$L} turns.	--	1			
Hallucinatory Forest	4	4	I create a permanent, illusionary forest.	--	1			
Hold Plant	4	4	Up to {1d4} plants or plantlike monsters are held for {$L} rounds unless they make a save vs spell.	--	1			
Plant Door	4	4	I can either step into or pass through trees, making a path up to {$L*4} feet wide, {$L*8} feet high, and {$L} feet long.	--	1			
Speak with Plants	4	4	I can talk to intelligent plants or ask nonintelligent ones to do things for me for {$L} rounds.	--	1			
Sticks to Snakes	4	4	For {$L*2} rounds, {1d4+$L} sticks turn into snakes.	--	1			
Anti-plant Shell	5	5	For {$L} turns, a 15' radius barrier stops intelligence plants from passing through.	--	1			
Commune with Nature	5	5	I can learn some information about my surroundings.	--	1			
Pass Plant	5	5	I step into one tree and pass to another within a few hundred yards.	--	1			
Liveoak	6	6	For {$L} days, the target tree attacks whenever a specified trigger is met.	--	1			
Transport Via Plants	6	6	I step into one tree and pass to another any distance away.	--	1			
Turn Wood	6	6	For {$L} rounds, all wooden objects in a {$L*20}'x120' area are pushed back 40' a round.	--	1			
Wall of Thorns	6	6	For {$L} turns, {$L} 10' cubes of tough, thorny brush spring into existence.	--	1			
Changestaff	7	7	I turn a specially prepared staff into a treant.	--	1