Main / PriestProtection

Priest Protection Sphere - Spell Data Files - KloOge

These spells create mystical shields to defend the priest or his charges from evil attacks. War and protective deities are most likely to use these, although one devoted to mercy and kindness might also bestow these spells.

# Name	Level	Cast Level	Expression	# Memorized	Cost	Rarity	Sound	Effect
Endure Cold/Endure Heat	1	1	For {9*$L} turns, I'm immune to natural extremes of heat or cold. Though magical extremes cause this spell to fail.	--	1			
Protection from Evil - Priest	1	1	For {$L*3} rounds, I am protected from evil attacks and summoned creatures.	--	1			
Ring of Hands	1	1	For {2d10} rounds, between 2 and 10 priests create a circle of protection which acts like a protection from evil spell.	--	1			
Sanctuary	1	1	For {2+$L} rounds, people can't attack me unless they save vs spell.	--	1			
Resist Acid and Corrosion	2	2	For {$L} rounds, I am immune to normal acids and recieve a +3 to saves against more potent ones as well as halving the damage caused by them.	--	1			
Resist Fire/Resist Cold	2	2	I'm immune to normal hot or cold conditions for {$L} rounds. In addition, magical hot or cold conditions reduce their damage by half and I receive a +1 to saves.	--	1			
Withdraw	2	2	I withdraw from time for {2+$L} rounds, allowing me to think, cast detections or heal myself.	--	1			
Line of Protection	3	3	I create a field of energy that deals damage to those who pass through it. It may be stationary or anchored by 2 or more priests. In any case, it lasts {$L} rounds.	--	1			
Magical Vestment	3	3	My vestments grant me an AC of {5-(($L-5)/3)} for the next {$L} rounds.	--	1			
Negative Plane Protection	3	3	I am protected from negative energy for {$L} turns or until I'm actually struck by a negative attack, whichever comes first.	--	1			
Protection from Evil, 10' Radius - Priest	3	3	For {$L*3} rounds, both myself and everyone in a 10' radius are protected from evil attacks and summoned creatures.	--	1			
Remove Paralysis	3	3	{1d4} creatures in a 20' cube are cured of paralysis.	--	1			
Spell Immunity	4	4	For {$L} turns, the touched creature is immune to a specific spell.	--	1			
Anti-plant Shell	5	5	For {$L} turns, a 15' radius barrier stops intelligence plants from passing through.	--	1			
Impregnable Mind	5	5	I'm protected from magical attacks on the mind for {10+$L} rounds. This allows a save if none is normally allowed, and a +4 bonus if there are normally saves allowed.	--	1			
Anti-animal Shell	6	6	For {$L} turns, I have a 10' radius barrier which keeps out animals and things with animal parts.	--	1			
Antimineral Shell	7	7	For {$L} turns, animated minerals cannot enter a 10' radius area.	--	1			
Impervious Sanctity of Mind	7	7	For {$L} turns, I'm completely immune to mind affecting spells and effects.	--	1