Main / PriestSummoning

Priest Summoning Sphere - Spell Data Files - KloOge

These are the spells that serve to call creatures from other places, or even other dimensions, to the service of the priest. Such service is often against the will of the creature, so casting these spells often involves great risk. Since creatures summoned often cause great harm and destruction, these spells are sometimes bestowed by war or death powers.

# Name	Level	Cast Level	Expression	# Memorized	Cost	Rarity	Sound	Effect
Call Upon Faith	1	1	The priest recieves a +3 or +15% to any one check.	--	1			
Draw Upon Holy Might	2	2	For {$L} rounds, either my Strength, Constitution, Dexterity or Charisma is raised by {$L\3} points.	--	1			
Dust Devil	2	2	I conjure forth a dust devil for {$L*2} rounds.	--	1			
Messenger	2	2	I tie a message to a bird who delivers it for me.	--	1			
Summon Animal Spirit	3	3	I summon forth a minor animal spirit which does as I ask for {$L} rounds.	--	1			
Abjure	4	4	I send a {1d20-11+$L} HD creature back to it's home plane.	--	1			
Dimensional Translocation	5	5	Undead that exist in two planes are forced into one of the two of my choosing for {$L} rounds.	--	1			
Dispel Evil	5	5	I send back evil creatures to their home plane if I touch them.	--	1			
Aerial Servant	6	6	An invisible servant is conjured which will spend the next {$L} days fetching what I ask it to. 	--	1			
Animate Object	6	6	For the next {$L} rounds an inanimate object is now animate.	--	1			
Conjure Animals - Priest	6	6	I conjure forth {$L*2} HD worth of random or {$L} HD worth of specified animals. They stick around for {$L*2} rounds and do as I ask.	--	1			
Word of Recall	6	6	I can return to a sanctuary.	--	1			
Exaction	7	7	I demand a service from a powerful extraplanar creature.	--	1			
Mind Tracker	7	7	I summon an ethereal creature which follows and reports on a target in my sight for as long as I remain conscious or until I dismiss it.	--	1			
Spirit of Power	7	7	Six priests of the same faith, unite their souls to create an avatar of their god or goddess for an hour. The god may choose to keep the avatar around longer, but this kills the priests.	--	1			
Succor - Priest	7	7	I create a special item that when broken and a command word is spoken, transports the target to my sanctuary or me to the target's aid.	--	1