Main / PriestThought

Priest Thought Sphere - Spell Data Files - KloOge

The Sphere of Thought is rooted in the philosophy of mentation and the effects of mental acts and structures on reality. Priests of this sphere believe that the common conception of the thought (i.e., a more-or-less objective analysis of sensory input which is in turn an objective perception of reality) is fallacious and misleading. These philosophers maintain that thought is and must be tied closely to reality. In effect, they believe that the thinker, the thought, and the subject of that thought somehow interact. Thus, thinking about an object or condition can sometimes cause a physical change in that object or condition.

Philosophers of this sphere also believe that once a thought has been created ("once a thought is thought"), it exists as a "freestanding mental object." This "thought object" can sometimes be detected and manipulated. This sphere uses spells related to these philosophical beliefs. Like the Sphere of Numbers, these spells are intricate and are based on some esoteric concepts of philosophy. It is suggested that only priests with relatively high intelligence (13 or higher) be allowed access to these spells.

Spells of this sphere are most likely to be granted by deities of thought or knowledge (especially arcane or hidden knowledge). This sphere might have as its patrons certain deities who rule and exist in the abstract realms of thought. Certain isolated philosophers discuss the existence of a deity of solipsism (the philosophical belief that only the self exists). Since such a deity would believe that it exists alone in the universe, it would have no worshipers.

# Name	Level	Cast Level	Expression	# Memorized	Cost	Rarity	Sound	Effect
Emotion Read	1	1	I read the target's emotional state unless they save vs spell.	--	1			
Thought Capture	1	1	I capture a freestanding though object and examine it.	--	1			
Idea	2	2	I remember a single important fact.	--	1			
Mind Read	2	2	For {$L} rounds I probe into a target's thoughts.	--	1			
Emotion Control	3	3	For {$L} rounds either I am immune to attempts at scanning my emotions or someone else gains a bonus to saves against such spells.	--	1			
Memory Read	3	3	I read the memories of a target.	--	1			
Telepathy	3	3	For {10+($L*2)} rounds I can establish 2 way communication with a single subject.	--	1			
Genius	4	4	I can learn a fact about the current situation.	--	1			
Mental Domination	4	4	For {$L*3} rounds I completely control the actions of the target if it fails a save.	--	1			
Modify Memory	4	4	I can erase, change or intensify any one memory of a target.	--	1			
Rapport	4	4	For {10+$L} rounds the target and I can communicate telepathically and share emotions, sensations and memories.	--	1			
Solipsism	4	4	I create an illusion which is real if people believe in it. I automatically believe in it. The illusion lasts as long as I concentrate.	--	1			
Thought Broadcast	4	4	For {10+($L*3)} rounds, the target's thoughts are broadcast to everyone in the area, unless he makes a save vs spell.	--	1			
Impregnable Mind	5	5	I'm protected from magical attacks on the mind for {10+$L} rounds. This allows a save if none is normally allowed, and a +4 bonus if there are normally saves allowed.	--	1			
Memory Wrack	5	5	I disconnect the target's short term and long term memory for {$L*2} rounds unless he makes a save.	--	1			
Mindshatter	5	5	The target is infected with one of five different types of insanity unless he makes a save.	--	1			
Thoughtwave	5	5	Either I or several priests send a burst of thought to someone, giving a message, my general state of being as well as a rough indication of where I am.	--	1			
Disbelief	6	6	I disbelieve that certain creatures or objects exist for {$L} rounds.	--	1			
Group Mind	6	6	I can silently communicate with several targets for {10+$L} rounds.	--	1			
Impervious Sanctity of Mind	7	7	For {$L} turns, I'm completely immune to mind affecting spells and effects.	--	1			
Mind Tracker	7	7	I summon an ethereal creature which follows and reports on a target in my sight for as long as I remain conscious or until I dismiss it.	--	1