Main / Prologue


Paul was catching up with Khan over a pint at the Inn in Roadhaven. "I tried, I really did. It's just not the same. People look at you differently. I feel different," Khan said with a heavy sigh.

Paul tried not to smile. "You just have to understand, you are not different on the inside, just the outside. That is all most people see. Me, I made many more changes on the inside but I still get much the same results. Drow Elf or Human, people still think of me only for my power. You heard about my wife, right?"

"Yea, I was at Wine, Women and More Wine; by the way, they should change the name to Wine, Women and More Women, but that is another story. She does still like you, respect you and understand you more but she knows it's over." Khan tried to put it gently.

"I can bring people back from the dead, summon creatures and elementals to do my bidding - but I cannot seem to handle a simple relationship with a woman. I wish I would have come back as a female. Men are so much easer to deal with."

After a second of silence, Kit had to respond. "I'll drink to that."

And the three just laughed a good long laugh.