Main / ProtectorateOfElvenStierTreasury

Gon - Party Pack

Protectorate of ElvenStier Treasury

This the inventory of what is contained in the treasury in Gon.

These items belong to Sir Paul, who does allow the Dragonslayers to use some of the items. He also permits them to keep some party pack items here rather than leave them in the scroll of shelter.

Even before the events of Paul's Day, Paul did not trust putting to much valuable or dangerous items in the little town of Gon. At this place the only item of value that is in Gon is the magical Dimensional Pool. Paul always has the control crystal with him and the pool is generally points Paul's latest location, like the other cities within the Protectorate. When Paul is studying or otherwise working with the DragonSlayers, the pool in pointed to the road outside RoadHaven so his followers can get to Paul quickly. As the troops are trained and as funds improves, there are hidden cashes of normal weapons near some of the outlaying farms and some houses in the established towns.

After a recent adventure, the DragonSlayers ended up with more spellbooks then they wanted to keep in one location. While the main DragonSlayers' library is in Roadhaven, along with a magical laboratory, a second library has been started in Wolfspack but Paul has been looking for a more permanent solution.

With Paul's death and rebirth as Keith and a straight wizard, the Protectorate is left to itself with Paul's former followers to defend with the local militia. With the control crystal destroyed, the pool was left pointed to the Memorial Dungeon. It will be up to Kylia if she wants that kind of security risk for her dungeon UPDATE: After reading log, crystal was restored via wish..

2/22/14 Five years later and I still want to go back and finish the Memorial Dungeon and take it over as a stronghold for a dwarf.