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QuiFon Ruminell priest spell details

NameLevelMaterial Component / Notes
Analyze Balance14 iron coins not consumed
Battlefate1Electrum coin Random effect
Bless/Curse1unholly water for curse
Blessed Watchfulness1n/a
Calculate1miniature abacus of ivory 100 gp not consumed
Combine1none / temp raise level
Detect Evil - Priest1Holy Symbol
Detect Magic - Priest1Holy Symbol
Detect Poison1 
Faerie Fire1 
Know Age1 
Know Direction1 
Know Time1 
Light - Priest1 
Mistaken Missive1 
Personal Reading1Need name and birthplace,
Purify Food and Drink1 
Sacred Guardian1 
Aura of Comfort2 
Chaos Ward2 
Detect Charm2 
Dissension's Feast2cat on food when making (no material component other than food) makes people who eat bicker and fight
Find Traps2 
Hesitation2+4 penalty to their initiative for rounds.
Iron Vigil2For {7+$L} days, the Priest has no need for food or drink and can easily withstand harsh climes. Sleep can be replaced with meditation. But must sleep to get spells. No material component
Lighten Load2The weight of the stuff I'm carrying is 50% less for hours.
Moment2For the next rounds, I can tell others when the right moment to attack will be.
Music of the Spheres2Up to {$L/3} creatures within a 20' diameter circle cannot harm me and are vulnerable to a suggestion for the next {10+$L} rounds. NEED 3 small silver bows worth 100 GP each
Mystic Transfer2A priest can send me a spell to cast.
Nap2I sleep a full night's worth of sleep in one hour. Scrap of Pillow Ticking, feather, pebble kept in pocket for 7 days
Sanctify2All friendlies within the area get a +1 to fear/charm spells and undead are turned at 1 level higher.
Silence, 15' Radius2For {$L*2} rounds, no sound can enter the 15' radius area.
Wyvern Watch2A wyvern like haze guards a 10' radius area for up to 8 hours. If an intruder enters the area, it attacks. The intruder must save vs spell or be paralyzed for rounds or until the caster releases him.
Accelerate Healing3For the next {1d4} days, I gain twice as much hit points from resting.
Call Lightning3I can call down a bolt of lightning which deals {2d8+($L)d8} points of damage. I can summon forth a bolt a turn for the next turns. No Material componet, but must have storm in area
Choose Future3My next attack, initiative or saving throw roll can be rolled twice, and I take the best one.
Continual Light - Priest3A permanent, 60' radius globe of light is created.
Create Campsite3Tiny invisible servants run about and setup a campsite for me in a 50' radius area or less.
Detect Spirits3For {1+$L} turns I can detect any spirits in a 10'x60' path in front of me.
Dispel Magic - Priest3I dispel {11-(1d20)+$L} level magic.
Etherealness - Priest3I enter the border ethereal plane for {10+$L} rounds.
Extradimensional Detection3For rounds, I can detect any extradimensional spaces in a 10'x60' path in front of me.
Glyph of Warding3I create a glyph on an area which explodes when someone touches it. Individual glyphs may vary.
Helping Hand3For hours, a disembodied hand goes off to fetch help. NEED BLACK SILK GLOVE
Know Customs3I know the customs of the local area as believed by the target of this spell.
Locate Object - Priest3For 8 hours, I can detect the direction to an item of my choosing as long as it is within {60+($L*10)} yards. Need piece of Loadstone
Miscast Magic3A wizard who fails his save casts a random spell of the same level or lower as the next spell he casts.
Moment Reading3I learn the tone of the current situation.
Random Causality3Weapon is enchanted to deal damage to one of the weilder's allies instead of who he attacks for {3+$L} rounds. NEED BRONZE Die
Remove Curse - Priest3I remove a curse.
Speak with Dead3I may speak with the recently deceased and ask a few questions.
Telethaumaturgy3Using a creatures name, I am able to increase the range of a few specific spells when casting at that creature.
Unfailing Premonition3I sense danger for the next {($L*2)+10} rounds. In combat I get a +2 to ac, though there's a 25% chance that I lose my action for the round. No Material component
Weather Prediction3I can predict the weather for the next days. No Material component