Main / Quaraband


Quaraband is remote community located deep within the southern range of the Chigidi Mountains. It is home to the ferocious Igidujin tribe. The Igidujin began as a loose association of several primitive mountain hsing. After nearly a century of bloody infighting, the hsing were united by the Qajand family whose descendants still rule today. The Qajands are tyrannical and savage. Thieves and dissenters are killed without trial.

Treason, the most common offense in Quaraband, is punished by execution of the perpetrator, his family, and his livestock. The Igidujin make frequent raids on neighboring villages’ trade caravans, and nomad encampments. Many of these are raids to steal horses, but an Igidujin needs no formal excuse to satisfy his blood lust. They are vicious killers, slaughtering their enemies to the last man, woman, and child.

The Igidujin’s preferred weapons are war clubs called chokhor modo and sidam. The chokhor modo is a 3-foot club with leather loops on the shaft. The club is swung forward, then violently snapped to strike a blow backwards (D 1-8/1-8). The sidam is a similarly looped club used for throwing (treat as thrown club). Igidujin commanders also use trained hawks in battle, their claws and beaks sharpened to razor points.