Main / RB-HernIsland

Rivers Bend - Rivers Bend - City Proper

Hern Island

This large island to the north of Derry Point? and east of Quartern Island? has been abandoned for more than 10 years. The island was home to a powerful river baron who had a palazzo and opera house. There was also a lighthouse on the island. The entire island was swept by storm that was presumed to be magical in nature and covered in fog for a week. When the fog lifted the buildings on the island were in ruins. Adventurers combed the ruins quickly and looted the easily portable treasures of the palazzo within months but they often seemed cursed by what they acquired. Now the island is reputed to be haunted by the adventurers who died in their excursions.

Rivers Bend - Hern Island district
Players Map of Rivers Bend - Hern Island district