Main / RB-NorthBayside

Rivers Bend - Rivers Bend - City Proper

North Bayside

The district of North Bayside is one of the oldest in Rivers Bend. It contains many palazzo that have undergone extensive renovations over the years.

There are six bridges entering this district; one from North Bank, two from East Quaytown {Ponte Minich and Cobblers Bridge}, two from West Marketplace and one from South Bayside. There are five bridges inside of the district which is made up of seven different islands and the district shows its wealth in four parks.

Rivers Bend - North Bayside district
Players Map of Rivers Bend - North Bayside district


  1. - Ponte Minich
  2. - Cobblers Bridge
  3. - Bridge (from North Bank)
  4. - Bridge
  5. - Bridge (inside West Marketplace)
  6. - Bridge (from West Marketplace)
  7. - Bridge
  8. - Bridge
  9. - Bridge
  10. - Bridge
  11. - Bridge
  12. - Square
  13. - Sasha Bridge (from South Bayside)
  14. - Park
  15. - Park
  16. - Park
  17. - Bridge
  18. - Bridge (from West Marketplace)
  19. - Park
  20. - Palazzo San Rebal - home of the De la veraci noble family, racing colors are Orange and Aqua
  21. - Black Walnut Bar
  22. - Six Griffons Lodge