Main / RitualPriestDwarf

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Dwarven Kits

Ritual Priest

The Ritual Priest is the most common priest in dwarf society. He officiates atreligious meetings and insures that worship is properly conducted. He presides over marriages, deaths, and name-giving ceremonies for children.

Adept at fighting, the Ritual Priest is often willing to give his life in the defense of his stronghold.

Barred: There are no barred religions for a Ritual Priest.

Role: He devotes most of his time to the worship of his gods and the needs of his fellow dwarves. He is often called upon to intercede with his deity on their behalf. His deity may call upon him to perform some quest or he may be granted a vision. He may be ordered by his superiors to perform a special task. A party of adventurers is then formed.

Secondary Skills: He should have the Scribe secondary skill.

Weapon Proficiencies: A Ritual Priest may be proficient in any of the weapons available to priests, plus: battle axe, crossbow, hand/throwing axe, morning star, military, and warhammer.

Bonus Nonweapon Proficiencies: Dwarf Runes, Endurance, Local Dwarf History, Religion.

Recommended Nonweapon Proficiencies: Ancient History, Astrology, Healing, Herbalism, Local History, Reading/Writing.

Equipment: Ritual Priests may have any kind of armor.

Distinctive Appearance: According to his religious custom.

Special Benefits: He is always respected by other dwarves, and may ask and be granted shelter in any stronghold. He receives a +1 reaction adjustment when dealing with dwarves.

Special Hindrances: A Ritual Priest has no special hindrances.

Wealth Options: A Ritual Priest receives the standard 3d6x10 gp.