Main / Rocktender

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Gnomish Kits


This underground-dwelling gnomish priest is a specialist in understanding and relating to the fundamental powers of stone and rock. Most Rocktenders are Svirfneblin; a few may be found among Rock Gnomes. They venerate not the deities of earth and stone but the very rock itself, which they conceive of as a beneficent, living entity. Rocktenders are not averse to mining and excavation but strive to ensure that such activities are carried out with appropriate reverence.

Role: The Rocktender is a priest literally in touch with the world around him or her. While active in the community, a Rocktender spends much of his or her time alone, inspecting, studying, and meditating upon the strong bedrock of the world. He or she is keenly in tune with that rock, even to the point of being able to predict earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and becomes a master at the working of stone into useful or beautiful shapes.

Secondary Skills: Mason or Miner are appropriate.

Weapon Proficiencies: The Rocktender will never use metallic weapons, preferring hammers and clubs with stone heads, slings with stone bullets, and spears or arrows with flint or obsidian tips.

Bonus Nonweapon Proficiencies: None.

Equipment: The Rocktender will only bear weapons of stone. He or she can use a wooden shield and leather or padded armor but will not wear metal armor nor carry a metallic shield.

Special Benefits: The Rocktender can detect underground features with perfect accuracy (sloping passages, faulty stonework, and the like) in most cases. Where the flaws or features are very subtle, the DM can allow up to a 1 in 10 chance of failure, but no greater.

Because of his or her intuitive link with the surrounding stone, a Rocktender can become aware of impending rock-based convulsions before they occur. These include rockfalls, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. The character is allowed a Wisdom check to see if premonitions of the disaster force their way into his or her consciousness; success will provide 1-12 hours of warning for quakes and eruptions or 1-6 hours of warning before a rockslide or collapse of stonework.

In addition, these characters have a special affinity to creatures from the elemental plane of earth. If a Rocktender summons an earth elemental, he or she will always get the largest possible type, and the elemental will be exceptionally loyal to the Rocktender.

Special Hindrances: A Rocktender can only cast spells or use one of his or her special abilities when he or she is in direct contact with unhewn rock.