Main / RuavainsJournal

Carissa Braun

Ruavain's Journal

Will be edited, updated, added to, and changed as inspiration hits.

Congratulations! If you are reading this you are one of the trusted few I have allowed access to my journal. Or my spell succeed and this page is burning faster than you can read it - idiot. No one gets it now. But if this journal is not burning, you now have access to all my notes regards my wanderful creation. You will not best my creation, but I am willing to give you a chance - and a warning - of what it is you seek. Or just stories if you're bored.

Day 0

Xhalh thought it would be absolutely hilarious to take my last notes. All because I find magic far more fascinating than a shiny, pointy piece of metal (What am I saying? He still hasn't been allowed more than a practice stick). Joke's on him - those notes were trash to begin with. He simply did me a favor. I was going about it all wrong. Best to start from scratch. Current plans are to research unicorns, sources of fire, mayapples, and acid. Makes the most sense.

Day 143

Thalia is such a liar. Why did I think she knew anything? Who wears periwinkle on Seezese? And it was definitely periwinkle. You can wear lavender or blue, but everyone knows only the insane would think to wear periwinkle. But I digress, she didn't know a single thing about pit fiends. She thought they lived in The Abyss! Useless. Absolutely useless. Father doesn't think I'm old enough to face one anyways. I'll show him.

But maybe not yet.

Day 145

Iefyr overheard my conversation with Thalia. He thought he could offer me advice. Me. Advice. Ha! What does he know about anything? He's been following me around like a dog lately. Xhalh claims he's an admirer. That is understandable. I am better than he will ever be with magic, but I wish he'd give me some space. Although maybe he knows how to reach Eysae. I hear Okapi is doing well, and maybe...

Kobeltre? Koeapde??

Wrong. All wrong! A failure. Not even a fun failure. The prototype simply poofed! disappeared on me. No explosion. No deadly summoning. No melting trees. Nothing. Yes the materials were subpar and of small quality, but the prototype should have decided if I was on the right track. Not even an explosion!

I've wracked my brain best I can. I almost took Xhalh's offer to help wreck my brain, but wrecking it is a step too far. I am glad I refused his offer. I overheard Father reliving the good old days with Corellon a few days ago. He mentioned a cold desert. A cold desert. That, THAT is the key! I've heard mention of such a thing before, but paid little notice. My project is far more important. That was my first mistake. My second mistake was focusing solely on the wand and neglecting my other discoveries. That ice that produced mist, could freeze flowers, but burned at a touch? Cold burns. Cold burns in a manner unlike fire. It is a burn all the same. Pit fiends and dragons. What do they create but what we expect? What wonder can be formed from the expected? I've gone about this all wrong. I see my mistakes. I see my ancestor's mistakes. So predictably their failure, and mine, are expected.

A cold desert...

Day 188 - 362 days + 32 hours. Approximately.

After little effort, I tracked down a small centaur tribe. In truth it was not difficult. Those who can read plants can find them easily enough. Fine. A clanmate helped as well although his directions were vague. As is, the centaurs thought I seeked trade. Upon hearing my quest they worried I sought some of their wonderous plants. Wonderous, yes, but predictable and useless to me. An interesting conversation, nonetheless, they do know their horticulture, but they were surprised when it was their hunting knowledge I seeked. They confirmed my suspicions of a foul tasting bird that sometimes migrates through our forest. Uncommon as the birds are, I sought more information from the tribe than the clan could provide. We have not had to stoop so low as to attempt to eat such a creature.

It was still an enjoyable night. I left in the morning after making a deal with them. If they could catch me such a bird, preferably alive (but dead may work, too), I will trade them some of the best Elven wine I can find. Aunt Ara still dabbles with making wines and honey. As expected of any Zaurahel, she is one of the best in her trade. And she still owes me after that incident with the bees.

Now to see if I can find what I really seek: foul tasting and dangerous. Poison and venom in one. Something unexpected. All that research points to its existence, but is it a tiger or a snake I am after? The tribe did not know what I spoke of so I must find out on my own.

Day ###13

Eysae is far too protective of Okapi. Okapi can certainly take care of himself. I had to trade her some of my best spellwork just for a few tail hairs and a chip from a shedding of his horn. Doesn't she know it's all for the greater good?

I have made much progress on my wand, but I find that not all the ingredients can be contradictions. Something needs to bind them together and hold them steady. I believe unicorn will help. Whether these mere pieces will be enough, I do not know. They are not my preference, but Eysae certainly will not give me a hoof. Actually, maybe if She might kill me for simply making the suggestion. She does love him dearly...

Day 12#?

I overheard some adventurers talking about a creature they ran into called a Fisher Cat. At first I thought they were describing a small bear, but one of them, a druid I believe, tells me it's a real creature. I had considered going south to find a ringtail cat. Much like how a fisher cat is neither fish nor cat, a ringtail cat is neither lemur nor cat. This could save me some time and speed my journey north, instead. A component from a fisher cat in theory could work. If these adventurers are telling the truth.

Lunes, 23rd

SUCCESS! All that hard work, all those puzzles and pieces and pictures, and it worked! WORKED!! It needs some tweaks, yes, but what does it matter if it worked?! My ancestors weep with both shame at their failure and pride at my success.

I am not yet ready to show it off, but I am left with no choice. My success is quite visible. With a simple casting my chest has grown to an impressive size, my voice has taken on a different pitch, and parts in other areas have rearranged themselves. I can only hide so much of this, and honestly, I look good. Do I really want to hide anything? The real question is: do I ask Mother for that lovely blue dress she wore recently or should I see what this wand can do to my wardrobe?

Ryvvik is gone as well as all of his failures. From this day forward, I am Ruavain.

Unless another casting changes me back to Ryvvik.

Really, I look good either way.

Mardi, 24rd

My brother is a complete ass. Rather than be impressed by my Wand of Wonder, he can't stop laughing at me! I threatened to change him, too, but the ass is at least smart enough to know the chances are slim of it happening again. And he doesn't think I'd actually attack him. Though I wouldn't admit that that might be true, I have no problems attacking things near him.

...and yet all I did was create my own personal anti-magic field. At least Xhalh didn't notice or he would laugh at me again. I'll count the small blessings. Now to figure out how to remove it.

Day #1212

I swear, at this rate, Iefyr will soon meet with a mysterious accident. He wants to know far too much about my wand and the first casting. The jealousy is expected, but what has he done to earn such knowledge? Nothing. Except to bug me continuously. Xhalh claims he seeks my company more than my knowledge. My brother is an absolute idiot. Iefyr is nothing but a jealous, talentless elf. I mean yes, I know I'm far more pleasing to the eye, and I have taken quite a liking to this change, but Iefyr was annoying before my success. Am I to truly believe he has changed, too?

It matters not. I will be leaving soon to test this wonder in the wider world. Father asks my destination, but I do not have one. I will go where Solonor leads me, and one day, I will return. Hopefully not anytime soon. I should have many charges left in here.