Main / SeaWizard

Schools - Mage - Chapter 2

Sea Wizard

A specialist in the art of water magics to master sea magic, a wizard must have a wide body of knowledge. Sea magic draws its spells from many sources in other schools: abjuration, conjuration, enchantments, illusions, or alteration. All sea wizards concentrate on learning spells noted in the lists below. Note, sea mages and water elementalists are fierce rivals; sea mages consider their school of magic superior because it does not rely on only a single source of power. Sea mages draw their magical powers from wind, wave, water, sun, moon, storms, and the thousand forms of sea creatures. Sea wizards are solitary practitioners of their art, and may be found anywhere near or on the sea. They work for hire, though occasionally they are retained by patrons who have the resources to support their specialized magical practice.

Requirements: Intelligence 12, Wisdom 12.

Races: Human, Half-elf, Elf

Weapons allowed: Staff, dagger, darts, knife.

Magical Items Allowed: Any item designed to manipulate sea magic; otherwise, as a normal wizard.

Special Abilities: Sea mages gain the following benefits: Sea wizards gain Seamanship, Swimming and Rope Use as bonus skills. All other skills involving ships or the sea, at the DM’s discretion, are considered recommended skills (i.e., Riding, Sea-based, Boating, Deep Diving, etc.). Specialist spellcasters gain one additional spell per level. This spell must be learned from the sea magic lists. Sea wizards gain a +1 to saving throws vs. spells of the sea magic school. In addition, the targets of a sea wizard’s magic when he uses spells from his specialty school suffer a -1 saving throw penalty. Sea wizards gain a bonus of +15% when learning spells from the school of sea magic, but suffer a penalty of –15% when learning spells from any other school.

Sea wizards cannot learn spells which involve earth or fire except when aboard a ship (or other sea borne craft or creature) or when on the seashore. Spells of the school of elemental earth and elemental fire may never be learned by a sea wizard as these are opposition schools.

When a sea wizard reaches a new level, he automatically gains one spell of the school of sea magic to add to his spellbook. No roll for learning the spell need be made.

When a sea wizard attempts to create a new spell through research, the spell is treated as if it were one level lower if it falls within the school of sea magic.

In addition, the sea wizard gains the following abilities as he advances in level: At third-level, the sea wizard may swim as if he was wearing a ring of swimming at will with a duration of one hour per level. At sixth-level, the sea wizard may cast water breathing, as the third-level wizard spell, three times per day. At 11th-level, the sea wizard can walk on water, as the third-level priest spell, water walk, three times per day.