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Second Overdue Notice - In Character Discussions - Book Return

These are the In Character discussions as Branwyn organized how to return her library book to Hell.

21-12-357 SKR

Jennevive looks around the laboratory as Branwyn is organizing. "They did a nice job while you were gone. The Queen is appreciative for Johan and Howard providing their services to Jistille as well as Dragon Fen while you were gone."

Branwyn nodded as she tested the new ink she had finished concocting that morning.

Jennevive continued, "We are leaving tomorrow to be at the Royal Estates in time for the New Years celebrations. We will be traveling with the Queen, I know you and Ilero are joining us. Is Tiberius coming also? How many of the family will you be bringing? It would be illuminating to see your children interacting there I am certain. There were questions you had for me also? Something you are researching?"

Branwyn looked up and smiled, both at the success of her new ink and at Jennevive’s words. “Yes, the whole family will be in attendance. Tiberius and I have not wanted to leave the children so soon after the horrific mistake I made taking us to the Elven afterlife plane. It is difficult to make up for six years in a few weeks, but we are trying.”

Branwyn lay down her quill and turned to face Jennevive. “Yes, if you don't mind. I feel like I need to tie up some loose ends and getting rid of that demon mark is number one on the list. That means getting that book back from the library and going to Hell.” She smiled and laughed, “Care to join us?”

Jennevive gave a hint of a smile and cocked an eyebrow but said nothing and waited for Branwyn to continue.

“Of course, there are things I have to know before we leave. If this turns out to be one of those trips where I spend a week in Hell and lose years of my life on this plane, then I should just have to learn to live forever with the demon mark. But if it's doable, then I have to go. Tiberius's mother may no longer be a threat, but there is some level of danger every time I leave the Mist. At least for my correspondence that is.'

“We also have to figure out where in Hell we have to go. It's not the kind of place where I want to visit a dozen places before we find the right place in Hell to go. Do you have any ideas where to do further research on this Iggwilv? I'm not sure I want to make a blind teleport to Wolfspack, but I could try going to Hiyal and see if the Princess there knows anything. If there's anything closer to home, that would be nice. Or... I could see if the Royal Library has anything to help while I'm there stealing the spell book!” she grinned.

“Jenn, I know you think we should find out why they want the book, what's going to happen, and all of those other important details, but do we really care what kind of Hell breaks loose in Hell once we get rid of the book, get rid of the demon mark, and get back home?'

“I am serious though; I would love it if you could join us. I miss you Jennevive. And you can't deny did this would be one of our more interesting adventures. Don't you think?”

23-12-357 SKR

Jennevive guides her horse over closer to Branwyn.

"The Queen is very happy to have you along on this trip," nodding ahead where the children are riding together just behind Toybin. "When we cross into Bobel I am certain she will be more grateful for your presence." Seeing Branwyn smile at that, "You do need to get out more I agree."

After a short pause, "And so do I. I like this idea of yours of getting in to get that book. I will be glad to go to the City with you and pull that off. Too bad we cannot send word on ahead of what we are doing, but once we get back to Dragon Fen in the New Year we can see what we can do to get to the City quickly."

"What are your thoughts on breaking into the Royal Library? I hear the new Prince is not bookish type. More concerned about a sharp sword than a sharp mind. "

“Oh, I have not kept up with affairs in Dryads Lair since I left. I don’t even know who our current Ambassador is. I had hoped that Sam would have been put in charge of Dryads Lair and he falls much more into the sharp mind category than the sharp sword one,” Branwyn responded.

“But to tell the truth, it was not my intention to alert anyone. I had thought to simply teleport in, greet the librarian, and hold a discussion. If we do it that way, no more than three of us could go. And I didn’t think you would think a visit to the library would be all that interesting. I was thinking more along the lines of you joining us on our trip to Hell itself.”

Jennevive laughed lightly, "Accompanying you to steal a very valuable book from a Royal library does seem like a very interesting adventure. I would be very happy to accompany you if you can work it out. We will have to try to see to those details after the new years celebrations."

As Branwyn was about to answer the children rode up closer to demand answers to just what was wrong with Bullywugs, why were they persecuted and how did mother get involved with them in the first place.

Jennevive chuckled to see Branwyn start to explain her beginnings as a mercenary and then the various children of the other nobles start to demand more details from the famous Branwyn the Mysterious.

01-01-358 TGR

In the evening celebrations of the first day of the new year Queen Willimina Mosskin finished her meal and rose to address the nobles gathered.

"I want to start our new year with good news. I have decided to grant Agatha Finefur the honor of becoming the next Ambassador to Terraguard for our Kingdom. And as the ambassador that will represent my own interests I have chosen Earl Calum Bolpel." A mild shock runs through the crowd at that.

"I have chosen to release Earl Bolpel from his imprisonment to go forth and guard my interests. No one in the Kingdom knows better what is right for me than the leader of the rebellion against the crown. With his granddaughters now at Court he will be most suited to ensuring my needs are met until a future generation comes of age."

Jennevive smiles at this new twist, then looks to watch Branwyn's face.

The Queen continues, " I would like to also thank the Fantabulous Fantastical and Vibrant Velmar the Magnificent for being the Royal Court Mage for this past decade. A thankless and I may offer dangerous, " winks at her consort Toybin, " position in my Court. I will let him retire to his library and continue his research in private. I am appointing the only witch that my consort does trust to become the next Royal Court Mage, Countess Branwyn the Mysterious of Dragon Fen. After she delivers our two new ambassadors to their post, I look forward to her spending time at court."

Toybin steps over to thank Branwyn, "I know you will not enjoy Court any more than I do but having you here to safeguard both Willimina and the children will make my heart lighter."

Branwyn turned to Toybin and responded, “You know, of course, that I would never refuse our queen, but is a mage like myself truly needed now? We are not at war. Isn't it time for more of those arrogant mages, full of themselves and have many names? More names than I do anyway. I must say though that I cannot accept my duties immediately. I had a trip planned that under other circumstances I could postpone, but if I am to be the Royal Mage, then getting this demon mark removed becomes more important than ever. So I will gladly take the position when I return from Hell.”

Branwyn smiled and added, “Hell is a proper spot for witches to visit, is it not? You know that joke is much older than our children. And probably only the three of us understand it. It is almost as if our queen enjoys the wicked rumours that always seemed to surround me.”

Toybin smiles, "A trip to Hell sounds fun, it has been a very long time that I have go adventuring with you." Holds up a hand, "I know you are not asking, but it would be fun, " glances over at Jennevive, "Maybe you can come up with an idea for that?"

Turning back to Branwyn, "We need you, I need you more precisely, for our sons. I trust that Willimina will pick an appropriate young lady for our son, or grandson I suppose if she chooses to stay on the throne that long, but what I need a good witch for" he smiles at Branwyn, "is to stop them from charming him. You know Drillian's history well enough to see the problems with a woman charming a Royal Family member and having her way. What can I do? Lock him away in a tower until an heir is chosen?"

"I need you to devise protections for our sons, prevention from charm? Stop charm? Avoid charm? What ever your wizardly knowledge can obtain. We do not trust the Priests to handle this, so I need your skills to protect our sons. Happy to go to Hell with you to accomplish that if I must."

Branwyn laughed. “Everyone is welcome to go to Hell if they would like! If I could be assured that I could perform all my duties and stay in the Mist, then the trip to Hell could definitely be postponed. But in a High Court position, it would not be wise to know that any piece of my official correspondence could be magically and uncontrollably transformed into a scroll full of hellhounds or fire elementals immediately upon leaving the protection of the Mist. So to Hell I must go with anyone willing to help.”

She then sighed and shook her head. “But to your concerns for your sons, I wish you would have discussed this with me and Velmar the Fantabulosis before making this announcement. Locking your eldest son in a tower would be the easiest and fastest solution, to be quite honest. What you are asking is … complicated. But if it wasn’t, you wouldn’t be replacing your current Court Mage I would imagine.

“Until I return to take the position, if you do not wish to lock up your son, I suggest the following. He must never be left alone to wander about. A guard must be with him always to see if his behavior changes. A charm spell may be cast from many yards away so he could be a prime target at public events as well as if he leaves to go exploring on his own. To be safe, I would recommend that a priest or mage cast a Dispel Magic spell on him each evening to be sure that nothing is amiss. When I get back I can discuss in more detail how best to do what you need.

“But here are some things to consider. I hope your eldest is the only son in grave nature of such an attack? Protecting all four at once will be quite difficult and expensive. We can conduct research on locating a magic item that would suit that purpose and then do what is necessary to obtain it. Perhaps Velmar can start such research while I am away. The other option is to make an enchanted item ourselves, but that would take me researching the proper spell, weeks to infuse an item with magic to allow it to be enchanted, and then we would need a mage far more powerful than me to be able to cast a Permanency spell upon it. Casting that spell weakens a mage’s constitution, and so besides finding such a powerful and willing mage; it will be quite expensive. These are the things to think of while I am away.”

Branwyn started to turn to Jennevive and then stopped and turned back. “Oh, and my teleport skills are only enough to take the new diplomats and a light bag each. Tell them that they shall need to find standard transport options for their luggage and any people they shall like to attend them in Dryads Lair.”

02-01-358 TGR

Earl Calum Bolpel and Agatha Finefur sat with Branwyn and Jennevive over dinner at the Royal Estates.

Agatha, smiled at the two. "I know you both served the Queen in Dyrads Lair when you were young, what was it like back then?"

Earl Bolpel took a long drink from his wine glass.

Branwyn raised an eyebrow, looked at Jennevive, and then turned back to Agatha. “Well, back in ancient times, diplomacy was important. If you get off on the wrong foot in the beginning, it can be difficult with some to get a second chance to get things right. I would advise thinking about the effects of one’s words before speaking, Mistress Finefur.”

Branwyn continued, “You are correct though that it has been some time since I was in Dryads Lair and I have not kept up with all the political dealings there of late. I think it may be more useful for you both to speak with the last Ambassador and Queen’s representative. They should be able to fill you in on the current political situation.’

“I would recommend listening to the advice of your local attaché regarding the influence, risks, and demands of the various people that you will be associating with during your tenure as Ambassador. It is easy to become overwhelmed. Jennevive and I were fortunate enough to possess attractive and quite useful skills and had surrounded ourselves with a talented group of friends that made us not only of great interest to the important parties in the city, but we were also able to provide favors to gain allies for the benefit of Drillian and our standing in Dryads Lair. If you happen to possess any traits or skills of note, then I would advise you make those known to the right people and make yourself of use so that word may spread of your accomplishments, and you will not be just another face that keeps showing up at parties and religious festivals. I do hope that I have been helpful.”

"Oh I do hope to attend many of the festivals, they must be much more elaborate than what we have here. I have heard that you have to be very careful outside of The Mist that the sun is very strong and can make your skin hurt."

"I wonder what sort of skills they will be curious about. I am well versed in the history of our Kingdom. I can name all of the major exports from all the major and minor Estates. I know all of the significant families to help with introductions for anyone wishing to marry into our Kingdom. I am going to be paying attention to those suitors who may seem appropriate for either an Estate such as Dragon Fen or Gronark. Of course the Mosskins are well known but I think I can find appropriate marriage possibilities for you Countess."

Earl Bolpel passed along a cup of wine to Agatha to help her stop talking.

He nodded to Branwyn, "Of course I will be watching to make sure our Queen only has the best prospects for her own family."

Looking pointedly at Jennevive, then turning back to Branwyn. "Who are the most important people or institutions that we should be concerned about making a good impression on? Other than the Celestry of course. " he added with a smile.