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The Semphar University of Mages

(note as of 6:00 pm 5/30/08 this is still incomplete FFL)

The wizards from the Semphar University of Mages are considered to be possibly the most powerful mages in the world. The only other group of wizards and practitioners of the craft considered to possibly be equal or even greater to them hail from the Island Kingdoms.

The Semphar University of Mages is broken up into colleges and each college into schools. These are the College of Philosophy, College of Effect, College of Thaumaturgy, and the College of Universal Magic and Arcanum Magicoram.

The College of Philosophy is divided into eight schools: Abjuration, Alteration, Conjuration/Summoning, Enchantment/Charm, Greater Divination, Illusion/Phantasm, Invocation/Evocation, and Necromancy. Specialist within each school is known as Abjurer, Transmuter, Conjurer, Enchanter, Diviner, Illusionist, Invoker, and Necromancer respectively.

The College of Effect is divided into eight schools: Elemental Fire, Elemental Air, Elemental Earth, Elemental Water, Dimensional Magic, Mind Affecting Spells and Enchantments, Force Magic, and Shadow Magic. Specialist within each school is known as Fire Elementalists, Air Elementalists, Earth Elementalist, Water Elementalist, Dimensionalist, Mentalist, Force Mage, and Shadow Mage respectively.

The College of Thaumaturgy is divided into five schools: Alchemy, Artifice, Geometrics and Runes, Song, and Wild Magic. Specialist within each school is known as Alchemist, Artificer, Geometer, Song Mage, and Wild Mage respectively.

The College of Universal Magic and Arcanum Magicoram can be considered Sorcery 101, and Advanced Sorcery 200; without the basic spells in this school, wizards are incapable of continuing their studies in the other schools of magic, as well as in the advance training in Arcanum Magicoram 1 with its benefits.

Rarely are the wizards from the Semphar University of Mages ever seen for they keep themselves covered and the cowls drawn forward. Within the darkness of these cowls are hidden the faces of these gifted mages. On the rare occasion that someone has been able to look upon the face of one of these wizards they report that they have no eyes-or, rather, that the eyes are orbs of a bright metal that glisten like Quicksilver.

These cloaks, which are given to every initiate and full member is one of the symbols of membership into this Arcane Order. These cloaks have several properties first they grant the wearer an equivalent armor class bonus equal to AC 7, second they are considered as cloaks of protection+1 towards saving throws. They keep the true face of the wearer concealed while the hood is drawn. This can be overcome by a true seeing spell or equivalent magic. Once per day, the wearer can choose to trigger a shield spell at the 9th level of spell use. Unless a periodic secret ritual of renewal is performed over the cloak once per six months (as called for in its mystical creation), the cloak loses its magical abilities except for the AC bonus.

The wizards of the Semphar University of Mages are an aloof and secretive lot. By the time they attain second level, they know more about magic than most of their peers in other lands could ever hope to. Their knowledge, however, is never passed along to outsiders. The Semphar University of Mages has mastered magical skills which possibly no other culture has even contemplated. This is because of the two great secrets, which are revealed only to the initiated. The first is because of their access to and ongoing project to reconstruct what they call the Arcanum Magicoram or primeval magic language. This forms the basis of their society called SPAM or The Society for the Preservation of Arcanum Magicoram. The second is the magical device known as the Spellcrux.

All wizards of SPAM are specialist wizards within a particular school. They have the normal advantages of that class, including the + 1 bonus to their saving throws against that school of magic, a minus one penalty to the saving throws of those they employ their spells against from that particular school, and the ability to memorize extra spells each day.

Because of the great knowledge that they have gained from their association with the Language Primeval, their powers go far beyond those of normal specialists. These characters have full access to the spells of opposition schools of philosophy normally closed to them or as in the case of the schools of effect and schools of thaumaturgy they decrease the number of opposition disciplines by one. The other exception to this lies within the Elemental Specialists or Elementalists. They are not barred per se from opposition effects, but cast spells from the element of opposition at 1/3 their current level (i.e. a fire elementalists could not cast a spell from the effect of water until he reached fifth level, at which point he could cast a first level water effect spell as if he were a first level mage). They also receive bonus spells, just as priests do, for high ability scores. Consulting Table 5 in the Players Handbook determines the number and level of bonus spells they receive. Instead of using their Wisdom score when reading this table, however, they use their Intelligence. As the minimum intelligence score for a wizard of SPAM is 16, even the lowest of these casters receive two bonus first level and second level spells.

The Quicksilver like eyes that every such character hides beneath his hood are themselves magical. They grant the character infravision with the range of 120 feet and allow the wizard to see magical auras (eliminating the need for a detect magic spell) and invisible things. If the character already has the ability to see in the infravision spectrum this ability is increased correspondingly. If the range increases to the maximum 240 feet the individual is able to see in any types of darkness including magical darkness, but the range is then limited to 30 feet.

The intensive magical and mental training that the wizards of SPAM receive leaves them physically atrophied. As a result, they employ three-sided dice (1/2 1D6) when rolling for hit points. They never receive bonus hit points for exceptional Constitution scores. Nor do they receive bonus experience points for high ability scores. Not only do they begin play without any weapon proficiency's, they are never able to attain them later in life. As a result, they always suffer the non-proficient weapon penalty when engaging in any form of physical combat. To compensate for this lack of combat ability the wizards have created a warrior branch called The Mage Knights of Semphar or MaKoS.

Their amazing eyes also give them a weakness as well. The most important of these is because of their magical nature. If such a character is hit with a dispel magic, he must make a successful saving throw versus spell or be blinded for a number of rounds equal to the level of the caster. If the character enters a magical dead zone, his eyesight instantly fails. Whenever a character makes a saving throw to avoid the effects of meeting another creatures gaze, he suffers a -4 penalty. Attacks of this type include the petrifying visage of a Medusa or the charm ability of a vampire. Those attacks that do not require the victim to look into the eyes of the caster, such as the deathray that flashes for from the eyes of a catoblepas, gain no advantage from the unusual eyes of these mages. Knowledge beyond the basic (first) level of Arcanum Magicoram removes one disadvantage per proficiency point attained. At this time the knowledge beyond first level is unknown to any except the Regents of the college and they have only acquired knowledge to second level as detailed later.

For each proficiency slot attained in Arcanum Magicoram 1 you gain a different benefit. One slot allows the wizard to follow a technical conversation about Arcanum Magicoram and if a wizard has been raised and trained by the University then he gains the vision and enhance spell casting abilities detailed previously. Two slots in Arcanum Magicoram 1 allow alteration of range or duration. Three slots allow saving throw alterations. Four slots allow full use of the proficiency.

The proficiency can be gained only at SPAM and fully mastered only by a wizard of ninth level or higher who has access to the ongoing research being conducted on the First Lore within the College of Universal Magic and Arcanum Magicorum. A minimum intelligence of 12 is also required. A first level wizard at the college cannot start with more than one slot in Arcanum Magicoram 1 (and gains this as a bonus non-weapon proficiency). Due to the intensive study required a wizard can only gain a slot in Arcanum Magicoram 1 every three levels (one slot at first level, a second slot at third level, a third slot at sixth level, a fourth slot at ninth level). The knowledge of Arcanum Magicoram in the First Lore is obviously incomplete, but a wizard who has this Arcanum proficiency knows a few basic elements constituting this magical speech.

These elements are referred to as thaunemes. The most basic thaunemes are tied to the four elements, but other thaunemes exist that are tied to such concepts as duration, distance, size, and shaping of magical energies. As thaunemes are presently understood, they can augment the effects of spells, and may increase the chance of successfully researching a new spell or new magical item.

A wizard with the Arcanum Magicoram 1 proficiency can modify his spell prior to casting with a successful proficiency check (the proper utterance of a thaunemes). A successful check allows the caster to augment one of the following parameters: Range, duration, saving throw, or casting time. The effects of these augmentations are:

· Range can be increased by 10 yards (or feet) per caster level (touch and range at zero spells can not be altered). · Duration can be lengthened by one round (or turn) per level (instantaneous spells cannot be altered). · Saving throws can receive a -2 penalty (spells with no saving throw can not be altered). · Casting time can be decreased by 2, to a minimum of one (spells with a casting time under 2 cannot be altered).

A failed Arcanum Magicoram 1 proficiency check causes the spell to fail; it is considered cast and lost from memory. Failure strains the wizards voice so that Arcanum Magicoram cannot be used for 1D4 hours without risk of permanent muting (at least 80% likely).

Arcanum Magicoram 1 proficiency can be used to enhance research on the new spell or magical process. A successful check reduces the cost of research by 20%. Also, a wizard adds 15% bonus to his role to learn a new spell.

Table 1: Arcanum Magicoram Proficiency Proficiency # Slots Ability Required Check Modifier Arcanum Magicoram 1 4 Intelligence* - 8

The Spellcrux is an artifact unique to the Semphar University of Mages, and specifically the College of Universal Magic and Arcanum Magicorum. Through enchantment's only made possible through a weave of selective phrases in both Arcanum Magicoram and more commonly understood magic, a crystal vessel was created that has the capability of holding a large reservoir of potent spells of third level or less. The spells in the crystal vessel can be called forth by any wizard properly keyed to it. A personal focus accommodates transfer of the desired spell from the vessel into an empty spell slot of the appropriate level in the mind of the wizard.

Knowledge of the Spellcrux is a closely guarded secret within the college. Members of the college are encouraged not to devulge this information to outsiders; such behavior could invoke the betrayal clause in a member’s oath of membership. Even the apprentices of the college are ignorant of the Spellcrux; however, initiates, Guild members, Regents, and the Chancellor each hold an individual focus. This knowledge and focus are gained upon reaching initiate status.

Each focus is individually keyed to its holder; wizards who are not keyed to a focus are absolutely unable to draw forth spells from the Spellcrux. The process of attuning a focus and its holder to the Spellcrux requires a number of steps, summarized in the special section titled the Ritual of the Crux.

The Ritual of the Crux: · The member must be of initiates standing or higher within the Order · The member must obtain a small, easily concealed personal item of any type or value (for example, a rabbit's foot, a silver spoon, a bone die, or a pearl earing are all acceptable items). · The member must undergo the Ritual of the Crux; a day long ceremony of attunement (the formula for which is also a well-kept secret). This ceremony takes place in the Archmanteion (the chamber that holds the crystal vessel of the Spellcrux). During this ceremony, the member must willingly sacrifice one point of Wisdom. This loss is permanent. · At the end of the ceremony, a successful Wisdom check indicates that the member has successfully keyed his or her focus to the Spellcrux. Those who failed the requisite Wisdom check only partially attune to their personal focus (transfers through it have an additional 10% chance per attempt to fail). Note that a dispel magic cast directly upon a Spellcrux focus causes it to cease functioning for 1D10 rounds, after which it regains it's attunement as before. · The member has completed the ritual of the crux and can now experiment at leisure.

The rules that govern the use of the Spellcrux are fairly simple. The link between the focus on the Spellcrux is intangible and operates at any distance within the world in question. The link does not function in any area of anti-magic, dead magic, or within the effect of the anti-magic spell. A wizard in physical contact with the personal focus can concentrate for one turn to gain an up-to-date inventory of the spells currently residing in the crystal vessel of the Spellcrux. If time is short, the wizard could trust that the desired spell does indeed still reside within the Spellcrux and call for it from his focus.

Calling for spell takes one round per level of the spell called, thus a third level spell requires three full rounds to enter into the mind of the wizard; it can be cast the fourth round (although it does not have to be utilized immediately). The wizard must know how to cast the spell that is called. Further, the wizard cannot call for spell unless she has an empty spell memorization slot of the same level as the desired spell; calling for spell that has no place to roost to within the mind of the summoning wizard fails completely. It is therefore impossible for a wizard to call a spell from the Spellcrux that is at the higher level that he or she can normally cast. Finally, spells do not automatically come when called; there is a 10% chance per level of the spell that the focus fails to hook the requisite spell, thus every time a third level spell is called, there is a 30% chance that it will fail to come. Each such failed attempt wastes one round of action, but multiple attempts are allowed.

The number of spell levels that a focus can transfer over a given period of time is limited. The attunement ritual given to initiates allow them to transfer three spell levels from the spell pool per three day period. Thus, an initiate who immediately cast a third level spell must wait three days before the focus can be utilized to transfer spells. Another initiate might cast one first level spell per day. Even after the requisite time is passed the focus only functions again if the initiate subsequently recharges the Spellcrux by casting an equal number of spell levels back through the focus as originally utilized. This can occur at any time after debiting the Spellcrux, or up to three spell levels can be credited in advance so that time spent recharging is minimized.

Attempting to cast a spell higher than third level through the focus is dangerous; the caster takes 1D6 hit points per spell level in damage and the attempt fails. The focus simply will not function beyond these parameters; this set up is useful in maintaining the Spellcrux is fully charged but safe state.

The spells that can always be found in the Spellcrux in multiples of more than three are enumerated on the Universal Spells Table (the spells belong to the school of "universal magic" as introduced in Players Options: Spells and Magic, and such are available to all specialty schools). The spells are checked daily and if any of the spells are not present in an acceptable number, the onus to recharge the pool is parceled out by the Chancellor among Guild wizards and initiates of the appropriate level. The Spellcrux also contains additional spells of third level or less that are of a specific specialty, and therefore not necessarily usable by every wizard with a focus (i.e. spells of an opposition school are simply unavailable to specialized wizards). The specialty spells maintained in the spell pool can be found in the Specialty Spells Table.

As a final note the Chancellor attempts to keep combat oriented spells that cause physical damage out of the Spellcrux. If anything were to go wrong, the spells would have a significantly greater chance of causing irreparable damage. If he discovers spells of this nature within the Spellcrux, he bleeds them out harmlessly.

Universal Spells of the Spellcrux: 1. Cantrip, comprehend languages, detect magic, hold portal, identify, read magic, wizard mark 2. protection from cantrips, knock, wizard lock 3. dispel magic Specialty Spells of the Spellcrux: 1. Protection from evil (abjuration), light (alteration), unseen servant (conjuration/summoning), identify (divination), sleep (enchantment/charm), audible glamour (illusion/phantasm), shield (invocation/evocation), detect undead (necromancy) 2. protection from paralysis (abjuration), levitate (alteration), summon swarm (conjuration/summoning), detect invisibility (divination), forget (enchantment/charm), whispering wind (illusion/phantasm), Web (invocation/evocation), spectral hand (necromancy) 3. protection from normal missiles (abjuration), infravision (alteration), phantom steed (conjuration/summoning), clairvoyance (divination), suggestion (enchantment/charm), illusionary script (illusion/phantasm), augmentation 1 (invocation/evocation), feign death (necromancy)

MaKoS is a Paladin like warrior branch of the Semphar University of Mages. These Warriors gain experience points as paladins. Unlike a clerical order they are unable to cast priests spells. Instead they cast spells at an equal level to Bard's with same restriction on wearing armor, except they are unable to utilize a shield while casting spells. The maximum number of spells they are able to learn is equal to half their intelligence bonus, with the maximum number of spells of any level being 9. Like mages and bards they are required to keep a spell book. These Warriors are fanatics for the Semphar University of Mages. Defending to the death any University mage under their care, or obeying without question any order given by a regent or Chancellor. They get to choose non-weapon proficiency's from the wizard group in addition to the general and warrior groups. Like their counterparts they do not gain additional experience points for exceptional ability scores, but do gain the bonus non-weapon proficiency in Arcanum Magicoram. This bonus though allows them the ability to cast their spells as bards without being affected by the wearing of metal armor, +2 bonus to all saving throws. They do not gain bonus spells for high intelligence scores, nor are they able to specialize in any type of magic. They may specialize in any type of weapon or combat form but they are required to take a weapon proficiency in the use of a halberd at first level. In order to cast spells they require the use of a special focus or talisman. Like their mage counterparts it is also keyed to the Spellcrux. They use the hit points, combat tables and saving throws as a fighter. They require a minimum intelligence of 14. Like paladins and wizards from the Semphar University of mages, they are required to donate 10% back to the warrior branch. They cannot attract a body of followers. However, they can hire soldiers and specialist. And as paladins they cannot possess more than 10 magical items. There is a special branch of MaKoS known as the Royal Arcanum Guard or RAG. It is a great honor to be "On the RAG". The RAG is composed of 36 guards. They rotate in groups of 12. One group at all times has the specific duty of protecting the Phi of Semphar. The other two groups are hard on the duty protecting the Chancellor and Regents or off on special missions for the University. These are the elite of the elite. Whenever a member of RAG dies, becomes incapacitated, or retires he or she is replaced from within the ranks of MaKoS to keep the number at a constant 36. These individuals undergo a special oath in which they have total loyalty and commitment first to the Chancellor, next the Regent of MaKoS, and then the Phi of Semphar. To the knowledge of the Phi of Semphar their first loyalty is to him. Unbeknownst to the Phi of Semphar each member of RAG has a previous oath to the Chancellor and the Regent.

An apprentice is a zero level wizard. Of all the members of the University the apprentices see the most variability in their daily schedules simply due to the fact that they are not masters of their own fate, but are rather at the beck and call of the initiate choremaster. They perform all menial jobs, from washing clothes to washing dishes, dusting, sweeping, polishing the floors and fittings, hauling water and firewood, hunting herbs, tending gardens, running errands, mending torn or worn out clothing, carrying messages, cleaning the previous, and bearing the brunt of the displeasure of their superiors. Oh, yes, and a study, too.

An apprentice who works hard and successfully takes the Oath of the Initiate graduates to the rank of Initiate and becomes a first level wizard (a generalist mage or a wizard of the appropriate special to school). An initiate in SPAM has working access, under the tutelage of a full member, to The Grand Library, a huge collection of arcane knowledge that contains a plethora of esoteric magical knowledge of use to wizards of six level or less, including a host of volumes containing many common, uncommon, and rare spells of 1st through 3rd level.. As the crossroads between the North, the South, the East and the West, the Semphar University of Mages has acquired a tremendous gamut of spells from multiple lands. Each initiate receives his magical cloak that is a symbol of the University. Each initiate also is entitled to three levels of spells from the special artifact, the Spellcrux, every three days. Of course the initiate has the chance to become a full guild wizard in time. Once an initiate, the responsibilities to the Guild do not end, they just become more important and less menial. Initiates are levels 1 through 6 wizards. Each initiate is aside the guild wizard who acts as adviser (for those who enter SPAM from outside, the adviser is also the character's sponsor). The Advisor guides a young wizards development as a spell caster, and requires the initiate to perform certain duties, including laboratory technician in the guild wizard's research cell, teaching assistant to the guild wizard's lectures on magic, mandatory attendance of appropriate classes, field expeditions deemed suitable for the initiate's level, oversight of apprentices assigned to menial duties, and miscellaneous duties as assigned by the Advisor. The other general duty expected at each initiate is to act as a personal tutor to two or more of the apprentices. The initiates take turns lecturing in the great room to the assembly of apprentices, after which the class breaks to allow each small group containing what initiate and tool more practices to discuss the ramifications of the lecture and to explore any questions raise. Initiates who want to go adventuring are allowed to do so if their University duties are discharged. 10% of the initiate's profits from such adventures must be turned over to the University.

Guild wizards (7th + level) hold enviable positions within the University. Guild wizards receive the major benefits of full membership while at the same time are charge with the most important responsibilities. Alumni in good standings in no longer live at the University can expect lodging when they return for a visit or for research, and may receive other professional courtesy's as well. Those Guild wizards who have come up through the ranks often feel that the greatest benefit is free time. Guild wizards are much more free to do is a pleased at the common goal from the University as their personal researches direct. Guild wizards have much more resources to work with as well. Apart from the grand library and any personal text and tomes owned, Guild wizards can apply to the Regents for access to the Sealed Archive. The tomes found in the Sealed Archive generally contained spells from the fourth to eighth level, and specifically requested rare text may be made available as well. Access to the Sealed Archive eliminates the need to maintain a personal library for spell research. For other research, a week search is 25% likely to reveal a specific text or clues to the location of a suitable work. Each full member is entitled to three levels of spells from the Spellcrux per day. A guild wizard who deems a spell from the pool is expected to charge the Spellcrux with an equal number of spell levels within a reasonable time. Also one of the most esoteric researches available to Guild wizards is research of the Arcanum Magicoram. Not every guild wizard is consumed with the research of this powerful but complex magical tool, but every guild wizard willing to submit to a magic-bound oath of secrecy administered by the Chancellor is then informed of its existence, given a key to the secret laboratories, and brought up to date under the ongoing research being conducted by the Chancellor and the Regents. Guild wizards who agree to assist must further agree to turn over any fruit of experimentation to the group, so that each incremental gain enhances the efforts of the entire team. The only constraint on a Guild members time is a duty to teach at least one course per year on a specific application of specialty magic to a class of initiates and to act as an advisor to a small group of the same. In addition to teaching a specialty course the guild wizard is also expected to act as advisor to a group of selected or assigned initiates. As advisor, the guild wizard is expected to answer the questions and guide the study of the initiates to greater heights of understanding. During the second test of aptitude, where initiate seeks to display the requisite skill and magical prowess to qualify as a guild wizard, the preparation given by the advisor, as well as the advisor's final opinion of the initiate, go a long way to determine if the initiate will achieve Guild wizards status. Guild wizards must turn over a minimum of 10% of their income as dues to remain members in good standing.

SPAM trains wizards from the apprentice level. It requires that all children applying for apprenticeship be between the equivalent human ages of 10 and 14 years old. The guild will from time to time make an exception for a special case (a young child prodigy, an older merchant's son with a large purse, an adventurer seeking magical training), however, this is rare. It is believed that those under 10 years of age lack the proper maturity and discipline to begin studying the art of dwoemercraft, and those over 14 years of age may be too rigid in their thinking to begin bending their minds around the slippery paradigms of magic.