Main / Sep1109

Sep 11 09 - Trade Wars

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Sep 11 11:27:47 EDT 2009 ====

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Sep 11 11:31:57 EDT 2009 ====

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Sep 11 18:43:13 EDT 2009 ====

[BOB] I am here, but have the Cable Guy over right now will be back to the screen as soon as I can, sorry for the delay

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

Fritz] has joined the game on Fri Sep 11 18:48:27 EDT 2009

Fritz] is receiving the map Ambush Area...

Fritz] has received the map Ambush Area.

Kaz] has joined the game on Fri Sep 11 18:49:26 EDT 2009

Kaz] is receiving the map Ambush Area...

Kaz] has received the map Ambush Area.

[Fritz] hello Kaz. Hi Bob when you return

[Kaz] Hey Fritz

[Kaz] Hi Bob

[Fritz] So how was your week Kaz?

[Kaz] it was okay

[Kaz] how about you? Have a good Labor Day?

[BOB] Ok, back

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] Sorry for that

[BOB] it is day 4 of the cable card issues

[BOB] and they have to come back on monday!!!!!

[BOB] soooo stupid

[Kaz] Heya Bob

[Kaz] Yeah, that's ridiculous

[BOB] two visits they bring bad cards

[BOB] it is just a stupid way of doing buisness

[Kaz] why don't they test their stuff before they bring it?

[BOB] no clue

[BOB] yesterday brought 2 cards

[BOB] both bad

[BOB] today brought three cards

[BOB] two are bad

[BOB] I only need 1 multi card or 2 single cards to work

[Fritz] Is John going to join us tonight

[BOB] so Guy will be late right?

[BOB] and have not heard from John at all

[Fritz] Guy will be here? Awesome

[BOB] and possibly Beth as well

[Fritz] Sweet

[Kaz] Guy is off in an hour, no telling when he'll actually get home

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Val'Iant Le Quella modified:

[BOB] check your Init Kaz

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: Combat - Initiative {not sure why this is here}: (INIT) : CHANGED: -$RA (+10+$RA). Initiative (modifier): (INIT) : CHANGED: +$RA (+10+$RA).

[Kaz] new people moved in across the street, they have new renters like every six months...

[Kaz] these people have done nothing all day but move furniture and SCREAM at their little kids.

[BOB] hmmmm, maybe they need more furniture

[BOB] like those slider games

[BOB] keep sliding it around

[BOB] just need one more piece and they solve the puzzle

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Moirra modified: Combat - Initiative {not sure why this is here}: (INIT) : CHANGED: -$RA (+10+$RA). Initiative (modifier): (INIT) : CHANGED: -$RA (+10+$RA).

[Kaz] the puzzle is, how much can they make their little kid cry before he vomits?

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 2 -- Maximum: 6 (12), CHANGED: 2 -- Current: 6 (12). Spells - DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Blur -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Drawmij's Breath of Life -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Improved Phantasmal Force -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Magic Missile -- # Memorized: 1 (+0), CHANGED: Melf's Acid Arrow -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Spectral Hand -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Stinking Cloud -- # Memorized: 0 (+0),

[Fritz] Can we go ahead and heal Bob?

[BOB] if Moirra does it

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Val'Iant Le Quella modified: Notes - CHANGED. Magic Item Summary - DELETED: lRing of spell holding, (will be returned to Paul), null. DELETED: +3/+5 scimitar to go to Liam, (will be returned to Paul), null.

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Magic Item Summary - DELETED: Ring of Wizardry. doubles 2nd level, (will be returned to Paul), null.

[Kaz] ] Moirra moved 1'01".

[Kaz] Moirra targets Val'Iant Le Quella. Distance: 17'02"

[Kaz] ] Moirra casts a spell against Val'Iant Le Quella: Cure Light Wounds: You're healed (-1d8) [1d8=1] -1 points.

[Kaz] gotta love that 1 point

[BOB] by the way I doubled the memory I am alotting to Klooge

[Kaz] ] Moirra casts a spell against Val'Iant Le Quella: Cure Light Wounds: You're healed (-1d8) [1d8=6] -6 points.

[Fritz] Better to do orison in this case

[Fritz] not cure light

[BOB] ] Val'Iant Le Quella's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 40 (7) - Lightly Wounded

[Fritz] get 9 points auto from oriison

[BOB] you are negociating to stay here for a few days also

[Fritz] ask bob if y0ou can do it differently

[BOB] to heal Paul back up, etc.

[Kaz] All targets for Moirra removed.

[Kaz] Moirra targets Liam Dugan. Distance: 6'04"

[BOB] ] Val'Iant Le Quella's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 43 (3) - Unharmed

[Fritz] Bob could she have used Orison instead?

[BOB] sure

[Kaz] ] Moirra casts a spell against Liam Dugan: Cure Serious Wounds: You're healed (-2d8-1) [2d8=5,6] -12 points.

[BOB] hold off Kaz

[Kaz] Moirra no longer targets Liam Dugan.

[BOB] ] Liam Dugan's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 38 (12) - Moderately Wounded

[Kaz] Moirra targets Paul Elvenstire. Distance: 48'09"

john2] has joined the game on Fri Sep 11 19:12:54 EDT 2009

john2] is receiving the map Ambush Area...

john2] has received the map Ambush Area.

[Kaz] holding off

[Kaz] Heya John!

[BOB] ] Liam Dugan's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 46 (8) - Lightly Wounded

[BOB] and now that counts as three Orisons cast

[BOB] Val is fully healed

[Fritz] Kaz when we aren't in battle it is often better to use Orison. YOu get an automatic 9 points I believe for each spell.

[BOB] and Liam got two

[BOB] 8 for her actually

[Kaz] for everyone?

[BOB] 1 per level

[Fritz] oh ok

[Kaz] or just for one person?

[BOB] so auto 8 points for casting Orison

[Fritz] No it is your level +3 max 9

[john2] hello all

[BOB] and she cast three spells, so three orisons of 9 each

[Kaz] WAIT

[BOB] ] Liam Dugan's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 47 (1) - Lightly Wounded

[Kaz] Is it for everyone, or for just one person?

[BOB] just one person

[Kaz] okay

[BOB] Kaz cast one spell (orison) on Val

[Fritz] you cast 1 hip for each orison. You get 9 orisons for each 1st level spell slot you use

[john2] so what did I miss

[BOB] then two spells (orison and orison) on Liam

[BOB] and Paul is alive

[BOB] awake

[BOB] groggy

[BOB] weaker than a kitten

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Moirra modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Current: +2 (+3). CHANGED: 3 -- Current: +4 (+3).

[Fritz] Dumber than a doorknob, and uglier than the front end of a catolablepas

[Kaz] You people are confusing me.

john2] has left the game on Fri Sep 11 19:16:33 EDT 2009

[BOB] Kaz you cast three spells

[Fritz] Ok...Here is how orison works

[Kaz] no

[Kaz] let me ask

[BOB] ok

[Kaz] please

[Fritz] ok

[Kaz] if I cast orison once, it heals one person for a maximum of 9. Is that right?

[BOB] yes

[Fritz] no

[BOB] yes it does

[Fritz] not exactly

[BOB] you can use Orison for other things as well, but in this case yes

[Fritz] Orison is a 0 level spell

[BOB] no

[BOB] it is a first level spell

[Fritz] a cleric gets his level +3 orisons for every 1 level spell slot

[Fritz] read the book and spells bob

[BOB] and I ruled long ago that it is a first level spell

[Kaz] Well, basically, all it means is that if I cast it, I'm healing someone for 9.

[BOB] we do not treat it the way the book is

[BOB] yes to Kaz

[Kaz] that's all I need to know.

[Fritz] WEll then you changed it a long time ago and you are the one who knows not the rest

[Kaz] Thank you

[BOB] there is no such thing as a zero level spell

[Fritz] so sory

[BOB] Orisons are 1st level

[BOB] cantrips are a non weapon proficiency

[BOB] we never had zero level spells or spells higher than 9th level

[BOB] sorry Kaz

[BOB] getting into tight details

[Kaz] no worries, I like the simple explanations.

[BOB] you just need to know what you know now

[Fritz] Yes Kaz I appoligize I was just going by the rule book not realizing that Bob had changed the rules.

[Fritz] I was not trying to cause problems just help you out as I knew the rules to previously be written. So again I apoligize

[Kaz] before we go further, let me go back a second... Bob, we're not negotiating to stay a few days. That was already settled in the last session.

[Kaz] I know, Fritz.

[BOB] yes to Kaz, but it was staying for a couple of days, that is all you have so far

[BOB] no new guides, no supplies,

[Kaz] okay, and we just got here.

[BOB] just a place to sleep for a couple of days

[BOB] one of the widows places

[BOB] and John said his laptop crashed

[BOB] not sure what that means for his return

[Kaz] ugh, poor John

[Kaz] ] Moirra casts a spell against Paul Elvenstire: Cure Critical Wounds: You're healed (-3d8-3) [3d8=6,2,5] -16 points.

[BOB] wait

[BOB] you can not do that until the next day

[BOB] he needs a full 24 hours to rest

[BOB] before he can take any healing

[Kaz] Ohh, okay.

[Kaz] I can Nap him, though, and do it in an hour :) Can't I?

[BOB] that was why you wanted to stay

[Fritz] Bob for future refernce does that include a "HEAL" spell?

[BOB] will have to double check but I think it is natural rest, not spell assisted

[BOB] but Rave is down big and Liam, and moirra, and fin and vent and and and

[Fritz] Rave is recovered. He had the potion of regenreation going

[Kaz] Okay, are we erasing my Heal Crit, then?

[Kaz] Because nobody but Rave had that much off any more.

[BOB] yes to Kaz you can take that back

[BOB] and Paul needs 3 days of rest

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Moirra modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 4 -- Current: +2 (+1).

[BOB] as he has been dead for 3 days

[Kaz] Moirra no longer targets Paul Elvenstire.

[BOB] he died on the first day out from Kazefyn

[Kaz] Moirra targets Liam Dugan. Distance: 6'04"

[BOB] so nap will not solve that

[Kaz] ] Moirra casts a spell against Liam Dugan: Orison: I can create minor effects.

[BOB] needs 3 days of bed rest

[BOB] then he can take healing

[BOB] normal or magical

[Kaz] okay Bob

[Kaz] Okay, so that's 9 points back to Liam

[BOB] ] Liam Dugan's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 56 (9) - Lightly Wounded

[BOB] how many points per turn for that ring Fritz?

[Kaz] How many rounds would you say, since Moirra was hurt? She gets that one point per round.

[BOB] ] Moirra's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 41 (8) - Unharmed

[Fritz] No ring bob it was a poion...vampire...3 hp a round for 10d10 turns or something like that

[BOB] Moirra is healed has been more than an hour

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so Rave is fully healed also then

[Fritz] It wore off long ago by this time

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 47 (21) - Unharmed

[Fritz] As did Mentors

[BOB] so Liam is down a little

[BOB] fin is down a little

[Fritz] I can't make any potions until a full day has passed

[Kaz] So Fin and Liam are down 3 each, does a full night's sleep take care of that or should I just heal?

john2] has joined the game on Fri Sep 11 19:29:56 EDT 2009

john2] is receiving the map Ambush Area...

john2] has received the map Ambush Area.

[BOB] welcome back John

[Kaz] Hey John, WB

[Fritz] I can cover them and heal them overnight Kaz

[BOB] a full nights sleep with a sucessful healing check will give them 3 overnight

[Fritz] with my healing proficiency

[BOB] grins

[Kaz] eh, or I can just do it now

[john2] fro now

[Fritz] what ever you guys want to do

[john2] what did I miss

[Kaz] ] Moirra casts a spell against Liam Dugan: Orison: I can create minor effects.

[BOB] so after getting settled in with the Gnomes

[Kaz] Moirra no longer targets Liam Dugan.

[Kaz] Moirra targets Finglas. Distance: 16'03"

[BOB] ] Liam Dugan's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 59 (3) - Unharmed

[Kaz] ] Moirra casts a spell against Finglas: Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=6] -7 points.

[BOB] ] Finglas's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 64 (3) - Unharmed

[BOB] ok, now it is only Paul left

[BOB] who is down

[Fritz] we can give him 1 hp correct?

[Fritz] if he is at 0 he is unconscious

[BOB] he is at 1 when he comes back from the dead

[BOB] then he can go to 2 at the end of three days of rest

[john2] does nap help?

[BOB] no

[Kaz] no, I already asked

[Fritz] What if she puts on the ring of regeneration on him now?

[BOB] BUT it will

[BOB] to allow him to memorize spells later on if needed

[Kaz] I was going to ask you that, Bob

[john2] no I won't need to memorize any spells

[BOB] can not take any natural or magical healing until the 3 days is up

[Kaz] if he'd come back to full health with available spells

[BOB] he will have full health and empty slots

[BOB] and then needs books and time to rememorize

[BOB] anything you want to work with the village about?

[BOB] between now and the three days?

[BOB] Paul can talk

[BOB] just not move

[BOB] bed ridden

[john2] night one we will take out provisions and spell books out of the scroll

[BOB] ok

[Fritz] Val will try and learn a new spell if he can

[BOB] if there is one in an available book

[BOB] he can always try

[Fritz] Yes there is

[Kaz] Moirra is going to split her time between helping the village with whatever tasks she can, and watching over Paul.

[BOB] they have some minor injuries from mining accidents, etc.

[BOB] and an accidental poisoning

[BOB] a wife made a bad batch of stew for her husband

[BOB] she says she never saw that type of fungus before

[john2] will they let us reincarnate the dead guide?

[BOB] and thought it might go well in there

[BOB] and yes if you want to they will,

[john2] just give me a couple days

[Kaz] I'd like to use my Knowledge to help identify the fungus

[BOB] make that check

[Kaz] is it botany or herbalism?

[BOB] both

[BOB] see what happens

[Kaz] ] Moirra: Sage Knowledge - Herbalism check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[BOB] if it was above ground you would not need a check

[Kaz] *blink*

[Kaz] ] Moirra: Botany check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[BOB] natural 20 always fails on a prof check

[BOB] and very good

[BOB] now a wisdom check please

[BOB] memory

[Kaz] I never roll a natural 20 unless it's an auto fail. You should know that!

[Kaz] ] Moirra: WIS check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[Kaz] I was just amazed it was with my Sage Knowledge

[BOB (to Kaz only)] you recognize that as a type of fungus you saw in the drow city

[Fritz] I have a question was Paul resurrected or raised?

[BOB] raise dead

[Kaz] Okay Bob, does the villager have an unused sample of that fungus?

[Wife (BOB)] No Miss

[Wife (BOB)] I used it all up in that stew

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Was there more growing where you found it originally?

[Wife (BOB)] stammers

[Wife (BOB)] umm no

[Wife (BOB)] there was just a little small plant there

[john2] sounds like a cover up

[Wife (BOB)] I cut it all up into the stew

[Fritz] Bob I thought (and this is just a technical question only) that his deep freeze spell halted the time table as to the number of days he was considered dead

[Moirra (Kaz)] I saw that fungus back at Khazefryn.

[john2] i thought so too Fritz

[Wife (BOB)] (yes to fritz, but then when you unthawed him that stopped it)

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((But he wsn't unthawed for three days))

[Fritz] He wasn't unthawed but for 10 min, then the spell went back into affect.

[Wife (BOB)] the deep freeze did not go back into effect, that was the second spell you used

[Fritz] What spell is that I used a potion on him

[Wife (BOB)] Potion

[Fritz] it only stops ongoing magic affects for a turn then whatever magic was in place returns

john2] has left the game on Fri Sep 11 19:45:00 EDT 2009

[Fritz] That is how the potion works.

[Fritz] That was why I used it on him so the deep freeze would return rather than casting dispel magic

[BOB] hmm

[BOB] ok

[BOB] will go read up on those

[BOB] which potion ?

[BOB] as I look at deep freeze

[Fritz] I can print it for you give me a second. Continue playing with Kaz

[BOB] and John will be back

[Fritz] Continue with Kaz. I wll tune out for a bit

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Moirra (Kaz)] I'm sorry, I have to afk for a sec. But I do want to make sure the husband is okay, stop the poison or whatever, and get whatever samples of the fungus I can get.

[BOB] ok

[BOB] husband is ok

[BOB] no more poison after you heal him

[BOB] and no samples availalbe just her descriptions from what she put in the stew

[Moirra (Kaz)] Even if they're stewed. Also, going to ask the villager to describe the fungus to the other villages who gather foodstuffs, and tell them to stay away from it, and ask if anyone else found any

john2] has joined the game on Fri Sep 11 19:49:57 EDT 2009

john2] is receiving the map Ambush Area...

john2] has received the map Ambush Area.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ok

[Moirra (Kaz)] afk a minute

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] John - deep freeze is from where?

[john2] encylopedia magica

[BOB] wry grin any idea where in there? my index is missing

[BOB] and my electronic version is not easily readable

[john2] sorry not the item book, I don't think, let me see

[john2] of course I may crash while looking

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] sorry have to go for a bit will be back as soon as I can

[john2] could it be drow?

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[john2] wierd night

[john2] so far

[john2] did you find it Fritz?

[Fritz] oil of disenchantment - If rubbed onto objects bearing an enchantment, the magic will be lost for 1d10+20 turns. After this time, the oil loses potency and the item regains its enchantment,

[john2] oh that item

[Fritz] Looking for deep freeze now

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Moirra (Kaz)] okay, sorry, back

[john2] it still matters to BOB if it says until dispelled or unless dispelled

[john2] i am scanning the 26 book pdf

john2] has left the game on Fri Sep 11 19:58:26 EDT 2009

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] ok, sorry back

[BOB] Nyrma is still not home yet from work

[BOB] had to figure otu what her mother needed

[BOB] so

[Fritz] I cant find deep freeze yet

[Moirra (Kaz)] charades?

[BOB] yeah

[BOB] stupid to be 3 hours late and not bother to call home

[BOB] but anyway

[Moirra (Kaz)] I hope she's okay

[BOB] so the potion looks like it breaks the deep freeze

[BOB] now we will see if deep freeze has somethign special in that

[BOB] but first blush I am right

[BOB] it breaks teh deep freeze

[BOB] then it does not go back

[BOB] because the potion is used on him and stopped it

[BOB] he became a normal dead person

[BOB] not an object anymore

[BOB] reason it worked was he was an object because of the deep freeze

[BOB] and adding this to my list of things Fritz

[Fritz] so a dead person in not an object?

[BOB] no effects like Deep freeze on a character unless it is on the character sheet

[Fritz] A dead person is considered a creature

[BOB] John should have had it on there

[BOB] it is an object, but not a magical one

[Fritz] It is on his contigency

[BOB] I don't see it

[BOB] the spell description

[Fritz] so why would it change from an object to not an object when you say a dead person is an object? I am just trying to understand

[BOB] the potion works on magical objects

[BOB] like magical locks, swords, etc.

[BOB] it worked on Paul becuase under the deep freeze he is a magical object

[BOB] so it negates that spell

[Fritz] but it doesn't negate the spell

[Fritz] an object is an object

[Fritz] and it doesn't say a magical object it says an object with an enchantmetn

[Fritz] if a dead person is an object, then has deep freeze it is an object with an enchantment

[BOB] right

[BOB] and we need the deep freeze spell descritpion to see what it says

[BOB] I am getting very frustrated by not having the things on the character sheets to be able to check them

[BOB] looking through books now

[Fritz] I know I saw it somewhere...did you check the web site by chance?

[BOB] no

[BOB] please check there

[Fritz] ok I will

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

john2] has joined the game on Fri Sep 11 20:09:30 EDT 2009

john2] is receiving the map Ambush Area...

john2] has received the map Ambush Area.

[Moirra (Kaz)] you okay there, John?

[john2] me, fine, lap top dying

[BOB] I can not find deep freeze anywhere,

[BOB] on the net it only is for WoW

[BOB] I know we had it in the database

[john2] World of Warcraft?

[BOB] I did not restore the spells section of that yet

[BOB] only the players

[BOB] my database died in June

[BOB] I got the players info out of it

[Moirra (Kaz)] put in spell D&D deep freeze

[BOB] so those records are back

[BOB] found the reference at least

[BOB] Dragon Magazine 187

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Fritz] all i can find is it is a second level spell

[BOB] sigh wrong magazine


[BOB] executive decision for tonight only

[BOB] Paul counts as three days dead

[BOB] we can revisit it later

[BOB] but you are in a safe haven

[BOB] so you are only losing time

[BOB] after the time goes by you get Paul back to full health

[BOB] so moving on

[john2] i can accept that for now

[BOB] anythign else in the village?

[BOB] attempt to hire a guide?

[BOB] or just wait ti reincarnate Vent?

[john2] reincarnate is not an either or option

[john2] if they let me I do

[Fritz] I will go with Val and Mentor and try and find a guide or someone with a map...

[john2] what do they need or want, did the drow or other monsters still hannging arround

[Moirra (Kaz)] I would like to see if someone is willing to teach me how to read the "secret gnome signs" Vent mentioned

[BOB] they are workign on making a map for you

[BOB] Fin asked that last time

[BOB] it just takes days

[BOB] as they do not have any right now

[Moirra (Kaz)] and for me Bob?

[BOB] and they have to make it obscure so that if it falls into the wrong hands it does not lead them back to the village

[Fritz] ] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=47] 47

[BOB] the eldars feel sorry for you Moirra

[BOB] that you are a gnome trapped with a human inside

[BOB] so they will teach you a few of the signs

[Fritz] That is Val's chance to learn a spell. He is doing that...He has a 60% chance

[john2] can I help him

[BOB] what spell from what spell book Fritz?

[john2] oh sorry, you do not need

[BOB] and Moirra do you have an empty slot?

[Fritz] Mentors book

[Moirra (Kaz)] yes, I believe so


[john2] (so after three reboots, I think I'm ok)

[BOB] so you can learn the Underdark signpost language

[BOB] spend a slot and it takes 2 weeks

[BOB] BUT knowing you do not have that kind of time

[BOB] they will show you the extreme basics

[BOB] and if you are successful with Vent

[BOB] he can continue to teach you

[Moirra (Kaz)] sounds good

[BOB] you can commiit to learnign them all and fill the slot eventually with it

[BOB] or just take the extreme basics now

[BOB] and wait to see if Vent comes back

[Moirra (Kaz)] I'll take extreme basics and wait to see if Vent comes back, unless someone has a good idea why the other way is better.

[john2] reincarnation if not a if comes back but as what

[BOB] as a can the what talk and communicate

[Moirra (Kaz)] I can talk with animals

[john2] and if Rave is not too busy

[Moirra (Kaz)] just in case :)

[Fritz] Rave isn't busy do with him as you wish I am checking something out

[BOB] ok, so

[BOB] anything else here in teh village?

[BOB] we can move to Paul fully healed

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 53 (52) - Unharmed

[BOB] so day 4 morning

[BOB] Paul is fully healed by Moirra

[BOB] that takes 6 first level spells

[BOB] now Paul can memorize spells, etc

[BOB] what spell was Val learning Fritz?

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Spells - DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Copy -- Subtley: (null), CHANGED: Copy -- Rarity: (null), CHANGED: Copy -- Sound: (null), CHANGED: Copy -- Effect: (null).

[BOB] level in particialur

[john2] reincarnate is first

[BOB] go for it will get the list

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Val'Iant Le Quella modified: Spells - CHANGED: Cantrip -- Level: 1 (0), CHANGED: Cantrip -- Cast Level: 1 (0), CHANGED: Cantrip -- # Memorized: 0 (4),

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Spells - DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null.

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Val'Iant Le Quella modified: Spells - CHANGED: Cantrip -- Level: 1 (0), CHANGED: Cantrip -- Cast Level: 1 (0), CHANGED: Cantrip -- # Memorized: 0 (4), CHANGED: Copy -- Expression: Copy enables the caster to make a perfect copy of a map, letter, or any other written or drawn document. The caster must have a blank parchment or a book with blank pages of sufficient size to hold the copy. The caster holds the blank object over the object to be copied, then casts the spell; the copy immediately appears on the formerly blank object. The copy is permanent and is a perfect duplicate of the original. Copy can also be used to copy spells from a new spell book into the caster's spell book, assuming the caster's spell book is of sufficient size to contain the new spells. The caster must first roll to see if he can learn the new spells; if so, he can cast copy to instantly copy them into his spell book. (),

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Rave, do you have anything that can help me bring back our guide as someting more, er gnomish?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Luck potion?

[Fritz] Well this is Fritz

Beth] has joined the game on Fri Sep 11 20:31:28 EDT 2009

Beth] is receiving the map Ambush Area...

Beth] has received the map Ambush Area.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] WOW

[Fritz] I have been thinking about that. It depends on who is rolling the reincarnation.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Bethie! Yay!

[Fritz] If it is the caster then yes. If it is the person being reincarnated or the DM then No.

[Beth] :D

[Fritz] Hiya Beth

[Beth] hiyas!

[Moirra (Kaz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Moirra modified:

[Fritz] So we shall leave it as an executive decision

[BOB] person being reincarnated is the one who makes teh roll so that would be the DM

[Fritz] Then no I can't

[Fritz] Now it is quite possible that Bob may allow some options

[BOB] wow Fritz admiting he can not influence the DM, write this day down

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] but if I was being reincarnated, it would work?

[BOB] :)

[Beth] lol

[BOB] and yes there are lots of otpions, I have actually 4 different tables to roll on

[BOB] so John, you are doing the reincarnate

[Fritz] For example...Bibo allowed special spell components to modify spells. And Bob allows in the case of conjuration if you have something of the creature you wish to conjure then you can do so...I don't know how he would play it here. Maybe increase the chance up and down by 5 on the roll and decrease the chance above and below by eaqual amount

[BOB] good points fritz

[Fritz] I do have gnome parts that I collected separately

[BOB] grins

[BOB] Robert

[Fritz] Shhhhhhhh

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] something personal from his family/house?

[BOB] no

[BOB] well

[BOB] no

[BOB] sorry was thinking

[BOB] nothing of his

[BOB] that is enough

[BOB] just casual clothing

[Fritz] Maybe if we did it a certain way that might help

[BOB] will have to take your chances

[BOB] only thing I can think of is if you have a spell to allow you to roll again

[BOB] that chaos spell?

[Fritz] maybe even blood from his children or wife...or clan anything

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] but we are not rolling

[Moirra (Kaz)] actually, we are surrounded by gnomes. Wouldn't a bit of blood, hair, whatever - from EVERYONE - help?

[Fritz] I could add a potoin of spirit binding maybe that would help...even a way to contact other is up to Bob

[BOB] so Fritz, Val knows the spell but does not have the spell in his books

[BOB] that takes time at home and days

[BOB] you can add those things into the mix Kaz and Fritz

[BOB] no harm in trying

[Fritz] You could use them maybe to improve your chances...Maybe an additional speak with dead at the time of casting might influence it

[Fritz] I will add it for futures sake if that is ok bob but won't use it

[BOB] ok

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ] Paul Elvenstire: REA check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ] Paul Elvenstire: KNO check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[Fritz] Wait I have a way that might help

[Fritz] ] Mentor: Arcanum Magicum check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[Paul Elvenstire (john2) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified:

[Fritz] Arcanum Magicoram 1 proficiency can be used to enhance research on the new spell or magical process. A successful check reduces the cost of research by 20%. Also, a wizard adds 15% bonus to his role to learn a new spell.

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 2 -- Current: 10 (11). Spells - DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Death Fog -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Reincarnation -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Spectral Hand -- # Memorized: 1 (+1), CHANGED: Wall of Stone -- Expression: See my new wall (I make a permanent stone wall which is {$L/4} inches thick and {$L*20} square feet.), CHANGED: Wall of Stone -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[Fritz] Would that help Bob

[BOB] not for the result of a spell

[Fritz] No I mean ways to help modify the result

[BOB] no

[BOB] Ok, so if there are no further attempts at modifiing the roll

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I have the chart built into the spell, if you want me to cst it

[BOB] nope

[BOB] I have it

[Fritz] Hey how about polymorph other? Do you have that spell?

[BOB] and Vent looks up

[BOB] reaches up

[BOB] his hand moves towards his nose

[BOB] and then gets tangled in his beard

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((he's got a hand, that's a good sign))

[BOB] adn he JERKS

[BOB] and utters an oath

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((he's a dwarf, that's a bad sign))

[BOB] blinking

[BOB] looking around in a panic

[BOB] what happened?

[BOB] ] Ventolis Basalstop's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 12 (42) - Unharmed

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] what the hell

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] why do I have a beard

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] what happened to my nose?!!!

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] what did you do!

[Moirra (Kaz)] And the good news is, you're alive.

[Fritz] Let me guess...He is a dwarf

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] (yes he is a dwarf, normal hill dwarf)

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] blinks

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] I am alive

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] I was on fire

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] then I was mining

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] I had my own emerald mine

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] an a large badger by my side

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] and then

Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] shakes his head

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] ok,

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] wait

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] where am I?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Back in your home village

[Fritz] Hey I could give him a potion of delusion...Make him think he is a gnome

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I want to learn Polymorph other

[Paul Elvenstire (john2) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 2 -- Current: 11 (10). Spells - DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Death Fog -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Deep Freeze -- # Memorized: 2 (1), CHANGED: Demi Shadow Magic -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Improved Strength -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Magic Missile -- # Memorized: 2 (0), CHANGED: Polmorph Self -- # Memorized: 2 (1), CHANGED: Read Magic -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Shocking Grasp -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Spectral Hand -- # Memorized: 2 (1), CHANGED: Wall of Stone -- Expression: See my new wall (I make a permanent stone wall which is {$L/4} inches thick and {$L*20} square feet.), CHANGED: Wall of Stone -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Withstand Water -- # Memorized: 0 (1), Notes - CHANGED.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Ventolis, I know this is difficult. Believe me, I know!

[Moirra (Kaz)] But you are still yourself, inside.

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] but my nose!

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I am sorry, my death clearly caused your death

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] I am not dead

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] at least

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] um

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] I was dead

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I only hope bringging you back would be some sort of repayment

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] I was happy

[Moirra (Kaz)] Not any more, no.

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] wait

Guy] has joined the game on Fri Sep 11 20:48:09 EDT 2009

Guy] is receiving the map Ambush Area...

Guy] has received the map Ambush Area.

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] why did you bring me back?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] to thank you for helpping us

[Mentor (Fritz)] I have heard of a spell that I may be able to learn that would allow me to change you to look or become a gnome once again. It may take a bit of time. Don't lose hope

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] he stands up

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] then sits down hard

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] Ok

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] this will take some time to figure out

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] what the hell is this beard for?

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] can you give me a razor

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Balance

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] I can shave it off

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((LOL! Balance...))

[Guy] (its for wiping your but lol))

[Kira (Beth)] wow... a dwarf wanting a shave

[Moirra (Kaz)] He's no more a dwarf in his heart than I am a gnome.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] :;summons razor::

[Mentor (Fritz)] I can shave it for you

Moirra (Kaz)] looks around at whatever assorted villagers might be there.

[Mentor (Fritz)] ] Mentor: Cantrip check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] woot

[Mentor (Fritz)] I will even clean the ones coming out of your ears

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] Paul can make a reason check

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ] Paul Elvenstire: REA check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[BOB] dwarves are shaved when they become slaves

[BOB] there were a couple in the Memorial Dungeon

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Well Vent, you may not want to cut it all off

[Mentor (Fritz)] (or they have a bad case of lice)

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] as much as you may not like it, it will make you stand out

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] at least a short one will only make you look inexperienced

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] sighs

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] what am I supposed to do with this? BROKEN AXE HEAD why am I stuck like this!!!!

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] you look fine to me

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] stomps out

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] so close

[BOB] so

[BOB] anything else today?

[BOB] other than resting up?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I have some reading to do

[BOB] leaving in the morning for the rest of the journey to the survace?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] anything that needs to be done

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] build a new door?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] dig a new well

[Moirra (Kaz)] I think I'd like to go speak with Ventolis, or at least keep him company and try to help him adjust a little

[BOB] ok

[BOB] anything else?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] no wizards in town huh?

[BOB] no

[BOB] a couple of illusionists

[BOB] no mages

[BOB] and Beth you feeling caught up?

[BOB] any questions?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] any high level?

[BOB] like why the hell are you reincarnating dead gnomes?

[Kira (Beth)] heh

[BOB] some of the Eldars adn teh Elders are Illusionists

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] it's what we do

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] any good spells to trade for

[BOB] not with a sunlighter

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I bet they would like some of my spells

[BOB] unless you have an unusual Illusion spell

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Wistand water might be usefull

[BOB] and Kaz any words of wisdom for Vent?

[BOB] what does it do Paul?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Well, first I want to apologise. We should have asked you if you wanted to be brought back. I'm truly sorry for that; we really thought we were doing a good thing.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] that may be too advance, it help keep you safe from the pressure of a lot of water

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] you probably only need teas of aligator

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] tears

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] I had a good life, I was happy there Gnal Glitternome actually knew my name

Moirra (Kaz)] smiles sadly.

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] (horribly mispelled that)

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] it was a nice bit of afterlife

[Moirra (Kaz)] Of course he did, and he still does. You're still a gnome, in your heart.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I thought imunity to spider venom would be more usefull but you may not want it

[Moirra (Kaz)] You're still quite young. Didn't you feel like there was a lot of life left to live?

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] I used to before I was fried to a cinder

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz) (to BOB only)] how long does it take to learn the spell? Do I have time to learn another?

[Moirra (Kaz)] I'm still not sure how or why I died.

Moirra (Kaz)] sighs

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB) (to Fritz only)] the roll to know only takes an hour per spell level

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] maybe I could make you a scroll

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB) (to Fritz only)] it is the recording of the spell that takes days

[Fritz] Oh that is easy Kaz...Bob fu%$d up

[Fritz] hehehe

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((That was totally In Character, Fritz. And Bob didn't fu%$up.))

[Fritz] It was a joke

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] well I suppose that I can at least finish my job with you

[Fritz] I am out of character

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] I can see you folks back to the surface

Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] shudders

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] and talk to the dwarves at Morten

Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] shudders

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] see what they are

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] (we owe them a dwarf or two)

Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] shudders

[Moirra (Kaz)] Ventolis, people in the village descibed you as a good young man, filled with curiosity.

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] what they are like

[Moirra (Kaz)] If nothing else, you have a chance to learn some new things, you know?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] (I am laughing at least)

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] sickly grin, yeah learn new things

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Actually Ventolis I have a better idea...Since Paul helped bring you back, maybe by tagging along with him and Moirra (they have both been reincarnated) they might be able to help you with the adjustment

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I am sure they could use an assistant

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] (i have a shirt for you, Trouble's Assistant)

[Moirra (Kaz)] If you would like to come along with us, perhaps find another place in the world, or even see the world...

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] (grins I like the coffee mug John)

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] which one, Take this...?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] This could give you time to come to grips with what has happend and even possibly give us a chance to make you a gnome again

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] (yes to John)

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I am sure Moirra would love the company...She needs to learn what it is like to be a gnome, like you need to learn how to be a dwarf

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] and Vent says Yes he will go with you

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] he will hang around with Moirra and see what happens

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)]

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] free plug

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] so no bites on Paul's offer

[BOB] not for spells no

[BOB] they are more mining people here, spells for entertainment or mischief

[BOB] the priests are the serious ones

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] you need help with the mine?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] locating a vein, I can do that

[BOB] they would like that

[BOB] if you find a vein, they will give you 1% of the profits from it

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] it's another spell you have to look up ;)

[BOB] chuckles

[BOB] name/

[BOB] ?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Divination Rod, I know it will find anything if in range

[BOB] ok

[BOB] no clue John another one I need the database for

[BOB] will have to fix that soon

[BOB] sigh

[BOB] but yes

[BOB] going to say you can find a new gold vein for them

[BOB] and they agree that it should pan out and they will put aside 1% of the profits for you

[BOB] so you can come back and collect

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] next time only common spells

[BOB] so anything else?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I think we have done enough damage and good

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] This spell enables the caster to enchant the branch of a ginkgo or fruit tree to locate a common item that is hidden from view. Unlike locate object, the caster does not need to have a specific mental image of a particular item; rather, he only needs to state the name of the general type of item be wishes to locate, such as buried treasure, edible plants, or fresh water. However, divining rod will not locate invisible or magical items, nor will it locate items protected by obscure item or a similar spell. Once the branch is enchanted, the caster holds the branch with b t h hands. If the desired item is within 60 yards, the enchanted branch points in the direction of the item and gently pulls the caster along. The spell is not blocked hy lead or any other substance. However, if an impenetrable obstacle is reached, such as the ground or a wall, the branch presses against it and stops. If there is no item matching the description within 60 yards, the branch does not react, although the caster can move ahout and continue to search. The material component for this spell is the branch from a ginkgo tree or a fruit tree, such as peach, apple, or lemon. The branch must be shaped like the IetterY. so that the caster can grasp a fork of the branch in each hand.

[BOB] ok, so turning over Vent to Kaz

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] still would like the map

[BOB] different spell Fritz

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] even if not all the way from the village

[BOB] sorry

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] half a map is beter than no map

[BOB] ok

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] There is no spell divination rod

[BOB] it is an Dragon Magazine one, I know that one

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] i spelled it wrong sue me

[BOB] was from the same issue as the melding beasts kit

[BOB] forget the name

[BOB] I know there are two spells

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] This is called Divining rod.

[BOB] divination rod and divining rod

[BOB] minor differences

[Paul Elvenstire (john2) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so

[BOB] moving forward

Guy] is receiving the map Sample Bridge...

Guy] has received the map Sample Bridge.

Fritz] is receiving the map Sample Bridge...

Fritz] has received the map Sample Bridge.

Kaz] is receiving the map Sample Bridge...

Kaz] has received the map Sample Bridge.

Beth] is receiving the map Sample Bridge...

Beth] has received the map Sample Bridge.

[BOB] ] The Single Bridge is so named because it requires people to be single when they cross. The cavern is 200 feet wide and 200 feet tall with the bridge spanning the center of it both vertically and horizontally. From the two support arches on either side of the bridge only one person can be on the bridge at a time. If more than one person enters the area of the bridge area then the bridge magically disolves and anything or anyone who was on the bridge falls into a pit of acid that fills the bottom of the cavern. Ropes tied to a person seem to connect them to the arches and cause the bridge to fail. Flying creatures such as bats or other unintelligent creatures do not seem to trigger the bridge to fall. Most sages agree that who ever created this artifact must have had a deep aversion to couples.

[BOB] brb

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] who wants to fly?

[Kira (Beth)] ::raises hand::

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] can you carry someone?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: Spells - CHANGED: Amulet of Hardwater -- # Memorized: +5 (+4), CHANGED: Dispel Magic - Wizard -- # Memorized: 1 (+0), CHANGED: Illusion -- # Memorized: 1 (+0), Consumable Magic Items - CHANGED: Gold Coin -- Inventory/Charges: 3 (+0), Magic Item Summary - DELETED: Pool Control Crystal, (will be returned to Paul), null.

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] (dont eat the purple shrooms dudette)

[Kira (Beth)] not in bat form, sorry

[Moirra (Kaz)] How did we get across last time?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I can plymorph and cast one fly on someone else

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Val'Iant Le Quella modified: Spells - CHANGED: Cantrip -- Level: 1 (0), CHANGED: Cantrip -- Cast Level: 1 (0), CHANGED: Cantrip -- # Memorized: 0 (4), CHANGED: Cat's Grace -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Displace Self -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Grease -- # Memorized: 1 (+0),

[Kira (Beth)] been awhile, I don't remember

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] just cross one at a time with flying support

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] (can mentor cast fly?)

[Moirra (Kaz)] flying support?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire casts a spell against : Gold Coin: Make any magic potion, oil, salve etc. 3 times a day

[BOB] Everyone is at full spells and hit points

[BOB] etc

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] flying near by to protect

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Potion given to val'iant

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Moirra (Kaz)] flying nearby will negate the 'single person crossing'

[Moirra (Kaz)] unless... it's to the side? Would that be different?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] well, if memory serves, flying did not count

[Moirra (Kaz)] it does, yes

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I think last time we all flew

[Moirra (Kaz)] I think a flying person carried a non-flying person, and that caused the bridge to fall

[BOB] last time you all flew because someone tripped the bridge

[Moirra (Kaz)] exactly

[Moirra (Kaz)] Rave can fly and also transport someone, can't you Rave?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((with telekinesis))

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] that is a old stand by

[Moirra (Kaz)] so? It works.

[BOB] (by the way ten more after this one of them another bridge, so you are getting closer)

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I have a suggestion.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ok

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] sure

[Kira (Beth)] fire

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] shoot

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] We have been dogged lately by Drow. I would suggest that we at least send me over to the other side to scout it out first.

[Moirra (Kaz)] okay

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I was not going to let anyone be alone, but if you want to go, go

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] how about you and Kira both go and scout?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Not what I "want", but what I suggest. I am willing to have any assistance.

[Kira (Beth)] I can go

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] that way one of you can come back and let the rest of us know whats ahead

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Remember that if 2 of us are crossing at the same time, even if we are not on the bridge together, it will disappear.

[Kira (Beth)] ::changes to bat form and flutters quietly

[Moirra (Kaz)] Since we're going to trip the bridge anyway, I think they should both come back.

[Kira (Beth)] "squeak"

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I would cast fly on Liam so he can start ferrying people over

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((bat is an unintelligent creature so it should be safe))

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] he is strong enough huh

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: Move Silently check:(d100) [1d100=71] 71 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: Hide in Shadows check:(d100) [1d100=77] 77 - ROLL FAILED against 55!!

[Moirra (Kaz)] I'd say he should be

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire moved 85'00" (17 squares).

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] (coming Beth?)

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ( liam only has a 14 str so his limit is 195))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire moved 42'05" (8.4 squares).

[Kira (Beth)] ] Kira moved 14'09".

[Kira (Beth)] ] Kira moved 141'02".

[john2] Liam Dugan targets Liam Dugan. Distance: 0'00"

[john2] Paul Elvenstire targets Liam Dugan. Distance: 45'01"

[BOB] both make it across with no issue

[BOB] the bridge is still there

[Guy] Liam Dugan no longer targets Liam Dugan.

[Kira (Beth)] "squeeee"

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: Detect Noise check:(d100) [1d100=26] 26 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 45!!

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ] Paul Elvenstire casts a spell against Liam Dugan: Fly: Fly like an Eagle"

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 16!!

[BOB] nothing seems to be on this side of the bridge Rave

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire moved 14'06" (2.8 squares).

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=26] 26 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[Kira (Beth)] ] Kira: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Kira (Beth)] dang!

[Moirra (Kaz)] Is the bridge longer than 120 yards?

[Moirra (Kaz)] or, I should say, how long is the bridge?

[BOB] the far end of the bridge seems to be quiet, merges with the passageways as normal

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Val'Iant Le Quella: Trouble Sense check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[BOB] just about 100 feet long

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] For this side of the bridge bob

[BOB] sorry 200

[BOB] cannot read

[BOB] ] Single Bridge moved 124'03".

[BOB] there is the note with the full description for you

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra casts a spell against : Detect Evil - Priest: For (10+(8*5)) 50 rounds, I can detect evil in a 10'x360' path in front of me, though I must concentrate for a round to do it. If the evil is overwhelming, I have a (8*10) 80% chance of knowing what kind of evil it is.

[BOB] ] Single Bridge moved 4'07".

[BOB] and no evil

[BOB] behind

[BOB] in front

[Moirra (Kaz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Moirra modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Current: +5 (+0).

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] "pssst Kira do you want to go back and tell them it is clear or should I?" (whispered)

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] don't look down

[Kira (Beth)] ::nods head in a motion meaning Rave should:: "squeeee!"

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] (I head back)

[BOB] ok

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire moved 122'01" (24.4 squares).

[Fritz] Rave Starfire targets Mentor. Distance: 5'07"

[Fritz] Rave Starfire targets Val'Iant Le Quella. Distance: 10'04"

[Fritz] Rave Starfire targets Ventolis Basalstop. Distance: 6'05"

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] (oh, I wanted to use the Timmy in the well line)

[Kira (Beth)] LOL

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] (ok who all is able to fly right now not counting rave and kira?))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire casts a spell against : Ring of Telekinesis: Range 320 yards. A sustained force enables me to move a weight of 800 pounds a distance of 20 feet per round. Alternatively, the spell energy can be expended in a single round. The caster can hurl one or more objects within range, and within a 10-foot cube, directly away from himself at high speed, to a distance of up to 320 feet. This is subject to a maximum weight of 800 lbs. Damage caused by hurled objects is decided by the DM, but cannot exceed 32 points of damage. Opponents who fall within the weight capacity of the spell can be hurled, but they are allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. Furthermore, those able to employ as simple a counter-measure as an enlarge spell, for example (thus making the body weight go over the maximum spell limit), can easily counter the spell. The various Bigby's hand spells also counter this spell.

[Kira (Beth)] ] Kira moved 5'11".

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I carry these 3 across

[Moirra (Kaz)] which three?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] paul are you able to fly?

[Moirra (Kaz)] okay

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Do you need to be carried? I can transport 800lbs...

[Moirra (Kaz)] Yes, I do

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] if you can carry Morria, I will be fine

[Kira (Beth)] everyone should be in the air before anyone heads across, I think

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I thought you were going with paul or liam...ok

[Fritz] Rave Starfire targets Moirra. Distance: 5'07"

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Yep I have these four then

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] or I can save a spell

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ok paul go next them ill carry Moirra and then Rave you come with the rest

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] if you can carry me

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire moved 115'04" (23 squares).

[Moirra (Kaz)] Liam can carry me or you, Paul

[Fritz] I already brought you over Kaz

[BOB] ] Val'Iant Le Quella moved 133'06".

[Moirra (Kaz)] Then Liam can carry Paul

[BOB] ] Ventolis Basalstop moved 130'09".

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 118'10".

[BOB] ] Mentor moved 130'04".

[Fritz] All targets for Rave Starfire removed.

[BOB] ] Liam Dugan moved 124'04".

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 123'02".

[BOB] ok

[BOB] as you are closing in on the final leg of Paul and Liam

[BOB] ] Liam Dugan moved 22'00".

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 28'03".

[Fritz] ] Val'Iant Le Quella: Trouble Sense check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[BOB (to GM only)] Cave fisher #6 targets Liam Dugan. Distance: 77'03"

[BOB (to GM only)] Cave fisher #6 targets Paul Elvenstire. Distance: 40'05"

[BOB (to GM only)] Cave fisher #5 targets Paul Elvenstire. Distance: 64'08"

[BOB (to GM only)] Cave fisher #5 targets Liam Dugan. Distance: 93'02"

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Cave fisher #6: Attack: Strand: ((17-(d20+0))+2) [1d20=13] 6 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Paul Elvenstire (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Cave fisher #6: Attack: Strand: ((17-(d20+0))+2) [1d20=7] 12 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Paul Elvenstire (AC FINAL: 10).

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Cave fisher #5: Attack: Strand: ((17-(d20+0))+2) [1d20=8] 11 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Liam Dugan (AC FINAL: 4).

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Cave fisher #5: Attack: Strand: ((17-(d20+0))+2) [1d20=1] 18 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Liam Dugan (AC FINAL: 4).


[BOB] so Liam avoids the strands of Cave fisher web, but Paul is snared

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Ouch?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] pull

[Kira (Beth)] /sigh

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] verbal only spell?

[BOB] what does it do Paul?

[BOB] OH, sorry yes a verbal only spell is allowed

[BOB] OR you can attempt to break out

[BOB] one or the other

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Dimention Door to the safe side

[BOB] heh

[BOB] ok

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ] Paul Elvenstire casts a spell against Liam Dugan: Dimension Door: "Poof, I'm out of here, just not too far"

[BOB] so Liam you were carrying Paul then he creates door in mid air and tries to walk through it

[BOB] and BOING stops

[BOB] the door is still there and open

[BOB] but Paul can not move through it

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] why not?

[BOB] stuck by the webs

[BOB] can not break free

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] there is no door

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] can i try to break him free?

[Fritz] That isn't how the spell works bob in 2nd edition

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] it's like a short teleport

[BOB] new round you can both work together to try and get free of the web

[BOB] yes to Johna nd Frtiz, but you still have to be able to move and Paul is stuck in the webs

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] what do I need to roll to move

[BOB] bend bars check

[BOB] but you cast

[BOB] so Liam makes the check

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] what do WE need to roll

[BOB] if he makes it he wrenches you free and you both go through the dimension door

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan: Bend Bars/Lift Gate check: (d100) [1d100=69] 69 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] what is your character's strength?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] (its only a 14)

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ok

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] next round?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((im a ranger not a fighter))

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] smiles

[BOB] and next round

[BOB] they try to pull you

[BOB] you get to fight it

[BOB] first is the opposed strength check

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Liam is stronger so he rolls

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] str?

[BOB] nods

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Paul Elvenstire: STR check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan: STR check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!


[BOB] John what is your strength?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] 11

[BOB] ok, not enough to help

[BOB] so you are still stuck there

[BOB] now Liam gets to make his bend bars check

[Moirra (Kaz)] Can Rave telekinetically move Moirra up there to help?

[BOB] if he succeeds you both break free

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Paul Elvenstire: Bend Bars/Lift Gate check: (d100) [1d100=81] 81 - ROLL FAILED against 2!!

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan: Bend Bars/Lift Gate check: (d100) [1d100=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 2!!


[Moirra (Kaz)] Holy cow!!

[BOB] OK, so you break out of that web and tumble through the dimension door to safety

[BOB] you hear loud chittering and rocks smashing behind you

[BOB] but you are all safe on the one side now

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((if paul died again it meant that liam was dead already))

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] (no one would fault you but Paul, so you would be ok)

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((liam wasnt going to let go for ANYTHING))

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] (not even a klondike bar)

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((LOL))

[BOB] lol

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ;0

[BOB] Vent says you can go right or left, they both loop back to the same spot a couple miles down the way

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] Kira how bout you scout down the left side and Rave you scout the right

[Kira (Beth)] whichever is the least eventful path

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] not too far

[Fritz] sure

Fritz] is receiving the map Encounter area 1...

Fritz] has received the map Encounter area 1.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((does the detect evil work through walls?))

[Kira (Beth)] alright

Beth] is receiving the map Encounter area 1...

Beth] has received the map Encounter area 1.

[BOB] yes to Kaz

[BOB] but you only know it is there

[BOB] but it is a while after you cast it

[Moirra (Kaz)] I want to look in both directions first

[BOB] does it last hours?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: Move Silently check:(d100) [1d100=42] 42 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[Moirra (Kaz)] 50 turns

[BOB] ok

[BOB] you can look both ways

[BOB] but nothing in range

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] nothing EVIL

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] rocks can kill you and they are not EVIL

[BOB] and Rave does not find anything in his scouting of the right passageway for about 500 yards

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((well, I figured it was better than not using it, and running into a bunch of drow again))

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] how about kira?

[BOB] Did I tell you about the tee shirt I should have bought at Anticiapation?

[BOB] Game Masters don't kill characters. .... oh wait yes we do

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((don't think so))

[Moirra (Kaz)] LOL

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] rofl

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] (no, it's good, just don;t assume it means we are safe)

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] HA!

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((I know it doesn't))

[Kira (Beth)] trying to find my find traps thingy

[BOB] and Kira goes about 500 yards and finds nothing on her side

[Kira (Beth)] ok

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I say left

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ok anybody have a preference about whether we go left or right?

[Kira (Beth)] left works for me

Moirra (Kaz)] shrugs

[Moirra (Kaz)] Left sounds fine to me

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] sounds fine to me

[BOB] ] Ventolis Basalstop moved 56'01".

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 68'09".

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ok then we will take the left path Kira and Rave lets go ahead and keep scouting ahead

[BOB] ] Val'Iant Le Quella moved 62'03".

[BOB] ] Kira moved 79'01".

[BOB] ] Liam Dugan moved 58'02".

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 57'11".

[BOB] ] Mentor moved 52'06".

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 52'11".

[BOB] ] Kira moved 51'02".

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ill go next after kira and rave, Paul will you stand rear guard?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] sure

[BOB] ] Kira moved 52'03".

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire moved 105'02" (21 squares).

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan moved 54'06".

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] Val and Moirra next, then vent and Mentor and finally Paul

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Val always hangs around his brother mentor if that is ok so have vent and moirra go next

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Ventolis Basalstop moved 30'03" (6 squares).

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Moirra moved 43'06" (8.6 squares).

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Mentor moved 46'05" (9.2 squares).

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Val'Iant Le Quella moved 28'05" (5.6 squares).

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 35'01".

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((the reason why i said it that wa Fritz was because that puts our weakest characters under the protection of 2 stronger groups))

[BOB] ] Kira moved 31'00".

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 29'11".

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] (yea but if it is ok they have this role playing thing about big brother protecting little brother)

[Painted Warrior Gnome (BOB)] Hello intruders,

[BOB] ] Painted Warrior Gnome moved 8'10".

[BOB] ] Kira moved 15'09".

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 17'03".

[Painted Warrior Gnome (BOB)] (and you can line the rest of the group up now)

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((i can understand but im trying to set the group up so all of us can survive)

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 94'10".

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan moved 108'00".

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 20'05".

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ] Ventolis Basalstop moved 119'05".

[Kira (Beth)] ::under her breath:: oh crap

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra moved 118'06".

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Mentor moved 118'01".

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Val'Iant Le Quella moved 113'07".

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] Moirra would you care tocome up front please?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 10'11".

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] why we stop?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra moved 20'04".

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] We didnt mean to intrude on you

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] (I was moving silently were you Kira? I was invis I suspected she was hiding is shadows. Did they see us or the rest of the party Bob?)

[Moirra (Kaz)] Greetings

[Painted Warrior Gnome (BOB)] your light as you move forward, your noise, etc.

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] (( dont forget about infravision))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((Beth for future do you need light to see?))

[Kira (Beth)] yes, although when I'm in bat form, I see like a bat I'm assuming

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] (Ok then in the future I may scout ahead as I don't need light as I have infravision.

[Moirra (Kaz)] We're just passing through, not trying to intrude.

[Painted Warrior Gnome (BOB)] then you go that way, (points to the opening to his left) and say away from here

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Our right?))

Moirra (Kaz)] shrugs

[Moirra (Kaz)] If that way will get us back to the surface.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Bob, does Vent know anything about painted warrior gnomes? Or any gnomes in this area?))

[Kira (Beth)] (where is our gnome/dwarf?)

[Painted Warrior Gnome (BOB)] (Vent says this is a Svifleblin the deep gnomes, very secretive)

Moirra (Kaz)] gives a wave of farewell to the warrior gnome, and points the party toward the opening indicated

[BOB] ] Kira moved 40'02".

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 46'09".

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] Are there any drow in the area that you know of?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Excuse me sir but have you seen any drow in this area?

[BOB] ] Ventolis Basalstop moved 60'03".

[BOB] ] Liam Dugan moved 48'07".

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 57'05".

[BOB] ] Mentor moved 58'10".

[BOB] ] Val'Iant Le Quella moved 56'07".

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 57'11".

[Painted Warrior Gnome (BOB)] no

[Painted Warrior Gnome (BOB)] none that are alive

[Painted Warrior Gnome (BOB)] if they come close they die

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] We have been attacked several times and are trying to stay on guard

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Ventolis Basalstop moved 9'08".

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Mentor moved 2'00".

[Painted Warrior Gnome (BOB)] you need to worry about the Eye Lords, the dirty elves are not common in these parts

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Val'Iant Le Quella moved 10'08".

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ok we take the other path then

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] By Eye Lords do you mean "Beholders"?

Fritz] is receiving the map Scree Slope...

Fritz] has received the map Scree Slope.

Kaz] is receiving the map Scree Slope...

Kaz] has received the map Scree Slope.

Guy] is receiving the map Scree Slope...

Guy] has received the map Scree Slope.

Beth] is receiving the map Scree Slope...

Beth] has received the map Scree Slope.

[BOB] Ok

[BOB] so this is the first time UP this way

[BOB] scree slope of loose gravel rock

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] do we have plenty of rope?

[BOB] immense green slime as on the maps

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] telikinisis one at a time?

[BOB] you need to try and make it up to the top

[Kira (Beth)] fun

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ive got an idea

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Yes we do but RAve can TK us up

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] and if something happens to Rave?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] just stay low, lay down even

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ::lays down, facing up::

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] Kira and Rave can you fly up and find someplace very sturdy to tie ropes onto?

[Kira (Beth)] yep

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Sure we have spikes and pitons in the portable hole

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] As well as extra rope

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] try and find a couple of places that are close together

[Kira (Beth)] is it safe footing at the top?

[BOB] there is the passageway you are trying to get into to

[Moirra (Kaz)] Yes, there is safe footing at the top

[Kira (Beth)] ] Kira moved 126'11".

[Kira (Beth)] ] Kira moved 371'04".

[BOB] ] Kira moved 62'08".

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire moved 12'11" (2.5 squares).

[BOB] save versus spell Kira

[Fritz] Rave Starfire targets Paul Elvenstire. Distance: 48'05"

[Liam Dugan (Guy) (to BOB only)] would survival mountains help some?

[BOB (to Guy only)] yes

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Paul come with me

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ::lays still::

[Kira (Beth)] laaaaaaag!!!

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire casts a spell against Paul Elvenstire: Ring of Telekinesis: Range 320 yards. A sustained force enables me to move a weight of 800 pounds a distance of 20 feet per round. Alternatively, the spell energy can be expended in a single round. The caster can hurl one or more objects within range, and within a 10-foot cube, directly away from himself at high speed, to a distance of up to 320 feet. This is subject to a maximum weight of 800 lbs. Damage caused by hurled objects is decided by the DM, but cannot exceed 32 points of damage. Opponents who fall within the weight capacity of the spell can be hurled, but they are allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. Furthermore, those able to employ as simple a counter-measure as an enlarge spell, for example (thus making the body weight go over the maximum spell limit), can easily counter the spell. The various Bigby's hand spells also counter this spell.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire moved 305'09" (61.1 squares).

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: Move Silently check:(d100) [1d100=86] 86 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[BOB] ] Kira: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

Beth] has left the game on Fri Sep 11 22:37:06 EDT 2009

[BOB] letting Beth get back in

[BOB] she will be a short bit

[BOB] Fritz what are you doing?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I was going to TK Paul up with me moving quietly

[BOB] ok

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 313'07".

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 43'05".

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 35'05".

[BOB] both of you make saves versus spell

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ] Paul Elvenstire: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 7!!

[BOB] ok,

[BOB] so you both feel the effect of shrugging off a spell of some sort, but not sure where it came from or what it was, no visible effect so must be mental of some sort

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] are we at the top?

[BOB] no

[BOB] two thirds of the way up when that happens

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 49'02".

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 54'01".

[BOB] ] Kira moved 67'07".

[BOB] there abouts

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Rave, did you feel that?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((Can we try and do something?))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Yes Paul I did...

[BOB] (in a moment fritz, givign Beth a chance to log back in )

[BOB] (she is working on it)


[BOB] so moving on

[BOB] what do Paul and Rave want to do?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Inate ability

[BOB] of?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ESP

[BOB] takes concentration, can not move

[BOB] your choice

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Can I move up the rest of the way?

[BOB] can move OR Esp

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Then move

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire moved 138'05" (27.6 squares).

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 175'05".

[BOB] you can go to the top of the slope

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((Is the illusion I set up still here?))

[BOB] yes

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I bring paul with me

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 99'11".

[BOB] Ok

[BOB] the rest of the group at the bottome

[BOB] what do you do?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] wait for them to find asturdy spot to tie off 2 sets of rope

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] guys, we have a new issue

[Moirra (Kaz)] I'm going to be watching behind us, just in case

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Val'Iant Le Quella: Trouble Sense check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] a new kind of spell was cast upon us

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] we want to check it out first

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] (do we know what happened to Kira yet?)

[BOB] (I am holding off, I failed when I rolled her save but letting her try to make it back to make her own fail)

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] we can check out the spell as soon as we are all together

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] not if you don't make it up here

Moirra (Kaz)] motions for Ventolis and Mentor to stand closer to the scree, not in the passage so much, then for Mentor and Liam to stand between them and the passage opening

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Val'Iant Le Quella moved 26'00" (5.2 squares).

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Ventolis Basalstop moved 6'02".

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Mentor moved 11'00".

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] what about TK some slime on the celing

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra moved 9'00".

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Mentor moved 14'07" (2.9 squares).

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Beholder #3 moved 116'04".

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Liam Dugan moved 9'03".

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] (here?)

[BOB] Beholder #3 targets Rave Starfire. Distance: 7'04"

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Mentor moved 10'10".

[BOB] wonderful

[BOB] Welcome back Beth

[BOB] ooops

[BOB] ] Beholder #3 moved 5'09".

[BOB] Ok

[BOB] so

Beth] has joined the game on Fri Sep 11 22:53:54 EDT 2009

Beth] is receiving the map Scree Slope...

Beth] has received the map Scree Slope.

[BOB] there we go

[Moirra (Kaz)] yay Beth!

[BOB] So Kira can make that save

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((welcome back Beth))

[Beth] thank you

[Beth] ok, spell save?

[BOB] yes

[Beth] ok, lets see how badly I can fail it

[Beth] ] Kira: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Moirra (Kaz)] :D


[Beth] that badly

[Moirra (Kaz)] Badly, lol *hugs*

[BOB] so Kira is a stone bat

[BOB] and flys just as well

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Bob was that a "Ray" or a spell?

[Beth] hopefully I don't break off anything when I fall

[Moirra (Kaz)] so now she's sliding down the scree, or just landed on it and lying there?

[BOB] spell

[BOB] landed and sliding

[Beth] /sigh

[Beth] at least I'm small enough to carry

[Moirra (Kaz)] okay, can I run across the bottom and try to prevent her from smashing into the wall?

[BOB] so she takes (2d6) [2d6=4,6] 10 points of damage when she hits the scree

[BOB] and yes to Moirra

[BOB] make a dex check

[BOB] to see if you can cushion the blow

[BOB] ] Kira moved 189'03".

[BOB] ] Kira's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 57 (-10) - Lightly Wounded

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 139'11".

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra: DEX check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 15!!

[BOB] and no

[Beth] remember that I'm not very big. Bats are pretty small creatures, I have little kinetic energy

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] can i try as well?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Bob does anything look strange about this beholder? Does he look damaged or injured in anyway?

[BOB] so Kir atakes (6d6) [6d6=1,2,6,4,6,6] 25 points of damage as she slides into the wall and yes to Liam

[Beth] there's a beholder?

[BOB] attacking Rave and Paul at the top of the slope Beth

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((Oh id we forget to mention that?))

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] is it too late to try and stop her?

[Beth] great

[BOB] you can slide in front of her and aborb some of the damage

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] dex check?

[Beth] I was dealing with klooge spiking my memory

[BOB] yes

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan: DEX check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[BOB] Ok

[Beth] geez

[BOB] Guy has ZERO luck on teh scree slope

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] lol

[BOB] ] Kira's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 32 (-25) - Heavily Wounded

[BOB] and a 15% chance of breaking something when Kira hits the wall (d100) [1d100=58] 58

[Beth] oh well

[BOB] so no

Moirra (Kaz)] makes her way o ver to Kira and picks her up, carrying her back to the passageway entrance

[BOB] she is in a little statue bundle there

[BOB] and we break here

[BOB] pick up next week

[BOB] Rave about to be bitten by a beholder

[BOB] Paul in mid air next to it

[BOB] the rest of yo uon teh slope

[Beth] how does one become un-stoned?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Can I ask a question?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] time lol

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] stone to flesh

[BOB] sure

[Moirra (Kaz)] hee hee

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] i have the spell, just not today

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Did you roll a saving throw for the beholder to know I was there in order to be able to even get the chance to try and bite me?

[Beth] I also want to know how something that weighs maybe 8 oz did that much damage to herself sliding down a hill

[BOB] not yet

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] he was just foreshadowing

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] what actualy happends may be compleately diffrent

[Kaz] she'd weigh a little bit more than that as stone, though I'd think not awfully much

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Ahhhh Foreshadow of the Dooom to befall us..

[BOB] exactly John

[BOB] grins

[BOB] and disolving the rock holding back teh green slime

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] it wasnt the sliding it was the sudden stop at the botoom that did the damage

[BOB] ]or just TKing people into it

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Wait bob?

[BOB] grins

[Beth] lol, shouldn't have been able to slide that fast

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] She is stoned...she wouldn't take anydamage

[BOB] yes Frtiz?

[BOB] oh?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] if she was paralyzed she would

[BOB] hmmm

[BOB] will check that now

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] and on that note, good night all

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] night john

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] night all

[Beth] good night, John

[Kaz] Good night John, and everyone!

john2] has left the game on Fri Sep 11 23:04:41 EDT 2009

Fritz] has left the game on Fri Sep 11 23:04:42 EDT 2009

[BOB] Beth you might be zero damge

[Beth] night fritz

[BOB] but still stone

Kaz] has left the game on Fri Sep 11 23:04:53 EDT 2009

[Beth] ah, ok

[Beth] night

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] night all

[BOB] we will see next week

Beth] has left the game on Fri Sep 11 23:05:03 EDT 2009

[BOB] night all

Guy] has left the game on Fri Sep 11 23:05:10 EDT 2009