Main / Sep1208

Sep 12 08 - Trade Wars


[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Sep 12 18:28:37 EDT 2008 ====

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

John2 has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 18:35:21 EDT 2008

John2 is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

John2 has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name

[John2] saw it , tks

[BOB] did you have a good week?

[BOB] Mike is on the way over, talked to Kaz she will not be in tonight

[BOB] thinks her husband needs some attention for some reason

[John2] i can't imangine

[John2] anything new wih u

[John2] we need an icon for the thing in my room

[BOB] no, busy week at work, full day today

[BOB] what thing in your room?

[John2] curled up at the end of the bed

[BOB] ahhh

[BOB] sorry

[BOB] will do

[BOB] wanted it to be a surprise and not just see that and jump on it

[John2] unless you want to roll behind the scene now

[BOB] not yet

[John2] I am in and out getting food and checking on kids

[BOB] Basalisk moved 1'01".

[BOB] ok

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 18:46:08 EDT 2008

Vicki is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

Vicki has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[John2] hey vic

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] Mike just came in the door, is showing off his larger snake

[John2] luckly u

[Vicki] Hi guys

[BOB] Hey Vic

[Vicki] Um... I'm afraid to ask...

[John2] then don't

[Vicki] ok

[John2] Bob did not want you t know

[Vicki] ok

[John2] everything will be ok

[John2] in the end

[Vicki] that's what they all say

[John2] they must be right

[John2] brb

[BOB] I believe in what they say

[John2] why would they lie about a thing like that

[Vicki] I've found things are rarely ok


[Vicki] brb

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

Lorie :O) has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 19:02:26 EDT 2008

Lorie :O) is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

Lorie :O) has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

[John2] Lori, lori, lori

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Vicki] i'm back

[Vicki] hi Lorie

mikE has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 19:04:17 EDT 2008

mikE is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

mikE has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

[Vicki] hi Mike

[John2] mikie, mikie, mikie, mikie

[mikE] javol mein herr

[BOB] ok, so make Mike listen John and Lorie

[BOB] he did not understand teh references

[mikE] i refuse to listen to any reason but my own.

[John2] I do not force anyone to appreciate me or any of my thoughts

[BOB] saw a great quote today

[BOB] Jesus was a community organizer.... Pilate was a governor

[Lorie :O)] Hey all

[Lorie :O)] How are you all doing this evening?

[BOB] life is good

[BOB] we know kaz will not be here, so only really waiting on Fritz

[Lorie :O)] No Beth? No Christy? No Hans?

[BOB] checking with him now

[BOB] have not heard from Beth actually

[Vicki] we can't start without them?

[BOB] and Christy and Hans are always around 8

[mikE] i haven't seen hide nor hair of lizzie lately on wow

[BOB] we can start

[mikE] no idea what's up with her

[mikE] i think bob is caljoling her now

[Lorie :O)] She's had some issues she needed to address with WoW on Sisters

[BOB] and she is not answering the phone

[BOB] ok, so we can start without them

[BOB] and they can catch up, as Mike has one outside and one in

[BOB] and John and vicki are inside

[BOB] and Lorie, are you caught up

[BOB] have an idea of what happened last week?

[Lorie :O)] secret something

[Vicki] am I still playing kit?

[Lorie :O)] umm... stuff?

[BOB] yes to Vick

[BOB] grins

[Lorie :O)] Glanced at site briefly...

[Vicki] ok...

[Lorie :O)] too many hospital visits

[BOB] ok, will let them try to explain

[BOB] before we start

[Lorie :O)] Mike ...give me the cliff notes on IM please

[John2] If you are thinking you are taking control, you are dead wrong (in character)

[BOB] he says yes

[John2] (Paul is currently Invisible and by himself, ahead of the party, sence he entered the front door)

[BOB] ok

[Vicki] Bob, since christy and Hans aren't close by, does this mean I can finally get through?

[BOB] no

[Vicki] aww

[BOB] Ant is there

[Vicki] well, after he moves

[BOB] still holding his place

[BOB] after that then yes

[Vicki] meaning he's not in battle is he?

[BOB] yes he is

[Lorie :O)] :: moseys on up to where the party is ::

[BOB] ok

[BOB] Kylia can roll again

[BOB] then we will start

[Lorie :O)] what would Kylia be rolling for INIT?

[BOB] and we will deal with individual issues as they come up

[BOB] to get her into the round structure

[BOB] everyone is still in the middle of combat

[Lorie :O)] Kylia Wolfslayer: Initiative: (d10+10++0) [1d10=7] 17

[BOB] INIT: 7 GOING: Rave Starfire

[BOB] INIT: 12 GOING: Arilyn

[BOB] INIT: 16 GOING: Kira


[Vicki] I'll have to hold for now cuz I'm stuck

[BOB] INIT: 17 GOING: Paul Elvenstire

[BOB] ok

[BOB] adn Paul?

[mikE] destroy the door vicki

[mikE] break the skull and handle or something

[John2 (to BOB only)] can I slice it's throat?

[Kit (Vicki)] ((I'm already in the door))

[BOB (to John2 only)] you can try, should work

[mikE] right. so braek it

[mikE] it could be the skull or magic worked into the door itself

[John2 (to BOB only)] I do thusly

[mikE] break the door and any magic in it is broken as well.

[BOB] Paul Elvenstire moved 7'04".

[BOB] INIT: 17 GOING: Kylia Wolfslayer

[Kit (Vicki)] ((*gives Mike a confused look* what are you rambling about? I need to go after Paul, why would I take the time to go after the door?))

[John2 (to BOB only)] flying

[BOB] so Paul moves up to slice the sleeping basalisk thoat

[BOB] throat

HOLMES has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 19:20:55 EDT 2008

HOLMES is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

HOLMES has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

[Kit (Vicki)] ((Hiya Fritz))

[mikE] well, for one, you can't go after paul since we've got a road block, so rather than sitting and holding action, there's the possibility that the door contains the magic that's affecting us all

[Lorie :O)] Where would Kylia be?

[Lorie :O)] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 2'04".

[BOB (to John2 only)] and you cut through it, then realize that it is a stuffed basilisk

[Lorie :O)] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 35'10".

[John2 (to BOB only)] gee thanks

[BOB] and that is where she would be outside,

[Lorie :O)] :: looks at Kira and Moirra :: So... where did the group go?

[mikE] kit's got big ol' metal gauntlets, she could put some hurting on the door with her dragon str

[BOB] they are still both tied up in the rope from Rave Kylia

[mikE] that's my best guess at where this magic trap is located. either that or the door way itself. so if the door doesn't work, i'd say break the door jamb next.

[Kit (Vicki)] (( I doubt it's the door, I think it's nearby on the other side of the door))

[HOLMES] hi all

[Lorie :O)] :: ponders :: who has tied you up? :; attempts to free them ::

[John2] hello

[mikE] okay. so sit there and do nothing while i deal with arilyn

[BOB] you can do things on round 11 Fritz

[Kit (Vicki)] ((I really don't feel like having to do another save vs. spell again))

[mikE] yo fritz

[BOB] INIT: 18 GOING: Percival

[BOB] Effect Gaze reflection for Paul Elvenstire has expired.

[HOLMES] Yo mike

[BOB] INIT: 18 GOING: Valedianna

[mikE] you won't have to. you're in the door right at it.

[Lorie :O)] ((Hey there Fritz))

HOLMES is now controlling Rave Starfire

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] Lorie Hiya...

[Valedianna (mikE)] "Well Kylia, for one thing we've got half the group going stark raving mad as they enter the tower. I'd suggest you stay away from it."

[Kit (Vicki) (to John2 only)] how is Kit for strength at breaking down doors?

[Valedianna (mikE)] "And will you get these ropes off me already?"

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] ((I said out loud that I was the one "entangling" them Lorie))

[Valedianna (mikE)] erm, i can't click next

[BOB] INIT: 20 GOING: Antarias

[BOB] ==== Player Icon browsing has been ENABLED. ====

[Valedianna (mikE)] okay, i'm not exactly sure how this works being locked in combat with a round behind person, but i'm going to play it off as we're still fighting and go for a sap attack again.

[Valedianna (mikE)] Antarias: Attack: Shield Bash: ((12-+3-(d20+3))+3) [1d20=17] -8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Arilyn (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[Lorie :O)] ((Kylia just joined the group, so she didnn't here that))

[Valedianna (mikE)] Antarias: Damage v SM: Shield Bash: ((1d3)+8) [1d3=3] 11 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Arilyn

[John2 (to Vicki only)] that is her strength

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] ((Gotcha Lorie))

[BOB] and roll that % now Mike

[John2 (to Vicki only)] she enjoys it

[BOB] Arilyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 40 (-11) - Moderately Wounded

[Valedianna (mikE)] (d100) [1d100=64] 64

[Kit (Vicki) (to John2 only)] ok, I guess I could


[BOB] INIT: 7 GOING: Rave Starfire

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] ((Now or next round?))

[BOB] now Fritz

[BOB] you beat the buzzer on last round

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] I have them entangled Kylia, me Rave! They were attacking each other and I needed to restrain them.

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] I also am reading their surface thoughts and they have the desire to attack the closest person...

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] ((anything else this round Bob as far as ESP?))

[BOB] had

[BOB] no more thoughts now

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] I am trying to see if they are possessed

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] Why not?

[BOB] well only happy shiny fun thoughts

[BOB] no mean nasty take out everyone thoughts

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] ((Oh hehehe))

[BOB] INIT: 12 GOING: Arilyn

[BOB] INIT: 16 GOING: Kira

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] They seem to have calmed down in other words))


[BOB] (yes)

[John2 (to BOB only)] did i miss something, am I calm?

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] I will release them next round then if they "Behave"

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] ((Said out loud))

[Kit (Vicki)] ((what roll do I need to make to attack the door?))

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] I ask them if they remember what happened to them?

[BOB] roll a to hit Vick

[BOB] and see what number you get

[HOLMES] why are you attacking the door?

[BOB (to John2 only)] not you the three entangled in teh ropes outside

[BOB] remember combat Fritz, so can not answer you

[John2 (to BOB only)] ok still parinoid

[Kit (Vicki) (to John2 only)] which attack do I use?

[HOLMES] I did it OOC Bob

[John2 (to Vicki only)] I do not know what you are trying to do

[John2 (to Vicki only)] you are inside you can continue inside

[Kit (Vicki) (to John2 only)] I'm trying to destroy the door

[BOB] just roll an attack with a weapon Vicki

[Valedianna (mikE)] it's my thought that the magic might be in that skull set in the door

[John2 (to Vicki only)] ok, then just attack

[Kit (Vicki) (to John2 only)] not while antarias and arilyn blocking my way

[Valedianna (mikE)] so i'm hoping if we break the skull and/or door it'll stop being such a royal pain in the ass

[HOLMES] Oh Gotcha

[Valedianna (mikE)] you have any ideas what's causing this?

[Kit (Vicki) (to John2 only)] which do i use of her weapons?

[John2 (to Vicki only)] claws

[Valedianna (mikE)] even if we eventually all get inside and shiney happy, we're gonna deal with this again walking out

[John2 (to Vicki only)] twice

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Attack: Close Claws: ((12-(d20+3+2+3))+3+2+3) [1d20=4] 8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Attack: Close Claws: ((12-(d20+3+2+3))+3+2+3) [1d20=5] 7 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Kit (Vicki)] l or sm?

[HOLMES] Clueless! I thought possession but it seems to be emotional not mental

[John2] not sure it maters with a door

[Valedianna (mikE)] nah. it's not possession. val's snapped otu of it

[BOB] ok, so that is enough to smash the door knocker,

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Damage v L: Close Claws: ((d6)+8) [1d6=4] 12 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Damage v L: Close Claws: ((d6)+8) [1d6=1] 9 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[BOB] breaking it off of the door

[BOB] falls to the ground in front of Kit

[BOB] INIT: 17 GOING: Paul Elvenstire

[Valedianna (mikE)] and it laughs maniacally before floating off into the night!

[BOB] no

[Valedianna (mikE)] doooooooom

[John2 (to BOB only)] does the door lock from the inside?

[Valedianna (mikE)] dooooooooooooooooom

[HOLMES] I'd have Kylia detect magic or glyphs personally...maybe a symbol of dischord somewhere

[BOB (to John2 only)] yes

[Valedianna (mikE)] okay. let's do that.

[HOLMES] discord

[John2 (to BOB only)] I lock the door and start searching the room

[BOB] INIT: 17 GOING: Kylia Wolfslayer

[BOB (to John2 only)] ok

[Lorie :O)] :: hesitates for a moment :: You what? They what? What madness is this?

[Lorie :O)] Kylia Wolfslayer: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] Ok let me some it time for that. People acting goofy. SOmething with the entrance. Paul ran away. Help

[Valedianna (mikE)] the rave notes version

[John2] (he did not run, I will get you for that)

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] ((hehehe))

[Valedianna (mikE)] he did a tactical withdraw....

[Valedianna (mikE)] or as we say in the bizz, he pulled a frenchie

[John2] (now I may have to kill you all)

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES) (to BOB only)] ((Ok while she ponders what to do next)) If you disallow the rope I will use the points to get another item, or you can say that the rope has the infinite lenth if I use it as a normal rope but to entangle I have to do the 20 foot range like the description.

[Kit (Vicki)] ((I didn't do anything :( ))

[BOB (to HOLMES only)] you can get another item, it would be unfair to limit it that way to only 20 feet,

[BOB] Lorie?

[Lorie :O)] (soo.... the outcome of my roll???))

[BOB] INIT: 18 GOING: Percival

[BOB] the alertness roll?

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] ((YOu are not surprised by the silliness of your groups action))

[BOB] you see that the group out there is all calm, you do not see any reason for them not to be, and Kit tearing at the door knob looks normal to you

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] ((See))

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] LOL

[BOB] and as far as Val goes, nothign would surprise you, grins

[Valedianna (mikE)] hey! what's that mean?

[Kit (Vicki)] ((*snickers*))

[BOB] INIT: 18 GOING: Valedianna

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] ((I vote we call her "Vale" instead of "Val"))

[Valedianna (mikE)] "Hello? Rave? Ropes? Unless we're about to do naughty things, can I go now?"

[BOB] INIT: 20 GOING: Antarias

[Valedianna (mikE)] Antarias: Attack: Shield Bash: ((12-+3-(d20+3))+3) [1d20=13] -4 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Arilyn (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[Valedianna (mikE)] Antarias: Damage v SM: Shield Bash: ((1d3)+8) [1d3=2] 10 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Arilyn


[Valedianna (mikE)] (d100) [1d100=84] 84

[BOB] and still no knockout

[BOB] Arilyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 30 (-10) - Heavily Wounded

[Valedianna (mikE)] yay for high percentages...

[BOB] If ant knocks her out will he leave or ?

[Valedianna (mikE)] he'll go in and try and figure out paul

[Valedianna (mikE)] check on percy

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES) (to BOB only)] is arilyn getting the opportunity to attack back?

[BOB (to HOLMES only)] no, she is only taking temp damage

[Valedianna (mikE)] he'd probably tell kit to set her outside the door to get helped and go in and try and figure out what's going on with paul

[BOB] ok, so to speed this up a bit, let us say that Ant knocks out Arylin, he and Kit carry her outside, adn the group outside can talk outside of combat rounds to decide what to do about Paul

[BOB] everyone ok with that?

[Valedianna (mikE)] sounds fantastic

[John2] cool

[BOB] one cure light brings back all her hitpoints

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] ((Jeppers))

[Kit (Vicki)] sounds fine to me

[BOB] Kit moved 25'00".

[Valedianna (mikE)] i think we can all agree that there's something up with the door

[BOB] Arilyn moved 29'01".

[BOB] Antarias moved 29'05".

[John2 (to BOB only)] so what do I find

[BOB] Arilyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 70 (40) - Unharmed

[Kit (Vicki)] the door's missing

[BOB] Combat has finished.

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] I release everyone from the rope

[BOB] ok, so combat is ended for now

[Valedianna (mikE)] i'm hoping that it's not going to affect us again, but if it does what's the plan?

[Valedianna (mikE)] how are we going to deal with more berserk party members?

[Kit (Vicki)] um... I don't know

[Kit (Vicki)] But I need to get to Paul

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] I would look for magic in the area. THere may be a symbol somewhere. Can you tell us what was going on with you Vale?

[John2] talk, group therapy

[Valedianna (mikE)] "My name is Val or Valedianna. And nothing is going on with me. What are you talking about?"

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] Or Moira? who ever was the attacker I fforget.

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] Is the "A" long or short? OOC

[Valedianna (mikE)] short

[Valedianna (mikE)] short e

[Valedianna (mikE)] long e sound

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] ((Gotcha like Val e dianna

[Valedianna (mikE)] two sort a's

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] ((not Vail Dianna

[Valedianna (mikE)] right

[John2 (to BOB only)] so what do I find

[BOB (to John2 only)] trying to copy it for you other than that room description

[Kit (Vicki)] *heads back towards the door again*

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] Well can someone cast detect magic or glyphs or something?

[Antarias (mikE)] "Where are you going?"

[Lorie :O)] No Kylia

[Antarias (mikE)] neither of mine are magicky

mikE has left the game on Fri Sep 12 19:56:13 EDT 2008

[Kit (Vicki)] I'm going to find Paul

[BOB (to John2 only)] torn pages not salavageable from a spell book, broken chest, the iron amulet on the corpses neck,

mikE has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 19:56:34 EDT 2008

mikE is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

mikE has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

[BOB] (1d12) [1d12=9] 9

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 9'07".

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] ((Lorie does Kylia have detect magic available?))

[mikE] "Not yet. Wait until we figure out what is doing this to us."

[BOB] do you really want to stop everyone from talking Vicki and go back to counting rounds? or waiting till people are finished?

[Kit (Vicki)] ((I suppose I can wait until people are finished, which is why I stopped short behind Kylia))

[Lorie :O)] ((She doesn't have divination...but trying to find in my list))

[BOB] ok

[Kit (Vicki)] Well, what about what this is doing to Paul?

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] I thought dM was universal...well it is for mages not sure for priests

[John2 (to BOB only)] I take the amulet

[Kit (Vicki)] Paul is still in there, somewhere.

[BOB] not for either Fritz

[Lorie :O)] ((No I don't have))

[mikE] "He's Paul. He's fine, I'm sure."

[BOB] those are from the "universial school" that we never adopted

[mikE] "I'm just glad he didn't attack us. He could probably take half of us out and get away alive."

[John2] (HALF!)

[John2] :)

[Kit (Vicki)] He told us to follow him if we were still on his side. I need to get to where I heard him last.

[Kit (Vicki) (to John2 only)] how am I doing with kit?

[John2 (to Vicki only)] like a natural Kit

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] I had heard that Paul was a calculating individual not one prone to charging in...something must have affected him if he did that

[BOB (to John2 only)] ok I did see you took the amulet

[John2 (to BOB only)] did you include the wardrobe?

[BOB (to John2 only)] yes

[John2 (to BOB only)] and under the bed?

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] Does anyone remember where the "affect" seemed to begin? was it inside the doorway or just near it?

[mikE] "I think we can safely say he's not in his right mind."

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] ((When has he ever?))

[BOB (to John2 only)] simple black robes and garmets, nothign under the bed, the two wolf skin rugs in the room

[Kit (Vicki)] But he's still in there, we need to get him out.

[mikE] "I'm not sure."

[mikE] "We'll get him out. Calm down."

[Kit (Vicki)] What's there to be sure about?"

[mikE] "You've never been this protective before."

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] Rave Starfire: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[mikE] "Well Kit, it would be helpful to know WHERE we can go without being turned loopy."

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] Anything I can tell from here Bob about the area of affect?

[Kit (Vicki)] ((yeah, well, kit was never played by me before either))

[mikE] "But I'm not sure where the effect of this spell or whatever extends to."

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] Rave Starfire: Ventriloquism proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] Rave Starfire: Voice Mimicry check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[BOB (to HOLMES only)] no, nothign wrong with Kit, adn no no obvious markings for an area of effect

[mikE] okay, i wish we had a mage or that bag of gerbils

[mikE] make two rats, send them to the door, see where they attack each other at.

[John2 (to BOB only)] taking a little more time to look for secret or hinden door in wardrob and under wolf skins

[BOB (to John2 only)] already made that roll for you, you failed

[Kit (Vicki)] I was just fine before

[Kit (Vicki)] Now I need to go back in there.

[Paul Elvenstire (HOLMES)] ((Paul's Voice comes from the doorway)) "Kit try and figure out what is wrong before you barge in here...I am ok. I don't want anyone to be hurt

[John2 (to BOB only)] then I get out of there, stick to the celing

[John2 (to BOB only)] do I hear that?

[BOB (to John2 only)] no

[Kit (Vicki)] *looks around and becomes sceptical*

[mikE] "You really want to be a hindrence to us like that? Fine, go charge in."

[BOB (to John2 only)] and how? which doorway?

[Kit (Vicki)] skeptical too...

[mikE] "Okay, now Lady Kylia, what are your thoughts on this?"

[mikE] "You're the most well versed in magic out of us all, I think."

[John2 (to BOB only)] there is only one door out , that I see

[Paul Elvenstire (HOLMES)] Just figure out what is going on Kit. Be patient. I am ok.

[John2 (to BOB only)] once I get back to the main room I will see

[Lorie :O)], you were all feeling fine and then as soon as you got HOW? close to the keep you had issues?

[Lorie :O)] :: takes a tiny step back as she asks ::

[BOB (to John2 only)] door to the west and to the east where you came in

[mikE] "Well, Val and Paul walked in. Then vall ran out screaming about dopelgangers and Paul charged in."

Kit (Vicki) paces back and forth until the others are ready to go back in there

[John2 (to BOB only)] sorry I did not see, sure West

[mikE] "I didn't feel anything when I went in, but when Arilyn walked in she attacked me from behind."

[BOB (to John2 only)] ok

[Lorie :O)] :: ponders :: Random then?

[BOB] Paul Elvenstire moved 36'03".

[mikE] "Then Val and Moirra and Kira went at it."

[mikE] ::shakes his head:: "I don't know."

[mikE] "Can't we make a second door with a spell?"

[BOB (to John2 only)] five foot wide corridor then a T that goes south to a door or keep going west to a door

[mikE] "Stone shape or pass wall?"

[Kit (Vicki)] Why do you want to make another door?

[John2 (to BOB only)] west

[mikE] "If we make one about ten feet to the right of the door it should bypass the entire hallway."

[Paul Elvenstire (HOLMES)] To Bypass the spell affect.

[BOB] Paul Elvenstire moved 11'11".

[BOB (to John2 only)] This damp, chilly room is where would be good at preserving cadavers The walls are roughly hewn, worked by picks and the back wall is covered with brown mold. Six stone tables stand in the room. Atop one table is the partially assembled skeleton of a human male. Atop another two tables are the slowly rotting corpses of two orcs. Their possessions and internal organs have beet removed, but they still wear bloodstained leather armor. The remaining three tables are bare.

[Kit (Vicki)] wouldn't you have to make another hallway?

[Lorie :O)] Kylia Wolfslayer targets Kylia Wolfslayer. Distance: 0'00"

[Paul Elvenstire (HOLMES)] How about a protection from evil circle would that work...doesn't it help against charm and possession stuff?

[Kit (Vicki)] from what I can tell, it's the only way in and out. Then again, I couldn't get in very far, now could I?

[mikE] "Percival searched for evil and found none."

[Kit (Vicki)] Percival is still in there too

[John2 (to BOB only)] I cut off each head

[Lorie :O)] Kylia Wolfslayer casts a spell against Kylia Wolfslayer: Protection from Evil: "All those who would do wrong unto the Dragonslayers be repelled.Duration: (3*13) 39 rounds. When this spell is cast, it creates a magical barrier around the recipient at a distance of 1 foot. The barrier moves with the recipient and has three major effects: First, all attacks made by evil or evilly enchanted creatures against the protected creature receive a penalty of -2 to each attack roll, and any saving throws caused by such attacks are made by the protected creature with a +2 bonus. Second, any attempt to exercise mental control over the protected creature (if, for example, it has been charmed by a vampire) or to invade and take over its mind (as by a ghost's magic jar attack) is blocked by this spell. Note that the protection does not prevent a vampire's charm itself, nor end it, but it does prevent the vampire from exercising mental control through the barrier. Likewise, an outside life force is merely kept out, and would not be expelled if in place before the protection was cast. Third, the spell prevents bodily contact by creatures of an extraplanar or conjured nature (such as aerial servants, elementals, imps, invisible stalkers, salamanders, water weirds, xorn, and others). This causes the natural (body) weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the creature to recoil if such attacks require touching the protected creature. Animals or monsters summoned or conjured by spells or similar magic are likewise hedged from the character. This protection ends if the protected character makes a melee attack against or tries to force the barrier against the blocked creature. This spell can be reversed to become protection from good, with the second and third benefits remaining unchanged."

[Paul Elvenstire (HOLMES)] No I mean the spell affect blocks charm and possession

[Lorie :O)] ... I hate the spell interface.

[Lorie :O)] Just thought I'd share

[BOB] Paul Elvenstire moved 18'00".

[mikE] ::draws his sword and sketches a rough map of the little bit he could see in the dirt:: "The hallway only goes a short distance, then opens into a larger chamber."

[Lorie :O)] Because there can't be a more clunky way to find one spell in a list of 80

[BOB] (4d8) [4d8=5,7,4,7] 23

[John2 (to GM only)] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Weapons - DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, --, null, $ATK, +0, +0, +0, +5, +$atk+5, $DMG, +0, +0, +0, +0, +5, d8, d8, null, null, null, null, null. Temporary Modifiers - Equipment - DELETED: null, null, null, null.

[mikE] oh, just wait for the next update. i'm sure curtis wil find a way.

[BOB] Paul Elvenstire's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 39 (-23) - Moderately Wounded

[mikE] i mean, he did take away the dice rolling menu....

[John2 (to BOB only)] from?

[Lorie :O)] Unless you're playing AMBER, I hardly see the reason

[BOB (to John2 only)] you don't know you just suddenly feel week

[mikE] i always used the dice menus to roll as opposed to the dice roller window that pops up

[John2 (to BOB only)] any exits?

[Kit (Vicki)] ((I actually rather that menu than trying to sit there and go through the dice screen while trying to see everything else on screen))

[Paul Elvenstire (HOLMES)] How about a dispell magic? Don't know what we are affecting but maybe it will work

[Lorie :O)] Great Vicki then you can sort through my list of nearly 85 spells to find one

[Lorie :O)] I already cast Protection from Evil Fritz

[BOB (to John2 only)] no

[Paul Elvenstire (HOLMES)] Oh I thought that was just for the description Lorie

[mikE] i usually cast spells directly off the char sheet

[John2 (to BOB only)] I get out the way I came

[BOB] and yes to Kylia Protect is up

[mikE] i have them ordered by level, alphabetically

[BOB] Paul Elvenstire moved 29'05".

[Paul Elvenstire (HOLMES)] Mages and clerics are different...Clerics much harder

[mikE] i hated the spell menu, and the dice roller menu equally

[Lorie :O)] If there was a keyword search or a sort feature

[BOB] (4d8) [4d8=1,1,4,7] 13

[Lorie :O)] clearly this interface is for lower levels

[mikE] well, you can sort them however you want on the charsheet

[BOB] Paul Elvenstire's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 26 (-13) - Heavily Wounded

[mikE] haha. seriously.

[BOB (to John2 only)] and back out to the T

[mikE] so stoneshape a new door?

[Paul Elvenstire (HOLMES)] WEll want to test the spell Kylia?

[John2 (to BOB only)] I fly as quick as I can out to Kylia

[Kit (Vicki)] Are we figuring out what's going on or am I going in?

[BOB (to John2 only)] unlocking that door?

[Lorie :O)] Vicki if you're confident go right ahead

[John2 (to BOB only)] is there a faster way?

[BOB (to John2 only)] no

[Lorie :O)] we have no thief...but you go right on ahead and march yourself to certain doom

[Lorie :O)] Don't mind us preparing

[BOB] Paul Elvenstire moved 2'03".

[Lorie :O)] I appreciate your eagerness to go go go

[BOB (to John2 only)] there you are but still invis

[Lorie :O)] but a moment to ensure we're actually prepared is appreciated

[BOB] Percival moved 53'09".

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] Well I wouldn't say we don't have a thief...I have some skill. But yes we should be well prepared

[Lorie :O)] ((Sorry Fritz, I thought Rave was another class fair enough))

[John2 (to Lorie :O) only)] pst Lady Kylia (whisper from above)

[Kit (Vicki)] ((that was Kit, and remember Paul is in there, not fully himself and who knows what's going on while we're out here preparing))

[Paul Elvenstire (HOLMES)] I am fine Kit...Figure out what is going on....

[Lorie :O)] ((Kit isn't a bumbling fool and knows better than to charge into battle))

[Paul Elvenstire (HOLMES)] Rave Starfire: Ventriloquism proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[John2] (you are still talking as me Fritz?)

[Paul Elvenstire (HOLMES)] Rave Starfire: Voice Mimicry check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[Paul Elvenstire (HOLMES)] (Yes Paul)

Beth has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 20:18:52 EDT 2008

Beth is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

Beth has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

[Lorie :O)] :: motions at Rave :: After you....

[Paul Elvenstire (HOLMES)] ((I mean JOhn))

[BOB] Yes hello Beth

[Kit (Vicki)] ((Hi Beth!!!))

[BOB] speaking ot Theives

[Kit (Vicki)] *snickers*

[Lorie :O)] ((:: waves :: Hola lady

[Lorie :O)] ))

[John2 (to BOB only)] am I still parinoid? only at Val and Moi?

[Percival (HOLMES)] I am ok too Kit...make sure you are all ready

[BOB (to John2 only)] nope, out in the open air and clear headed,

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] Hi Beth!!!

[Kit (Vicki) (to John2 only)] is there some way kit can find out that it's not really you?

[John2 (to BOB only)] feeling any better?

[mikE] hey lizzie beth

[BOB] everyone is outside and "back to normal" what ever that means

[John2 (to Vicki only)] maybe a save or an Intelligent check, ask BOB

[Beth] sorry I'm late, had a doc appt.

[BOB] I thought yu were done with doctors for the rest of your life?

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES) (to Beth only)] Hiya doll. How was everything

[Lorie :O)] ((petitions our DM to petition the Klooge designer for a better spell interface please ))

[BOB] or did you dump Earl for some hot young thing?

[mikE] the older you get, the more you need to go.

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] LOL

[Beth] may have to be afk for a bit soon too as I have a possible phone interview on a job

[mikE] and lizzie aint getting any younger. =P

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] ((Good Luck with that))

[Kit (Vicki)] ((Youch))

[mikE] why go afk. just say i kick ass, hire me.

[Beth] um... I go much younger than Earl and I'm risking prison :p

[Lorie :O)] ((:: crosses fingers :: )) and you have to catch me up on the WOW stuff

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] ROFL

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES) (to Beth only)] would you be my highschool teacher?

Stephen has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 20:22:39 EDT 2008

Stephen is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

Stephen has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

[Lorie :O)] Ha! Earl = Jailbait...I'll tell him you said that

[BOB] grins

[Beth (to HOLMES only)] not too bad, scar tissue causing abdominal pain combined with a bit of ibs, no surgery recommended, other than that good to go :)

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES) (to Beth only)] sweet

[BOB] hello Stephen

[BOB] and so everyoen is outside now

[BOB] john is Paul Vis or Invis?

[Kit (Vicki)] ((Bob, is there a way for kit to differenciate between paul before and paul now?))

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] WEll we can try and walk in now that the protective field is up...take our chances...Any other abduration spells you can think of to block emotion/charm/possession

[John2] still Inv, still quiet

[BOB] and how would you to that Vick? he looks the same, sounds the same

[Beth] oh, and is there a way I can stop that wav file that comes on when I open the game?

[BOB] you just did not trust his words

[BOB] no to Beth, I want to force everyone to listen to that, grins

[Beth] it's annoying enough without it repeating twice lol

[mikE (to Beth only)] log on to your im

[BOB] I do need to change the second one I will admit

[Lorie :O)] Apparently it's TWO DIFFERENT things

[Beth] ::gives BOB The Look(tm)

[mikE (to Beth only)] so's we can chat

[Kit (Vicki)] ((Beth, disable sounds))

[Lorie :O)] I'm sure it's clear to you

[John2] mute works for me

[Kit (Vicki)] ((you don't get any sounds upon entering if you disable it all))

[mikE] yup. my whole computer is sound disabled

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] Lorie do you have anything that acts like a "Tower of Iron Will" spell?

[BOB] nods, we are goign to hold a telethon for Mike's poor disabled laptop

[mikE] or maybe a raze tower spell?

[Beth] ROFL

[mikE] the sond's not broken. i just keep it muted

[Kit (Vicki)] ((LOL))

[mikE] i just don't tend to appriciate any sounds a computer makes

[Beth (to mikE only)] I lost what you said a minute ago

[mikE] i don't even game with sounds on

[Kit (Vicki)] ((not even music?))

[mikE (to Beth only)] log on to msn or aim or whatever you use

[John2 (to Lorie :O) only)] earthquake

[mikE] that's what a sterio system is for

[Lorie :O)] Hmmm Fritz...let me sort through my list...

[Beth (to mikE only)] using yahoo lately della_devine my sleuth name

[mikE] so we got no detect magic, no dispell magic...

[Lorie :O)] I have Dispel Magic , but I just cast Protection from Evil

[Beth (to mikE only)] oops, sorry della_devine is aim, I'm using Rhiemma_Moon on Yahoo

[John2 (to Vicki only)] you hear Paul whisper "Everything looks ok"

[Lorie :O)] I have a spell that I can cast once today... IMpregnable Mind

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] Emotion control, cloak of bravery,spell immunity, may also work

[Kit (Vicki) (to John2 only)] how does kit hear it and not everyone else?

[Rave Starfire (HOLMES)] That may do it area of affect or solo?

[Beth] phone

[John2 (to Vicki only)] she hears a whisper near her ear, clearly paul is flying invisible near her

[Lorie :O)] touch = Solo

[BOB] Time of Day: 09:00 AM. Day 15 Pen ___ tre, Ohm {Early Winter} 15th, 1259.

[Lorie :O)] ((GL Beth ))

[mikE] i think we need to just go around it alltogether

[Kit (Vicki)] Paul?

[John2 (to Vicki only)] sh

[mikE] bob's sitting over here cackling like a loon about how we'll never get it.

[Kit (Vicki) (to John2 only)] sorry

[mikE] let's make a new door or we're never getting this tower cleared

[John2 (to Vicki only)] Kit just say your going in and walk to the entrance

HOLMES has left the game on Fri Sep 12 20:31:22 EDT 2008

[John2 (to Vicki only)] ask Kylia to join you

[Kit (Vicki)] I'm going in, Kylia, care to join me?

[mikE] now that he's gone let's say bad things about him!

[mikE] boo! booooo! he had true love, and he threw it all away!

Poopy has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 20:32:26 EDT 2008

[Kit (Vicki) (to Poopy only)] wb fritz

[mikE] is that like the smellier less popular brother of snoopy?

[John2] funny

[Beth] sorry, not the job call I was waiting for


Poopy is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

Poopy has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

[Beth] but, possibly some funding. An event I've be a vendor at before called me to ask if I'd be interested.

[Poopy] Yeppers

[Poopy (to Vicki only)] 8*)

[Beth] lol, hello, Poopy!

[Poopy] Woof

mikE has left the game on Fri Sep 12 20:35:36 EDT 2008

Vicki has left the game on Fri Sep 12 20:35:49 EDT 2008

Poopy has left the game on Fri Sep 12 20:35:58 EDT 2008

John2 has left the game on Fri Sep 12 20:36:32 EDT 2008

Lorie :O) has left the game on Fri Sep 12 20:37:31 EDT 2008

Beth has left the game on Fri Sep 12 20:37:41 EDT 2008

Stephen has left the game on Fri Sep 12 20:37:44 EDT 2008

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 20:38:10 EDT 2008

Vicki is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

Vicki has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

Vicki has left the game on Fri Sep 12 20:38:32 EDT 2008

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Sep 12 20:40:42 EDT 2008 ====

Poopy has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 20:41:10 EDT 2008

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 20:41:27 EDT 2008

Vicki is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

Vicki has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

Lorie :O) has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 20:42:26 EDT 2008

Lorie :O) is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

Lorie :O) has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

[BOB] we will give everyoen a chance

mikE has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 20:42:37 EDT 2008

mikE is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

mikE has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

Ki-Yah! has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 20:42:44 EDT 2008

Ki-Yah! is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

Ki-Yah! has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

John2 has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 20:42:45 EDT 2008

John2 is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

John2 has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

Poopy is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

Poopy has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

[BOB] sorry for that everyone

[BOB] Router thought it was nap time

[BOB] have shown it the error of its ways

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Bad Router

Beth has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 20:44:13 EDT 2008

Beth is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

Beth has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

[BOB] ok, letting it settle down

[Lorie :O)] okies

[Lorie :O)] back

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] I saw nothing with observatin. we have no detect magic. we can protect ourselves and then move in and take a chance

[BOB] yes to Fritz

[Ki-Yah!] Howdy fokes!

[Vicki] Hiya Hans

[BOB] hello Ki, welcome to the Dragonslayers

[BOB] grins

[mikE] hey there bubby

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Karate time!!!!

[Ki-Yah!] Yeah, kids just finished testing for the new belts. I'm so proud. (sniffs)

[BOB] tell your wife to get on Yahoo, I met her younger twin sister today

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Congrats!!! Can they kick your ass yet?

[Ki-Yah!] Yeah, probably. I'm a lover not a fighter...

[BOB] hah christy could whip him years ago, I bet the kids can easily handle him grins

[Lorie :O)] lol

Christy has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 20:47:43 EDT 2008

Christy is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

Christy has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

[Ki-Yah!] But a very militaristic lover of really big guns...

[Vicki] hi Christy

[Beth] :D

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] damn skipping again

[Ki-Yah!] Logging on was incredibly painfully slow, Bob.

[BOB] we had just restarted everything Hans

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] many icons on the tree Bob

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] A-ha...

[Christy] hello!

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] ((b

[mikE] hey there little lady

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] ((Between a Ninja and a really BIG GUN...I chose the BFG!!!))

[mikE] ninjas run around in their pj's...

[BOB] so everyone is out side

[mikE] that's so lame

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] ::chuckles::

[BOB] somene can cast cure light on Ariyln in a bit to cure those temp damage hit points in a moment

[Lorie :O)] ((:: waves to Christy :: HOw goes Scouts?))

[Christy] can I get the nutshell version of what we missed?

[BOB] Kylia was readying another spell for protection

[mikE] we're outside

[mikE] that's about it

[BOB] and Paul was lurking in invis mode still around outside

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Marco's a black belt, too...

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] ((We should go in before Paul/John dies of BOREDOM if nothing else kills him))

[Christy] (we're getting started next week)

mikE has left the game on Fri Sep 12 20:51:35 EDT 2008

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] I am a Black Man!!!!

[BOB] lol

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] ::heh heh heh::

mikE has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 20:52:06 EDT 2008

mikE is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

mikE has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Oh wait...that wasn't PC ...did I just use "THE RACE CARD"?

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Do you have a black belt, too? Maybe not one of *those* black belts, but a belt that's black?

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] Is everyone ready to go inside

[mikE] you and obama

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Christy says she has too many "freaking" kids to get *her* black belt...

[mikE] i have a black belt with metal studs.

[Lorie :O)] ((Yes... ready once the thieves scoot ahead ))

[mikE] does that count? it's badass

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Okay. Ready...

[mikE] even has some cool belt buckles

[Beth] ((salutes Lorie)) Yes, Ma'am!

[mikE] okay, thief says "hey guys! there's a trap on the door!"

[mikE] "it's magicky!"

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "Starfire, has the effect worn off yet? Or, would we still be in trouble if we try to brave the tower again?"

[mikE] "It makes you go bonkers!"

[Kit (Vicki)] what door?

[Kit (Vicki)] there is no door, remember, I tore it down...

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] (Is Starfire the mage or is it Mentor?)

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] Lady Kylia, can you check me out while I am Invisible, or at least heal me.

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] (I think I meant Mentor)

[mikE] you knocked to skull off

[BOB] door is still there, you ripped the door knocker off

[BOB] but the door is open

[Christy] as I remember, Arilyn was about to cause some trouble because of the ickyness of Percy and Ant. what happened with that?

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] you feel happy now

[mikE] arilyn wishes she could cause some trouble

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] I must warn you that if I become possessed and turn on the group I could potentially kill everyone. I am not bragging just stating the facts...I will check for magic traps....unless someone has detect magic?

[BOB] you were knocked up (err out) and dragged outside

[mikE] officially ruled that i knocked you out

[Christy] I was about to turn invisible and fireball your asses

[mikE] pft

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Percival knocked you up

[mikE] dragon

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] I think I should knck you out first

[Christy] knocked out=good; knocked up=BAD

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] hehehe

[mikE] yeah. i hate it when i get knocked up

[Christy] but you could go on Oprah

[mikE] i hate oprah

[mikE] she's evil

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] yea with Dr. Oz!!

[Kit (Vicki)] (( YOU get knocked up? WHOA, when did Mike turn into a Michelle?))

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] Lets go kit

[mikE] now if whoopee goldberg had a talk show, i'd go on that

[Kit (Vicki)] *follows Paul*

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] you fist, I'll cover you

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] you can;t see me

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] I carefully approach looking for traps unless someone can cast detect magic?

[Kit (Vicki)] *leads the group instead, since she can't see paul*

[Beth] I can detect traps, but don't know about magical ones

[BOB] so Kira first, then Kit and Paul

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Wait a sec...Paul are you here?

JK has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 20:58:06 EDT 2008

JK is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

JK has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

[Kit (Vicki)] ((uh huh))

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] Clearly

[Kit (Vicki)] ((Hi JK))

[mikE] ba dum dum

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Well Damn!!! what happened to you?

[mikE] when did sean get here?

[Beth] I also have detect magic

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] Not important, we still have a job to do

[Beth] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kira (Beth)] do you all want me to use detect magic? or detect traps?

[mikE] magic

[mikE] we know there's a trap there

[mikE] or was anyway

[Kira (Beth)] right

[mikE] maybe we're lucky and it was in the knockers

[Christy] there is always magic in nthe knockers

[BOB] Kira is a gypsy after all so she is used to people looking at her knockers

[mikE] yes indeed

[Kira (Beth)] ::snerk::

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] ((She said it!!!)

[Kira (Beth)] um... that's only when I dance BOB

[BOB] so moving on

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Paul what is going on?

[BOB] Kira does a detect magic on the door?

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] Lady Kylia, do you have a good healing spell avaiable, just in case i get Paged, I fell i should be healed

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] feel

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Were you hurt Paul?

[Lorie :O)] Kylia Wolfslayer no longer targets Kylia Wolfslayer.

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "Do you have a plan for the basilisk, Sir Paul?"

[Lorie :O)] Kylia Wolfslayer targets Paul Elvenstire. Distance: 54'11"

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] Sorry, it may be hard to tell but I was not talking to you, I think I said Lady Kylia

[Valedianna (mikE)] "Basilisk? How about kill it?"

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] YOu need to become uninvisible john

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] ::flys down and puts hand on shoulder

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] what basilisk?

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] not to touch

[Lorie :O)] Kylia Wolfslayer casts a spell against Paul Elvenstire: Cure Moderate Wounds: Feel the power of Gobinhiu and be healed (-(d10+1)) [1d10=1] -2

[Kit (Vicki)] ((huh?))

[BOB] Paul Elvenstire's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 28 (2) - Heavily Wounded

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] LOL

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] see told you

[Valedianna (mikE)] man. you have the worst luck with cure moderate

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] maybe one more, take your time

[Valedianna (mikE)] lol

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] you guys go ahead

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "THere is a sleeping basilisk in the room to the southwest of the entrance room."

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] not anymore

[Valedianna (mikE)] "So... kill it in its sleep."

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] I killed it

[Kira (Beth)] shall I cast detect magic now?

[Valedianna (mikE)] "See? Like that."

[Valedianna (mikE)] "That's why he's in charge of his little kingdom."

Poopy has left the game on Fri Sep 12 21:04:26 EDT 2008

[Valedianna (mikE)] "Did I mention how I just love a rich man?"

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "Great. Then we only have the manic effect of the door to deal with."

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] I am not in charge, I just protect it

[Christy] Arilyn no longer targets Antarias.

[Valedianna (mikE)] "Does protecting pay well?"

Poopy on the Carpet has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 21:05:18 EDT 2008

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] not enough

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] it s a growth industry though

[Kit (Vicki) (to Poopy on the Carpet only)] wb

Poopy on the Carpet is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

Poopy on the Carpet has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] lots of work

[Valedianna (mikE)] "Oh. Well nevermind, then."

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "Is there some magical effect on all those piles of bones, too?"

[Kit (Vicki)] are we going in yet, or we still waiting?

[Christy] so what are we up to next? which way?

[Poopy on the Carpet] How did you overcome the affect of the trap?

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] Lady Kylia, how about an Orison, whike they check out the death and destrustion

[BOB] Kira ready to cast and go in ?

[BOB] and who is behind her?

[Kira (Beth)] ready, just waiting for consensus from the group

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "I think it only affected the weaker minds. I was too focused to be disturbed by that mind trap."

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "I'll go behind her."

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "Unless Kit or Paul want to because this is their adventure, right?"

[Christy] I think you just got lucky

[Kit (Vicki)] ((well, I'm not sure now, since paul apparently needs healing))

[Lorie :O)] Kylia Wolfslayer casts a spell against Paul Elvenstire: Orison: "Range: 10 yds The most humble of priestly spells is the orison, a brief prayer or invocation of a minor nature. Because an orisons is not even on par with other 1st-level magic, I memorize a number of individual orisons equal to (3+13) 16:9 when I devote a 1st-level spell slot to orison. Unlike cantrip, an orison must have a specific effect, although I need not decide which incantation I will use until I actually cast the spell. Regardless of the prayer chosen, the orison’s duration is never more than (13) 13 unless otherwise specified."

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] go go we have things to do

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "Prayer, not luck, has everything to do with it, Bladesinger."

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] lots to talk about, I trust you Percy

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Test

[Valedianna (mikE)] pop quiz

[Lorie :O)] Ehn... C+

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] Ok lets go

[BOB] Paul Elvenstire's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 41 (13) - Moderately Wounded

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Let's go.

[Kit (Vicki)] ok

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] Remember I could be paged at any time

[Kira (Beth)] ::mutters to self:: prayer is all well and good, but a little help from Lady Luck hurts nothing

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Thief leading the way, checkin' for those nasty little traps...

[Kira (Beth)] Kira casts a spell against : Detect Magic - Wizard: For (2*7) 14 rounds I can detect magic in a 10'x60' path in front of me.

[BOB] Kira moved 16'09".

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] Maybe one one Lady Kylia? PLease

[BOB] Percival moved 21'11".

[Kit (Vicki)] *proceeds to go*

[Percival (Ki-Yah!) (to BOB only)] thanks for moving me, dm-

[Lorie :O)] Kylia Wolfslayer casts a spell against Paul Elvenstire: Orison: "Range: 10 yds The most humble of priestly spells is the orison, a brief prayer or invocation of a minor nature. Because an orisons is not even on par with other 1st-level magic, I memorize a number of individual orisons equal to (3+13) 16:9 when I devote a 1st-level spell slot to orison. Unlike cantrip, an orison must have a specific effect, although I need not decide which incantation I will use until I actually cast the spell. Regardless of the prayer chosen, the orison’s duration is never more than (13) 13 unless otherwise specified."

[Arilyn (Christy)] waiting to hear someone cry "evil!!"

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] Rave Starfire moved 11'00".

[Kira (Beth)] and will detect for mundane traps as well

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet) (to BOB only)] I am still invisible

[BOB (to Beth only)] nothign pops up on teh detect magic meter

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] You are most gracious Lady Kylia, I owe you my life more then once

[BOB (to Beth only)] nothign in the normal traps area either, you can clearly see the footprints there from all the others

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 2'08".

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "Right behind you, Kira."

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] I feel I can ask no more of you

[BOB] and now Kira, Percy, Rave, Kit all make saves verus spell

[Valedianna (mikE)] Antarias moved 16'03".

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] LOL

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Whoops.

[BOB] Kira moved 3'04".

[BOB] Percival moved 2'10".

[BOB] Antarias moved 2'06".

[BOB] Rave Starfire moved 1'00".

[BOB] Kit moved 3'03".

[BOB] Entrance Door moved 2'03".

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Let's see how focused I am this time, eh?

[Kira (Beth)] Kira: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] Rave Starfire: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 7!!

[Kira (Beth)] crap, I knew it :(

[BOB (to Beth only)] Percy is about to stab you in the back!!!!!

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Percival: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[BOB] Kit and Ant?

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Kira (Beth)] ::whirls around on Percy:: "BACK! you traitorous Liar!"

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Focus, baby. What were you saying about luck, there, Miss Lady Luck?

[Kira (Beth)] ::pulls knives out::

[Arilyn (Christy)] told you

[Valedianna (mikE)] Antarias: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL FAILED against 7!!

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "Dear Rogue, I assure you I am nothing of the sort!"

[Arilyn (Christy)] oh crap

[BOB (to Vicki only)] Kit thinks that Antarias is about to stab you

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Uh-oh. That's bad. Very bad.


[BOB (to mikE only)] Ant thinks that Percy is about to stab Kira then turn on Ant so you should get him first before he gets the chance to get you

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Initiative, DM?

[BOB] Combat has begun!


[Kit (Vicki)] *Sheaths claws* "Don't you dare stab me, Antarias"

[Lorie :O)] Kylia Wolfslayer: Initiative: (d10+10++0) [1d10=1] 11

[Kit (Vicki)] ((*sigh*))

[Kira (Beth)] "You're not going to creep up behind me like some traitorous backstabbing hypocritical, ::pant pant:: ::backs up against a wall:: waving knives at Percy::

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Initiative: (d10+10++0) [1d10=4] 14

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] Rave Starfire: Initiative: (d10+10++2) [1d10=1] 13

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] Paul Elvenstire: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=3] 13

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] damn initiative is fucked up again

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Percival: Initiative: (d10+10++2) [1d10=5] 17

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn: Initiative: (d10+10++0) [1d10=2] 12

[Valedianna (mikE)] Antarias: Initiative: (d10+10+-1) [1d10=3] 12

[Valedianna (mikE)] Antarias: Initiative: (d10+10+-1) [1d10=2] 11

[Valedianna (mikE)] Valedianna: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=4] 12

[BOB] Paul Elvenstire's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 54 (13) - Lightly Wounded

[Kira (Beth)] don't know how to roll init anymore


[BOB] INIT: 11 GOING: Kylia Wolfslayer

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] we deteced magic and could not find a magical trap?

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] I thought this was fixed? What kind of a stupid effect is this?

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: Combat - Initiative {not sure why this is here}: (INIT) : CHANGED: +0+(-$RA) (+10+$RA). Initiative (modifier): (INIT) : CHANGED: +0+(-$RA) (+10+$RA).

[Kit (Vicki)] ((Beth, open the dice panel))

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] Rave Starfire: Initiative: (d10+0+(-+2)) [1d10=8] 6

[BOB] yes to John, detected Magic and did not find anything

[Kira (Beth)] I did

[BOB] and Rave you can go also righ tnow

[Lorie :O)] They are fighting up there?

[BOB] along with Kylia

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Something that waits until we several of us go through it for it to take effect?

[Lorie :O)] /point

Lorie :O) point

[Kit (Vicki)] ((the attack/damage tab has initiative on it))

[BOB] yes you can see that the 5 people up front seem about to come to blows

[Arilyn (Christy)] umm...yeah, looks like it

[Valedianna (mikE)] "Stay back everyone!"

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] Lady kylia do you have anything to clean the air? All I can do is an Air Elemental

[Antarias (mikE)] "Stay back everyone!"

[Kira (Beth)] Kira: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=6] 14

[Kit (Vicki)] brb

[Antarias (mikE)] that was supposed to be ant yelling that

[Arilyn (Christy)] hey, who's bright idea was it to go back over there?

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] Who seems to be affected?

[Antarias (mikE)] not mine. i just followed like a good sheep to guard percy's back

[Kira (Beth)] ok, found it under attacks

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] ::Paul raised Invisible Hand::

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] Rave Starfire: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Blame John.

[BOB] right now Kira is attacking Percy, Ant seems to be attacking Percy

[Antarias (mikE)] blame canada

[BOB] Kit seems to be attacking Percy

[Antarias (mikE)] i'm not attacking attacking yet bob

[Arilyn (Christy)] so my trying to kill people didn't make you say "hmm, wonder what that was about?"

[Antarias (mikE)] don't give people the wrong idea, eh?

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] Rave, it is the stale air inside

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] Rope of entanglement on Antarias, Kira and Kit then.

[Kira (Beth)] Kira has her back against a wall, in preparation to fend off Percy's attacks

[BOB] so Kylia doing anything?

[Arilyn (Christy)] i mean, i know I try to kill people all the ntime but not OUR people

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] can you hold them off until I get an air elemental or do you have a quicker solution

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Uh. Hmm. I see a pattern here. Everybody is attacking *me*. Convenient, eh?

[BOB] can not get them without getting Percy too

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] I believe I can direct it who to attack Bob...but if you say so...I will check

[BOB] because he is man sized blocking the doorway

[BOB] out in teh open I would agree with you Fritz

[BOB] but you can easily entangle the group

[BOB] to stop all attacks

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] Ok then I do so

[Arilyn (Christy)] how did you guys fix me?

[BOB] so Rave uses the rope

[BOB] and Kylia ?

[Percival (Ki-Yah!) (to Poopy on the Carpet only)] don't worry about entangling me. we need to get everyone *out* of there...

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] Fresh air= clean mind

[Lorie :O)] <--- Trying to sort spell list

[Kit (Vicki)] ((i'm back))

JK has left the game on Fri Sep 12 21:23:19 EDT 2008

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Yeah, just entangle Antarias before he starts wailing on me...

[Antarias (mikE)] wuss

[Arilyn (Christy)] well I will help Rave haul them out of the room if he needs it

[BOB] ok

[BOB] Combat has finished.

[BOB] Percival moved 23'03".

[BOB] Kit moved 11'03".

[BOB] Rave Starfire moved 16'05".

[BOB] Antarias moved 21'04".

[Lorie :O)] Kylia Wolfslayer: Initiative: (d10+10++0) [1d10=1] 11

[BOB] Kira moved 25'04".

[BOB] and so everyone is out

[BOB] Lorie did you have another idea?

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] Why would we go out?

[BOB] a spell to cast?

[BOB] you entangled everyone?

[Lorie :O)] Kylia Wolfslayer casts a spell against Paul Elvenstire: Enthrall: A priest using this spell can enthrall an audience that can fully understand his language. Those in the area of effect must successfully save vs. spell or give the caster their undivided attention, totally ignoring their surroundings. Those of a race or religion unfriendly to the caster's have a +4 bonus to the roll. Any Wisdom adjustment also applies. Creatures with 4 or more levels or Hit Dice, or with a Wisdom of 16 or better, are unaffected. To cast the spell, the caster must speak without interruption for a full round. Thereafter, the enchantment lasts as long as the priest speaks, to a maximum of one hour. Those enthralled take no action while the priest speaks, and for 1d3 rounds thereafter while they discuss the matter. Those entering the area of effect must also successfully save vs. spell or become enthralled. Those not enthralled are 50% likely every turn to hoot and jeer in unison. If there is excessive jeering, the rest are allowed a new saving throw. The speech ends (but the 1d3 round delay still applies) if the priest is successfully attacked or performs any action other than speaking. If the audience is attacked, the spell ends and the audience reacts immediately, rolling a reaction check with respect to the source of the interruption, at a penalty of -10. Note: When handling a large number of saving throws for similar creatures, the DM can assume an average to save time; for example, a crowd of 20 men with a base saving throw of 16 (25% success chance) will have 15 men enthralled and five not.

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] It's not a fair fight. My char might not be afraid, but the player doesn't want to lose the char so easily...

[BOB] to pull them out?

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] wait bob couldn't I have taken them all in?

[Lorie :O)] ((And so... Kylia begins to speak about the great lore of the Dragnoslayers ))

[BOB] they were all in

[BOB] ok, casting that on only Paul? or ?

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] What did I resist Bob was it the air or what?

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "We need to destroy that door."

[Antarias (mikE)] or make a new one

[BOB] no visible or mental effect, just you saw others reacting to something and you did not react to it

[Kira (Beth)] That door effects us, but doesn't seem to have any magical traps

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet) (to BOB only)] what did I resist? could I have pulled them inside to see if it wears off after a time?

[Kira (Beth)] and it's the luck of the draw as to who is affected

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "And maybe we'll let the rogue go in by herself. She doesn't need me or anybody else for that matter. I'll stay out of her way so she doesn't get confused and think I'm out to get her."

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "I'm not out to get her, or anyone for that matter."

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet) (to BOB only)] If I resisted I wouldn't go out to have to come back in again Bob

[BOB (to Poopy on the Carpet only)] you could go futher inside yes, but the hour or so that Paul spent inside before did not change how it affected him

[Kira (Beth)] I went thru once with no effect and the second time got me

[Kit (Vicki)] Are we sure it's the door and not what's between us and the door?

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "I went through twice and wasn't affected. My willpower helps me."

[Arilyn (Christy)] does it stink in there?

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet) (to BOB only)] I could once inside release percival since he wasn't affected

[Antarias (mikE)] like the grey area of the map? snicker

[BOB (to Poopy on the Carpet only)] and you could not pull them out without moving out your self, and Ariyln by her self is not strong enough

[BOB] no smell

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] did you detect magic on the rocks?

[BOB] yes no magic effect anywhere you could see

[Kira (Beth)] no, I'm not sure, but how are we gonna tell?

[Kit (Vicki)] ((Exactly what I was referring to Mike))

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet) (to BOB only)] I would have pulled them inside not out

[Kira (Beth)] I have 10'x60' of detect magic. as far as I can tell there isn't any

[Kit (Vicki)] maybe it's not magical

[Kit (Vicki)] or undetectable

[Kira (Beth)] ((unless BOB hasn't told me of any and there really is))

[BOB (to Poopy on the Carpet only)] you could'nt pull them in,

[Arilyn (Christy)] maybe its like carbon monoxide

[BOB] there is no magic that Kira has detected yet

[BOB] will etll you when you do

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet) (to BOB only)] uhm why not?

[Antarias (mikE)] i'm gonna send val on a walk around the tower bob

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] I'm going to detect evil in that direction, Bob.

[Antarias (mikE)] while everyone is talking

[Kira (Beth)] I turn in a circle to detect an area as big as I can

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] I thought it was a cave

[BOB (to Poopy on the Carpet only)] you are not strong enough to manhandle 4 man sized, even with the 20 strength, you still need a pivot point to pull them from, so you would have had to gone inside the hallways, and they were blocking the entrance

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet) (to John2 only)] why do you think it is the air?

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] not another tower

[BOB] it is a cave

[Arilyn (Christy)] mold

[BOB] there is no evil that Percy can detect

[Antarias (mikE)] then i'll walk along the walls either way for a big

[Antarias (mikE)] bit

[BOB] and no magic that Kira can detect

[Paul Elvenstire (John2) (to Poopy on the Carpet only)] because we all came out side and were clear headed

[BOB (to Beth only)] you do get a tingle when you look at Paul, but he alwyas tingles .... right?

[Kit (Vicki)] I guess one of us goes at a time to figure it out

[Kit (Vicki)] and slowly too

[BOB] walking along the outside shows you that this was built into the side of a hill

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Does anybody have herbalism that might be able to find some plant life responsible for this?

[Kira (Beth) (to BOB only)] ::gives DM funny look::

[BOB (to Beth only)] make an alertness check

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] It's almost like a hallucinogenic is present here.

[Kira (Beth) (to BOB only)] does he tingle more than usual?

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet) (to BOB only)] a strength of 20 I can carry without encumberance 535 pounds bob

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] I still wanna take that door out.

Lorie :O) has left the game on Fri Sep 12 21:32:58 EDT 2008

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet) (to John2 only)] why did your mind clear when you were inside?

[mikE] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kit (Vicki)] ok, so it'll be me that goes into that again...

[BOB (to Poopy on the Carpet only)] you can move that much weight, but you can't just pivot them on nothing, and they were blocking the way inside

[Kit (Vicki)] and attack the door

[Paul Elvenstire (John2) (to Poopy on the Carpet only)] no I was parinod until I got outside

Lorie :O) has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 21:33:30 EDT 2008

Lorie :O) is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

Lorie :O) has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

[Arilyn (Christy)] we can detroy the door from here

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "Sounds good. We need to go one at a time."

[Kit (Vicki)] how can we destroy the door from here?

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "Plenty of distance between us all in case we become affected."

[Kira (Beth) (to BOB only)] I have observation

[Arilyn (Christy)] little bit o' fire or something

[BOB (to Beth only)] ok

[Arilyn (Christy)] lightning, lance...

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] I bet it is an area of affect on the entire buildning/cave...

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] maybe , wait, Rave you have telekenisis?

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] yes

[Kira (Beth) (to BOB only)] to you only? and if so, how do I do that now? lol

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] I can telekinesis 800 lbs

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] can you get rid of the skull that is on the ground

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] up and over away from us

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] just to see if that is the issue

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "How can that be possible? What manner of magic can permanently affect such a large area? Can anyone you know cast a spell of such magnitude?"

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "Has anyone you've ever *heard* of been able to cast something like that?"

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] Sure, but I didn't think it was magical...I send it far far away bob...instant telekinesis

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] I hurl it 320 yards away

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] while your at it move all the rocks, clean this area up a lit

[BOB] it flys through the air, twinkles in teh sunlight and disapears into the woods far away

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] bit

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] I can do a 10foot area

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] of things if the total weight is 800lbs

[BOB (to Beth only)] you can ask Paul if he has any new magic

[Arilyn (Christy)] hey, if it was the skull, I hope we don't come acroos it again out there...

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "Wow, that's pretty impressive, (Starfire? or Mentor?)"

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] Or it doesn't affect any squirrels

[Kira (Beth)] ::looks at Sir Paul curiously:: "Sir Paul, do you have any new magics?"

[Arilyn (Christy)] that's all we need-loony squirrels

[Kit (Vicki) (to Ki-Yah! only)] Mentor is on the other adventure, this one is Rave Starfire

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Let's not kill any spotted owls as you fling that better part of a tree in the distance, brother-

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] why do you ask?

[BOB] vicious beasts I tell you

[Kira (Beth)] "there's something a bit ... different... about you...

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] He is invisible maybe?

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] what can you tell me about it

[Arilyn (Christy)] different like how?

[Percival (Ki-Yah!) (to Vicki only)] Thanks. Right. I'm not going to be good at keeping track of stuff like that (or keeping track of anything for that matter).

Percival (Ki-Yah!) raises eyebrows at Kira

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] maybe I should enter the cave and see if getting rid of the skull helped

[Kira (Beth)] ::looks at Arilyn:: " Sir Paul always 'tingles' when I do a magic sweep. But, he tingles differently this time." ::shrugs::

[Kit (Vicki) (to Ki-Yah! only)] no problem

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] well I have diffrent spells now

[Kira (Beth)] "I don't know how else to explain it"

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "Hmmmm...."

Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet) whispers to percival

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] Percy, I am not evil am I?

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet) (to Ki-Yah! only)] detect evil

Percival (Ki-Yah!) listening intently

[BOB] Percy says no

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "I have to say no, I don't see any, Rave."

[Kira (Beth)] ((giggles)) He gives me tingles ::embarrassed cough::

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] Well then enough, Kit go though that door, we need a test subject

[Lorie :O)] Kylia Wolfslayer: Herbalism check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Kit (Vicki)] Kira, is there a way you could tell the difference?

[Paul Elvenstire (John2) (to Beth only)] Bob put you up to that huh?

[Kit (Vicki)] *obeys Paul and goes to the door*

[Kira (Beth) (to John2 only)] ::grin:: yep

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] note to everyone, it's pretty obvious when Percival is detecting evil because he closes his eyes, waves hand in general direction, grimacing whenever he finds any evil...

[BOB (to Lorie :O) only)] you do not detect anything growign in the area out of the ordinary

[Paul Elvenstire (John2) (to Beth only)] is it powerful magic?

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 17'10".

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] I don't detect evil in a 'sneaky' fashion....

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet) (to BOB only)] I do a know alignment spell on Paul

[BOB (to Poopy on the Carpet only)] no change

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "Sir Paul, you seem clean to me."

[Kira (Beth) (to John2 only)] that he wouldn't tell me, just that you 'tingle' differently to me

[Arilyn (Christy)] that paladin is so *not* subtle

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] Rave Starfire casts a spell against : Know Alignment - Wizard: For (8) 8 rounds I can attempt to determine a creature or object's aligment. This requires 2 rounds of concentration and the creature receives a save.

[Kira (Beth) (to John2 only)] well, actually he didn't say that he said you tingle, but ... you always tingle, right?

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "You understand we just want to make sure, Sir Paul. Thank you for your understanding."

[Kira (Beth) (to John2 only)] end of quote

[Paul Elvenstire (John2) (to Beth only)] one way or another

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 0'11".

[Kira (Beth) (to John2 only)] knowing BOB it's either one of the few hints he's gonna give or it's a complete red herring

[BOB] so Kit is goign to move back into the doorway

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] I'll be back in a few minutes, okay?

[Ki-Yah!] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kit (Vicki)] ((Kit did move))

[BOB] and make that save versus spell Kit

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] (good dog)

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] see it is safe

[BOB (to Vicki only)] adn no effect

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] I will go next

[BOB (to Vicki only)] you do not feel any different

[Arilyn (Christy)] Kit, did you feel anything?

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] It isn't would affect us only when inside...I wasn't inside and I was affected

[Kit (Vicki) (to BOB only)] can I continue going in now?

[Paul Elvenstire (John2) (to BOB only)] I am not moving

[BOB (to Vicki only)] yes

[BOB (to John2 only)] ok

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] Bob is this a tower or a cave that we are at?

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 11'01".

[BOB] a cave

[Paul Elvenstire (John2) (to BOB only)] not yet

[BOB] in the side of a hill

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 9'07".

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] CaI search the side of the hill for any symbols or anything like that...

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] Cal=can

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 7'04".

[BOB] nods, Antarias has checked and did not see anything unusual

[Kit (Vicki)] ((ok I think I am far enough away now :) ))

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] Does it seem like people act as if "Confused"?

[BOB] how much farther is Kit goign to go in without anyone else?

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)]

[BOB] no to Rave, they seem to know what they are doing,

[Kit (Vicki)] ((i think I'll stop here for a moment Bob))

[Kira (Beth)] What about sending in my little helper? I hate to waste him, but if we need something that can go in reliably without getting bespelled, maybe?

[Kit (Vicki)] ((on the lookout for the next thing that wants to attack me))

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] What is your helper?

[BOB] they just suddenly seem to think that someone is about to attack them, or they want to attack others

[Kira (Beth)] I have an Unseen Helper

[mikE] I am back at the keyboard.

Lorie :O) has left the game on Fri Sep 12 21:47:41 EDT 2008

[Kira (Beth)] Right, so it's like a spell of paranoia

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] like discord or paranoia or ?

[Kira (Beth)] What I felt was that Percy was out to stab me in the back

[BOB] yes those are good descriptions of what is happening, without committing to the fact it is a spell

[Kira (Beth)] is that maybe class related?

[Kira (Beth)] It's something I would do ::shrugs::

[Paul Elvenstire (John2) (to BOB only)] I am going to dimention door into the big room in the air near the celing

[Arilyn (Christy)] I thought that Percy and Ant had something terrible inside them that could infect the others and must be killed

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] If I cast dispel magic for the affect it would have to be on the site of origin of the affect or in the area for it to be affective?

Lorie :O) has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 21:49:35 EDT 2008

Lorie :O) is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

Lorie :O) has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

[Kira (Beth)] So, it's something that you would normally see and try to fix?

[BOB] yes to Fritz, you would have to dispell it at the point of origin

[BOB (to John2 only)] ok, you go in and no save, you feel fine

[BOB] Paul Elvenstire moved 40'05".

[BOB] and no to Beth

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] one sec Kit

[BOB] you might figure out something was teh point of origin, but no reason to see anything radiateing outwards to give it away

[Kit (Vicki)] *waits for Paul*

[Kira (Beth)] I was asking Arilyn, sorry... but you probably answered the question I was leading to anyway

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] So someone with detect magic would have to come in with me to find the site of the spell affecct then

[Paul Elvenstire (John2) (to BOB only)] but Paul does not feel anything so there still is no proof

[BOB] you have already done a detect magic and not found any magic field that is affecting you

[Kira (Beth)] which means I need to go in

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] on the outside but not on the inside corrct?

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] yells in, I am fine, kit is fine, you can stay out or come in one at a time

[Kira (Beth)] oh, right... but is it perhaps detectible when it's not triggered?

[BOB] both Rave, Kira was inside

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] we have work to do

[Arilyn (Christy)] it could be something inside the room, right?

Poopy on the Carpet has left the game on Fri Sep 12 21:52:17 EDT 2008

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] Paul Elvenstire moved 11'05".

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] ok Kit open the door

[Kit (Vicki)] *proceeds to open the door*

Poopy has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 21:52:50 EDT 2008

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 1'11".

Poopy is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

Poopy has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

[Kit (Vicki)] ((bob, do I need to make a open doors check?))

[Paul Elvenstire (John2) (to Poopy only)] out of charater I found somthing out

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] I did not want to have left before so I wouldn't have to save again but I guess Bob made

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] I am coming in.

[Ki-Yah!] I am back at the keyboard.

[Rave Starfire (Poopy) (to John2 only)] what?

[Paul Elvenstire (John2) (to Poopy only)] it is the entrance way

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Rave Starfire moved 15'09".

[Arilyn (Christy)] if he fails, how do we get him out-he's the one that's been doing the yanking

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "I'll stay out here. Perhaps I am having an effect on the rest of you. I'm a lightning rod, if you will."

[Paul Elvenstire (John2) (to Poopy only)] not the air

[Paul Elvenstire (John2) (to Poopy only)] I dimention Doored in and no save

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Rave Starfire moved 4'02".

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] go ahead Kit, I think things are ok inside

[Rave Starfire (Poopy) (to John2 only)] good job

[BOB] make a save verus spell Rave

[Paul Elvenstire (John2) (to Poopy only)] good luck

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 5'03".

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Rave Starfire moved 3'00".

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Rave Starfire: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 7!!

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] holds door open

[Arilyn (Christy)] whew...

[BOB (to Poopy only)] no effect

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Rave Starfire moved 22'05".

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] from above

[Rave Starfire (Poopy) (to BOB only)] can I check the doorway for traps or affects?

[Kira (Beth)] ::lets out held breath::

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] Paul Elvenstire moved 3'02".

[BOB (to Poopy only)] sure, and you do not find any

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Rave Starfire moved 27'08".

[BOB (to Poopy only)] will have you rol a detect traps if needed, you are presumed to be doing that as you go along

[BOB] The floor of this room is littered with the bones of dozens of what appeared to be Sormun's skeletal guardians, all of which seem to be destroyed.

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Rave Starfire: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=35] 35 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[BOB] This octagonal chamber was once a shrine dedicated to a god of death. The walls have been shaped (using stoneshape spells perhaps?) into a giant bas-relief depicting a dracolich with outstretched bony wings. The head of the dracolich emerges from the northern wall above a raised slab of stone that once served as a sacificial altar. The altar has grooves and hemispherical indentations used to channel and catch blood from sacrifices. The surface of the altar is stained with blood. Propped against the stone altar are the dead, rotting corpses of five pale skinned humanoids. Looking to be about four feet tall with long arms and lengs for their body size. Their wounds suggest that they were killed with picks. There are broken picks scattered about the room.

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Bob, someone asked this last time. Is there some tactile sensation when we are asked to make these saves?

[BOB] no to Percy

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Do we feel our skin crawl? No, okay.

[Rave Starfire (Poopy) (to BOB only)] I go to the sack and gem

[Arilyn (Christy)] smell anything?

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Rave Starfire moved 6'11".

[BOB (to Poopy only)] what sack and gem?

[Kira (Beth)] Do we notice anything at all when we make those saves? (other than when we fail them)

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] there is some writing that says sack of loot and gem

[BOB] no noticable effect beth

[Rave Starfire (Poopy) (to BOB only)] sorry

[BOB (to Poopy only)] you do not see that,

[Kira (Beth)] kk

[Rave Starfire (Poopy) (to BOB only)] oh sorry

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] Go ahead kit open the next door

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Ok I search the area

[BOB (to Poopy only)] is not in teh room descip sorry, thought there were out of the way

[Rave Starfire (Poopy) (to BOB only)] ok sorry

[Kit (Vicki)] *opens the door*

[BOB] ok, so that takes a coupel rounds

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 1'03".

[BOB] kit opens that door

[Rave Starfire (Poopy) (to BOB only)] I search the area around the altar

[BOB] Kit moved 1'08".

[BOB (to GM only)] Kitchen moved 1'02".

[BOB] A rectangular table used for food preparation stands in the middle of this room. Against the northwest and southwest walls stand a matching set of book shelves now used to hold utensils, jars of spices, and dishware. Between the shelving units is a black tapestry depicting a skull stitched with fine silver thread. Embedded in the eastern wall opposite the tapestry is a fireplace filled with soot.

[BOB (to GM only)] Kitchen moved 2'01".

[BOB (to GM only)] Kitchen moved 9'08".

[BOB] ok so it has been a while that the two of them have gone inside (you do not know where Paul is) what do the rest of you want to do

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Rave Starfire moved 21'02".

[BOB] Rave Starfire moved 20'10".

[Rave Starfire (Poopy) (to BOB only)] sorry

[BOB] Lorie? Beth? Hans? Christy?

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Yes?

[Antarias (mikE)] shrug

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Every time I go in there, we start attacking each other.

[Arilyn (Christy)] eh...

[Antarias (mikE)] seriously

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] We're 2 for 2.

[Antarias (mikE)] this is old now

[Kira (Beth)] The only person capable of getting us out of there is already in there

[BOB (to Poopy only)] hidden behidn the altar is a secret panel that reveals three large sacks

[Kira (Beth)] if we don't make our saves, that is

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] I can't believe how much I'm agreeing with Mike these days? What's up with that?

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] (I have no clue how to help you)

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] ????

[Antarias (mikE)] if i had fin i'd just stone shape a hole in the wall, but with a fighter and thief i have to hope i don't fail a save and beat the everliving crap out of someone

[Arilyn (Christy)] I've already tried to kill my friends today

[Rave Starfire (Poopy) (to BOB only)] I look for traps and then search the sacks

[Arilyn (Christy)] been there, done that

[Antarias (mikE)] you've finally reached genius status

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Rave Starfire: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=28] 28 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[Arilyn (Christy)] got the t-shirt to prove it

[BOB (to Poopy only)] ok, will take a bit of time

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Yeah, I don't want Ant going ape**** on us.

[BOB] grins

[Antarias (mikE)] geniuses think alike after all

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] (Paul yelled out it we were fine)

[Kira (Beth)] yeah, I'm not fond of the idea of Ant going whacked

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Sure. I'm cool with that. Let us know when we need to come in.

[BOB] I liek the idea of keeping you seperated into three groups

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] three is a magic number

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "Just let us know when you need us!!!!!" ::yelling into the cavernous area::

[Arilyn (Christy)] *points* see ? my shirt says "I tried to kill my friends and all I got was this lousy t-shirt"

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] "Don't be too long!!!!"

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] smiles

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] ::Snicker::

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] You hear the man Kit, next door

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] Paul Elvenstire moved 12'09".

[Kit (Vicki)] *covers her ears as the yelling echos off the cave's walls*

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 12'02".

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] ::heh heh heh::

[BOB (to GM only)] Larder moved 3'07".

[BOB] There are "food supplies" in this cold, damp chamber. The walls are roughly hewn and contain many nooks and crannies that serve as crude shelves. Scanning the shelves find jars of preserved foodstuffs and pickled body organs (eyes, hearts, and so forth). To the west there is a large opening.

[Kit (Vicki)] *curses being in closed spaces with a group that likes to yell*

[BOB] you can not hear anything out side, or inside now, too many closed doors

[Rave Starfire (Poopy) (to BOB only)] tell me when I find out what is in the sacks

[Kit (Vicki)] *likes the quiet now*

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] Paul Elvenstire moved 19'01".

[Kira (Beth)] he closed the doors behind him?

[Kira (Beth)] him/her/it

[BOB] Combat has begun!


[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 12'04".

[BOB] Orgre Zombie: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=9] 19

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] I normally love that sound, but not this time.

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] we need to roll again

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Initiative: (d10+10++0) [1d10=4] 14

[BOB] only Paul

[Kira (Beth)] nice ... not

[BOB] and Kit

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] Paul Elvenstire: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=8] 18


[BOB] Vick?

[Arilyn (Christy)] everyone or just the people inside?

[BOB] only the two of them, if they die here, no one knows where they are or what happened

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] Um, he said "only Paul"

[Kit (Vicki)] um, I can't seem to move closer

[BOB] no one knows what is happening

[Kit (Vicki)] (ooc)

[BOB] Kit moved 10'10".

[Kit (Vicki)] ((can I still attack?))

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] ((Zombie ogre shouldn't cause to much damage))

[BOB] target adn attack like normal

[Antarias (mikE)] but it's a zombie oRgre

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] ((problem))

[Antarias (mikE)] whole different ball game

[Percival (Ki-Yah!)] run away run away run away....

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Attack: Close Claws: ((12-(d20+3+2+3))+3+2+3) [1d20=17] -5 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Orgre Zombie (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Attack: Close Claws: ((12-(d20+3+2+3))+3+2+3) [1d20=12] 0.0 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Orgre Zombie (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Antarias (mikE)] i think now would be a good time to randomly run in

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Damage v L: Breath Fire: ((3d6)+8) [3d6=2,5,2] 17 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Orgre Zombie

[BOB] have to target first

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] roll claw damage

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Damage v L: Close Claws: ((d6)+8) [1d6=5] 13 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Orgre Zombie

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Damage v L: Close Claws: ((d6)+8) [1d6=3] 11 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Orgre Zombie

[Kit (Vicki)] ((I did target, Bob))

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] looks good

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Hit ogre ac 6

[BOB] I don't see any lines, adn no damage is applied to it

[BOB] Kit targets Orgre Zombie. Distance: 1'04"

[BOB] now it is targeed

[BOB] roll those attacks

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Attack: Close Claws: ((12-(d20+3+2+3))+3+2+3) [1d20=20] -8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Attack: Close Claws: ((12-(d20+3+2+3))+3+2+3) [1d20=9] 3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Damage v L: Breath Fire: ((3d6)+8) [3d6=4,1,3] 16 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Damage v L: Close Claws: ((d6)+8) [1d6=5] 13 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Damage v L: Close Claws: ((d6)+8) [1d6=1] 9 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] funny now it does not say if she hit

[BOB] ok, now try again, think I found it

[Kit (Vicki)] ((*sigh*))

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] It has been KloOgified

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Attack: Close Claws: ((12-(d20+3+2+3))+3+2+3) [1d20=18] -6 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Vicki] Kit no longer targets Orgre Zombie.

[Vicki] Kit targets Orgre Zombie. Distance: 1'04"

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Attack: Close Claws: ((12-(d20+3+2+3))+3+2+3) [1d20=17] -5 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Orgre Zombie (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Attack: Close Claws: ((12-(d20+3+2+3))+3+2+3) [1d20=13] -1 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Orgre Zombie (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Damage v L: Close Claws: ((d6)+8) [1d6=3] 11 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Orgre Zombie

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Damage v L: Close Claws: ((d6)+8) [1d6=3] 11 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Orgre Zombie

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Damage v L: Breath Fire: ((3d6)+8) [3d6=3,4,6] 21 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Orgre Zombie

[BOB] Orgre Zombie's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 2 (-43) - Massively Wounded

[Kit (Vicki)] ((better?))

[BOB] INIT: 18 GOING: Paul Elvenstire

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] so close

[Kit (Vicki)] Finish him off Paul, um, if you can...

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] is the celing hogh enough for me to get over them?

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] It's just an Orgre problem for Kit the undead killer

[BOB] no to john

[BOB] and you can not breath fire the same round you attack with claws

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] can I throw a rock?

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] NO?

[BOB] no to john, Kit is filling up the passage way

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] holding

[BOB] Orgre Zombie's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 12 (10) - Heavily Wounded

[BOB] Orgre Zombie's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 17 (5) - Heavily Wounded

[BOB] Orgre Zombie's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 16 (-1) - Heavily Wounded

[Kit (Vicki)] ((is it just me or is this zombie healing itself?))

[BOB] Orgre Zombie's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 20 (4) - Heavily Wounded

[BOB] Orgre Zombie's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 22 (2) - Heavily Wounded

[BOB] Kit can not breathe fire and attack with claws in the same round

[Kira (Beth)] and in Paul's round, too :)

[BOB] so took off the damage from the fire

[BOB] and now Paul is done

[BOB] and the Zombie gets to go

[BOB] INIT: 19 GOING: Orgre Zombie

[BOB] Orgre Zombie targets Kit. Distance: 1'04"

[BOB] Orgre Zombie: Attack: Footman's Pick: (15-(d20+0)) [1d20=18] -3. PROBABLY HITS Kit (AC FINAL: 0)!!!

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] Holding?

[BOB] Orgre Zombie: Damage v SM: Footman's Pick: ((1d6+1)+1) [1d6=6] 8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Kit

[BOB] Kit's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 79 (-8) - Lightly Wounded

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] If the zombie is taller than kit John can attack over it

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] ove kit

[BOB] no, Kit is blocking the passageway



[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] NP kit will kill it

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] claw claw is better then fire

[Arilyn (Christy)]'s just one

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Attack: Close Claws: ((12-(d20+3+2+3))+3+2+3) [1d20=14] -2 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Orgre Zombie (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Attack: Close Claws: ((12-(d20+3+2+3))+3+2+3) [1d20=2] 10 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Orgre Zombie (AC FINAL: 6).

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Damage v L: Close Claws: ((d6)+8) [1d6=6] 14 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Orgre Zombie

[BOB] Orgre Zombie's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 8 (-14) - Massively Wounded

[Arilyn (Christy)] hopefully Paul won't get paged...

[BOB] INIT: 18 GOING: Paul Elvenstire

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] Holding

[BOB] INIT: 19 GOING: Orgre Zombie

[BOB] Orgre Zombie: Attack: Footman's Pick: (15-(d20+0)) [1d20=1] 14. Probably MISSES Kit (AC FINAL: 0).

[BOB] Orgre Zombie: Attack: Footman's Pick: (15-(d20+0)) [1d20=5] 10. Probably MISSES Kit (AC FINAL: 0).



[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 3'08".

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Attack: Close Claws: ((12-(d20+3+2+3))+3+2+3) [1d20=1] 11 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Orgre Zombie (AC FINAL: 6).

[BOB] and yes, this is a Zombie that just took two attacks, and is using a weapon

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Attack: Close Claws: ((12-(d20+3+2+3))+3+2+3) [1d20=15] -3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Orgre Zombie (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[BOB] Kit moved 1'10".

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit: Damage v L: Close Claws: ((d6)+8) [1d6=2] 10 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Orgre Zombie

[BOB] you can't move into a wal Kit

[BOB] Orgre Zombie's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -2 (-10) - Dying

[BOB] INIT: 18 GOING: Paul Elvenstire

[Ki-Yah!] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kit (Vicki)] ((I was just trying to move out of paul's way))

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] does it look dead er more dead?

[BOB] you can't

[BOB] unless you move backwards

[Kira (Beth)] better flame it

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Dead is dead

[Arilyn (Christy)] it looks mostly dead

[BOB] it looks dead

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] only hope now....

[Antarias (mikE)] it started dead

[Kira (Beth)] which species is it that has to be flamed to stay dead?

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Dead "AGAIN" you mean

[Antarias (mikE)] death is only the beginning

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] good one

[Kit (Vicki)] ((so are we out of combat now?))

[BOB] not yet

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] wrong undead

[BOB] told Paul it looks dead

[BOB] waiting for him to click next

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] holding


[BOB] Combat has finished.

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 12'09".

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] cut off it's head, sorry I must go

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] wife thing

[Paul Elvenstire (John2)] have fun without me

[BOB] silver dagger, Gem, Potion and Pouch moved 3'02".

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] "Not Possible"

John2 has left the game on Fri Sep 12 22:23:14 EDT 2008

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 8'09".

[Antarias (mikE)] we should grab that loot bob just moved

[Kit (Vicki)] *snicker*

[Kit (Vicki)] (ooc)

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Vick search the zombie

[BOB (to Poopy only)] added the individual items to your inventory, and the sacks contain 840 gp, 1,500 ep

[BOB (to Poopy only)] you did not pick up the sacks

[BOB] so the rest of them have been inside the cave for over 30 minutes now

[Kit (Vicki)] ((Why does kit want to search the zombie?))

[BOB] how long before you go in ?

[Arilyn (Christy)] zombie loot

[Arilyn (Christy)] I don't have a watch

[Kit (Vicki)] ((I don't recall kit being a thief, but ok...))

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 15'09".

[Kit (Vicki)] *searches the zombie* Do I find anything?

[Kira (Beth)] me neither. only watch I ever had, I stole from some rich sob and sold for a nice profit

[BOB] nothign on the zombie except the Pick he is holding

[Rave Starfire (Poopy) (to BOB only)] I take the sacks so they aren't left behind...I will give them some of the loot later.

[Kit (Vicki)] Is it magical?

[BOB] no

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 16'05".

[BOB] or at least you can not cast detect magic so no you do not think it is magical

[Kit (Vicki)] *opens the door*

[BOB] Sacks of Loot moved 4'09".

[Kit (Vicki)] *and all others that I go through in a hurry*

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 14'06".

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 19'07".

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Can I move yet now that combat is over bob?

[BOB] yes to Rave

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Rave Starfire moved 24'04".

[BOB (to GM only)] Open Chest moved 4'11".

[BOB] This chest has been broken open and apparently its contents looted or ruined. Inspecting the debris shows a broken lock and several torn pages from the necromancer's spellbook; none of the spells are salvageable.

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 13'06".

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 6'08".

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Rave Starfire: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[BOB] so rave adn kit are in the bedroom

[BOB] nothign for those outside yet?

[Kit (Vicki)] yes

[BOB] Time of Day: 10:00 AM. Day 15 Pen ___ tre, Ohm {Early Winter} 15th, 1259.

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] where is that iron amulet that was on the necromanccer?

[Kira (Beth)] I'm sure they'll be out soon

[BOB] is not in teh room

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)]

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 10'11".

[BOB] Percy was in here

[BOB] and Paul was also

[Kit (Vicki)] *opens the door*

[Kira (Beth)] Paitience is what has saved many a rogue

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] I search the room

[Arilyn (Christy)] I'm not feeling that motivated to be honest with y'all

[Kit (Vicki)] Rave, you coming? *she points in the open space ahead*

[Antarias (mikE)] A flip of the ol' kLoOge.Coin results in: Heads

[Antarias (mikE)] Antarias moved 26'08".

[BOB] make that save verus spell

[Kira (Beth)] honest? Arilyn? not honest?

[Antarias (mikE)] Antarias: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 7!!

[BOB (to mikE only)] ok so no effect

[Antarias (mikE)] Antarias moved 22'00".

[BOB] no clue where pepel went

[Antarias (mikE)] Antarias moved 20'01".

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Kit I want to check the bone room first in case something there is causing the affect

[BOB] two doors and the opening to the altar room

[Arilyn (Christy)] er, honestly not feeling motivated to go in there and start hacking up my buds again

[Rave Starfire (Poopy) (to BOB only)] I closed the secret panel

[BOB (to Poopy only)] nods

[Kit (Vicki)] OK... *she proceeds to go down the hall*

[Antarias (mikE)] Antarias moved 17'08".

[Antarias (mikE)] A flip of the ol' kLoOge.Coin results in: Tails

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 27'09".

[Antarias (mikE)] Antarias moved 18'05".

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Rave Starfire moved 21'05".

mikE has left the game on Fri Sep 12 22:32:54 EDT 2008

[Kira (Beth)] ::chuckles:: me neither, but I'm getting a bit twitchy too.

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 7'03".

mikE has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 22:33:10 EDT 2008

mikE is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

mikE has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] I search through the bones bob

[Kit (Vicki)] *opens the door*

[BOB] will take a couple of hours Rave

[BOB] to do a full search

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Hrmmmm

[BOB] looks like hundreds of bodies here

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] ok...will wait for someone who can detect magic

[Arilyn (Christy)] ewww

[mikE] Antarias moved 15'03".

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] hey you all coming in?

[BOB (to GM only)] Cold Room moved 3'09".

[BOB] This damp, chilly room is where would be good at preserving cadavers The walls are roughly hewn, worked by picks and the back wall is covered with brown mold. Six stone tables stand in the room. Atop one table is the partially assembled skeleton of a human male. Atop another two tables are the slowly rotting corpses of two orcs. Their possessions and internal organs have been removed, but they still wear bloodstained leather armor. The remaining three tables are bare.

[BOB] Antarias: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 13'11".

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] While waiting I will look to see if I can identify the skinny remains next to the alter

[Kit (Vicki)] *opens door*

[BOB] Ant finds a secret door behind the tapestry

[Lorie :O)] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 33'11".

[mikE] ::looks behind the tapestry::

[BOB] make a save verus spell Kylia

[Lorie :O)] ((Sorry, kind of guessed that given how small that all was we'd be there)

[Lorie :O)] Kylia Wolfslayer: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[mikE] can i figure out how to open said secret door of secrets?

[Arilyn (Christy)] see there? what are the odds that we would all make the save?

[BOB (to Lorie :O) only)] so you KNOW that Rave over ther eon the other side of the room is hunting for just the right way to stab you in teh back and ambush you, you better take him out first

[mikE] it kinda depends on our saves

[BOB] /ant yes you have your semi dwarven abiltiies

[mikE] in her case, 50-50

[BOB] will take a bit but you can make it work

[mikE] ::opens said door::

[Kit (Vicki)] ((LOL BOB))

[BOB] Antarias moved 2'01".

[Rave Starfire (Poopy) (to BOB only)] it is good to be invisible and quiet and tiny

[Kit (Vicki)] *opens the door*

[Kira (Beth)] And I guess I'm coming in since Rave can at least subdue me with the rope

[Lorie :O)] Kylia Wolfslayer targets Rave Starfire. Distance: 22'08"

[mikE] Antarias moved 15'00".

[BOB (to Lorie :O) only)] and you know he is invis, so you do not know exactly where he is

[Rave Starfire (Poopy)] Oh well I thougth I was invisible

[Lorie :O)] Kylia Wolfslayer no longer targets Rave Starfire.

[BOB (to GM only)] Laboratory moved 3'01".

[BOB] This room contains a rectangular table cluttered with alchemical equipment (alembics, mortars and pestles, bottles, a crucible, and so forth) and spoiled concoctions that look like black oil. What apparently is a spellbook (a thick book with black leather covers emblazoned with a stylized S) rests atop a lectern carved from a single piece of deadwood resembling a gnarled claw.

[BOB] Kit moved 3'04".

[BOB] Antarias moved 5'09".

Lorie :O) has left the game on Fri Sep 12 22:38:26 EDT 2008

[BOB (to Poopy only)] you are invis, but she knows you are somewhere, she just cannot target you

Lorie :O) has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 22:38:55 EDT 2008

Lorie :O) is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

Lorie :O) has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

[mikE] /bob what's that under the table?

Ki-Yah! has left the game on Fri Sep 12 22:39:01 EDT 2008

Poopy has left the game on Fri Sep 12 22:39:08 EDT 2008

Beth has left the game on Fri Sep 12 22:39:08 EDT 2008

Christy has left the game on Fri Sep 12 22:39:14 EDT 2008

Vicki has left the game on Fri Sep 12 22:39:39 EDT 2008

Vicki's twin has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 22:39:49 EDT 2008

Vicki's twin is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

Vicki's twin has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

Christy has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 22:39:59 EDT 2008

Christy is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

Christy has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

Poopy on the Carpet has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 22:40:04 EDT 2008

Lorie :O) has left the game on Fri Sep 12 22:40:53 EDT 2008

Beth has joined the game on Fri Sep 12 22:41:05 EDT 2008

Beth is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

Beth has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

Poopy on the Carpet is receiving the map Necromancer's Lair...

Poopy on the Carpet has received the map Necromancer's Lair.

[Poopy on the Carpet]

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so everyoen is back?

[mikE] and my front

[Antarias (mikE)] "Kit, you normal?"

[BOB] Kylia is in defensive mode to protect herself from the impending assassination attempt by Rave

[Vicki's twin] Are you?

[Antarias (mikE)] "Yes."

[Kit (Vicki)] Yes, I am normal.

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] ((Trick question))

[Antarias (mikE)] does anything stand out amid the alchemy crap on the table?

[BOB] not from looking at it from far away, it looks like the necromancer was working on something when he died, did not put anyting away

[Antarias (mikE)] okay

[Beth] <---- ((likes alchemy)) ::grin::

[Antarias (mikE)] "Don't think we should bother any of these things. GOnna go back to the other room and look around again."

[Antarias (mikE)] Antarias moved 24'02".

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] ((I am an alchemist as Rave))

[Antarias (mikE)] are the books on the shelves all cookbooks?

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 13'03".

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 26'11".

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 14'04".

[BOB] yes in the kitchen

[Beth] ((my WoW rogues are both alchemists))

[BOB] and jars of spices, and kitchen utensils, and such

[Kit (Vicki)] ((are any of these corpses anyone we're looking for?))

[Christy] I am away from the keyboard.

[Antarias (mikE)] nothing special at all? seriously, outside of a bookstore i've never seen one shelf of cookbooks let alone multiple bookcases

[BOB] only like 4 actual cook books there

[BOB] the rest is pots and pans, spices, etc

[Antarias (mikE)] Antarias moved 15'00".

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] Rave Starfire moved 30'10".

[Antarias (mikE)] giving everything the critical eye in here

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] Rave Starfire moved 25'00".

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] Rave Starfire moved 19'05".

[Beth] ((one of my fave series "Full Metal Alchemist"))

[BOB] (4d8) [4d8=7,7,1,2] 17

[Antarias (mikE)] though it seems to me that the necromancer is dead, he's not the source of th eproblems, and whatever is isn't here.

[BOB] Kit's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 55 (-24) - Moderately Wounded

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] Rave Starfire: Alchemy check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Antarias (mikE)] time to burn and leave

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] can I tell what he was working on?

[Kit (Vicki)] hey!

[Kit (Vicki)] where'd that come from?

[BOB] there is the large spell book in the corner?

[Beth] ((oh, gods... zombie damage))

[BOB] and Kit you do not know

[BOB] you just feel weaker

[Kit (Vicki)] *starts attacking wildly about her*

[Antarias (mikE)] Antarias moved 15'08".

[BOB] food and such in teh panty

[Antarias (mikE)] Antarias moved 27'08".

[Kit (Vicki)] (as her energy drains)

[BOB] ok so swing away Kit

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] Is the room Kit is in "COLD"?

[Antarias (mikE)] "You know anything about that mess on the table?"

[BOB] Kit's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 40 (-15) - Heavily Wounded

[BOB] if you go there Rave you can find out

[Antarias (mikE)] do we hear anything from her?

[Antarias (mikE)] or are we oblivious?

[Kit (Vicki)] *starts swinging making for the door again

[BOB] and no sounds, two closed doors between you anyway

[Kit (Vicki)] *

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 6'02".

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 19'05".

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 24'04".

Kit (Vicki) shivers

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] I search the alchemical equipment to see what is salvageable

[Antarias (mikE)] how come every dungeon doors close automatically?

[BOB] they are balanced

[Antarias (mikE)] i mean, how many people have auto closing doors in their houses?

[Beth] I've wondered that myself

[Antarias (mikE)] my white butt

[Antarias (mikE)] most dungeons couldn't afford that kind of detail

[BOB] and there seems to be a black oily substance in the beakers and equipement

[Antarias (mikE)] it'd take a damn fine door maker to do all these balanced doors

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] ((Shudders at thought of Mike's White Butt))

[BOB] not sure what it is but it coats a lot of the gear, like something exploded

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)]

[BOB] most of the gear looks salvagable if you had a way of cleaning it and taking it away

[Antarias (mikE)] not to mention who WANTS self closing doors in their house?

[Antarias (mikE)] how do you get your food from the kitchen to the dining room?

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] Does my alchemy skill help?

[Antarias (mikE)] then there's the fact that half of them seem to need open door checks

[Antarias (mikE)] inconvenient for those bad bouts of stomach problems

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 27'01".

[BOB] in indentifying things yes, not in figuring out what he was tryign to do without some sort of formula or a lot fo time to research

[Antarias (mikE)] if i lived somewhere i'd specifically request no self closing doors.

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 16'10".

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 25'09".

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] k

[Antarias (mikE)] in fact, for the record, greenborough does not have them everywhere.

[Antarias (mikE)] they are stupid

[Kit (Vicki)] Kit moved 6'05".

[BOB] ok

[Antarias (mikE)] elves are smarter than that

[Antarias (mikE)] god, what happens if you go into the next room, trip and break a leg?

[Antarias (mikE)] help me!

[Antarias (mikE)] anyone?

[Antarias (mikE)] i've fallen and i can't get up!

[Antarias (mikE)] and what of the pets?

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] Or open the door and yell for help

[BOB] do you see many pets around here?

[Antarias (mikE)] they're stuck in one room unless they've got thumbs

[BOB] doing anythign with that spell book?

[BOB] or following Kit out ?

[Antarias (mikE)] and why does the FRONT door of all doors stay open?

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] Oh my Yes!!!! I AM LEAVING THE DAMN THING ALONE!!!!

[Antarias (mikE)] how much sense does that make?

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] ROFL

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] ((Bob you have to admit his arguments are ALL valid))

[Antarias (mikE)] dnd doors so ride the special bus

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] ROFLMAY

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] ROFLMAO

[Beth] ::snerk::

[BOB] nods they are for normal houses, which is why that works in a normal house, only Dungeon Doors are like that, to close behind you

[BOB] but in any case

[Antarias (mikE)] i dare you to go touch the spellbook

[BOB] has been a while in this place

[Beth] only in haunted houses, BOB

[BOB] shall we call it a night here?

[BOB] or continue?

[Antarias (mikE)] eh, i'm good here.

[Beth] I need to go for now

[BOB] you still have not figured otu what is causing this effect

[Antarias (mikE)] i assume there's actually something of importance in here for us to find

[Antarias (mikE)] exactly

[BOB] so still some things to explore and track down

[Kit (Vicki)] I'm good for now

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so we pick up here next week

[Antarias (mikE)] sounds good.

[Beth] Kit is dying, so we'll need to address that as soon as everyone finds out

[BOB] Kylia waiting to attack Kit

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] Waiting for someone to come in that can cast detect magic

[Antarias (mikE)] i say the first order of business is to take all the doors off their hinges

[BOB] only Kira can do that

[Antarias (mikE)] or rub grit in them so they don't work so good

[BOB] but that wore off an hour ago

[Antarias (mikE)] think of the pets!

[Beth] I said I was on my way in, and then klooge kicked me out

mikE has left the game on Fri Sep 12 23:00:02 EDT 2008

[Kit (Vicki)] I can't take down a door with only half my life

[BOB] Time of Day: 11:00 AM. Day 15 Pen ___ tre, Ohm {Early Winter} 15th, 1259.

[Beth] we went thru 14 rounds?

[Rave Starfire (Poopy on the Carpet)] Can't wait till Kylia and Paul go at it...That will be a good battle

[BOB] went through 120 rounds total

[BOB] tonight

[Beth] ah, ok

[Beth] I never know how many rounds, cuz I only know about hte combat ones lol

[Kit (Vicki)] Fritz, only problem is, Paul's too far away and Kit's standing there leery of Kylia at this point

[Kit (Vicki)] unsure if kylia's normal or not

[Vicki] (that was all ooc btw))

Beth has left the game on Fri Sep 12 23:02:18 EDT 2008

Christy has left the game on Fri Sep 12 23:02:31 EDT 2008

Poopy on the Carpet has left the game on Fri Sep 12 23:02:33 EDT 2008

[Vicki] night night everyone

Vicki has left the game on Fri Sep 12 23:02:54 EDT 2008