Main / Sep2305

Sep 23 05

[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Sep 23 18:41:52 EDT 2005 ====

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

JohnA has joined the game on Fri Sep 23 18:44:09 EDT 2005

Sean has joined the game on Fri Sep 23 18:53:50 EDT 2005

[JohnA] at the tone the time will be seven o'clock

[JohnA] bing

Lorie has joined the game on Fri Sep 23 19:01:24 EDT 2005

[JohnA] hi lori

[Lorie] everyone

[Lorie] Sorry... Evening everyone ;)

Lorie is receiving the map...

Lorie has received the map.

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] how are you Lorie

[DM] how is your sister?

[Lorie] No one has called me back yet to let me know... she's not in the hosptial anymore as far as I can tell

[Lorie] How are you?

[DM] I am ok

[DM] by the way John

[JohnA] yes

[DM] I do like this wine, where did you get it?

[DM] Pulbix?

[JohnA] not i, my wife is the shopper

[DM] I did not remember the label when I looked

[JohnA] possibly

[DM] it is a nice one, slightly different then I normally drink

[DM] which is nic

[DM] nice

[DM] thank you

[JohnA] cool, np

[DM] we are waiitng on Mike and Marco, they are going to be here,

[DM] Mike said between 630 & 7

[DM] so no clue what the hold up is

[Lorie] Guess they got lost

[JohnA] What is Denan workiing on?

[JohnA] Sean

[JohnA] sorry

[Sean] Nothing at the moment.

[JohnA] don't know where that came from

[Sean] I am away from the keyboard.

[JohnA] this adventure is designed arround you

[DM] around Sean?

[DM] he just went downstairs

[DM] will be back up getting something from the car

[JohnA] well then I'll stop joking with him

[JohnA] So Lori, this adventure is soly for your enjoyment

[Sean] I am back at the keyboard.

[Sean] Forgot my cell phone in the car.

[JohnA] you might need that

[JohnA] expecting a call?

[Sean] Especially since I've been tasked with getting a T1 fixed.

[JohnA] ouch

[JohnA] and you can fix it remotly?

[Sean] Not that critical ... the customer has two conections with us.

[Sean] I'm waiting on HellSouth to get the proper equipment into the CO to check the connection.

[JohnA] ahh, good customer

[Sean] Yup.

[JohnA] do you have aim or gmail?

[DM] mike at the gate

[Sean] I want to cast Silence.

[Sean] on the #$@#$ dogs.

[JohnA] try sleep, easier, no save

[DM] Mike and Marco are trying to log in

[DM] if we get messed up

[JohnA] right

[JohnA] one at a time

mikE has joined the game on Fri Sep 23 19:23:40 EDT 2005

[JohnA] hu za

[mikE] hey john

[JohnA] hey

BiBo!!! has joined the game on Fri Sep 23 19:25:29 EDT 2005

[BiBo!!!] so

[JohnA] buttons

[JohnA] on

[JohnA] ice cream

[BiBo!!!] yeah, get killing us john

[Lorie] ???

[mikE] so is that our adventure?

[BiBo!!!] hurry up, we don't have all night

[BiBo!!!] well, we do

[mikE] putting buttons on ice cream?

[BiBo!!!] but we rather do something during the all night

[JohnA] I was under the impression BOB had something to finish

[BiBo!!!] he's rollin up his char if you count that

[JohnA] but I'm ready if everyone is ready

[mikE] yup

[BiBo!!!] ::is ready::

[DM] I am ready, Mike knows what he needs,

[Lorie] So we're all sitting around contemplating the meaning off life... we all realize that Thedd is the answer... WHEN SUDDENLY....

[DM] I am ready to play

[Lorie] :: cues one of the Anstett brothers :: Okay, you're on!

[DM] actually I have a phone call to him this weenend about that

[DM] and

[mikE] what i need is a whore

[DM] John?

[mikE] with no standards

[JohnA] yes?

[BiBo!!!] man, you can't get a regular whore? you actually need to find one with no standards to get some?

[Lorie] :: blinks :: Umm Mike... 15th and Biscayne... 15 bucks.

[Lorie] You're whore is a squirrel Mike?? Wow... YOU have no standards

[mikE] no, i want to turn a squirel into something for the stupid minotaur

[JohnA] so everyone is in Roadhaven, doing what ever

[BiBo!!!] ::does what ever::

[mikE] for the record, bob's job for the mastery if finding reign a mate

[JohnA] I tall female gray elf apeares in the center of time

[JohnA] town

[mikE] so i figure we just find a cheap ho and send her down with an eviction notice

[BiBo!!!] the center of time?

[mikE] she'll do, i suppose

[BiBo!!!] chronomancer!

[JohnA] i just defined the time line and this is the middle

[mikE] thanks, john. good to see the dm give me an easy out for once

[BiBo!!!] sweet

[JohnA] we are half done with bob's world

[JohnA] You can ask her, if you want

[BiBo!!!] so, appears as in teleport or appears as in walks in?

[Lorie] huh???

[JohnA] you did not notice

[JohnA] what Lori, too fast?

[DM] you just came back from the Celtic Burial Mounds

[mikE] is she hot?

[DM] and an elf walks into town with a message

[Lorie] Okay...

[DM] grey elf, silver hair, green eyes, a bit over 6 feet tall

[BiBo!!!] hey, who's the gm here?

[DM] no bow

[DM] no sword

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::in elvish, of course:: good evening, lady.

[DM today] me

[DM] only a dagger at her waist

[Elandra] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM today] change your name BOB

[Elandra] how are you today

[Elandra] who is the person in charge of this settlement

[Elandra] looking around

x[Finglass (mikE)] I am well. That would be our illustrius Lady Kylia

[Elandra] who should I talk to if I wanted to find someone intelligent

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] good day young lady

[Elandra] very well then

x[Finglass (mikE)] That would be me, then.

[Elandra] looks over at Paul

[Elandra] and Finglass

x[Finglass (mikE)] WHy may I ask are you looking for her?

x[Finglass (mikE)] She tends to be a bit wary of strangers.

[Elandra] I am looking for the leader of the Dragonslayers

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] well....

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Wary? I think antisocial is the word you're looking for

x[Finglass (mikE)] Sir Paul is right here.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Or myself or my other human friend, Alistair can also take your message.

[Elandra] and I assume that you would pick the most intelligent person

[Elandra] looks at Finglass

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] (smiles)

[Elandra] why would you be friends with a human

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::shrugs:: a lack of options at the time.

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] more than one actualy

x[Finglass (mikE)] It is either humans or dwarfs around here.

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] But we should get Lady Kylia, are you sure it's not for her

x[Finglass (mikE)] I'll let you go get her, Paul.

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] gee thanks

x[Finglass (mikE)] I'll just wait out of the general area.

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] ::leaves to fetch Kylia::

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::takes a few large steps away from Paul::

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::contemplates creating a fetch kylia spell::

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: thwaps Alastair ::

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::thinks we need to fetch her so often it would be the most used spell ever::

Elandra waits quietly, looking around at the achitectures

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] Oh Kylia, there is someone here to see us

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: frowns :: Okay... dwarf, halfling, gnoll, troll or Kobold?

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] How are you feeling today?

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] Elf, female, hurry before Varn get to her

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: sighs :: Good lord, him and the bloody brothel.

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: walks out to meet the Elf female ::

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] ::follows::

[Elandra] looks at Finglass and says at least you choose wisely with your friends then

[Elandra] th tohink that you could choose to be friends with a dwarf

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: moves to intercept the Elf :: Good day

x[Finglass (mikE)] Yes, well... ::coughs:: Who likes dwarfs?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Isn't your brother one?

x[Finglass (mikE)] He's not really my brother. You know that.

[Elandra] frowns at Alasair

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] uh huh

x[Finglass (mikE)] And he's only tollerable because he's half dragon. You know that.

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: waits for a response ::

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] uh huh

x[Finglass (mikE)] Humans...

[Elandra] she looks at Kylia

[Elandra] yes I am waiting for the leader of the dragonslaerys

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] funny, I could have sworn his fighting style and stature were very distinctly dwarvish. Funny how the elven response to anything they disagree with is to name the offending race. ::snicker::

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: looks at her :: Uh huh... I heard.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Well, we get you lesser races confused.

x[Finglass (mikE)] You all sound the same to us.

[Elandra] yes,

[Elandra] looks

[Elandra] waiting

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: looks at Finglass :: Are you all lesser?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'm sure kylia will keep that in mind the next time you lose a hand

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I am the leader of the Dragonslayers, get on with it already Elf

[Elandra] oh,

[Elandra] bows

[Elandra] thank you then

x[Finglass (mikE)] Next time, I'm just going to let one of you walk your way across lighting to get it.

[Elandra] I am here to present you with this scroll

[Elandra] hands it over to Kylia

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: frowns :: Of course.. more bowing. Do tell us your sad tale and how you desperately need our assistance

[Elandra] actauly no

[Elandra] I do not need anything from you

[Elandra] I am self sufficient

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Great... well then have a great day.

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: turns and walks away with the scroll ::

[Elandra] I needs to just deliver this to the lead of the dragonslayers

[Elandra] watches her walk away

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: hands it to Wilson :: Put this with the rest of them

xE. L. Fudge (Sean) holds up the pencil of the Dragon slayers

[Elandra] oh, you might want to keep that one seperate she calls iut

[Elandra] out

x[Finglass (mikE)] But Kylia, surely one of her... personage could stay for a bit.

xE. L. Fudge (Sean) points to the lead.

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: walks back into her chruch and resumes her meditation ::

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] Why may I ask

[Elandra] shrugs,

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Told you she was antisocial. She has sort of a 10 thousand gold piece minimum to bother reading any "Urgent messages"

[Elandra] starts to walk away then turns to paul

[Elandra] I assume he knows what to do with things from strangers?

x[Wilson (Lorie)] Wilson > :: looks confused :: Ummm... Why can't I put this with the other ones?

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] Sorry, she leads but we share some taskes

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::mutters to Alistair:: Told her to deal with me.

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] I aksed her how she felt

x[Finglass (mikE)] Burn them, is the standard method, I believe

[Elandra] very well

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::snickers and whispers bacl: well if it's important enough she'll figure out a way to get the message through

[Elandra] I get paid regardless

[Elandra] I delivered,

x[Wilson (Lorie)] Wilson > will this explode if I open it?

[Elandra] and I have always heard don't shoot the messageer

[Elandra] looks at FInglass,

x[Wilson (Lorie)] Wilson > :: hands it to Paul :: Here, you open it.

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::laughs::

[Elandra] but you couldn't anyway could you

x[Finglass (mikE)] Too bad no one here has

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] ::Paul looks at the scroll::

[Elandra] I would think that a group of this stature knows

[Elandra] to be careful

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] This is a nice bone tube, not just any message

x[Wilson (Lorie)] Wilson > Maybe we should recycle the other bone tubes we have ... Kylia gets messages all the time, she won't read them anymore

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] cast remove curse on it I suppose

[Elandra] shrugs,

[Elandra] only a black dragon bone,

[Elandra] nothing spectaular

x[Finglass (mikE)] Black dragon..?

x[Finglass (mikE)] Make good arrows...

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'd think their hands would be awful clumbsy for making arrows

x[Wilson (Lorie)] Wilson > :: sighs :: Black Dragons? Didn't you kill all of them? Kylia nearly died the last time there was a black dragon

x[Finglass (mikE)] No, the bones.

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] it's on my to do list

x[Finglass (mikE)] I've heard tell of an arrow made out of a black dragon bone.

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] this could be magical

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] Please Elandra, who gave this to you?

[Elandra] shrugs,

[Elandra] I was told to delver, that was what I was paid for

[Elandra] if you want more than that

[Elandra] I suppose that now I have completed you could hire me for more?

x[Finglass (mikE)] Oh gods...

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] capitalism at it's finest

x[Finglass (mikE)] I smell a racket.

x[Finglass (mikE)] To be sure.

x[Wilson (Lorie)] Wilson > ::looks mortified ::

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] i'm sure we can handle it

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] I thought you might be curious

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] do we have any messages that need delivering?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I hear tell about a necromancer message

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] she could do that

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] though I imagine the message is horribly out of date

[Elandra] well I am quite choosy on who I will work for

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] so i iguess humans are out

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, I'm pretty sure we have little need for a courrier

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sending messages is little trouble to this group

x[Finglass (mikE)] Perhaps you would like to get a message to a minotaur?

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] EL would you look at this scroll case

x[Finglass (mikE)] Just a quick jaunt, and he'll probably even let you stay with him for the night.

x[Wilson (Lorie)] Wilson > :: shudders :: Umm, he's in the Spider Lady Keep... why deliver a message so clsoe?

[Elandra] I will work for anyone with the right amount of gold

[Elandra] even a dwarf

x[Finglass (mikE)] Never you mind, Wilson. Never you mind.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I thought you were choosy?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] don't sound so choosy to me

x[Wilson (Lorie)] Wilson > You don't seem so elfy to me :: sniffs ::

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] unless by choosy you're referring to not taking jobs for the poor

[Elandra] I am choosy, I work for the right amount of money,

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] Did anyone see EL?

[Elandra] I do not do things for free

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] that's hardly choosy

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] that's just business savy

xE. L. Fudge (Sean) detects magic on the scroll tube.

[DM today] The seal is magical

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] only doing jobs for rich peasants is being choosy

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] I check for traps.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] only doing jobs for money, not so much

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean) (to GM only)] E. L. Fudge: Traps: (1d100) [65] 65 -- Traps don't bother me!

[Elandra] well

[Elandra] he made it John

[DM today] magical trap, obvious, like they want you to see it

[Elandra] was sent to me

[DM today] np

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] oh, it's that stupid spell

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] Oh you know what it is?

[Elandra] looks at the group

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] okay ... John, I can bypass the magic trap for 4d+3 rounds, which means I can get the stuff insid it out.

[Elandra] watching you to see what happens

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] E. L. Fudge: Traps: (1d100) [89] 89 -- Traps don't bother me!

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] you can tell that your normal disabling may also disable the message

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] it is also magical

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] oh.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] hmm.

[Elandra] watches the group to see if they can figure this out

[Elandra] smiles to herself

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] it is the sael, unless you don't botther the seal

x[Finglass (mikE)] so break the tube open.

[Elandra] smiles at Finglass

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] who and make a str chk

x[Finglass (mikE)] Let Fudge to it. He's strong.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Okay, I'll break the tube.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] E. L. Fudge: STR check: (d20) [15] 15. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (17) [17] 17!!!

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] tube breaks, small puff of fire as the paper is exposed to air

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] you now have a broken tube with a seal on one end

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::shrugs:: guess that takes care of that.

[Elandra] chucles

x[Finglass (mikE)] No need to worry about a message now.

x[Finglass (mikE)] I think that may have been the easiest we've dealt with yet.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Now, Paul, I was thinking about asking my father if he would like a church to be built out here in the human lands.

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] is it up to him

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] wait, we still have this tube

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] let me look at the seal

x[Finglass (mikE)] But you wouldn't mind me setting up next to your protectorate?

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] Not at all

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::sighs:: Guess we are still dealing with this message. Very well. If we must, just as long as I don't end up with another divine burden.

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] EL can you detect magic without casting?

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] Elandra, were you told anything about this scroll?

[Elandra] yes

[Elandra] in fact I was

[Elandra] I was actually given

[Elandra] this,

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] yes el can detect without casting I guess

[Elandra] and pulls out a new piece of paper

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, he doesn't have to memorize it

[Elandra] because I thought

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] he does it like 5 times a day

x[Finglass (mikE)] I knew it wouldn't be that easy to get rid of it.

[Elandra] that you might have a problem

[Elandra] hands Paul a new scroll tube

[Elandra] small wodden one this time

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] everyone stand back

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] I am going to open this one

[Elandra] I am away from the keyboard.

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] everyone ok?

x[Wilson (Lorie)] yes

x[Finglass (mikE)] I say we just break that one, too.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so, what the point of sending messages that burn up when they're exposed to air before they can be read?

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] Some one went to some effort,,,,,,,

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] It must have been a jester

x[Finglass (mikE)] To be stupid.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] only a jester would bother

x[Finglass (mikE)] Or a dwarf

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] nah, dwarves wouldn't bother

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] gnomes maybe

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] EL said the message was magical

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] must've been a gnomish jester

[Elandra] I am back at the keyboard.

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] maybe they did not want some thief to by pass the magic

x[Finglass (mikE)] So what is in that one?

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] Let me open it

[Elandra] coughs

x[Paul Elvenstire (DM today)] ::pops seal off::

[Elandra] shakes my head and starts to pull out a third tube

[Elandra] you know I am paid to deliver the messages,

[Elandra] not to open them

[Elandra] or keep replacing them for you

[DM today] You all hear a loud voice say "Message accepted"

[DM today] and Paul disapears

[Elandra] slips the scroll back into my pouch

x[Finglass (mikE)] Well, glad I didn't open it.

[Elandra] very well then

[Elandra] so

[Elandra] looks around

[Elandra] what are you folks up to now?

x[Finglass (mikE)] Alistair, think you can find him?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I suppose finding paul

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] yes, give me a moment

[Elandra] well

[Elandra] why?

[Elandra] you let him disapear,

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::sighs:: How many times have we done this sort of thing now?

[Elandra] why would you go to the effort of finding him?

x[Wilson (Lorie)] Wilson> Sir Paul is gone? This is bad...very very bad indeed. Hmmm....

[Elandra] or is this like a cat toy for you

[Elandra] you send him away

[Elandra] and then pull him back

x[Finglass (mikE)] Oh, go fall in a well, woman.

[Elandra] bouncing

[Elandra] grins,

[Elandra] why thank you

x[Finglass (mikE)] A very deep, dry one.

[Elandra] that is the nicest thing you have said

[Elandra] frowns

x[Finglass (mikE)] Not really, but if you think so...

[Elandra] well it was nice

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::shrugs::

x[Finglass (mikE)] Falling in a well is a good thing?

[Elandra] it is like falling down a rabbit hole

[Elandra] you never know what is on the other side

x[Finglass (mikE)] Either water, or rock.

x[Wilson (Lorie)] Wilson > :: starts pacing, trying to decide what to do ::

[Elandra] but if you insist on being a dry well

[Elandra] looks over at Wilson

[Elandra] is there a problem?

[DM today] what are you tring AL?

[Elandra] you all seem to be worried about him

[Elandra] is he that unable to take care of himself?

x[Wilson (Lorie)] Wilson > :: looks at her carefully trying to decide how to answer :: Hmmm... no no.. but I would leave now if I were you.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Don't worry, Wilson. Alistair will find him, and we can go and do our usual rescue.

[Elandra] he started to claim to be the leader

x[Wilson (Lorie)] Wilson > :: continues pacing ::

[Elandra] looks at Wilson

[DM today] a round goes by

[Elandra] me leave? why?

x[Finglass (mikE)] You did deliver your message, yes? Go find another customer.

x[Wilson (Lorie)] Wilson > :: looks at her and then heads back for the church ::

[Elandra] I was hoping that your leader could provide me with another job

x[Finglass (mikE)] We don't require your services. I would personally suggest heading east.

[Elandra] oh very well I will folow

[Elandra] and she walks after wilson

x[Finglass (mikE)] Sure. Go find him to ask for a job.

[Elandra] you do look like one of the smarter ones aroud

[Elandra] here

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Alastair modified: Spells - CHANGED: Enlarge -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Magic missile -- # Memorized: 4 (3), CHANGED: Cure Moderate Wounds -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Magic Mirror -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Rary's mind scan -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Stoneskin -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Teleport -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[DM today] AL?

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::laughs::

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (sorry, yes, I can detect magic a few times aday)

x[Wilson (Lorie)] Wilson > :: turns :: Lady Elf, I mean this in the nicest way I can... you should leave now while you still have the ability. Lady Kylia will not be pleased that you made Sir Paul disappear

x[Finglass (mikE)] You have an admirer, Wilson.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] (forgot to fix my spell list doin that real quick)

[Elandra] i did not make him disapear

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Alastair: Magic Mirror: Mirror Mirror on the wall...

x[Finglass (mikE)] Take advantage of her while you can, elves don't often agree to follow you back to bed.

[Elandra] but perhaps you could inform Lady Kylia that she could hire me to tell her who I delivered that for

x[Wilson (Lorie)] Wilson > :: sighs and turns back around :: That's a good story and you should find a way to prove that.

[Elandra] bows and goes to the gardens

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so, where's he at. I know him well enough that I have a 100% chance to find him unless somethins blocking it

x[Wilson (Lorie)] Wilson > :: enters the church and says a prayer ::

[DM today] it seems to be blocked

x[Finglass (mikE)] Should I just shoot her?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::sighs and wanders over to elandra:: So, enough of the games, where's the message from?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: exits the church ::

[Elandra] sitting among the flowers

x[Finglass (mikE)] Kylia

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: looks around for the elf ::

[Elandra] in the snow

x[Finglass (mikE)] Guess what?

[Elandra] did you knwo these were under here?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: glares ::

[Elandra] hodls up two small blue fowers

x[Finglass (mikE)] Don't turn that look at me.

[Elandra] these like the cold

x[Finglass (mikE)] I didn't do it.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] not particularly in the mood for it, where did you get the message from

[Elandra] smiles softly,

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: stops and ponders :: Hmm... true.

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: continues on her path ::

x[Finglass (mikE)] Can I shoot her for you?

[Elandra] I am not at liberty to give that information out for free

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::follows Kylia::

[Elandra] but I am more than willing to let you hire me

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] that's okay, I don't have to get it freely from you

[Elandra] smiles

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: spies Alastair and the Elf. Stops to watch a moment ::

[Elandra] twirls the flower in her fingers

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: frowns at the fact that she won't fireball her own keep ::

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::John, is she evil?::

[DM today] how whould you know?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] now if you wish to go anywhere other than a dungeon I suggest you tell us where the message is from

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::detect evil::

[Elandra] is that gold I see in your hand?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] yes, it happens to be the key to the dungeon, made of gold

[DM today] Ah, no evil, not even evil light

[Elandra] the key to the city perhaps?

[Elandra] or the key to a young girls heart?

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::not even, like, the pepsi one of evil?::

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] very easy to break once we've put you into a dungeon

[Elandra] you will have to do better than that to try and charm me

[Elandra] smiles

[Elandra] I am not frightened of your idle threats

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] unless you're a book, I have little interest in you. now, last chance, where is the message from?

[Elandra] your leader will be

[DM today] her evil is so flat it taste like water

[Elandra] most displeased I am sure

[Elandra] I am willing to tell you for a price

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] actually, she'd do far worse honestly

[Elandra] but you will have to pay

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: frowns :: Where is Paul?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'm about the nicest person you can talk to in the group

[Elandra] laughs lightly, then I am in luck then arn't I?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I haven't tried to attack you, or particularly plan on doing it

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: taps her foot ::

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] that's more than you can hope out of most of the others

[Elandra] looks up at Lady Kylia

x[Finglass (mikE)] True enough.

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Put your doe eyes away... talk

[Elandra] I am only the messenger

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: yawns :: Okay, well that was fun...

[Elandra] I am willing to provide, any answers you pay for

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] CASTING

x[Finglass (mikE)] Then you are unimportant.

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::grabbing my sword hilt::

[Elandra] BLINK

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer: Zone of Truth: Lying would not be in your best interest... now tell the truth!This spell prevents creatures within the area of effect (or those who enter it) from speaking any deliberate and knowing lies. Creatures are allowed a saving throw to avoid the effects; those who fail the save are affected fully. Affected characters are aware of this enchantment; therefore, they may avoid answering questions to which they would normally respond with a lie or they may be evasive as long as they remain within the boundaries of the truth. When a character leaves the area, he is free to speak as he chooses. The spell affects a square whose sides are five feet long per level of the caster; thus, a 4th-level priest could affect a 20 foot by 20 foot square.

[Elandra] that was just a blinking at you

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Alastair modified: Spells - CHANGED: Dimension Door -- # Memorized: 1 (2), CHANGED: Rary's mind scan -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::sighs a slight sigh of relief::

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Let's try this again... you know who has him ...since you were willing to beg for payment

[Elandra] I am not begging

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Alastair modified: Notes - CHANGED: Warhorse enhancer -- : Warhorse Enhancer

(alteration, enchantment)

Level: Special

Range: 10 ft

Components: V, S, M

Casting time: 72 hrs

Duration: Instantaneous

Area of Effect: 1 Paladin's Mount

Saving throw: None

	This series of related enchantments are not true spells. Instead they are special processes developed by a wizard for a paladin's warhorse. Each enhancement from I to VIII is considered a spell of the next higher level. No enhancement level can be skipped (aka warhorse enhancer III can't be recieved until warhorse enhancer II). For purposes of the special powers, the spellcasting level of the warhorse is equal to the level of the casting wizard. 

	As the enhancement of a warhorse continues, the warhorse should develop a personality that seems almost human, displaying specific traits, likes, dislikes, opinions, habits, and foibles. Its animal qualities also develop as its personality matures. The warhorse takes on a lawful good alignment though there is a lean toward the neutral alignment, a holdover from it's simple animal origin, will always remain. The warhorse may tend to become more of an independent NPC as it is enhanced. The DM should carefully consider if relaxing the dependency of the familiar on the wizard will improve the campaign play.

Warhorse Enhancer I

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d3. The warhorse can now think in it's paladin's native tongue and communicate in words and simple sentences through an empathic link. The familiar gains one special power from Table I.

Warhorse Enhancer II

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d3. The warhorse can, with patient tutoring by it's paladin, learn to communicate in other languages, up to the maximum number of languages permitted by its intelligence. The aquisition of certain powers may allow it to learn from someone other than its paladin. The warhorse gains another special power as determined by a dice roll.

1d10 Special power

1-8 one from table I

9-0 one from table II

Warhorse Enhancer III

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d2. The warhorse can now be tutored to read languages as well as communicate with them through the empathic link with it's paladin. The warhorse gains another special power as determined by a dice roll.

1d10 Special power

1-6 One from table I

7-0 One from table II

Warhorse Enhancer IV

From this point forward, intelligence does not improve. One or more special powers are obtained with each additional enhancer as noted.

1d10 Enhancer IV special power

1-3 one from table I

4-8 one from table II

9-0 one from table III

1d10 Enhancer V special power

1-2 Two from table I

3-4 Two from table II

5-8 one from table III

9-0 one from table IV

1d10 Enhancer VI special power

1-2 two from table II

3-5 one from table III

6-8 one from table IV

9-0 one from table V

1d10 Enhancer VII special power

1-3 one from table III

4-7 one from table IV

8-0 One from table V

1d10 Enhancer VIII special power

1-2 two from table III

3-5 One from table IV

6-0 One from table V

d20 Table I

1 Bless - 3/day 6 rds

2 Cure Light wounds - 1/day (1d8 hp)

3 Dancing light - 1 sphere 2/day 2 rds/lvl

4 Detect Evil - 3/day 5 rds/level

5 Detect Magic - 2/day

6 Detect poison - 1/day

7 Endure cold/heat - 2/day

8 feather fall - 2/day

9 invisibility to animals - 2/day for 2 rds/lvl

10 invisibility to undead - 2/day for 6 rds

11 jump - 3/day

12 Locate animals or plants - 1/day 1 rd/lvl

13 pass w/o trace - once a day 5 rds/lvl

14 purify food & drink - 1/day

15 protection from evil - once per day 2rds/lvl

16 remove fear - 1/day 1 creature/4 lvls

17 speak w/ animal - 1/day

18 spider climb - 1/day

19 unseen servant - 1/day 3 turns + 1 turn/lvl

20 detect one mineral, vegetable, metal or other substance 3/day 30 ft for a turn

d20 Table II

1 aid - 1/day

2 Blur - 2/day

3 Blink - 1/day

4 change self - 1/day

5 comprehend language - 1/day reading requires 10 int

6 cure moderate wounds - 1/day

7 detect charm - 2/day

8 Detect invisibility - 1/day 5 rds/level

9 find traps - 1/day 1 turn

10 grease - 5x5ft 1/day

11 know alignment - 3/day

12 Lighten Load - 2/day 1 hour/level

13 Mind Read - 1/day 1rd/level

14 protection from cantrip - 1/day duration 24 hrs

15 resist fire/cold - 1/day for 1rd/level

16 Slow poison - 1/day

17 speak with animals - 2/day

18 sense direction - 90% accurate at will. if wrong, it randomly picks a wrong north for the day

19 blending - as robe 90% chance (can't mimic a creature) 2/day

20 armor - 1/day (Warhorse Enhancer

(alteration, enchantment)

Level: Special

Range: 10 ft

Components: V, S, M

Casting time: 72 hrs

Duration: Instantaneous

Area of Effect: 1 Paladin's Mount

Saving throw: None

	This series of related enchantments are not true spells. Instead they are special processes developed by a wizard for a paladin's warhorse. Each enhancement from I to VIII is considered a spell of the next higher level. No enhancement level can be skipped (aka warhorse enhancer III can't be recieved until warhorse enhancer II). For purposes of the special powers, the spellcasting level of the warhorse is equal to the level of the casting wizard. 

	As the enhancement of a warhorse continues, the warhorse should develop a personality that seems almost human, displaying specific traits, likes, dislikes, opinions, habits, and foibles. Its animal qualities also develop as its personality matures. The warhorse takes on a lawful good alignment though there is a lean toward the neutral alignment, a holdover from it's simple animal origin, will always remain. The warhorse may tend to become more of an independent NPC as it is enhanced. The DM should carefully consider if relaxing the dependency of the familiar on the wizard will improve the campaign play.

Warhorse Enhancer I

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d3. The warhorse can now think in it's paladin's native tongue and communicate in words and simple sentences through an empathic link. The familiar gains one special power from Table I.

Warhorse Enhancer II

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d3. The warhorse can, with patient tutoring by it's paladin, learn to communicate in other languages, up to the maximum number of languages permitted by its intelligence. The aquisition of certain powers may allow it to learn from someone other than its paladin. The warhorse gains another special power as determined by a dice roll.

1d10 Special power

1-8 one from table I

9-0 one from table II

Warhorse Enhancer III

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d2. The warhorse can now be tutored to read languages as well as communicate with them through the empathic link with it's paladin. The warhorse gains another special power as determined by a dice roll.

1d10 Special power

1-6 One from table I

7-0 One from table II

Warhorse Enhancer IV

From this point forward, intelligence does not improve. One or more special powers are obtained with each additional enhancer as noted.

1d10 Enhancer IV special power

1-3 one from table I

4-8 one from table II

9-0 one from table III

1d10 Enhancer V special power

1-2 Two from table I

3-4 Two from table II

5-8 one from table III

9-0 one from table IV

1d10 Enhancer VI special power

1-2 two from table II

3-5 one from table III

6-8 one from table IV

9-0 one from table V

1d10 Enhancer VII special power

1-3 one from table III

4-7 one from table IV

8-0 One from table V

1d10 Enhancer VIII special power

1-2 two from table III

3-5 One from table IV

6-0 One from table V

d20 Table I

1 Bless - 3/day 6 rds

2 Cure Light wounds - 1/day (1d8 hp)

3 Dancing light - 1 sphere 2/day 2 rds/lvl

4 Detect Evil - 3/day 5 rds/level

5 Detect Magic - 2/day

6 Detect poison - 1/day

7 Endure cold/heat - 2/day

8 feather fall - 2/day

9 invisibility to animals - 2/day for 2 rds/lvl

10 invisibility to undead - 2/day for 6 rds

11 jump - 3/day

12 Locate animals or plants - 1/day 1 rd/lvl

13 pass w/o trace - once a day 5 rds/lvl

14 purify food & drink - 1/day

15 protection from evil - once per day 2rds/lvl

16 remove fear - 1/day 1 creature/4 lvls

17 speak w/ animal - 1/day

18 spider climb - 1/day

19 unseen servant - 1/day 3 turns + 1 turn/lvl

20 detect one mineral, vegetable, metal or other substance 3/day 30 ft for a turn

d20 Table II

1 aid - 1/day

2 Blur - 2/day

3 Blink - 1/day

4 change self - 1/day

5 comprehend language - 1/day reading requires 10 int

6 cure moderate wounds - 1/day

7 detect charm - 2/day

8 Detect invisibility - 1/day 5 rds/level

9 find traps - 1/day 1 turn

10 grease - 5x5ft 1/day

11 know alignment - 3/day

12 Lighten Load - 2/day 1 hour/level

13 Mind Read - 1/day 1rd/level

14 protection from cantrip - 1/day duration 24 hrs

15 resist fire/cold - 1/day for 1rd/level

16 Slow poison - 1/day

17 speak with animals - 2/day

18 sense direction - 90% accurate at will. if wrong, it randomly picks a wrong north for the day

19 blending - as robe 90% chance (can't mimic a creature) 2/day

20 armor - 1/day).

[Elandra] I am

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Alastair modified: Notes - CHANGED: Warhorse enhancer -- : Warhorse Enhancer

(alteration, enchantment)

Level: Special

Range: 10 ft

Components: V, S, M

Casting time: 72 hrs

Duration: Instantaneous

Area of Effect: 1 Paladin's Mount

Saving throw: None

	This series of related enchantments are not true spells. Instead they are special processes developed by a wizard for a paladin's warhorse. Each enhancement from I to VIII is considered a spell of the next higher level. No enhancement level can be skipped (aka warhorse enhancer III can't be recieved until warhorse enhancer II). For purposes of the special powers, the spellcasting level of the warhorse is equal to the level of the casting wizard. 

	As the enhancement of a warhorse continues, the warhorse should develop a personality that seems almost human, displaying specific traits, likes, dislikes, opinions, habits, and foibles. Its animal qualities also develop as its personality matures. The warhorse takes on a lawful good alignment though there is a lean toward the neutral alignment, a holdover from it's simple animal origin, will always remain. The warhorse may tend to become more of an independent NPC as it is enhanced. The DM should carefully consider if relaxing the dependency of the familiar on the wizard will improve the campaign play.

Warhorse Enhancer I

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d3. The warhorse can now think in it's paladin's native tongue and communicate in words and simple sentences through an empathic link. The familiar gains one special power from Table I.

Warhorse Enhancer II

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d3. The warhorse can, with patient tutoring by it's paladin, learn to communicate in other languages, up to the maximum number of languages permitted by its intelligence. The aquisition of certain powers may allow it to learn from someone other than its paladin. The warhorse gains another special power as determined by a dice roll.

1d10 Special power

1-8 one from table I

9-0 one from table II

Warhorse Enhancer III

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d2. The warhorse can now be tutored to read languages as well as communicate with them through the empathic link with it's paladin. The warhorse gains another special power as determined by a dice roll.

1d10 Special power

1-6 One from table I

7-0 One from table II

Warhorse Enhancer IV

From this point forward, intelligence does not improve. One or more special powers are obtained with each additional enhancer as noted.

1d10 Enhancer IV special power

1-3 one from table I

4-8 one from table II

9-0 one from table III

1d10 Enhancer V special power

1-2 Two from table I

3-4 Two from table II

5-8 one from table III

9-0 one from table IV

1d10 Enhancer VI special power

1-2 two from table II

3-5 one from table III

6-8 one from table IV

9-0 one from table V

1d10 Enhancer VII special power

1-3 one from table III

4-7 one from table IV

8-0 One from table V

1d10 Enhancer VIII special power

1-2 two from table III

3-5 One from table IV

6-0 One from table V

d20 Table I

1 Bless - 3/day 6 rds

2 Cure Light wounds - 1/day (1d8 hp)

3 Dancing light - 1 sphere 2/day 2 rds/lvl

4 Detect Evil - 3/day 5 rds/level

5 Detect Magic - 2/day

6 Detect poison - 1/day

7 Endure cold/heat - 2/day

8 feather fall - 2/day

9 invisibility to animals - 2/day for 2 rds/lvl

10 invisibility to undead - 2/day for 6 rds

11 jump - 3/day

12 Locate animals or plants - 1/day 1 rd/lvl

13 pass w/o trace - once a day 5 rds/lvl

14 purify food & drink - 1/day

15 protection from evil - once per day 2rds/lvl

16 remove fear - 1/day 1 creature/4 lvls

17 speak w/ animal - 1/day

18 spider climb - 1/day

19 unseen servant - 1/day 3 turns + 1 turn/lvl

20 detect one mineral, vegetable, metal or other substance 3/day 30 ft for a turn

d20 Table II

1 aid - 1/day

2 Blur - 2/day

3 Blink - 1/day

4 change self - 1/day

5 comprehend language - 1/day reading requires 10 int

6 cure moderate wounds - 1/day

7 detect charm - 2/day

8 Detect invisibility - 1/day 5 rds/level

9 find traps - 1/day 1 turn

10 grease - 5x5ft 1/day

11 know alignment - 3/day

12 Lighten Load - 2/day 1 hour/level

13 Mind Read - 1/day 1rd/level

14 protection from cantrip - 1/day duration 24 hrs

15 resist fire/cold - 1/day for 1rd/level

16 Slow poison - 1/day

17 speak with animals - 2/day

18 sense direction - 90% accurate at will. if wrong, it randomly picks a wrong north for the day

19 blending - as robe 90% chance (can't mimic a creature) 2/day

20 armor - 1/day (Warhorse Enhancer

(alteration, enchantment)

Level: Special

Range: 10 ft

Components: V, S, M

Casting time: 72 hrs

Duration: Instantaneous

Area of Effect: 1 Paladin's Mount

Saving throw: None

	This series of related enchantments are not true spells. Instead they are special processes developed by a wizard for a paladin's warhorse. Each enhancement from I to VIII is considered a spell of the next higher level. No enhancement level can be skipped (aka warhorse enhancer III can't be recieved until warhorse enhancer II). For purposes of the special powers, the spellcasting level of the warhorse is equal to the level of the casting wizard. 

	As the enhancement of a warhorse continues, the warhorse should develop a personality that seems almost human, displaying specific traits, likes, dislikes, opinions, habits, and foibles. Its animal qualities also develop as its personality matures. The warhorse takes on a lawful good alignment though there is a lean toward the neutral alignment, a holdover from it's simple animal origin, will always remain. The warhorse may tend to become more of an independent NPC as it is enhanced. The DM should carefully consider if relaxing the dependency of the familiar on the wizard will improve the campaign play.

Warhorse Enhancer I

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d3. The warhorse can now think in it's paladin's native tongue and communicate in words and simple sentences through an empathic link. The familiar gains one special power from Table I.

Warhorse Enhancer II

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d3. The warhorse can, with patient tutoring by it's paladin, learn to communicate in other languages, up to the maximum number of languages permitted by its intelligence. The aquisition of certain powers may allow it to learn from someone other than its paladin. The warhorse gains another special power as determined by a dice roll.

1d10 Special power

1-8 one from table I

9-0 one from table II

Warhorse Enhancer III

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d2. The warhorse can now be tutored to read languages as well as communicate with them through the empathic link with it's paladin. The warhorse gains another special power as determined by a dice roll.

1d10 Special power

1-6 One from table I

7-0 One from table II

Warhorse Enhancer IV

From this point forward, intelligence does not improve. One or more special powers are obtained with each additional enhancer as noted.

1d10 Enhancer IV special power

1-3 one from table I

4-8 one from table II

9-0 one from table III

1d10 Enhancer V special power

1-2 Two from table I

3-4 Two from table II

5-8 one from table III

9-0 one from table IV

1d10 Enhancer VI special power

1-2 two from table II

3-5 one from table III

6-8 one from table IV

9-0 one from table V

1d10 Enhancer VII special power

1-3 one from table III

4-7 one from table IV

8-0 One from table V

1d10 Enhancer VIII special power

1-2 two from table III

3-5 One from table IV

6-0 One from table V

d20 Table I

1 Bless - 3/day 6 rds

2 Cure Light wounds - 1/day (1d8 hp)

3 Dancing light - 1 sphere 2/day 2 rds/lvl

4 Detect Evil - 3/day 5 rds/level

5 Detect Magic - 2/day

6 Detect poison - 1/day

7 Endure cold/heat - 2/day

8 feather fall - 2/day

9 invisibility to animals - 2/day for 2 rds/lvl

10 invisibility to undead - 2/day for 6 rds

11 jump - 3/day

12 Locate animals or plants - 1/day 1 rd/lvl

13 pass w/o trace - once a day 5 rds/lvl

14 purify food & drink - 1/day

15 protection from evil - once per day 2rds/lvl

16 remove fear - 1/day 1 creature/4 lvls

17 speak w/ animal - 1/day

18 spider climb - 1/day

19 unseen servant - 1/day 3 turns + 1 turn/lvl

20 detect one mineral, vegetable, metal or other substance 3/day 30 ft for a turn

d20 Table II

1 aid - 1/day

2 Blur - 2/day

3 Blink - 1/day

4 change self - 1/day

5 comprehend language - 1/day reading requires 10 int

6 cure moderate wounds - 1/day

7 detect charm - 2/day

8 Detect invisibility - 1/day 5 rds/level

9 find traps - 1/day 1 turn

10 grease - 5x5ft 1/day

11 know alignment - 3/day

12 Lighten Load - 2/day 1 hour/level

13 Mind Read - 1/day 1rd/level

14 protection from cantrip - 1/day duration 24 hrs

15 resist fire/cold - 1/day for 1rd/level

16 Slow poison - 1/day

17 speak with animals - 2/day

18 sense direction - 90% accurate at will. if wrong, it randomly picks a wrong north for the day

19 blending - as robe 90% chance (can't mimic a creature) 2/day

20 armor - 1/day).

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Who ... has... Sir... Paul... you... lower ... than... scum ... Elf

[Elandra] ponders that one, you know people are normally nicer when the try to hire me

[Elandra] but I understand you are under stress

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Normally I fireball people who annoy me

x[Finglass (mikE)] Glad I'm at least equal with tscum

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] people don't normally have their allies teleported away.

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I know who the bloody message is from you half-wit Elf.

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Bring back Sir Paul

[Elandra] I am fully understanding of your distress at loosing such a .... valuable? compainion

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::does his best Bush impression: We do not negotiate with terrrists

[Elandra] then if you know who the message is from

[Elandra] then why do you ask me?

[Elandra] I have no power over that

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] why do you think I didn't bother to open it ? I DON NOT NOT WNAT TO TALK TO HIM

[Elandra] I am only the messenger,

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Tell him to go try and level up at someone else's expense

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] It's a triple negative... It's negative

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] sleeping

[Elandra] ahhh

[Elandra] sorry

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] 1 second

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :)

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay... so go away stupid elf. Bring back my Half-Elf

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: glares ::

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I'll make sure that no druid in the three lands hires the likes of you

x[Finglass (mikE)] Can't hire the dead, can you?

[Elandra] shrugs, lots of othes with gold out there

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] BRB

[DM today] (Paul is human)

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Alastair modified: Notes - CHANGED: Warhorse enhancer -- : Warhorse Enhancer

(alteration, enchantment)

Level: Special

Range: 10 ft

Components: V, S, M

Casting time: 72 hrs

Duration: Instantaneous

Area of Effect: 1 Paladin's Mount

Saving throw: None

	This series of related enchantments are not true spells. Instead they are special processes developed by a wizard for a paladin's warhorse. Each enhancement from I to VIII is considered a spell of the next higher level. No enhancement level can be skipped (aka warhorse enhancer III can't be recieved until warhorse enhancer II). For purposes of the special powers, the spellcasting level of the warhorse is equal to the level of the casting wizard. 

	As the enhancement of a warhorse continues, the warhorse should develop a personality that seems almost human, displaying specific traits, likes, dislikes, opinions, habits, and foibles. Its animal qualities also develop as its personality matures. The warhorse takes on a lawful good alignment though there is a lean toward the neutral alignment, a holdover from it's simple animal origin, will always remain. The warhorse may tend to become more of an independent NPC as it is enhanced. The DM should carefully consider if relaxing the dependency of the familiar on the wizard will improve the campaign play.

Warhorse Enhancer I

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d3. The warhorse can now think in it's paladin's native tongue and communicate in words and simple sentences through an empathic link. The familiar gains one special power from Table I.

Warhorse Enhancer II

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d3. The warhorse can, with patient tutoring by it's paladin, learn to communicate in other languages, up to the maximum number of languages permitted by its intelligence. The aquisition of certain powers may allow it to learn from someone other than its paladin. The warhorse gains another special power as determined by a dice roll.

1d10 Special power

1-8 one from table I

9-0 one from table II

Warhorse Enhancer III

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d2. The warhorse can now be tutored to read languages as well as communicate with them through the empathic link with it's paladin. The warhorse gains another special power as determined by a dice roll.

1d10 Special power

1-6 One from table I

7-0 One from table II

Warhorse Enhancer IV

From this point forward, intelligence does not improve. One or more special powers are obtained with each additional enhancer as noted.

1d10 Enhancer IV special power

1-3 one from table I

4-8 one from table II

9-0 one from table III

1d10 Enhancer V special power

1-2 Two from table I

3-4 Two from table II

5-8 one from table III

9-0 one from table IV

1d10 Enhancer VI special power

1-2 two from table II

3-5 one from table III

6-8 one from table IV

9-0 one from table V

1d10 Enhancer VII special power

1-3 one from table III

4-7 one from table IV

8-0 One from table V

1d10 Enhancer VIII special power

1-2 two from table III

3-5 One from table IV

6-0 One from table V

d20 Table I

1 Bless - 3/day 6 rds

2 Cure Light wounds - 1/day (1d8 hp)

3 Dancing light - 1 sphere 2/day 2 rds/lvl

4 Detect Evil - 3/day 5 rds/level

5 Detect Magic - 2/day

6 Detect poison - 1/day

7 Endure cold/heat - 2/day

8 feather fall - 2/day

9 invisibility to animals - 2/day for 2 rds/lvl

10 invisibility to undead - 2/day for 6 rds

11 jump - 3/day

12 Locate animals or plants - 1/day 1 rd/lvl

13 pass w/o trace - once a day 5 rds/lvl

14 purify food & drink - 1/day

15 protection from evil - once per day 2rds/lvl

16 remove fear - 1/day 1 creature/4 lvls

17 speak w/ animal - 1/day

18 spider climb - 1/day

19 unseen servant - 1/day 3 turns + 1 turn/lvl

20 detect one mineral, vegetable, metal or other substance 3/day 30 ft for a turn

d20 Table II

1 aid - 1/day

2 Blur - 2/day

3 Blink - 1/day

4 change self - 1/day

5 comprehend language - 1/day reading requires 10 int

6 cure moderate wounds - 1/day

7 detect charm - 2/day

8 Detect invisibility - 1/day 5 rds/level

9 find traps - 1/day 1 turn

10 grease - 5x5ft 1/day

11 know alignment - 3/day

12 Lighten Load - 2/day 1 hour/level

13 Mind Read - 1/day 1rd/level

14 protection from cantrip - 1/day duration 24 hrs

15 resist fire/cold - 1/day for 1rd/level

16 Slow poison - 1/day

17 speak with animals - 2/day

18 sense direction - 90% accurate at will. if wrong, it randomly picks a wrong north for the day

19 blending - as robe 90% chance (can't mimic a creature) 2/day

20 armor - 1/day (Warhorse Enhancer

(alteration, enchantment)

Level: Special

Range: 10 ft

Components: V, S, M

Casting time: 72 hrs

Duration: Instantaneous

Area of Effect: 1 Paladin's Mount

Saving throw: None

	This series of related enchantments are not true spells. Instead they are special processes developed by a wizard for a paladin's warhorse. Each enhancement from I to VIII is considered a spell of the next higher level. No enhancement level can be skipped (aka warhorse enhancer III can't be recieved until warhorse enhancer II). For purposes of the special powers, the spellcasting level of the warhorse is equal to the level of the casting wizard. 

	As the enhancement of a warhorse continues, the warhorse should develop a personality that seems almost human, displaying specific traits, likes, dislikes, opinions, habits, and foibles. Its animal qualities also develop as its personality matures. The warhorse takes on a lawful good alignment though there is a lean toward the neutral alignment, a holdover from it's simple animal origin, will always remain. The warhorse may tend to become more of an independent NPC as it is enhanced. The DM should carefully consider if relaxing the dependency of the familiar on the wizard will improve the campaign play.

Warhorse Enhancer I

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d3. The warhorse can now think in it's paladin's native tongue and communicate in words and simple sentences through an empathic link. The familiar gains one special power from Table I.

Warhorse Enhancer II

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d3. The warhorse can, with patient tutoring by it's paladin, learn to communicate in other languages, up to the maximum number of languages permitted by its intelligence. The aquisition of certain powers may allow it to learn from someone other than its paladin. The warhorse gains another special power as determined by a dice roll.

1d10 Special power

1-8 one from table I

9-0 one from table II

Warhorse Enhancer III

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d2. The warhorse can now be tutored to read languages as well as communicate with them through the empathic link with it's paladin. The warhorse gains another special power as determined by a dice roll.

1d10 Special power

1-6 One from table I

7-0 One from table II

Warhorse Enhancer IV

From this point forward, intelligence does not improve. One or more special powers are obtained with each additional enhancer as noted.

1d10 Enhancer IV special power

1-3 one from table I

4-8 one from table II

9-0 one from table III

1d10 Enhancer V special power

1-2 Two from table I

3-4 Two from table II

5-8 one from table III

9-0 one from table IV

1d10 Enhancer VI special power

1-2 two from table II

3-5 one from table III

6-8 one from table IV

9-0 one from table V

1d10 Enhancer VII special power

1-3 one from table III

4-7 one from table IV

8-0 One from table V

1d10 Enhancer VIII special power

1-2 two from table III

3-5 One from table IV

6-0 One from table V

d20 Table I

1 Bless - 3/day 6 rds

2 Cure Light wounds - 1/day (1d8 hp)

3 Dancing light - 1 sphere 2/day 2 rds/lvl

4 Detect Evil - 3/day 5 rds/level

5 Detect Magic - 2/day

6 Detect poison - 1/day

7 Endure cold/heat - 2/day

8 feather fall - 2/day

9 invisibility to animals - 2/day for 2 rds/lvl

10 invisibility to undead - 2/day for 6 rds

11 jump - 3/day

12 Locate animals or plants - 1/day 1 rd/lvl

13 pass w/o trace - once a day 5 rds/lvl

14 purify food & drink - 1/day

15 protection from evil - once per day 2rds/lvl

16 remove fear - 1/day 1 creature/4 lvls

17 speak w/ animal - 1/day

18 spider climb - 1/day

19 unseen servant - 1/day 3 turns + 1 turn/lvl

20 detect one mineral, vegetable, metal or other substance 3/day 30 ft for a turn

d20 Table II

1 aid - 1/day

2 Blur - 2/day

3 Blink - 1/day

4 change self - 1/day

5 comprehend language - 1/day reading requires 10 int

6 cure moderate wounds - 1/day

7 detect charm - 2/day

8 Detect invisibility - 1/day 5 rds/level

9 find traps - 1/day 1 turn

10 grease - 5x5ft 1/day

11 know alignment - 3/day

12 Lighten Load - 2/day 1 hour/level

13 Mind Read - 1/day 1rd/level

14 protection from cantrip - 1/day duration 24 hrs

15 resist fire/cold - 1/day for 1rd/level

16 Slow poison - 1/day

17 speak with animals - 2/day

18 sense direction - 90% accurate at will. if wrong, it randomly picks a wrong north for the day

19 blending - as robe 90% chance (can't mimic a creature) 2/day

20 armor - 1/day).

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Half elf :)

[DM today] former elf

[DM today] close enough

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] shhh

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Alastair modified: Notes - CHANGED: Warhorse enhancer -- : Warhorse Enhancer

(alteration, enchantment)

Level: Special

Range: 10 ft

Components: V, S, M

Casting time: 72 hrs

Duration: Instantaneous

Area of Effect: 1 Paladin's Mount

Saving throw: None

	This series of related enchantments are not true spells. Instead they are special processes developed by a wizard for a paladin's warhorse. Each enhancement from I to VIII is considered a spell of the next higher level. No enhancement level can be skipped (aka warhorse enhancer III can't be recieved until warhorse enhancer II). For purposes of the special powers, the spellcasting level of the warhorse is equal to the level of the casting wizard. 

	As the enhancement of a warhorse continues, the warhorse should develop a personality that seems almost human, displaying specific traits, likes, dislikes, opinions, habits, and foibles. Its animal qualities also develop as its personality matures. The warhorse takes on a lawful good alignment though there is a lean toward the neutral alignment, a holdover from it's simple animal origin, will always remain. The warhorse may tend to become more of an independent NPC as it is enhanced. The DM should carefully consider if relaxing the dependency of the familiar on the wizard will improve the campaign play.

Warhorse Enhancer I

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d3. The warhorse can now think in it's paladin's native tongue and communicate in words and simple sentences through an empathic link. The familiar gains one special power from Table I.

Warhorse Enhancer II

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d3. The warhorse can, with patient tutoring by it's paladin, learn to communicate in other languages, up to the maximum number of languages permitted by its intelligence. The aquisition of certain powers may allow it to learn from someone other than its paladin. The warhorse gains another special power as determined by a dice roll.

1d10 Special power

1-8 one from table I

9-0 one from table II

Warhorse Enhancer III

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d2. The warhorse can now be tutored to read languages as well as communicate with them through the empathic link with it's paladin. The warhorse gains another special power as determined by a dice roll.

1d10 Special power

1-6 One from table I

7-0 One from table II

Warhorse Enhancer IV

From this point forward, intelligence does not improve. One or more special powers are obtained with each additional enhancer as noted.

1d10 Enhancer IV special power

1-3 one from table I

4-8 one from table II

9-0 one from table III

1d10 Enhancer V special power

1-2 Two from table I

3-4 Two from table II

5-8 one from table III

9-0 one from table IV

1d10 Enhancer VI special power

1-2 two from table II

3-5 one from table III

6-8 one from table IV

9-0 one from table V

1d10 Enhancer VII special power

1-3 one from table III

4-7 one from table IV

8-0 One from table V

1d10 Enhancer VIII special power

1-2 two from table III

3-5 One from table IV

6-0 One from table V

d20 Table I

1 Bless - 3/day 6 rds

2 Cure Light wounds - 1/day (1d8 hp)

3 Dancing light - 1 sphere 2/day 2 rds/lvl

4 Detect Evil - 3/day 5 rds/level

5 Detect Magic - 2/day

6 Detect poison - 1/day

7 Endure cold/heat - 2/day

8 feather fall - 2/day

9 invisibility to animals - 2/day for 2 rds/lvl

10 invisibility to undead - 2/day for 6 rds

11 jump - 3/day

12 Locate animals or plants - 1/day 1 rd/lvl

13 pass w/o trace - once a day 5 rds/lvl

14 purify food & drink - 1/day

15 protection from evil - once per day 2rds/lvl

16 remove fear - 1/day 1 creature/4 lvls

17 speak w/ animal - 1/day

18 spider climb - 1/day

19 unseen servant - 1/day 3 turns + 1 turn/lvl

20 detect one mineral, vegetable, metal or other substance 3/day 30 ft for a turn

d20 Table II

1 aid - 1/day

2 Blur - 2/day

3 Blink - 1/day

4 change self - 1/day

5 comprehend language - 1/day reading requires 10 int

6 cure moderate wounds - 1/day

7 detect charm - 2/day

8 Detect invisibility - 1/day 5 rds/level

9 find traps - 1/day 1 turn

10 grease - 5x5ft 1/day

11 know alignment - 3/day

12 Lighten Load - 2/day 1 hour/level

13 Mind Read - 1/day 1rd/level

14 protection from cantrip - 1/day duration 24 hrs

15 resist fire/cold - 1/day for 1rd/level

16 Slow poison - 1/day

17 speak with animals - 2/day

18 sense direction - 90% accurate at will. if wrong, it randomly picks a wrong north for the day

19 blending - as robe 90% chance (can't mimic a creature) 2/day

20 armor - 1/day (Warhorse Enhancer

(alteration, enchantment)

Level: Special

Range: 10 ft

Components: V, S, M

Casting time: 72 hrs

Duration: Instantaneous

Area of Effect: 1 Paladin's Mount

Saving throw: None

	This series of related enchantments are not true spells. Instead they are special processes developed by a wizard for a paladin's warhorse. Each enhancement from I to VIII is considered a spell of the next higher level. No enhancement level can be skipped (aka warhorse enhancer III can't be recieved until warhorse enhancer II). For purposes of the special powers, the spellcasting level of the warhorse is equal to the level of the casting wizard. 

	As the enhancement of a warhorse continues, the warhorse should develop a personality that seems almost human, displaying specific traits, likes, dislikes, opinions, habits, and foibles. Its animal qualities also develop as its personality matures. The warhorse takes on a lawful good alignment though there is a lean toward the neutral alignment, a holdover from it's simple animal origin, will always remain. The warhorse may tend to become more of an independent NPC as it is enhanced. The DM should carefully consider if relaxing the dependency of the familiar on the wizard will improve the campaign play.

Warhorse Enhancer I

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d3. The warhorse can now think in it's paladin's native tongue and communicate in words and simple sentences through an empathic link. The familiar gains one special power from Table I.

Warhorse Enhancer II

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d3. The warhorse can, with patient tutoring by it's paladin, learn to communicate in other languages, up to the maximum number of languages permitted by its intelligence. The aquisition of certain powers may allow it to learn from someone other than its paladin. The warhorse gains another special power as determined by a dice roll.

1d10 Special power

1-8 one from table I

9-0 one from table II

Warhorse Enhancer III

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d2. The warhorse can now be tutored to read languages as well as communicate with them through the empathic link with it's paladin. The warhorse gains another special power as determined by a dice roll.

1d10 Special power

1-6 One from table I

7-0 One from table II

Warhorse Enhancer IV

From this point forward, intelligence does not improve. One or more special powers are obtained with each additional enhancer as noted.

1d10 Enhancer IV special power

1-3 one from table I

4-8 one from table II

9-0 one from table III

1d10 Enhancer V special power

1-2 Two from table I

3-4 Two from table II

5-8 one from table III

9-0 one from table IV

1d10 Enhancer VI special power

1-2 two from table II

3-5 one from table III

6-8 one from table IV

9-0 one from table V

1d10 Enhancer VII special power

1-3 one from table III

4-7 one from table IV

8-0 One from table V

1d10 Enhancer VIII special power

1-2 two from table III

3-5 One from table IV

6-0 One from table V

d20 Table I

1 Bless - 3/day 6 rds

2 Cure Light wounds - 1/day (1d8 hp)

3 Dancing light - 1 sphere 2/day 2 rds/lvl

4 Detect Evil - 3/day 5 rds/level

5 Detect Magic - 2/day

6 Detect poison - 1/day

7 Endure cold/heat - 2/day

8 feather fall - 2/day

9 invisibility to animals - 2/day for 2 rds/lvl

10 invisibility to undead - 2/day for 6 rds

11 jump - 3/day

12 Locate animals or plants - 1/day 1 rd/lvl

13 pass w/o trace - once a day 5 rds/lvl

14 purify food & drink - 1/day

15 protection from evil - once per day 2rds/lvl

16 remove fear - 1/day 1 creature/4 lvls

17 speak w/ animal - 1/day

18 spider climb - 1/day

19 unseen servant - 1/day 3 turns + 1 turn/lvl

20 detect one mineral, vegetable, metal or other substance 3/day 30 ft for a turn

d20 Table II

1 aid - 1/day

2 Blur - 2/day

3 Blink - 1/day

4 change self - 1/day

5 comprehend language - 1/day reading requires 10 int

6 cure moderate wounds - 1/day

7 detect charm - 2/day

8 Detect invisibility - 1/day 5 rds/level

9 find traps - 1/day 1 turn

10 grease - 5x5ft 1/day

11 know alignment - 3/day

12 Lighten Load - 2/day 1 hour/level

13 Mind Read - 1/day 1rd/level

14 protection from cantrip - 1/day duration 24 hrs

15 resist fire/cold - 1/day for 1rd/level

16 Slow poison - 1/day

17 speak with animals - 2/day

18 sense direction - 90% accurate at will. if wrong, it randomly picks a wrong north for the day

19 blending - as robe 90% chance (can't mimic a creature) 2/day

20 armor - 1/day).

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Alastair modified: Notes - CHANGED: Warhorse enhancer -- : Warhorse Enhancer

(alteration, enchantment)

Level: Special

Range: 10 ft

Components: V, S, M

Casting time: 72 hrs

Duration: Instantaneous

Area of Effect: 1 Paladin's Mount

Saving throw: None

	This series of related enchantments are not true spells. Instead they are special processes developed by a wizard for a paladin's warhorse. Each enhancement from I to VIII is considered a spell of the next higher level. No enhancement level can be skipped (aka warhorse enhancer III can't be recieved until warhorse enhancer II). For purposes of the special powers, the spellcasting level of the warhorse is equal to the level of the casting wizard. 

	As the enhancement of a warhorse continues, the warhorse should develop a personality that seems almost human, displaying specific traits, likes, dislikes, opinions, habits, and foibles. Its animal qualities also develop as its personality matures. The warhorse takes on a lawful good alignment though there is a lean toward the neutral alignment, a holdover from it's simple animal origin, will always remain. The warhorse may tend to become more of an independent NPC as it is enhanced. The DM should carefully consider if relaxing the dependency of the familiar on the wizard will improve the campaign play.

Warhorse Enhancer I

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d3. The warhorse can now think in it's paladin's native tongue and communicate in words and simple sentences through an empathic link. The familiar gains one special power from Table I.

Warhorse Enhancer II

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d3. The warhorse can, with patient tutoring by it's paladin, learn to communicate in other languages, up to the maximum number of languages permitted by its intelligence. The aquisition of certain powers may allow it to learn from someone other than its paladin. The warhorse gains another special power as determined by a dice roll.

1d10 Special power

1-8 one from table I

9-0 one from table II

Warhorse Enhancer III

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d2. The warhorse can now be tutored to read languages as well as communicate with them through the empathic link with it's paladin. The warhorse gains another special power as determined by a dice roll.

1d10 Special power

1-6 One from table I

7-0 One from table II

Warhorse Enhancer IV

From this point forward, intelligence does not improve. One or more special powers are obtained with each additional enhancer as noted.

1d10 Enhancer IV special power

1-3 one from table I

4-8 one from table II

9-0 one from table III

1d10 Enhancer V special power

1-2 Two from table I

3-4 Two from table II

5-8 one from table III

9-0 one from table IV

1d10 Enhancer VI special power

1-2 two from table II

3-5 one from table III

6-8 one from table IV

9-0 one from table V

1d10 Enhancer VII special power

1-3 one from table III

4-7 one from table IV

8-0 One from table V

1d10 Enhancer VIII special power

1-2 two from table III

3-5 One from table IV

6-0 One from table V

d20 Table I

1 Bless - 3/day 6 rds

2 Cure Light wounds - 1/day (1d8 hp)

3 Dancing light - 1 sphere 2/day 2 rds/lvl

4 Detect Evil - 3/day 5 rds/level

5 Detect Magic - 2/day

6 Detect poison - 1/day

7 Endure cold/heat - 2/day

8 feather fall - 2/day

9 invisibility to animals - 2/day for 2 rds/lvl

10 invisibility to undead - 2/day for 6 rds

11 jump - 3/day

12 Locate animals or plants - 1/day 1 rd/lvl

13 pass w/o trace - once a day 5 rds/lvl

14 purify food & drink - 1/day

15 protection from evil - once per day 2rds/lvl

16 remove fear - 1/day 1 creature/4 lvls

17 speak w/ animal - 1/day

18 spider climb - 1/day

19 unseen servant - 1/day 3 turns + 1 turn/lvl

20 detect one mineral, vegetable, metal or other substance 3/day 30 ft for a turn

d20 Table II

1 aid - 1/day

2 Blur - 2/day

3 Blink - 1/day

4 change self - 1/day

5 comprehend language - 1/day reading requires 10 int

6 cure moderate wounds - 1/day

7 detect charm - 2/day

8 Detect invisibility - 1/day 5 rds/level

9 find traps - 1/day 1 turn

10 grease - 5x5ft 1/day

11 know alignment - 3/day

12 Lighten Load - 2/day 1 hour/level

13 Mind Read - 1/day 1rd/level

14 protection from cantrip - 1/day duration 24 hrs

15 resist fire/cold - 1/day for 1rd/level

16 Slow poison - 1/day

17 speak with animals - 2/day

18 sense direction - 90% accurate at will. if wrong, it randomly picks a wrong north for the day

19 blending - as robe 90% chance (can't mimic a creature) 2/day

20 armor - 1/day (Warhorse Enhancer

(alteration, enchantment)

Level: Special

Range: 10 ft

Components: V, S, M

Casting time: 72 hrs

Duration: Instantaneous

Area of Effect: 1 Paladin's Mount

Saving throw: None

	This series of related enchantments are not true spells. Instead they are special processes developed by a wizard for a paladin's warhorse. Each enhancement from I to VIII is considered a spell of the next higher level. No enhancement level can be skipped (aka warhorse enhancer III can't be recieved until warhorse enhancer II). For purposes of the special powers, the spellcasting level of the warhorse is equal to the level of the casting wizard. 

	As the enhancement of a warhorse continues, the warhorse should develop a personality that seems almost human, displaying specific traits, likes, dislikes, opinions, habits, and foibles. Its animal qualities also develop as its personality matures. The warhorse takes on a lawful good alignment though there is a lean toward the neutral alignment, a holdover from it's simple animal origin, will always remain. The warhorse may tend to become more of an independent NPC as it is enhanced. The DM should carefully consider if relaxing the dependency of the familiar on the wizard will improve the campaign play.

Warhorse Enhancer I

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d3. The warhorse can now think in it's paladin's native tongue and communicate in words and simple sentences through an empathic link. The familiar gains one special power from Table I.

Warhorse Enhancer II

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d3. The warhorse can, with patient tutoring by it's paladin, learn to communicate in other languages, up to the maximum number of languages permitted by its intelligence. The aquisition of certain powers may allow it to learn from someone other than its paladin. The warhorse gains another special power as determined by a dice roll.

1d10 Special power

1-8 one from table I

9-0 one from table II

Warhorse Enhancer III

The warhorse's intellect improves by 1d2. The warhorse can now be tutored to read languages as well as communicate with them through the empathic link with it's paladin. The warhorse gains another special power as determined by a dice roll.

1d10 Special power

1-6 One from table I

7-0 One from table II

Warhorse Enhancer IV

From this point forward, intelligence does not improve. One or more special powers are obtained with each additional enhancer as noted.

1d10 Enhancer IV special power

1-3 one from table I

4-8 one from table II

9-0 one from table III

1d10 Enhancer V special power

1-2 Two from table I

3-4 Two from table II

5-8 one from table III

9-0 one from table IV

1d10 Enhancer VI special power

1-2 two from table II

3-5 one from table III

6-8 one from table IV

9-0 one from table V

1d10 Enhancer VII special power

1-3 one from table III

4-7 one from table IV

8-0 One from table V

1d10 Enhancer VIII special power

1-2 two from table III

3-5 One from table IV

6-0 One from table V

d20 Table I

1 Bless - 3/day 6 rds

2 Cure Light wounds - 1/day (1d8 hp)

3 Dancing light - 1 sphere 2/day 2 rds/lvl

4 Detect Evil - 3/day 5 rds/level

5 Detect Magic - 2/day

6 Detect poison - 1/day

7 Endure cold/heat - 2/day

8 feather fall - 2/day

9 invisibility to animals - 2/day for 2 rds/lvl

10 invisibility to undead - 2/day for 6 rds

11 jump - 3/day

12 Locate animals or plants - 1/day 1 rd/lvl

13 pass w/o trace - once a day 5 rds/lvl

14 purify food & drink - 1/day

15 protection from evil - once per day 2rds/lvl

16 remove fear - 1/day 1 creature/4 lvls

17 speak w/ animal - 1/day

18 spider climb - 1/day

19 unseen servant - 1/day 3 turns + 1 turn/lvl

20 detect one mineral, vegetable, metal or other substance 3/day 30 ft for a turn

d20 Table II

1 aid - 1/day

2 Blur - 2/day

3 Blink - 1/day

4 change self - 1/day

5 comprehend language - 1/day reading requires 10 int

6 cure moderate wounds - 1/day

7 detect charm - 2/day

8 Detect invisibility - 1/day 5 rds/level

9 find traps - 1/day 1 turn

10 grease - 5x5ft 1/day

11 know alignment - 3/day

12 Lighten Load - 2/day 1 hour/level

13 Mind Read - 1/day 1rd/level

14 protection from cantrip - 1/day duration 24 hrs

15 resist fire/cold - 1/day for 1rd/level

16 Slow poison - 1/day

17 speak with animals - 2/day

18 sense direction - 90% accurate at will. if wrong, it randomly picks a wrong north for the day

19 blending - as robe 90% chance (can't mimic a creature) 2/day

20 armor - 1/day).

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: frowns :: Damn Wizards... think they are better than everyone else... always wanting to show off with the dumb palor tricks

x[Kit (DM today)] what the heck happened here?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] where?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: points :: That.... took your Father

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] On behalf of the stupid wizard that hired her for a few coins

x[Kit (DM today)] well Mother, but anyway, why?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: rolls eyes :: need we get into that now?

x[Finglass (mikE)] Hello, Kitten!

x[Kit (DM today)] you brought it up

[Elandra] it was more than a few coins,

x[Kit (DM today)] Fin, didn't I ask you to keep track of Paul

[Elandra] but other than that she does have it mostly right

x[Finglass (mikE)] I did. Up to a point.

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::shrugs::

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] He was watching until that breezed in and batted her eyes

x[Finglass (mikE)] Can't always babysit Paul. He's got quite a mind of his own.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::glances at kylia:: so, shall we put her in the dungeon until she decides to be more willing to talk?

x[Kit (DM today)] Paul was a sucker, even back then

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::laughs::

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Feed her to the Minotaur, he's hungry I'm sure...

x[Finglass (mikE)] Apparently, Kylia knows who he's visiting with.

x[Finglass (mikE)] No no, he's got another use for her...

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::grins::

x[Kit (DM today)] oh so he'll be back soon?

x[Finglass (mikE)] Might be.

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: shrugs :: The Acolyte's could sing to the portal

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Toss her to some other plane

[DM today] ( a couple more rounds go by)

[DM today] ( then a turn)

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Any objections?

x[Kit (DM today)] please no bloodshed

[Elandra] shrugs

x[Kit (DM today)] ;)

[Elandra] if you want me to deliver something to another plane that will cost extra

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] If she's in another plane.. probalby no bloodshed... well depends on the plane

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Just lock her up, I'll get the info out of her tomorrow

x[Kit (DM today)] just tell me what you want me to do

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'm not about to negotiate with someone who thinks it's funny to hold our friends for ransom

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Paul's a big boy, he'll be fine until tomorrow

[Elandra] I am not holding anyone

x[Finglass (mikE)] Meet me in the garden after sundown. Dress nice.

[Elandra] but I do get paid nicely

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] and you can take your pay to the dungeon

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::winks at Kit::

x[Kit (DM today)] me dress nice? that will cost you

[Elandra] my pay is safely away for now

[Elandra] laughs at Kit

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::chuckles:: I'll pay whatever the cost, dear Kitten

[Elandra] see

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] it really doesn't matter where it is, in the dungeon you can't spend it

x[Kit (DM today)] I should warn you Fin, when I get hot I breathe fire

x[Finglass (mikE)] I'll keep my sword handy.

[DM today] (and another turn)

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay... then we need to head off and get Paul back ourselves I suppose

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Alastair: Hold Person: Halt! In the name of the law!

x[Elandra] Roll #1: (d20) [17] 17

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::sighs:: Another time, dear kitten. It would seem Mother doesn't want us to do that just yet.

[DM today] Bob and Alstair roll int

[DM today] or not

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ((he doesn't have any of that))

x[Elandra] Elandra: Initiative:(d1010) [853] 853

[DM today] a d10 is fine

x[Elandra] Elandra: Initiative:(d10+10) [7+10] 17

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Roll #1: (d10) [6] 6

x[Finglass (mikE)] Oh, look...

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::John, would there happen to be a tree behind her?

[DM today] so Alstair gets it off, now roll save

[DM today] not too close, with in 10 -15 ft

[DM today] not close enough to do what I thik you want to do

x[Elandra] Roll #1: (d100) [52] 52

[Elandra] nope

[Elandra] no effect

[Elandra] I sit there and do not attack, I just keep my hand in my pocket and the other one playing with the flowers

[DM today] next

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I pick her up and go off to the dungeon

[Elandra] I let him pick me up

[DM today] ok

[Elandra] I scream in a high falsetto

[Elandra] oh save me

[DM today] anyone following?

[Elandra] the barbaric human is taking me away

[Elandra] oh won't someone save me

x[Finglass (mikE)] Sure.

x[Finglass (mikE)] I might get to shoot her yet

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] you know it works better if you shout fire. more people come to fires than barbarians.

[DM today] ::Kit follows::

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: waves :: Good luck with that...

[Elandra] why thank you

[Elandra] FIRE AT WILL

x[Finglass (mikE)] Who's will?

[Elandra] your name wouldn't happen to be will would it?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::sighs:: no not will. ::throws her into the dungeon and locks the door:: well we'll deal with her later

[DM today] ok, you keep the key?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sure

[DM today] just checking, posting guard?

[Elandra] calls out to Alastiar as he reaches the door

[Elandra] oh

x[Finglass (mikE)] I'm going to stand around and watch for a bit, at the very least

[Elandra] big mean fighter!!!

[Elandra] please don't leave me here

[Elandra] I have nothing to wear

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] That's okay, I'm sure the rats won't mind your current dress.

[Elandra] very well,

[Elandra] have a good day and thank you very much,

x[Finglass (mikE)] You do know she has something in her pocket, yes?

Elandra /invokes spell/

[Elandra] poof

[Elandra] disapears

x[Finglass (mikE)] What does she have in her pocketses?

x[Finglass (mikE)] Probably a ring similar to mind, by the look of it.

[DM today] ok next

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::walks back to kylia:: so who is this guy you think took paul now?

x[Finglass (mikE)] Well, I suppose we see what our brave lady wants to do now.

x[Finglass (mikE)] After you, Kitten

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Some stupid wizard of Math Mawhoney

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Wants to be "friends"

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] "allies"

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] You know...the usual fan mail we get

[DM today] ::strutts out to the outside::

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so, declair jihad on his butt then?

x[Finglass (mikE)] It's hard to be popular

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: sighs :: we could wait out the year and hope he doesn't increase his power

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I guess we should go get Paul back

[DM today] Paul said he wanted to take a year off

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] what makes you think he did it? recognize the seal on the scroll case or something?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Similar style of delivery... the dragon bone scroll ... trying to show off... little things

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Next time that elf comes back... can we send her to the drarves?

x[Finglass (mikE)] Not bad enough.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sounds good

[DM today] so where too and how?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] or we could send her to the abyss...

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: sends Wilson to get the other scroll tube ::

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Wilson > :: retrieves the scroll and hands it over ::

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: reads :: Hmm, okay, something about contacting him to "establish our friendship"

x[Finglass (mikE)] So does that mean we kill him quick?

x[Finglass (mikE)] Or do we actually play nice this time around?

[DM today] the DS nice?

[DM today] you are always so mean to my NPC's

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Contact him through the Mage Guild in Wolfspack

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::Because you are the enemy if you have npc's ;)::

[DM today] nothing to do with BOB running it

[DM today] so who is going and how are you getting there

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] guess we'll take the pool to the truth grid

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay... everyone is giong, and using the Pool

x[Kit (DM today)] I would rather say behind

x[Kit (DM today)] Have not been to WP, no intention of

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okay, you said behind, now get in the pool

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: shrugs :: Suit yourself

x[Kit (DM today)] going

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::also, DM can't run characters. ;)::

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, they can, it just gets really cumbersome

[DM today] So poof you are in line at WP

[guard] I am away from the keyboard.

[Guard Traineee] Welcome to WP how can we help you today

x[Finglass (mikE)] Just the usual for us.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Assume the position?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: watching the others ::

[Guard Traineee] well actual, I thought you knew the drill

[Guard Traineee] if you can wait till my boss gets back

x[Finglass (mikE)] Sure sure. When is he expected?

[Guard Traineee] I would apprecate it, he had to use the ...

[Guard Traineee] um nature call

[Guard Traineee] just a momnet I'm sure

[Guard Traineee] If you want you can start handing me your weaponds

[Guard Traineee] are you all together?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: spies the trainee ::

x[Finglass (mikE)] Yes.

[Guard Traineee] wow, this might take some time

x[Finglass (mikE)] Well, what one of us says, the rest were in on.

[Guard Traineee] ::fumbles for something::

x[Finglass (mikE)] Shouldn't be as hard as you think.

[Guard Traineee] I just don't want to loose any weapons on my first day

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::shows his lack of weapons::

[Guard Traineee] do you want to pay to take them with you

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: widens her eyes :: Lose my weapon?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Pay to take them with me?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] What sort of racket are you running here sonny?

x[Finglass (mikE)] Do you know who this is, recruit?

[Guard Traineee] ::sound like a tape recorder::

x[Finglass (mikE)] You do realize who you are talking to, right?

[Guard Traineee] We pride ourselfves

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] can I go in then?>

[Guard Traineee] at the saftey of our wonderful town

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] You take pride is losing my weaspon?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] (weapon?)

[Guard Traineee] no, I have not lost one yet

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::goes in::

x[Finglass (mikE)] You are talking to one of the most important people in the area, and you ask for her weapon?

x[Finglass (mikE)] Charge her to carry what is her right?

[Guard Traineee] Um sir could you wait just a moment, my Boss need to ask you some questions

x[Finglass (mikE)] Do you usualy make nobles wait on the... call of nature?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::hands over a blank bit of paper:: here's my card, have him contact me

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::goes in::

[Guard Traineee] well you can keep it but you need a permit

[Guard Traineee] and you know you can't cast without a permit

x[Finglass (mikE)] She is a holy leader! Is that not permit enough?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: blinks ::

[guard] I am back at the keyboard.

[Guard Traineee] I just don't want to get in troubble

[guard] nods in the background

[guard] you do not do you

x[Finglass (mikE)] Let me put it to you this way, as you can plainly see, you're not even worth her trouble to talk to

[Guard Traineee] she does look iportant but everyone looks important to me

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::goes to wine women and more wine, because it's just one of those days::

x[Finglass (mikE)] Now, we just want to answer your questions and get on with our usual business in your town here.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Ah, the mark of the little man.

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I do solemnly swear I am up to no good... now can I enter?

[Guard Traineee] ok stand there, reads from note

[guard] you are welcome to answer questions, pay your required taxes

[Guard Traineee] What is your purpose for visiting today

x[Finglass (mikE)] Didn't we pay them last week when we were here?

[Guard Traineee] how long will you be staying?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Until I'm finished

x[Finglass (mikE)] We are here for information

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: shakes head ::

x[Finglass (mikE)] Indefinately.

x[Finglass (mikE)] The Lady Kylia merely requires a bit of information.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::orders some genie wine::

[Guard Traineee] ok, I'm not sure I can help

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::coughs expectantly::

[Guard Traineee] what is your question?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I don't want informatino from you...

x[Finglass (mikE)] Then let us in so we can find what we need.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] put it on the dragonslayer's tab

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] information

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::drinks::

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::sighs:: You finally get to know one guard, then you get a new recruit

[guard] rolls his eyes, you don't answer questions you ask them, TWAP on the back of the head to the trainie

[Guard Traineee] you were not here, they did not want to wait

[Guard Traineee] ::wimpers::

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: rolls eyes ::

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Peleus

[DM today] so you painstakly get through the pain of the truth grids

x[Finglass (mikE)] yes

[DM today] anyone carrying weaponds?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: whistles innocently ::

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so, Peleus, have you talked to any of the dragonslayers in a while?

x[Finglass (mikE)] no. just holy relics

[DM today] anyone paying for casting rights

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: more whistling ::

x[Finglass (mikE)] Not today. Maybe next time.

[DM today] (ROFL)

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Probably don't know many of the current ones eh?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'm Alistair by the way, I've heard great things about this wine and your place. As well as yourself.

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((don't forget to flatter Bol T.))

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Ah yes, I can understand that. Bolt found a wife you say?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: strolls through and heads to WWandMW ::

[DM today] ok this is the DM, anyone paying to cast or carrying weaponds?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] wow, who'd he marry? Anyone important?

x[Finglass (mikE)] no

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((HEY! Hands off MY CLERIC ))

x[Finglass (mikE)] why would we do that?

x[Finglass (mikE)] We just walk in.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Ah, no I've never heard of her.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'm sure she's just lovely

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Paying to carry my sword, doesn't like the looks of the trainee

x[Finglass (mikE)] does the guard let fin get by? he's got a curved staff in his hand.

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: enters the bar and admires the handywork of Hainin ::

[DM today] I wish Rob could get on line to play BOLT

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] (didn't pay for anything)

x[Finglass (mikE)] as he said, a holy item.

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Me too John... that would be fun

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: sighs and smiles at Peleus :: How are things?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Oh, hello Bolt, we were just talking about you. I'm assuming the lady on your arm is your new wife?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] she's not? shame on you.

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: passes on the friendship wine :: None for me thanks, just stopping in to say hello

[DM today] I love one sided conversations

x[Finglass (mikE)] To the mage's guild!

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: smiles :: thanks for the drink Peleus... :: heads out to the Mage's Guild ::

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::finishes his genie wine:: about time you guys got through that gate

[DM today] does Al take a drink from Pelus or the bar keep?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] whoever is giving him genie wine

[DM today] you know what that does to you

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] makes me horribly drunk I'm assuming

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: walks up to the counter :: Hello, I'm trying to get in touch with the mage of Math Mawhoney who wanted to talk to Kylia Wolfslayer please

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] if I'm horribly drunk I won't be able to think enough to get a spell off. that way I won't be tempted to do some ass kicking

[Bar Maid] Well I think you would need to go to the Libray, he never comes in here

[Bar Maid] But your welocme to stay here, I cansend some one

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: blinks :: I'm at the Mage's Guild... why is there a bar tender here?

[guard] (she wa ther)

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] My how Wolfspack has gone downhill since my last visit

[Bar Maid] sorry missed that end

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Shame really... used to be such a lawful town

[guard] although having a bar maid at the mages guild does have a certain charm

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Not for Kylia...

[guard] remeinds me of Dragon's Lair

[Front Desk] Ah yes, would you please lower your voice and wait in room three

[Front Desk] Let me see if we can find him

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: frowns :: Oh of course.. make the Cleric wait in the dark room to be ambushed :: moves ::

[Front Desk] waves her hand and points

x[Obviously Nobody (dm today)] Lady Kylia, pleaant to meet you

x[Obviously Nobody (dm today)] I have heard so much about you

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: nods :: I'm sure...

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I've come for Sir Paul Elvenshire.

x[Obviously Nobody (dm today)] are you alone today, no servents to assist you,I would be honered

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I don't want servants... I want Sir Paul back.

x[Obviously Nobody (dm today)] Oh is Sir Paul here too

x[Obviously Nobody (dm today)] ::looks arround::

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: frowns :: okay, let me talk to the wizard of Math Mawhoney who took Sir Paul

x[Obviously Nobody (dm today)] he usualy know right where to go

x[Obviously Nobody (dm today)] ::looksa shocked:

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I've no time for these games...

x[Obviously Nobody (dm today)] No, it's can't be

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Alastair: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [19] 19. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (8) [8] 8!!!

x[Obviously Nobody (dm today)] I will fetch him right off

x[Obviously Nobody (dm today)] :: leaves in a hurry::

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::recites some poetry to a barstool::

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: frowns more :: Why me...

[dm today] anyone else at the mage guild?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Barstool > :: ties to flee ::

x[Finglass (mikE)] sure

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ties = tries

[dm today] ""oh no not again""

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::flirts with a keg::

x[Finglass (mikE)] better than with drunk boy over there living vicariously through his character

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Keg > :: falls on his toe to avoid the pain ::

x[Obviously Nobody (dm today)] ::returns a short time later::

x[Obviously Nobody (dm today)] sorry fot the delay, he is such a busy man

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: sighs :: don't tell me... he's not here and you haven't seen him all day, right?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::plays the "Coppers" game with a couple of the guys::

x[Obviously Nobody (dm today)] no no he is here now, he was just finishing something, let me take you to him

x[Obviously Nobody (dm today)] it's upstairs, right this way

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Great.

x[Obviously Nobody (dm today)] ::leads to private room::

x[Obviously Nobody (dm today)] ::knock on door::

x[Obviously Nobody (dm today)] ::opens door and steps back::

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::tells the joke about the abbot, the druid, and the atheist::

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: frowns :: Very well...

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: enters ::

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] Good eveing Lady Kylia, I am so glad you took the time to vist

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] and so the druid said "That's not a tree, that's my wife!!!"

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] I am so sorry I have been so busy latly

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: nods :: I see...

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] How can I help you today?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: frowns :: about the Elf that came to visit me this morning

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] Did my messanger find you ook?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Where is Sir Paul?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] And I would recommend not senidng that particular elf to Roadhaven again...

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] I'm sorry, whay do you ask me? Is he missing?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Your scroll caused him to disappear, so where is he?

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] She is only part time

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] Oh dear, twas not my scroll, I just had it delivered.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] So what's a pretty lady like you doing in a place like this? ::stares intently at a puddle of spilt alcohol::

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: rolls eyes :: Oh of course ... I should have guessed....

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] I would like to help

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] what transpired?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Alcohol > :: slinks off towards the dirt nearby ::

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] How can I be of assistance

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: shrugs :: The scroll was opened and he disappeared... your elf, ever aloof and refusing to help allowed this to happen. I hold you and the Mage's Guild of Wolfspack responsible, should any harm befall sir Paul

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] please, I am sure this is a misunderstanding

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] So there we were, hundreds of sahuigan and only a piece of licorice to defend ourselves with...

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] I was lead to belive the scroll was protected so only a leader of the DragonSlayers could open it

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] What's to misunderstand? You had a scroll delivered and one of the most powerful mages this side of just about anywhere disappears, do you think I'm so naive to not think this is a plot ?

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] I thought I was doing you a favor to make sure you got it promtly

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] And then your delivery elf conveniently disappears? Hmmm, tell me what I misunderstand?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] A FAVOR? You Made Paul disappear.. .you want to do me a favor, make some Dwarves disappear, a lich, a spyder fiend... a gnoll... but not Paul!

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] Let me fetch her, she has a second one, that might provide some answer

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ... and that's how we won the international spelling bee.

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Her? A second one? :: feeling her voice starting to get shrill

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] Not I Lady Kylia, please , I will help anyway I can

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] ::pushes a button on the wall::

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] We will get to the bottom of this

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] I thought this harmless, certainly the DraginSlayers could handle this

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] ::waits quietly::

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Harmless... :: snorts ::

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] ::pushes button again, harder::

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] I am not sure I met your elf friend, is he new?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ... and then the goblin said to the illithid, I really don't know what HAPPENED to that shoe....

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] (LOL)

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: whirls :: That is Finglass... he's newer

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] (BOB WHAT ARE YOU SERVING)

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::nods::

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] (he never was that good at roleplaying before)

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Don't change the subject....

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] I just want to look at the second scroll, see if it tells us anything

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] You can push that button all day long... but it better produce a mage named Paul Elvenshire at some point

x[Finglass (mikE)] Casually strings his bow

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((It's the Friendship Wine that Peleus used to carry around John... you remember how we all avoided it... Alastair didn't get the warning LOL ))

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] I can assume you looked for him, magicly?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: rolls eyes :: Do you think i would have come HERE if we had not

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::snorts::

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] (yes, but Marco was never that funny)

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] (( he is now :) amazing how text can do that :: giggles :: ))

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::i once saw sean type out a funny joke...::

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ... so I told the dali lamma, I really don't know how that staff of the magi happened to get a crack in it or why it's currently raining fish...

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] ::in walks an elf::

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] Ah here she is

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: glares :: This should be intresting

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] interesting

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] Please, oh what was your name?

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::Shakes his head ruefully::

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ... anyway to make a long story short. That's how we invented pizza.

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] do you have the second scroll with you

[Elandra] Hello, how are you all, I see you made it here safe and sound

[Elandra] hands it over to the gentleman

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: speaks slowly :: ... where... is... Paul...

[Elandra] I did tell you I would accpet payment

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] I can tell you she does not know, nor do I but I will find out

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I will happily give you a solid payment of fist

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] will you give me a moment

[Elandra] shrugs,

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Of course no one knows how a scroll YOU had delivered led to this

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] wait here

x[Finglass (mikE)] Why?

x[Finglass (mikE)] Where are you going?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] That's fine... I want to make sure that everyone in the land knows about the Lawful Guild of Wolfspack.

[Elandra] I never worry too much about what I deliver,

[Elandra] that would get messy

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: sniffs :: that is obvious

[Elandra] nods,

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] I need to look at this in safer conditions

[Elandra] thank you

[Elandra] I do always follow all of my contracts to the letter

x[Finglass (mikE)] So you leave us here in danger?

[Elandra] I pride my self on never not finishing a contract

[Elandra] blinks at Finglass,

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: shakes head :: We'll have no luck here. This elf is as trustworth as a halfling in a box.

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] Well I can get a guard here if you would like

[Elandra] did you pay me to not leave you in danger?

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] I trust you to stay here

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I don't want a guard... I don't want to stand here... I want you to find Sir Paul and return him

[Elandra] looks around, I have no where to go

x[Finglass (mikE)] When I talk to you, it will be more at bowpoint. Don't get confused.

[Elandra] grins,

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I'm sure I heard the clanging of cheap gold at a tavern nearby

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] ::bows out::

[Elandra] you know what they say about elves and thier bows,

[Elandra] and how the overcompensate

x[Finglass (mikE)] Care to find out? Aren't you supposed to go with your master?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: glares at the man :: this is what your lackey is able to do for me? Cheap, low grade humour?

[Elandra] I am have completed my mission

x[Finglass (mikE)] Then go away.

[Elandra] shrugs,

[Elandra] he asked me to wait here,

x[Finglass (mikE)] You are the slowest elf I've ever met. Must be party gnome.

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] ::walks back in::

[Elandra] I will be generous with my time

[Elandra] looks arond,

[Elandra] I do believe this is the group you were looking for

x[Finglass (mikE)] Don't do us any favors.

[Elandra] they fit all the stories I have heard about them

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] Ok, well I can tell you where the scroll came from

[Elandra] winks at Finglass

[Elandra] when you have the time to get away

[Elandra] and then she walks out

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] that should be the best place to start looking for Sir Paul

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::snorts::

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] START?

x[Finglass (mikE)] Kylia, I try to be restrained, but my patience is being severely tested.

x[Finglass (mikE)] Do I shoot the elf, or this useless human?

x[Finglass (mikE)] Neither one can apparently tell us where Paul is.

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] If he has been hidden magicaly, I sugest we work both ways, look manualy while I try and break the shadow hidding him

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] I will have Elandra here go with you

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] So you intentionally allowed your hireling to deliver this scroll to hide Sir Paul?

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] if I find anything I will let you know right away

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Just tiell me what I need to go... I've no use for deceptiive, money-grubbing, lackeys

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] tiell=tell

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] As I said, I did not consder it an issue. She was not to say it was from me, for it was not

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] did she mislead you?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((READ: I don't want to take Bob with us :o) ))

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] (:))

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] She's implied no less than four times now that if we paid her she would reveal additional information... so either she's lying now or lied then

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Perhaps she'd be happy to lay on the truth grid and allay my fears

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] well was that before or after the troubble started?

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] she was allowed to tell you after her message was delivered

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] I can assure you she know no more than I

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Before, during, after... you pick

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] She refused to tell us anything without added coin in her coffer

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] well.... I was not clear on that

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] And now our paladin is so distraught because of sir paul's disappearance he's taken to consuming Friendship Wine!

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] ::looks at elf and shakes head::

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Do you know what that does to a Paladi

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] And all she cares about is her gold... what a disgrace

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] I can't go back there, so yes

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] brb

[dm today] I am away from the keyboard.

[dm today] I am back at the keyboard.

[dm today] I am away from the keyboard.

[dm today] I am back at the keyboard.

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] ok

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] so the name of the village is New Tier

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] Do you need transportation?

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] Anything I can do to help?

[dm today] anyone?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] New Tier :: looks at Finglass ::: Know where that is?

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::shrugs::

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Anything to help? Yes, find Paul before I find who has him

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] I will do my best, here, take this gem

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] ::pulls gem from drawer::

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] I will contact you as soon as possible

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: puts the gem away and turns :: We need to get Alaistair and Fudge and get back to Roadhaven... but probably should stop by the Other Library to figure out where New Tier is

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] If you will be leaving and if you need no assistance from Elandra, I will dismiss her

[dm today] (Your pool will know)

[dm today] but it does not hurt to know

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] What assistance will she be to us? We aren't going to pay her and we aren't really interested in getting rid of more party memebers ... Does she have other talents?

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] I will deal with her on payment

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] all I will say is she is resourcefull

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: rolls eyes :: of course she is...

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Aren't they all...

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: turns and heads back to WWandMW ::

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] clearly the match is not right

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] surly you will do well without her

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] Elandra, you may leave

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ... and that's why Kylia's underwear glows when it rains.

x[Elandra (to GM only)] ahoooga.wav: No adjustments made

x[Elandra] E. L. Fudge's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 39 (9) - Unharmed

x[Elandra (to GM only)] ahoooga.wav: No adjustments made

x[Elandra] Varn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 111 (29) - Unharmed

x[Distinguisted Gentleman (dm today)] she is a healer?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: pauses as she hears Alastair :: My what does what when it rains?

x[Elandra (to GM only)] ahoooga.wav: No adjustments made

x[Elandra] Finglass's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 69 (10) - Unharmed

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Oh, hi kylia! Would you like to share a drink?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: shakes head :: Friendship wine?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I hear some people claim wine is the blood of their god.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] or something

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Oh my... it's only been a hour? How long ago did you drink this stuff?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I dunno, what time is it?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: sighs :: Okay... back to Roadhaven for you...

[dm today] don;t drink and port

[dm today] MADT

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okay, Nice meeting you mister Kegsly. Farewell Peleus and Bolt!

[dm today] mages against drunk teleporters

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] oh you don't want to see a drunked bar fight between mages

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] it's a lot of girlish flailing followed by explosions

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: shakes head and leads him out of the tavern ::

[dm today] so you have to leave WP manualy

[Lorie] I am away from the keyboard.

[dm today] you going to look for the nearest natural pond?

[dm today] or anything beofre you leave?

[dm today] having a good time EL?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] can't think of anything really

[dm today] err Sean?

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] huh? What?

[Lorie] I am back at the keyboard.

[dm today] Lori, you want to stop and get a map?

[dm today] anything else

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Yes one map please and one elf-disposal kit

[dm today] you kept your sword remember

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] too messy

[dm today] deduct a few gold for the permit fees


x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] yup...

x[Finglass (mikE)] there's another one???

[dm today] you all get back to Road Haven

x[Finglass (mikE)] another one?????

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] more like the prologue

[dm today] if you want

x[Finglass (mikE)] bloody hell!

[dm today] I thought you were enjoying this

[dm today] my bad

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] he's not happy unless he's been crushed by gold

x[Finglass (mikE)] crushed by women.

[dm today] you can continue

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] It's fine... :)

[dm today] gold women

x[Finglass (mikE)] that's the way to go

x[Kit (dm today)] you called?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] crushed by a herd of stampeding soccer moms

x[Finglass (mikE)] Hello, beautiful

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::blows a kiss to Kit:

x[Kit (dm today)] so where is Paul?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Probalby in that damn elf's pocket

[dm today] what is your next step, going today or waiting for Al to sober up?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'm not drunk you shilly sit

x[Finglass (mikE)] Who knows? Hopefully somewhere nice.

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: shakes head :: Yes

x[Finglass (mikE)] The man who sent the scroll apparently has no idea where he is.

x[Kit (dm today)] he tends to get lost for a year at a time

x[Kit (dm today)] it may be easier to wait

x[Finglass (mikE)] if you think so...

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] and always a woman is involved....

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::shrugs::

x[Finglass (mikE)] A year's not so bad. We can take up dancing, I suppose.

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Does New Tier sound like a vacation destination? Thre are probably halfilings and dwarves ... and Paul might not have any clothes either. You k now how he forgets them

x[Kit (dm today)] slow dancing I hope

x[Kit (dm today)] lol

x[Finglass (mikE)] Of course, Kitten.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I swear, if I had a dollar for every time he was seduced by some female seduction monster......

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] that elf is probably the seduction monster and wants us to pay her for our trouble. ::frowns ::

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] You'd have enough for a cup of coffee?

x[Kit (dm today)] dID i TELL YOU THE ONE,,OH MAYBE NOT

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Why can't he just be a recluse like all the other high level wizards?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] a grande and starbucks, which of course they only sell you on approved credit

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] ooooooooh

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::leans on Kit::

x[Finglass (mikE)] So, back to our dinner plans...

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] because he still needs books to be a recluse

x[Finglass (mikE)] I will bring the food and candles. You bring something nice looking.

x[Kit (dm today)] ::pick up Fin and walks into the woods::

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] he's only got a 3rd level library, that's not recluse material

x[Finglass (mikE)] See you all later!

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] He could come out of the library or hire an assistant to bring the books in

x[Finglass (mikE)] ::waves over her shoulder::

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] he'd need at LEAST a 6th level library to be a decent recluse

x[Khan (dm today)] ::wanders out of library::

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] That's what good libraries do...

x[Khan (dm today)] My ears hurt

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] funny I don't remember talking about you...

x[Khan (dm today)] What's the fuss about?

x[Antarias (mikE)] I said I was sorry...

[dm today] serriously, you ok ending here? it's a good stopping point

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Khan, some crazy elf brought a scroll that made Paul disappear and some wacko in New Tier is behind it

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sure it's fine

x[Khan (dm today)] WHAT!

x[Khan (dm today)] why didn;t some one get me

x[Khan (dm today)] where is my control crystal

x[Khan (dm today)] Shit Paul has it

x[Khan (dm today)] Lady Kylia, can you let me go to Gon, just to check there

x[Antarias (mikE)] Where is Finglass? Did he get taken, too?

x[Antarias (mikE)] Mother will kill me if I loose him...

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: smirks :: sure... KIT took him that way :: points ::

x[Antarias (mikE)] ::tugs worriedly on his beard::

x[Antarias (mikE)] Oh.. oh!

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Khan, he's not there... trust me. Alastair tried to find him... he wasn't able

x[Antarias (mikE)] Oh, okay. I suppose that's okay.

x[Khan (dm today)] Alstair's not a real mage

x[Khan (dm today)] he way too holly

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'm not?

x[Khan (dm today)] oh sorry, didn;t see you there

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] holly? what's a red berried plant got to do with this?

[Elandra] there we go grudge match between Kahn and alastair

x[Khan (dm today)] the shine from your armor must have been in my eyes

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Khan, he's had some of Peleus' friendship wine, excuse him

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I left that home, the shiny armor only comes out on special occasions

x[Khan (dm today)] OH NO

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Oh yes...

x[Khan (dm today)] did you ever find a cure?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: shakes head :: Not one I'd feel confident giving Alastair

x[Khan (dm today)] or at least something to speed up the process

x[Khan (dm today)] true

x[Khan (dm today)] So what's the plan?

x[Khan (dm today)] Wait for Paul to rescue himself?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, it beats getting hit in the head by a wet goldfish

x[Khan (dm today)] or go in blazin'

x[Khan (dm today)] yes Alstair, that's ok Alstair

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] he kin fly out! I've seen it!

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: studies the New Tier map :: So where is it?

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] How do we get there? What is in this town?

x[Khan (dm today)] outside of Halstat you say, I knew some one from there, around there

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, I am, and you are, and kahn is. finglass isn't cuz he's out on a date with kit

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] hope they don't get into any trouble with the rabbits....

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Halstatt? :: sighs :: More Druids

x[Khan (dm today)] yea but they don't rule, not comleatly

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay... how far outside Halstatt?

x[Khan (dm today)] shold not be too bad

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I hear tell they have teeth that could saw a bird's arm clean off!

x[Khan (dm today)] I don't rember, with the pool does it realy matter?

x[Khan (dm today)] I should stay behind, no telling if they would trrust a troll, sorry

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Well... yes. The pool will only take us so far, we'll need to walk some of the distance...

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] funny how all of pauls followers want nothin to do with saving him.... wonder if they know somethin we don't....

x[Khan (dm today)] (sniker sniker)

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'm thinkin this is a political coup

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Good point, his own child would rather be snogging than looking for dear ole Mum...err Da errr... nevermind

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] not to be confused with a bird coup, me mum had one of those....

[dm today] so we will start next week everyine reay to go, Khan too she, Kit knocked up

[dm today] she=shy

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Umm... okay then

[DM] imagining the cravings

x[Antarias (mikE)] awesome. fin's gonna be a daddy

x[Antarias (mikE)] mom will be so proud.

x[Antarias (mikE)] and sarah pissed the hell off

[dm today] out of wed lock, are you sure?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] kit's gonna be craving roasted goblin eyes

[DM] basilisk eyes

x[Antarias (mikE)] eh. we're elves. free love, babyt

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] beholder eyes dipped in illithid ichor

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] fetch it finglass!

x[Antarias (mikE)] sorry honey, gotta go save the world again.

x[Antarias (mikE)] i'll be right back.

x[Kit (dm today)] i said now

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ROAR ::FLAME::

[dm today] I am tired, I'm going to bed, to sleep

[dm today] good night all

x[Antarias (mikE)] night

x[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay... night JOhn :)

mikE has left the game on Fri Sep 23 22:51:35 EDT 2005

Lorie has left the game on Fri Sep 23 22:51:37 EDT 2005

BiBo!!! has left the game on Fri Sep 23 22:51:40 EDT 2005

dm today has left the game on Fri Sep 23 22:51:40 EDT 2005

Sean has left the game on Fri Sep 23 22:51:46 EDT 2005