Main / Sep2509

Sep 25 09 - Trade Wars

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Sep 25 18:25:27 EDT 2009 ====

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard for food and drinks, I am home and will be back shortly.

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

mikE] has joined the game on Fri Sep 25 18:50:07 EDT 2009

mikE] is receiving the map Scree Slope...

mikE] has received the map Scree Slope.

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] Howdy Sir

[BOB] Nyrma is out at the Casino tonight

[BOB] so totally alone here

[BOB] well mother in law as normal

[BOB] and the dogs

[BOB] but they are all quiet, grins

[mikE] hey bob

[mikE] quiet is good

[mikE] mel and i have been playing wow

Hansie] has joined the game on Fri Sep 25 18:51:28 EDT 2009

Hansie] is receiving the map Scree Slope...

Hansie] has received the map Scree Slope.

[BOB] Hey there Hans!

[BOB] very sorry to miss the two of you last week

[BOB] Happy Anniversarry

[Hansie] Thx, Bob!

[Hansie] Sorry to miss you, too. I had a good time regardless, honestly.

[BOB] glad for that

[BOB] did you fill out your survey yet?

[Hansie] But yes, you were sorely missed.

[BOB] trying to get as many of them done as possible

[Hansie] I looked at the page briefly but didn't fill it out. Are you talking about the one on the Dragonslayer's website?

[BOB] there are three links, each is a different survey

[BOB] two should only take about 15-20 minutes

[mikE] hey hans!

[mikE] good to see you again

[BOB] the long one is the one with questions about players

[mikE] on a night we can play.

[Hansie] "Death is among us"

[Hansie] :?

[Hansie] :)

[BOB] and I will move Percy to the map

[Hansie] Excellent, Bob-O.

[Hansie] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] think Christy is coming?

[Hansie] I am back at the keyboard.

[Hansie] Hey, Mike. What's up with the white text? Where's the blood-red text that I almost always see you chat with?

[BOB] that is something I can set up for you on teh character sheet Hans

[BOB] each character can have a different color of chat text

[BOB] different than your own "player" text color

[BOB] OH and John called will be here but late, got out of work late

[Hansie] I think Christy will join us, but I'll kinda be in and out tonight. I have to take Hansie to Karate, which only takes a few minutes. Then in an hour, I'll need to go pick him up.

[Hansie] I want John!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[BOB] no worries

[Hansie] And Fritz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[BOB] I can kill you inbetween times

[Hansie] And, Lorie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Hansie] (and I've already got Mike)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Hansie] Uh, no, Bob. Not good.

[mikE] you don't want me

[mikE] i'm bad news

[mikE] no goodnik

[Hansie] Oh yes I do, Mikey-poo.

[BOB] John and Fritz will be around, Lorie not for this adventure - fefinately not wanting the Underdark thing, then after that we will dee

[BOB] see

[BOB] is another good reason for the surveys

[BOB] for everyone to see the good things that everyone sees in each other as well as the things to work on

[Hansie (to BOB only)] test

[BOB (to Hansie only)] yes

[Hansie (to BOB only)] What do you mean?

[Hansie] Never mind, Bob. I forgot everyone can read this eventually.

[BOB] I want everyone to fill out the surveys things about me in there, things bout the game, things about the site things about Klooge, and importantly things about each other

[BOB] I want to make it a regular thing to do the surveys like that

[BOB] not every month but at least once or twice a year

[Hansie] Fair enough. Thx.

[BOB] with the three surveys I was hoping to get a total of 15-18 turned in

[BOB] but a max of 30 or so

[BOB] so far not quite a third of the way there

[BOB] but there is some good stuff there so far

[BOB] I know Mike did all three because he told me,

[Hansie] Mike's a good little boy....

[BOB] other than that I think Lorie did and

[BOB] I know some others but not sure who, and they are not personally identifiable

[mikE] i am not

[BOB] so I do not get an email from any person indicating what they filled out

[BOB] next set can be like that this set I wanted people to be free to say what they want

[BOB] I find the ratings of some things very interesting

[BOB] will give out a full report afterward to everyone

[mikE] so you don't know who filled otu what answers?

[BOB] no

[BOB] did not want to track anyone

[mikE] i should have4 said more bad things about you

[BOB] you still can

[mikE] heheh

[BOB] you can go back and edit your survey until I close them

[Hansie (to BOB only)] K. Just gotta drop off Hans for Karate. BRB

john2] has joined the game on Fri Sep 25 19:04:27 EDT 2009

john2] is receiving the map Scree Slope...

john2] has received the map Scree Slope.

[Hansie] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] and Hans will be back in 20 minutes John

[BOB] but he and Mike actually get the XP tonight first time in a while that we only had three or less

[john2] but when will Fritz be here?

[BOB] ] Pending XP award: 500.

[BOB] ] Pending XP award: 500.

[BOB] I do not know

[mikE] yay xp

[BOB] I know he has a missed session coming up

[BOB] not sure which date

[BOB] after this final phase of Deep Dark Dangerous is over will update all the characters XP levels etc. waiting to see who survives what

Fritz] has joined the game on Fri Sep 25 19:07:20 EDT 2009

Fritz] is receiving the map Scree Slope...

Fritz] has received the map Scree Slope.

[john2] can a person grapple a gas spore without poping them?

[BOB] Then The Missing Island will start and I am anticipating the first part being planing to save Antarias

[BOB] and wlecome Fritz

[BOB] and no John

[john2] but you could grapple them

[mikE] hi newbs

[BOB] not without serious serious modifiers and problems

[BOB] yes

[BOB] becaue you can grab an eye stalk

[BOB] just like you can grapple a roper

[BOB] need more soda then be right back

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[mikE] be back soon

[mikE] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] and here again

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Fritz] Bad storm here. If I go bye bye will call you on my cell Bob

[BOB] ok

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] keep it there planning on Biking tomorrow in Fort Pierce

[john2] why Ft Pierce?

[BOB] John have you been up to Fort Pierce Inlet?

[BOB] State Park?

[john2] on Hutchinson Island, near the condo

[BOB] is it?

[john2] checking

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[john2] just off island, I've been by it

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so 90 minutes or so?

[Hansie] I am back at the keyboard.

[john2] sorry on islad

[john2] yea

[Fritz] Bob could you put up a description of the scree slope area?

Christy] has joined the game on Fri Sep 25 19:15:05 EDT 2009

Christy] is receiving the map Scree Slope...

Christy] has received the map Scree Slope.

[Hansie] That's right, free XP. Thank you everybody, for logging in *after* 7PM. How kind of you ::humbly bowing::

[Fritz] Not feeling to well tonight so if I don't do well blame the stomach bug I have...not the bug I play

[john2] you play a bug ?

[Fritz] I hope otherwise all of you are well...Hah John

[john2] if I had known, I would have loged in earlier

[Hansie] Yeah, I'll need a reference to that as well... "bug I play"?

[john2] he is a pixie

[Fritz] "the condescening term used to describe Rave by other characters"

[john2] has been insulted as a bug

[BOB] As you come out of the passageway you find a large sloping pile of loose rocks in front of you. The area slopes down away from you and ends in a wall with two passageways going north and south. As you enter the area you notice two facts. There is a large ammount of webs on the ceiling and to either side there are some boulders near the bottom of the slope that are slowly being absorbed into what look to be gigantic pools of green slime.

[Hansie (to Fritz only)] Ahh, I get it...

[BOB] Hello Christy

[BOB] and that term was first used by the Underdark community about Rave

[john2] so we have two door's?

[BOB] the player characters did not use it until after that

[BOB] and no doors

[BOB] the two open corridors

[BOB] the one the group is in

[Fritz] OK Bob so the ceiling has the living web, and the sides are actually pools of green slime?

[BOB] the one mostly colapsed now to the south

[BOB] and the one at the top

[BOB] and yes

[BOB] slime and webs all around

[Fritz] Is the ceiling covered in slime?

[BOB] when you are flying you are staying below them

[BOB] ceilign is clear

[john2] I was punning about the two Doerr's

[Fritz] Hah John

[BOB] ahh gotcha John sorry I mised that

[BOB] the ceiling has no slime only webbing

[BOB] extends down about 10 feet or so from the ceiling

[john2] webs that shoot lighting

[Hansie (to john2 only)] sorry, sometimes in the chat stuff like that gets missed

[BOB] leaving about 15 feet of space above the slope

[Fritz] Are there walls on the side of the scree?

[john2 (to Hansie only)] no problem

[BOB] no

[Fritz] understand

[BOB] those grey blobs are partialloy disolved boulders

[Fritz] Your drawing makes more sense now

[BOB] the slime is eating through them

[BOB] One of the dwarves in your original party the first time through

[BOB] talked about how long this would last

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: Combat - Initiative {not sure why this is here}: (INIT) : CHANGED: -$RA (+10+$RA). Initiative (modifier): (INIT) : CHANGED: -$RA (+10+$RA).

[BOB] and building a new stair case etc

[john2] deos the slope of bolders the same as the slope of the floor

[mikE] I am back at the keyboard.

[mikE] back

[BOB] yes to John

[mikE] did i miss anything important?

[Fritz] Yes but I was still confused.

[Fritz (to Hansie only)] Glad to see you my friend

[john2] so either the green slime is deep or greenslime does not find it's own level

[Fritz (to BOB only)] will do the questionares tomorrow.

[BOB (to Fritz only)] thank you

[Hansie (to Fritz only)] glad you could make it. hope you feel better. don't you know any people who have good drugs for that sort of thing?

[Fritz (to BOB only)] will do the questionares tomorrow

[BOB] and green slime can climb John

[mikE] green slime does not act like water, then.

[BOB] no

[BOB] it can but it is semi intelligent

[Fritz (to Hansie only)] I have good drugs for it but I hate taking medication...go figure...rather suffer till it passes.

[BOB] can move and react and migrate

[john2] so what is keeping it on the other side of the bolders

[Fritz] Good question John

[mikE] boredom

[Fritz] Is the Scree area alight ?

[Fritz] or dark?

[Hansie (to BOB only)] So, we all originally came in from the east and most of us went north, which is where Percival is now?

[BOB] dark except for your continual light rocks

[Hansie] I love those cont. light rocks, Baby!!!!

[BOB (to Hansie only)] originally came down the slope from the right to left, this is the first time trying to climb back up the slope

[BOB] remember this is the first time you are trying to go back UP the slope

[Fritz] The southern passage looks like it is being eaten away by the green slime is that correct Bob?

[BOB] yes to Fritz

[BOB] there is space above the slime

[Fritz] Bob at the close range we are to the "beholder" we would be able to tell if it was real or gas spore?

[BOB] you just do not see how far back it goes, because the web hangs down lower

[BOB] if you spend time concentrating yes

[BOB] would be half movement or an attack

[Hansie] Bob, can we estimate how many rounds it would take to get to the top based on the time it took to go down the slope?

[Fritz] Full attack sequence or just lose one attack if you have multiple?

[BOB] it took Valgar one round to slide down and break his neck

[BOB] so you can make it up in ????

[BOB] just one attack of mulitple Fritz

[Fritz] Yea it takes 0 secs to smash into the wall and break your neck, and an infiniti if you die climbing up!!

[BOB] but the rocks are loose gravel pile so is hard to judge

[Fritz] or actually an infinity either way...

[BOB] rope and or flying is very helpful

[BOB] after they deal with the issue at the top

[Fritz] Geez I should have transformed into a kite!!!

[BOB] grins

[BOB] there is a proficiency for that

[Fritz] Oh yea the Ninja one

[BOB] huge box kites that can carry a halfling or small person

[Hansie (to BOB only)] Well, the Paladin can't just stay at the bottom of the slope with an enemy near!

[Fritz] I heard about it...It is called the "Ben Franklin" proficiency

[BOB (to Hansie only)] he can guard or go rescue the now stone Kira who fell when she became a bat

[BOB] but you are all ready now?

[Fritz] or how to be the "lightning" of parties

[BOB] John? Mike?

[Fritz] I am...waiting on Mike to get back

[BOB] going to reroll Init for everyone

[mikE] i'm back

[BOB] Combat has begun!

[BOB] ] ROUND: 0

[Hansie (to BOB only)] Yep, I'm ready.

[john2] i was just going to get my plate, but ok

[Hansie] I

[Hansie] LOVE

[Hansie] THAT

[Hansie] SOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

[john2] ] Paul Elvenstire: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=8] 18

[BOB] ] Beholder #3: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=10] 20

[Fritz] ] Rave Starfire: Initiative: (d10-+2) [1d10=1] -1

[mikE] i always worry about people who let 1's slip into ther !'s

[BOB] ] Arilyn: Initiative: (d10+10++2) [1d10=2] 14

[mikE] ] Finglas: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=7] 15

[Hansie] ] Percival: Initiative: (d10+10++2) [1d10=8] 20

[Christy] ] Arilyn: Initiative: (d10+10++2) [1d10=2] 14

[BOB] ] Initiative changed from 14 to 14.

[BOB] Heh

[BOB] welcoem back Chrsity

[Fritz] ] Mentor: Initiative: (d10+10+-4) [1d10=6] 12

[mikE] hey christy

[Fritz] ] Val'Iant Le Quella: Initiative: (d10+10+-1) [1d10=7] 16

[mikE] did see ya join

[Christy] sorry, doing something for football

[BOB] how many points will I get on my Fantasy team if I start Hansie?

[BOB] ] ROUND: 1

[Christy] a million

[BOB] ] INIT: -1 GOING: Rave Starfire

[BOB] and Rave

[Hansie (to BOB only)] Bob, would it be advantageous to be a hill giant right now? This looks like a hill giant's backyard.

[Fritz] Ok I release Paul and use my ring on the "Beholder" and try and hurl him into the pool of green slime across from the party

[Fritz] Rave Starfire targets Beholder #3. Distance: 5'00"

[Fritz] ] Rave Starfire casts a spell against Beholder #3: Ring of Telekinesis: Range 320 yards. A sustained force enables me to move a weight of 800 pounds a distance of 20 feet per round. Alternatively, the spell energy can be expended in a single round. The caster can hurl one or more objects within range, and within a 10-foot cube, directly away from himself at high speed, to a distance of up to 320 feet. This is subject to a maximum weight of 800 lbs. Damage caused by hurled objects is decided by the DM, but cannot exceed 32 points of damage. Opponents who fall within the weight capacity of the spell can be hurled, but they are allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. Furthermore, those able to employ as simple a counter-measure as an enlarge spell, for example (thus making the body weight go over the maximum spell limit), can easily counter the spell. The various Bigby's hand spells also counter this spell.

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so Paul falls the 10 feet or so

[BOB] taking (1d6) [1d6=3] 3 points of damage

[BOB] then Paul can react and fly on his own or what ever on his turn

[john2] I can fly?

[Fritz] You can fly!!

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 50 (-3) - Lightly Wounded

[Fritz] You can fly!!

[Fritz] You can fly!!

[BOB] grins, I never know what you will pull out

[john2] smiles

[Fritz] Just think happy thoughts

[BOB] ] Beholder #3: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Fritz] Crappers

[BOB] and resists your attempt

[BOB] ] INIT: 12 GOING: Mentor

[Fritz] Oh wait that doesn't count...I wasn't talking as Rave...

[Mentor (Fritz)] Prepare to drink potion

[BOB] lol

[BOB] ok

[Hansie (to BOB only)] Bob, my map measuring tool isn't working.

[john2] Paul Elvenstire targets Beholder #3. Distance: 45'10"

[BOB] remember that you can not see the stuff at the top of the slope from down below

[Hansie] I am away from the keyboard.

[Arilyn (Christy)] what was the plan again?

[Mentor (Fritz)] Yes I just heard the scream of a "Pixie Girl"

[BOB] Hans it is about 120 feet to Kira from your spot

[mikE] i'm gonna hide

[mikE] let paul and rave distract the beholder

[BOB] ] INIT: 14 GOING: Arilyn

[mikE] then let it wander on

[Arilyn (Christy)] wasn't there talk of fireballs and lightning bolts?

[john2] join the fun

[Mentor (Fritz) (to john2 only)] with that saving throw it is probably a real beholder.

[Mentor (Fritz)] Oh we talk the talk all the time

[john2] Lighting bolt you might get away with

[BOB] yes to Christy, but you would just be casting at the darkness at this point

[john2 (to Fritz only)] it only eliminates gas spore

[mikE] then you should cast magic missile

[john2 (to Fritz only)] unless it's an illusion

[Fritz] Hey is it me or does place now resemble a giant anus?

[Arilyn (Christy)] egads Fritz

[john2] I am zoomed in, si I don't see

[Fritz] Yep that is what it would look like if you were up close John

[Arilyn (Christy)] so John...tell me what to do. I haven't been playing attention

[Fritz] Oh and here I don't have a paddle....

[mikE] i don't have any more gin

[john2] fly up here would be best, just stay low to the ceiling

[BOB] 10 feet away from the ceiling you mean John

[mikE] well, that's not true. i don't have any more GOOD gin

[Fritz] bring someone up if you can

[Arilyn (Christy)] I don't want to know ezactly how you know that Doctor Fritz

[Arilyn (Christy)] I can fly but I can't carry much

[mikE] granted, i'm out of tonic, as well

[Fritz] If you could carry a bazooka that would be enough

[mikE] i do have lime

[john2] she is a bazooka

[mikE] but that's like the worst part of gin and tonic to have by itself

[Fritz] Oh are indeed at a loss

[mikE] and no tequila either

[Arilyn (Christy)] how's about I teleport some people over there?

[BOB] have everythig but the limes here Mike

[BOB] too bad


[mikE] i might have to go to my old friend vodka

[BOB] and that would work Christy

[Fritz] UGH

[Arilyn (Christy)] who wants to go?

[Fritz] My wife drinks vodka...

[mikE] vodka and mt. dew

[Arilyn (Christy)] I can take 800 pounds

[mikE] the blue alliance mt. dew

[BOB] but have to grab Mentor and or Val they are the only ones close to you

[Arilyn (Christy)] can I take Percy too?

[BOB] too far to grab and use the sword in the same round

[Fritz] Take Val. Leave mentor

[Arilyn (Christy)] what if I hold action just a little and let him grab me?

[BOB] that will work

[Hansie] I am back at the keyboard.

[Fritz] Hey this is a rated PG game

[Hansie] That's good, Christy!

[Arilyn (Christy)] so I'm teleporting and taking Percy and Val. Leaving Mentor?

[Fritz] No just leave Mentor...

[Fritz] take Percy

[Arilyn (Christy)] Val?

[Fritz] Yea leave val sorry

[BOB] ] INIT: 15 GOING: Finglas

[BOB] and Fin?

[mikE] can i see the beholder?

[BOB] no

[Arilyn (Christy)] sure, can I take him?

[Hansie] Hmmmm. Fritz saying "it's a PG rated game". Hmm....

[mikE] do i know it's up there?

[BOB] yes

[Fritz] Shhhhh Hans....The censors may take notice of the falacy of my statement

[Arilyn (Christy)] the teleport is a function of the sword not a spell

[BOB] nods to Christy

[mikE] so the only option is to climb up the slope by hand?

[BOB] or magic or

[BOB] there is no rope line set up yet

[john2] we don't know what is up here yet

[BOB] or hand holds etc

[Fritz] Or TP a short distance with Arilyn

[Arilyn (Christy)] I'll let ya put your hand on my hiney

[Hansie (to Fritz only)] "Fallacy" or "Phallic-see"?

[BOB (to Hansie only)] beat me to it

[Arilyn (Christy)] anything to get more peeps to the beholder

[Hansie] Hey, remember what Fritz said, "It's a PG rated game", Babe...

[mikE] okay. i'll grab arilyn's butt

[BOB] ] INIT: 16 GOING: Val'Iant Le Quella

[mikE] ::smack::

[Fritz (to Hansie only)] OH good one...ROFLMAO

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] On gaurd waiting to drink potion.

[BOB] ] INIT: 18 GOING: Paul Elvenstire

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Protecting my brother at all cost.

[Finglas (mikE)] "So you know, I have some empty rooms in Greenborough.

[john2] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 12'08".

[Finglas (mikE)] "One right next to mine. Adjoining rooms and everything."

[Hansie (to Fritz only)] Actually, that was Christy's idea. Heh heh heh. I know you love that, Bob! Get your mind *out* of that gutter, man!!!

[john2] ] Paul Elvenstire: Attack: Scimitar +3 (+5 vs Spirits): ((11-(d20+0))-3) [1d20=6] 2 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Beholder #3 (AC FINAL: 0).

[john2] ] Paul Elvenstire: Attack: Scimitar +3 (+5 vs Spirits): ((11-(d20+0))-3) [1d20=10] -2 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Beholder #3 (AC FINAL: 0)!!!

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] HAH

[john2] ] Paul Elvenstire: Damage v SM: Scimitar +3 (+5 vs Spirits): ((d8)+3) [1d8=5] 8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Beholder #3

[Fritz (to Christy only)] BOB IS A PERV....BOB IS A PERV...

[BOB] and Save versus Death please

[Arilyn (Christy) (to Fritz only)] I know!

[Hansie] Bob, so what do I do that qualifies me to teleport with Arilyn? Uh-oh... (about the save vs death thing)

[john2] ] Paul Elvenstire: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Fritz] uh OH

[BOB] on your move you just grab part of her

[Arilyn (Christy)] oh crap

[Hansie] No, man.

[BOB] she will BLIP with you and Fin

[Fritz] Does rave have to save? Bob keep it PG please...No 3 way blipping

[BOB] yes Rave needs a save

[Finglas (mikE)] wow, this is some spicy spicy crab roll

[Fritz] Crappers...I never know when to keep my mouth shut

[Fritz] Again with the rated R comments

[Fritz] ] Rave Starfire: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 6!!



[Fritz] Yay!

[Hansie] Saves vs death are used for things like, uh, if you get hit by something. It doesn't necessarily mean "death"... But, yeay! Rave made it.

[Arilyn (Christy)] whew...

[Hansie] I think Fritz was right. It's a spore thingy that looks like a beholder.

[john2] i knew it, but there was nothing else I could do

[Fritz] Remember that comment I made about an Anus? Well I believe Paul is up it... DEEP

[Arilyn (Christy)] so Fritz, what kind of doctor are you anyway?

[Fritz] Well John needs a proctologist...I am an he is outa luck ... AGAIN

[BOB] the ceiling caves in and does 50+ points of damage, so Paul is dead for failing the save, Rave is dead from hitpoints and the beholder appears to be dead as well (at least nothing left of it)

[Hansie] ROFL...

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-50) - Disabled

[Hansie] ??????

[Arilyn (Christy)] hmm...I was laughing until the dead part

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -3 (-50) - Dying

[Fritz] No dex save to avoid damage?

[BOB] ] Beholder #3's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 67 (-8) - Lightly Wounded

[Finglas (mikE)] wow.

[Finglas (mikE)] rocks fall, everyone dies

[john2] can I ask how that happeneds?

[BOB] ] Beholder #3's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 17 (-50) - Massively Wounded

[Finglas (mikE)] well, the two of them, anyway

[Fritz] Well...I would suggest you NOT do that again John

[Hansie] Yeah. What did hitting the beholder have to do with the ceiling falling? I gotta go pick up my kid real quick.

[Hansie] I am away from the keyboard.

[john2] i just want to know what I could have done diffrently

[BOB] You hit the beholder and to everyone looking at it from below (not seeing the beholder) they see/hear a loud explosion and the ceiling come crashing down

[Fritz] It was a death trap.

[Finglas (mikE)] apparently

[john2] i got that fritz

[Fritz] I just want to make sure that I am not allowed a dex save to get out of the way?

[BOB (to john2 only)] will explain more later

[BOB (to Fritz only)] will explain more later

[Fritz] of the falling that seems a bit much

[BOB] and no Fritz

[john2 (to BOB only)] I'll read the post

[Fritz] Okey Doke...

[BOB] ] INIT: 20 GOING: Percival

[john2] overall it's beter I did that know then later

[BOB] ] Percival moved 35'07".

[john2] thank goodness Arylin held action

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 30'05".

[john2] thank Fate

[Arilyn (Christy)] whoo-hoo

[BOB] Now where is Arilyn bliping to?

[Arilyn (Christy)] hmm...not underneath all those rocks

[Fritz] I guess that BOB FARTED and WE DIED!!!BAck again to the Anus analogy

[BOB (to john2 only)] do not go anywhere

[Arilyn (Christy)] can I see a safe place to teleport to?

[BOB (to Fritz only)] do not go anywhere

[Finglas (mikE)] free action: i'm letting go of her ass

[BOB] and there is some small area at teh top of the slope

[Finglas (mikE)] gonna take a moment and see what just happened

[BOB] but not a lot

[Finglas (mikE)] not blip into certain death

[BOB] ] INIT: 20 GOING: Beholder #3

[Fritz] Never Never Never John light a match when you are looking up the anus of death!!!!

[BOB] anything else Christy?

[Arilyn (Christy)] I'll hold for now to see what settles

[Fritz] /bob no worries...It's all good...

[Finglas (mikE)] and bob hold on

[Finglas (mikE)] stop a second

[BOB] yeap

[Fritz (to BOB only)] no worries it's all good. Death is but a beginning.

[Finglas (mikE)] since all i did was grab her, can i do a real action now?

[john2 (to BOB only)] if I see someting diffrent I should know

[BOB] yes Mike

[Fritz] PG PG Mike

[Fritz] Christy does he have Hans' permission?

[Finglas (mikE)] okay, gonna pull my dark arrow, surround us with darkness


[Fritz] I would have him tested first if I was you Christy

[Arilyn (Christy)] can you do that Dr?

[Fritz] Hey...yea Mike...that is a good PG statement..."Pull out your DARK ARROW"

[Finglas (mikE)] "Everyone stop."

[Fritz] "In the name of LOVE"

[Arilyn (Christy)] hey, speaking of we have any clerics here tonight?


[john2] the one with the bow

[Arilyn (Christy)] think it oooverrr...

[Finglas (mikE)] i'm not a cleric

[Fritz] I never realized it but FInglas does resemble Diana Ross...

[Finglas (mikE)] i'm an archer

[Fritz (to Christy only)] Hehhehe

[Arilyn (Christy)] okay, do the arching thing

[BOB] ok so most people are in the bubble of darkness now



[BOB] they still have continual light rocks out

[BOB] so it negates it

[BOB] on the map so you can see where it would be Mike

[Arilyn (Christy)] I can just imagine where the private messages are going...

[Finglas (mikE)] god damnit.

[Fritz] Heheehe Dark Arrow and Light rocks...good one Bob

[Finglas (mikE)] "Everyone cover your light rocks!"


[Fritz] But don't worry about the heavy ones!!!!

[Arilyn (Christy) (to Fritz only)] you are a dirty dirty boy

[BOB] ] Beholder #3 casts a spell against : Disintegrate: Save or become dust.

[Fritz] I've got my DARK ARROW OUT

[BOB] So for those down below

[Fritz (to Christy only)] oh help....It hurts to laugh so hard

[BOB] you see the rocsk of the scree slops tumble aside and a large round shape rises up out of the movement

[BOB] a floating eye

[Arilyn (Christy)] that's enough to make you pee your pants


[BOB] which turns its disintigration eye stalk towards you

[BOB] and then


[BOB] disolves the wall between you and the green slime

[BOB] ] ROUND: 2

[Arilyn (Christy)] yay! green jello for all my friends!

[BOB] the wall disolves, but the slime does not immediatly get to attack you has to react and move so you can react this round first

[Fritz] Oh wow a Jello sex party...Arilyn

[Arilyn (Christy)] oh geez Fritz

[BOB] and ok everyone a rein it in a bit

[BOB] moving forward with the combat

[BOB] ] INIT: -1 GOING: Rave Starfire

[Fritz] Ok sorry it's the stomach bug

[BOB] Rave is still out

[BOB] ] INIT: 12 GOING: Mentor

[Fritz] bug out!!!

[BOB] Mentor is in the lighted area

[BOB] that Fin said earlier to makedark

[Arilyn (Christy) (to john2 only)] what kind of spell would help here?

[Fritz] Good thing I was to distracted to pay attention

[john2 (to Christy only)] none will help for long, wall of stone is probobly the best you have

[Mentor (Fritz)] I move back away from the scree area and drink my potion

[Mentor (Fritz)] ] Mentor moved 37'02" (7.4 squares).

[Mentor (Fritz)] Beyond the disintegration area

[Mentor (Fritz)] if I can

[Arilyn (Christy) (to john2 only)] nope, don't have that one

[john2 (to Christy only)] but the eye will disply it next round

[Mentor (Fritz)] otherwise I will move forward into the scree area and drink my potion

[Arilyn (Christy) (to john2 only)] lightning bolt, lance, fireball, cone of cold, ice storm

[Arilyn (Christy) (to john2 only)] that's what I have

[BOB] there is enough area there to retreat into Fritz

[Fritz] Bob can I move either forward or back?

[Fritz] to get away from the Jello

[Arilyn (Christy) (to john2 only)] can it see me if I am invisible?

[Fritz] Ok I do that then

[Fritz] done....vampire postion consumed

[Mentor (Fritz)] potion that is

[john2 (to Christy only)] probably, especialy when it dispels next round

[Mentor (Fritz)] /dm takes a round to take effect

[Arilyn (Christy) (to john2 only)] what if I go invisible and fly around to it's backside?

[john2 (to Christy only)] I see no good options

[BOB] ] INIT: 14 GOING: Arilyn

[john2 (to Christy only)] that works

[Arilyn (Christy) (to john2 only)] scap this adventure and make evil characters?

[john2 (to Christy only)] half right

[Arilyn (Christy)] okay...

[john2] I am away from the keyboard.

[Fritz (to john2 only)] ever get the feeling you shouldn't have gotten up this morning?

[Arilyn (Christy)] I'd like to turn invisible using my cloak and fly to the backside of the beholder. Can I do that?

[BOB] yes he will se you go invisible as he is facing that way

[BOB] but it will give you a bonus anyway

[Arilyn (Christy)] real sneaky like?

[Arilyn (Christy)] can I get in an attack?

[BOB] Arilyn targets Beholder #3. Distance: 4'07"

[BOB] ] Arilyn moved 7'06".

[BOB] no

[BOB] takes a full move just to get to him

[BOB] flying at 18

[Arilyn (Christy)] worth a try. I can move really far and really fast

[BOB] ok so you are there near him, behind him

[Arilyn (Christy)] cape of the hornet

[BOB] ] INIT: 15 GOING: Finglas

[Arilyn (Christy)] hornets are mean

[BOB] grins

[BOB] but they do not fly 36 which is what you need to move and attack

[Finglas (mikE)] do people still have light rocks out?

[BOB] everyone except Percy left who had one

[BOB] and he has not been able to go yet

[Arilyn (Christy)] so how many ft per round would that be?

[Hansie] I am back at the keyboard.

[Hansie] K. I'm caught up. This stinks.

[Fritz] Val and Mentor did and they need to be able to see to get out of the green slime

[BOB] Crhsity you can fly 180 feet

[BOB] which you did

[Arilyn (Christy)] and that got me there?

[BOB] yes

[Arilyn (Christy)] cool

[Finglas (mikE)] ] Finglas moved 35'05".

[Fritz] They would have turned off the lights but the risk became to great for them Mike

[BOB] carrying the dark with you?

[Finglas (mikE)] hell yeah

[Hansie] Good. I can see, then.

[Finglas (mikE)] let them all be visible to the beholder's death ray

[Finglas (mikE)] i'll stay in my safe darkness, thank you very much

[BOB] actually is a globe of darkness there now blocking the view

[mikE] Finglas targets Beholder #3. Distance: 125'03"

[BOB] the ones behind can see the slime now

mikE] has edited Finglas's effects.

mikE] has edited Finglas's effects.

[Fritz] Uhm mike you know that darkness (even magical) doesn't cancel out a beholder's death ray area of effect?

mikE] has edited Finglas's effects.

[Finglas (mikE)] but it can't see me to target me

[Arilyn (Christy)] I need a spell that gives pink eye

[Finglas (mikE)] it's what i did last time we faced a beholder

[Finglas (mikE)] and it started shooting rays around

[Hansie (to BOB only)] Bob, my measuring tool isn't working. what do I have to do for that? I just want to get an idea of distances, etc.

[Finglas (mikE)] ] Finglas: Attack: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking +3: ((10-+0-(d20+0))-2-10-1-1-2-1-4) [1d20=10] -21 [MODIFIED BY SHOOTING INTO MELEE (-4)] [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Beholder #3 (AC FINAL: 0)!!!

[Finglas (mikE)] ] Finglas: Attack: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking +3: ((10-+0-(d20+0))-2-10-1-1-2-1-4) [1d20=6] -17 [MODIFIED BY SHOOTING INTO MELEE (-4)] [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Beholder #3 (AC FINAL: 0)!!!

[Finglas (mikE)] ] Finglas: Attack: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking +3: ((10-+0-(d20+0))-2-10-1-1-2-1-4) [1d20=20] -31 [MODIFIED BY SHOOTING INTO MELEE (-4)] [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Beholder #3 (AC FINAL: 0)!!! [CRITICAL HIT Roll Again]

[Finglas (mikE)] save vs. death bob

[Finglas (mikE)] ] Finglas: Attack: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking +3: ((10-+0-(d20+0))-2-10-1-1-2-1-4) [1d20=11] -22 [MODIFIED BY SHOOTING INTO MELEE (-4)] [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Beholder #3 (AC FINAL: 0)!!!

[Fritz] Hey I wonder if the cantrip "blink" would work in this case...Man that would be soooooo cool!!!

[BOB (to Hansie only)] it should just work, when you click it you then drag from point a to point b so see if that works away from the characters

[BOB] ] Beholder #3: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Finglas (mikE)] damn.

[Finglas (mikE)] medium?

[BOB] yeap

[Finglas (mikE)] not that it matters with arrows

[Finglas (mikE)] ] Finglas: Damage v SM: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking +3: ((1d6)+5+1) [1d6=6] 12 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Beholder #3

[Finglas (mikE)] ] Finglas: Damage v SM: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking +3: ((1d6)+5+1) [1d6=1] 7 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Beholder #3

[Finglas (mikE)] ] Finglas: Damage v SM: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking +3: ((1d6)+5+1) [1d6=2] 8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Beholder #3

[Finglas (mikE)] ] Finglas: Damage v SM: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking +3: ((1d6)+5+1) [1d6=3] 9 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Beholder #3

[BOB] ] Beholder #3's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 39 (-36) - Moderately Wounded

[BOB] ] INIT: 16 GOING: Val'Iant Le Quella

[Fritz] ] Val'Iant Le Quella moved 113'02" (22.6 squares).

[Fritz] Going this way and drinks his potion

[BOB] ] INIT: 18 GOING: Paul Elvenstire

[Fritz] ] Val'Iant Le Quella moved 29'02" (5.8 squares).

[BOB] ] INIT: 20 GOING: Percival

[Fritz] sorry moved to far

[Hansie (to BOB only)] I'm going to log out and log back in to see if that works.

[BOB] wait hans

[Hansie] Holding action.

[BOB] what did you want Percy to do?

[BOB] ok

[Hansie] brb

Hansie] has left the game on Fri Sep 25 20:23:18 EDT 2009

[BOB] ] INIT: 20 GOING: Beholder #3

Hansie] has joined the game on Fri Sep 25 20:23:50 EDT 2009

Hansie] is receiving the map Scree Slope...

Hansie] has received the map Scree Slope.

[BOB] and it sinks down into the hole in teh slope

[BOB] and with a slight grinding noise

[Fritz] AOO

[BOB] the rocks slide back down

[Fritz] from arylin?

[Hansie (to BOB only)] Okay. It works now. Weird...

[Fritz] arilyn?

[BOB] she did not threaten iut

[BOB] it

[Arilyn (Christy)] umm...let it go?

[BOB] she can chase it

[Fritz] She was within attack range though Bob?

[Hansie] No, dive in after it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

[Hansie] AOO?

[Fritz] Why doesn't she threaten?

[Arilyn (Christy)] yeah...right ...go after it. Ha!

[BOB] she was within attack range yes, but she had no attacks so can't threaten

[Fritz] That isn't how AOO work Bob.

[Hansie] Right. K.

[BOB] not that she chose NOT to attack but she did not have any to use

[Arilyn (Christy)] I don't really want to go rock diving after a beholder

[Fritz] you do not use your attacks with AOO

[Fritz] it is an extra attack

[BOB] AOO does not grant you extra attacks you can't do

[Finglas (mikE)] wuss

[Fritz] yes it does....but ok

[BOB] we will talk about it later Fritz

[BOB] thansk

[Arilyn (Christy)] there's the hole.. I'll guard it for ya Fin

[BOB] is a good point for the boards to get everyones' opinion on

[Arilyn (Christy)] since when do beholders do crap like that anyway?

[Finglas (mikE)] gee thanks. keep me safe from the big scawy hole

[Hansie (to BOB only)] She moved into position to attack it. That took a full move action. It's the same thing if she had approached it and attacked it. She's still standing there at the end of the round and she can whack it if it tries to leave.


[Arilyn (Christy)] that's one weird beholder that disinigrates and runs

[BOB] ] ROUND: 3

[BOB] OK, so the group at the bottom of the slope

[BOB] now has the slime moving

[BOB] ] INIT: -1 GOING: Rave Starfire

[BOB] ] INIT: 12 GOING: Mentor

[Arilyn (Christy) (to john2 only)] thought on the slime?

[john2] I am back at the keyboard.

[john2 (to Christy only)] look at the phone call

[Hansie] Um. Wouldn't be very heroic if I took the north entrance while the gettin's good.

[Fritz] Attacks of opportunity occur when a threatened character or creature ignores the enemy next to it or turns its back on a foe. The threatening enemy gets to make an immediate melee attack (or sequence of attacks for monsters with multiple attacks) against the threatened creature. Attacks of opportunity cannot be performed with missile weapons. This is a free attack that does not take the place of any actions the threatening creature had already planned....just to quote you Bob

[Mentor (Fritz)] Transforming into gas form of a vampire

[BOB] yes Fritz and Hans, just want to move that conversation to a later point

[BOB] ok for Mentor

[BOB] ] INIT: 14 GOING: Arilyn

[BOB] there is no visible hole to go into

[BOB] you do see a slight depression where it was

[Arilyn (Christy)] ha! even if there was...

[BOB] but the gravel has moved over it

john2] has left the game on Fri Sep 25 20:30:23 EDT 2009

Death] has joined the game on Fri Sep 25 20:30:30 EDT 2009

Death] is receiving the map Scree Slope...

Death] has received the map Scree Slope.

[Hansie] Okay. We have a few problems here, guys.

[Arilyn (Christy)] any suggestions for the slime?

[Hansie] "The slime is on the move! We need to get Lady Kylia out of here!"

[Hansie] "And the others, of course!"

[BOB] Mike want me to close out your first log in?

[Arilyn (Christy)] I'm flying invisible over here near the hidey-hole

[Fritz] Move out of the way...

[Finglas (mikE)] once the second catches up

[BOB] ok

[Arilyn (Christy)] second?

[Arilyn (Christy)] second what?

[BOB] Mike logged in on a different computer

[Finglas (mikE)] yeah. although it seems frozened

[Finglas (mikE)] or just taking a hell of a long time to load everything

[Hansie] I am away from the keyboard.

[Arilyn (Christy)] okay, someone tell me what would be helpful for green slime

[Finglas (mikE)] running away very fast?

[Arilyn (Christy)] I'm really only good for blowing stuff up or stabbing things

[Finglas (mikE)] or lots and lots of death?

Death] has left the game on Fri Sep 25 20:34:29 EDT 2009

[Arilyn (Christy)] hopefully

[Arilyn (Christy)] don't have any of those "creative" spells

[Finglas (mikE)] wall of stone would be nice

[Arilyn (Christy)] nope, too creative

[Finglas (mikE)] ah.

[Finglas (mikE)] well then.

[Finglas (mikE)] run?

[Arilyn (Christy)] fireball, lightning bolt, lance, cone of cold, ice storm

[Arilyn (Christy)] teleport me and 800 lbs of my closest friends home?

[Finglas (mikE)] i suppose i could whip up some gale force winds and hope to push it's jello asses back until you can clear up the fallen rocks

[BOB] teleport works on line of sight down here

[BOB] you can teleport up to the top of the slope

[BOB] out of the mess

[Arilyn (Christy)] that would get us outta the slime?

Death] has joined the game on Fri Sep 25 20:37:03 EDT 2009

Death] is receiving the map Scree Slope...

Death] has received the map Scree Slope.

[BOB] most likely yes Christy

mikE] has left the game on Fri Sep 25 20:37:59 EDT 2009

[Arilyn (Christy)] okay, so who wants to grab my ass again?

[BOB] if you are just doing that Christy

[Death] i suppose i will

[BOB] you can grab everyone in the course of two rounds and get them to the top of the slope

[Arilyn (Christy)] all aboard

[BOB] ] Liam Dugan moved 334'00".

[BOB] ] Kira moved 296'06".

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 284'09".

[BOB] ] Ventolis Basalstop moved 303'03".

[BOB] ] Percival moved 282'05".

[Death] actually, no

[Death] i'll stay down here

[BOB] does that include Val and Mentor?

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Val'Iant Le Quella modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Fritz] ] Val'Iant Le Quella moved 293'09" (58.7 squares).

[BOB] ] Arilyn moved 147'08".

[BOB] How abotu Mentor Fritz? hitching a ride with Arilyn?

[Fritz] can't

[BOB] and what is Finglas doing as she does this

[Death] prepping a spell

[BOB] ok

[Death] and praying it works

[BOB] so round one goes by

[Death] since he's a priest and all

[BOB] round two

[Death] wait, why does that round just go by?

[Death] it's arylin's turn

[Death] i go next

[BOB] she is flying people on her turn

[BOB] go for it

[Death] okay, so i don't get an action?

[BOB] what do you want to do

[Death] stone shape

[BOB] ] ROUND: 4

[BOB] ok

[BOB] on

[Death] an 80 foot wall, one foot high, 3 inches thick

[Death] round 3

[BOB] where the slime was?

[Death] where the retaining blocks are gone

[Death] across to the west

[Death] to the wall

[BOB] ok

[Death] my screen measures it at 80'

[BOB] that work

[Death] i can do 21 cubic foot

[BOB] and Mentor?

[Death] so i can make the wall 80 feet long, 3 inches thick

[Fritz] Floats up as vampire gas

[BOB] ok and Fin on round 4

[BOB] what do you want to do?

[Death] depends on how well that wall worked

[BOB] and you still need to actually cast and click off that wall of stone

[BOB] it is there

[BOB] holding back teh flood

[BOB] it does not move quickly

[BOB] it will go over that wall eventually

[Death] does it hold it back, or delay it?

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Val'Iant Le Quella modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[BOB] delays it

[BOB] ] Mentor moved 335'05".

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Death] ] Finglas casts a spell against : Stone Shape: Chisel? Hammer?? Screw that crap!

[Death] ] Finglas casts a spell against : Stone Shape: Chisel? Hammer?? Screw that crap!

[Death] cast it again, making the wall 2' high

[BOB] ok

[BOB] ] ROUND: 5

[Death] also keeping an eye out behind me for the damn, dirty eyeball

[Hansie] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] as they are at teh top of the slope

[BOB] the rest of the group is at the top

[Hansie (to Death only)] Heh heh heh...

[BOB] aroudn teh huge pile of rocks there

[BOB] mostly blocking the passageway

[BOB] and on round 5

[BOB] what does Fin want to do?

[BOB] Percy is at the top of the slope

[Hansie] Sorry I can't help much guys. I don't even know what we're doing here. Or where "here" is...

[Death] does that look high enough to stop, or just delay longer?

[BOB] will just delay it

[BOB] but for long enough to get away

[BOB] eventually it will eat away at anything

mikE] has joined the game on Fri Sep 25 20:48:40 EDT 2009

mikE] is receiving the map Scree Slope...

mikE] has received the map Scree Slope.

[Death] then what makes the blocks there now stop it?

[Death] can we tell?

[BOB] they don't

[BOB] it is slowly eating away at them too

[Death] ah.

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Death] the beholder just sped up the process

[BOB] nods

Death] has left the game on Fri Sep 25 20:49:29 EDT 2009

[mikE] okay, then i try and climb up to the top.

[BOB] ok

[mikE] with my mad dex

[BOB] it takes a couple of rounds, make a dex check

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 147'09".

[Hansie (to BOB only)] gotta get the kids into bed now

[mikE] ] Finglas: DEX check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Hansie] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] ok so you make it to the top

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 141'08".

[BOB] so you have that huge pile of rocks

[Fritz] Well during the 2 rounds he is doing that can Mentor do something?

[BOB] yes to Fritz

[Fritz] he goes into the boulders to search for the bodies of rave and paul.

[BOB] keeping the round counter going while you are here on teh slope,

[BOB] he can mist into the cracks and find the two crushed bodies

[Fritz] He loots them.

[BOB] can't

[Fritz] Rave first

[mikE] can he find rave?

[mikE] rave is invisible

[Fritz] why not

[BOB] too badly mangled

[Arilyn (Christy)] i want to be a vampire too

[BOB] you can maybe get a ring

[BOB] but that would be luck

[Fritz] even though RAve made his save?

[BOB] nods

[BOB] too many rocks all around etc

[mikE] when pixies die they go back to their natural state: invisible

[BOB] small things are a maybe

[Fritz] well does that mean all the stuff is destroyed?

[BOB] no it gets a save

[BOB] if you were to find a way to move all teh rocks for example to get to it

[Fritz] well then he tries to get the ring. then he can move the rocks. or even the coin

[Fritz] and he can move the rocks

Christy] has left the game on Fri Sep 25 20:54:35 EDT 2009

[BOB] I will say it takes (1d6) [1d6=6] 6 rounds to make an attempt at the ring

[BOB] and you have a 50% chance of recovering it

[BOB] if you can find it when he is invie

[BOB] invis

[BOB] how is mentor going to do that?

[Fritz] sure

Christy] has joined the game on Fri Sep 25 20:55:41 EDT 2009

Christy] is receiving the map Scree Slope...

Christy] has received the map Scree Slope.

[Fritz] he can see invisible

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so I will let you roll the percentage to see if you can get the ring

[BOB] call it high or low

[Fritz] But you know since we are at this point, and I am not feeling well. Is there a reason I can't save this for another day?

[BOB] after this roll is just moving on

[Fritz] It is still going to take 6 rounds....are you ending the combat?

[BOB] not till then

[BOB] but unless you go back down the slope

[BOB] or all fall asleep

[BOB] will just click it off

[Fritz] So you are going to skip and click off time?

[BOB] ] ROUND: 6

[BOB] ] ROUND: 7

[BOB] ] ROUND: 8

[Fritz] then I am going to log off.

[BOB] ] ROUND: 9

[BOB] ] ROUND: 10

[BOB] ] ROUND: 9

[BOB] and so

[Fritz] I said I wasn't feeling well when we started

[BOB] I know

[Fritz] Night

[BOB] night

Fritz] has left the game on Fri Sep 25 20:58:05 EDT 2009

[mikE] well after two rounds and i get up there i want to do something

[BOB] yes to Mike

[mikE] not just sit around for six rounds

[BOB] and I will roll (1d100) [1d100=57] 57 and if it is higher than 50 Mentor has the ring

[BOB] so Mentor has Rave's ring

[BOB] and then what did you want to do Fin?

[mikE] man, just the three of us now

[mikE] okay, my plan is thusly:

Christy] has left the game on Fri Sep 25 20:59:31 EDT 2009

[mikE] i want to take the fallen rock, rock to mud it, but stay out of its way as it slides down past us so we don't get swept up in its wake.

Christy] has joined the game on Fri Sep 25 20:59:59 EDT 2009

Christy] is receiving the map Scree Slope...

Christy] has received the map Scree Slope.

[BOB] ok

[BOB] you can use that to clear out a path along the side there

[mikE] okay.

[BOB] what is the cubic feet you can affect?

[mikE] hrm. can't find the spell

[mikE] stone to mud, right?

[BOB] rock to mud

[mikE] don't see that either

[mikE] but i have it...

[BOB] grabbign my book here

[mikE] i was gonna use it on the drow before

[mikE] wtf?

[Christy] I am away from the keyboard.

[mikE] TRANSMUTE rock to mud

[mikE] found it

[mikE] ] Finglas casts a spell against : Transmute Rock to Mud: This spell turns natural rock of any sort into an equal volume of mud. If it is cast upon a rock, for example, the rock affected collapses into mud. Magical or enchanted stone is not affected by the spell. The depth of the mud created cannot exceed 10 feet. Creatures unable to levitate, fly, or otherwise free themselves from the mud sink at the rate of 1/3 of their height per round and eventually suffocate, save for lightweight creatures that could normally pass across such ground. Brush thrown atop the mud can support creatures able to climb on top of it, with the amount required decided by the DM. Creatures large enough to walk on the bottom can move through the area at a rate of 10 feet per round. The mud remains until a successful dispel magic or transmute mud to rock spell restores its substance--but not necessarily its form. Evaporation turns the mud to normal dirt at a rate of 1d6 days per 10 cubic feet. The exact time depends on exposure to the sun, wind, and normal drainage. The reverse, transmute mud to rock, hardens normal mud or quicksand into soft stone (sandstone or similar mineral) permanently unless magically changed. Creatures in the mud are allowed a saving throw to escape before the area is hardened to stone. Dry sand is unaffected.


[Hansie] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] checking the area of effect for it

[Hansie] I vote for Mike as Player of the Night.

[mikE] and hopefully, we can find paul while we're at it

[Hansie] I sure as hell haven't done crap tonight.

[BOB] 20 cubic feet per level

[mikE] lol. just because i have the elemental rock school?

[BOB] and sorry no Paul

[mikE] damnit.

[BOB] but you did clear a 10 foot wide section there

[mikE] okay, if you guys don't mind spending some time here, i can probably get paul's body.

[BOB] careful there Mike

[Hansie (to mikE only)] Wait a sec, maybe I should have voted for John as player of the night.

[BOB] you only cleared a pathway

[mikE (to Hansie only)] for dying again?

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] there is a huge pile of rock there still

[BOB] ready to come tumbling down

[mikE] right.

[Hansie (to mikE only)] for doing something that inadvertently killed him, yeah.

[mikE] so let's book it through firstly

[BOB] ] Kira moved 54'10".

[BOB] ] Mentor moved 49'08".

[BOB] ] Arilyn moved 71'00".

[BOB] ] Val'Iant Le Quella moved 57'04".

[Finglas (mikE)] "Go quickly."

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 65'01".

[Hansie] "Are the walls going to fall on us here?"

[BOB] ] Liam Dugan moved 59'00".

[Finglas (mikE)] "Not sure how long this will last. I'm no dwarf."

[BOB] ] Ventolis Basalstop moved 70'00".

[Finglas (mikE)] ] Finglas moved 83'04".

[BOB] ] Percival moved 63'06".

[Hansie] I am back at the keyboard.

[Finglas (mikE)] "We are in a very bad spot."

[Finglas (mikE)] "There is a beholder near."

[Percival (Hansie)] "Maybe we should leave this place as soon as possible."

[Finglas (mikE)] "We have lost most of our party."

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] Coughs

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] I am a dwarf

[Finglas (mikE)] "But Paul's body is in there."

[Percival (Hansie)] "We can return when we have a legion of dwarves to help us dig our friends out."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Yes Ventolis?"

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] Not that I like it

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] but I could try to look I suppoe

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] suppose

[Percival (Hansie)] "I meant no offense, friend dwarf."

[Finglas (mikE)] "How?"

[Percival (Hansie)] "I just thought it would take many mighty dwarves to deal with this collapsed ceiling."

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] (Hans he used to be a gnome, but your group managed to get him killed and then reincarnated into a dwarf)

[Christy] let's get the bodies and ske-daddle outta here.

[BOB] ] Ventolis Basalstop moved 24'00".

[BOB] ] Percival moved 36'08".

[BOB] ] Liam Dugan moved 15'09".

[BOB] ] Ventolis Basalstop: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=89] 89 - ROLL FAILED against 40!!

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] It looks pretty unsafe to me

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] I think we should just leave it alone and let them rest in peace

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] if you really want them I guess you can reincarnate them like you did me

[Finglas (mikE)] "For one, I can't. The dead man can."

[Finglas (mikE)] "For two, I do not want to leave him behind. Just as we didn't leave you behind."

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] you did leave me behind, at least my body

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] you burned me

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] grumbles in his beard

[Percival (Hansie)] "I would like to provide them with a proper burial or resurrection, but we need to get someone here who can help us." ::for example, a bunch of dwarves::

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] "can't live in teh past can't live in the past

[Percival (Hansie)] "Ventolis Basalstop, do you know of your kin that we can recruit to assist us in retrieving the bodies of our fallen comrades?"

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] maybe you can hire some to come back

[Finglas (mikE)] "I can do it."

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] MY kin are GNOMES thank you very much

[Finglas (mikE)] "No, we move on."

[Finglas (mikE)] "No going back."

[Finglas (mikE)] ] Finglas casts a spell against : Conjure Fire Elemental: Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 6 rounds Upon casting a conjure fire elemental spell, the caster opens a special gate to the elemental plane of fire, and a fire elemental is summoned to the vicinity of the spellcaster. It is 65% likely that a 12 HD elemental appears, 20% likely that a 16 HD elemental appears, 9% likely that two to four salamanders appear, 4% likely that an efreeti appears, and 2% likely that a huge fire eementa of 21 to 24 HD appears. The conjuring caster need not fear that the elemental force summoned wil turn on him, so concentration upon the activities of the fire elemental or protection from the creature is not necessary. The elemental summoned helps the caster however possible, including atacking opponents of the caster. The summoned creature remains until it is slain, sent back by a dispel magic spell, the revers of this spell, or similar magic.

[Percival (Hansie)] "Right. Gnomes. Well, I'm sure we'll find some dwarves if we look for them."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Fire elemental, carefully dig out the human body from that pile of fallen rocks."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Be careful not to bring more down and crush yourself."

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 35'09".

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] but it does take (3d8) [3d8=2,4,6] 12 points of damage doing so

[Arilyn (Christy)] maybe we should move away a little and keep an eye out for the beholder

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] roll percentage for the type of elemental Fin

[Finglas (mikE)] (d100) [1d100=46] 46

[Percival (Hansie)] ] Percival moved 37'04".

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] so a (12d8) [12d8=6,1,4,6,7,4,5,3,2,2,1,1] 42 hit point Fire Elemental

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] and is at 30 points now

[Finglas (mikE)] darn. no special.

[Finglas (mikE)] did it get paul?

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] yes

[Percival (Hansie)] "Nice work, Finglas."

[Arilyn (Christy)] great

[Finglas (mikE)] "Thank you, elemental. I'm sorry for disturbing you. Go back home and heal with my thanks."

[Percival (Hansie)] "What about Rave?"

[Finglas (mikE)] ::bows slightly::

[Finglas (mikE)] "Can anyone here see invisible creatures?"

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] (the fire elemental can not)

[Arilyn (Christy)] yes, within a 10 ft readius

[Arilyn (Christy)] radius

[Finglas (mikE)] "If you wish to dig him out..."

[Percival (Hansie)] "Not that I know of. Is Rave invisible even in death?"

[Finglas (mikE)] ::gestures::

[Finglas (mikE)] "When pixies die, they revert to their natural state. Invisible."

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] let me double check that on the FE

[Percival (Hansie)] ::that's pretty cool::

[Finglas (mikE)] it's how elandar lost his henchman

[Finglas (mikE)] pixie flying over a field of snow

[Arilyn (Christy)] can i let the elemental know when he's getting close to Rave?

[Finglas (mikE)] then we had a dragon fight

[Finglas (mikE)] no way we could find him

[Finglas (mikE)] ::sighs::

[Finglas (mikE)] "If you really want to try."

[Percival (Hansie)] "That's a good idea, Arilyn."

[Arilyn (Christy)] I'll do it

[Finglas (mikE)] "I'd rather leave him to his afterlife."

[Percival (Hansie)] Then we need to skedaddle...

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] ok yes the elemental could see Rave

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] needs to be 10HD and is 12 hd

[Arilyn (Christy)] but if I get squashed you gotta dig me out too

[Ventolis Basalstop (BOB)] the rocks are shifting around, it did take damage getting to Paul

[Percival (Hansie)] Coool. Thanks for looking that up, Bob-

[Arilyn (Christy)] so if they are all smushed up we should be able to stick them in our pockets

[Percival (Hansie)] I would just prefer that we are all accounted for if possible.

[BOB] they are both dead

[Percival (Hansie)] ::smiles::

[Percival (Hansie)] (at Christy)

[BOB] Paul is totally crushed and unraiseable

[Finglas (mikE)] lets throw them in the hole

[BOB] nods

[Percival (Hansie)] Hey, you-

[Arilyn (Christy)] I'm picturing the guy from CSI last night who got stuck in the wood chipper

[BOB] and let me roll for the other

[Percival (Hansie)] A "resurrect" would still work though, right, Bob?

[Arilyn (Christy)] well, what'd we dig them up for if we're just going to throw them in a hole?

[BOB] there is a 50% chance (low) of finding Rave (1d100) [1d100=1] 1 and while looking both Arilyn and the Elemental take (3d8) [3d8=1,6,1] 8 points of damage

[Percival (Hansie)] That's "Mike" talking, not "Finglas"

[Finglas (mikE)] i was hoping to be able to raise paul

[BOB] so you do find him

[BOB] ] Arilyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 62 (-8) - Lightly Wounded

[BOB] and the Elemental is at 22

[BOB] but you have both bodies in the portable hole

[Finglas (mikE)] i'll dismiss it now

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 70'05".

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 21'02".

[BOB] ] Portable Hole moved 13'00".

[Arilyn (Christy)] have grave, will travel

[Percival (Hansie)] ::heh heh heh::

[Percival (Hansie)] Let's get the f out of here.

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so you get down that passageway

[Arilyn (Christy)] I'll second that

[BOB] and Vent says you need to climb UP these tubes

[BOB] there is a pile of rope here on the floor

[Finglas (mikE)] we didn't climb up any tubes last time

[Finglas (mikE)] or down

[Arilyn (Christy)] can I fly?

[BOB] you did climb DOWN some tubes

[Percival (Hansie)] I guess we climbed "down" when we came here?

[Finglas (mikE)] oh. okay.

[BOB] yes to Arilyn

[Finglas (mikE)] let's go up then

[Finglas (mikE)] climb climb clim

[BOB] and you left rope there to go back up

[BOB] ] Arilyn moved 2'10".

[BOB] Those black spots are the tubes doing down

[Percival (Hansie)] What he said ::pointing::

[BOB] ] Beholder #2 moved 35'06".

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] Hello there

[Arilyn (Christy)] I don't want to take the beholder with us

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] said the spider to the fly

[Arilyn (Christy)] no hitchhikers

[Percival (Hansie)] Oh, goodie. Maybe we can stop here and wait for the rest of the party next week, guys.

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] (and Arilyn looks up to see a floating Eye here in the chamber with her)

[Arilyn (Christy)] rats

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] and tell me little elf lass, how did you get past my companions down below?

[Arilyn (Christy)] hey sexy! I was just looking for you

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] don't try to flatter me, I can destroy you in a blink

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] tell me what you are doing here?

[Arilyn (Christy)] but I see love in those eyes

[Percival (Hansie) (to mikE only)] What *are* we doing here?

[Arilyn (Christy)] ::I actually have no idea why we are here::

[Percival (Hansie) (to mikE only)] CHristy doesn't know why we're here, either.

[Finglas (mikE) (to Hansie only)] leaving

[Percival (Hansie) (to mikE only)] Good one.

[Arilyn (Christy)] ::and I'd rather not have his death ray hit me on the ass on my way out::

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] (everything else has had a chance at your ass :P )

[Finglas (mikE)] are we climbers up there yet?

[Arilyn (Christy)] ::hahaha::

[Percival (Hansie)] Hah!! You watch it, Mister.

[Percival (Hansie)] That's my wife!

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] (and not yet Mike, she was just bringing the rope up )

[Finglas (mikE)] not for much longer

[Finglas (mikE)] soon it'll just be a pile of ash

[Percival (Hansie)] Oh, she's telling me she did indeed invite the entire party to grab her ass...

[Arilyn (Christy)] I put the par-tay in the party

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] ok

[BOB] so out fo combat for a momant to get yoru stories straight

[BOB] you three discuss what you want to tell him

[BOB] no ropes tied off yet,

[Arilyn (Christy)] please, do tell why we are here...

[Percival (Hansie)] Why does Arilyn see the beholder and the rest of us don't?

[BOB] the short story is you are on your way back out to the sunlight world

[Arilyn (Christy)] are we beholder groupies?

[BOB] trying to leave the underdark

[BOB] and the rest are at the bottom of the tubes

[BOB] Arilyn flew up with your rope

[BOB] to tie it off again

[BOB] at the top

[Percival (Hansie)] Oh. Got it.

[Arilyn (Christy)] what can we offer him to let us all pass?

[BOB] so you could climb up and found it here waiting for you

[BOB] and exactly what I meant christy

[BOB] the three of you can come up with something

[Finglas (mikE)] what come up with something?

[Arilyn (Christy)] great. let's negotiate

[Finglas (mikE)] we just tell it what it wants to know and hope it doesn't make us fight

[Arilyn (Christy)] offer to be it's friend?

[Arilyn (Christy)] get it some shades?

[Percival (Hansie)] I can't believe my eye!!!!!!!!!!

[Finglas (mikE)] i can't believe my spleen

[Percival (Hansie) (to mikE only)] No, Beavis just said, "Ahhhh! My spleen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

[Arilyn (Christy)] what does a beholder want except to disintegrate stuff?

[Finglas (mikE)] good eye plan?

[Arilyn (Christy)] offer to pick up Chinese?

[Finglas (mikE)] pretend we're optical insurance sales people

[Percival (Hansie) (to mikE only)] And it was Mike from Monsters Inc who said "I can't believe my eye" Heh heh heh.

[Arilyn (Christy)] yeah, we can get ya a great deal on bifocals

[Arilyn (Christy)] lasik

[Arilyn (Christy)] mulitple eye discount

[Percival (Hansie)] Another good one, Mike. He's gotta take good care of that main eye of his. Um, do beholders have a lot of eyes or just that one big one?

[Arilyn (Christy)] we came to the underdark to do what again?

[Percival (Hansie)] Do they have eyes on stalks and stuff?

[Finglas (mikE)] ye

[Finglas (mikE)] ss

[Finglas (mikE)] big eye and then stalks

[BOB] you traveled form Morten to Khazefryn

[BOB] talked with the Drow there, and got info from someone (Melenger) and are now on the way out

[BOB] you are within a day or two of the surface now

[Finglas (mikE)] and gonna die

[Finglas (mikE)] we are so not making it out alive

[BOB] what can you bribe it with?

[Arilyn (Christy)] hmm...not so interesting in the short form

[Percival (Hansie)] Yeah, that whole "disintegrate" thing.

[Finglas (mikE)] tasty pixie bites?

[BOB] it can get all the meat it needs

[Arilyn (Christy)] what do beholders like? we could get him some eye warmers

[Percival (Hansie)] I don't know, how about a sword in the eye?

[BOB] magic items

[Arilyn (Christy)] give him tghe portable grave

[Percival (Hansie)] Or a bunch of killer death arrows from Finglas.

[BOB] or things that it can use without hands

[Finglas (mikE)] i can give it some tips?

[Arilyn (Christy)] what do we have?

[BOB] wands, staves, rods,

[BOB] misc magic

[BOB] gems

[Finglas (mikE)] what items of rave's survived the rock fall?

[Arilyn (Christy)] do we have any wooden nickels? maybe it hasn't heard about not taking those.

[BOB] all of his stuff survived he made his save it was Paul that failed it

[Arilyn (Christy)] i vote we give him the misc. magic

[Finglas (mikE)] i vote we give him rave's things

[Finglas (mikE)] are we up at the top yet bob?

[Arilyn (Christy)] that sounds just vague enough to be inticing

[BOB] she still has not turned her back on it to tie the ropes off

[BOB] so picking up again now

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] So my little elven lass who has lost her way

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] what do you propose I do with you

[Percival (Hansie) (to BOB only)] she types slowly, so you've got to give her time

[Beholder #2 (BOB) (to Hansie only)] no worries I can see when someone starts to type so I wait

[Percival (Hansie) (to mikE only)] she's trying to offer up the magic items like you said.

[Arilyn (Christy)] Let's have tea and talk it over. It's been a while since I've met anyone as interesting as you. I've been traveling with a bunch of simpletons.

[Percival (Hansie) (to mikE only)] I just told Bob that she types slow, so you've got to give her some time.

[Percival (Hansie) (to mikE only)] looks like she's having some fun with it, though.

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] I think you are stalling for time for your friends down there to join you

[Arilyn (Christy)] I've got the rope. They're not coming up

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] Too bad they can not fly like a bird like you do

[Arilyn (Christy)] I prefer to be likened to a hornet.

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] I could seal that up so they never come up, if you really would prefer to spend time with me rathe rthan them

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] is that what you want?

[Arilyn (Christy)] hmm...interesting offer. I am rather fond of them.

[Arilyn (Christy)] I am certain that we they are o match for you.

[Percival (Hansie) (to mikE only)] Christy's going to get us killed. Well, it's actually BOB that's going to get us killed...

[Arilyn (Christy)] no match

[Finglas (mikE) (to Hansie only)] cool

[Arilyn (Christy)] don't you get lonely down here?

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] I have some minions

[Finglas (mikE) (to Hansie only)] we can have a total party kill and start a new campaign. like a dragon one. or undead one.

[Arilyn (Christy)] yeah, I think we met those guys

[Beholder #2 (BOB) (to Hansie only)] saw a shirt at a convention GMs don't kill characters.... oh wait yes we do

[Percival (Hansie) (to mikE only)] I'm down with that if you are.

[Arilyn (Christy)] no where near as cool as a guy like you needs

[Percival (Hansie) (to BOB only)] heh heh heh.

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] well I do think that you might be interesting to keep around

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] swivels an eye stalk toward her

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] and I could convince you that you would like it too

[Arilyn (Christy)] do you ever go outside?

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] no need to deal with weather or other nasty things, the real power is down here

[Arilyn (Christy)] It's nice out there. It's kinda musty in here.

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] (remember one eye stalk is charm person)

[Percival (Hansie)] ::yelling::

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] the breeze blows quite wel here

[Arilyn (Christy)] (remember I'm an elf)

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] (grins, I know)


[Percival (Hansie)] ::from down below, echoing::

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] see, you can here the wind now

[Arilyn (Christy)] oh, hey, that's my paladin down there. What say we bring him up?

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] what say you put your sword down over there

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] and take off your cloak

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] then I will help you help them up


[Arilyn (Christy)] (I don't like where this is going)

[Arilyn (Christy)] (i'm not getting naked with a beholder)

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] (LOL)

[Finglas (mikE)] you know what they say about guys with big eyes

[Percival (Hansie)] Hmmmmm.... Bob..... Trying to get my wife naked.....

[Percival (Hansie)] Didn't he just wish me a happy anniversary earlier in the game?????

[Percival (Hansie)] It's been 12 years, by the way...

[Arilyn (Christy)] how about this? why don't you tell me what you'd like to see happen here? Just theoretically speaking of course.

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] I see you giving me a pile of treasure and then you and your friends walking away

[Arilyn (Christy)] I like that scenario

[Arilyn (Christy)] you're a stand-up guy, er...beholder...

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] no need to be nasty

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] as long as you are civilized I can be

[Arilyn (Christy)] no, no...I didn't mean to insult you.

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] of course if you or your friends can not behave

[Arilyn (Christy)] I have great resoect for your power.

[Percival (Hansie)] Come get the stuff for him, Christy

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] thank you

[Arilyn (Christy)] respect

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] so lay your sword and cloak over there

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] gestures to the far corner

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] and help your friends up

[Arilyn (Christy)] We have better stuff than these old rags

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] good

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] I look forward to seeing it

[Arilyn (Christy)] I cannot fly without the cloak and sword so I'll need those to get your items

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] an eye stalk looks at a near by wall and casually carves a circle into the stone with a ray

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] you will not need to fly

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] they have a rope to climb

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] now now my little elven bird,

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] do not disapoint me

[Arilyn (Christy)] we have some special things just for you. Can I trust you not to turn me to ash when I drop my weapon?

[Arilyn (Christy)] and can I get these items back on our way out?

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] I give you my word I will not harm a hair on your head

[Arilyn (Christy)] it's not my hair I'm worried about

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] if you have something of worth for me I will let you take those with you

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] they are not much use to me

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] I dislike swords, they take up too much space in my mouth and prevent me from talking

[Arilyn (Christy)] okay then. I trust that you are a beholder of your word. I will lay down my sword.

[Finglas (mikE)] "Percival,"

[Percival (Hansie)] "Yes"

[Finglas (mikE)] "You climb up there first and turn out your light."

[Arilyn (Christy)] may I tie the rope and bring up my companions?

[Finglas (mikE)] "I will climb up after with darkness."

[Percival (Hansie)] "I can't see in the dark, my friend."

[Finglas (mikE)] "And then I will have the advantage."

[Finglas (mikE)] "But I can."

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] yes you may

[Arilyn (Christy)] okay. here we go.

[Percival (Hansie)] "Okay, let's find out what's going on up there."

[Finglas (mikE)] "I"ll be up a minute after you. Get against a wall and not near the hole."

[Percival (Hansie)] Can we climb up now?

[Finglas (mikE)] "I don't want you falling and dying too."

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] Yes to Hans

[Percival (Hansie)] Okay, I start climbing.

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] do you have climbing?

[Percival (Hansie)] Um, I start pulling myself up on the rope.

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] if not then you have to take off all your armor to climb up

[Percival (Hansie)] I'm not climbing really.

[Arilyn (Christy)] ::it would be nice to have his wish list::

[Percival (Hansie)] I'm pulling myself up on the rope with my prodigious strength.

[Arilyn (Christy)] ::that's right. He's GIANT strong::

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] nods to Hans but the space is tight, need climbing to be able to manevuer

[Percival (Hansie)] Maneuver?

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] up the rope

[Percival (Hansie)] I don't care about manuevering.

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] and not get stuck

[Percival (Hansie)] I care about pulling myself up the rope.

[Arilyn (Christy)] ::hand over hand. nothing fancy::

[Percival (Hansie)] Right, what she said.

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] sorry not like going up a wall that would work there

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] this is a bit of a tight mess

[Percival (Hansie)] All right. This is going to take *forever*

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] Valgar had to do the same thing on teh way in

[Percival (Hansie)] It takes me a while to take all this armor off.

[Arilyn (Christy)] ::can I help pull him up?::

[Percival (Hansie)] I yell as much up to Christy.

[Percival (Hansie)] With your ability to carry 75lbs, Christy?

[Percival (Hansie)] I weigh a little more than that.

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] Your friends must take for ever in the mornings to get ready

[Arilyn (Christy)] indeed

[Percival (Hansie)] ::pulling armor off carefully, piece by piece::

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] BUT in any case Percy takes off the armor

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] ties it up in a bundle

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] and climbs the rope

[Percival (Hansie)] "TAKING MY ARMOR OFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!"

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] quickly reaching the top

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] and standing there next to Arilyn

[Percival (Hansie)] ::echoing up the tube::

[Percival (Hansie)] I'm not totally naked, for the record.

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] and now able to pull the armor up or Finglas up

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] nods to Percy

[Percival (Hansie)] I'm a modest paladin.

[Arilyn (Christy)] say hello to my friend...I'm sorry I didn't get your name.

[Percival (Hansie)] Pull my armor up.

[Percival (Hansie)] "WHOA!!!!!!!!!!"

[Percival (Hansie)] "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there."

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] Hello there,

[Percival (Hansie)] "What's going on here?"

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] I did not get your name either Elven wanderer

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn

[Percival (Hansie)] "I am Percival, sir Beholder"

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] and now your friend here?

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] ahh Sir Percival the mighty Paladin

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] friend to Arilyn

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] that must make for some interesting and tempting night

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] but what of your friends down below?

[Finglas (mikE)] okay bob, my plan is to climb up with the darkness arrow ready to be unsheathed. when i reach the top i want to pull off the cover, move away from the hole and beholder, and knock two lightning arrows into my bow

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] ok

[Percival (Hansie)] "I have nothing but chaste intentions for my dear Arilyn."

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] that is a good thing Sir Paladin

[Finglas (mikE)] ::grins:: lets see how much damage i can do in a round

[Percival (Hansie)] ::eyeing my armor right *there*::

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] and so all hell breaks loose

[BOB] Combat has finished.

[BOB] Combat has begun!

[BOB] ] ROUND: 0

[Arilyn (Christy)] ::and my sword over there::

[BOB] ] Beholder #2: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=5] 15

[Percival (Hansie)] OH CRAP.

[Finglas (mikE)] does all hell break loose after i do all that or before?

[Percival (Hansie)] Who's going to get us killed? *Mike* is going to get us killed, that's who...

[Finglas (mikE)] ] Finglas: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=7] 15

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] when Finglas pulls out the darkness arrow

[Finglas (mikE)] yes, but we'll be killed with our traesure

[Percival (Hansie)] I don't even know what my AC is without that beautiful armor!!!!!!!!!!!!11

[Finglas (mikE)] as opposed to living without it

[Arilyn (Christy)] ye-haw! Let's end the night creating new characters

[Finglas (mikE)] just keep your head down.

[Percival (Hansie)] Not that it matters with a disintegrate ray anyway.

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] so Percy adn Arylin roll Init

[Finglas (mikE)] it can't see you if you did what i told you to do.

[Finglas (mikE)] did you do what i told you to do?

[Finglas (mikE)] just smile and nod

[Arilyn (Christy)] ] Arilyn: Initiative: (d10+10++2) [1d10=6] 18

[Finglas (mikE)] both of you

[Finglas (mikE)] smile and nod

Hansie] has left the game on Fri Sep 25 22:11:50 EDT 2009

[Finglas (mikE)] he ran away.

[Finglas (mikE)] wuss!

[Arilyn (Christy)] okay. I can smile and nod

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] christy can you roll fo rhim please

Hansie] has joined the game on Fri Sep 25 22:12:34 EDT 2009

Hansie] is receiving the map Scree Slope...

Hansie] has received the map Scree Slope.

[Percival (Christy)] i don't know how to

[Finglas (mikE)] not to mention i'm not the one who gets us killed, i'm the one who shows up after someone else gets everyone in deep crap and i save everyone

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] letting Percy get an Init roll in to start

Hansie] is receiving the map Maze area 3...

Hansie] has received the map Maze area 3.

[Percival (Christy)] I don't see what's wrong with paying him off

[Hansie] ] Percival: Initiative: (d10+10++2) [1d10=8] 20

[Finglas (mikE)] we loose our treasure! that's what!

[BOB] ] ROUND: 1

[BOB] ] INIT: 15 GOING: Finglas

Christy] has left the game on Fri Sep 25 22:14:06 EDT 2009

Hansie] has left the game on Fri Sep 25 22:14:06 EDT 2009

mikE] has left the game on Fri Sep 25 22:14:07 EDT 2009

Christy] has joined the game on Fri Sep 25 22:14:30 EDT 2009

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] No clue why that happened Christy

Hansie] has joined the game on Fri Sep 25 22:15:04 EDT 2009

Hansie] is receiving the map Scree Slope...

Hansie] has received the map Scree Slope.

Christy] is receiving the map Maze area 3...

Christy] has received the map Maze area 3.

mikE] has joined the game on Fri Sep 25 22:15:29 EDT 2009

mikE] is receiving the map Scree Slope...

mikE] has received the map Scree Slope.

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] Ok, can you all see the right map now?

[BOB] Finglas targets Beholder #2. Distance: 19'08"

[mikE] yeah

[Christy] got it

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] ok so Fin is up

mikE] has edited Finglas's effects.

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] 20 feet away

[mikE] okay, as a specced archer i can hold a drawn arrow on a target and loose it before they get an action.

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] you won Init

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] you go first

[mikE] as an elf i can shoot two arrows at once

[mikE] so i'm going to hold action with my pre-knocked arrows for now.

[mikE] able to loose them and take a full action later

[mikE] right?

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] no

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] you can shoot then move

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] half

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] not full

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] or shoot and shoot again

[mikE] i'm an elven archer. i can do better than that

[mikE] right, but i've got drawn arrows. as a free action basically i can let them fly.

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] can not keep an arrow knocked beyond the round

[mikE] that's not what it says in el book-o

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] if you are not doing anything else you can

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] that in of its self is an action

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] you can fire the two arrows now, then move

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] or fire away with quick shots instead of moving

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] etc

[mikE] since they are knocked they count as one arrow though, right?

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] one shot yes

[Hansie] Man, I don't like this whole "no armor" thing in battle. Not that it matters with a bunch of eye stalks with magic rays, but still.

[mikE] okay. fine. i'm just gonna hold action then and talk.

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] grins, Hans you are in darkness you move too much and you fall down the hole

[Finglas (mikE)] "Beholder, I do not want to fight you, but I don't trust your kind."

[Hansie] Where is the holw?

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] it is dark you don't quite know exactly

[Hansie] I think I'm just outside of his darkness. I'm not attacking the beholder. Yet.

[Finglas (mikE)] "The darkness is only insurance against treatury."

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] And what do you want to do about that Elf?

[Finglas (mikE)] this map is so small, no one is outside of it.

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] and Hans darkness is 60 feet

[Hansie] Oh crap.

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] whole chamber is only 30 foot long

[Finglas (mikE)] the whole visible area is dark

[Hansie] Thanks for the clarification. I'm not worth anything here.

[Finglas (mikE)] "I understand my companion offered you a deal."

[Finglas (mikE)] "But she does not talk for me."

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] the beginnings of one

[Finglas (mikE)] "I offer you a different deal."

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] I am willing to take treasure from you too

[BOB] ] Beholder #2 moved 4'06".

[Finglas (mikE)] "I am able to see in the darkness. I am able to shoot your eyes out one by one at two hundred yards while mounted. I have some arrows aimed at you right now."

[Hansie] Oh, he's good.

[Finglas (mikE)] "I say we have a new deal. You go your way, we go ours."

[Finglas (mikE)] "We did not kill your friend downstairs, but I'm sure he can tell you how good I am."

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] I cna colapse this chamber with one glance, then you do not go any way

[Arilyn (Christy)] fan-tastic.

[Finglas (mikE)] "And if you colapse it, what of you?"

[Arilyn (Christy)] it's a pissing contest.

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] I am outside the chamber

[Finglas (mikE)] "You are in here with us."

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] if you can see so well in the dark young elf

[Finglas (mikE)] ::grins:: "Thanks for letting me know where I have to be to be safe."

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] it is a fair gamble you take

[Finglas (mikE)] "These two, I can raise even if they don't get out."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Yes. But I'd rather not gamble. Just go on our way."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Is it a gamble you feel comfortable with?"

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] then what are you paying for my toll?

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] I am very comfortable

[Finglas (mikE)] "Safety."

[Finglas (mikE)] "I see. You don't like the idea of lettign us leave without paying a toll?"

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] and he lets out two short whistles

[Finglas (mikE)] "You won't let us just walk away?"

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] No

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] I tire of this

[Hansie] Hold up guys.

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] and what Sir Percival?

[Hansie] If I had a cont light rock out, would that kill Finglas' spell?

[Hansie] I think we're going to die no matter what at this point.

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] yes to Hans about light

[Finglas (mikE)] i don't think so.

[Finglas (mikE)] i'm pretty sure i can kill it in a round

[Finglas (mikE)] and my init is before it

[Hansie] I'm not one for sneakiness, Mike.

[Hansie] "Wait!"

[Arilyn (Christy)] hmm...interesting

[Finglas (mikE)] i can shoot and most likely hit it with six magic death like arrows

[Hansie] ::pulling out cont light rock::

[Finglas (mikE)] in one go, keep in mind.

[Finglas (mikE)] "Idiot!"

[Hansie] (what happens?)

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] you can see that the beholder moved back a short bit

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] just outside the chamber

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] but it is still there with all its eye stalks focused on finglas

[Hansie] "I'm not one for sneakiness, elf. Even unarmored against a beholder."

[Arilyn (Christy)] he's going to crush us

[Hansie] "I'll take my chances in battle if need be."

[Hansie] "Beholder, does it need to come to that?"

[Finglas (mikE)] "Then you pay it's toll. I'm not giving it any of my things."

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] Not at all

[Hansie] "I have no armor, but I have my honor."

[Arilyn (Christy)] ::how far away is my sword?::

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] I will listen to fair offers

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] your sword and cloak are right behind Finglas

[Arilyn (Christy)] ::this would be a great time to reveal that my sword has the power to fly back into my hand::

[Hansie] "I don't mind paying a toll. This is *his* area, Finglas. This is *his* home and we are trespassing."

[Hansie] "I would prefer to see a peaceful way out of this, honestly."

[Finglas (mikE)] "And I proposed one. Not my fault he didn't like it."

[Hansie] "And he is a powerful magic creature with the ability to turn us to ash with a glance."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Not if he can't see us."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Oh, wait. Now he can."

[Arilyn (Christy)] see what I deal with?

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] You are welcome to stay with me little elven bird

[Arilyn (Christy)] it's too dusty and musty down here, although I wouln't mind visiting.

[Arilyn (Christy)] A girl can't have too many powerful friends like you.

[Hansie] "What do we have that he would like? I'm sure we have some rings or wands or something. "

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] So what do you propose to leave for me

[Finglas (mikE)] "What do you have?"

[Finglas (mikE)] "You've got some armor and your sword."

[Finglas (mikE)] "What rings and wands do you carry?"

[Hansie] "I don't have anything but my armor and my sword. What is he going to do with that?"

[Finglas (mikE)] "Ask him."

[Hansie] (let me check to see if I have anything. I don't think I do)

[Finglas (mikE)] "I don't have anything for him."

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] (or in the party pack)

[Hansie] "I'm not willing to give up my armor and sword anyway."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Everything I have is not mine, but the churches'."

[Beholder #2 (BOB)]

[Finglas (mikE)] "Would you ask me to give him church property, paladin?"

[Arilyn (Christy)] since when did he get religion?

[Finglas (mikE)] since he's a priest

[Hansie] Yeah, I don't have anything.

[Hansie] I'm looking in the party pack right now.

[Arilyn (Christy)] fin is a priest?

[Arilyn (Christy)] huh

[Finglas (mikE)] yeah.

[Finglas (mikE)] he has his own temple like kylia

[Finglas (mikE)] only better

[Arilyn (Christy)] well I had no idea

[Finglas (mikE)] you think a warrior could be this good?

[Arilyn (Christy)] ::well get on with the shooting already if you're gonna::

[Finglas (mikE)] i can't now

[Hansie (to mikE only)] Okay. If you shoot him, I guess I'll have no choice but to draw my sword and attack the beholder.

[Finglas (mikE)] we lost my element of surprise

[Finglas (mikE) (to Hansie only)] but now he can see us and fight back

[Finglas (mikE)] "So you see beholder, we dont' have anything for you."

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] (there is the mindflayer coins and the drow gold in the party pack)

[Finglas (mikE)] "We've lost most of our party and their wealth."

[Hansie] What are those?

[Hansie] What is a mindflayer coin?

[Hansie] It's probably poisonous anyway.

[Arilyn (Christy)] ::yeah::

[Finglas (mikE)] "We are the last three, trying to scrape by and return to the surface."

[Hansie] "Beholder, we've got gold, drow gold, and mindflayer coins. We have a couple of scrolls, too."

[Finglas (mikE)] "No, those were lost."

[Finglas (mikE)] "With the drow and yochlol."

[Finglas (mikE)] "We gave our gems to the creature of the lake."

[Hansie] (what about the undetectable lie scroll?)

[Finglas (mikE)] "I have my personal items."

[Arilyn (Christy)] ::the what and the who?::

[Finglas (mikE)] "Unless you're carrying around a stash of hidden gold."

[Hansie] (what about the precious gems and stuf?)

[Arilyn (Christy)] ::I'm just gonna stay with the beholder...::

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] the portable hole lists the mithril bars still

[Finglas (mikE)] "Do you not know what we have been through?"

[Arilyn (Christy)] ::not to mention all the bodies in there::

[Hansie] (what about the crystal coins?)

[Finglas (mikE)] "We have lost so many people on this journey."

[Finglas (mikE)] "And with them, what they were carrying."

[Finglas (mikE)] "We are all that is left."

[Hansie] "Well, let's not lose any more and have him cave this place in."

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] well then one of you can stay

[Finglas (mikE)] "Beholder, our great group has been decimated and broken."

[Hansie] "I can't let you attack him in the dark and I can't let him cave this place in"

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] and the others can leave

[Finglas (mikE)] "We just want to go home."

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] I will let you do that

[Hansie] "That is true."

[Finglas (mikE)] "All of us?"

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] all three of you if you pay the toll

[Finglas (mikE)] "What is your toll?"

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] or you may chose one to stay

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] you must pick something to give me for the toll

[Hansie] "Okay, here are 10 precious gems and 10 crystal coins for all of us."

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] what do you have to offer that is as good keeping one of you?

[Hansie] ::cupping hands with gems and crystal coins::

[Hansie] "Look at this"

[Arilyn (Christy)] I have a wizard's tunic that will reveal your perfect mate. Everybody needs love.

[Finglas (mikE)] "Well, seeing as that will buy you a slave in most markets, that is worth one of us."

[Hansie] "And here's a scroll of undetectable lie. It's magical. "

[Finglas (mikE)] okay, where are you pulling all this out of?

[Hansie] The party pack?

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] and done

[Arilyn (Christy)] the tunic is mine

[Arilyn (Christy)] okay, what's he taking?

[Arilyn (Christy)] what did he agree to?

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] the scroll, the crystal coins

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] Party pack is updated now

[Beholder #2 (BOB)]

[Hansie] ::placing items gingerly between the two groups::

[Arilyn (Christy)] what's your name, by the way?

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] You can not pronouce it

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] but you can call me Cyrus

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] in your toungue

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] it makes for a pleasent rhyme

[Arilyn (Christy)] okay, Cyrus. Pleasure doing business with you. May I visit?

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] if you wish

[Beholder #2 (BOB)] I will remember you my little elven bird

[Arilyn (Christy)] I'll be sure to bring a suitable gift.

[Arilyn (Christy)] may I retrieve my things?

[Hansie] "Thank you for not caving the ceiling in. We've already been through one of those today and lost someone very special. Two someones."

[BOB] Combat has finished.

[Hansie] test

[Hansie] hello???

[Stair Case (BOB)] and now

[Hansie] crashed, i think...

[BOB] nope

[BOB] you made it past him

[Finglas (mikE)] "Percival..." ::sighs:: "Haven't you ever heard of bluffing?"

[BOB] now the stair case

[Finglas (mikE)] "Or bartering?"

[Hansie] Yeay!!!!

[Hansie] "That *was* bartering, wasn't it?"

[Arilyn (Christy)] dude, this could have gone sooooo much faster

[Hansie] "He wanted some baubles and we didn't want 100 tons of rock falling on our heads."

[Finglas (mikE)] "I suppose. For a paladin."

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 22'02".

[Finglas (mikE)] "We could have gotten away for less though."

[Arilyn (Christy)] so how far until we get out?

[Hansie] "I didn't want 100 tons of rock falling even on your head, Finglas. Believe that, sir."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Neither did I."

[Arilyn (Christy)] really, how much was that?

[Finglas (mikE)] "Offer him death, then a true name."

[Hansie] "If it were just you, I wouldn't have wanted it."

[Finglas (mikE)] "That's not the point. The point is we just lost to a monster."

[Finglas (mikE)] "You bartered with evil and lost."

[Finglas (mikE)] "I know the true name of a demon."

[Hansie] "Anyway, he was an honorable beholder. He didn't kill Arilyn immediately."

[Arilyn (Christy)] Well, at least we live to barter with evil another day

[Finglas (mikE)] "Slightly mispronounce one sylable and it is believable, but we didn't actually give anything away."

[Finglas (mikE)] "We would be long gone by the time he actually was prepared to try summoning a powerful demon and finding out the name was wrong."

[Hansie] "I would much rather battle against a demon."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Well we're not."

[Finglas (mikE)] "The demon owes us a favor."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Why do you think we got his name?"

[Hansie] What?

[Finglas (mikE)] "We're not fighting him."

[Arilyn (Christy)] huh?

[Finglas (mikE)] "Last time we were in hell we met him."

[BOB] smile, see what you miss if you skip a couple of months

[Arilyn (Christy)] is he channeling?

[Finglas (mikE)] "Not to mention we could have called our djini friend."

[Finglas (mikE)] "We have his Name, too."

[Finglas (mikE)] "He owes us for getting his daughter back to him."

[Hansie] "Before or after he caved the wall in?"

[BOB] you were here for that adventure Christy and Hans

[BOB] My Shoes!

[Finglas (mikE)] "He wouldn't have gotten to that."

[Finglas (mikE)] "I also could have put more arrows into his eye than he could count."

[Arilyn (Christy)] that was a cheap toll. It was a chance to get through something using our heads instead of our swords.

[Finglas (mikE)] "I'm much faster than him."

[Hansie] "THat's not a fight. That's a dexterity check in the dark with a big hole to fall down."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Yes, it was cheap. We just could have gotten off for free."

[Hansie] "We'll have plenty of opportunity to collect trinkets if that is what you want."

[Arilyn (Christy)] if you could have killed him so easily why bother with the chit-chat and trying to convince him to let us pass?

[BOB] so you make it through to the top of the stair case

[Hansie] Okay, good.

[Finglas (mikE)] "We may even have gotten something out of the deal. True names are worth a lot."

[Arilyn (Christy)] next time come out shooting.

[Finglas (mikE)] "We could have taken him for his treasure. And gotten away."

[BOB] the map there there to show what is broken

[Arilyn (Christy)] Finglas the kid

[BOB] there was a stair case, the group built a new one when they found the old one colapsed, now the one the group built has colapsed too

[Arilyn (Christy)] kick ass and don't bother with the names

[BOB] 300 foot drop down

[Finglas (mikE)] "It's okay. We'll work on those bluffing skills, Percy."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Great. This is fantastic."

[Finglas (mikE)] "I can get me down."

[BOB] you do not have the rope to get down this

[Hansie] ::chuckles and shakes head::

[Finglas (mikE)] "Who keeps breaking stone stairs?"

[Arilyn (Christy)] hmm...I could fly up again. Last time there was a beholder at the top.

[BOB] actually you cared a vertical tunnel

[BOB] you are at the top

[BOB] is it a downward trip this time

[Arilyn (Christy)] so down then

[Arilyn (Christy)] whatever

[BOB] it just colapsed on its own Mike

[Finglas (mikE)] and fritz put our name on such shoddy work?

[BOB] chuckles

[Arilyn (Christy)] I'll float like a butterfly and Fin can sting like a bee

[BOB] none of you are stone masons or architects

[Hansie] Okay. So the map is a vertical map instead of a flat map?

[BOB] right

[BOB] top is a side view, bottom is the top down view

[Hansie] Got it.

[BOB] so ideas on getting down?

[Hansie] Think we can tackle that.....

[Hansie] week!

[Finglas (mikE)] ] Finglas casts a spell against : Air Walk: Jebus ain't got nuthin on me! This spell enables a creature, which can be as big as the largest giant, to tread upon air as if it were walking on solid ground. Moving upward is similar to walking up a hill. A maximum upward angle of 45 degrees is possible at one-half the creature's movement rate, as is a maximum downward angle of 45 degrees at the normal movement rate.

[Arilyn (Christy)] fly?

[Hansie] Or tonight is good, too.

[Finglas (mikE)] ] Finglas casts a spell against : Air Walk: Jebus ain't got nuthin on me! This spell enables a creature, which can be as big as the largest giant, to tread upon air as if it were walking on solid ground. Moving upward is similar to walking up a hill. A maximum upward angle of 45 degrees is possible at one-half the creature's movement rate, as is a maximum downward angle of 45 degrees at the normal movement rate.

[BOB] so there you go

[BOB] fin adn percy walk down

[Finglas (mikE)] and now we can just walk around like a spiral staircase down

[Finglas (mikE)] whee!

[BOB] arylin flys

[BOB] and another encounter finished

[Arilyn (Christy)] yay!

[Hansie] "This is quite unsettling. I don't care for magic other than my armor or my sword."

[BOB] only 6 more to go

[Hansie] 6 more what?

[BOB] and you know one of them is the bridge

[Finglas (mikE)] "Don't you have magical abilities?"

[BOB] 6 more encounters till the surface

[Finglas (mikE)] "Paladins have magic."

[Hansie] "I don't use rods, staves or wands. Or rings or potions, etc."

[BOB] getting very close now

[Finglas (mikE)] "I've seen Alistaire do it."

[Hansie] "that kind of magic."

[Finglas (mikE)] ::sigh:: "He was a good traveling companion."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Unlike so many we've had lately."

[Hansie] "I'm just saying, I don't feel comfortable with it."

[Finglas (mikE)] "The pixie, the orc..."

[Finglas (mikE)] "My magic won't let you down."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Well, I suppose in this case it will, but gently."

[Arilyn (Christy)] cool spell

[Hansie] ::chuckling:: "Hah hah hah. Good one. I get it."

[Hansie] "Maybe one day I will be more comfortable with these kind of magics."

[Arilyn (Christy)] well fellas, it's late. I'm going to say goodnight now.

[Finglas (mikE)] yup.

[Finglas (mikE)] night you two

[Hansie] "But not today. My heartfelt appreciation, nonetheless."

[Finglas (mikE)] great seeing you

[Hansie] I am back at the keyboard.

[Hansie] Good night-

[Finglas (mikE)] fun play with you again

[BOB] night

[Arilyn (Christy)] night!

[Hansie] Yep.

[BOB] see you soon I do hope

Christy] has left the game on Fri Sep 25 23:05:59 EDT 2009

[Hansie] Mike gets Role player of the night, right?

[Finglas (mikE)] bob, you have a few?

[BOB] sure

[Hansie] No one voted for anyone else...

[Finglas (mikE)] i'd say you hans

[BOB] to mike and hans

[Hansie] No, you were great, as always, man-

[Finglas (mikE)] you played your pally to the hilt with the no sneak attack.

[Hansie] :)

[Finglas (mikE)] and didn't get us killed in the process. =P

[Hansie] glad you understood

[BOB] ] Ventolis Basalstop moved 19'06".

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 12'05".

[BOB] ] Arilyn moved 15'03".

[Finglas (mikE)] yup. but we've gotta rib the pallies for their uptightness. lol

[BOB] ] Percival moved 26'05".

[Hansie] I was hoping you weren't going to get mad at me. You played your char to the hilt as well. Whoo-hoo. Thought we were gettin' crushed...

[Hansie] You wanted to turn him into a pin cushion, didn't you?

[Finglas (mikE)] yeah. bob probably would have cheated to kill us

[Finglas (mikE)] it would have been fun

[Hansie] Another time when the circumstances are better-

[Finglas (mikE)] i hope not...

[Finglas (mikE)] that would mean we'd be back in the underdark facing beholders again

[Hansie] Although Bob is good at not making the circumstances good for us, eh?

[Finglas (mikE)] twice is enough for me

[Finglas (mikE)] he's managed to kill paul twice in one adventure

[Hansie] Thanks again. You were really good. (I'm upset about the Paul thing, but you know how it is)-

[Hansie] See you guys. Thanks, BOB!

[BOB] was surprised it happened actually

[BOB] waves

[Finglas (mikE)] yup. come on back!

Hansie] has left the game on Fri Sep 25 23:09:39 EDT 2009

[Finglas (mikE)] okay, so how destroyed are all of paul's items?

[Finglas (mikE)] don't they all get saves?

[BOB] yes

[BOB] was goign to have John roll that

[BOB] but he left

[Finglas (mikE)] okay

[Finglas (mikE)] just making sure

[Finglas (mikE)] didn't want him to lose everything out of hand

[Finglas (mikE)] good game tonight

[BOB] yes

[BOB] too bad for Fritz and John

[Finglas (mikE)] what happened to john?

[BOB] just one of those things

[Finglas (mikE)] i didn't see him say anything

[BOB] he just logged off

[Finglas (mikE)] okay.

[Finglas (mikE)] talk to you later then

[Finglas (mikE)] night

[BOB] not sure but I would guess the laptop again acting up for him

[BOB] night

mikE] has left the game on Fri Sep 25 23:11:49 EDT 2009