Main / Sep2812

Sep 28 12 - Everyone Knows

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Sep 28 18:23:26 EDT 2012 ====

Guy has joined the game on Fri Sep 28 18:29:11 EDT 2012

Guy is receiving the map swamp...

[Master] Hello sir,

Guy has received the map swamp.

[Guy] howdy

[Master] question for you,

[Master] Sarengar would be on the second watch so the mages and priests can sleep right?

[Guy] yup

[Master] good

[Master] so you don't have to worry about the beetles attacking then

[Master] grins

[Guy] at least until i get woke up

[Guy] so you ready for the dolphins to lose again?

[Master] this will be a tough week

[Master] but I think we do have a decent chance

[Guy] rofl

[Master] we were supposed to lose to the Jets by 14

[Guy] youre playing my unbeaten cardinals

[Master] only game we have not had a chance to win was the first against the Titans

[Master] and the Cardinals have to get ready for the Fins

[Guy] the titans suck

[Master] PLUS they play on this upcoming Thursday

[Master] I mean Texans sorry

[Master] we had a very bad 7 minutes in the second quarter against them

[Master] other than that we have outscored our opponents ever quarter

[Master] the Fins are much better than people give them credit for

[Guy] you should have beat the jets

[Master] yes we should have

[Master] two missed field goals

[Master] have to go walk the puppies will be back up in a short bit

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] they seem happy now

[Guy] lol

[Guy] miami has 2 more games that they must lose

[Master] which?

[Guy] this sunday and the very last week

[Master] I forget who that is

[Guy] jaguars is the last week

[Master] it will depend if we are heading into the playoffs or not

[Guy] week 10 miami absolutely MUST win

[Master] which is?

[Guy] the titans

[Master] I do not have a schedule here, grins

[Master] ahh

[Master] we do plan on winning

[Master] so now that Lordez is done you will have time to post on the site right?

[Master] right?

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Sep 28 18:54:15 EDT 2012

Lisa is receiving the map swamp...

Lisa has received the map swamp.

[Master] Hello Lisa

[Guy] which site?

[Guy] hi lisa

[Lisa] Hello :)

[Master] LOL

[Master] oh man

[Master] you owe us a years worth of posts!

[Master] you never even posted Sarengar's history

[Master] info about his mentor,

[Master] info about his patron

[Master] who taught him to sing?

[Master] etc

[Master] etc

[Master] etc

[Lisa] yeah Guy - where's your life story?

[Master] does Sarengar even have a birthday!?!?!?

[Lisa] everybody has a birthday Bob

[Lisa] question is does he know it

[Master] looks on Sarengar's sheet

[Master] nope

[Master] blank

[Master] he must be dead

[Lisa] his mother never told him

Guy has joined the game on Fri Sep 28 18:58:31 EDT 2012

Guy is receiving the map swamp...

[Lisa] saved her the expense of cakes and candles

Guy has left the game on Fri Sep 28 18:58:41 EDT 2012

[Master] chuckles

Guy has received the map swamp.

[Guy] this is going to be aggravating

[Lisa] what?

[Guy] and its all karens fault cuz shes the writer

[Guy] i keep losing internet

[Master] you are the man of the house,

[Master] you must know what is going on in your house,

[Master] she is your wife, you must be in charge

[Master] grins

[Lisa] not touching that one

[Guy] roflmao

[Master] a priest should be behind the altar and not behind the throne

[Guy] im no priest cuz i dont mess with kids

[Master] lol

[Master] but in any case you really should please add some more things

[Master] you do good work

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 500. Next level in 94089.

[Master] Sarengar XP award: 500. Next level in 72468.

[Lisa] look at all that XP Sarengar needs!

[Lisa] you're not levelling again for a long while

[Guy] neither are you so :P

[Lisa] I am resigned to that

New Guy has joined the game on Fri Sep 28 19:04:06 EDT 2012

New Guy is receiving the map swamp...

[Master] Hello sir

New Guy has received the map swamp.

[Lisa] Hi Bill :)

[New Guy] Hello

[Master] so where would Androp be on teh watch list? first or third?

[New Guy] how many watches are there?

[Master] 3

[New Guy] if no one cared... the third

[Master] ok

[Lisa] yay!

[Lisa] it was a trick question

[Master] Androp Ilkep's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 33 (2) - Lightly Wounded

[Lisa] 1 was safer

[New Guy] heh

[Lisa] since it's over

[Master] Branwyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 29 (2) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] ok so Androp, Branwyn and Koorin (who is rooting around for breakfast)

[Master] are on the watch

[Master] and you spot 3 bombadier beetles wanting along from hillock to hillock

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Master] Bombardier Beetle #5: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=1] 11

[Master] Bombardier Beetle #6: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[Master] Bombardier Beetle #7: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=5] 13

[New Guy] are they moving towards us or just wandering by?

[Master] at this point you do not know

[New Guy] Androp Ilkep: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=7] 15

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (do beetles have any intelligence?)

[Master] animal

[New Guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (2 or more?)

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] (not much of one)

[Master] not that high

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Bombardier Beetle #5

[Master] Bombardier Beetle #5 moved 58'03".

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Bombardier Beetle #7

[Master] Bombardier Beetle #7 moved 57'11".

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Branwyn

[Guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((butt acid))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sorry - looking things up)

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Bombardier Beetle #7. Distance: 86'04"

Branwyn (Lisa) concentrates about turning it into an ant

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against Bombardier Beetle #7: Polymorph Other: Save vs spell or permanently become an animal.

[Master] Bombardier Beetle #7: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Bombardier Beetle #6

[Master] Bombardier Beetle #6 moved 49'11".

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Androp Ilkep

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] (was my crossbow loaded?)

[Master] sure

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) takes aim at the nearest beetle and waits to see if it moves closer

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] (can I just keep my aim on it and if it moves closer I'll take a shot)

[Master] ROUND: 2

[Master] yes

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Bombardier Beetle #5

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Bombardier Beetle #7

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Maybe I should go wake up Indigo and Sarengar

Branwyn (Lisa) walks over to the sleeps and tells them to wake up

[Master] Indigo and Sarengar can make a con check at a +4

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I am low on spells at the moment - sorry to wake you)

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: CON check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((hehehehehe didnt even need the bonus )))

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: CON check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 [MODIFIED (+4)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

Sarengar (Guy) yawns and stretches

[Master] (and yes Bill, you now have three lizard men that Llath charmed and with the group)

[Sarengar (Guy)] whats for breakfast

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] (fodder is good)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Beetles!

[Master] Indigo and Sarengar can roll Init

[Master] but not do anything else this round

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Initiative: (d10+10+-1) [1d10=8] 17

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo remember the ones we fought before that shot out acid?

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Bombardier Beetle #6

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Androp Ilkep

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Initiative: ((d10+10+-2)-10) [1d10=3] 1 [MODIFIED (-10)]

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) keeps his crossbow aimed at the nearest beetle and indicates the location to the people that just woke up

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Sarengar

[Master] ROUND: 3

[Master] INIT: 1 GOING: Indigo

[New Guy] Androp Ilkep targets Bombardier Beetle #6. Distance: 55'01"

[Master] new round, Indigo and Sarengar can put on armor or go right into battle without it

[Indigo (Lisa)] The ones that shoot acid out of their butts? Yuck! I'm getting my armor.

Indigo (Lisa) puts on his chain mail

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Bombardier Beetle #5

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Bombardier Beetle #7

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (can I see what they are doing? - they are just sitting there not doing anything)

[Master] They seem to be eating

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy) (to Master only)] is there any cover where we are? something I can get behind but keep my crossbow aimed at one of the beetles?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so this could go on for 20 rounds while we watch them)

[Master (to New Guy only)] you are behind that large bush there

[Master] it seems like they are moving towards your area slowly but surely

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (holding for now but getting antsy - acid or no)

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Bombardier Beetle #6

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Androp Ilkep

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) continues to keep his crossbow aimed at the closest beetle, watching what it does

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Sarengar

[Sarengar (Guy)] going watch and wait

[Master] ROUND: 4

[Master] INIT: 1 GOING: Indigo

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo moved 60'06".

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Bombardier Beetle #5

[Master] Bombardier Beetle #5 moved 14'01".

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Bombardier Beetle #7

[Master] Bombardier Beetle #7 moved 25'10".

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against Bombardier Beetle #7: Phantasmal Killer: For (9) 9 rounds, an illusionary 4 hd monster attacks the target, if it hits, the target dies.

[Master] Phantasmal Monster moved 64'10".

[Master] Phantasmal Monster targets Bombardier Beetle #7. Distance: 1'07"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that was quick! Thanks :) )

[Master] it moves on the same Int as Bran

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (can it hot now?)

[Master] yes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Phantasmal Monster: Attack: Claw: (16-(d20+0)) [1d20=15] 1. HITS Bombardier Beetle #7 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Phantasmal Monster: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d2) [1d2=1] 1 added to: Bombardier Beetle #7

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Phantasmal Monster: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Phantasmal Monster: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[Master] Initiative changed from 12 to 12.

[Master] Bombardier Beetle #7's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -2 (-20) - Dying

[Master] Phantasmal Monster moved 62'08".

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Bombardier Beetle #6

[Master] Bombardier Beetle #6 moved 13'11".

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Androp Ilkep

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) fires his crossbow at the beetle as it gets closer

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Androp Ilkep: Attack: Crossbow : ((15-(d20+1))+2) [1d20=8] 8 [MODIFIED (+2)]. MISSES Bombardier Beetle #6 (AC FINAL: 4).

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) drops his crossbow and readies his staff

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Sarengar

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar moved 19'05".

[Guy] Sarengar targets Bombardier Beetle #6. Distance: 599'04"

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Attack: Heavy Crossbow: ((14-(d20+1))+1) [1d20=6] 8 [MODIFIED (+1)]. MISSES Bombardier Beetle #6 (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] ROUND: 5

[Sarengar (Guy)] meh

[Master] INIT: 1 GOING: Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 10'03".

[Lisa] Indigo targets Bombardier Beetle #5. Distance: 2'08"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+15-(d20+1))-3) [1d20=18] -7 [MODIFIED (-3)]. HITS Bombardier Beetle #5 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=4] 7 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Bombardier Beetle #5

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: ((+15-(d20+1))-3) [1d20=10] 1 [MODIFIED (-3)]. HITS Bombardier Beetle #5 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Short Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=1] 4 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Bombardier Beetle #5

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Bombardier Beetle #5

[Master] Bombardier Beetle #5's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 7 (-11) - Heavily Wounded

[Master] Bombardier Beetle #5 targets Indigo. Distance: 2'08"

[Master] Bombardier Beetle #5: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=13] 6. MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Phantasmal Monster

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (cut it out)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 36'04".

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Bombardier Beetle #6. Distance: 8'07"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against Bombardier Beetle #6: Whip o' Pain: Strikes opponents up to 10 ft distant. Target makes saving throw vs. spell & CON check. If succeeds saving throw, creature takes half damage. If CON check succeeds, creature suffers -1 penalty to its next attack roll. Failure wracks creature with pain until end of next round, lowering its Armor Class by 1, imposing a -2 penalty to attack rolls, and making spellcasting impossible.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Attack: Whip o' Pain: ((18-(d20+0))+2) [1d20=11] 9 [MODIFIED (+2)]. MISSES Bombardier Beetle #6 (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Bombardier Beetle #6

[Master] Bombardier Beetle #6 targets Branwyn. Distance: 8'07"

[Master] Bombardier Beetle #6 moved 2'07".

TMO has joined the game on Fri Sep 28 19:41:04 EDT 2012

TMO is receiving the map swamp...

[Master] Branwyn takes (3d4) [3d4=1,4,2] 7 points of damage and needs to roll a d100

[Master] Branwyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 22 (-7) - Moderately Wounded

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=37] 37

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((hey TMO))

TMO has received the map swamp.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (doesn't he have to hit me to do that?)

[TMO] hola

[Master] and a d100 again please

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=89] 89

[Master] ok

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (hello :) )

[Master] so Branwyn see the beetle spin around, fire a cloud of acid out of its butt, there is a loud BOOM but she is not stunned nor deafened by it

[Master] she does take damage

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that's a plus)

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Androp Ilkep

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but that should be enough to wake up Ilero and shurkural)

[TMO] zzzzzzzzzz....

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] (how far can I move?)

[Master] 60 and still attack

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Androp Ilkep moved 37'04".

[TMO] do you mind? we're busy over here

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) moves and attacks the beetle that just sprayed Branwyn

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] (two attacks with my staff or just one?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (roll init)

[Master] just one

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Androp Ilkep: Attack: Quarterstaff: ((15-(d20+1))+1) [1d20=15] 0 [MODIFIED (+1)]. HITS Bombardier Beetle #6 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[TMO] Ilero: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=7] 15

[TMO] Ilero: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=6] 14

[Master] Initiative changed from 15 to 14.

[TMO] Shurkural: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] (these bugs medium or large?)

[Master] medium

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Androp Ilkep: Damage v SM: Quarterstaff: ((1d6)+3+2) [1d6=5] 10 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Bombardier Beetle #6

[Master] Bombardier Beetle #6's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 8 (-10) - Heavily Wounded

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Sarengar

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (nice)

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar moved 37'08".

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Attack: Miscibil: ((14-(d20+1))+1-2) [1d20=13] -1 [MODIFIED (-2)]. HITS Bombardier Beetle #6 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] (hit pretty hard with my staff)

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Damage v SM: Miscibil: ((1d8+1)+1+2) [1d8=4] 8 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Bombardier Beetle #6

[Master] Bombardier Beetle #6's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-8) - Disabled

[Sarengar (Guy)] i assume i dont get my second attack

[Master] you can if you want

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Attack: Miscibil: ((14-(d20+1))+1-2) [1d20=4] 8 [MODIFIED (-2)]

[Sarengar (Guy)] is it disabled or dead?

[Master] that would be a miss

[Master] disabled

[Guy] Sarengar targets Bombardier Beetle #6. Distance: 598'00"

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Shurkural

[TMO] does she go this turn?

[Master] no

[TMO] or wait until next?

[Master] she is waking up

[Master] ROUND: 6

[Master] INIT: 1 GOING: Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+15-(d20+1))-3) [1d20=8] 3 [MODIFIED (-3)]. HITS Bombardier Beetle #5 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=2] 5 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Bombardier Beetle #5

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: ((+15-(d20+1))-3) [1d20=5] 6 [MODIFIED (-3)]. MISSES Bombardier Beetle #5 (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] Bombardier Beetle #5's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 2 (-5) - Massively Wounded

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+15-(d20+1))-3) [1d20=6] 5 [MODIFIED (-3)]. MISSES Bombardier Beetle #5 (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Bombardier Beetle #5

[Master] Indigo takes (3d4) [3d4=3,3,3] 9 points of damage and needs to make a d100 check

[Indigo (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=97] 97

[Master] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 19 (-9) - Heavily Wounded

[Indigo (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=86] 86

[Master] and he is not stunned or deafened

[Master] and not taking the cloud off too early this time, it does stay there through the round

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Branwyn

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 70'01".

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Bombardier Beetle #5. Distance: 6'07"

[Master] too far to attack this round

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (70 feet?)

[Master] can move half your mve and still attack

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Ilero

[TMO] where are we?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (the swamp)

[TMO] more like, Where on the MAP are we?

[TMO] both icons are in the black. :)

[Master] fixed

[Master] sorry did not know what you meant

[Master] grins

[Master] there with the lizard men

[TMO] "Do you unnerstaaannnd thewordsthatarecoming outta mahmooouuuuth!?" - Rush Hour

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Attack: Whip o' Pain: ((18-(d20+0))+2) [1d20=7] 13 [MODIFIED (+2)]. MISSES Bombardier Beetle #5 (AC FINAL: 4).

[TMO] only 2 beetles?

[Master] 1

[TMO] Ilero gets up, gets equipped. NOt much he can do at this point

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Androp Ilkep

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) moves towards the area where he hears more combat

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Androp Ilkep moved 57'09".

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Sarengar

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar moved 58'05".

[Guy] Sarengar targets Bombardier Beetle #5. Distance: 367'05"

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Attack: Heavy Crossbow: ((14-(d20+1))+1) [1d20=12] 2 [MODIFIED (+1)]. HITS Bombardier Beetle #6 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[New Guy] Sarengar no longer targets Bombardier Beetle #5.

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Damage v SM: Crossbow Bolt: ((1d6)+1) [1d6=2] 3 [MODIFIED (+1)] added to: Bombardier Beetle #6

[Master] Bombardier Beetle #5's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -1 (-3) - Dying

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Shurkural

[New Guy] Sarengar no longer targets Bombardier Beetle #6.

[New Guy] Sarengar targets Bombardier Beetle #6. Distance: 370'11"

[New Guy] Sarengar no longer targets Bombardier Beetle #6.

[Master] guessing you did not want to run away from the beetle and then turn around and fire back at it

[Master] Combat has finished.

[Master] so applied the damage to the one that everyone is fighting

[Master] Ok, I am shutting down klooge for one moment, there is a sound issue on my end that is hung up

[Master] need to clear the memory

[Master] will be back up in two seconds

Lisa has left the game on Fri Sep 28 20:00:26 EDT 2012

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Sep 28 20:00:42 EDT 2012 ====

TMO has joined the game on Fri Sep 28 20:01:17 EDT 2012

TMO is receiving the map swamp...

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Sep 28 20:01:46 EDT 2012

Lisa is receiving the map swamp...

TMO has received the map swamp.

New Guy has joined the game on Fri Sep 28 20:02:00 EDT 2012

New Guy is receiving the map swamp...

Lisa has received the map swamp.

New Guy has received the map swamp.

[Master] much better

[Master] thank yuo

[Master] and everyone should check their sheets

[Master] under your SPEED on the first page


[Master] your normal move will be 12 or 6

[Master] but then modified,

[Master] just found out Bran can move 14 overall

[Master] and Marco will not be in, he just left a message going to the dentist to deal with a wisdom tooth

[Master] who knew he had any ;P

[TMO] neither of mine list a speed

[Master] so 12 is the base

[TMO] so 12?

[Master] then you can check your balance and endurance bonuses

[Master] if you have them

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ilero modified: Personal Information - Speed:: CHANGED: 12 (null).

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Shurkural modified: Personal Information - Speed:: CHANGED: 12 (null).

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 75. Next level in 94014.

[Master] Androp Ilkep XP award: 75. Next level in 12595.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 36. Next level in 13646.

[Master] Sarengar XP award: 75. Next level in 72393.

[Master] Ilero XP award: 36. Next level in 1153.

[Master] Shurkural XP award: 36. Next level in 1058.

[Master] and so after you clean up after the battle

[Master] have breakfast

[Master] you memorize spells for the day

[Ilero (TMO)] D'em beetles cook up nice if d'ey not stunk up and you take out d'e stink glands right.

[Master] only two of them fired off their acid cloud

[New Guy] Yea, I'll stick to the road rations

[New Guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] thanks just the same

[Master] getting drinks while everyone tidies up sheets and spells

[Master] then we will roll for encounters for the rest of the day

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (sarengar should memorize his web spell)

[Indigo (Lisa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Continual Light - Wizard -- # Memorized: 2 (+0), CHANGED: Fireball -- # Memorized: 2 (+0), CHANGED: Magic Missile -- # Memorized: 3 (+0), CHANGED: Phantasmal Killer -- # Memorized: 1 (+0), CHANGED: Polymorph Other -- # Memorized: 1 (+0), CHANGED: Sleep -- # Memorized: 1 (+0), CHANGED: Spook -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Water Breathing - Wizard -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Whip o' Pain -- # Memorized: 1 (+0), Weapons - CHANGED: Whip o' Pain -- #: +9 (+2),

[Indigo (Lisa)] (and I don't understand the adjustments page)

[Ilero (TMO)] (is there a total weight being carried place?)

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] no total weight auto calculated no

[Master] but it is on your equipment page to fill out

[Master] right now no one is encumbered

[Master] the adjustments page

[Master] you get a bonus to move for your balance,

[Master] so Branwyn has a -2

[Master] so that is a +2 to move

[Master] as the example

[Ilero (TMO)] reaction?

[Master] bal

[Master] sorry yes

[Ilero (TMO)] I am on the balance page. Reaction, Defensive, Move Silent, or Climb walls?

[Ilero (TMO)] ok

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so if indigo has 18 balance is +4? That seems like a lot)

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero gets a +2 also

[Master] he is very good

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ilero modified: Personal Information - Speed:: CHANGED: 14 (12).

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I know he is but he still has short legs)

[Master] less than 5% of the population wil have an 18 or higher

[Master] but I agree with you Lisa

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I guess I don't get the correlation)

[Ilero (TMO)] Shur does not, so is 12

[Master] he shoudl get a +2 nota +4

[Master] getting half the bonus that would apply to a 12

[Master] and yes to Shur

[Master] understand what I mean Lisa?

JohnAA has joined the game on Fri Sep 28 20:18:55 EDT 2012

JohnAA is receiving the map swamp...

JohnAA has received the map swamp.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (sorry - am lost - where is movement on page?)

[Master] and Hello John

[Indigo (Lisa)] (hi John!)

[Master] first page of character sheet, called SPEED

[Master] near XP

[Master] and we will have John roll for encounters

[Master] d20 john

[Master] 3 times

[JohnAA] hello all sorry late, had to finsih a game of monolopy with Miranda

[Indigo (Lisa)] (don't see it)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (did you win?)

[Ilero (TMO)] (you can *finish* a game of Monopoly??)

[JohnAA] Roll #1: (d20+3) [1d20=11] 14

[JohnAA] Roll #1: (d20+3) [1d20=11] 14

[JohnAA] Roll #1: (d20+3) [1d20=14] 17

[Master] Indigo has a 9 there now Lisa

[Master] under Hair/Eyes

[Master] so you did his movment correctly way back when

[Master] we just need to remember that it is a 9 and not a 6

[Indigo (Lisa)] (someone else did! - so no changes)

[Master] and no encounters during the day of travel

[Master] wait

[JohnAA] even without the modifiers?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (thank you John - had a bit of a rough morning and appreciate the break)

[Master] john you roll a 20+3

[JohnAA] yes

[Master] you need to roll a d20 3 times

[JohnAA] you see the rolls

[Master] (d20) [1d20=16] 16*3

[JohnAA] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=14] 14

[JohnAA] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=19] 19

[JohnAA] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=9] 9

[Master] there you go

[Master] and now you do have one in the late afternoon

[Master] but before we do that

[JohnAA] yea

[Master] foto can do his healing thing from the morning

[Indigo (Lisa)] (you couldn't let us have a calm day)

[Master] then he can memorize spells

[JohnAA] Brother Fotopoulos targets Indigo. Distance: 130'11"

[Master] Indigo moved 61'09".

[Master] Branwyn moved 59'07".

[Master] Androp Ilkep moved 59'04".

[Master] Sarengar moved 62'04".

[JohnAA] if you stop moving them I can roll

[JohnAA] Brother Fotopoulos casts a spell against Indigo: Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=10] -11 points.

[JohnAA] Brother Fotopoulos casts a spell against Indigo: Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=10] -11 points.

[Master] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 40 (21) - Unharmed

[JohnAA] WOW best rolls ever

[Indigo (Lisa)] Thank you Brother Foto!

[JohnAA] then orison on Sarengar to make him full and one point for Hoffman

[Master] Sarengar's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 37 (6) - Unharmed

[Master] Hoffman's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 37 (1) - Lightly Wounded

[JohnAA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Brother Fotopoulos modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1st Level -- Current: 3 (2). CHANGED: 2st Level -- Current: 1 (3).

[Master] then he can rememorize

[Master] there you go

[JohnAA] :;pray pray pray::

[JohnAA] I can not memorize spell I just cast, can I?

[Master] you now memozie

[JohnAA] so I can be at full spells?

[Master] you cast those heals before praying for more spells

[Master] and then you get full spells

[JohnAA] ok

[Master] and now it is later on in the day

[JohnAA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Brother Fotopoulos modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1st Level -- Current: 4 (3). CHANGED: 2st Level -- Current: 3 (1).

[Master] Branwyn is hurt worst

[Master] then androp

[JohnAA] She refuses my healing, I know not to ask

[Master] and I need an observation check

[Ilero (TMO)] I bumped my funny bone getting up off the ground in a hurry...

[Master] or survival check

[Ilero (TMO)] I can do either and both

[JohnAA] Hoffman: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=9] 17

[Master] both would be good

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL FAILED against 18!!

[JohnAA] Hoffman: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero: Survival, Swamp check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] Boobrie #5 moved 7'06".

[Master] Boobrie #5 moved 16'08".

[Master] Boobrie #5 moved 17'06".

[Master] Boobrie #5 moved 27'04".

[JohnAA] so instints kick in

[Master] Ilero and Hoffman stop and point

[Master] out in the distance is a large bird

[Master] STABBING down at something

[JohnAA] just one

[Master] that you see

[Master] Ilero recognizes it as a Boobrie

[Master] Indigo knows what they are

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (want to borrow the spyglass?)

[Master] Ilero knows that if there are others around they are in hiding to surprise someone

[Master] they get a large plus to surprise attacks

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] can I borrow a fireball, I hate those birds

[Ilero (TMO)] (how many typically run together?)

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy) (to Master only)] just so you know... when we're moving I'm walking with my crossbow loaded

[Master (to New Guy only)] it is expected

[Master] Ilero thinks 1-3

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (d3) [1d3=3] 3

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] OUCH

[Ilero (TMO)] Is Boo'rie bird. Ot'ers are hiding in trees, waiting to attack from surprise. Probably two more.

[Master] Time of Day: 04:21 PM. Day 22 Ced ___ se, Lec {Early Summer} 22nd, 342 SKR.

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] i like otters

[Master] ( I am not saying there are otters, grins)

[Ilero (TMO)] Not otters, ot'ers.

[Ilero (TMO)] More Boo'ries.

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] giant otters?

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Ghost?

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] make up your mind

[Ilero (TMO)] Yes. Ghosts. Go get us garlic.

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] I see one bad bird

[Master] lol

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] any spell Brawynn?

[Ilero (TMO)] Store back in village has garlic. We need one large clove each. We wait here for you.

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] or do we have to wait for it to attack me

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] garlic does nothing against ghosts, what are you trying to pull

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I can fireball it

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] thank you

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Can we just avoid the feathered beasts?

[Ilero (TMO)] Swamp ghosts. Hate garlic. Really.

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] good to know

[Master] it seems to be fishing? along the path you are headed down

[Master] so far it does not appear to see you

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] I did not notice your wounds Androp, can I see that?

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) arches an eyebrow and looks at Fotopoulos, "My wound? Sure, I guess"

[JohnAA] Brother Fotopoulos no longer targets Indigo.

[JohnAA] Brother Fotopoulos targets Androp Ilkep. Distance: 9'06"

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] Brother Fotopoulos casts a spell against Androp Ilkep: Cure Light Wounds: You're healed (-1d8) [1d8=1] -1 points.

[Master] Androp Ilkep's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 34 (1) - Lightly Wounded

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] WOO HOO

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Thank you, it feels a little better.

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Brother Fotopoulos modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1st Level -- Current: 3 (4).

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] still wish we had a propper healer

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (she's at the dentist)

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] I'd love to know if and when Sarengar turns into a Wolf

Shurkural (TMO) lays on hands.

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] That is not going to happen

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] at least in the forseable future

[Shurkural (TMO)] No worries, sweetie. I just enjoy trying.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So if I send a ball if fire straight at the bird, it might call the attention any others around. Want me to do it anyway?

[Master] (who did she do that to?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (androp didn't she?)

[Shurkural (TMO)] (who was wounded? Androp, I think)

[Master] just checking

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) stands stoic as people prod his wounds

[Master] chuckles

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Master] so big stabby bird out there

[Master] is about 6-8 foot tall

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I would be more than happy to fry it)

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] (please, I love fried chicken) [Branwyn (Lisa)] (then if no one has a problem ....)

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Boobrie #5. Distance: 225'08"

[Ilero (TMO)] says to Shurkural, "Watch for two ot'ers in bushes."

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) readies his crossbow and aims at the big bird

[Master] (range on spell is?)

[Ilero (TMO)] Attack: Short Bow:: is now ARMED.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (100 yds)

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] (can I shoot it as soon as Branwyn lets loose with the fireball?)

[Master] sure

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against Boobrie #5: Fireball: I fire off a 20' radius ball of flame which deals ((9)d6) [9d6=6,2,1,2,5,5,5,3,4] 33 points of damage. Save vs spell for half damage.

[New Guy] Androp Ilkep targets Boobrie #5. Distance: 226'11"

[Master] Boobrie #5: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[TMO] Shurkural targets Boobrie #5. Distance: 213'05"

[Master] Boobrie #5's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 55 (-17) - Lightly Wounded

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (everyone is saving against my spells today!)

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Attack: Crossbow :: is now ARMED.

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] ::points to brawynn::

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Master] Boobrie #5: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=7] 17

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] ::ready's axes::

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Androp Ilkep: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=2] 10

[Ilero (TMO)] Shurkural: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Hoffman: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=2] 10

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=10] 18

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Brother Fotopoulos: Initiative: ((d10+10+-1)-10) [1d10=10] 9 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Lisa] Indigo: Initiative: ((d10+10+-2)-10) [1d10=10] 8 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] QuiFon Ruminel: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=9] 19

[Master] Androp and Shur can get their missle attacks in first before anyone goes

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=2] 10

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Androp Ilkep: Attack: Crossbow : ((15-(d20+1))+2-4) [1d20=6] 6 [MODIFIED BY RANGE INCREMENT (-4)] [MODIFIED (+2)]. MISSES Boobrie #5 (AC FINAL: 5).

[Master (to GM only)] No Name moved 3'07".

[Ilero (TMO)] Shurkural: Attack: Short Bow: ((19-(d20))+1) [1d20=16] 4 [MODIFIED (+1)]. HITS Boobrie #5 (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Ilero (TMO)] (large?)

[Master] yes

[Master] no

[Master] sorry man sized

[Ilero (TMO)] Shurkural: Damage v L: Arrow; Flight: (1d6) [1d6=4] 4 added to: Boobrie #5

[Master] the fire started by the fireball is large

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (big bird, still not much bigger than a man)

[Master] Boobrie #5's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 51 (-4) - Moderately Wounded

[Ilero (TMO)] they're all 1d6 anyways

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Master] INIT: 8 GOING: Indigo

[Lisa] (holds)

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (cool effect)

[Master] INIT: 9 GOING: Brother Fotopoulos

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] ducking

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: Ilero

[Master] fire moved 3'08".

[Master] Ielro?

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO)] looking for more of them

[Master] none have appeared yet

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: Hoffman

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Holding attack

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Hoffman moved 3'03".

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: Androp Ilkep

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] (can I reload and take a shot or can I just reload this turn?)

[Master] just reload

[Master] is a shot every other round

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) cranks back the firing mechanism on his crossbow and reloads it

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Boobrie #5

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (ooh - you should train Foto load for you)

[Master] Boobrie #5 moved 46'11".

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Branwyn

[Master] it flys away from the fire

[Master] and hides in the bushes

[Master] you loose sight of it

[Master] lose

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] (wouldn't want another character to be my loader... heh need to get a servant for that)

[Master] foto could do that

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (we did not get rid of the old Guy did we?)

[Master] his internet was wonky tonight

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (where did he go?)

[Master] kept cutting out on him

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] (Only have one crossbow.. would need two... I'm firing one while he's loading the second.. I only have one crossbow)

[Master] so Bran?

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (see is looking for the bird)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (are we still in combat?)

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (it's a tun twister even when I type)

[Master] yes

[Master] unless you just want to walk by the area where the bird disapeared, then we can stop combat grins

Branwyn (Lisa) picks up spyglass and looks around for bird

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] um ranger people, will that fire burn much in the swamp?

[Master] nothing

[Branwyn (Lisa)] then we should probably walk towards the fire not where the bird went

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) shakes his head, "I doubt it... the swamp is wet, fire probably won't last long"

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Shurkural

[Ilero (TMO)] (she keeps her bow and arrow readied)

[Master] INIT: 19 GOING: QuiFon Ruminel

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] tumbles a bit as he moves

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] QuiFon Ruminel moved 16'09".

[Master] ROUND: 2

[Master] INIT: 8 GOING: Indigo

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so let's stop combat and not walk where bird flew to)

[Master] Combat has finished.

[Master] so moving far out of hte way and around it?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sounds like a plan to me)

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] ::follows::

[Ilero (TMO)] (agreed)

[Hoffman (JohnAA) (to Master only)] can you play someting for Miranda?

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) follows the others with his crossbow at the ready

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] ::keeps eyes peeled::

[Hoffman (JohnAA) (to Master only)] tks

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] Time of Day: 05:00 PM. Day 22 Ced ___ se, Lec {Early Summer} 22nd, 342 SKR.

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] WOOT

[Master] Time of Day: 06:00 PM. Day 22 Ced ___ se, Lec {Early Summer} 22nd, 342 SKR.

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] can you see my wart form there

[Master] and as you find a place to bed down for the night

[Master] watches, and encounter rolls please

[Master] Branwyn, Lizardman #30, Indigo, Shurkural, Ilero, Hoffman, Androp Ilkep, Brother Fotopoulos, Cat #5, Koorin, Lizardman #39, Lizardman #38, Sarengar, QuiFon Ruminel and Llathandryll moved 98'01".

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Qui Fon on first

[Ilero (TMO)] (we still have henchlizards?)

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Hoffman on second

[Master] yes but they are one round behind

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Brother Foto on third

[Ilero (TMO)] (Ilero can stand a watch too)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn on first and Indigo on third

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Androp will take the third again

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ilero what watches do you and Shukural want to take?

[Master] so someone on first watch roll

[Branwyn (Lisa)] wait

[Master] ok

[Branwyn (Lisa)] he doesn't get to sleep

[Master] lol

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Brwanwyn need help on first

[Ilero (TMO)] (Shur doesn't have any useful night skills, (for standing watch, that is) so dusk or dawn would work best. Ilero is good for middle of the night.

[Master] laughs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] good

[Master] is foto casting before the watches start?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Shur Qui & bran on first

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hoffman and Ilero on 2nd

[Branwyn (Lisa)] androp foto and Indigo on 3rd

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (in the big open not much help)

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=19] 19

[Master] was thinking of healing

[Master] ok

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] oh

[Master] so lets keep these watches together for now

[Master] second watch need a roll please

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] one orrion will be enough for evey one who wants healing to be at full

[Master] Androp Ilkep's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 37 (3) - Unharmed

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero [1d20]: (1d20) [1d20=13] 13

[Master] Hoffman's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 40 (3) - Unharmed

[Master] and third watch

[Hoffman (JohnAA) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Brother Fotopoulos modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1st Level -- Current: 2 (3).

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=6] 6

[Master] Time of Day: 03:19 AM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Lec {Early Summer} 23rd, 342 SKR.

[JohnAA] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Androp, Foto and Indigo are up and walking around

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] What a nice night

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 22'02".

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] for the swamp and mist area

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo moved 16'00".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Sarengar moved 16'07".

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) shrugs and checks his weapons and armor

[Master] observation please

[Indigo (Lisa)] Hope this watch is better than yesterdays

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] Brother Fotopoulos: Whistling/humming check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] closest I have

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] (I have alertness not observation)

[Master] and Indigo?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (oblivious)

[Master] OK

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] Not a swamp ghost?

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] So I was thinking maybe we should start a band or something

[Master] Indigo is walking around

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't know how to play anything

[Indigo (Lisa)] But I guess we have a singer

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] Brother Fotopoulos: Singing - for Dwarves only check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 17!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] What would you play in a band?

[Master] and suddenly sees out in the distance, a shape that looks like a swan like bird carrying a dim lantern

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] LAAAAAAUGH

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ummm maybe a band isn't a great idea

Indigo (Lisa) looks up "Is that a bird with a night light?"

Indigo (Lisa) points

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] ::looks::

[Master] Lights moved 21'05".

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] ah ah ah

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] Mister Hofman

[Indigo (Lisa)] Never seen a bird with a light before. Have you Androp?

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) Looks up and frowns

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) shakes his head, "No, never"

[Master] and suddenly there is a shriek and the light goes out

[Indigo (Lisa)] Uh-oh

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] I would think Mister Hoffman would like to AAAAAAAAGGGGGHHH!

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] ::dives for Hoffman::

Indigo (Lisa) looks around for bird

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Don't know what to make of that

[JohnAA] Brother Fotopoulos no longer targets Androp Ilkep.

[Indigo (Lisa)] It kinda looked like a swan. Maybe it was a nice bird.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Hey! What happened to Foto?

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] Brother Fotopoulos moved 7'02".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Foto! I think it's gone now.

Indigo (Lisa) shrugs and goes back to looking around

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] I hope so, I was just thinkning Hoffman might want to see it if it returns

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] ::looks around for the bird::

[Indigo (Lisa)] It was interesting. Maybe it was a regular bird who found a lantern

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] Brother Fotopoulos: Whistling/humming check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Master] Lights moved 187'11".

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] I'd like to see that thing again

[Master] Lights targets Indigo. Distance: 11'02"

[Master] Lights: Attack: Electrical Discharge: (11-(d20+0)) [1d20=20] -9. HITS Indigo (AC FINAL: 1)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Master] Lights: Attack: Electrical Discharge: (11-(d20+0)) [1d20=18] -7. HITS Indigo (AC FINAL: 1)!!!

[Master] Lights: Damage v SM: Electrical Discharge: (1d8) [1d8=1] 1 added to: Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] Hey!!

[Master] Lights: Damage v SM: Electrical Discharge: (1d8) [1d8=8] 8 added to: Indigo

[Master] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 31 (-9) - Lightly Wounded

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] What the...?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Stop that!

[Master] and suddenly ZOOOOM a bright blue light swoops in and ZAPS Indiog

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] it was not me

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Initiative: ((d10+10+-2)-10) [1d10=9] 7 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Androp Ilkep: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=2] 10

[Master] Lights: Damage v SM: Electrical Discharge: (1d8) [1d8=6] 6 added to: Indigo

[Master] Lights: Damage v SM: Electrical Discharge: (1d8) [1d8=4] 4 added to: Indigo

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] Brother Fotopoulos: Initiative: ((d10+10+-1)-10) [1d10=4] 3 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 21 (-10) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] there we go

[Master] Lights: Initiative: ((d10+10+)-10) [1d10=10] 10 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Master] INIT: 3 GOING: Brother Fotopoulos

[Master] wait

[Ilero (TMO)] (when do we roll to see if we wake up? Or rather *if* we wake up?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (roll init for everyone to have chance at waking up?)

[Master] ok, no everyoen got it right

[Master] have to wait to see if there is a reason to wake up first

[Master] so brother foto

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Indigo was making a bit of noise)

[Master] chuckles

[Master] I will give you that

[Master] eveyrone can roll Init

[Indigo (Lisa)] (thank you)

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] ::shakes Hoffman:: UM master Hoffman we are being attack by a light

[Master] INIT: 7 GOING: Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=10] 18

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] Hoffman: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=5] 13

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] QuiFon Ruminel: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=1] 11

[Indigo (Lisa)] (is it in the air too high for him to reach?)

[Master] he can reach it with a short sword

[Master] Lights moved 7'07".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (think he wants his magic pick for this )

[Master] that works also

[Lisa] Indigo targets Lights. Distance: 3'06"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Military Pick: ((+15-(d20+1))-2+2) [1d20=3] 11 [MODIFIED (+2)]. MISSES Lights (AC FINAL: -8).

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+15-(d20+1))-3) [1d20=14] -3 [MODIFIED (-3)]. MISSES Lights (AC FINAL: -8).

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: Androp Ilkep

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) grabs his staff and moves to attack the light thing

[New Guy] Androp Ilkep targets Lights. Distance: 28'04"

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Androp Ilkep moved 25'04".

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Androp Ilkep: Attack: Quarterstaff: ((15-(d20+1))+1) [1d20=20] -5 [MODIFIED (+1)]. HITS Lights (AC FINAL: -8)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] (nice)

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] (roll again?)

[Master] yeap

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Androp Ilkep: Attack: Quarterstaff: ((15-(d20+1))+1) [1d20=2] 13 [MODIFIED (+1)]. MISSES Lights (AC FINAL: -8).

[Master] natural 20 means a free attack

[Master] so only one hit for damage

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] (Medium size?)

[Master] yeap

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Androp Ilkep: Damage v SM: Quarterstaff: ((1d6)+3+2) [1d6=6] 11 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Lights

[Master] Lights's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 61 (-11) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: Lights

[Master] Lights moved 179'11".

[Master] Lights no longer targets Indigo.

[Master] the lights ZOOOOM away at that burst of attacks on it

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: QuiFon Ruminel

[Indigo (Lisa)] Sure! Run away! Coward!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Errr Fly away

[Master] they are still out there bobbing around just over the water

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] QuiFon Ruminel: CON check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] We fought those light things before at the witch's place.

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] I see no lights, let me sleep

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Hoffman

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] They move fast

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] Hoffman: CON check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 17!!

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] ::rolls over::

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Branwyn

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn: CON check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

Branwyn (Lisa) wakes up and looks around

[Master] ROUND: 2

[Master] INIT: 3 GOING: Brother Fotopoulos

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] What are thoes things?

[Master] INIT: 7 GOING: Indigo

[Ilero (TMO)] zzz..snerk

Indigo (Lisa) paces around "I know there is something strange about them. I just have to remember what it is"

[Master] they are still bobbing out there, is why we are still in combat

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: KNO check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 13!!

Indigo (Lisa) smacks forehead, "Branwyn what are they?"

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: Androp Ilkep

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) quickly loads his crossbow as he watches the lights in the distance

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] Swamp Ghosts?

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: Lights

[Master] Lights moved 148'00".

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: QuiFon Ruminel

[Master] they go behind a large clump of trees

[Master] and do not emerge from the other side

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] QuiFon Ruminel: CON check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] ::Falls back asleep::

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Hoffman

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Hoffman: CON check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] ::sits up:: did someone say lights?

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The one at the witches? I remember I think....

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: KNO check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 [MODIFIED (+1+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It was very hard to fight

[Branwyn (Lisa)] and....

[Master (to Lisa only)] they are immune to most spells, except magic missle

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It needed my magic missiles. My other spells weren't working.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So I guess I should finish this watch instead of going back to sleep.

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles "Who needs sleep anyway, right?"

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] right

[Master] ROUND: 3

[Master] INIT: 3 GOING: Brother Fotopoulos

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] but how do we kill it?

[Master] INIT: 7 GOING: Indigo

[Master] Branwyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 24 (2) - Lightly Wounded

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think I have to kill it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If it comes back

[Indigo (Lisa)] (holds)

[Master (to New Guy only)] androp did do damage against it

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: Androp Ilkep

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy) (to Master only)] yep

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) finishes loading his crossbow and aims it at the area the lights headed towards

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] I hit that thing with my staff and did some damage to it... and its just wood not magic at all

[Master (to GM only)] INIT: 10 GOING: Lights

[Master] Lights moved 68'03".

[Master] Lights targets Indigo. Distance: 3'07"

[Master] Lights targets Androp Ilkep. Distance: 0'07"

[Master] Lights: Attack: Electrical Discharge: (11-(d20+0)) [1d20=16] -5. HITS Androp Ilkep (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Master] Lights: Damage v SM: Electrical Discharge: (1d8) [1d8=1] 1 added to: Androp Ilkep

[Master] Lights: Damage v SM: Electrical Discharge: (1d8) [1d8=1] 1 added to: Androp Ilkep

[Master] Androp Ilkep's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 35 (-2) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: QuiFon Ruminel

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] I don't have any wood

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] Shur can fix that for you hoffman

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] well, not in club form

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] QuiFon Ruminel: CON check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy) (to Master only)] that thing just came out of nowhere and attacked me?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (you say that right after tmo walks away)

[Master (to New Guy only)] yeap, lights up ZOOOMs in and attacks

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] Oh no,

[Indigo (Lisa)] (can indigo take his held turn?)

[Master] yes

[Lisa] Indigo targets Lights. Distance: 3'07"

[Master] anddrop also

[Master] and androp

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Military Pick: ((+15-(d20+1))-2+2) [1d20=20] -6 [MODIFIED (+2)]. HITS Lights (AC FINAL: -8)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Military Pick: ((1d4+1)+3+2) [1d4=2] 8 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Lights

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Military Pick: ((+15-(d20+1))-2+2) [1d20=15] -1 [MODIFIED (+2)]. MISSES Lights (AC FINAL: -8).

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+15-(d20+1))-3) [1d20=15] -4 [MODIFIED (-3)]. MISSES Lights (AC FINAL: -8).

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] (had my crossbow out... not my staff)

[Master] you can still fire as it zooms in at you

[Master] you were ready

[New Guy] Androp Ilkep targets Lights. Distance: 0'07"

[Master] Lights's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 53 (-8) - Moderately Wounded

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Androp Ilkep: Attack: Crossbow : ((15-(d20+1))+2-4) [1d20=18] -6 [MODIFIED BY SHOOTING INTO MELEE (-4)] [MODIFIED (+2)]. MISSES Lights (AC FINAL: -8).

[Master] ok, Qui

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] he does not need the -4 are you sure that is not a hit?

[Master] he needs the -4 for melee

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] (would I get the modifier into melee or not? asking because 18 was a pretty good roll)

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] I thought you said he could shoot as it was flying in?

[Master] hmm John makes a good point

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] I will give that to you Androp

[Master] roll damage

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Androp Ilkep: Damage v SM: Crossbow : ((1d4+1)+3) [1d4=4] 8 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Lights

[Master] Lights's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 45 (-8) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] anything Qui?

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] trying to target Indigo

[JohnAA] QuiFon Ruminel targets Indigo. Distance: 10'00"

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] QuiFon Ruminel casts a spell against Indigo: Battlefate: "For (3*2) 6 rounds, the target gets a ((3+2)/3) 1.6666666666666667 bonus to a randomly determined thing."

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Hoffman

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] Hoffman moved 24'05".

[JohnAA] Hoffman targets Hoffman. Distance: 0'00"

[JohnAA] Hoffman targets Lights. Distance: 1'06"

[JohnAA] Hoffman no longer targets Hoffman.

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] Hoffman: Attack: Hand Axe: ((15-(d20+1))-1) [1d20=2] 11 [MODIFIED (-1)]. MISSES Lights (AC FINAL: -8).

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] Hoffman: Attack: Hand Axe: ((15-(d20+1))-1) [1d20=12] 1 [MODIFIED (-1)]. MISSES Lights (AC FINAL: -8).

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Branwyn

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Lights. Distance: 17'04"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against Lights: Magic Missile: Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing (1d4+1) points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level. So assuming they are all going at one character for now, they deal (5d4+5) [5d4=3,2,1,1,3] 15 damage!

[Master] ROUND: 4

[Master] Lights's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 30 (-15) - Heavily Wounded

[Master] INIT: 3 GOING: Brother Fotopoulos

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] go guys go

[Master] INIT: 7 GOING: Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] (what did that spell do? have never seen it before)

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] you roll d6 and get +1 to hit or damage or save

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] let me get the chart

[Indigo (Lisa)] (was it if you had metal weapons it is insanely hard to hit?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (still trying to remember what this thing's issue was)

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] (d6) [1d6=6] 6

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] extra attack this round

[Indigo (Lisa)] (wow and +1 to hit and damage?)

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] no just one or the other

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] (your choice this round)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (will do to hit since I am missing like crazy)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Military Pick: (((+15-(d20+1))-2+2)+1) [1d20=17] -2 [MODIFIED (+1, +2)]. MISSES Lights (AC FINAL: -8).

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+15-(d20+1))-3) [1d20=5] 6 [MODIFIED (-3)]. MISSES Lights (AC FINAL: -8).

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Military Pick: ((+15-(d20+1))-2+2) [1d20=8] 6 [MODIFIED (+2)]. MISSES Lights (AC FINAL: -8).

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: Androp Ilkep

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) drops his crossbow and grabs up his staff and attacks the ball of light

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] (two attacks for being specialized or just 1 this round?)

[Master] just one

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Androp Ilkep: Attack: Quarterstaff: ((15-(d20+1))+1) [1d20=14] 1 [MODIFIED (+1)]. MISSES Lights (AC FINAL: -8).

[Master] next round would be two

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: Lights

[Lights (Master)] stop, I will give you treasure

[Master] Hoffman moved 1'05".

[Master] Lights moved 20'10".

[Master] Lights no longer targets Indigo.

[Master] Lights no longer targets Androp Ilkep.

[Indigo (Lisa)] The light can talk??

[Lights (Master)] you hear a whispery voice

[JohnAA] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lights (Master)] as the lights flicker quickly

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Sure, Put it right there

[Lights (Master)] no one of you needs to follow me, I cannot carry it

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] ::looks to Brawynn?

Branwyn (Lisa) nods

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'll follow it

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] NO

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) eyes wide he shakes his head, "Why just one... lets all go"

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] I will if anyone

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And you can tell me why you attacked us for no reason as we go

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Sure

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] ::follows::

[Lights (Master)] no only one will fit

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Fit where?

[Lights (Master)] where the treasure is

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Where is it?

[Lights (Master)] I will show you, it is not very far

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] ::follows still::

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Then we will all go until we reach this small space

[Master] Lights moved 63'05".

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] QuiFon Ruminel moved 9'02".

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Brother Fotopoulos moved 17'00".

[Ilero (TMO)] (amI awake?)

[Lights (Master)] yes?

[Master] Lights moved 7'05".

[Lights (Master)] who is following?

[Master] Lights moved 37'04".

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Androp is

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Hoffman

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we all go until we get to the small area)

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) picks up his crossbow and keeps his staff at the ready as he follows the light with the others

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Qui and Brother guard the camp

[Master] Branwyn moved 29'00".

[Master] Indigo moved 26'06".

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Indigo, can you stay behind?

[Master] Branwyn moved 53'04".

[Master] Indigo moved 47'06".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Really? I want to see the treasure

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] I know thats why

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] :)

[Indigo (Lisa)] It's not fair

[Indigo (Lisa)] But I'll look after the others

Indigo (Lisa) goes back to Quifon and Foto

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 74'06".

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] thank you, you look a little singed, let Foto look at that

[Lisa] Indigo no longer targets Lights.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 10'02".

[Lights (Master)] so Androp, Hoffman and Branwyn following it?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (tmo if you want your characters up there just send them)

[Ilero (TMO)] are we even awake?

[Lights (Master)] yes

[Indigo (Lisa)] (it's probably a trap where a thief might be nice)

[Ilero (TMO)] (I don't know what's going on, really. Does Ilero know what these things are?)

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero: Survival, Swamp check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (or a healty mage)

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Lights (Master)] nope

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero: Night Vision check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL FAILED against 9!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Lights (Master)] Ilero is really out of it

[Ilero (TMO)] (roll every single potentially useful skill)

[Lights (Master)] but he can go along if he wants

[Ilero (TMO)] (lol)

[Ilero (TMO)] (yes please)

[Master] Ilero moved 19'06".

[Master] Lights, Ilero, Hoffman, Androp Ilkep and Branwyn moved 10'04".

[Master] Androp Ilkep moved 3'00".

[Ilero (TMO)] (will o wisp tryihg to drown us?)

[Lights (Master)] Ilero gets to make a save versus paralization at a +2

[Lights (Master)] Androp needs a save versus para normally

[Lights (Master)] Hoffman needs a dex check and Branwyn gets one at a +2

[Master] ROUND: 5

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Androp Ilkep: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Master] Androp Ilkep moved 4'00".

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Hoffman: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn: DEX check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 [MODIFIED (+2)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Master] Ilero moved 4'08".

[Master] Hoffman moved 2'03".

[Master] Branwyn moved 1'07".

[Lights (Master)] so as you are watchign the lights very carefully for trickery

[Lights (Master)] suddenly Androps goes SLOOOP

[Lights (Master)] and starts going down in a pool of quicksand

[Lights (Master)] he yells quickly,

[Lights (Master)] no one else falls for it

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Hoffman moved 15'10".

[Lights (Master)] and everyone can move on their Init as we walk through it

[Master] Androp Ilkep moved 1'03".

[Master] Hoffman moved 15'08".

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] sorry

[Master] INIT: 3 GOING: Brother Fotopoulos

[Master] INIT: 7 GOING: Indigo

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: Androp Ilkep

[Lights (Master)] can androp swim?

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] (i have it listed under proficiency checks)

[Lights (Master)] good

[Lights (Master)] make a check

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Androp Ilkep: Swimming check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Lights (Master)] and what armor is he wearing?

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] (leather)

[Lights (Master)] good

[Lights (Master)] so Androp realizes what is happening

[Lights (Master)] cannot stop it really

[Lights (Master)] but manages to get his staff pushed out for someoen to grab onto

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] (great... where does alertness come into play.. have that as well)

[Lights (Master)] as he sinks, slowly because of no metal armor

[Lights (Master)] AHHH

[Lights (Master)] roll that now

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Androp Ilkep: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Lights (Master)] very nice

[Lights (Master)] reroll that para check then with a +2

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Androp Ilkep: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Lights (Master)] ok, so it was fate

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (told you so)

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] (would have made it on the original roll)

[Ilero (TMO)] Fate is a fickle bitch...

[Lights (Master)] Androp manages to call out, stick out his staff as an aid to grab and not sink any farther

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] (rolled a 10)

[Lights (Master)] ok

[Lights (Master)] fair enough

[Master] Androp Ilkep moved 2'10".

[Lights (Master)] he is on the edge there

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: Lights

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Last time I trust anything

[Master] Lights moved 115'10".

[Lights (Master)] and as you all deal with the quicksand the lights ZXOOOOM out and away

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: QuiFon Ruminel

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Hoffman

[Master] Hoffman moved 10'08".

[Master] Combat has finished.

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Come on, let it go

[Lights (Master)] and Hoffman comes over and helps androp back up and out fully

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (can I see it to hit it one more time?)

[Lights (Master)] at what range?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (mag missile range - I say it fly 115 ft)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (saw)

[Lights (Master)] yes

[Lights (Master)] 150+ yards so yes you can hit it still with one more spell before it gets away

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against Lights: Magic Missile: Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing (1d4+1) points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level. So assuming they are all going at one character for now, they deal (5d4+5) [5d4=3,1,4,3,1] 17 damage!

[Master] Lights's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 13 (-17) - Massively Wounded

[Ilero (TMO)] (nice)

[Master] it visibly flickers

[Master] but then bobs and weaves through the trees

[Master] and gets away

[JohnAA] Brother Fotopoulos targets Indigo. Distance: 6'06"

[New Guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We better get back. Are you okay Androp? That was a close call

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) holds his staff out for someone to help him out of the quicksand, "I'm not hurt but could use a hand ... can you pull me out?"

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Brother Fotopoulos casts a spell against Indigo: Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=5] -6 points.

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Brother Fotopoulos casts a spell against Indigo: Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=2] -3 points.

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Brother Fotopoulos casts a spell against Indigo: Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=9] -10 points.

[Hoffman (JohnAA) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Brother Fotopoulos modified:

[Master] Androp Ilkep XP award: 500. Next level in 12095.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 500. Next level in 93514.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 250. Next level in 13396.

[Master] Ilero XP award: 500. Next level in 653.

[Master] Shurkural XP award: 250. Next level in 808.

[Master] QuiFon Ruminel XP award: 250. Next level in 112.

[Master] Hoffman XP award: 500. Next level in 23352.

[Master] Brother Fotopoulos XP award: 250. Next level in 2764.

[Hoffman (JohnAA) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Brother Fotopoulos modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 2st Level -- Current: 0 (3).

[Indigo (Lisa)] Thank you again Brother Foto!

[Ilero (TMO)] (since he failed his survival roll earlier, I presume Ilero doesn't know what it was)

[Master] no

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] seems to be a pattern forming

[Ilero (TMO)] *perks up* Almost to the next level??

[Indigo (Lisa)] (for 3 people!)

[Ilero (TMO)] wiigii!

[JohnAA] did you see the healing BOB

[Master] no thank you

[Master] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 34 (13) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] ok, so none of the spell casters got a full nights sleep so no new spells today

[Master] Time of Day: 06:24 AM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Lec {Early Summer} 23rd, 342 SKR.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 81'00".

[Master] three checks for day time encounters please

[JohnAA] Foto had two watches of sleep

[JohnAA] thought that was all we needed

[Master] yes he did sorry

[Master] Bran is the one who woke up

[Indigo (Lisa)] (someone new roll for encounters)

[Ilero (TMO)] ilero will

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero [1d20]: (1d20) [1d20=3] 3

[Master] right there

[Indigo (Lisa)] (ok - not like that)

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero [1d20]: (1d20) [1d20=19] 19

[JohnAA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Brother Fotopoulos modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1st Level -- Current: 4 (2). CHANGED: 2st Level -- Current: 3 (0).

[Indigo (Lisa)] (better)

[Master] Shurkural, Lizardman #30, Indigo, Brother Fotopoulos, Cat #5, Branwyn, Koorin, Lizardman #39, Lizardman #38, Sarengar, QuiFon Ruminel and Llathandryll moved 244'07".

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero [1d20]: (1d20) [1d20=16] 16

[Master] Androp Ilkep, Ilero and Hoffman moved 278'02".

[Master] ok so mid morning as you are heading out

[Master] you move up and around the quicksand now that you know about it

[JohnAA] Breakfast time, but for whom?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so this is day 3 of 7?)

BiBo!!! has joined the game on Fri Sep 28 22:33:41 EDT 2012

BiBo!!! is receiving the map swamp...

[JohnAA] Quicksand in a swamp should be easy to spot, maybe quick mud

[JohnAA] WOO

[Indigo (Lisa)] (wow - hey marco! )

[Master] Farmer Grin moved 13'03".

[Master (to GM only)] Farmer Grin #3 moved 8'10".

[Master (to GM only)] Farmer Grin #2 moved 5'07".

[Master (to GM only)] Farmer Grin #1 moved 4'09".

[Master] Knight? #3 moved 19'03".

[Master] Knight? #3 targets Farmer Grin. Distance: 5'04"

BiBo!!! has received the map swamp.

[BiBo!!!] (made it in time to make sure yall arent dead))

[Ilero (TMO)] (howdy)

[JohnAA] only mostly dead

[Ilero (TMO)] ( I still have a pulse. I think)

[JohnAA] i would be more woried about being undead

[JohnAA] but I digress

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Master] too bad Guy is not in

[Indigo (Lisa)] (his fault - his connection went all screwy)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he will have to hate the lizardmen another day)

[Master] so as Koorin finally realizes that there are hurt people

[Master] (and I will leave it to LIsa to play that out)

[BiBo!!!] heal heal heal

[Indigo (Lisa)] (what? that Guy wants to kill Lath's entourage?)

[Ilero (TMO)] my stubbed my little toe on a tree branch

[Indigo (Lisa)] (sarengar I mean)

[BiBo!!!] bran still going au naturale?

[Master] about Branwyn and Koorin

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yes she is)

[Shurkural (TMO)] I've got a booboo right here, sugar. Kiss it and make it all better?

[Shurkural (TMO)] (gotta stay in practice, y'know. ;) )

[BiBo!!!] I am back at the keyboard.

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) stands stoically if anyone wants to prod his wounds again

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "I dont need to kiss it, thats unsanitary."

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((that and she is at max))

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((is this grink here?))

[Master] Androp Ilkep's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 37 (2) - Unharmed

[Master] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 40 (6) - Unharmed

[Master] no

[Master] 8 total points so two orisons

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] okay, then 2 orisons should more than cover everyone

[Master] Lizardman #38's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 13 (1) - Unharmed

[Master] sorry and the lizard man

[Master] now everyone is healed except bran

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] Koorin casts a spell against : Orison: I can create (-3-4) -7 (max 9) minor effects.

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] Koorin casts a spell against : Orison: I can create (-3-4) -7 (max 9) minor effects.

[Master] and as you are heading out in the morning

[Master] you see out ahead a Knight? someone in armor, beating a farmer?

[Master] and three other farmers standing there with their heads down

[Indigo (Lisa)] (swamp farmers)

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] :: runs over :: "Hey! What are you doing!"

[Master] Koorin moved 122'00".

[Shurkural (TMO)] (yep. knew there was someone anti-feudal.)

[Master] so there is still about 180 feet between Koorin and the group out there

[Master] anyone else want to do something?

[JohnAA] cast

[Shurkural (TMO)] (hamstring Koorin before we get into another fight?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Koorin! You can't just run over there!

[Shurkural (TMO)] (j/k)

Indigo (Lisa) runs to catch up with her

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] :: sighs:: "She is going to get us in trouble isnt she..."

[Indigo (Lisa)] (if he could find his icon)

[Master] Indigo moved 108'03".

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) watches Koorin run off and then runs after her and Indigo

[Master] Androp Ilkep moved 104'09".

[Master] Androp Ilkep moved 117'01".

[Shurkural (TMO)] Ilero moved 62'01".

[Shurkural (TMO)] Ilero moved 89'03".

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] :: keeps running :: "Leave him alone!"

[Master] Androp can easily get in front of the two of them

[JohnAA] QuiFon Ruminel casts a spell against Indigo: Detect Evil - Priest: "For (10+(3*5)) 25 rounds, I can detect evil in a 10'x360' path in front of me, though I must concentrate for a round to do it. If the evil is overwhelming, I have a (3*10) 30% chance of knowing what kind of evil it is."

[Master] INdigo is not evil, smirk

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo is not evil

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) Runs next to them but doesn't try to stop them

Ilero (TMO) keep up with them, in case of trouble.

[JohnAA] He got in my way, looking beyond him

[JohnAA] QuiFon Ruminel no longer targets Indigo.

[Master] but no none of the farmers are evil, the knight not quite so clean

[JohnAA] any evil in the group of farmers & knght?

[JohnAA] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=96] 96

[Master] Time of Day: 10:47 AM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Lec {Early Summer} 23rd, 342 SKR.

[JohnAA (to GM only)] Character sheet for QuiFon Ruminel modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Current: 3 (+2).

[JohnAA (to GM only)] Character sheet for QuiFon Ruminel modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Current: 2 (3).

[Master] the knight seems to hear you but is still beating on the farmer

[Master] the other farmers are standing still looking afraid

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "You better stop your evil ways or in the name of Justice, I will punish you!!!"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Maybe the person committed a crime. You don't know what's happening.

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((eh, hes a knight. he has got to have something coming to him))

[Ilero (TMO)] (called it. Anti-feudal.)

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] :: sighs :: "Did she really just say that? Did someone slip mushrooms into her stew or soemthing?"

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((no, just anti knight))

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) looks at Indigo, "If he committed a crime wouldn't they take him to be jailed? Not kick his arse in a swamp?"

[Master] Indigo, Ilero, Androp Ilkep and Koorin moved 120'07".

[Master] getting close now

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles at Llathandryll, "we should probably catch up too"

[Master] starting up Init

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Unfortunately..."

[Ilero (TMO)] Hye don't see no jail here to take him to.

[Master] Farmer: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=10] 20

[Master] Farmer: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[Master] Knight? #3: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[Master] Farmer?: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[Master] Farmer: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=3] 13

[JohnAA] QuiFon Ruminel: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Llathandryll: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=9] 17

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Koorin: Initiative: ((d10+10+-2)-10) [1d10=4] 2 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=5] 13

[JohnAA] Hoffman: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=4] 12

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=3] 11

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Koorin: Initiative: ((d10+10+-2)-10) [1d10=3] 1 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] Initiative changed from 2 to 1.

[JohnAA] Brother Fotopoulos: Initiative: ((d10+10+-1)-10) [1d10=2] 1 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Androp Ilkep: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=8] 16

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Initiative: ((d10+10+-2)-10) [1d10=1] -1 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Master] INIT: -1 GOING: Indigo

[JohnAA] Brother Fotopoulos no longer targets Indigo.

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) shrugs and keeps up with the others, "What do I know... was just attacked by a ball of light"

Indigo (Lisa) looks at Androp "I guess, but knights serves lords and kings and stuff. Don't you have to be good to be a knight?"

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] I don't know... never knew any

Indigo (Lisa) moves closer to the scene to listen but doesn't say anything

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "No. Just because you serve a king doesnt mean you are just. Or that the king is just either for that matter."

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] The nights arround here are dangerous

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 30'00".

[Master] INIT: 1 GOING: Brother Fotopoulos

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] getting closer

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Brother Fotopoulos moved 30'06".

[Master] INIT: 1 GOING: Koorin

[BiBo!!!] Koorin targets Knight? #3. Distance: 40'03"

[Master] (laughs that everyone has forgoten that Drillian is a Queendom)

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Koorin casts a spell against Knight? #3: Hold Person - Priest: Up to 4 target humanoids are held immobile for (4*2) 8 rounds unless they make a save vs spell.

[Master] Knight? #3: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] -4 cuz its just on him

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I know we have a Queen - this was Indigo rambling)

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Ilero

[Master] grins

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (end of combat so I can go to bed?)

[Master] chuckles sure John

[Master] have a great night

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] nighty john!

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Enjoy talking to the held guy

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Goodnight!

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] will do

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] take care

JohnAA has left the game on Fri Sep 28 22:58:16 EDT 2012

[Master] so Ilero?

[Ilero (TMO)] (sorry. back now)

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero moved 40'11".

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Hoffman

[Ilero (TMO)] (flanking position)

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Knight? #3

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Branwyn

Branwyn (Lisa) moves forward to catch up

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 120'09".

[Ilero (TMO)] (since we have now just presumably attacked the local duly-appointed law of the land...)

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Farmer

[Farmer (Master)] wha? huh?

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Farmer

[Master] Farmer moved 18'03".

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Farmer?

[Farmer? (Master)] I ah who

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Androp Ilkep

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) moves forward and stands next to Indigo, holding his staff, "What seems to be the problem here?"

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Androp Ilkep moved 21'10".

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Llathandryll

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] :: walks over reluctantly::

[Master (to GM only)] INIT: 18 GOING: QuiFon Ruminel

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Llathandryll moved 120'07".

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] the button isnt working...

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Farmer

[Farmer (Master)] ummmm, looking at Androp, whhooo ah where did yuaaa um

[Farmer (Master)] who are you?

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Travelers... unfortunately moving within this swamp

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Why is yon armored man so violent?

[Farmer (Master)] umm did you pay your taxes?

[Farmer (Master)] what happened to him?

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Taxes? Those are for other people."

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) arches an eyebrow, "Taxes for walking in a swamp?"

[Farmer (Master)] we are truffle hunting

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Can you tie him up before the spell wears off?" ::looks at Llath::

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] What is going on here? Why was this man *indicates the knight* beating one of you?

[Farmer (Master)] we did not pay our taxes this month

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] :: sighs :: "sure, why not. We are already in trouble. Might as well go for gold..."

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Taxes for what?

[Farmer (Master)] taking these truffles

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ::uses his fabulous rope use skills to tie up the knight::

[Farmer (Master)] holds up a small bag

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 128'08".

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) shakes his head confused, "What? Why is there a tax on truffles?"

[Farmer (Master)] on anythign you take from his lands

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Because silly people like to tax everything. You cant OWN land. Its land!"

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Whose lands?

[Farmer (Master)] looks at Koorin like she has three heads

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Next you are going to tell me there is an air breathing tax for taking precious air from his skies."

[Farmer (Master)] his, that is Sir Huklor

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) looks over at the knight and then back to the farmer, "So... he owns all the truffles in this swamp?"

[Farmer (Master)] well I suppose not owns them just have to pay tax on them

Indigo (Lisa) scratches his head "So if you know it's his lands and you have to pay a tax and you don't have the tax why are you taking all his truffles?

[Farmer (Master)] we can pay the tax after we sell them

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "So why was he beating you?"

[Farmer (Master)] he was not beating me, he was beating Sor there

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "You could even pay his stupid tax!"

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] MmmHmm... listen, take your truffles and go. We'll have a word with "Sir" Huklor.

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Well, I meant the general you."

[Farmer (Master)] for not bein spectful

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "not you specifically."

[Farmer (Master)] looks at Androp

[Farmer (Master)] are you going to pay the tax?

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "What tax?"

[Farmer (Master)] looking at the knight

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "We didnt take any truffles."

[Farmer (Master)] and back at Androp

[Farmer (Master)] hands truffles over to Koorin

[Farmer (Master)] here

[Indigo (Lisa)] (LOL)

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Farmer? moved 35'08".

[Master] Farmer moved 16'06".

[Ilero (TMO)] (sorry, had to go take care of a centipede)

[Master] Farmer moved 30'09".

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "I am going to take the beating up farmers tax from this guy."

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] I doubt it. I just want to have word here with the man who owns land in a swamp

[Farmer (Master)] here

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Androp Ilkep moved 13'01".

[Farmer (Master)] I can go find more later and pay later

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "His armor will surely fetch a good price."

[Master] Farmer moved 5'05".

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "That should pay for your pain and suffering tax."

[Farmer (Master)] backs up

[Farmer (Master)] no no

[Farmer (Master)] I don't want any trouble

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Androp Ilkep moved 3'11".

[Farmer (Master)] I will pay my taxes later

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "He does though."

[Master] Farmer moved 6'03".

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] :: starts unstraping the knight's armor ::

[Farmer (Master)] studded leather

[Ilero (TMO)] Is not good idea, I t'ink.

[Master] Farmer moved 17'05".

[Indigo (Lisa)] He could be a really important lord

[Master] so you have a small sack of truffles

[Indigo (Lisa)] We just don't know it

[Master] the four farmers fade into the distance

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Hush you! He is getting his armor taken care of."

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((he have a weapon too?))

[Master] three daggers, a lasso, and a very nice long sword

[Master] but will have to untie him to take them off or the armor

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) Watches the farmer depart and then turns back to the kinight, "I don't know many important lords that spend time in a swamp kicking peasant's arses because they're gathering mushrooms"

Ilero (TMO) makes sure to stay out from in front of the 'knights' scope of vision.

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ::takes those:: "That should pay for the tying you up tax."

[Master] takes what?

[Master] are you untiing him?

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((the weapons))

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((no))

[Master] you have him tied up right now

[Master] you can untie him and take the weapons

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((I have to untie him to get the weapons too?))

[Master] how long does the hold last for?

[Master] or the armor

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((what the hell crazy knot did llat use?))

[Master] he was held

Branwyn (Lisa) whispers to Llath, "Sure you should let her do all of this?"

[Master] you had to tie him up like that

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] should last 8 rounds

[Master] ok then not held anymore

[Master] just tied up

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] :: shrugs:: "He is not a girl. I not bound by chivalry to help him at all. Besides, this is amusing."

[Ilero (TMO)] (Llath knows Koorin, and made sure to tie the ropes around everything that could be removed)

[Sir Huklor (Master)] YOU

[Sir Huklor (Master)] VERMIN

[Sir Huklor (Master)] UNTIE ME NOW

[Sir Huklor (Master)] you miserable little halfpint bitch

[Sir Huklor (Master)] you untie me this instant

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) chuckles, "That will go over well"

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Or what? You owe us some taxes here!"

[Sir Huklor (Master)] what do you mean to take my goods

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Now you owe a profanity tax!"

[Sir Huklor (Master)] I am the lord here

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "And an ordering me to do things tax."

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "And a saying you are a lord tax"

[Sir Huklor (Master)] you are nothign but a traveling thief

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Lords are entitled to taxes Koorin.

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "That is besides the point. You are a non travelling thief."

[Sir Huklor (Master)] anyone with observation or alertness

Ilero (TMO) nods to himself, but not where the knight can see him.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We pay taxes to Lord Mosskin for Orchard House.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) casually leans on his staff as he quietly observes

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Yes, but lord Mosskin doesnt beat us when we cant pay."

[Androp Ilkep (New Guy)] Androp Ilkep: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't know. We have never not paid.

[Sir Huklor (Master) (to Lisa only)] Branwyn notices him working his wrists and the knots seem to be loosening

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Ilero (TMO)] (I'm on a roll)

Branwyn (Lisa) whispers to Llath "Those knots are not going to last long"

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Thats besides the point!"

[Sir Huklor (Master)] I am going to see you all dealt with just like you should be

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "I am not worried."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This seems like this is all one big mistake.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] you should be they are getting looser

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "The mistake is you deciding that just because you have a title, it means you can pick on people weaker than you!"

[Master] Sir Huklor: STR check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Sir Huklor (Master)] and the rope SNAPS

[Sir Huklor (Master)] (that was against his exceptional strength)

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] he failed and it snapped?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Let's all discuss this rationally.....

[Sir Huklor (Master)] Doh let me check that

[Sir Huklor (Master)] he rolled a 15 on a 20

[Sir Huklor (Master)] instead of a 100

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] wouldnt that be a bend bars check?

[Sir Huklor (Master)] there we go

[Sir Huklor (Master)] oops did not show

[Sir Huklor (Master)] but is a 19

[Sir Huklor (Master)] so the rope slips off of his wrists

[Sir Huklor (Master)] standing there still but not tied up

[Ilero (TMO)] ssssuuuuurrre it is...

[Sir Huklor (Master)] lol

[Sir Huklor (Master)] NOW

[Sir Huklor (Master)] LOOK you little monster

[Sir Huklor (Master)] you will give me back my truffles

[Sir Huklor (Master)] and you will answer for this asault

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) continues to lean on his staff casually but snorts in amusement at the mention of truffles

Branwyn (Lisa) whspers to Shur "maybe a little charm here?"

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "I didnt take any of your truffles! They were given to me as a gift and therefore I have no obligation to you."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] "your feminine wiles perhaps?"

Sir Huklor (Master) growls

[Shurkural (TMO)] Of course, darling.

Sir Huklor (Master) moves his hand to his sword

[Shurkural (TMO)] Shurkural moved 68'03".

[Shurkural (TMO)] Shurkural moved 147'08".

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Draw that. I dare you."

[Shurkural (TMO)] (is the rest of the group closer?)

[Sir Huklor (Master)] yes to TMO

[Master] Koorin moved 40'03".

[Master] Sir Huklor targets Koorin. Distance: 1'09"

[Shurkural (TMO)] Shurkural moved 131'01".

[Shurkural (TMO)] Shurkural moved 138'07".

[Master] ROUND: 2

[Master] INIT: -1 GOING: Indigo

[Shurkural (TMO)] (will wait for my initiative then)

[Shurkural (TMO)] Shurkural: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=9] 19

[Shurkural (TMO)] (could be waiting a while. ;) )

Indigo (Lisa) draws his sword but holds

[Master (to GM only)] INIT: 1 GOING: Brother Fotopoulos

[Master] INIT: 1 GOING: Koorin

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] question bob

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] what would you define as "offensive action"?

[Sir Huklor (Master)] anything thath looks like an attack

[Sir Huklor (Master)] so casting

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] how about picking a pocket?

[Sir Huklor (Master)] pulling a weapon etc

[Sir Huklor (Master)] yes, that would mean getting close enough to hit him so yeah

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo moved 1'05".

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] healing him is not considered an offensive action so touching him isnt really a factor...

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] but okay

[Sir Huklor (Master)] healing someone not expecting it is an offensive action :)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (good to know)

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] lol. it is?

[Sir Huklor (Master)] sure, just casting on someone

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] so healing someone against their will would break a sanctuary spell?

[Sir Huklor (Master)] healing an enemy? yes

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] lol

[Sir Huklor (Master)] healing a friend who expects you to be around no

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] good to know

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Koorin casts a spell against Sir Huklor: Hold Person - Priest: Up to 4 target humanoids are held immobile for (4*2) 8 rounds unless they make a save vs spell.

[Master] Sir Huklor: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] - 4 so thats a fail

[Sir Huklor (Master)] nods

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Ilero

[TMO] (still standing behind the knight so he can't see him.)

[TMO] Attack: Knife, hurled:: is now ARMED.

[TMO] holding attack

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Sir Huklor

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This is NOT going to end well at this point. I say we should just leave while he is held and keep moving onward. He is a lord of Drillian

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((hes helpless atm, so you could backstab him whether he sees you or not. hell you could just kill him outright. But the resulting madness that will happen afterwards is why we will let him run off to cry to the guards.))

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Androp Ilkep

[Sir Huklor (Master)] a knight is on the social ladder but below a lord

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) continues to casually lean on his staff watching

[Sir Huklor (Master)] although he must hold some land to qualify as a knight for the most part

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Llathandryll

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((well not a lord, but lord of this particular land))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (okay - a little better then :) )

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] :: walks over and sighs :: "So what now?"

[Master] INIT: 19 GOING: Shurkural

[Shurkural (TMO)] I can talk to him, but it won't do a lick of good unless the rest of you all back off him and shut up. You're just pissing him off again and again.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He's all yours

[Branwyn (Lisa)] as far as I am concerned

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Oh I have no intention of leaving without my profanity tax and ordering me around tax."

Shurkural (TMO) shrugs. "You kill him when he's like this, it's murder. Just so's you know, sugar."

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "I didnt say anything about killing him."

[Shurkural (TMO)] Shurkural moved 26'08".

[Master] ROUND: 3

[Master] INIT: -1 GOING: Indigo

[Shurkural (TMO)] He's all yours.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (holding)

[Master] INIT: 1 GOING: Koorin

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] :: takes the knight's weapons::

[Sir Huklor (Master)] lasso, three daggers, very nice long sword

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] pocketed

[Indigo (Lisa)] What are you going to do with that? You can't even use it!

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'm not carrying that monster of a sword for you

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "I'll sell it if no one wants to use it."

Shurkural (TMO) leans on Ilero's shoulder and watches with him.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (you will carry it for weeks until we find a place to sell it?

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((yep. its not THAT big and koorin doesnt carry all that much usually.))

[Indigo (Lisa)] It's almost as tall as you are!

[Sir Huklor (Master)] it is as tall as she is

[Sir Huklor (Master)] lol

[Indigo (Lisa)] This is silly

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((dont underestimate the resolve of an indignant Koorin))

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((he lost all ability to reason with her once he used the B word))

Branwyn (Lisa) says kindly to Koorin "I think you have given this knight a day he will never forget. Can this be enough?

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Okay. He can keep is armor then."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And the sword?

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Profanity tax."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You have held him twice and tied him up. Humiliated and embarrassed him. You charge quite a tax for someone who opposes them

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Let us be off and let him remember this day the next time he wishes to attack the defenseless.

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Well, I am not charging him the resisting taxes tax"

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles in spite of herself

[Master] Combat has finished.

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Lets go! Let this be a lesson to all who would challeng Justice!"

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ::walks off with sword held high::

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (and falls over?)

Androp Ilkep (New Guy) shrugs and takes up his staff as he follows the others

Ilero (TMO) keeps an eye on the held knight as they head off deeper into the swamp and hopefully out of sight.

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((its only 8 lbs. She can totally carry that))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (was thinking more the awkwardness of the size)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but she's got good dex - probably no problem :) )

[Master] Androp Ilkep XP award: 200. Next level in 11895.

[Master] Sarengar XP award: 100. Next level in 72293.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 200. Next level in 93314.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 100. Next level in 13296.

[Master] Ilero XP award: 250. Next level in 403.

[Master] Shurkural XP award: 100. Next level in 708.

[Master] Koorin XP award: 150. Next level in 592.

[Master] Llathandryll XP award: 200. Next level in 7148.

[Master] QuiFon Ruminel XP award: 150. Level-up!

[Master] Hoffman XP award: 150. Next level in 23202.

[Master] Brother Fotopoulos XP award: 150. Next level in 2614.

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((yep))

[Master] OK

[Master] so you go off into the swamps

[Master] you have an upset knight but you manage to make it away from him

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] job well done!

[Master] and you can thank TMO for already rolling so well on encounters

[Master] none till you make camp tonight

[Lisa] yay!

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] wohoo

[New Guy] alright... well that encounter was more amusing than anything...

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] lol

[Master] and does anyone actually know how to use a long sword?

[Lisa] okay - I need dinner

[New Guy] yea I do

[Lisa] see you all next week! :)

[New Guy] proficient with it but not specialized

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] probably sarengar?

[Master] grins

[New Guy] take care Lisa

Lisa has left the game on Fri Sep 28 23:54:57 EDT 2012

[Master] so at least one

[Master] have a great night every

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] I cant believe we have a party of people who dont use longswords

[Master] remember we are playing the next two weeks

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] its like the most common weapon ever

[Master] then one week off

[New Guy] gotcha. Hey , I didn't pick my weapons

[New Guy] They were given to me.. but I can use a longsword... just not as well as I use as a staff

[Ilero (TMO)] blarg. kids. *sigh*

[Master] see you all next week!

[New Guy] alright.. thanks for the game ... and take care... see you next week

New Guy has left the game on Fri Sep 28 23:56:26 EDT 2012

[Ilero (TMO)] Shurkural uses longsword, but has one already. Family heirloom thingy

[Ilero (TMO)] oh, no. Bastard sword

[Ilero (TMO)] my bad

[Ilero (TMO)] g'night all

[Master] shutting down

[Master] working in the morning

[Master] have a great time

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] laters

[Ilero (TMO)] cya

TMO has left the game on Fri Sep 28 23:58:06 EDT 2012

[Koorin (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Koorin modified: Notes - CHANGED.

BiBo!!! has left the game on Fri Sep 28 23:58:21 EDT 2012

XP awarded