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Shadow Run DragonSlayers

Quietly they crept down the corridor, stepping over the dead orcs they easily dispatched. The short and stubby dwarf up front was glad everyone had infravison, this way they were harder to detect in the darkness that surrounded them. He gasped, just a little, under his breath when the elf tapped him on the shoulder and silently outlined the secret door. After carefully confirming there was no traps, they proceeded through and down the stairs on the other side. The mage thought it was all too easy as he looked over his shoulder. He was counting quietly to himself to time how long his silence spell would last. They picked up the pace, it was a long way down and they did not want to be here longer then needed. At last they reached the landing and looked at each other as the enclove they stood in quickly opened up to a massive cavern. The treasure they came for was in plain view. They all pushed the dwarf ahead and he begrudgingly advanced. It was a beautiful red egg, not nearly as heavy as the size would indicate. Gruffy, as his friends called him had the egg well balance when he was startled by the sound returning to his ears.

"Four twenty four, four... oops." the mage stopped his counting.

Gruffy looked at the party and they all looked in amazement. He knew something was up as they motioned behind him. He turned and gently set the egg back in the nest. Clearly it was too late. Clearly they would have to earn their name. Anyone who survived the next few rounds would certainly be called a Dragonslayer as the huge red dragon came swooping in.