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Long live the King - In Character Discussions - Sidebar

Miranda speaks alone with Shur.

"You know we have not had a lot of time alone to talk. I feel like we do not know as much as we should for trusting each other with our lives as we do. I thought we might have a chance to have a little girl to girl talk. Maybe not as personal as the herb and potion lady, but more practical for our on duty work? You don't mind, right?

Shur smiles at her as they walk away from the herbalist's stall. "Of course, sugar! I'm always up for some girl talk. What, or who, did you want to start with? You want to get a bite of something while we're here? Those apples there look pretty decent."

Miranda tries to be casually prying "Thanks, I was just wondering if you are really as open as you seem. Sometime you remind me of Hoffan, just kinda floating through life. Who are you most loyal to in this group? Did you sign on the bottom line with the DragonSlayers?"

Shurkural shrugs. "Ain't no one asked me to, sugar. No one's said I can't hang around neither though, make of that what ya want. I was starting to get a bit bored in Vilmar when you all came through, and you was kind enough to let me tag along to go after them werewolves. Speaking of which, d'you see anything over at that weapons booth that looks like it might be useful if we run into the rest of that pack? They'd probably be a mite vicious protecting their babies, so we need to be as ready as we can." Shurkural lapses into silence for a few minutes, thinking, while she munches on her apple.

Miranda shakes her head. "weapons are the last thing you should ask me about, but I hope to be able to enchant them one day. please don't take this the wrong way but you handle yourself well if your just here for the fun. You have helped well and I'd like that you stay. I only hope you let us know before you leave if you get bored with us. " She lean in closer and speaks softer"I am a little worried about the political nature of this quest. We are basily trying to hide history, and what if we don't succeed and we back the wrong horse as they say? This could get messy wouldn't you say?

Shurkural smiles and tosses away her apple core. "Shucks, I ain't nowhere near bored yet, honey. This is a lot more interesting than running an inn was. And thanks, it means a lot to me that you want to keep me around, sugar." She gives Miranda a quick hug, then steps back. She pauses, and then says, "Can I ask you something? Did you get a good look at those cubs in the tree? What'd they look like to you? Something don't seem right, it's on the tip of my tongue but I can't think of what it is."

Miranda get giddy with the chage of topic. "I wanted to tell everyone they are regular wolf pups, but I don't know enough to tell the difference. I can and want to train one or more, and the younger the better. If the pups are there without a parrent, it is going to be hard not to take one. Is there a test to see if they are Weres?

Shurkural nods. "Yeah, they might've been regular cubs at that. Werewolf cubs are supposed to look more human, I'm pretty sure. Wonder if maybe they're werewolf-wolf hybrids instead of werewolf-human or regular werewolf cubs?" She shrugs. "How to tell? Cut them, I guess, and see if it heals. And I'd bet you have to keep checking, just in case that's something they get when they grow up more."

Shurkural shrugs. "So, anyways, lets go look at some weapons and drive that poor seller nuts. He probably don't get many women customers. If he drools enough, maybe he'll give us a discount." She giggles quietly. "There anything you've been looking for, sugar? A new knife, maybe?"

Miranda wiggles head "Maybe, but I am looking forward to trying this Flute to charm men. I am not sure I want to try it in the city, but maybe it would would be good to get out of my comfort zone and flirt a bit.

Shurkural smiles broadly. "It's easier than you think, honey. First off, remember, you're not throwing it in their face. Don't over do it. Just emphasize that you got it, let them fill in the rest with their imagination. For instance, your walk. Slow it down a touch, remember you got hips. Walking isn't just your legs, its everything from the waist down. Add a bit of eye contact, and maybe a smile, and that'll get most everybody's attention. From there its a bit harder, since you got to react right to them. When you talk, talk a bit softer, smile some, pause every so often to let them just admire the scenery without having to think about listening or talking. Mostly you let them do the hard work with their imagination. You just gotta give them the cues to get it started."