Main / SirMalachyMcKenna

Sir Malachy McKenna

Sir McKenna is a knight that holds a small keep on the northern edge of Hallstatt. He is a mushroom farmer, and has created a strong niche for his crops. The keep is on a bit of high ground that lies between two large marshes. McKenna was smart enough to take advantage of his surroundings and import some truffle sniffing hogs. A small village is built outside of the keep, but Sir McKenna has built a large stone wall around his keep that he uses to contain the village market and have several key shops protected.

Raids by the occasional human bandit or horsemen from the plains are the biggest threat to his lands.

Recently there has been a new development however. When the Dragonslayers were traveling through his lands during the Magic of Music adventure they found there was a bounty for Giant Frogs. There was a problem because of recent early thaws that the frogs that normally would be hibernating were out and hungry. Sir McKenna had lost two prize pigs to them. During this time the Forest of the Rubato reappeared inside of the McKenna estates, and the Dragonslayers helped to explore this new phenomenon.