Main / Stacy

Welcome to the Dragonslayers Society Website. I have run a weekly Dungeons and Dragons game since 1993. This site helps keep all of our players informed of what is happening and contains archives of our playing history. We are always recording the game's evolving history as we continue to build this site.

One reason for this site is that we have a mixture of people who are around the table top as well as people who log in through the Internet to connect and play each week. We use a program called Klooge to run our weekly sessions.

I started playing role-playing games in 1979 and since then have not gone more than a month or so without gaming. I set up a permanent regular game in 1993 that takes place in a campaign world I first started creating 10 years before(I put that in cuz the 1983 looked like a typo) in 1983. The current campaign started on May 14, 1993 (25-12-1232 TGR) and has met on a regular basis since. My goal is to have a fun, consistent game that many people would enjoy. I continue to plan long term (what are you planning long term? you should mention it) and it always amuses my players to listen to me speculate about what I would like the see happening during the campaign in the near or distant future.

This area has several links to various parts of the website. There is the Introduction(<-- make a link) and Table of Contents(<-- make a link) of my house rules book. The section on Milestones(<-- make a link) will give you a quick look at our history. Roll Call(<-- make a link) is a listing of every player in the order they joined the game. It also includes attendance records for the many who have played over the years. Players go through a vetting process in which they have to play with us for a certain length of time before they are considered to be invited to join the group.(Not clear on this, if they're playing, aren't they playing with the group? You may have to explain this more)

Use the links on the left to jump directly to a section or you can follow these links to main sections.