Main / Supernatural


by John Anstett

Supernatural is a show about two brother who fight all things supernatural. The show started with the basic monsters, some with new twists. Vampires, werewolves ghost and such. Then it moved on to demons and hell hounds. Because the show keep growing and was still popular, they had to take it up a notch and bring in Angels with very unique twists and eventual they started Armageddon. As if they planed it from the beginning, the brothers were "destined" to be the vessel for Lucifer and Michael so they can basically destroy the world in the final battle. Both brothers said no, they kind of need their ok, and this season has been about how to avoid Fate and even defy God's plan (no he has not made an appearance).

I was going to mention a few weeks ago that a bunch of "Other" Gods got together to try and get the brothers to say yes so they could get it over with.

Kali, Balder, Odin, the Hindu God and a few more. Gabriel posed as Loki to try and steer the battle, but Lucifer pretty much wasted them all. It was all so over the top but with the way they have been developing, it has been quite good and within the realm of the show.


I never stop being impressed by the ablity of this show to take it to the next level. From the start of a family of hunters chasing monsters, then demons, comming back from the dead, preventing armaggedom and helping with a civil war in Heaven. Currently, one of the brothers came back from hell without his soul. I know it sounds simple right. Without giving it all away or seeing the last few seasons, you can not apprecitate it but the concept of finding out you do not have a soul, debating what you would go through to get it back and having to decide that it's simply not worth it. I can hardly wait for next week when the other brother tries to get his brothers soul back and the souless brother does what he can to keep his soul out.


I had to update after last weeks show. The brother got is soul back from hell and forced into him and now he has to find out all the gory detail of what he did without it and what might happen if the protections fail and his demented side comes back out, but that is just the back story. This episode was really a set up for the next season or so; they can't really go to the next level when you end Armageddon so they are going back to the beginning in a way. The Mother of all monsters (literately) was broken out of Purgatory by a couple of Dragons. Now they did not show them in their natural form, just a little tricks of the camera but at least they made an appearance in human form. They even had to get a special sword to kill the one they were able to kill. It felt quite respectable with the confines of a TV show. I hope the other one get more "air" time in the coming weeks.


Ghosts have been in the series from the beginning. This version is pretty straight forward, generally vengeful spirit that just needs their remains to be destroyed to rest in peace. Then there were the ones where the body was cremated but someone had a locket of hair. The most recent hiccup, the deceased donated a kidney to her sister. Because it is a TV show, before they had the chance to debate much about killing an innocent she dies accidentally in a final battle with the ghost. Still cool concept.


It is way to late to jump on the band wagon. They have done what few shows can even dream of: punk themselves in an awesome display of getting away from the formula, use as much history of the show as possible and yet making the episode more the plot forward. The brothers on the show were thrown into an alternative reality, our reality, where they are just actors on a show. They made fun of their real names and real lives, made fun fun of the business and allowed the people behind the scene to have fun in front of the camera. If I was a groupie, I would know more what was a real inside joke and what was just made up but I thought the actors were incredible acting as if they were the characters trying to act.


If you understand BOB's rules on religion, or my concept of Fate and Good & Evil, you might want to this season's Supernatural. (Spoiler alert) To sum up, the brothers stopped Armageddon. This got most everyone mad. The Fates are upset because there job is pretty much over now that what was supposed to be did not happen. The angels, (with God not leading them) thinks it is their job to restart it. The one Angel that helped stop it started a Civil war in heaven to avoid it again. The new lead demon who is taking control while Lucifer is out of the picture (part of stopping Armageddon) has made a deal with the rebellious angel to find and open Purgatory to split the souls there, half for Heaven and half for Hell. Souls are the power the angel needs to win the civil war. (He did try un-sinking the Titanic, but that really pissed off Fate). This has put the Angel on a slippery slope, even coming to odds with the brothers as what side he is on. Big showdown next week to see how it all turns out. But than again, it is already written so......


Spoiler Alert

In case you don't know, SuperNatural is still on. This was an off season as all they were trying to do is shut the gates to Hell. Forever. If you thought this was going to be the last season, maybe they would succeede and ride off in the sunset. Apparently they want another season. Not only did the brothers choose not to close the gates, the show took themselves to a new season with a whole new theme. To sum up, angels are not as perfect as one would hope. Beyond the self righteousness, some are down right vengeful. One expelled all angels to earth. Should prove to be an interesting next season.