Main / SwindlerTC

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Thief Kits


This is the master of deception; while burglars and pickpockets profit through stealth, and bandits and thugs garner their earnings through force, the Swindler relies on his wits. Other thieves take their booty; the Swindler cons his victim into giving it freely.

A minimum Charisma of 12 is required of a thief to take this kit.

Role: There are numerous names for the Swindler—confidence artist, con man, mountebank, quack, etc.—and the scams he employs are even greater in number. Each con artist is unique, and develops his own mode of operation. One will specialize in selling bogus items, like medicines; while another may prepare long, elaborate scams to net the wealth of the affluent.

Swindlers must either operate in a large city, where there are many potential victims (and even then they usually target visitors to the city, especially foreigners); or they must be wanderers, ready to move on to a new place when they've made too many enemies or too much of the local populous has gotten wise to their devices.

For this and other reasons, Swindlers do not usually join thieves' guilds on a permanent basis. Out of wise deference to the "local boys," however, a Swindler that begins to operate in guild territory will make friendly overtures to it, and perhaps offer a share in his take. A most daring Swindler may even try to con the guild . . .

Secondary Skills: Any. Most often Gambler or Trader/Barterer.

Weapon Proficiencies: The Swindler is permitted the normal range of weapons open to thieves.

Nonweapon Proficiencies: Required: Fast-talking.
Recommended: Alertness, Appraising, Artistic Ability, Dancing, Disguise, Etiquette, Forgery, Fortune Telling, Gaming, Local History, Observation, Singing, Ventriloquism.

Skill Progression: The thieves' skills of a Swindler usually are used in preparation for a con. It is often handy for the Swindler to do some secret scouting, for instance, to observe his victim's habits. For all of this, the stealth skills (move silently, etc.) are invaluable. Reading languages is also of more use to the Swindler than to thieves of many other kits.

Equipment: A Swindler may use special equipment as props for his scams (e.g., tarot cards for a sham fortune teller; pen, ink and paper for forgery; and so forth), but the specific needs vary among characters, according to their plans and objectives.
Special Benefits: None.

Special Hindrances: None.

Races: Half-elves make particularly good Swindlers. Other demi-humans may be Swindlers as well, though they are not found as frequently