Main / SympathyForTheDevil

Sympathy For the Devil

Yes the song. I have always loved this song. A long time ago I wrote a bit of a sci-fi adventure with a hollowed out asteroid casino resort called Sympathy, run by a devilish character. I remember the gravity was less then standard, to make everyone feel lighter on their feet. All the best fiction has the devil as a trickster. I heard the song again today and thought it would be cool to have something similar in D&D, not the kill or be killed that we seem to run into every once in a while. I thought it would be cool for a devil to have a house on the prime material plane with the front door or a door into the study actual be a portal to his plane. Above the door would say "Entrance Requires Acceptance" the devils little way of getting people to submit to his will John

with a welcome mat inside "pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name" - BOB