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Karma Kome Leon

(Please do not spell check) ;)

Family comes first, dats what Dad always said. Me family called Karma. Then da tribe, Kome. An Dad says I be king someday, that why he name me Leon. He say me named for king of beast. He say me hair look like hair of leon. Me Karma Kome Leon an me future Bugbear king. Me smart burgbear, dad teach good. Me strong too and good with weaponds. Me be on lots a raids and in charge of one, two, … lot of bugbears. Now me lead own raid. Sneak in elf village while da off at meetin. Feel like dad talk in my head, tell me where go. Me think look like sissy place, all cover leaves, but me find secret entrance. Day have perty sword just sitting in tree, but me strong and grab sword.

Woa, head hurt.

I think the sword magical. It speaks to me like we are friends. All of my tribe mates are dead, I can not go back home yet. I will have to prove myself worthy to be king first and for that, my friend and I must go elsewhere. I have walked a ways and I must stop to rest. There is a young elf that has been following me. I called to him and told him we should talk. He seems to know my friend and somehow that makes us friends. We shall travel together for a while and see what will be.

Me friend the elf says it is ok that I carry my friend. He thinks we make a good team. He has helped us a lot, made me new boots and gloves from deer he shot. I cooked the food though; I like the taste of deer. My sword friend says we are almost ready to join new group. I just need a good bath and to cut my mane. We make deal. By time my mane grow back, I prove ourselves worth to be king.

Me sword friend and me sword friend tell me to call elf Heilos and not to talk to sword out loud. They tell me lots of things I cannot remember. I try and think like elf but my head too big. Me sword say to let Heilos do most talking, me like that idea.

Heilos takes me to town for first time. He tell me to pull hood over head, me think it is to hide my little hair. I see lots of humans; they don’t run from me like most time, but looks at me with strange eyes. Me go in biggest building me ever be in and no one leave room. We go to table but chair look too small, so I stand. Heilos introduces me as his friend, he call me ranger, but I not sure what that mean. I try and ask sword friend but he say he is listening and not to think too much. That easy for me. Sword tells me to say “Long story” so I do and humans chuckle. Heilos pats sword and humans cheer. There is lot of talk and before I have enough to drink we are leaving. Heilos leads us back outside and explains we leave with them in morning.

Heilos has taught me well, but hearing the humans speak has helped so much more. With my sword, whom I am to call DragonSlayer, I can understand every word and learn how to use it. Even variations of words, I can now understand. DragonSlayer and I are more powerful then this group, but this is just an introduction. I must be tested to ensure others will respect me. I wonder if this is the test my father planed for me; it seems unlikely that he would consider this an appropriate test to lead my bugbear tribe. Helios and the humans certainly appreciate my skills in fighting and in tracking and surviving in the wilderness. None seem as comfortable here as I, so I often wonder why they spend so much time outside.

I cannot understand why people treat me differently then the humans and others whom with I travel. I maybe bigger and stronger but they are as likely to do something stupid or do something questionable. And our group is not that diffrent from a squad of my kin. We go looking for things, sometimes we get into fights. My old crew was not as successful mostly because everywhere we went we were attacked. This crew can walk by almost any group of humans and they may avoid us but they never attack.

I knew that was a mistake, I wish they would have listened to me, I explained that I was not as effective underground. Helios was afraid and now he is dead, I hope he is right about his afterlife. The guys that are left are badly wounded so maybe I should not take what they say as how they truly feel but maybe it is time to go home for awhile.

I'm so sad. Not only is dad dead but my family is not in charge. The new king took my sword and now I do not feel so smart. Still smart for a bugbear so now I have to learn how to handle a boat. I missed my home and now I am still not home.