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Adventures in the Wastes - Session Summaries Time Out

Home Stories

The timeline for these adventures is often unknown, but they are Home Stories that take place in the Craniate Wastes.

Location: The Inn of the Lost Eagle

Starting Cast of This Adventure

Susan is from the Bolpel Estates and has joined the rebel side of the Third Drillian Civil War. Ergel is from Carnak, part of Shardik's Forlorn Hope mercenary company who has been hired by the Queen to put down the rebel forces.

NPC's Encountered during this adventure


  • Member of Shardik's Forlorn Hope


Clues so far

Items found

The Adventure so far: Orthinmadrigal appears in a flash from out of no where. He runs past Susan into the inn carrying an hourglass. When Susan and Ergel look inside the inn they see Orthinmadrigal dead with a spear through his body that the barkeep is holding. The innkeeper takes the hourglass from the dead wizard and sets it down onto the bar. The hourglass is gold with platinum accents, clear glass on the top and bottom holding some sort of sand that glitters in the candle light. As the barkeep sets down the hourglass FLASH a wave of energy flows out from the hourglass SHOVING through everyone making them tingle. When the barkeep reaches for the hourglass to put it into a sack his hand swipes right through it. Susan attempts to cover the hourglass with the sack but it just passes through it leaving the hourglass sitting on top of the sack. Ergel takes his ax and SLAMS it through the hourglass and into the bar. Leaving a mark on the bar but not affecting the hourglass.

Ergel and Susan decide to leave and when they go outside they discover the sky has changed. There is no sun no moon, it is not dark it is not really light, it is a greyish flat color with a little bit of sparkles in it.

Revisiting the bar to gather Susan's fellow unit members the group goes through Orthinmadrigal's clothing to look for any clues. The group takes a small inventory of what they have found so far.