Main / TerrockFamily

Terrock Family of Centaurs

Terrock Katorm is a single father Centaur of a pair of rare twins. While multiple births are not unheard of, a mixed set of a mare and a colt is extremely rare. The mother's extreme views on allowing nature to take it's natural course and her distaste of religion steered her and her reluctant husband to be somewhat removed from the clan during her pregnancy. While things seems normal for most of the time, the last few weeks of the pregnancy were particularly hard ending in the mothers death just after the birth of two health, but undersized children. The worried father wanted to gallop away and get help but his mate of tens years kept the seriousness of her injuries to herself and when the time came, she insisted they spend her last moments together as a family, making final decisions on the names. Terrock Normte for the first born colt, after his great grandfather, they both agreed he was going to be a handful and Terrock Fermantie, for the quiet and lovely mare because the father insisted his dear love's name must live on.

The first year or so was most difficult, re-integrating with the clan was in ways very welcoming but also frustrating with the expectations and restrictions in order to get the help Katorm wanted and needed. While not outcasts, the entire Terrock family dropped in status, from the initial withdraw and then again when they returned. The ponies knew no better so by the time they were old enough for group activities, they simply accepted the way they were treated and part of their established uniqueness. The stress on their father resulted in more strict discipline on the son whom would have to help carry the family name on and more coddling of the daughter with the belief she may be un-marry-able, or certainly less likely to be married to a respectable member.

As the young colt and mare approached maturity, their personalities as well as their placement within the clan were solidified. Normte proved to be a worthy fighter and scout, not caring about his political status and lack of romantic relationships made that easier. Having to deal with more adversaries within the clan led to better communications with the fringe members and non clan members including other woodland creatures. Fermantie, found a unique way to honor her mother while at the same time challenging her wishes by being accepted by an order of druids, known as The Circle The two of them did manage to spend time together, though they certainly did not see eye to eye on many topics. Their father did his best to make sure they maintained their bond by making it a challenge for Normte and relying on Fermantie's religious training as a reinforcement of their relationship.

After their encounter with Shi'Nynze during her trip home, Fermantie had the chance to stop back by The Circle and told her superior of Shi'Nynze and her discussion of Valoris Wood. While it was clear Fermantie was excited about the conversation, the response she got was more dismissive and more about controlling her emotions then what was actually said. She left disheartened but took it as a learning moment and reflected on it as such.

The next time Fermantie stopped by the circle. she was greeted by an over eager Mer'tan. She remember all the times she was warned not to let him on her back, but at the time he was such a little Voadkin and was so hard to track down. Now he was grown but not quite mature and it was getting very awkward as he just up to her shoulders.

"Hey Ferm, how nice to see you again." He said with an uncomfortable hug.

"Mer'tan, you are getting big. What have you been eating?" Fermantie said backing away from the hug as quick as possible.