Main / TheNecromancer

The Necromancer

This title has always referred to one particular Necromancer that has been on the periphery of the Dragonslayers for a very long time.

This particular Necromancer lives in Kryptgarden Forest in the far eastern reaches, southeast of Pagmalia and northeast of Thedd. The Necromancer's domain is marked by two things. One is a large ring of white trees. This ring stretches for a diameter of over 20 miles. Once inside of this ring the area is guarded by ghost wolves. These wolves materialize and attack as a small group to warn off trespassers. If they are ignored or defeated, one turn later twice as many wolves emerge to continue the attack. As soon as the intruder moves to leave the circle the attacks cease.

In the center of the circle is a small three story tower that is the upper residence of The Necromancer.

The Necromancer is known to be extremely private and almost no attempts at contact succeed. Apparently The Necromancer is on good terms with many of the surrounding rulers and powerful people of all races and alignments.