Main / TiberiusBranadarus

Character Stories - Non-Player Characters

Tiberius Branadarus

Tiberius Branadarus is a man of mystery of whom different stories are told. What is true remains to be seen.

Prince Tiberius Branadarus is believed to be the third son of the King and Queen of Cornelia. He has two brothers and a sister. His sister is the eldest child and has three sons herself with her youngest just born this year. One of his brothers is in Terrabrink serving the Prince there.

Prince Branadarus says his parents chose an auspicious name for him as they thought he would be a great traveler and diplomat. He is always attempting to live up to the expectations they set out so long ago. He says that he is the representative of his father in Dryads Lair. He is sworn to the Prince of Terrabrink.

It has been said that he was given the title of Lord in reward for providing a fleet to the navy for an excursion against the bugbears. He goes by the title Lord when he is outside of his father's lands.

Branadarus reported making his fortune through adventuring and careful planning with the rewards. He has lost his best friend from his adventuring days and remembers him/her by setting an extra place at his table.

Currently, Branadarus hires adventurers for jobs, and supplies them with gear in exchange for a share in the profits. According to Phillipe, the only reason Lord Branadarus is here in Dryads Lair is to continue his life as an adventurer.

He is known to be in search of a wife and reportedly invites single ladies to dine with him and then proposes to them. None of these proposals have resulted in an actual engagement. Branwyn was the last known woman that Lord Branadarus proposed to and she refused the proposal on the evening of the request.

As Cornelia is a Greek kingdom, it can be assumed that Lord Branadarus follows the Greek faith, but no one has asked him such questions yet.