Main / Transfuser

Schools - Mage - Chapter 2


The Transfuser is a specialist in the school of Apportation. Befitting someone who can summon a drink from across the room or magically fly across a muddy road, the typical transfuser is a rather pudgy individual. Fetching and carrying is for others, with the result that transfusers are often lazy and out-of-shape. This is not to say that transfusers never leave the lab—on the contrary, their easy access to rapid transit spells permits a wandering lifestyle, especially at higher levels. A transfuser is never happier than when “flying south for the winter” or “popping out to the lodge for a few days.” A side effect of all this travel is the more cosmopolitan attitude of a transfuser, compared to his earthbound kin. Exposure to many different locales and types of people teaches the transfuser tolerance and diplomacy.

Allowed races: Humans and half-elves can become transfusers.

Ability requirements: Keen intuition is necessary to separate that which must be moved from that which must stay behind. In addition, the ability to maintain a clear mental image of locations requires above average willpower. Accordingly, specialists in this school must have a minimum Wisdom score of 15.

Saving throw modifiers: All opponents suffer a -1 saving throw penalty against an Apportation spell cast by a transfuser. In addition, a transfuser enjoys a +1 saving throw bonus against Apportation spells.

Bonus spells and acquired powers: A transfuser can memorize an extra spell at each spell level, providing that at least one of the memorized spells is from the school of Apportation. When a transfuser reaches 17th level, he rolls twice for inaccuracy when casting any teleport spell (such as teleport object or teleport other) and takes the best result. When a transfuser reaches 20th level, he gains the ability to cast a special form of proof from teleportation, in addition to his other memorized spells. This requires no verbal, somatic, or material components, and has a casting time of 1 (a moment’s concentration). The spell safeguards a 20-yard radius area from all teleportation magic; no one can either enter or leave the area via any form of apportation. The area of effect is centered on the caster and moves with him and lasts for two hours (or until dispelled or voluntarily dropped).

Opposition schools: The transfuser is denied access to the schools of Abjuration and Conjuration / Summoning.

Ethos: The key characteristic of the apportation specialist flows from the nature of his studies. The transfuser does not create, conjure, or alter—instead, he moves something from Point A to Point B. At the core, each transfuser knows that there’s no such thing as a free lunch. No particular alignment is favored by this school (good transfusers are conservationists, evil ones keep moving a lot), but a regard for the consequences of their actions is built in, resulting in very few chaotic transfusers.